
Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Petr Viktorovich
  • 42017
  • Update date: December 2019

Diseases such as prostatitis and infertility are interconnected. They both relate to disruption of the proper functioning of the genitourinary system in men.

Without adequate therapy, sooner or later inflammation in the prostate gland leads to irreversible processes in the organ, which is why the patient actively develops infertility. Coping with such a complication is very difficult.

The man is forced to undergo long-term treatment, which does not always give a positive result.

The connection between prostatitis and infertility

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

The pathology is extremely dangerous and therefore requires timely diagnosis and immediate treatment.

Prostatitis has a direct impact on the development of infertility in men if they do not treat it in a timely manner. The prostate gland plays an important role in the body. It produces a secretion that is present in sperm. The gland also takes an active part in the production of hormones that are responsible for the quality of seminal fluid.

Every man should know whether prostatitis affects male infertility, and what consequences may arise from such a disease. Most often, this complication occurs in the absence of treatment for the pathological process. There is a very high probability of developing infertility if a man has an infectious inflammation in the prostate.

Do not think that only adults can get prostatitis. Inflammation of the prostate gland is diagnosed at different ages. The disease can cause significant harm to the entire genitourinary system and cause early development of infertility in boys and young men.

Prostatitis is dangerous to health because it cannot always be cured completely. An untreated disease leads to relapse and a constant need for a course of therapy.

The disease brings great discomfort to a man. It causes general malaise and dysfunction of the nervous system. Prostatitis negatively affects sexual life, reduces its regularity and quality.

Patients experience pathological changes in the form of deterioration of erection and premature or delayed ejaculation.

If these symptoms are detected, you should immediately seek medical help, as they indicate the active development of inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Sperm quality

During the inflammatory process, the qualitative composition of sperm changes significantly.

Due to chronic prostatitis, there is an increased content of leukocytes and pathogenic agents in the seminal fluid.

Patients should understand whether prostatitis can cause infertility, and what consequences the disease has for the male body. In any case, the pathology affects the quality of the seminal fluid. During the development of the disease, it may contain:

  • Pathogenic microorganisms. Due to their active activity, sperm damage occurs. This phenomenon explains why bacterial prostatitis most often leads to the rapid development of infertility;
  • Antibodies produced by the human body. The disease leads to the penetration of pathogenic agents into the sperm. These compounds attempt to eliminate the causative agent of inflammation, while causing significant harm to seminal fluid and viable sperm.

Untimely treatment of prostatitis or improper treatment of the disease leads to a significant deterioration in sperm quality. This is one of the factors that sooner or later leads to the inability to conceive a child.

Reproductive function and chronic prostatitis

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

The disease can easily provoke the development of other diseases

Chronic prostatitis poses a great danger to the body. Its symptoms are mild and irregular. Because of this, the patient may not notice the course of the inflammatory process for a long time.

Regular examinations by a urologist allow you to promptly identify the chronic course of prostatitis without exacerbation.

Chronic prostatitis causes many complications. These include infertility. Inflammation of the prostate impairs the functioning of the internal organs, resulting in painful symptoms. Along with prostatitis, other diseases can actively develop in a man’s body. Under such circumstances, the likelihood of infertility increases several times.

Treatment methods

With timely treatment, prostatitis does not pose a serious threat. To start it, you need to undergo a full diagnosis and determine the diagnosis.

If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and avoid self-medication, the patient will quickly be able to achieve an improvement in their general condition. Incorrect treatment of prostatitis may not only fail to cure the disease, but also lead to its active progression. All this only increases the chances of a man developing infertility.

Drug treatment

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

Prostate massage is recommended for men with chronic symptoms of the disease

The urologist prescribes therapy in accordance with the degree of development of the disease and the cause of its occurrence.

Treatment of acute prostatitis requires taking antibiotics, drugs to relieve inflammation and fight fungi. The course of treatment will range from several weeks to 3 months. It will take more time to treat chronic prostatitis. Often the course takes at least 6 months. The doctor prescribes mandatory antibiotics to prevent secondary infection.

Alpha-blockers are prescribed as adjuvant therapy. They reduce the symptoms of prostate inflammation. The duration of taking these drugs is 1-6 months.

Anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve pain. To obtain a good result, rectal suppositories are recommended. The urologist may also include in the course of therapy:

  1. Immunomodulators.
  2. Complex of vitamins.
  3. Adaptogens.
  4. Drugs to improve blood flow.

Physiotherapeutic treatment has a positive effect on the genitourinary system for chronic prostatitis. With this diagnosis, the following procedures are recommended for men:

  • prostate massage;
  • therapeutic set of exercises;
  • electrophoresis;
  • psychotherapy.

If drug therapy does not bring positive results, the doctor will begin to insist on surgical intervention on the prostate.

Traditional methods

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies has a positive effect. It acts as an adjuvant therapy.

Urologists do not recommend using traditional methods as an independent method. In this case, the patient will not be able to stop the disease. For these remedies to be beneficial, they must be taken simultaneously with traditional medications.

The following folk remedies are offered as an alternative treatment for the disease:

  • Oats. It is necessary to pour a small amount of grains into hot water. Afterwards the mixture needs to be cooled and strained. You need to take the infusion 1 tbsp. l. for 2 months;
  • Pumpkin seeds. For prostatitis, a man is recommended to eat at least 30 seeds daily;
  • Hazel. To prepare a folk remedy, you need to pour boiling water over the dried leaves and bark. This infusion should be taken 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. within 3 weeks.

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you need to consult your doctor about the advisability of such methods.

Physical exercise

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

Regular yoga classes effectively help cope with male ailments

Physical exercise has a good auxiliary effect in the treatment of prostatitis. Doctors can recommend the following types of exercise:

  1. Squats.
  2. Kegel exercises.
  3. Yoga.
  4. Exercise therapy to strengthen muscles.

Ten-minute exercises every morning are recommended for men with prostatitis. It helps to improve the patient's well-being. It must be remembered that the main reason for the development of inflammation and infertility is fluid stagnation in the pelvis, which cannot be avoided with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise.


Compliance with preventive measures will help to avoid inflammation of the prostate and infertility. Men who are at risk are advised to:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle. It includes proper nutrition, healthy sleep, absence of bad habits and regular exercise.
  2. Do not delay treatment of other diseases that can lead to prostate damage.
  3. Normalize sex life. It should be regular. When having sexual contact with unfamiliar partners, you must use a condom.

Correct and timely treatment of prostatitis allows you to avoid infertility. Therefore, it is in the interests of a man to immediately contact a urologist at the slightest discomfort to determine a diagnosis and prescribe a course of therapy.


How prostatitis can affect conception

Prostatic inflammation is quite unpleasant, because it is accompanied by a host of symptomatic manifestations that worsen a man’s quality of life.

Moreover, if spouses are trying to conceive a child, then prostatitis can ruin all plans.

Many men ignore the signs of prostatitis, are embarrassed to see a doctor, and are sincerely perplexed why their wife cannot get pregnant. Does prostatitis affect conception, how and why?

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a childWhen planning, spouses must undergo a full medical examination

Why is prostatitis dangerous?

Many reasons can lead to the development of prostatic inflammation, however, its timely detection and treatment is of the utmost importance. Why is this so important? Prostatitis can lead to very unpleasant consequences, not only in relation to men's health, but also women's, and even their children.

  1. The prostate is extremely important for the functioning of the entire male body, because it performs a lot of vital functions: it takes a major part in the production of semen, testosterone metabolism, and also regulates pelvic circulation. When the prostate becomes inflamed under the influence of pathogenic microflora, toxins are released that penetrate the tissue of the testicles, narrow the duct through which seminal fluid passes, and provoke the formation of scars. As a result, the entry of sperm into the prostate is hampered, and many die under the influence of toxins. As a result, the nature of the secretion changes, the remaining viable sperm stick together, which practically deprives the man of his chances of paternity. In addition, pelvic circulation worsens, which provokes congestion and impotence. Is it possible to conceive a child with prostatitis? Even if the spouse is capable of sexual intercourse, his sperm will change its composition. It contains toxins, pathogenic microorganisms and defective sperm, so it is impossible to conceive a full-fledged child from such biomaterial. Against the background of all changes, irreversible infertility may develop.
  2. Problems with conception have already been mentioned above, but in addition to this, if fertilization does occur, they may arise in relation to bearing the fetus. Prostatic inflammation often causes miscarriage, ectopic fetal location, or missed abortion.
  3. Negative impact on women's health. During sexual intimacy with a man who has prostatitis, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms enter the female body with sperm. This composition of sperm negatively affects the state of the vaginal environment, complicating the advancement of already weakened sperm. And in difficult cases, such sperm causes the development of dangerous pathological conditions such as bartholinitis, endometritis, adnexitis or tubal obstruction.
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If a man has a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate, the consequences can be more complex and difficult to treat. Therefore, prostatitis must be treated, preventing its degeneration into chronic forms.

The influence of the inflammatory process in the prostate on reproductive functions

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a childA man should take care of his well-being from a young age

Men suffering from inflammation of the prostate, and especially their spouses, often turn to specialists with the question of how prostatitis affects conception. This type of worry usually occurs in couples who have been unable to get pregnant for a long time. Here's what experts say about this. Even if a man can have full sexual intercourse and does not have erectile dysfunction, fertilization may still not occur because the diseased sperm is not able to fertilize a female cell. Such disorders occur against the background of various factors, but they all have a connection with prostatitis.

Firstly, this effect is observed against the background of inflammation itself. After all, prostatitis is characterized by a long-term inflammatory lesion that causes glandular structural changes.

Scar formations appear that interfere with the passage of seminal fluid, and under the influence of infection, pathological changes spread to neighboring structures.

Bacteria also penetrate the female body, causing various types of pathologies.

Secondly, the effect of prostatitis on conception is due to negative factors in the therapeutic process. After all, some medications negatively affect sperm viability.

Sometimes treatment is prescribed to both spouses, and the viscosity of female mucus in the vagina changes, which prevents the passage of sperm, and, therefore, pregnancy.

When a man undergoes a prostatectomy, which involves removing the gland, conception remains possible, but only through artificial insemination because the man develops dry ejaculation.

When a man develops acute inflammation in the prostate, the man needs to limit sexual intimacy, and during PA, barrier protection must be used so that the infection cannot penetrate the female reproductive system.

If prostatitis is of an old nature, then there is a high risk of developing adhesions in the seminal canals, as a result of which conception with prostatitis becomes impossible.

To restore male reproduction, surgery will be required.

How does prostatitis affect male infertility and female reproduction?

Experts reassure you that you can conceive a child with any prostatitis. And practice proves this, because many couples, even with prostatitis, successfully managed to get pregnant and carry a baby.

But there is no 100% certainty that conception will still happen, and the pregnancy will successfully end with delivery, because both the inflammatory process itself and its therapy often lead to very serious and sometimes dangerous consequences.

  • Ectopic conception. Penetrating into a woman’s body, pathogenic microorganisms cause the development of pathological processes in the reproductive system, which can provoke tubal obstruction. As a result, the fertilized cell is fixed outside the uterine body.
  • Threat of interruption. All the same pathogenic microorganisms can affect the course of pregnancy, provoking intrauterine infectious lesions of the fetus and complicating pregnancy, including intrauterine death or fetal death, as well as miscarriage.

Such complications are due to the negative impact of prostatitis in a partner on women’s health.

During sexual intercourse, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the vaginal mucosa, negatively affecting the microflora of the genital tract.

As a result, the secretion becomes sour and begins to stagnate and thicken. This leads to a decrease in the motor activity of sperm that enter the vagina.

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a childIf you have any suspicious symptoms, consult a doctor immediately

Does prostatitis affect conceiving a child? Absolutely yes. In addition, infectious prostatitis provokes genitourinary inflammation in women, such as urethritis, cystitis, etc. Against the background of inflammatory processes, the mucous membranes lining the reproductive organs (fallopian tubes and uterus) degenerate, and adhesions begin, which prevent the cell from moving into the uterus.

Also, the spouse’s prostatitis can lead to the development of severe toxicosis in a woman during pregnancy, vaginitis and intrauterine infectious lesions of the fetus. Moreover, this is also possible with non-infectious inflammation.

Doctors say that in case of chronic prostatitis or its acute form, the likelihood of problems with conception and pregnancy complications can be significantly minimized through a high-quality and competent course of therapy. And in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better for both spouses to undergo a comprehensive examination before conception.

Features of planning for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatic inflammation and conception planning are necessary conditions for the successful conception of a healthy child. Although the presence of prostatitis reduces the chances of pregnancy, this disease is not a categorical verdict.

In this case, planning for a man begins with a urological examination. If before planning the couple had problems such as miscarriages, missed abortions or ectopic conceptions, then it would be useful to give the partner a spermogram.

Such a study will help determine how fertile a man is.

A man also needs to undergo ultrasound diagnostics, examination of prostatic secretions and hormonal analysis. After competent antiprostatic therapy, the chances of conception become much greater.

After finishing treatment, you should discuss the possibility of conception with your doctor. The specific time frame after which attempts to conceive can begin depends on the patient’s clinical situation.

Urologists are usually guided by the following factors:

  • It is necessary for the therapy to produce the desired effect. In tests from the urethra, a man should have no infectious pathogens, normal leukocytes, stable spermogram data.
  • It is necessary to wait some time after a course of antibiotic therapy, because drugs of this type have a negative effect on spermatogenesis and the quality of seminal fluid.
  • After treatment, the patient must wait until his sperm is renewed. Normally, defective sperm are eliminated by special killer cells - spermatophages. But against the background of antibiotic therapy, sperm are damaged after they have been controlled, so there is a possibility of fertilization of a female cell with defective sperm. It takes at least 72 hours for the seed material to be completely renewed. This is how long you need to wait after therapy to avoid problems.

If prostatic inflammation is complicated by the development of erectile problems, then patients are recommended to take Impaza, Spray M-16, Peruvian Maca, etc.

Is it possible to get pregnant if your spouse has prostatitis?

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a childThe period of gestation is a responsible and exciting moment in life.

Everything is clear about the influence of prostatitis on the fertility of both partners, but still, what is the likelihood of becoming pregnant from a partner with untreated prostatic inflammation? This is quite possible, so if such inflammation is present, it is recommended to use barrier contraceptives during sex. Because such a pregnancy will not end well. Although, with further progression of the pathology, complications develop, which significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.

Gradually, the prostate tissue transforms, focal lesions form, a prostatic cyst may develop - all this seriously reduces the quality of the seminal fluid. In general, the chances of conceiving a child depend on the type of prostatitis, which can be bacterial, chronic and acute, as well as on the degree of neglect of the inflammatory process.

Chronic inflammation and conception

Before deciding to have children, spouses must understand the full risk of such an event, because bacteria penetrate the female body and cause congenital pathologies, increasing the risks of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or fetal death. Chronic prostatitis and conception are quite compatible, you just need to first undergo a course of therapy.

In the chronic form of prostatic inflammation, if the spermogram is good, the chances of pregnancy are about 65-70%. Conception in the chronic form of the disease seriously threatens the health of the fetus and the mother herself, and even after therapy the risks of developing dangerous consequences remain.

Bacterial prostatitis

Chronic bacterial prostatitis makes conception almost impossible. With this disease, couples often try to have a baby, but their attempts are unsuccessful. Even complete treatment significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy, which is associated with the negative effects of bacterial agents.

If the bacterial inflammation of the prostate is acute, then there is a very high chance of recovery, therefore, pregnancy after appropriate therapy usually occurs without any problems.

Acute inflammation of the prostate

Acute lesions in the gland negatively affect the functioning of the entire genitourinary system. The pathology is accompanied by vivid symptomatic manifestations, so it is almost impossible to miss it.

During the development of the inflammatory process, spermatogenetic processes are disrupted and the quality of seminal fluid deteriorates.

Purulent masses appear in the seminal fluid, due to which the probability of fertilization drops to 15%.

Some pathogenic microorganisms that cause prostatitis can have an autoimmune effect, causing the development of irreversible male infertility. Acute non-infectious prostatic inflammation provokes pelvic congestion and a lack of blood supply, which subsequently leads to gland dysfunction.


In general, conception with the development of prostate damage is quite possible, however, it is recommended to first undergo qualified therapy. After a course of adequate antibiotic therapy, reproductive functions should be restored. Only after complete rehabilitation, the disappearance of pathological symptoms and normalization of pelvic processes will a man be able to think about children.

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It would also be useful to take a spermogram, based on the results of which a specialist will be able to accurately determine the condition of the male reproductive system. If a man approaches the issue of rehabilitation correctly, eats healthy food, follows a rest and work schedule, and leads an active life, then no obstacles to a full sexual life and conception should arise.


How does prostatitis affect conception?

  • The effect of prostatitis on conception is due to changes in the composition and quality of sperm during chronic inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Depending on the degree and duration of the infectious-inflammatory process, the possibility of independent conception or the use of in vitro fertilization is determined.
  • Markers of sperm pathology in prostatitis are detected by performing a spermogram using various methods.

Does prostatitis affect conceiving a child?

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

  • physical inactivity and the resulting venous stagnation;
  • excess weight;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent masturbation and irregular sex life;
  • alcohol abuse.

Against the background of unfavorable factors, penetrating infectious agents are able to multiply in the tissues of the prostate and penetrate into the vas deferens, testicles and epididymis, forming chronic inflammation and scarring. In addition, against the background of inflammation, the composition of prostatic secretion is also disrupted.

In modern urology, there is a prevalence of certain types of infections, which most often lead to prostatitis and problems with conception:

  • genital herpes;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma;
  • mycoplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • conditionally pathogenic flora (Escherichia coli, enterococci, staphylococci).

Pathogenic viruses promote the penetration of bacteria into prostate tissue through an ascending route, as they suppress local immune mechanisms. Infections that currently form the basis of the etiology of prostatitis in men are described by a latent course and the formation of chronic inflammation.

Asymptomatic prostatitis causes chronicity of the process and problems with conception. Male infertility is now often caused by chronic prostatitis. The acute form is not capable of causing infertility.

The exception is acute viral infections that have a clear clinical picture. In addition, disruption of conception in the future is possible as a result of the development of an autoimmune process against the background of infections.

Chronic prostatitis, which leads to problems with conception, may not have pronounced clinical manifestations. The disease often occurs in young men who have had sexually transmitted infections without proper treatment and diagnostic monitoring.

Detection of prostatitis can be an unexpected finding during diagnostic screening for problems with conception. According to statistics, chronic prostatitis is responsible for at least 35% of cases of infertility in men.


Infertility in men against the background of infectious-inflammatory lesions of the prostate gland occurs due to changes in the morphological properties of sperm. Sperm pathology manifests itself as a violation of the structure of the head, tail, and neck.

Chronic prostatitis and conception are inextricably linked, since prolonged inflammation and scarring of the tissues of the gland and ducts lead to the impossibility of normal functioning of the entire reproductive tract system.

As a result of persistent damage to the sperm structure, conception becomes problematic or impossible. In addition, changes in the structure of the reproductive cell can cause abnormalities in the development of the fetus if conception is successful.

Is it possible to conceive a child with chronic prostatitis?

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

The possibility of conception with prostatitis is completely determined by the characteristics of the sperm . In order to assess sperm fertility, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests that will show all possible characteristics of seminal fluid: biochemical, qualitative, morphological.

The effect of prostatitis on conception is largely due to the duration of inflammation, the presence of complications and concomitant pathologies. Long-term prostatitis leads to a persistent change in the composition of the ejaculate.

Many men suffering from chronic prostatitis have minor deviations in the morphological composition of sperm, which do not interfere with conception. This happens in most cases.

But aggressive infectious agents and decreased immunity can lead to the spread of the infectious-inflammatory process to the descending pathways, which will inevitably affect sperm fertility and the possibility of conception with prostatitis.


Prostatitis and infertility: relationship and prognosis

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

The prostate is an important prostatic organ of the reproductive system, directly involved in the process of conception. It performs the following functions:

  • synthesizes part of the seminal fluid;
  • takes part in the metabolism of the main “male” hormone – testosterone;
  • regulates the rhythm of sperm release during ejaculation;
  • controls blood circulation in the male pelvic organs.

Normally, the functioning of the prostate gland largely determines the process of ejaculation and, as a consequence, conception.

If a man has prostatitis, how to understand it?

In order to understand that a man has inflammation of the prostate, you need to pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. weak erection;
  2. decreased libido and sexual desire;
  3. uncontrolled release of sperm (ejaculation);
  4. premature ejaculation;
  5. pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

If your husband has chronic prostatitis, then he has one or more of these signs.
In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, since timely detection of pathology will help prevent infertility. It is very important to know how the inflammatory process affects the prostate gland and whether it is possible to get pregnant with prostatitis.

Does prostatitis affect conception?

The question of whether it is possible to conceive a child with chronic prostatitis requires detailed consideration.
The presence of constant inflammation in the tissues of the prostate gland leads to the following disorders:

  • reduction in the number of sperm contained in the ejaculate;
  • decreased sperm activity;
  • morphological changes in the structure of male germ cells.

These disorders lead to the fact that the biological activity of sperm is significantly reduced. If a man has prostatitis, his sperm become less mobile, which leads to disruption of the fertilization process.

In addition, scars usually form in the vas deferens of a man suffering from chronic prostatitis, which interfere with the release of sperm.
Another important factor that has a great influence in the development of prostatitis is a local increase in the number of leukocytes and bacterial cells in the prostate gland.

These accumulations interfere with the normal formation of sperm and also reduce the likelihood of conception.

Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child

How are sperm damaged?

Chronic prostatitis and conception are one of the most important problems of modern urology. Its influence is due to the fact that pathogenic factors disrupt spermatogenesis and lead to the formation of damaged sperm. These factors include:

  1. pathogenic bacteria settle on male reproductive cells and disrupt their functioning;
  2. the process is accompanied by the production of active inflammatory factors that negatively affect not only microorganisms, but also sperm;
  3. the chronic process is accompanied by sclerosis of the gland tissue, as a result of which scars form;
  4. in some cases, prolonged residence of microorganisms in the prostate can cause autoimmune reactions - the formation of antibodies to the body’s own cells (that is, to prostate cells);
  5. sclerosis of the prostate interferes with the patency of the spermatic ducts, thereby compromising the integrity of sperm.

Another important factor linking prostatitis and infertility is the release of reactive oxygen species in high concentrations, which are synthesized by immune cells when fighting bacteria. Oxygen in unbound form is toxic, and if too much of it is released, it affects not only pathogens, but also sperm.

  Temperature with prostatitis

Acute prostatitis and infertility

The above-described signs are characteristic of a chronic process in which serious changes, including morphological ones, form in the prostate gland. However, acute prostatitis also affects conception.

This form of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of purulent particles in the organ tissue due to the active destruction of bacteria by immune cells. Pus penetrates into the sperm, as a result of which the quality of the sperm is impaired and the fertilization process is disrupted.

Pregnancy in this case will be almost impossible.

Let's summarize - we will answer the question of whether a woman can get pregnant if her husband has an inflamed prostate.

In both acute and chronic prostatitis, it is of great importance when the process was identified and how soon its treatment began.

With timely treatment in the early stages of the disease, there are no serious obstacles to a man having children.

If prostatitis is in an advanced form, then you can get pregnant only after completing a comprehensive course of treatment and only if it is successful.

Planning pregnancy with prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate is not a disease that completely deprives a man of the opportunity to have children. However, when planning a pregnancy in this case, you need to be more careful.

If a husband has prostatitis, then first of all he must undergo a full examination, including a spermogram. This analysis shows what qualitative and quantitative characteristics sperm has with prostatitis.

Based on the spermogram indicators, the doctor will be able to make specific predictions about whether it is possible to conceive a child with acute or chronic prostatitis. The results of the study are sent to a urologist, who also analyzes the spermogram.

If the study indicators indicate the presence of any inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, additional studies are prescribed:

  • prostate secretion test;
  • study of a man’s hormonal levels;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvis and genital organs.

If the examination shows that the man’s genitals are not capable of producing viable sperm, then the man is sent for treatment, after which the set of tests can be repeated.
Conception after prostatitis

The reproductive function of a man in advanced forms of the disease is impaired. If he undergoes appropriate treatment, then perhaps she will recover, and the answer to the question “Is it possible to conceive a child?” will become positive. A change in lifestyle also contributes to this:

  1. quitting smoking and alcohol abuse;
  2. exclusion of sour, spicy and fatty foods from the diet;
  3. sufficient intake of vitamins and microelements, first of all you need to consume iron;
  4. adequate physical activity;
  5. avoidance of stressful situations.
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These measures will help restore the functional activity of male sex hormones and restore reproductive function.

Prostatitis is one of the most serious diseases of the male reproductive system, in severe cases leading to impaired conception and infertility.

Therefore, it is so important to know how prostatitis affects the conception of a child and why it is necessary to begin treatment of the disease in a timely manner. It is worth remembering that with prostatitis you can become pregnant if you undergo appropriate therapy.


Is it possible to conceive if a man has prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a common disease among men of different age categories. The pathology is treatable, but it must be started at the first manifestations.

Prolonged inflammation leads to the development of chronic pathology, which is much more difficult to eliminate. Prostatitis and infertility have a relationship. The disease in its advanced state can have a detrimental effect on reproductive function.

But in many cases, pathology does not prevent conception.

What causes inflammation and how does it manifest? 

The prostate is a small organ of the male reproductive system. Its size is approximately equal to a walnut. The prostate gland performs important functions, namely:

  • produces 1/3 of seminal fluid;
  • participates in the processes of testosterone metabolism (male hormone);
  • ensures the rhythm of sperm release;
  • regulates the viscosity and composition of the seed;
  • responsible for maintaining acid-base balance;
  • partially controls blood circulation processes in the genitourinary organs.

Prostatitis of the prostate gland is an inflammatory lesion of the organ. The disease affects exclusively men. The problem can appear regardless of age, causing a lot of inconvenience in everyday life.

Main causes of the disease

Factors causing pathology can be divided into 2 main groups:

Prostatitis can be caused by various infections transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Pathogens enter the prostate through the blood. These can be microbes, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.

The disease is caused by chronic infectious foci. For example, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, kidney pathology. Surgeries on the organs of the reproductive system can also affect the development of pathology.

Reasons for stagnation include:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prolonged abstinence or sexual hyperactivity;
  • hypothermia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • stress;
  • other.

Prostatitis can also be provoked by injuries to the pelvic organs, disorders of lymph and blood circulation in them, and hormonal imbalances.

For a woman, male prostatitis does not pose a threat unless its infectious form is detected, when the pathogen is sexually transmitted.

Symptoms of pathology

Prostatitis can occur in 4 different forms: acute or chronic infectious, non-bacterial, prostatodynia (non-inflammatory hardening of the prostate gland). The degree of severity and possible complications differ for them. Chronic prostatitis is considered the most dangerous. This form of the disease is very often asymptomatic.

Since nothing bothers the man, the pathology is detected in an advanced state and is difficult to treat. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by periodic relapses.

Sometimes there are still some symptoms of chronic prostatitis. A man experiences pain during ejaculation, and blood may appear in the semen.

In the acute form of inflammation of the prostate, the symptoms are pronounced. The man’s temperature rises, muscle pain and chills appear. He may feel discomfort in the perineum, and urination is impaired.

Impact of the disease on reproductive function

If a man is diagnosed with prostatitis, it is impossible to talk about the mandatory development of infertility. Although the effect of the disease on reproductive function can be traced, it is considered indirect. Therefore, prostatitis and conception are compatible concepts. It is important to undergo treatment in a timely manner and not to progress the disease.

All forms of prostatitis, except infectious, do not pose a danger to conception. But there is a high probability of disturbances in the reproductive function of men, especially without timely treatment.

The result can also be infertility. The infectious form of prostatitis can also affect a woman’s health. The causative agent of the disease can be transmitted to her through sexual contact.

If conception occurs, there are risks of harmful effects of infection on the fetus.

Therefore, in the process of planning a pregnancy, it is important to undergo examination by a specialist who will determine the cause and form of the pathology, prescribe treatment and examination for the woman (if she is at risk of infection).

Dangers of the chronic form

The long course of the disease is often asymptomatic and detected late. By this time, a man may develop impaired ability to fertilize and impotence. Therefore, chronic prostatitis is considered the most dangerous form of the disease regarding the reproductive system.

This form is usually accompanied by a decrease in seed quality. The number of sperm and their motility decreases significantly.

The longer the period of the disease lasts, the greater the likelihood of morphological changes (defects) in the germ cells. This is especially true for the infectious chronic form.

Long-term intoxication can lead to scarring of the vas deferens. This interferes with the normal transport of the seed.

The chronic bacterial form of prostatitis can cause damage to sperm by reactive oxygen species. Their excessive production often accompanies the inflammatory process of the male genitourinary system. The disease also leads to disruption of secretory function, which significantly reduces the possibility of fertilization.

Long-term inflammation in the prostate in combination with testicular dysfunction (for example, varicocele) can lead to severe changes in sperm, up to the absolute absence of living germ cells.

This is due to infectious intoxication and hormonal imbalance. It is the testicles that are responsible for the secretion of male hormones.

All inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs lead to its disruption.

It is the chronic form of prostatitis that affects conception. But the presence of the disease is not a necessary cause of infertility. In many cases, there is a chance of successful fertilization.

Acute course of the disease

This form is dangerous for sperm. Severe inflammation, temperature fluctuations, and the appearance of purulent foci significantly worsen the quality of the semen. The concentration of germ cells can be halved. The risks of their morphological deformations increase. Purulent formations affect the acidity of sperm, on which cell motility depends.

The acute form is clearly visible. Therefore, at the first appearance of symptoms of prostatitis, it is important to immediately contact a specialist. Only timely treatment will normalize semen parameters and eliminate obstacles to conceiving a child.

Diagnosis of various forms of pathology

Acute prostatitis is determined based on a man’s complaints, his examination, DRE (digital rectal examination), and urine culture. It is contraindicated to analyze prostate secretions, which is associated with severe pain. Additionally, an ultrasound may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Chronic prostatitis is more difficult to diagnose. The doctor interviews the man for complaints, conducts an examination and additional procedures:

  • general analysis and microbiological examination of the middle portion of urine;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • 3-cup sample (urine analysis in three portions);
  • urine test according to Meares & Stamey;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate.

The most difficult thing to diagnose is the chronic non-bacterial form. It is identified by exclusion when other diseases with similar manifestations are not confirmed.

Traditional treatment methods

For inflammation of the prostate, treatment will depend on the form of the disease. For acute infectious pathology, antibiotics are used for 2 weeks to 3 months, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs.

Physiotherapeutic procedures, including warming up, massage and others, are strictly contraindicated.

The duration of treatment for the chronic form reaches six months and in especially severe cases may not provide a complete cure (only remission up to several years). Antibiotics are used even in cases where there is no infection. Laboratory tests cannot always determine its presence. The course lasts 2 weeks. If the condition improves, it is extended to 4-6 weeks.

Alpha blockers are also prescribed to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. Their efficiency reaches 80%. The course can last from 1 month to six months. Used separately or in combination with other drugs.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for pain relief.
Rectal preparations are most effective. Additionally, immunomodulators, vitamins, microcirculation-improving agents, and adaptogens can be used.

To treat the chronic form of the disease, I prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • finger prostate massage;
  • physical therapy;
  • biofeedback methods;
  • psychotherapeutic assistance.

In severe cases, when conservative treatment is unsuccessful, surgery is prescribed. This can be resection of the prostate, laser correction, radical prostatectomy.

Traditional methods of treating prostatitis

The use of folk remedies is possible only for mild forms or chronic relapse. They are able to relieve pain and increase the body's natural resistance to infections.

For chronic inflammation, pumpkin seeds are used. Half a kilogram of raw materials is ground in a meat grinder, 200 grams of honey are added, and small balls (about the size of a nut) are formed. Take 2 pcs. until the food runs out. It is important to chew them for at least 3 minutes. Typically, relapse does not occur within a year.

In addition to medications, you can take juices from asparagus, carrots, beets, cucumber (up to 600 ml) daily or use propolis rectal suppositories. The latter have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain.

To make candles, 40 grams of propolis are evaporated in 200 ml of medical alcohol. Cocoa butter (0.1:2) is added to the resulting extract. The candles are formed and sent to the refrigerator for storage. They are used rectally for 1 month at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

In case of chronic prostatitis, men adjust their drinking habits and limit the following foods:

  • broths and sauces of fish, mushrooms and steep meat broths;
  • seasonings, garlic, onions, radishes, spices;
  • whole milk, legumes, white cabbage.

It is important to remember that prostatitis is not a death sentence. With timely and correct treatment, there is a high probability of complete recovery and restoration of reproductive system disorders.


Prostatitis and infertility: reasons for the inability to conceive a child Link to main publication
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