
Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Most spouses eventually develop a desire to have a child. It is not always possible to achieve this result.

There are different problems with conception, most often it is infertility. Doctors are constantly working in this direction, achieving positive results.

First, you should find out how to prepare for your first appointment with a fertility specialist, what tests will need to be taken, and what the doctor will do.

There are more than twenty causes of infertility in women and more than fifteen in men.

Most cases of infertility in women are caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Men are most often diagnosed with poor quality and low sperm count.

Tips before visiting a doctor

A gynecologist or andrologist may advise a couple to make an appointment with a fertility specialist for the following reasons:

  1. the likelihood of infertility - a woman does not become pregnant for a year (subject to regular intimate relationships);
  2. infertility in adulthood – the woman’s age is more than 35 years, pregnancy does not occur for six months;
  3. history of problems with the onset of pregnancy.

For the best treatment result, you need to know all the intricacies of the procedure - how an appointment with a reproductologist goes; why it is necessary for husband and wife to come; what exactly the doctor will do; what you can do on your part.

Married couple must cooperate

The results of assisted reproductive technology (ART) provide only half the success. The rest of successful treatment depends on a number of different factors that medicine has no control over.

Spouses must be completely united in their decision to have a child and firmly move towards their intended goal. It is very important that the decision to treat infertility is mutual.

Then the partners will be able to support each other at any stage of the process and work together to ensure that the result is positive.

If the decision to give birth to a child, and for this to undergo treatment, is made by one of the partners, and the second only passively follows the instructions, the outcome is rarely positive.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

A visit to a fertility specialist by both spouses

Two spouses can have problems with the reproductive system, and accordingly, both spouses must make efforts to become parents. It is better to come to your first appointment with a fertility specialist together.

Reproductive medicine is based on methods that require both partners to undergo treatment. This does not depend on whether the female or male factor is the cause of infertility.

A visit to such a doctor always brings with it many experiences. It’s good when you have someone to share them with, especially if it’s a loved one.

Many couples experience great joy mixed with great excitement - they have independently recognized the presence of a problem and are beginning to fight it. Mutual support plays a big role in such a situation.

What should be the age for IVF procedure?

It happens that a visit to a reproductive specialist is the first after many years and multiple visits to a urologist and gynecologist.

Couples try to solve their problem in simple ways that are not so expensive.

Such people perceive a fertility doctor as a last resort, an authority that can help if all previous methods of treatment have proven powerless. A woman under 35 years of age has some waiting time and can experiment with treatment.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Statistics on the success of IVF and ICSI procedures depending on age

Healthy couples can conceive a child using a 15-20% chance, provided that the woman is capable of conceiving at the given time.

It is considered normal if a couple, wanting to have a child, receives a positive result only at the end of the first year of life together.

Women after 35 years of age lose their chances of becoming pregnant every year, both naturally and with the help of special technologies. At this age, you should contact a fertility specialist if you are unable to conceive within six months of regular sexual activity.

The process of the origin of life is still a subject of study. This explains the fact that no one can guarantee a positive outcome of the IVF procedure.

Necessary tests

You need to prepare for what a fertility specialist does at your first appointment.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Examination by a gynecologist to eliminate the problem of infertility

The doctor asks the partners the following questions:

  • presence of diseases currently or in the past;
  • cases of pregnancy and number of abortions;
  • gynecological and urological examinations.

In addition to talking with both patients, the doctor pays attention to the tests they have. When planning a visit to a reproductologist, you should not forget the results of the examinations - they will help the doctor find out all the circumstances of the patient’s health.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Carrying out hormone tests to solve the problem of infertility

A woman needs to undergo the following tests:

  1. analysis for FSH - this hormone is synthesized by the pituitary gland, it is involved in the stimulation of the developing follicle;
  2. LH test – the hormone is involved in the ovulation process, its concentration leads to the release of the oocyte;
  3. AMH test - an indicator that determines the number of healthy eggs that can be fertilized;
  4. analysis for prolactin - a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which to some extent affects the functionality of the ovaries;
  5. analysis for estradiol - an important sex hormone responsible for the condition of the uterine mucosa.

During examinations, men are prescribed a spermogram - the analysis makes it possible to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative indicators of sperm. To find out the current state of health, the doctor prescribes additional tests.

The woman undergoes an ultrasound of the organs in the pelvis, a general blood test, and other special tests. In addition to a spermogram, a man may be scheduled to visit an andrologist or other specialized specialists.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Carrying out a spermogram in the treatment of infertility

After identifying the cause of existing infertility, the doctor selects a course of therapy acceptable to the patients and offers to solve the problem with the help of IVF. Before this, spouses are required to strictly follow all instructions.


You need to tune in to the fact that the path to desired motherhood and fatherhood is long and difficult. A lot of patience is required from a couple in such a situation.

Medical procedures do not always give spouses a chance to have a baby. It also happens that after some time pregnancy occurs on its own, in the most inexplicable way.

Video: First appointment with a fertility specialist - 4 tips


Reproductologist: what and how a specialist treats

A reproductive specialist is a doctor who deals with reproductive health, that is, infertility treatment.

The inability to conceive a child affects virtually all aspects of the partners’ lives: it depresses sexuality, negatively affects work, and isolates them from society. Often the way out of this condition is to consult a fertility specialist at our center.

Unlike urologists and gynecologists, who are often consulted by infertile spouses, a reproductive specialist aims specifically at the birth of a healthy child for his patients. Consultation with a fertility specialist working at the center is highly professional and effective in solving the problem. Our doctors use different methods and techniques of fertilization.

When should you contact a fertility specialist?

According to the standards set by the World Health Organization, spouses are considered infertile if they do not achieve conception without using contraception within a year of sexual activity. This period of childlessness is a temporary limit, after which it is necessary to go to an appointment with a specialist.

Planning a visit to the doctor

Before visiting a fertility specialist, you do not need to take tests, but you should take your medical documents with you.

Usually, at the first appointment, the doctor finds out the causes of the disease, hereditary predisposition and characteristics of sexual life.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Then an examination plan is drawn up, consisting of consultations with specialists, tests, and diagnostic procedures. Most often, examination of men begins with a spermogram; women undergo a wider range of tests. The need for each event is determined solely by the doctor. All of them are aimed at achieving a positive treatment result, that is, pregnancy.

It is better for both spouses to undergo the examination at once. According to statistics, a third of infertile couples suffer from combined infertility.

Main causes of infertility

A consultation with a fertility specialist at our center can provide an answer as to why spouses are infertile. Thanks to the diagnosis, you can choose the most effective methods of treatment and reproduction of offspring, including artificial insemination.

  • The most common causes of infertility treated by reproductive specialists are:
  •   • Pathologies of the uterus; • Ovulation disorders;
  •   • Endometriosis;
  •   • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  •   • Various male factors of infertility;
  •   • Age-related infertility.

  • Adhesive process; • Pathologies of the thyroid gland; • Infections affecting the genital area;

Of course, this is not a complete list of diseases leading to infertility. Stress, lack of exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption can also affect sperm quality. The causes of female infertility are often cycle disorders, endocrine diseases, and past infectious diseases of the genital tract.

Infertility Treatment Methods

The fertility center will not immediately send you for in vitro fertilization, but will first try to determine the likelihood of pregnancy in the traditional way. If there is even a little hope, it will be used. For example, if ovulation stimulation or surgical intervention is needed, everything will be done professionally and competently.

During any treatment or examination, a psychologist usually works with spouses to relieve the couple’s tension due to a non-occurring pregnancy. After the appropriate course, 10-15% of couples no longer need in vitro fertilization.

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

If the spouses are aware that natural conception is fundamentally impossible, the reproductive specialist determines methods of artificial insemination for each individual case. A couple may be prescribed various sets of procedures:

  • Artificial insemination (introduction of husband's sperm or donor sperm into the uterus). • IVF: fertilization of an egg in a laboratory and its subsequent introduction into the uterus.

The procedure preceding the actual implantation of the embryo can last from 14 days to a month. Sometimes, if the body needs hormonal preparation, the procedure takes longer.

  • Intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the oocyte (a more complex version of in vitro fertilization).

Pregnancy itself, with all methods of fertilization, does not differ in its course from normal pregnancy; it is only carried out with the prescription of special supportive therapy.

All of the above methods require a complex of medical procedures. Treatment at any stage is controlled by a reproductologist, each next step is taken taking into account the results of previous manipulations.

Why should you contact a fertility specialist?

You should not hesitate to visit our center and be afraid that you will be immediately offered IVF. Any case of infertility is individual; a reproductive specialist will deal specifically with your problem.

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Our center has an excellent team of professionals, thanks to whose talent many healthy babies have been born. And you, too, will soon be able to become happy parents if we solve the problem of infertility together. Our experienced reproductive specialists will be happy to give you the joy of motherhood and fatherhood.

Additional Information

Microflora of female genital organs

In this article we will talk about women's problems in reproductive age (18-45 years), because During adolescence and perimenopause, specific features appear that must be taken into account in treatment.

Treatment of infertility in men

It is easiest to diagnose a man. After 2-3 days of abstinence, sperm is donated for testing and an hour later the analysis is ready and reproductive function is examined.

Treatment of infertility in women

In the family, the woman is the first to “sound the alarm”. And often without her husband she comes to see a fertility specialist. With the availability of the World Wide Web, forums and websites, people come to the appointment with tests and self-made diagnoses.

Spermogram parameters

Table of normal spermogram indicators

Future dad

Before planning to conceive, you need to think about a healthy lifestyle.


At the New Life clinic, you can get advice from highly qualified gynecologists and endocrinologists on the most suitable method of contraception for you.


First consultation with a fertility specialist - what will happen and what to prepare for?

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Any couple, turning to a fertility doctor for the first time, wants to immediately receive answers to a thousand questions that are very important to them:

  • What therapy will be effective in our case?
  • How long will the treatment last, how successful will it be?
  • what will we do if the proposed methods do not help solve our problem?
  • How much will the entire range of medical procedures cost?

Unfortunately, the reality is that often the doctor is not able to give accurate answers even after several months of communication with the couple, conducting numerous additional tests and drug therapy. And this has a very indirect relation to the professionalism of the doctor.

The results of using ART depend on the doctor only 50%. And you can be sure that he will do everything in his power to ensure that his knowledge, efforts and experience lead to success.

However, the remaining 50% is determined by factors that modern medicine is unable to influence.

Therefore, a couple who begins their difficult and long journey to a long-awaited child must believe not only in their doctor, but in themselves and be confident in their desire to give birth to a healthy baby.

Joint decision of the couple

It is especially important that future parents decide on the need for infertility treatment together. If this decision is made by only one of the partners, and the second does everything that is supposed to, but does not strive for a positive result, then the doctor can confidently say that the likelihood of success is noticeably reduced.

Before deciding whether to use ART, discuss everything with your partner, weigh the pros and cons, and make this decision together.

“Ideal” age for IVF

Typically, an initial visit to a fertility specialist follows frequent, sometimes many years of visits to the treating gynecologist or urologist in an attempt to solve the existing problem using simpler and less expensive methods.

A reproductive specialist is perceived as the last resort; they turn to him when the attending doctor is powerless to help a couple become pregnant. This is true if the woman is not older than 33-35 years old - in this case she has time to wait and experiment.

Nature gives healthy couples only a 15-20% chance of getting pregnant during those 24 hours a month when a woman is fertile.

Such conditions give reason to assume that the normal period from the onset of a desire to become pregnant to pregnancy can range from one month to one year.

However, for women over 33-35 years of age, each month of delay significantly reduces the chances of getting pregnant, even with the help of assistive technologies, therefore, if pregnancy does not occur within six months, it is recommended to consult a fertility specialist.

Do both have to come?

If you are going to consult a fertility specialist for the first time, it is better to come to the doctor with your partner.

The specificity of reproductive medicine methods is that, regardless of the problem, treatment procedures are carried out for both partners, even if the couple is infertile solely due to a male or female factor.

In addition, a visit to a fertility specialist is a very serious step for a couple, so it would be right if the partners take this step together.

Most couples are very worried before their first visit to a fertility specialist. Some patients who come for the first appointment experience an almost euphoric feeling that they themselves have recognized the presence of a problem and have begun the path to solving it.

The long wait for pregnancy (tracking the cycle, measuring the temperature and “scheduled sex”) is a thing of the past and they are finally talking to a specialist who will help make their dream come true.

For others, the fear of waiting for the doctor's verdict is so great that it overshadows all other feelings.

What will happen during the first consultation with a fertility specialist?

Typically, at the first consultation, the fertility specialist asks questions:

  • about diseases that the partners suffered or are suffering from;
  • possible pregnancy and abortion of the partner;
  • results of gynecological and urological examinations.

Be also prepared to answer very intimate questions about your sex life, the relationship between the partners, and whether both partners are confident in their desire to have children.

To most, these questions may seem awkward, inconvenient, and irrelevant to the problem at hand.

However, no doctor will ask you more than is really necessary to make a diagnosis and get a complete picture for you. The doctor does not have the task of confusing patients with his questions.

Just like patients do not need to tell the doctor more than they are willing to tell.

Why does the first consultation last more than an hour?

The specialist’s task at the first consultation is also to answer the questions that future parents have accumulated in as much detail as possible, and also try to dispel all doubts. You should not think that after the first conversation you will clearly know why your couple has an infertility problem and what factors determine it.

With a high degree of probability, the studies that you have already done will not be enough to make a diagnosis: the doctor will prescribe additional tests for you, conduct an ultrasound examination, and ask your partner to come for a second consultation on a specific day of the cycle for additional procedures. Be prepared for the fact that it may take some time before treatment begins, and additional visits to a specialist will also be required.

If you have a diagnosis of “infertility” and its causes have been accurately established, then as a result of the first conversation you can expect to receive a clear treatment plan, which will outline the schedule and cost of all proposed procedures.

Please be aware that this information may change during the course of treatment - the final dates and numbers may turn out to be different, which is primarily due to individual changes that constantly occur in your body.

A good start is half the success

Thus, the medical results of the first conversation can only be called preliminary, so the psychological results are more important. Medicines, techniques, the experience and hands of a doctor, and the patient’s medical problems determine only 50% of the success of treating infertile couples.

Another 50% is the couple’s attitude towards success, as well as their psychological readiness to trust their doctor. No confidence in yourself and in the doctor - no success.

The best predictions remain unrealized if the patient is afraid of the doctor, does not trust him, does not trust his partner, does not believe that this particular first attempt will be successful.

You can do it!

Different couples come to our clinic with completely different problems.

Unfortunately, sometimes after the very first appointment we can say with confidence that nothing will work out with this couple, even if the medical parameters are in perfect order.

It won’t work because there is no trust, no contact, the human factor does not work. And some couples, even with minimal medical chances of success, inspire confidence that in their case everything will be fine.

We will try this and that, and maybe not the first time, but everything will work out, because their desire to have children can overcome any medical obstacles.

  • How will everything happen during the IVF protocol?
  • Cost and types of IVF protocols at the Euromed In Vitro clinic
  • IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy at the Euromed In Vitro clinic


The best fertility doctors solve infertility problems

Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility

Often, common gynecological and urological diseases are not the cause of infertility.

For a long time, medicine could not find answers to these questions, since the roots of the problem are hidden much deeper.

But many secrets were discovered with the advent of reproductology, a discipline that uses all the advanced achievements of modern medicine for treatment.

Thanks to these discoveries, the best fertility doctors can guarantee pregnancy in cases where in past times doctors simply shrugged their shoulders.

Causes of infertility in men

Infertility is caused by the inability of a mature body to conceive. In this case, both family members are needed for a medical examination. At the same time, the best fertility doctors note that infertility is often faced by those married couples who most dreamed of having a child.

In Russia, the situation with infertility in families is quite difficult, since the difficult environmental situation and unfavorable social factors have their negative impact. All this leads to a deterioration in the quality of ejaculate in men.

Compared to 60-70 years, it has decreased almost threefold. And all this happens under the influence of technogenic factors, environmental pollution and an unhealthy lifestyle.

At the same time, experts believe that infertility in men is more pronounced than in women.

There can be many reasons for reproductive dysfunction in men. The most common is considered to be inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system, as a result of which sperm suffer. With timely treatment, sperm regain their ability. But advanced and chronic inflammation leads to irreversible disorders in the reproductive system, and then there is no salvation.

Early sexual activity can lead to infertility, and specific causes include various infections that are sexually transmitted. These infections are latent in nature and do not manifest themselves for a long time, although they progress slowly and inevitably.

Such diseases include inflammation of the ovarian appendages and seminal vesicles, prostatitis. They have no characteristic signs, but the consequences are always sad. And the result is low-quality sperm.

Here you can also mention bad habits, poor nutrition, harmful environment, radioactive and high-frequency radiation, and the consequences of chemotherapy.

According to the best fertility doctors, stress is one of the main causes of infertility, as well as many other diseases. Stress is information for the body about disturbances in living conditions.

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It cannot be said that depression and stress have a direct impact on infertility, but they create a corresponding emotional background, which can lead to disharmony in the sexual sphere and lack of confidence in one’s masculine strength.

How can you help a man suffering from infertility?

For any man, news of such a disease is a terrible blow. But you should never lose hope. Modern medical knowledge has made great strides forward, and in many cases it makes it possible to get rid of the disease. Therefore, the best solution would be to contact a specialist in infertility problems. Doctors will conduct the necessary research to determine the cause of the disease.

Treatment of infertility in men is a difficult process that will require some effort and patience from both the husband and wife.

Some patients have great difficulty deciding to take this step. Years can pass, families can break up, men put themselves through unexpected tests before they finally turn to specialists. But we must remember that infertility is treated more effectively in the early stages.

The treatment itself is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Today, the best fertility doctors use all their knowledge, established methods and the latest discoveries in medicine to qualitatively solve the problem of infertility, giving hope to infertile couples for a happy family life.

Start your path to happiness - right now!


Desired pregnancy. A reproductive specialist will help you overcome infertility

It’s good if nothing can interfere with conception - neither health nor age.

However, some couples postpone planning pregnancy for a long period, counting on the fact that even after 35 years, nature will condescendingly give them the desired baby. But you can't fool nature. And the diagnosis of infertility sounds like a death sentence for some couples.

In order not to waste time and energy searching for the causes of infertility and methods of treating it, it is better to consult a fertility specialist so that the desired pregnancy can finally occur.

Zychkova Valentina Ivanovna, gynecologist-endocrinologist, reproductologist at the “For Birth” medical center, spoke about the causes of infertility, myths and truth about conception.

— Valentina Ivanovna, what is infertility - a diagnosis or just an indication that the couple has some kind of health problems?

— The World Health Organization defines infertility as the inability of a couple to achieve conception within a year of regular sexual activity (at least twice a week) without contraception. When determining infertility, we also operate by age.

If a woman is over 30 years old, then we recommend that the couple have six months of regular sexual activity. If a couple cannot get pregnant within six months, it is worth contacting a fertility doctor to find out the reason or obstacle that is preventing conception.

You can often hear that couples over the age of 35 are at risk.

— It turns out that the age criterion has decreased and the alarm should be sounded much earlier?

— If a woman is over 35 years old and after six months of regular sexual activity cannot get pregnant, this is already a reason to conduct an examination and take decisive action. If a woman is under 30 years of age, you can wait a year and then get examined.

From 30 to 35 years of age, we recommend maintaining an interval of six months and then undergoing an examination. Although, at the request of the couple, the waiting period for conception can be extended.

Although, in fact, we have the right to order an examination only after a year of regular sexual activity for a couple - for women under 35 years of age and after six months - for women after 35 years of age.

— As far as I know, infertility can be caused by diseases not directly related to sexual life?

— Our examination is divided into several stages: firstly, we look at the hormonal levels of both men and women, perform ultrasound diagnostics and conduct an initial examination of the woman. Already at this stage some problems may emerge.

During the examination, it is very important to know whether the woman has suffered any infectious diseases. If a woman does not remember this or some infections are asymptomatic, then from a blood test we can determine that the woman had evidence of infection.

The most dangerous infection from the point of view of a reproductive specialist and pregnancy planning is chlamydia.

— What other points should alert a couple who wants to have children? What risk factors are there?

— A woman’s menstrual cycle is also very important: when did her period start – on time or not, were there any facts of their absence or delay. Another factor is the presence of previous pregnancies and abortions before contacting a fertility specialist. We also pay attention to the woman’s weight. Excess weight is also a risk factor.

The lifestyle of the couple is very important, in particular, the absence of bad habits of both partners. This factor is very important for both women and men. Any chronic nicotine or alcohol intoxication negatively affects the reproductive function of both women and men.

In men, it affects sperm, as a result of which the woman either does not become pregnant, or there is a risk of miscarriage, and the risk of premature birth and missed pregnancies increases. The same risks exist for women.

If she smokes, the quality of the eggs decreases and the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases by TWO times.

— How important is diagnosing male infertility?

— Infertility is a disease not of an individual, but of a couple. Accordingly, it is necessary to examine both the man and the woman in parallel. There are times when women come to see us and have been examined thoroughly, but the man, unfortunately, remains on the sidelines.

Therefore, it is very important to examine the man by analyzing his spermogram. Although examining a man is to some extent easier. If the spermogram results are normal, we will not examine him further.

If any problems are identified, then we prescribe additional hormones, order an examination for infectious diseases, or refer him to a urologist.

— You can often hear about immunological incompatibility of partners. What is meant by this? What are the reasons?

— Now such a term does not exist. There is no incompatibility, as many people think, based on blood type. Blood groups have no effect on conception at all. As for Rh factor compatibility, this is a little different.

Problems may arise if a woman becomes pregnant, but this does not affect infertility in any way.

Hidden incompatibility for some genes also does not affect infertility in any way, but in the future it can lead, for example, to miscarriages.

— What other myths related to infertility exist? List the most common ones.

— The most famous myth is the incompatibility of partners. It's a delusion. There are no incompatible partners, there are simply under-examined ones. Simply put, there is no incompatibility - this has already been proven. The reasons for infertility simply lie elsewhere. There is a myth associated with IVF: children born through IVF are somehow different from children conceived naturally.

This is also an absolute myth. Because children conceived through IVF are just as developed both mentally and physically. And they develop in exactly the same way as children conceived naturally. Most often, the pain of children may not be due to the fact that they were conceived using IVF, but due to the fact that the woman insisted on transferring two embryos.

Although the clinic “For Birth” is for a healthy singleton pregnancy! Many patients believe that one of the causes of infertility may be increased blood clotting. But this is also a fallacy.

— As far as I know, there is primary and secondary infertility. What are they due to?

— Primary infertility is when a woman has never had a pregnancy in history, secondary infertility is when she has had at least one pregnancy, regardless of how it ended.

There are also female, male and mixed infertility, as well as infertility of unknown origin, when we cannot find out the cause of infertility.

It happens that when examining a woman and a man, all indicators are normal, then we diagnose it as infertility of unknown origin. It does not occur very often - only in 10 percent of cases.

— Do you monitor the dynamics of infertility? What are the main causes of infertility? Who are the main risk groups?

— The ratio of male and female factors is approximately the same - 40-45%. The rest of infertility of unknown origin or mixed - 10%.

Of the female causes of infertility, the most common today is tubal factor caused by chlamydia. Or a symptom of polycystic ovaries is already an endocrine disease.

Male factor - various sperm pathologies. They are usually caused by bad habits or working conditions in hazardous industries.

For some, the infection manifests itself already on a hormonal background, that is, from the central nervous system. Infectious genesis is also quite common.

Modern lifestyle associated with frequent changes of sexual partners and early onset of sexual activity can also cause infertility. Many women rarely visit a gynecologist or only see a doctor when a problem arises.

However, we recommend visiting a gynecologist more often, even if nothing bothers you, at least once a year!

— If a year of active sexual activity does not bring the desired result? What should the couple's action algorithm be?

— If a woman under the age of 35 has regular sex life, without contraception, but after a year she cannot get pregnant (after 35 years, this period is six months), you should seek help from a fertility specialist.

And then we develop tactics for further actions.

When visiting a fertility doctor, many people only know about IVF, although today there are other modern methods. But they are all prescribed depending on the indications.

It is very important to come to your initial appointment with a fertility specialist together with your man. A reproductive specialist specializes in both men's and women's health. The examination of a man and a woman proceeds in parallel.

When the overall picture emerges, then tactics are developed.

— Tell us about modern effective methods of treating infertility.

— Each method has its own indication. For example, in the absence of ovulation, there is a method of stimulating ovulation.

We stimulate ovulation and determine the correct day of the cycle for a woman to have sexual intercourse.

Insemination is also prescribed according to indications - when a man has an irregular sex life or has some kind of erectile dysfunction. That is, each procedure must have its own indications.

A more complex procedure is IVF. It is divided into many protocols and has many varieties. It all depends on age and related factors. Many details are discussed at the appointment together with the patient. Moreover, we explain everything to every woman in simple, accessible language. Each stage of treatment is discussed with the patient.

The main principle of work is patient awareness. Not only the doctor treats infertility, the patient himself must help him. You cannot undergo examination and treatment without knowing what it is for and why. Therefore, patients must be educated in this sense if they want to achieve results. We recommend that patients read the correct literature and select the information correctly.

— How important is the psychological factor when planning pregnancy? Can stressful situations somehow affect conception?

— There are couples who become so fixated on the process of childbirth that they begin to live their sex life by the hour.

In this case, we recommend that they forget about everything, calm their nerves and live a sexual life for pleasure. Pregnancy will occur if the couple has sexual intercourse once every two to three days, at least twice a week.

Living by the clock, keeping calendars, constantly measuring basal temperature are outdated methods. They have a lot of errors.

And most importantly, you should remember: sperm lives in a woman’s genital tract for 2-3 days. And although the egg lives only 24 hours, he will still wait for it. So there is no need to worry or be nervous, and it is better to share your experiences with your doctor. A reproductive specialist should also be a good psychologist, so in any case he will help resolve all issues.

— What useful habits should those planning a pregnancy acquire?

— We recommend everyone who is planning a pregnancy to lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking should be avoided and alcohol consumption should be minimized. It is advisable to introduce physical activity into your life for 30-40 minutes three times a week - together with your husband.

Of the variety of vitamins, only folic acid is necessary for conception! Couples planning a pregnancy should not limit themselves in everything and live as if in an incubator, closed off from the whole world.

The couple should continue their usual way of life, without changing it radically, but at the same time without introducing something completely new. The main thing is to give up your bad habits!

Another recommendation for girls who are actively involved in sports is to gradually reduce the load once they become pregnant. And for those who engage in active sports, dietary supplements should be excluded. This is especially true for men, since hormone-containing supplements have a detrimental effect on sperm quality!

— Your wishes to couples dreaming of having children.

- Health and happiness! So that every married couple dreaming of a baby can achieve their cherished pregnancy as soon as possible. If you have health problems and are about to undergo an IVF procedure, do not forget that IVF is a thousand little things.

And every little thing can play an important role in achieving your cherished goal.

Therefore, listen to the advice of a fertility doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle so that your cherished dream comes true quickly! And you shouldn’t waste time on popular and useless methods, advice from girlfriends and friends.

The main thing is to see a doctor on time. The faster a problem is identified, the faster a solution will be found!

February 9, 2015.


An appointment with a fertility specialist will help the couple learn about ways to solve the problem of infertility

A reproductive specialist is a specialist who studies human reproductive function.

He has the ability to solve the problems of inability to conceive and bear a fetus. If necessary, a reproductologist may prescribe the use of artificial insemination. The doctor specializes in female and male infertility.

The specialist’s activities are aimed at achieving a single goal - the onset and successful course of pregnancy until the birth of the child.

According to statistics, approximately 30% of couples face the impossibility of conceiving a child. Numerous attempts to get pregnant lead to negative results. In addition, the percentage of miscarriages and missed pregnancies is increasing. These phenomena are a reason to contact a reproductologist.

Male infertility is a special issue that is also examined by a specialist.

According to science, women are allocated a certain number of eggs from birth; men, in turn, reproduce sperm every 72 hours.

Therefore, the ability to conceive a child between the sexes has certain differences and nuances, which depend on many factors: psychological state, asymptomatic diseases, etc.

The mechanisms of reproductive function are extremely complex. They include many step-by-step links that a fertility specialist can understand.

Diseases treated by a reproductologist

The doctor studies the condition of the organs and systems responsible for fertilization. His areas of activity include the following diseases:

  • irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • genital cysts;
  • sperm defects, spermatogenesis dysfunction;
  • adhesions;
  • age-related changes that prevent conception;
  • idiopathic infertility;
  • endometriosis;
  • hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • uterine anomalies;
  • infectious, fungal and viral diseases of the reproductive system;
  • disturbances in the hormonal system.

To find the cause of infertility, the study of various factors is involved: nutrition, lifestyle, professional activity, chronic diseases, heredity.

When is it necessary to contact a specialist?

If a woman with a normal menstrual cycle, regular ovulation and frequent sexual intercourse does not become pregnant for a year, this is a reason to make an appointment with a reproductive specialist for advice. Patients over the age of 30-35, after six months of unsuccessful attempts, should seek medical help. Both partners need to come to see a fertility specialist.

The initial examination consists of collecting anamnesis, information about the couple’s sexual life and lifestyle in general.

Infertility may be accompanied by:

  • miscarriages during previous pregnancies;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • changes in the hormonal system;
  • foci of infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • congenital anomalies.

After a superficial acquaintance with the patient’s health status, the doctor prescribes a series of examinations and tests.

Necessary tests

If, before consulting with a reproductologist, patients were examined by other specialists (gynecologist, urologist-andrologist, endocrinologist, geneticist), then you must take all the results with you. The doctor will evaluate the indicators and, based on them, prescribe additional tests. Among them are possible:

  • spermogram;
  • Ultrasound;
  • blood test for the level of the pituitary gland;
  • blood test for thyroid hormone levels;
  • hormonal state of the adrenal glands;
  • hormonal state of the ovaries;
  • analysis for torch infections;
  • hysteroscopy, laparoscopy;
  • identification of antisperm bodies;
  • postcoital testing;
  • immunogram;
  • checking the patency of the fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography);
  • mucosal biopsy;
  • blood clotting test;
  • follicular reserve study.

The relevance of certain studies is determined by the doctor depending on the individual problems of the patient.

The most commonly used diagnostic methods

Ultrasound monitoring of the pelvic organs. This is a unique technology that allows you to study in detail the condition and structure of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The method is carried out using both an abdominal and vaginal sensor. Both methods are popularly used by gynecologists and fertility specialists around the world.

Hysterosalpingography. This procedure consists of administering a contrast agent to determine the patency of the tubes, detect abnormalities in the uterus, adhesions within the uterus and infantilism.

Laparoscopy. Consists of examining the abdominal organs. It is carried out by creating small punctures in the abdominal wall using a special device.

Cervical biopsy. Also allows you to examine the endometrium. Aimed at detecting tumors, uterine bleeding and changes in the mucosa due to the influence of hormones.

Advice from a fertility specialist

It has been proven that the consumption of vitamins E and D has a positive effect on sperm quality. These substances predominate in large quantities in seafood. In addition, zinc, selenium and ascorbic acid are needed for good spermatogenesis.

It is most productive to have sex every other day.

Visiting a sauna, bathhouse, or taking hot baths negatively affects sperm motility. During pregnancy planning, such procedures should be avoided.

The process of conception cannot develop normally when drinking alcohol, smoking, or being overweight or underweight.

It is important to take a vitamin complex to strengthen the mother’s immunity and reduce the risk of developing defects in the child.

Calculate the time of ovulation. This period is the most favorable for conception. Most often, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

It is necessary to protect yourself from stressful situations. Try to relax more and get positive emotions. Anger, feelings of fear and anxiety are not good for the expectant mother.

A healthy diet is another important point in successfully conceiving a child. Drink more purified water, eat greens, fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to minimize the presence of spicy, smoked and too fatty foods in the diet.


Consultation with a reproductive specialist to solve the problem of infertility Link to main publication
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