
Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

The HPV virus, having entered the human body, gives unpleasant external manifestations - skin growths on different parts of the body.

Why is papilloma on the head dangerous?

The fact that certain types of neoplasms can develop into a malignant form. If they are damaged, an inflammatory process and infection of surrounding tissues may develop. To avoid adverse consequences, you need to undergo timely diagnosis and begin treatment.

How can you become infected with HPV?

Papilloma on the head is an external manifestation of an internal problem - the HPV virus. According to statistics, 70% of the world's inhabitants are its carriers, regardless of age and gender.

It is believed that the most common way of contracting the virus is sexually. It is also possible to transmit HPV through everyday contact, from mother to child during fetal development, childbirth or breastfeeding. Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Once in the human body, the virus “dormants” for a long time, i.e. does not give any external signs. When the patient’s immunity decreases due to the negative impact of internal or external factors, manifestations of HPV occur - genital warts located on the skin and mucous membranes.

In utero

According to statistics, intrauterine infection of a child is a rare occurrence. It is possible if there are changes in the structure of the placenta, for example, its damage. In a child in the womb, the alveoli and bronchi are not formed, so the penetration of HPV into his body leads to the development of respiratory papillomatosis. Less commonly, it becomes the cause of scalp papillomas.

The consequences of intrauterine infection are congenital breathing disorders, which require surgical intervention to eliminate. To avoid adverse consequences, when planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to undergo an HPV diagnosis, and if it is detected, treatment.

At birth

Why do newborn children have papillomas on the head, skin, and mucous membranes? The reason is vertical infection, i.e. penetration of the virus during childbirth. As a result, the baby develops genital warts in the mouth and larynx. In the future, problems associated with breathing problems and low immunity are possible.

If there are papillomas on a woman’s genitals, doctors recommend that she refuse natural childbirth, which means a high probability of infection, and give preference to a cesarean section. Breastfeeding becomes an additional risk factor.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

By everyday means

Papillomas of the scalp are a consequence of the HPV virus that entered the body through household means, i.e. through microcracks, small wounds, scratches of the skin and mucous membranes. This happens at home in the following ways:

  • Use one towel, bed linen, soap or washcloth.
  • Wearing only clothes, especially underwear.
  • Food from one plate, with one cutlery, poor washing of common dishes.
  • Walking barefoot in public baths, saunas, swimming pools: a humid, warm environment is favorable conditions for the spread of the virus that causes the appearance of papillomas on the head.
  • Handshakes, kisses if there are microcracks on the lips or hands.

In addition to the listed methods, doctors identify a special way - self-infection. When shaving the bikini area, a person damages one papilloma, which contributes to the spread of the virus further.

A similar situation can occur when scratching the head.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors


Papillomas on the head in the hair are a consequence of HPV infection, the most common route of penetration of which is considered to be sexual. For transmission of a dangerous strain to occur, one intimate contact of any type is sufficient: vaginal, anal or oral.

The likelihood of infection increases significantly if the partner has microcracks in the genitals. If anal sex is practiced, genital warts may form in the anal area.

Factors that increase the likelihood of infection include:

  • early onset of intimate life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the partner has papillomas and warts on the head and in other places.

You can use a condom to reduce the chance of transmitting the virus, but it does not guarantee 100% protection. Its effectiveness will be especially low if the partner has papillomas throughout the groin area. Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Poor health

Papillomaviruses of the pilar part, once entering the body, can lie dormant for a long time, i.e. do not give outward signs. Their rapid life activity begins if a provoking factor appears - a decrease in immunity. The triggers for it can be:

  • colds;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • constant nervous tension, stressful situations;
  • advanced age of the patient;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives;
  • dysbiosis of the vagina or intestines;
  • bad habits (smoking, love of alcohol), etc.

When one or more of these factors appears, external manifestations of the virus occur. One of them is papillomas on the head, which become a cosmetic defect, and in some cases can degenerate into malignant tumors.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors


If a patient has papillomas on his head, you should not try to remove them yourself using traditional methods. To avoid causing accidental harm to the body, you need to undergo medical diagnostics. The first and main stage is an external examination of the growth by a dermatologist and anamnesis collection.

If the symptoms indicate that a papilloma has appeared on the head, the patient needs an additional test - a PCR test. It shows whether there is an HPV virus in the body, what type and in what quantity. Depending on the degree of danger of the detected strain and its concentration, the doctor decides what treatment to prescribe.


Removal of scalp papilloma

Symptoms of the disease

There are two types of papilloma in scalp hair:

These are oblong processes on a thin stalk, the length of which varies from 1-2 mm to a couple of centimeters. These are rough, slightly yellow growths. They do not hurt, do not itch and are not capable of developing into malignant tumors. Papillomas of this type are diagnosed mainly in older people.

These are papillomas on the head with a wide base, a slightly convex shape, having a diameter of up to 4 cm. They are distinguished from the surrounding skin by color: their color is brownish, becoming darker over time. Such neoplasms can transform into malignant ones and therefore require mandatory medical diagnosis.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Treatment methods

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that treatment of papilloma on the head should be comprehensive. It is not enough to remove the consequence - a neoplasm that has become a cosmetic defect. It is important to “put to sleep” the virus that caused its appearance, to increase immunity so that this does not happen in the future.

Treatment of papillomas includes the following methods of treatment:

  • removal of growth;
  • taking medications;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • the use of folk remedies as a supplement to the listed activities.

It is strictly forbidden to remove papillomas on the head yourself, for example, using threads or scissors.

Such home treatment leads to sad consequences: inflammation of surrounding tissues, spread of infection, bleeding, and degeneration of the tumor into a malignant tumor.Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Drug therapy

Treatment of papilloma on the head with medications is intended to “put to sleep” the virus that has entered the body. The following groups of drugs are used for this purpose:

  • Antiviral agents - used in the form of tablets, injections, vaginal or rectal suppositories. Their task is to suppress the activity of HPV. This category of drugs includes Isoprinosine (used in courses of two times for two weeks with a ten-day break), Panavir (used in a course of 5-10 doses).
  • Immunomodulators - used in the form of tablets or injections. The most well-known products in this category are Polyoxidonium and Lykopid.
  • Vitamins – used as an adjunct to drug therapy.
  • Pharmacy external remedies - to combat papillomas on the head, burning ointments (Verrukacid, Collomac, etc.), local antiviral drugs are used (the most famous is Epigen Intim Spray, which is applied to growths).

The combination of medications is selected by the doctor based on the diagnostic results. Treatment is not specific for different types of HPV.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used as an addition to drug treatment for scalp papillomatosis. Many of them are controversial, so their use is possible only after consultation with a dermatologist.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

There are the following recipes for removing papilloma on the head at home:

The juice is squeezed out of the stem of a freshly picked plant and applied to the new growth. The procedure is repeated until it turns black.

This is a pharmacy analogue of freshly squeezed juice of a medicinal plant. The papilloma is steamed, the area around it is smeared with cream, and the product is applied pointwise to the growth. The number of repetitions of the procedure is until the tumor blackens.

The original product is grated and mixed with water until a thick paste is formed. Next, it is applied to the papilloma, covered with a gauze bandage, and left overnight.

This product is known for its ability to increase local immunity and stimulate metabolic processes. The papilloma is smeared with it every morning and evening until it disappears completely.

This product is credited with disinfecting properties. A small amount of it is applied to the tumor and is not washed off.

After regular procedures, the papilloma should turn black and disappear.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Surgical intervention

To decide on the method of removing papillomas on the head in the hair, you need to consult a specialist. The following methods of resection are possible:

  • use of pharmaceutical burning agents;
  • laser removal;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • classical resection with a scalpel.

Laser removal is recognized as the most progressive technique, because it allows you to shorten the healing period of a wound on the head to 10 days, reducing to zero the likelihood of scars, cicatrices and relapses. This method is not used for neoplasms, the benign nature of which is doubtful, because the growth is “evaporated”, i.e. There is no papilloma tissue left for histology.

Electrocoagulation is exposure to an electrical impulse. It destroys the tissue of the neoplasm, in its place a crust forms, which disappears after a week. The healing time for the operated area is about 14 days. After surgery, the wound must be treated with disinfectants; a patch or bandage is worn for 1-2 days.

Cryotherapy is recognized as a modern and effective way to combat papillomas. She assumes that resection occurs with liquid nitrogen. The tumor turns white and then disappears spontaneously. The technique is used mainly for small papilloma sizes. Healing time is up to 14 days. The procedure is contraindicated for persons with individual intolerance to cold.

For large papillomas on the head and formations that have developed into a malignant form, resection with a surgical scalpel is used. It is performed under local anesthesia and leaves the possibility of scarring. If studies of the taken material are necessary, the tissues are sent for histology.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Prevention measures

Papilloma on the scalp is a manifestation of infection of the body with the HPV virus. Modern medicine does not offer 100% methods of its prevention, but makes the following recommendations:

  • wearing rubber slippers in public baths and saunas;
  • refusal to frequently change sexual partners;
  • using condoms;
  • compliance with hygiene rules (washing hands after visiting public places);
  • refusal to use personal belongings of a person whose skin has papillomas and warts.

To prevent the appearance of external signs of the papilloma virus, it is important to maintain a high level of immunity.

This is facilitated by timely treatment of colds, courses of vitamins in the autumn-spring periods, ensuring a balanced diet, sufficient rest and sleep, and moderate physical activity.


Papilloma on the head: treatment of warts in hair in adults and children

The appearance of papillomas and other neoplasms on the body is a consequence of infection with HPV (human papillomavirus). The virus is very common in the human population and can affect any part of the body.

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Most often, formations are localized in areas with hair. Papillomas are benign formations, but under certain conditions they can become malignant (become malignant).

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Causes of neoplasms in the scalp in children and adults

  • The main and main cause of the formation of papillomas is HPV (however, there are so-called keratomas - papillomatous formations of a non-infectious nature, they arise with age and are associated with the aging process of the skin).
  • This virus is widespread (about 80–90% of the sexually active population), however, it manifests itself clinically only under certain conditions; a person can live his whole life without even knowing about its existence if it does not manifest itself.
  • Infection with the virus occurs from a carrier (with or without clinical manifestations) through:
  • Sexual contact is the most common; most people become infected this way, mainly as a result of their first sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal, oral).
  • Through blood - during blood transfusion, with poor handling of instruments in hospitals and maternity hospitals. A rarer path, since strict control is established over compliance with the rules of asepsis, antiseptics and blood processing.
  • Vertical path - from mother to fetus (during pregnancy or childbirth, at the time the child passes through the birth canal).
  • Contact-household - through touch, various objects and things, in gyms, saunas, etc. This path only works if there is an entry gate for the virus (damaged skin).

After entering the body, the virus may not manifest itself for a long time until the factors that contribute to its activation act. These are:

  • Chronic stress.
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases.
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Other conditions leading to a decrease in the body’s immune forces (severe injuries, surgery, use of certain medications).

One way or another, each of these reasons leads to a decrease in immunity, which is the key point in the occurrence of clinical manifestations of the disease (since the immune system is no longer able to contain the virus).


At the moment, science knows more than a hundred varieties of HPV, which manifest themselves in the same way - in the form of various formations on the surface of the body, only their appearance and localization change. In the international classification of diseases, papillomas belong to section D23, and papilloma of the scalp is D23.4.

Depending on the type of neoplasm, the following are distinguished:

  • Warts are small, round, dense bumps.
  • Plantar papillomas - have a shiny surface, form in places of friction (they got their name because they most often form on the feet).
  • Vulgar - rather large and hard formations, are the result of the fusion of smaller ones.
  • Squamous - flat and smooth, can cause subjective sensations (itching, pain).
  • Basal cell - slightly convex, yellow-brown. They darken over time because they contain melanin.
  • Thread-like - elongated yellowish, prone to growth.
  • Pointed - formed on the mucous membranes (growing like cauliflower).

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Depending on their quantity:

  • Solitary - often reach large sizes.
  • Multiple - often small in size, but can also be large. They are located in groups or scattered throughout the body.

Symptoms and signs of HPV in hair

The main manifestation of papilloma on the head is a neoplasm, which can have a variety of shapes and colors (described in the previous paragraph). As a rule, they do not cause any inconvenience to their owners, except for a cosmetic defect.

However, on the scalp they are more exposed than anywhere else when combing, cutting and washing hair, and wearing hats. As a result of such influences, papillomas can be damaged and in this case give some clinical symptoms:

  • Itching and redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Bleeding.
  • Formation of erosions and ulcers.

The latter is fraught with infection and the occurrence of purulent complications.

Papillomas and other formations of non-viral etiology, as a rule, are less susceptible to damage, since they are denser and protrude less above the surface of the skin.


The main diagnostic method is examination and palpation, as a result of which the type of formation can be established and a diagnosis can be assumed. However, to clarify the cause and establish a final diagnosis, additional research is needed:

  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - allows you to detect the genetic material of the virus (DNA or RNA) in the blood.
  • Serological method - determination of antibodies to HPV in the blood.
  • Histological examination is carried out after removal of the papilloma. It consists of examining its cells under a microscope, which makes it possible to judge the malignancy of the process.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Can HPV turn into cancer?

Malignancy (malignancy) of papillomas is observed very rarely. The reasons that can lead to the transition of the process to malignant are the following:

  • Constant irritation and injury.
  • Incomplete removal.
  • Attachment of other infections.
  • Constant and prolonged exposure to the open sun.
  • Exposure to various carcinogens.
  • Immunodeficiency states.
  • Chronic stress.
  • High dose of radiation.
  • Age.

Signs that indicate malignant degeneration:

  • Color change.
  • Increase in size.
  • Change in surface (becomes bumpy).
  • Ulceration.
  • Histological signs (impaired cell differentiation, signs of atypia).
  • Presence of metastases.

Senile papillomas are generally not prone to malignancy.

Treatment and removal

It is advisable to start treatment as early as possible, this will avoid complications. There are several ways to get rid of papilloma on the head.


For drug treatment, creams, gels and ointments based on interferon (an antiviral drug) are used, as it helps fight the pathogen. Preparations:

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

These drugs are used for local therapy. They are applied directly to the formation itself or to the wound after its removal. This therapy has an antiviral effect and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Increasing the body's immune defense is very important in conservative therapy. For this purpose, immunostimulants are used:

  • Methyluracil.
  • Prodigiozan.
  • Timalin.
  • Molgramostin.
  • Myelopid.

and various vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit.
  • Aquadetrim.
  • Antioxicaps.

These drugs are prescribed only after consultation with your doctor and appropriate tests.

Folk remedies

Traditional therapy is based on the use of infusions and decoctions to strengthen the body and increase immunity, as well as some local effects on papillomas.

Infusions and decoctions:

  • From violet and wormwood.
  • Plantain.
  • Dill, clover, calamus root, St. John's wort.
  • Chamomiles and strings.
  • Nettle, lemon balm, horsetail and dandelion root.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

The herbs are poured with hot water and left for a day, after which it is filtered. You need to take one tablespoon before each meal.

For local exposure:

  • Tincture of potato shoots and celandine.
  • Tincture of chestnut leaves.
  • Lubricating with celandine juice.
  • A mask of garlic mixed with cream in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Mask made from unripe walnuts and kerosene.
  • Bandage made from Kalanchoe leaves.
  • Treatment with acetic acid, lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lubricating with essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, etc.) or castor oil.
  • Treatment with rowan and wormwood juice.


In some cases, these methods can help in treatment, but they should not be preferred, as they will not be able to kill the virus. Therefore, they can only be used as an aid to drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, they may cause more harm than good, for this reason, consult your doctor before using them!

Hardware technologies

Surgical removal of papilloma is the most effective way to combat this disease, as it allows you to quickly get rid of a cosmetic defect. However, this method does not eliminate the main cause - HPV. Therefore, it is used in combination with drug therapy, which is a very effective combination and reduces the likelihood of relapse many times over.

There are several ways to remove papillomas:

  • Cauterization using chemicals - organic and mineral acids are used for these purposes.
  • Photodynamic therapy is based on the action of light waves, leading to the death of the virus.
  • Freezing (cryodestruction) - freezing the formation using liquid nitrogen, which leads to the destruction of its cells.
  • Electrocoagulation is the removal of papilloma using electric current.
  • Laser removal is the most effective, painless and safe method.
  • The use of radio wave radiation is not inferior in its effectiveness to laser techniques.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors


Prevention can be divided into two parts: prevention of HPV infection and prevention of recurrence of papilloma after treatment.

Vaccines are used to prevent HPV infection, most often given to women, however, they can also be given to men. Vaccination must be carried out before sexual activity and only after laboratory confirmation of the absence of HPV in the body.

At the moment, there are two vaccines (Cervarix and Gardasil) that do not contain the genetic material of the virus, so infection from them is impossible. The vaccine contains a virus shell that allows the body to produce antibodies. According to doctors, this vaccination will provide immunity for 15 years.

To prevent relapse of the disease, it is recommended:

  • Quitting drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Playing sports.
  • Complete and balanced nutrition.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Self-diagnosis.
  • Timely and correct treatment of other diseases.


Papillomas on the head may not manifest themselves in any way, but cause discomfort as a cosmetic defect. However, it is necessary to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Refusal of self-medication will avoid complications. Compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician will ensure a quick and high-quality recovery.


Papilloma on the head: how to treat and how to remove papilloma in the hair

Papilloma on the head causes discomfort and is constantly exposed to trauma as a result of hair and scalp care. Papilloma on the scalp is a benign neoplasm and rarely undergoes a malignant process. However, the malignancy of cells is influenced by many processes, so the risk of degeneration of a growth on the head cannot be excluded.

Causes of papilloma on the head in the hair

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

The following factors can contribute to the replacement of epidermal cells with viral ones::

  • psycho-emotional instability, mental disorders;
  • regular colds, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, infections;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine hormonal disorders;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • recovery period after complex operations.

The active phase of HPV occurs due to reduced immunity due to various reasons. Papilloma in newborns and young children is caused by intrauterine infection. At risk are patients with chronic diseases of internal organs and systems, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

A neoplasm can be triggered by:

  • failure to comply with basic hygiene rules;
  • pediculosis;
  • using someone else's combs or combs.

Growths also form against the background of skin irritation (allergic reactions to hair care products, certain medications, hair dyes).


Diagnostics is required to determine the type of tumor, make a prognosis regarding malignant degeneration of cells, and prescribe appropriate therapy. A physical examination by a dermatologist or trichologist is not enough.

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When examining papilloma, be sure to take into account such criteria:

  • shade;
  • form;
  • surface;
  • density.

The parameters of growth intensity and dynamic development are important. If growth dynamics are positive, a consultation with an oncologist is recommended to eliminate the risk of malignancy.

Considering the location, tumors come in two types:

  • Acrochords or filamentous papillomas . In appearance, papillomatous lesions are growths up to 2 cm long on a thin stalk. New growths are yellowish in color, with a rough surface. They most often occur on the head in older patients. Acrochords are prone to injury, but rarely become a malignant tumor. Neoplasms do not disappear on their own.
  • Basal cell papillomas . New growths appear as dense plaques up to 4.5 cm in size. The shade of the growth varies from light yellow to brown. Basal cell papillomas are more prone to malignancy and subsequent cell malignancy.

To clarify the type of papilloma, it is recommended to take blood tests to determine the viral agent.

Other diagnostic methods are:

  • dermatoscopy and assessment of the condition of the scalp, determination of the structure and characteristics of papilloma;
  • biopsy to study cancer risks.

Laboratory diagnostics and histological analysis make it possible to determine the type of viral strain, assess the degree of oncological risks and choose removal tactics.


Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

The main drugs are:

  • antiviral local and systemic (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir):
  • immunomodulators to activate the immune system (Viferon, Interferon, Ergoferon);
  • local cauterization (Verrukacid, Solcoderm).

Effective creams or gels include trichloroacetic, salicylic and retinoic acids. In the process of fortification and immunization of the body, it is recommended to use vitamin A to activate the division of healthy cells.

When bacterial infections occur as a result of traumatization of growths and the formation of a wound surface, a course of local or systemic antibiotic therapy is required. Be sure to choose scalp care products with a neutral pH.

Drug therapy is prescribed for papillomas of small size and when surgery is not possible.


Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Clinics practice three minimally invasive methods of removal:

  1. Cryodestruction or refrigerant treatment .
    Exposure of papilloma to low temperatures destroys the structure of the growth, leading to its self-amputation. The refrigerant is liquid nitrogen. Large papilloma may require two procedures or combined amputation techniques at the same time. After 4-7 days, the neoplasm turns black, dries out and falls off. Read more about how to remove papillomas with nitrogen in this article. The method is not suitable for removing tumors with a deep root going deep into the epidermis, as well as when histological results are important, since the papilloma is not preserved.
  2. Removal with a laser beam .
    Laser excision is widely used in aesthetic cosmetology, surgery and oncology. Thanks to precision and control over the depth of impact, damage to healthy tissue is virtually eliminated. Papilloma cells dry out and disappear. At the site of the growth, a thin scab forms, which breaks off on its own after a few days. What to do if, after removing a papilloma with a laser, a convex pink spot remains, we have already written in a previous article. The method is indicated for small papillomatous lesions without a tendency to malignancy. After laser therapy there are no scars or scars.
  3. Electrocoagulation . The method is based on the influence of electric current of various frequencies. Pathological elements are literally cauterized, and bleeding is stopped due to thrombus formation. Simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels provides protection against viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Electrocoagulation is used more often than other methods. The equipment is available in almost every specialized clinic, so the cost of removal with a coagulator is quite affordable.

The choice of removal method is determined by the attending physician. Before removal, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics, examine the papilloma, and collect data from general clinical studies. This is important to prevent spontaneous complications.

In some cases, hair cutting in the affected area is required. Anesthesia involves local application of drugs before manipulation.

In case of malignancy of papillomas, the full scope of surgical intervention is performed.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes are used as alternative treatment methods.

Treatment of growths at home may be effective if the following factors occur::

  • stability, lack of dynamic growth and change;
  • no bleeding or signs of infection;
  • small size, quantity.

Any suspicious changes in papillomas on the head, for example, the formation of smudges and scabs near the base, is a reason to choose a surgical removal method.

"Grandma's" recipes

Some remedies, such as castor oil, not only help get rid of papillomas, but also improve the condition of the hair and scalp.

Here are the most effective from an impressive list of popular recipes:

  • Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumorsCastor oil . Lubricating with castor oil not only dries out papillomatous lesions, but also improves the condition of the hair. For treatment, the scalp can be treated completely or locally. The oil is rubbed into the papillomatous lesion with gentle movements for about a minute. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. You can use castor oil for papillomas on the neck.
  • Celandine juice . Fresh juice actively affects papillomas and destroys their structure. To do this, the stem of the celandine is cut obliquely with a sharp knife, and then the cut is applied to the new growth. You can prepare the juice for a long course. The celandine along with the flowers is passed through a meat grinder, filtered, and the resulting juice is used to treat growths on the scalp. Read more about how to remove papillomas with celandine here.
  • Garlic and onion gruel . Onions and garlic are crushed to a pasty state and applied to the growth, avoiding contact with healthy tissue. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the high content of phytoncides. The same effect can be achieved by rubbing potato juice into the growths.
  • Tea tree oil . Essential oil can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. Treatment is carried out locally several times a day. After 14 days, the growth can self-amputate. In addition, the ether has an active anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
  • Chestnut leaves . For processing, a decoction of the plant is used. Fill a large container with the leaves, add water and bring to a boil. Then leave for 12 hours and use for washing. The decoction should be used together with other folk recipes to improve therapeutic results.

A cosmetologist talks about the benefits of removing papillomas on the scalp with the Surgitron device:

External manifestations of HPV not only cause aesthetic discomfort, but also increase the risk of cancer. Timely treatment and removal of growths prevents hazardous health consequences.

  • What is transitional cell papilloma of the bladder, read our article.
  • You can make an appointment with a doctor directly on our website.
  • Be healthy and happy!

Papilloma on the head - how to get rid of a tumor Link to main publication Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors


Papilloma on the head: causes, treatment and removal methods

Somehow I combed my hair unsuccessfully. Does it feel like your comb is caught on something? Hurt! I had to ask my husband, wife, friend or other relative - whoever has anyone - to examine my scalp.

It turned out there was a papilloma on the head in the hair! Where do these outrages come from? What to do now and how to treat this problem?

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Causes and signs of the formation of papillomas on the head

The cause of papillomas on the head is infection with the human papillomavirus. The question arises, how did this pathogen enter the scalp?

The route of transmission of the virus is exclusively contact. The pathogen penetrates into the slightest wounds and cracks, damage to the epidermis. You can get this problem at a hairdresser, and even bring it in yourself – it only takes a couple of minutes. You can’t know who touched this railing or door handle before you.

As long as the immune system is able to resist the pathogen, scalp papilloma does not form. With any immune failure, HPV begins to act.

Factors contributing to infection and activation of the virus:

  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • hormonal imbalances of any origin;
  • stress, increased physical activity;
  • condition after aggressive treatment - chemotherapy, surgery;
  • presence of bad habits.

A newborn baby can be infected by the mother during childbirth.

There are 2 types of papillomas on the head:

  • congenital - children are already born with a wart;
  • acquired – infection with HPV by contact in adulthood.

The main signs of HPV infection when papillomas are located in the scalp are similar to symptoms characteristic of other parts of the body.

Symptoms of papillomatosis:

  • the itching is constant;
  • irritation;
  • bleeding at the site of the growth;
  • swelling of the skin adjacent to the papilloma;
  • hair loss at the location of the wart.

What is the danger of scalp papillomas in children and adults?

Papilloma on the scalp is mainly caused by low-oncogenic strains of HPV. But the main danger of these growths is that they are located under the hair. They are invisible.

We recommend reading:

  1. Papillomas on the hand
  2. Aldara for papillomas
  3. Warts on the face

Therefore, when combing hair, cutting hair, or coloring the tumor, it is easy to damage and injure it. The use of hair dye is already the action of an aggressive agent on the tumor.

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

A papilloma on a child’s head becomes the object of increased attention of a little person. You cannot explain to him that it is forbidden to touch the growth again. And having damaged the growth, the baby will remain silent about it, knowing that he has violated the ban. The risk of skin infection is enormous.

Although papillomas on the face and hair are caused by a low-oncogenic strain of HPV, under unfavorable conditions the neoplasm can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

What to do if you find growths and which doctor should you contact?

If you find an unpleasant growth on your head, you should not try to remove it using traditional methods of treatment. Do not cut it or treat it with aggressive liquids.

A doctor should treat papillomas on any part of the body. A dermatologist deals with neoplasms of the head and other areas of the body except the genitals. If he suspects the malignant nature of the neoplasm, he will redirect you to an oncology clinic for examination.

Treatment and diagnosis of papillomas on the head

Treatment of papilloma on the head, as on any other part of the body, is carried out according to WHO recommendations. But initially the attending physician is obliged to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient.

What is included in the examination protocol with a dermatologist:

  • visual examination of the neoplasm;
  • PCR analysis to confirm the viral nature of the disease and determine the HPV strain. This allows you to make an accurate prediction of how high the chances of the neoplasm degenerating into a cancerous tumor are.

Method of treatment of neoplasm:

  1. Suppression of HPV using antiviral drugs. Senile keratomas are not treated using such means, since such neoplasms, although similar to papillomas, are not such.
  2. Vitamin complexes and means to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Ointments for local treatment of tumors.
  4. The last stage is the removal of papillomas on the head in the hair.

Methods for removing formations on the scalp

Is it possible to remove papilloma on the head yourself? It is possible, but you should not undertake this, as there is a high risk of tissue infection. Besides, it's just inconvenient!

Papillomas on the head: symptoms and methods of treating tumors

Methods for removing papillomas on the head in the hair:

  1. Chemical treatment of neoplasms with aggressive compounds.
  2. Photodestruction is the effect on neoplasm tissue of a beam of light with a certain wavelength.
  3. Cryotreatment – ​​liquid nitrogen is used as a tissue destroying agent. The procedure is painless, but with cryotherapy it is impossible to control the depth of the cold burn. Therefore, sometimes the tumor has to be treated several times.
  4. Electrocoagulation is the removal of warts using electric current. A loop electrode is placed on the growth and a high frequency current is passed through. The wart disappears. The technique requires anesthesia, but allows you to preserve the body of the wart for histological examination if the malignant nature of the neoplasm is suspected.
  5. Laser and radio destruction are similar techniques. In both the first and second cases, the tumor tissues are evaporated. But the radiation carriers are different - a laser beam and a radio wave. The disadvantage of this method is the evaporation of papilloma, so it is impossible to send tissue samples for histological examination to exclude the malignant nature of the neoplasm.
Read also:  Gottron's carcinoid papillomatosis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

In general, these techniques are bloodless, since there is no contact of the instrument with the skin. The risk of infection and bleeding is minimal.

  • After papilloma on the head is treated, you should follow the rules for caring for the wound surface.
  • What cosmetologists recommend:
  • maximum accuracy when combing and styling hair;
  • During the healing period, you should avoid coloring your hair, perms, and other hairdressing and cosmetic procedures on your head;
  • do not touch the wound or wash it for 24 hours after the procedure;
  • if a scab has formed on the surface, do not rip it off, as young skin will form underneath it;
  • carefully rinse the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or miramistin;
  • lubricate the surface with wound-healing and anti-inflammatory creams as recommended by a doctor;
  • do not sunbathe for 1 month after the destruction of papilloma;
  • do not use a washcloth, forget about scrubs, peelings and other procedures that can injure the skin for 1 month.

Some conclusions

  1. Neoplasms on the scalp, face, or under the hair should be shown to a dermatologist or oncologist. This will eliminate the malignant nature of the growth.
  2. Papillomas on this part of the body must be removed. The risk of damaging the growth when combing, cutting, or coloring hair reaches 100% of cases. And children's hands will always be in the area of ​​the growth.
  3. You should not look for how to get rid of papilloma on the head on your own or using untested home methods. See your doctor. Get comprehensive treatment and forget about skin growths once and for all.

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Papilloma on the head

Despite the fact that papilloma on the head is a benign formation, it should not be ignored. Any benign papilloma on the head in the hair can degenerate into a malignant one against the background of exposure to various negative factors, for example, unfavorable environmental conditions or ultraviolet radiation.

Types of papillomas on the head

Medicine has openly and widely studied about 125 types of human papillomavirus infection, which provokes the appearance of various skin formations that differ in origin, diameter and shape.

The main types of papillomas include:

  • Pointed;
  • Singles;
  • Squamous;
  • Thread-like;
  • Basalt cell.

Externally, papilloma may resemble flat growths or, on the contrary, papillae elongated on a stalk. Before you understand how to get rid of papilloma on your head, it is important to understand the reasons for the formation of unsightly growths.


The key factor in the appearance of tumors on the scalp is considered to be the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the body in the following ways:

  1. Contact, infection in which occurs due to close contact with an infected object. This can be banal handshakes, the use of cosmetics, as well as sex. Infection can occur only if the integrity of the skin is damaged, when there is an “entry gate” for infection.
  2. Household, involving contact with contaminated surfaces in public places, transport, swimming pools.
  3. Self-infection as a result of the random distribution of viral cells onto healthy tissues, which occurs against the background of traumatization of the wart during haircuts, combing, or unintentional tearing.

The key factor provoking the development of warts on the head is considered to be a decrease in the body’s immune forces. In addition, there are additional reasons leading to the activation of papillomatous infection:

  • Chronic depression, stress;
  • Frequent occurrence of infectious pathologies;
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Toxic effects of nicotine, alcohol and various medications.


The incubation period of human papillomavirus infection is on average about 90 days. The exception is cases of infection of extremely weakened and elderly patients - the incubation period can be reduced significantly.

Papillomas of the scalp externally resemble ordinary warts, single or multiple. As a rule, the primary formation is larger in size than the papillomas that grow after it.

Often, warts located on the head do not show themselves, creating discomfort solely in cosmetic terms, when they cannot be covered with enough hair. But an accidental violation of the integrity of a neoplasm can lead to its subsequent transformation into oncology.

In case of injury, swelling and redness appear at the site of the growth, and ichor may be discharged. Such symptoms are a “bell” to contact specialists as soon as possible, since consultation will help prevent the oncological process.

Therefore, it is important to avoid accidentally picking off growths on the head or attempting self-medication, since such manipulations can become the starting point for the development of irreversible processes in the body.


A competent dermatologist will be able to carry out the necessary diagnostics and prescribe treatment for growths on the scalp. Diagnostic studies are carried out using the following methods:

  1. PCR diagnostics, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine the viral strains that provoked the development of the disease.
  2. Dermatoscopy, providing a multiple increase in skin growth on the scalp.
  3. A biopsy involves examining a fragment of a tumor under a microscope in order to identify or refute the presence of atypical (cancerous) cells.

Based on the results of the examinations, the doctor will recommend various procedures or the use of medications that will allow the patient to get rid of the unpleasant dermatological problem. It is important that without a preliminary conversation with a doctor, it is highly undesirable to remove warts on the head at home.

Treatment of papilloma on the head

Modern dermatovenereology has developed enough methods for treating papillomas of the scalp. If a virus is detected in the patient’s blood and there are no skin manifestations, treatment involves suppressing viral activity. It is not possible to completely destroy the infection, however, it is quite possible to prevent the development of papillomas.


Treatment with medications is considered very effective and the most cost-effective, despite its long-term nature. Papilloma of the scalp can be destroyed by the following means:

  • “Super Celandine”, which is an alkaline water-based solution and is capable of destroying the structure of the neoplasm. When using the drug, an important aspect is its local application in order not to damage healthy scalp tissue.
  • Verrucacid is an ethanol-based product containing metacresol and phenol, which provides a cauterizing effect.
  • Medications with similar effects include Solcoderm, Ferozol and Collomac.
  • When treating scalp warts, you can use antiviral ointments, for example, oxolinic or salicylic, or Cryopharm gel, which has the property of freezing the tumor.
  • It is allowed to take drugs such as Viferon, Genferon, Panavir, Isoprinosine and others as immunomodulators.

Traditional methods

Often, in the case of unsuccessful treatment with medications, a person looks for other ways of recovery and asks the question: how to treat papilloma on the head in the hair using traditional medicine?

To stimulate immune processes in the body, it is recommended to prepare a herbal infusion, for which you will need to take:

  • Violet leaves – 1 tsp.
  • Wormwood stem – 1 tsp.
  • St. John's wort and clover leaves - 2 tsp.
  • Calamus root – 1.5 tsp.
  • Plantain leaves – 3 tsp.
  • Fennel seeds – 1 tsp.

Pour the collection with 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours and strain. Consume 1-2 tablespoons before each meal for 5-7 days.

As a solution for external treatment of the neoplasm, a tincture should be prepared from the following components:

  • Young potato shoots – 2 cups;
  • Celandine – 1 glass;
  • Thuja shoots - 1.5 cups;
  • Ethyl alcohol 96% - 500 ml.

Fill the glass container with the ingredients in the listed sequence and fill with ethyl alcohol. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 10 days. The resulting composition must be used to treat the growth on the head 3 times a day for two weeks.


There are more radical ways to get rid of warts. Surgical removal of papilloma on the head is possible using methods such as laser therapy, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation and radio wave exposure.

  1. Laser therapy involves a kind of “drying” of the cellular structure of the skin growth. After exposure to the laser, a crust forms at the site of the wart, which spontaneously sloughs off after a few days. This method is suitable for patients with single formations on the scalp that are small in size. After using the laser, the patient is not left with any scars, and the technique itself is distinguished by its simplicity and relative pain.
  2. Cryodestruction is based on the principles of deep freezing of a separate area of ​​skin on which the growth is located. Under the influence of liquid nitrogen vapor, the vessels supplying the papilloma collapse. As a result of this effect, natural rejection of the pathological neoplasm occurs. If a patient is diagnosed with papillomatous nodes with a deep structure, excision using cryotherapy will require several procedures.
  3. Electrocoagulation, the essence of which is the effect of electric current on the papilloma, under the influence of which the vascular bundle is destroyed with the subsequent formation of a blood clot. After the manipulation to remove the wart, fragments of the tumor should be sent to the laboratory for histological examination. Histology will allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis and confirm or exclude the presence of an oncological process.
  4. Radio wave therapy is the most expensive compared to the above methods. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with a doctor and requires the use of anesthesia. Tissue restoration occurs with minimal pain and without post-traumatic swelling of the skin.

Regardless of which method the attending physician recommends, it is important to understand that any intervention has its own disadvantages and advantages, as well as contraindications for use and adverse reactions.


Papilloma of the scalp has a tendency to recur.

To prevent recurrent skin formations, it is recommended to give up bad habits, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, and promptly treat viral infectious diseases.

An important aspect of prevention is regular self-diagnosis at home - you should carefully feel and examine the skin of the scalp.

You should not resort to self-medication of papillomas on the head, including removing them yourself. In the case of primary or secondary formation of a papillomatous node, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out the necessary therapeutic measures.


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