
Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

What is diffuse mastopathy is a question that worries many women. This term is usually understood as one of the forms of damage to breast tissue.

The changes are benign, but can increase the risk of developing malignant tumors in the breast.

The difference between diffuse mastopathy and other forms of the disease lies in the appearance of a large number of zones with disturbed cell structure.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresThe main characteristic of diffuse mastopathy is a large area of ​​damage

The essence of the disease

Many patients are interested in what this diffuse form is and how it differs from other types of disease and how to treat this pathology.

Mammologists consider diffuse processes in the breast as the first stage of mastopathy.

In this case, the elements of the connective tissue grow unevenly, which manifests itself in the form of unformed nodes and cords. Subsequently, this form can be complicated by cystic mastopathy, which is accompanied by the appearance of cysts.

As a result of pathological processes, the structure of the lobes and ducts of the mammary gland is disrupted. Small cystic formations initially form in the breast tissue. In some cases, this form is transformed into a nodular pathology, which is accompanied by focal compactions and increases the risk of developing a malignant process.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresThe diffuse form of the disease can develop into a cystic or nodular form

Causes of mastopathy

The work of the mammary glands is carried out under the influence of a complex system consisting of the pituitary gland, ovaries and hypothalamus. Therefore, any factors that provoke damage to various elements of the neuroendocrine system lead to an imbalance of hormones and the occurrence of diffuse mastopathy.

Most often, the development of this process is due to the influence of the following factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition – breast diseases in close relatives, and they can be both benign and malignant.
    Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features Information about diseases of the mammary glands in the female line may be useful for a doctor
  2. Constant stress and depression associated with domestic or social conflicts, family problems, psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Disturbances in the reproductive system - abortion, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, lack of regular sex. The causes of problems may be associated with the early onset of menstruation, late onset of menopause and other factors.
  4. Pathologies and functional lesions of the neuroendocrine system - polycystic disease, problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome.
    Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features Tumor lesions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are called provoking factors. Adenoma of the pituitary gland, which regulates the production of prolactin and gonadotropic hormones, can cause the development of mastopathy
  5. Diseases of the liver, intestines, biliary tract - all these factors lead to a delay in the excretion of excess estrogen.
  6. Constant intoxication of the body caused by smoking and drinking alcohol. In addition, consumption of foods and drinks with methylxanthines - cocoa, chocolate, coffee - can be provoking factors.


There are several types of diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands, each of which is characterized by certain features.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresOnly a doctor can differentiate one type of mastopathy from another using the results of additional examinations

Fibroadenomatosis with dominance of the glandular component

Adenous mastopathy is accompanied by the presence of hyperplastic breast lobes. The glandular adenous form of the disease is characterized by pain, engorgement and the appearance of diffuse compactions. In this case, damage to the entire breast tissue or a specific area is observed.

Manifestations of fibroadenomatous mastopathy often occur during puberty, and they are also characteristic of the initial stage of pregnancy.

Mastopathy with dominance of the fibrous element

Diffuse fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is accompanied by damage to fibrous tissue located in the area of ​​the lobes. In this case, proliferation of glandular elements along the ducts is observed.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresDiffuse fibrous mastopathy often develops in patients during the premenopausal period preceding menopause

During an X-ray examination, it is possible to identify fibroglandular cords, which are accompanied by fatty transformation of tissue. This type of disease is characterized by discomfort and painful areas. Fibroadenosis is more common in middle-aged women.

Mastopathy with a cystic element

Fibrocystic disease is characterized by the appearance of a large number of cysts that have a special capsule. Cystic mastopathy is observed in women of mature age. During premenopause, cystic mastopathy is detected in 25% of patients, while during postmenopause, 60% already suffer from this disorder.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresIn addition to pain, the presence of a cyst can provoke itching and burning “from inside” the chest

Cystic mastopathy is accompanied by pain, which increases before menstruation. Using radiography, it is possible to identify a network characterized by large loops and clearing zones.

Sclerosing adenosis

This type of disorder is typical for women who have had abortions in the past. X-rays help identify pathology.

Mixed form

A mixed type of disease has signs of several forms of pathology at once. The most common type is fibrocystic mastopathy.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresIsolated forms of mastopathy are less common; more often the forms of the disease are combined with each other

Clinical picture

Signs of diffuse mastopathy depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle.

The key manifestation of the disorder is chest pain, which appears in the middle or second part of the cycle.

Discomfort can be of a different nature - stabbing, aching, bursting. Pain is often felt in the shoulder, neck, and back. In addition, with the formation of diffuse mastopathy, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of compaction of the affected tissues.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresLumps or formations can be detected independently or by palpation of the gland by a doctor

During palpation, a slight granular element can be detected. If you squeeze the nipple, it releases liquid that has a clear consistency or resembles colostrum. The severity of this symptom also increases before menstruation.

After menstruation, the pain gradually decreases, the lumps do not cause discomfort, and then disappear completely. At later stages of the development of the disease, compactions and pain are present throughout the entire cycle. In this case, discomfort occurs even with a light touch of the chest.

If the pain is intense, the patient may develop cancerophobia, sleep problems, and nervousness. With a lack of progesterone and an excess of estrogen, there is a risk of delayed menstruation, heavy periods, obvious premenstrual syndrome, and lack of ovulation.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresThe hormonal imbalance that causes mastopathy can also provoke menstrual irregularities

Quite often, the occurrence of diffuse mastopathy is accompanied by the formation of ovarian cysts. Often the disease is complemented by endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids or endometriosis. Many patients with this diagnosis complain of brittle hair and nails, and they may experience severe dry skin.


To answer the question of how to treat pathology, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis. The process begins with studying the woman’s history and complaints. The doctor should examine and palpate the breast.

After the initial examination, the patient is referred for additional diagnostic procedures

Then instrumental studies are performed. These include the following methods:

  1. Mammography - this method is based on performing chest x-rays. It can be used to assess the condition of the affected area.
  2. Puncture - during the procedure, biomaterial is taken from the affected area using a very thin needle. After the puncture, a histological examination of the liquid or piece of tissue is performed.
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics - this method is considered the most harmless.
    It can be carried out even during pregnancy and lactation. Ultrasound diagnostics has virtually no contraindications and is recommended for all women under 40 years of age
  4. Assessment of hormonal levels - thanks to this procedure, it is possible to assess the content of estrogen and progesterone in the blood. If necessary, prolactin levels are also determined. The level of adrenal and thyroid hormones is also important.
  5. Biochemical blood test - involves analyzing sugar levels, liver enzymes, etc.

In some cases, additional diagnostic tests may be used. These include ductography and magnetic resonance imaging. Often the list of additional procedures includes digital or laser mammography and thermography.

Treatment methods

There is no universal treatment regimen for diffuse mastopathy. The goals of therapy are aimed at eliminating the causes of pathology.

Most often, to get rid of the disease, it is enough to take the medications prescribed by the doctor with discipline.

As a rule, when diffuse mastopathy occurs, treatment is conservative.

Doctors advise making adjustments to the menu, consuming more dairy products, fiber, and reducing the level of animal fats. It is worth introducing gymnastics into your daily routine.

Physiotherapy means are of no small importance - the use of laser exposure, electrophoresis, balneotherapy, galvanization, magnetic therapy.

Vitamins, adaptogens, and dietary supplements help treat diffuse mastopathy.

Hormone therapy

If dishormonal diffuse mastopathy is diagnosed, hormonal therapy is required, which is aimed at restoring the balance of hormones.

Thanks to their ability to restore hormonal balance, birth control pills regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve symptoms of mastopathy

This problem is usually solved with the help of oral contraceptives, but the following means can also be used:

  • gestagens - Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • means to reduce prolactin synthesis – Bromocriptine;
  • antiestrogens – Tamoxifen;
  • androgens – Danazol;
  • analogues of luteohormone-releasing factor (LHRF) – Zoladex.

In the later stages, with the development of cystic mastopathy, an enzyme drug, Wobenzym, is prescribed. It helps reduce the permeability of vessel walls and reduces swelling.

Wobenzym has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects

Alternative Methods

The diffuse form of mastopathy requires lifestyle changes. Women with this diagnosis are prohibited from going to the solarium and sauna, sunbathing or applying warming compresses to the affected area. To reduce unpleasant symptoms, you can treat the affected areas with the hormonal gel Progestogel.

To increase the effectiveness of traditional therapy, it is permissible to use useful folk recipes:

  1. Tinctures with herbs that have antitumor and immunostimulating effects.
    The first category includes immortelle and wormwood. The second group includes aloe and echinacea. To prepare the composition you need to take dry herb and 4% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. If it is not possible to independently prepare the raw materials for the tincture, you can purchase it at the pharmacy
  2. Compresses with burdock. To carry out the procedure, just apply a few leaves to your chest before going to bed. It is recommended to do this within a month.
  3. Treatment of the breast with camphor oil. The procedure must be performed very carefully to prevent progression of the disease.

When using folk remedies, the result may come quite late, since these methods have an individual effect. This is why it is so important to combine standard therapy with home recipes.

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Diffuse mastopathy has a fairly favorable prognosis, since it can be easily treated, and lumps and formations in the breast are often benign. However, in advanced cases, mastopathy can initiate the development of cancer. That’s why it’s so important to contact an experienced mammologist in a timely manner.

The nodular form of mastopathy most often undergoes malignancy

Preventive actions

To prevent the development of pathology, you need to undergo regular examinations with a doctor. Thanks to special studies, it is possible to diagnose the disease at the initial stage of development and easily cure it. In addition, it is very important to start treatment on time - this will help avoid complications.

Doctors advise women to independently examine and feel their breasts.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the shape of the glands, the presence of pain or the appearance of compactions. Of no small importance are discharge from the nipples, which can be noticed when stains appear on underwear.

Oversized underwear is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also harmful to health.

The correct choice of bra is very important in the prevention of mastopathy. It should not compress the chest, as this interferes with normal blood circulation. It is important that this item of clothing protects against injury and external pressure.

Breasts need special care during lactation. It is necessary to avoid the appearance of cracks in the nipples, the development of mastitis or lactostasis. To prevent frequent abortions, it is worth discussing modern methods of contraception with your gynecologist.

When a diffuse form of pathology occurs, there are some prohibitions and restrictions. They manifest themselves in the form of refusal to visit baths, saunas, and solariums. You should not apply compresses to the chest area or use surgical methods to enlarge it.

Mammoplasty for diffuse mastopathy is contraindicated

The diffuse form of the disease is quite common. A moderate process can be easily treated and does not lead to negative consequences. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.

You will learn about what consequences are possible if diffuse mastopathy is not treated from the video:


Diffuse mastopathy: symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosis

Diffuse mastopathy is a change in the structure of the mammary glands caused by changes in the hormonal background of a woman. The result of this process is a pathological change in the lobules of the mammary gland and ducts (due to the appearance of nodules), and the formation of cysts.

If left untreated, the cyst transforms into nodular mastopathy, which in turn degenerates into a malignant tumor.

Mastopathy is more common among women with unstable hormonal levels, irregular menstrual cycles, and no history of pregnancy.

Classification of mastopathy

The ICD-10 code is assigned 60.1 – diffuse cystic mastopathy.

The disease is divided into the following forms:

  • Adenosis (fibroadenomatosis with a predominant content of the glandular component). Hyperplasia of the gland lobules occurs. Develops during puberty and in the first trimester of pregnancy. It manifests itself as a painful thickening of the gland.
  • Fibroadenosis (predominant content of the fibrous part). The glandular part grows, up to complete blockage of the milk ducts. Diagnosed before the onset of menopause in the form of pain and induration.
  • Fibrocystic disease (with a predominance of the cystic component). Numerous cysts form in the mammary gland. Typical for older people.
  • Sclerosing adenosis progresses with artificial termination of pregnancy. An x-ray is needed to confirm.
  • Mixed type mastopathy is diagnosed in the form of detection on X-ray images of manifestations of several forms of mastopathy.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features


Factors causing mastopathy are divided into groups:

  1. Associated with the characteristics of puberty and reproduction. These include early onset of menstruation, late menopause (55 years), absence of pregnancy, primiparous women over 35 years of age and absence of a lactation period after childbirth, abortion, and infertility. Lactostasis and mastitis, during breastfeeding, lead to diffuse changes in the structure of the gland (glandular tissue grows).
  2. The hereditary cause is associated with the presence of cancer of the breast and ovaries and close relatives.
  3. Hormonal imbalances create conditions for the occurrence of mastopathy. These include increased levels of estrogen and prolactin in the blood, impaired production of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), obesity, diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, polycystic disease, and liver disease.
  4. External factors: increased radiation, exposure to toxic chemicals. Emotional disturbances, chronic fatigue, and regular stress lead to hormonal changes. Bad habits (alcohol, nicotine) do not have the best effect on the female reproductive system.

There is no specific reason that influences the development of mastopathy. As a rule, this is a complex of several factors that entails a change in the structure of mammary gland tissue.

Factors that help reduce the risk of developing a pathological condition include childbearing between 20-25 years, a full lactation period before self-weaning, and taking oral contraceptives to equalize hormonal levels.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features


Diffuse mastopathy of the mammary gland is manifested by pain in the mammary glands, the presence of lumpy seals, a feeling of heaviness and compression in the mammary gland. Symptoms appear in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after hormone levels change.

The pain is dull, aching, radiating to the neck, back, and shoulder blade. When you press on the nipple, a liquid is released that resembles colostrum in consistency. Upon examination, the doctor finds granular lumps in the chest.

Mastopathy can be unilateral or bilateral.

After the end of menstruation, the lumps dissolve. Painful symptoms subside and do not bother the patient.

In advanced forms of mastopathy, clinical symptoms remain regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.

The patient begins to experience insomnia (due to increased pain), and an anxiety disorder develops due to the patient's suspicion of a malignant tumor in the breast.

Increased estrogen content and decreased progesterone in diffuse mastopathy are manifested by irregular cycles and delays, algomenorrhea, and heavy menstruation. Characterized by the absence of an ovulatory phase. As a result, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries, and endometriosis occur. An accompanying symptom is increased dry skin, hair loss, and brittle nails.

As mastopathy progresses, pain symptoms decrease; during manual examination, enlarged lobules of the gland can be felt.

The course of mastopathy can be divided into three phases:

  1. The first phase covers the age of 20-30 years, the patient has a regular cycle of 21-25 days, a week before the onset of menstruation, small compactions appear in the glands, moderate pain. Increased sensitivity is noted on palpation.
  2. The second phase begins at 30-40 years of age. The pain begins three weeks before the onset of menstruation; upon examination, compacted lobules with nodular inclusions can be felt.
  3. The third phase begins after 40 years. The pain is intermittent, the formation of cysts up to three cm in size progresses, and when pressing on the nipple, a greenish secretion is released.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresConsequences of untreated mastopathy

Pathology of the mammary gland does not lead to degeneration into a malignant formation. The only thing that is similar is that they are based on the same disturbance processes at the hormonal and metabolic levels. Against the background of diffuse disorders of the mammary gland, malignant formations occur in 50% of cases.

Dishormonal cardiomyopathy appears during menopause due to a lack of sex hormones (a structural change in the heart muscle).


When contacting a gynecologist, a visual and palpation examination method is performed. According to external signs, the mammary gland remains unchanged (shape and size do not change, there is no deformation or hyperemia).

During a manual examination, the first signs are revealed - painful lumps that do not have clear contours and vary in size. The surface of the formations is granular.

As a rule, painful formations are localized in the upper outer quadrant of the gland.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Ultrasound diagnostics helps to identify the proliferation of glandular tissue, deformation of the walls between the lobules, and changes in the walls of the ducts. The echo signs characteristic of the glandular component change, and numerous cyst inclusions become visible. Determination of the structure of the mammary gland relative to the patient’s age.

Mammography serves to confirm mastopathy and exclude malignant breast formations. Detection of micro- and macrocalcifications on an x-ray image.

Ductography is performed in case of discharge of heterogeneous contents from the nipple. The goal is to study the gland ducts by introducing a contrast agent into them. Thanks to the study, the doctor sees a complete picture of the structure of the ducts, their sizes, and a clear location of the existing formations.

In case of menstrual irregularities, concomitant obesity or diabetes mellitus, tests for thyroid hormones, estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, and tests for liver enzymes are prescribed.

Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging is used when it is difficult to make a diagnosis; it allows one to identify inflammatory areas and foci of purulent accumulation. Then a histological analysis of the biopsy is performed, and an analysis is prescribed to determine the tumor-associated marker C15-3 (breast adenocarcinoma).

It is important to differentiate diffuse mastopathy from mycotic diseases of the breast and syphilis of the mammary glands.


It is necessary to treat mastopathy through symptomatic therapy, since there is no specific protocol for the treatment of diffuse mastopathy.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

First of all, the patient adjusts her diet. It is necessary to add a sufficient amount of fiber, fermented milk products, and liquid. Avoid fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods. It would be a good idea to take multivitamins to maintain your immune system.

To correct the emotional state, herbal mild sedatives are prescribed. To maintain the mammary gland, herbal preparations Mastodinon or Mastofit are used (correction of hormone production in the ovaries occurs due to the effect on pituitary gland cells).

Under the supervision of an oncologist and mammologist, physiotherapy is prescribed and the symptom of breast tenderness is eliminated.

The drug Wobenzym has proven itself well in the treatment of mastopathy. This is an enzyme preparation with antitumor and immunomodulatory effects. Treatment includes relieving swelling, inflammation, and strengthening capillary walls.

For hormonal imbalances, the following are used:

  • Progestogens (norethisterone and progesterone) - use in the second (luteal) phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Androgens are used after 45 years, methyltestosterone is prescribed in the second phase of the cycle for three months.
  • Combined drugs with estrogen and gestagens, treatment for six months or more, are drunk throughout the entire cycle.
  • Tamoxifen is used to suppress the production of estrogen. Drink for 3-6 months.
  • Severe hyperprolactinemia is corrected by taking bromocriptine. It is used in the luteal phase for four cycles.
  • Iodine preparations are prescribed to correct the functioning of the thyroid gland, since a deficiency of this microelement reduces the production of thyroid hormones and slows down metabolic processes.
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Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is of great benefit for pathological conditions of the mammary glands:

  1. Red brush (rhodiola) – contains salidroside, which has antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Contains trace elements: copper, chromium, manganese, nickel; essential oils. Regular intake of red brush allows you to normalize estrogen metabolism, improve the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, restore the functioning of the endocrine system, and eliminate toxic substances. For a positive effect, drink the full course.
  2. Apricot kernels are taken 5 pieces per day. They contain amygdalin, which has a strong antitumor effect even in advanced stages of the disease.
  3. Elderberry juice is used for complete regression of mastopathy. The course lasts several months, take two tablespoons per day. Helps cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metal salts. Used as an antioxidant, slows down the growth of tumors.
  4. To maintain the menstrual cycle and maintain normal levels of hormones in the blood, it is recommended to use the following regimen: 1-5 days, a decoction of wormwood (not used for heavy bleeding), 6-15 days, a decoction of sage, 16-25 days, a red brush or hogweed. The course is repeated for three months.


The prognosis is favorable. The process is benign and can be corrected by taking medications. It is important to remember that the decisive moment is to consult a doctor when you notice the first symptoms.

Fibrous and cystic processes indicate progression of the disease, and a precancerous condition appears.

Patients prone to manifestations of inflammatory diseases of both mammary glands and having an irregular cycle should have their mammary glands checked for changes every six months. A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and proper nutrition help maintain the body.


Diffuse mastopathy in women: manifestations of the disease and principles of therapy

Quite often, women have to deal with such a disease as diffuse mastopathy. To understand what we are talking about, you should carefully consider this topic.

Dyshormonal dysplasia is a structural change in the mammary glands, characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue.

In some situations, fibrous tissue is nodular in nature, and there is a possibility of developing into cysts, which can subsequently become malignant.

Already from the information provided, it is clear what consequences can occur with diffuse mastopathy. But, they develop mainly in the absence of timely and effective treatment. Thus, when the first suspicious signs appear, a woman should contact a highly qualified specialist and undergo diagnostics without postponing her visit to the clinic.

Key reasons for development

Before talking about the features of the manifestation and treatment of diffuse mastopathy, we should consider the reasons for its development. The main one is hormonal imbalance. This leads to a number of factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition to hormonal imbalances;
  • adverse environmental influences;
  • concomitant diseases of the reproductive system;
  • disruption of the glandular organs;
  • late pregnancy;
  • frequent abortions;
  • irregular sex life;
  • frequent stress, emotional tension;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, in particular contraceptives.

It cannot be said that the listed factors provoke the development of diffuse mastopathy in 100% of cases. But, they significantly increase the risk of developing the disease. In addition, breast bruises and previous mastitis can contribute to the appearance of the disease. Negative factors also include too short a period of breastfeeding or complete refusal of it.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Hormonal imbalance is considered the main cause of diffuse mastopathy.

Of course, the main negative factor is considered to be a hereditary predisposition to such diseases. The risk increases if the disease occurred in the mother and even sister. Additional reasons will include all factors that can negatively affect hormonal balance. It is its violation that provokes the development of most female diseases.

Important! Repeated artificial termination of pregnancy increases the risk of developing mastopathy. If a woman has had 3 or more abortions, her likelihood of developing the disease in question increases by 7.2 times.

There are a number of secondary reasons that, in combination with the factors listed above, can provoke diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy and its other types:

  • diabetes;
  • excess weight;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis or cholangitis;
  • smoking and excessive drinking;
  • frequent visits to solariums;
  • topless tanning.

Important! Experts believe that one of the ways to prevent the disease is early childbirth at the age of 20-25 years. But, the condition of full lactation must be met. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted prematurely; however, you should try to avoid cracks and other damage to the nipples.

Classification by shape

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Classification of diffuse mastopathy

Diffuse mastopathy is divided into several subtypes depending on the characteristics of its course. In practice, the following types of disease occur:

  • adenosis Ferrous components predominate here. In these situations, in the conclusion, doctors indicate a diagnosis such as diffuse mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • fibroadenomatosis. This implies a predominance of the fibrous component. There are situations when cystic inclusions are additionally detected. Then, in medical terminology, to denote this form of the disease, the following definition is often used: diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy with a predominance of fibrosis in the tissues;
  • with a predominance of the cystic component;
  • mixed form. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms of several types of disease. Here diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of both mammary glands or other varieties is diagnosed;
  • sclerosing form of adenosis.

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The type of disease is determined by the results of a mammogram. Here the ratio of connective tissue, glandular and fatty components is assessed.

Clinical picture

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment featuresWe looked at what diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands is and this disease is considered quite dangerous. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment on time. To be able to identify the disease as early as possible, you should study its signs very carefully. The manifestation of symptoms is directly related to the phase of the menstrual cycle. They become brightest in its middle and second part. The first thing a woman notices is pain in the mammary glands. They can have a different character: pressing, stabbing, aching. In this case, pain can be transmitted to the neck, shoulder, back, and hypochondrium. Additionally, uniform breast swelling is noted. On palpation, small granular formations may appear. If you press on the nipple, a clear or white liquid will be released from it. The intensity of discharge increases during menstruation and before its onset.

When menstruation begins, pain in the mammary glands gradually decreases, as does their swelling. But, if we talk about serious stages of the disease, the symptoms persist constantly. The woman also feels increased irritability, discomfort during sleep and suffers from insomnia. Anxiety appears.

In the presence of fibrous mastopathy and its other types, a number of clinical signs are noted:

  • menstrual irregularities, delayed menstruation;
  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • increased abundance of menstrual flow;
  • lack of ovulation.

Quite often, cysts develop against the background of the disease, in which case we will talk about diffuse cystic mastopathy. In some cases, doctors diagnose endometriosis. Sometimes uterine fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia are detected.

Indirect signs accompanying the course of the disease are dry hair and skin, increased brittleness of nails. They are not observed in all cases.

How is the problem diagnosed?

First of all, the woman visits a mammologist and talks about the symptoms that are occurring, on the basis of which the doctor, after palpation, can make a preliminary diagnosis. But only instrumental diagnostics and laboratory tests can confirm the conclusion. The examination consists of the following procedures:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands. It shows thickening of the glandular tissue, as well as a change in its density. During diagnosis, a fibrous change is noted. It is localized in the walls of the ducts and interlobular septa. Additionally, multiple cysts may be detected, if we talk about diffuse cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands;
  • mammography. It also allows you to identify tissue heterogeneity with cystic and nodular inclusions. This study allows us to exclude the possibility of a malignant tumor and accurately determine the type of mastopathy;
  • nipple smear examination. It is carried out in the presence of pathological discharge from the latter, it allows you to exclude the possibility of the presence of other diseases, and select the most effective treatment option.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Mammography is a good way to diagnose mastopathy in the early stages

Additionally, if necessary, the woman is referred to an endocrinologist for consultation and examination. They do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and analyze hormone levels. This allows us to identify the cause of the disease and draw up a plan for its further treatment.

If doctors have doubts about the results of the studies, they may additionally prescribe:

The more detailed, informative and accurate the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment of diffuse breast mastopathy will be. Therefore, it is important to undergo examination in a trusted clinic equipped with modern high-precision equipment.

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Features of therapy and its methods

In this case, conservative treatment is used. During this process, the woman is systematically re-examined so that doctors can evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. In this situation, three components of therapy can be distinguished.

First of all – diet and diet correction. Doctors recommend including more foods containing fiber and dairy. At the same time, you should limit the amount of animal fats.

If a woman is diagnosed with intestinal dysbiosis, which does not allow vitamins and nutrients to be fully absorbed in the body, she undergoes additional treatment from a gastroenterologist.

She may be prescribed the following medications:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • iodine, potassium;
  • herbal medicines;
  • diuretics;
  • sedatives;
  • enzymatic agents.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Physiotherapeutic procedures for mastopathy are very important

The next component of the complex treatment of diffuse mastopathy is physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors recommend:

  • engage in physical therapy;
  • increase physical activity;
  • undergo a course of psychotherapy;
  • galvanization;
  • laser therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • balneotherapy;
  • clay treatment;
  • taking salt and other beneficial baths.
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Of course, those treatment options are selected that are available to the patient and will demonstrate the desired effectiveness. Often a combination of several treatment methods is used, which in a particular case can bring the best results.

The most important stage is hormone therapy. Here drugs are selected that will help restore hormonal levels, from which the development of the disease often begins. Doctors prescribe gestagens, oral contraceptives, and thyroid hormones. It all depends on the results of the examination and the hormonal characteristics of the particular patient.

Important! To reduce breast tenderness, doctors prescribe local medications - ointments with progesterone. They alleviate the woman’s condition and eliminate symptoms that cause significant discomfort.

It should be understood that treatment of the disease should be carried out only by qualified doctors.

Under no circumstances should you take any measures on your own based on the reviews left by forum visitors. Also, you should not try to cure yourself with folk remedies.

They turn out to be completely useless. At the same time, there is a risk of complications of the condition and the development of concomitant diseases.

Effective prevention measures

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Every woman should self-examine for signs of mastopathy.

Medical practice shows that bilateral glandular fibrous mastopathy and its other types are treated quite successfully. But it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, every woman should know about effective prevention measures. They are as follows:

  • systematically visit a gynecologist and mammologist, undergo examination and mandatory diagnostics;
  • treat gynecological problems in a timely manner;
  • try to avoid chest injuries, which become one of the main causes of the development of chest diseases;
  • do not sunbathe or take a topless tanning bed, exposing the mammary glands to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • have regular sex life;
  • avoid stress and emotional tension, which negatively affect the entire body;
  • choose the right bra, make sure that it does not squeeze the breasts and that it supports them reliably;
  • follow the rules of breastfeeding during lactation. You should not stop it prematurely. You need to express excess milk regularly. It is also worth taking care of proper breast care;
  • apply modern methods of contraception, avoiding abortions. The latter negatively affect both the reproductive system and the entire body as a whole.

It is also important to understand the basics of self-examination that every woman should know. You need to check your breasts systematically, and if any suspicious signs are detected, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Timely identification of the problem will make the fight against it more effective.

These simple rules will help protect yourself from developing the disease and eliminate the need for long-term treatment.


Diffuse mastopathy: concept and treatment at home

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

Lumps in the chest


7.6 thousand

5.1 thousand

6 min.

Mastopathy is one of the most common pathologies of the mammary glands and occurs in 30–60% of women around the world. One of the forms of this disease is diffuse mastopathy, characterized by cystic neoplasms throughout the breast.

It often degenerates first into a nodular form, and then into cancer. Treatment of the pathology is prescribed after a thorough diagnosis by a doctor. Most often, drugs and some folk remedies are used in therapy.

In advanced cases, surgery is prescribed.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

The period of development of diffuse changes in the mammary gland is considered as the beginning of mastopathy, characterized by an uneven process of proliferation of connective tissue in the form of nodules or cords. Such disturbances deform the ducts and lobules of the gland, and eventually small cysts form.

If diffuse mastopathy is complemented by certain conditions, then it transforms into nodular mastopathy. In this case, focal compactions or nodular proliferations are formed, which doctors classify as a risk factor for degeneration into a malignant pathology.

It is impossible to name one exact cause for the development of diffuse mastopathy, since the disease is polyetiological. Among the predisposing factors are the characteristics of the hereditary material, the woman’s lifestyle, the functional activity of the reproductive system, and even the ecology in the patient’s place of residence.

Doctors pay special attention to the most possible cause of mastopathy - a hormonal disorder, in which there will be an increased level of estrogen and prolactin with a pronounced deficiency of progesterone synthesis.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pathology play a significant role:

  • Infertility of any etiology.
  • The woman has a history of frequent abortions.
  • Quick cessation of breastfeeding or complete abandonment of it.
  • First pregnancy and childbirth at an adult age of 30 years.
  • The onset of the menstrual cycle at an early age (under 12 years).
  • Various diseases of the female reproductive system such as ovarian dysfunction or adnexitis.
  • Reduced secretion of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism.
  • Obesity of any degree.
  • Various pathologies of the adrenal glands.
  • Liver damage such as hepatitis.
  • Endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus.

Alcohol abuse or smoking, frequent visits to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the beach in the sun, chronic stress, poor nutrition and irregular sex life have a negative effect.

There are several types of diffuse mastopathy. They are classified based on a set of changes: clinical, radiological and morphological.

Doctors distinguish the following forms of this disease:

  • The diffuse mastopathy itself with a predominance of the glandular component (adenosis).
  • Fibroadenomatosis, in which the fibrous component predominates.
  • FCM, or fibrocystic mastopathy, is called mixed type mastopathy.
  • Sclerosing form of adenosis.
  • Diffuse mastopathy, characterized by a predominance of the cystic component.

To clarify the type of pathology, a mammogram is done to find out which tissue predominates: connective, adipose or glandular.

Mastopathy is classified separately according to the severity of the change. She may be:

  • Minor.
  • Moderate.
  • Sharply expressed.

Based on the volume of the lesion, unilateral or bilateral forms of pathology are distinguished.

Clinic indicating the presence of diffuse mastopathy:

Condition of the body as a whole The general condition worsens, nails become brittle, hair falls out, skin becomes dry
Pain Localized in the chest and can be of varying intensity, but most often intensifies before the onset of menstruation
Breast changes The mammary glands enlarge slightly, which is especially pronounced before menstruation
Neoplasms When you touch the breast, you can feel the lumps present in it, single or multiple.
Skin A rash appears on the skin of the chest, it becomes rougher
Discharge Discharge of different shades appears from the nipples, from translucent to red due to the admixture of blood
Menstrual cycle The cycle is disrupted, menstruation is delayed, and the amount of discharge decreases
The lymph nodes May increase
Concomitant pathologies It is possible to develop diseases of the uterus or its appendages, the diagnosis of which makes it possible to identify mastopathy

Clinical manifestations are not enough to identify diffuse mastopathy. Some diagnostic measures are necessary:

  • Blood chemistry.
  • Blood test for hormone levels.
  • Mammography.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics of mammary glands.
  • Ductography.
  • Microscopy of nipple discharge.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Biopsy of breast tissue.

Only a comprehensive assessment of diagnostic results will allow us to accurately determine the form of mastopathy and select further treatment.

Treatment of diffuse mastopathy consists of the following components:

  • Diet food.
  • Lifestyle modification.
  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Ethnoscience.
  • Surgery.

If there is pathology, a woman needs to change her diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of animal fats consumed, instead, enrich the diet with dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Along with fats, you should avoid or limit the consumption of drinks containing caffeine, strong teas and cocoa.

Changes require a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking, reducing the frequency of exposure to stress factors and changing the approach to choosing underwear. The bra should be comfortable, not squeezing the breasts, not rubbing and allowing the skin to “breathe”.

Medicines for the treatment of mastopathy:

  • Vitamin and mineral complexes, various dietary supplements.
  • Homeopathic remedies (Mastadion).
  • Herbal medicines (Fitolon).
  • Adaptogens (Klamin).
  • Some diuretics.
  • Sedatives (Novopassit or Afobazol).
  • Enzymatic preparations.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac or Ketorol).
  • Hormonal agents. These are mainly gestagens, thyroid hormones, some oral contraceptives and topical drugs.

Diffuse mastopathy: clinical signs and treatment features

For diffuse mastopathy, the use of some physiotherapeutic procedures is allowed, including:

  • Magnetic therapy.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Galvanization.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Sanatorium-resort treatment with mud, salt and mineral baths, climatotherapy, etc.

Effective traditional medicine recipes that can be used to treat diffuse mastopathy at home:

  • A collection of rose hips and hawthorn, leaves of string, motherwort, St. John's wort, plantain and mint, as well as valerian roots. All ingredients are taken in dried and crushed form and mixed. Place two tablespoons of the mixture in a convenient container and fill half the volume with boiling water. The container is closed and infused for 2 hours, then filtered. The infusion should be drunk for two months, 2 tablespoons per day, then pause for 14 days and repeat the course.
  • Burdock compress. The leaf of this plant is washed and applied to the affected area, fixing it overnight. The procedure is carried out for 3–5 days, then take a break for 2 weeks.
  • Oak bark decoction. Take 2 tablespoons of oak bark crushed to a powder and pour a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat until half the liquid evaporates. After the composition has cooled down a little, a cotton pad is soaked in it and fixed on the affected areas with a film; you need to walk with it for 3 hours a day.
  • Sage infusion . A tablespoon of carefully crushed leaves and flowers is poured with boiling water, brought to a boil and left to brew overnight, covered with a lid. The strained product is taken 3 times a day before meals, a tablespoon.

Supplementation of therapy with folk remedies is allowed only if their use is agreed upon with the attending physician.

When there are no results from conservative treatment and the condition continues to worsen, doctors prescribe surgical intervention for diffuse mastopathy. Operation options:

  • Resection, excision of tissue around the pathological focus.
  • Sclerosation of the cystic formations themselves, when the contents of the cysts are removed by puncture and replaced with a sclerosing drug.


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