
Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

There is probably no person who does not cough at least once during the whole day, be it an adult or a child. In the metropolis, fresh air without exhaust fumes is becoming a rarity.

The respiratory tract fights infections of various origins, microbes, allergens, dust and other harmful impurities.

Due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated, the person begins to cough.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

Reasons for rejection

Some people believe that coughing is a sign of infection exclusively in the respiratory system, but this is a wrong opinion. A dry cough in an adult also indicates other diseases, including:

  • heart failure;
  • diseases of oncological origin;
  • against the background of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • infection of ENT organs;
  • damage to the maxillary sinuses;
  • allergy;
  • initial stage of ARVI;
  • stressful situations;
  • cough in adults can progress even after recovery if the disease was of infectious origin.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

In what cases does a dry cough with normal temperature appear?

During a common cold, a cough without sputum may suddenly appear, but the temperature does not exceed the level of a healthy person, that is, 36.5, but other symptoms are present, among them:

  • runny nose;
  • migraine;
  • general malaise;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • lack of appetite.

If an adult has a prolonged non-productive cough, you should immediately consult your doctor to exclude complications due to ARVI:

Causes of cough without phlegm

Many people have an allergy; it also causes a dry cough, tears, runny nose, skin rashes in the form of red spots, and itching.

This can be caused by dust, cat or dog hair, flowering, certain odors, certain foods, and so on.

Oddly enough, even in carpets and blanket fillings there may be an allergen that provokes a dry cough, but in this case there is no sputum.

After severe illnesses involving the respiratory system, a post-infectious cough remains for some time. The symptoms are characterized by the following deviations:

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

Unpleasant feelings in the larynx may last for two to three weeks, but coughing can bother an adult for about two months.

You can also cough during nervous disorders, after suffering stress, or nervous strain. A psychogenic cough occurs directly with very strong excitement, embarrassment and goes away as soon as the psycho-emotional state returns to normal.

A very strong, rough, non-productive cough that does not produce phlegm in an adult is observed with signs of oncology. If it does not leave a person for 25-30 days, and in some cases more, then immediate consultation with professional doctors is necessary:

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

These doctors will conduct a full examination to exclude too dangerous diseases, for example, tuberculosis and cancer of organs such as:

An unproductive cough after even minor physical exertion can occur with cardiac pathologies in an adult. Also, with some of them, blood particles may come out during a dry cough. In addition, an adult is worried about shortness of breath, fatigue too quickly, rapid heartbeat, pain in the projection of the heart.

A cough may occur without phlegm or fever due to infection of the ENT organs (ear, nose, throat). This occurs due to snot flowing down the wall and entering the nasopharynx.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

A nonproductive cough that lasts 20-40 days may indicate pulmonary tuberculosis. Most often it affects heavy smokers and people who frequently drink alcohol. This disease can also affect people who often overexert themselves, experience stress and spend little time resting. These factors provoke a decrease in protective forces, which leads to the activation of bacteria in the human body.

The most common pathologies that provoke the reflex are highlighted. Their clinic and diagnostic features are reflected in the table.

Name of the disease Symptoms Presence of temperature Diagnosis
Acute respiratory disease (ARI) or (ARVI) At first the cough is unproductive, but after 3-4 days it turns into an expectorant cough with sputum. The temperature can rise to 37.3, but more often it is completely absent. The diagnosis will be made by a therapist after a full examination and receipt of test results.
Chronical bronchitis It is characterized by a non-productive cough with a dull tint, worsening in the morning, as well as after being in the cold or being near a large highway. The temperature ranges from 38 to 39 degrees in acute cases, while chronic bronchitis occurs without hyperthermia. The therapist will examine and send the patient for general analysis and radiotherapy.
ENT diseases, sinusitis, rhinitis During this diagnosis, a dry cough is noted, which gets worse at night. If rhinitis is of acute origin, then the temperature exceeds 39 degrees. An examination and full examination by an ENT specialist, as well as an x-ray of the nasal sinuses, is required.
Oncology In this situation, an unproductive and annoying cough is observed. Oncological diseases occur at normal temperatures. At stage 4, hyperthermia is noted. The doctor will conduct a full examination of all organs (MRI); a consultation with a pulmonologist and a referral for appropriate tests are also required.
Pulmonary tuberculosis The cough is most often productive, but there are situations when it is dry and persistent at any time of the day. In addition, there is lethargy, decreased appetite, and increased sweating at night. In the morning the temperature is normal, but in the evening it rises to 37.3. X-ray, tomography, relevant tests and examination by a phthisiatrician.
Pneumonia Unproductive cough, lethargy, apathy. The temperature goes beyond 39-40 degrees, sometimes pneumonia can go away at a normal temperature, but then the cough becomes severe and frequent. Examination by a therapist, x-ray, blood test.
Allergic reactions When contacting an allergen, a nonproductive cough, rhinitis, and lacrimation appear. The temperature does not exceed 36.6. It is necessary to visit an allergist and immunologist.

How to treat adults and children over 6 years old

First, it is important to contact your doctor, after which he will prescribe treatment for the disease that caused the nonproductive cough.

Treatment of a dry cough without sputum discharge must be started immediately so as not to waste time.

It is important to remember that a wet cough, compared to a dry one, means freeing the body from germs and other substances, while an unproductive cough exhausts a person, giving him no rest. Pathologies can be treated with:

  • medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

It would not hurt to carry out additional inhalations, which can only be used after a doctor’s permission. The following remedies can be used to treat dry cough:

  • mucolytic drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • sedatives;
  • antitussive medications;
  • in some cases antibiotics.

You cannot self-medicate, since each disease is treated differently. In addition, drinking an antibiotic for a cold in order to heal faster can harm your health, since a cold can be treated without such remedies. But there are cases when it is simply necessary.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

It is necessary to get rid of a dry cough using medications only if it is really strong and interferes with a full life.

After the cough changes from nonproductive to productive, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help thin the mucus so that it leaves the body quickly and easily.

How to relieve the condition

In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the sick person. Once a productive cough has developed, you can stop taking medications (if your doctor gives permission). It is enough to follow some rules:

  • the humidity of the room where the patient is located must be at least 50%;

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

  • the room should be ventilated 2-3 times in winter, and in summer the window should be opened for the whole day;
  • you need to drink plenty of fluids, it helps to thin the mucus;
  • steam inhalations are carried out.

By following these tips, you can quickly and without complications cure any ailment. When conducting therapy you need to be very careful, especially for children. An important rule is to never undergo treatment or treat children yourself.

The topic of the video is cough treatment:


Causes and treatment of long-lasting dry cough without fever in an adult

A nonproductive (dry) cough without fever in an adult often indicates an allergy. But it can also be the result of smoking, a sign of illness, or a residual phenomenon of a number of pathologies. A person needs to be examined and undergo timely treatment. It is allowed to use traditional medicine methods if there are no contraindications.

Pathological causes of prolonged nonproductive cough

In adults with normal temperature, a prolonged dry cough without other symptoms occurs with diseases of any system of the body.

Causes and characteristics of dry cough without fever in adults:

Type of phenomenon Possible diseases Associated symptoms
Intrusive, annoying Bronchial asthma, seasonal allergies, tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough Absence of sputum and temperature, presence of attacks up to the urge to vomit. There is nausea, tachycardia, blood in saliva. Seizures last until the drug is taken
Cordial Heart failure or other cardiomyopathies More often they suffer from night attacks and arrhythmia, shortness of breath
Barking, chest False croup, inflammation of the epiglottis, diphtheria Hoarseness, whistling and shortness of breath during breathing, debilitating dry cough without fever
Protracted Hidden, atypical development of infectious and inflammatory disease in the genitourinary, digestive, and respiratory systems Dry persistent cough in an adult, without fever or with its increase to 37-37.3º C, absence of other symptoms
Residual Recovery period after acute respiratory infections, influenza, bronchopulmonary pathologies An adult with a normal body temperature has a dry cough 1-4 weeks after the illness


Treating a severe dry cough correctly

Coughing is a normal reflex reaction of the body to irritants. It can be wet productive or dry unproductive. A dry, deep cough is usually caused by infectious, allergic and viral pathogens. It is dangerous for the body, as it irritates the mucous membranes and accompanies most inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

Causes and types

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

  • Spicy. Lasts no more than two days, then transforms into wet bronchospasm and gradually stops.
  • Protracted. It can torment the patient from three weeks to three months.
  • Chronic. This type of cough without phlegm usually lasts for more than three months.

As mentioned above, a dry cough can be a frequent accompaniment of a large number of ailments. But most often it is caused by the following reasons:

  1. A severe dry cough in an adult or child can be initiated by many factors that are pathological and non-pathological. For example, a dry, painful cough is sometimes a symptom of inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). Cough attacks are especially acute at night. Often this symptom is complicated by false croup. In this case, urgent medical attention is required, otherwise respiratory failure may occur.
  2. A painful dry cough is also diagnosed with inflammation of the trachea or bronchi. Seizures bother the patient for no more than 3 days. After this, bronchospasm transforms into a productive wet form with copious sputum production.
  3. If your throat does not hurt, but a strong cough is still present, it may be caused by inhalation of strong-smelling substances or volatile chemical compounds. This is often observed among workers in hazardous industries. In this case, doctors talk about professional cough. In addition, a throat-tearing cough attack accompanies tobacco lovers.
  4. Pleurisy (inflammation of the pleural layers) is another possible cause of severe, prolonged and painful coughing attacks. This disease immobilizes the patient. The slightest movement or change of posture leads to intense pain in the chest area. A dry, tearing cough is not the only accompanying pleurisy. It is accompanied by other symptoms - shortness of breath, high fever, chills and general weakness.
  5. Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approachesA very severe cough is often caused by whooping cough. This disease most often affects children, but adults are also not immune from it. Coughing attacks usually end in vomiting. A characteristic feature of the disease is the cough’s resistance to traditional antitussive drugs.
  6. A dry cough and sore throat may accompany bronchial asthma. We are talking about a chronic pathology of the respiratory system, which is characterized by painful and frequently recurring attacks. This is a dangerous disease as it can lead to death if the medicine is not administered to the patient in a timely manner.
  7. Cough attacks caused by tuberculosis pose a great danger. This disease leads to numerous complications and requires immediate treatment. It is impossible to get rid of the disease without professional medical help.
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If you or your loved ones are tormented by a dry cough, you need to start therapeutic measures.

Do not self-medicate or select medications by reading reviews on the Internet or listening to the advice of friends. Incorrect treatment is fraught with many complications.

The main task in this case is to transform a dry non-productive cough into a wet productive one and form sputum.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

Medications must be combined with physiotherapy, as well as remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine. It should be remembered that the choice of specific medications will depend entirely on the underlying cause of the cough. In most cases, a dry cough in the morning and throughout the day is caused by colds. Therefore, the rehabilitation course will look like this:

  • antiviral drugs.
  • antibiotics (only in case of urgent need);
  • mucolytics (“ACC”, “Lazolvan” and so on);
  • antihistamines (for allergic cough);
  • antitussives to block the cough center.

It is always worth remembering that antitussive drugs are prescribed only in certain cases, for example, in the treatment of whooping cough (and only as prescribed by a doctor). You cannot use them without the instructions of a specialist, and there is a very good reason for this.

In the process of treating tracheitis, bronchitis and other pathologies with acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to remove phlegm from the body. Antitussive medications block coughing. Therefore, the mucus sinks lower into the lungs and leads to dangerous complications.


Dry cough in adults and children can and should be treated with physiotherapeutic techniques. The role of such procedures cannot be overestimated.

In combination with drug treatment, they help improve immunity and bring the moment of recovery closer. If you suffer from a dry cough, use the achievements of modern physiotherapy.

They will help improve blood circulation, significantly reduce the intensity of pain and reduce inflammation.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • hardware warm-up;
  • inhalation;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage of the chest area;
  • restorative breathing exercises and so on.

Are you suffering from a dry cough? Try an innovative method of physiotherapy - inhalation through nebulizers. We are talking about a portable ultrasonic compressor device that transports drug particles directly into the lungs or bronchi. As a result, the rehabilitation process is twice as fast and easier for the patient.

Also, do not forget about the effective preventive effect of nebulizers on the body. Inhalations using such a device reliably protect against bronchial spasms and obstructive bronchitis. In addition, they protect young children from various complications, including false croup.

Folk remedies

Now we know how dangerous a dry cough is, and it’s time to use another component from our treatment complex. Traditional medicine is a source of wisdom and knowledge passed on from generation to generation.

But you should not use folk recipes as a key element of therapy. They will be effective only in combination with traditional drug treatment.

Otherwise, at best, folk remedies will be useless, at worst, they will transform the cough into a chronic form.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

  • During cough attacks, drink plenty of fluids in the form of purified water, compotes, teas, herbal decoctions, and so on.
  • Take hot milk with a pinch of baking soda and a teaspoon of honey added.
  • Do not forget about compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing. Naturally, not everyone is enthusiastic about these procedures (especially young children). But it is these methods that help reduce the intensity of the cough and speed up the healing process.
  • Do traditional steam inhalations using potato or soda.
  • Consume black radish juice with honey (or sugar).
  • Treat yourself with a mixture of lemon juice, honey and glycerin.

A few words about diet and prevention

What is the correct diet for dry cough, and what foods must be included in the diet? We recommend eating oatmeal cooked with milk.

In addition, pay attention to mashed potatoes (again, with milk), salads made from grated radish with vegetable oil or sour cream. Those who drink coffee frequently should give it up for a while.

Consume barley drink with milk and chicory.

A severe dry cough during the day should be a reason to avoid excessive consumption of very sweet, salty, sour or spicy foods. All of them negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane and contribute to its irritation. As for fasting, it should not be practiced. There is no need to weaken an already exhausted body (this also applies to cases of severe coughing and vomiting).

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

  • do not get too cold;
  • eat a balanced diet;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • start hardening your body (contrast showers will help);
  • undergo fluorographic examination annually;
  • do not let the course of a cold take its course (get treated on time and consult a doctor);
  • In hazardous industries, protect your respiratory system with a respirator.

Once again I would like to note the danger of self-medication. Even if a mild cough only bothers you during the day, you should not refuse to visit a doctor.

Bronchospasm may tear your throat at night and last for a day or two. Regardless of the causes of coughing attacks and their characteristics, always seek professional help.

Max Galinkovsky



Prolonged cough

Cough is not an independent disease, but a sign of a disorder in the body, as a result of which the air in the respiratory tract encounters an obstacle. The nature of this barrier can be very diverse, as can the characteristics of the cough itself. A prolonged cough can be dry and wet, debilitating, or just some kind of tickling and coughing with enviable regularity.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches A prolonged cough is considered to be one that is systematically repeated over a period of 4-8 weeks. Whether it’s a smoker’s dry cough or a productive debilitating cough, this condition requires correction. It consists in identifying the cause of the cough, that is, the external or internal factors causing it, and eliminating it or minimizing the destructive impact as much as possible.

Causes of prolonged cough

There are many reasons for the occurrence of cough, diseases mainly of an infectious nature, in which mucus forms in the respiratory tract, disrupting the normal functioning of the lungs and bronchi.

Elimination of such an infection is fraught with so-called residual effects, when for several weeks after the acute period of the disease the cough still reminds itself. This is the nature of a prolonged cough when the problem first appears.

A more detailed study of it allows us to take a broader look at the causes of prolonged cough. Conducting laboratory and instrumental diagnostics allows us to identify:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • Chronical bronchitis,
  • pleurisy and chronic pneumonia,
  • chronic infectious diseases of the lungs, in particular tuberculosis,
  • sinusitis,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • cough caused by connective tissue diseases and their treatment, in particular fibrosis,
  • occupational diseases - asbestosis, silicosis,
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease,
  • side effect of taking medications - angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, β-blockers, nitrofurans,
  • lung cancer,
  • heart failure.

Often, a prolonged cough becomes a natural consequence of severe but already overcome infections. Thus, a cough can persist for months after suffering from whooping cough or bacterial pneumonia. Such diseases in the anamnesis require careful monitoring by a physician and dispensary observation in order to ensure cure.

To identify its cause, a person experiencing a prolonged cough needs to do the following:

  • external respiration examination - spirometry;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • a blood test allows you to establish the inflammatory process or detect tumor markers, etc.;
  • additional diagnostic procedures - pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy.

In addition, the clinical picture of the cough itself can be informative for a professional in the process of establishing the causes of a prolonged cough :

  • with bronchitis and pneumonia, active production of sputum is observed, but an unproductive cough is also possible;
  • with bronchial asthma, the cough is indomitable, accompanied by whistling sounds, especially active in the morning;
  • with whooping cough, the cough is paroxysmal, debilitating;
  • in case of lung cancer, the cough is dry with rare sputum production;
  • with gastroesophageal disease, the cough is combined with heartburn, provoked by sudden movements of the body;
  • With heart disease, a dry cough occurs, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air.

Different coughs - different illnesses

A prolonged cough can indicate a variety of medical conditions, as stated earlier. However, some of its features, such as productivity or combination with other symptoms, indicate specific disorders in the body, which, by the way, are not always localized in the respiratory system.

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Cough of various etiologies is accompanied by various symptoms:

  • sputum production and blood content in it;
  • wheezing and whistling when breathing and coughing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sore throat;
  • heartburn;
  • shortness of breath;
  • lack of air.

Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches

Prolonged cough with phlegm

The production of mucus is an absolutely natural phenomenon for the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract affected by infection. In fact, it is precisely in order to get rid of the mucus produced in the body that the cough reflex develops.

The origin of mucus in the respiratory tract is usually of infectious origin. Sputum contains leukocytes, particles of dead tissue of the respiratory tract, and waste products of infectious agents.

Sputum differs in color and consistency; the pathogen can be isolated from it, for which special diagnostics are carried out.

  • Green sputum is usually combined with the presence of pus in the respiratory tract, or rather, it reports the rupture of that same abscess and the release of pus.
  • Black or gray sputum with a putrid odor indicates the development of an oncological process in the respiratory tract.
  • Sputum with a consistency similar to cottage cheese indicates the presence of fungal infections of the respiratory tract or indicates tuberculosis.
  • A prolonged cough with sputum that is difficult to separate is more likely to indicate problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Prolonged cough without phlegm

A dry cough that continues for a long time is usually debilitating and exhausting. In the acute stage of the disease, they rush to transform a dry cough into a wet, productive one, which is followed by recovery during treatment.

a dry prolonged cough symptomatically, that is, with sedatives and antitussives, which usually do not affect the cause of the cough.

A dry cough will appear again and again, grow stronger, and eventually there is a risk of developing obstruction or bronchial asthma. The causes of a dry, prolonged cough are:

  • fungal infections,
  • burns of the respiratory tract with hot air,
  • smoking, also passive,
  • foreign bodies in the bronchi, including the smallest ones, dust,
  • allergic reaction, bronchial asthma,
  • chemical damage.

A dry , prolonged cough is usually of a non-infectious nature; at the same time, coughing can develop, for example, with chronic pneumonia, when a low-grade fever is observed.

Prolonged cough without fever

Very often, we decide to consider ourselves sick when our body temperature rises; against the same background, a prolonged cough . It is a very strong misconception to consider a cough as something normal or harmless if it is not accompanied by a high temperature or fever.

Typically, an increase in body temperature is a faithful companion to infectious and inflammatory lesions of the bronchopulmonary system, but there are exceptions here (for example, absence of temperature during pneumonia).

Except for these cases, there are many diseases that are manifested by a prolonged cough , dangerous in their course, but not accompanied by body temperature:

  • heart disease,
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • allergy,
  • sometimes bronchitis and pneumonia.

Prolonged cough in a child

Any discomfort in a small child should be a reason to consult a specialist. If a baby suffers from a cough for more than a month, then the case is considered beyond the competence of the pediatrician.

It would not be superfluous to check for allergic reactions, conduct an instrumental examination of the respiratory tract, and a Mantoux test.

Common causes of prolonged cough in childhood are:

  • fungal infections are more likely than in adults, since this is a natural reaction to taking antibiotics when treating an infection in a child’s body;
  • helminthic infestations - children are also more susceptible to them than adults; roundworms often penetrate into the lungs, and their larvae are found here;
  • viral infections - children are susceptible to them to the same extent as adults, taking into account their underdeveloped immunity, however, they clear their throat ineptly;
  • purulent lung diseases;
  • chronic respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reactions - children’s bodies are more sensitive to allergens, and ignoring the problem can lead to the development of asthma.

Treatment of prolonged cough

A prolonged cough, which obviously requires a more thorough approach to its treatment. Despite the fact that cough treatment in any case should be professional and adequate to the specific provoking factor, a prolonged cough will be successfully eliminated provided that some general recommendations are followed.

General tips for treating a persistent cough

In addition to the fact that if you have a prolonged cough, you need to see a doctor, undergo specialized diagnostics and undergo treatment appropriate to the diagnosis, the following will help improve the health of the respiratory system:

  • Humidifying the air in the room - use a humidifier to turn dry and hot air (due to central heating or climatic features of the area) into something favorable for the respiratory system; sufficient moisture content in the inhaled air promotes the removal of mucus, the transition of cough to a productive form, and the maximum functioning of epithelial cells;
  • plenty of drinking regime - consuming at least two liters of drinks and drinking water per day helps saturate the body with fluid, which, among other things, promotes expectoration;
  • giving up bad habits - in particular smoking; A smoker’s cough may persist or even appear for the first time while quitting nicotine, but in this way the body is cleansed, which is again temporary;
  • steam inhalation is another way to ensure active discharge of sputum, as well as relieve spasms and ease breathing; steam inhalations are appropriate for coughs of any nature and form, but they are not recommended for use in children under 4 years of age and for coughs accompanied by high fever (more than 38 °C)

Drug treatment for prolonged cough

Most diseases manifested by prolonged cough require the use of pharmaceuticals - specific names and dosages are determined by the attending physician. Overcoming the cough itself is supplemented by the following categories of drugs:

  • antitussives - inhibit the center in the brain responsible for the cough reflex; should not be used on a regular basis, have a large number of side effects;
  • antiseptic or antibacterial agents - narrowly targeted drugs, the effect of which is to destroy the infectious agent, disinfect the oral cavity, and upper respiratory tract;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • soothing and enveloping drugs - mainly lozenges used for a sore throat, to eliminate a dry cough;
  • mucolytics - promote the transition of a dry cough into a productive cough, the formation of mucus; the success of treatment lies in the removal of mucus;
  • expectorants - used at the stage of sufficient mucus formation, they contribute not so much to its production as to its removal, are unacceptable at the stage of dry cough, and should be an addition to the use of mucolytic drugs.

Special attention should be paid to the use of antibiotics for prolonged cough . Obviously, a prolonged cough is not always infectious in nature. Moreover, a cough of an infectious nature is not always a cough of bacterial origin, and in this case antibiotics will be effective.

Self-selection of antibiotics is extremely inappropriate for the treatment of cough in children, and they are also ineffective for acute cough in adults.

Various options for the development of an infectious long-term cough are possible, but the more standard situation is when the disease is provoked by a virus, then bacterial microflora joins, and inadequate treatment of bacteria with antibiotics, in turn, creates the ground for the addition of a fungal infection.

Thus, it becomes obvious that the use of antibiotics should be timely and prescribed by a medical professional. When a cough is a symptom of diseases of the digestive or cardiac system, antibiotics are completely inappropriate.


Cough without phlegm

When exposed to various irritants on the sensitive receptors in the respiratory organs, a person develops a cough.

Its main purpose is to cleanse the larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura and airways from various foreign particles, mucus, liquid and other things.

A short-term, periodically occurring physiological cough is extremely necessary for the body. It does not require treatment and is considered completely normal for a healthy person.

Another thing is a pathological cough. It is a sign of various diseases and anomalies and may have a different nature of its manifestation. One of its varieties is a dry cough.

Its distinctive feature is the absence of sputum during reflex spasms. Only a doctor can decide how to treat a dry cough.

He does this after a thorough examination of the patient and determination of the underlying disease causing the unpleasant symptom. Often this requires passing the necessary tests.

What to do with a dry cough?

Symptomatic treatment of dry cough is carried out in parallel with the main one, removing the main ailment that provokes sharp spasmodic exhalations. Otherwise, there will be no effect, and the unpleasant phenomenon will begin to take on an increasingly advanced form. Diseases such as:

  • ORZ.
  • Whooping cough.
  • ARVI.
  • Colds.
  • Asthma.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pleurisy.
  • Lung tumor.
  • Heart failure.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract and other pathologies.

Doctors consider dry cough to be the most dangerous for the body; treatment for this phenomenon should begin as soon as possible after its appearance. The main goal when carrying out medical measures is its degeneration into wet, allowing the body to cleanse itself of harmful microorganisms.

There are several methods for the symptomatic treatment of dry cough. These include applications:

  • Medicines
  • Inhalations.
  • Rinse.
  • Warming up.
  • Folk remedies.

All these methods are quite simple and can be easily applied at home. However, this does not mean that it is acceptable to self-medicate. Any remedy, even the most harmless and useful, should be used only after it has been prescribed by a doctor.

Dry cough: treatment with medications

To alleviate the condition and transfer unproductive reflex spasms of the respiratory tract into a wet form, doctors effectively use various medications. They are divided into different groups:

  • Antitussives (tusuprex, codeine, codipront).
  • Expectorants (licorice root, ipecac, ammonium chloride).
  • Mucolytics (ACC, mucobene, fluvik, trypsin).
  • Anti-inflammatory (Sinupret, Gedelix).
  • Bronchodilators (ambroxol, lazolvan).
  • Antibiotics (ampiox, clarithromycin).

A person ignorant of medicine should not engage in independent selection of medications. The doctor decides what to take for a dry cough, which medications will be most effective, depending on the main diagnosis, the patient’s condition and his individual characteristics.

For example, to get rid of sharp, spasmodic exhalations caused by infection, mucolytics are first prescribed. They perfectly help transform a dry cough into a wet one, thin out mucus, the removal of which from the body is stimulated by taking bronchodilators and expectorants.

Antitussive medications are prescribed very carefully. This happens in especially severe cases when an unpleasant phenomenon prevents a person from sleeping, eating, or living fully. Such drugs suppress the reflex, but their use does not last very long, since they are all addictive.

Medicines for dry cough come in different forms. It can be:

  • Tablets (bromhexine, mucaltin).
  • Dry mixtures.
  • Cough syrups (erespal, sinekod, fluditek, stodal, doctor mom).
  • Powders (Fervex).
  • Solutions for injections (aminofillin).
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It should be remembered that taking medications for the acute and chronic stages of the symptom is different.

Inhalations are an effective remedy for dry cough

This method is very effective, affordable and widespread. Steam relieves dryness of the respiratory system, stimulates the thinning of mucus, and promotes its removal from the body.

For symptomatic treatment using inhalation, special devices are used into which the solution is poured - nebulizers. Such devices are available in medical institutions and are also sold for home use. If not available, they can be successfully replaced with teapots and saucepans.

Dry cough remedies used by inhalation soften the throat and reduce the viscosity of sputum. The following drugs are used for this:

  • Berodual.
  • Ambrobene.
  • Berotek.
  • Propolis.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Pulmicort.
  • Fluimucil.
  • Soda.
  • Calendula.
  • Chamomile.
  • Saline solution.
  • Sage.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Thyme.
  • Essential oils.

The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. After it, you cannot go outside, eat or talk for an hour.

Dry cough: how to get rid of the disease with rinses?

One of the simplest, cheapest, painless and fastest ways to reduce suffering from unproductive spasmodic exhalations is mouth rinsing. They can be carried out with a variety of solutions and are good at helping to soothe the throat with a dry cough. Here are some of them:

  • Dissolve salt in hot water and rinse 4 times a day.
  • Add ½ teaspoon of myrrh to two cups of boiling water. Let cool slightly. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
  • Gargle with furatsilin solution.
  • Dissolve sea salt in water. Perform the procedure in the morning.
  • Cool the strong chamomile decoction. Rinse after meals.

As an effective remedy for dry cough, this method of treatment is considered if the phenomenon is caused by various diseases of the throat and nasopharynx, as well as to alleviate soreness. In other cases, such a technique for getting rid of an unpleasant symptom will be ineffective.

Treatment of dry cough in adults and children with warming

Remedies that are familiar to everyone from childhood perfectly help to get rid of unproductive spastic exhalations:

  • Mustard plasters.
  • Banks.
  • Rubbing the chest with vodka and animal fat.
  • Warming compresses.
  • Iodine nets.

Treatment of non-productive cough using these methods is quite effective and does not require large expenses. It is suitable for children and adults.

It is worth remembering that such procedures cannot be carried out during elevated temperatures. When performing warming, exposure to the heart area should be avoided.

How to cure dry cough with folk remedies?

The simplest methods such as:

  • Drinking large amounts of liquid (milk, herbal infusions, fruit infusions, teas).
  • Humidify the air and keep the room clean.
  • Avoiding contact with various irritants (dust, tobacco smoke, cat hair, strong odors).
  • Daily exposure to fresh air.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends various remedies for dry cough, reviews of which, exceeding all expectations, can be found on various forums. The following recipes are recommended:

  • In the morning and afternoon before meals, drink half a glass of warm water with a pinch of salt dissolved in it and 0.5 teaspoon of soda.
  • Brew regular viburnum with boiling water, crush with a spoon and take several times a day.
  • Finely chop the head of garlic and 10 onions. Boil until soft in milk and crush. Add some mint juice and honey to the mixture. Take 1 tablespoon every hour.
  • Cut dried figs and boil in boiling water for 15 minutes. Take half a glass 4 times a day after meals.
  • Mix grated onion with goose fat and eat several times a day.

Features of the treatment of dry (without sputum) cough in children

The fight against spastic reflex exhalations in adults and children has its own differences. It goes without saying that children suffer from all diseases much more severely than adults, and recover more slowly.

Only a doctor can decide how to treat a child’s deep, hysterical dry cough. It should be remembered: dosages for children differ from those for adults, so in no case should the same methods of combating the disease be applied to children as to adults.

In his books, Dr. Komarovsky advises in detail how to treat dry cough in children. They will be very useful for parents to read.

The problem is well covered in a specialist’s publication entitled: “The Cough Book: About Children’s Cough for Moms and Dads.” It is also recommended to watch programs with his participation. They can be downloaded on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that before giving your child any medication or using any other remedy, you must consult with your doctor.

All methods and techniques prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of dry cough must be carried out regularly. This is a prerequisite for successful recovery.

If, despite all efforts and strict adherence to medical instructions, the unpleasant phenomenon does not go away for several weeks, it is necessary to visit the doctor again to conduct an examination and identify the reason for the ineffectiveness of treatment.

Severe cough without fever in an adult: causes, treatment and types

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough
  • A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among young and old people.
  • Characteristic of various diseases, if untreated, prolonged cough steadily progresses in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life.
  • An increasingly severe cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of decreased immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment of health in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa against the background of an allergic reaction. Asthma is typically characterized by impaired exhalation against the background of normal inhalation of air; hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a severe cough without fever in adults and children.

The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, ARVI, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergies (hay fever, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetative-vascular dystonia).

The manifestation of the symptom at night against the background of respiratory arrest and a history of prolonged smoking is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A smoker's bronchitis becomes an irreversible form, the manifestations of which are a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory failure of varying degrees of severity.

A prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of a fistula in the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process. A persistent cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts physiological breathing and the normal development of the child.

A diagnostic examination, sputum examination and testing will allow the doctor to suspect an infectious process. Early treatment of a severe cough without fever in adults and children is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the general clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which cough impulses are a reflex mechanism.

A dry, sharp cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body and is aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract.

A wet cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the entry of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle.

Antitussives for dry cough are used to relieve the syndrome and eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. Prescribing the drug for wet cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia.

Expectorants for wet coughs are prescribed while taking antibiotics to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

When taking the medicine, you need to drink large amounts of water to thin the mucus. Chest collection is a folk remedy for the treatment of cough, used in outpatient treatment.

The herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: dilute two or 3 tbsp with 200 ml of boiling water. collection, after which it is left to infuse for one hour.

Reviews on forums note the high effectiveness of this method for treating dry and wet cough. The infusion is consumed 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: types and their treatment

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is indicated while taking expectorants and mucus-thinning drugs. The appropriateness of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process; in severe cases, hospital treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is carried out surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that relieve manifestations of extrasystole and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegm is a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • runny nose;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. A prolonged cough without sputum (dry) is typical of allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by soreness in the chest, sore throat, and heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy stops exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without fever


Cough without sputum: common causes of deviation and treatment approaches Link to main publication
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