
Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

  • November 1, 2018
  • Prostatitis
  • Svetlana Pavlova

Complex treatment and preventive measures to restore the functions of the prostate gland consist of the use of medications, physiotherapy and the mandatory use of massage, for which a special urological device for the prostate is used. There are different models of these devices, but they all serve to improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the prostate. Thanks to prostate massage with a massager, the therapeutic effect of medications is enhanced, inflammation and pain are reduced, urination and sexual functions are normalized.

What does the device look like?

A prostate massager is a medical device used to carry out a medical procedure independently. It is made from safe materials: silicone, medical plastic or thermoplastic rubber in the form of an elongated drop of various configurations.

It has a smooth stand that prevents the massager from sinking into the rectum and falling out. The design of the device takes into account the anatomical structure of the rectum, which allows you to achieve a good effect.

You can see the appearance of some popular prostate massager models in the photos presented in this article.

Purpose of the device

Prostate massage is prescribed not only for the development of the inflammatory process, but also as a preventive measure. The procedure can be carried out manually (performed by a doctor) or with a special massager suitable for independent use at home. The use of the device has the following positive effects on the prostate:

  • reduces the inflammatory process, improves the outflow of secretions from the gland;
  • accelerates blood circulation, which promotes effective absorption of the medicine;
  • There is no venous and lymphatic stagnation.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

We will tell you how to use the prostate massager later.

Indications for use

Massagers are used when a man has the following problems:

  • unstable potency, temporary lack of erection;
  • short sexual intercourse;
  • congestion in the tissues of the prostate gland;
  • signs of infertility;
  • decreased testosterone production;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • non-exacerbated chronic prostatitis of a bacterial nature;
  • urinary disorders.

When abnormalities occur in the secretion of the prostate gland, pathological microorganisms begin to accumulate, which contribute to the inflammatory process. Leads to them:

  • irregular sex life;
  • hypothermia;
  • inactive lifestyle.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

The listed reasons cause prostatitis in very young men, so do not neglect periodic examinations by a urologist.

The disease in its early stages is much easier to treat than in advanced forms. The use of massagers is one of the ways to prevent inflammation in the prostate gland.

How to use a prostate massager will be discussed below.


Like any method of treating diseases, prostate stimulants have contraindications that should not be neglected so as not to harm your health. The massager should not be used:

  • In acute inflammatory process. Vibration promotes injury and increases inflammation. It spreads to neighboring organs and aggravates the condition.
  • Prostate tumors. Massage leads to the spread of tumor cells to neighboring tissues and organs.
  • Anal fissures. The physical impact of the massager may cause bleeding.
  • Stones in the prostate. The procedure can, firstly, injure prostate tissue, and secondly, lead to purulent calculous prostatitis.
  • Diarrhea. The frequency of urges increases.
  • Signs of tuberculous organ damage.
  • Aggravated hemorrhoids. It is possible to provoke bleeding and exacerbation of the disease.

If you have such problems, you should stop using the massager.

Types of prostate massagers

The modern medical market has a large number of different prostate massagers, which are divided into two groups:

  • invasive - inserted into the rectum;
  • non-invasive - used externally.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

The use of devices of the first type is considered the most effective. They come with or without vibrators. Doctors recommend their use when there are already infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. How to use a prostate massager with vibration? Its peculiarity is internal introduction into the rectum.

The high-quality material from which it is made and the special design do not cause pain during the treatment procedure. However, during the first sessions there is slight discomfort when inserting the device.

But due to the vibration effect, the tone of the prostate muscles is restored, the outflow of secretions is stimulated, and inflammation is relieved.

Non-invasive massagers are used externally, they are applied to the pubococcygeus muscle. Their use does not give a quick effect and takes a long time to achieve results.

Often such devices are used for preventive purposes. The advantage of an external prostate massager with or without vibration is that it does not have to be inserted rectally. This is important for some men.

In addition, the device is easy to use.

Do-it-yourself prostate massage

You can massage at home not only using devices, but also with your hands. Before starting the procedures, you must consult your doctor about the presence of contraindications. To perform a massage you should:

  • Take the correct position - the patient lies on his back or side, bends his knees.
  • He puts a medical glove on his right hand. Apply a water-based gel lubricant to the index finger and insert it into the rectum.
  • The prostate is gently stroked. To prevent pain, make movements gently and slowly.
  • Then apply stronger pressure on the gland, gradually increasing their intensity.
  • If a dense part of the prostate is detected, increase the pressure and massage the soft tissues without effort.
  • Gradually massage the entire gland. With the right actions, pain does not occur.

Review of popular models

There are a large number of prostate stimulators of various manufacturers and models on sale. How to use the prostate massager is described in detail in the instructions, which are included in the box with the device. The most popular of them are:

  • “Mavit” is a domestically produced massager, manufactured at the Elatom Instrument-Making Plant. When using this medical product, stimulation of the prostate occurs due to vibration, which reduces congestion, radiation of heat, which allows you to relax the muscles, and a magnetic field, which activates metabolic processes. The greatest effect is observed in the treatment of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them
  • Nexus Revo2 Stealth - a device manufactured by a British company, equipped with a movable head, has six levels of vibration, you can change the operating mode using the remote control, massages the prostate gland and perineum. Effectively eliminates the inflammatory process.
  • Men's Pleasure Wand is a model from an American company with an anatomical shape of the rectum, made of pleasant soft plastic that quickly takes on body temperature, and has a remote control for setting the required vibration mode and speed. Men who use this prostate massager leave positive reviews. Many are very happy that they do not have to visit a doctor to undergo such a not entirely pleasant procedure. In addition, when using medications, treatment with a massager is much more effective. Conveniently, it is easy to change the vibration mode during the procedure.
  • “Straw bull” is a non-invasive domestic massager, in demand among men, used for preventive purposes. It is convenient because it can be used in the car and at work to relieve congestion in the pelvis.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

Only the attending doctor can recommend the necessary prostate massager for a particular man, taking into account all his individual characteristics.

How to use a prostate massager with vibration

When using the massager invasively, the following rules must be observed:

  • Empty your intestines; Microlax is suitable for this purpose.
  • Treat the massager using antiseptic agents.
  • Place the condom used for ultrasound on the device.
  • Lubricate the anus and tip with intimate cream-gel, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Vaseline and fat-based substances should not be used.
  • Lie on your side or back, bringing your knees to your stomach.
  • Insert the massager into the anus to a depth of at least five centimeters.
  • Turn on the device.
  • After the session, turn off the device and carefully remove it.
  • Discard the condom and disinfect the tip.
  • Urinate. Pathogenic microorganisms come out with urine.

If you use the prostate massager correctly, there will be no pain. If they occur, contact a urologist.

The procedure performed for the first time should not exceed five minutes. The duration of subsequent sessions is increased by one minute. Eating is carried out two hours before the procedure, and drinking water is not only possible, but also necessary. When the bladder is full, the device comes closer to the prostate gland and the massage is performed better.

Benefits of using prostate stimulants

The advantages of invasive stimulants (it is important for patients with organ pathology to know how to use a prostate massager correctly) in the treatment of the male genitourinary system are:

  • Thermal effect - enzymatic processes are accelerated, blood circulation and fluid outflow are improved, and the absorption of antibacterial agents is enhanced.
  • Vibration effect - muscle tone is restored, the production of prostate secretion is stimulated.
  • Magnetic radiation - the device creates magnetic fields that restore damaged gland tissue, eliminate pain during urination, liquefy prostate secretions, and reduce its volume.
  • Psychological impact - men experience pleasant sensations when massaging the gland, observe an increase in potency, and the duration of sexual intercourse increases.

External stimulants are less effective, but during preventive measures they have a beneficial effect on the pelvic organs.

How to use a prostate massager without vibration?

An invasive, vibration-free medical massager works using the electrical stimulation method. The device has two electrodes, one of which is inserted into the catheter and inserted into the urethra, and the other is placed in the coccygeal area.

The procedure is carried out only in a hospital setting, and is performed by a medical professional. The intensity of the electric shock is selected depending on the patient’s sensations.

During the session, the patient experiences some discomfort in the pelvic area.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

How to use a prostate stimulator that does not have a vibrator on the outside? In this case the application is very simple:

  • any time and place of use - at home, in the car and even at work;
  • place the stimulator on a seat or chair so that its wide part is under the scrotum;
  • sit on top and make progressive movements of the pelvis.

Perform the procedure for 10 minutes twice a day. This massager is often used for preventative purposes by men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It will help eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs, including the prostate.

Choosing a prostate massager

When congestion is detected in the prostate gland and pain appears in the pelvic area, men are embarrassed to seek help from a doctor, trying to avoid humiliating procedures and psychological discomfort. But the problem does not go away on its own. And purchasing and using a massager without prior examination by a doctor leads to serious consequences. At the same time, the doctor can tell you how to use the prostate massager.

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You should purchase a therapeutic prostate massager in pharmacies so as not to buy a fake. It is necessary to pay attention to the following product parameters:

  • the cross-sectional diameter of the working part is no more than five centimeters;
  • the best length is 10 cm;
  • the material of the product should not provoke an allergic reaction;
  • To select the shape of the model and manufacturer, it is better to consult a doctor.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

The price of anal prostate stimulators ranges from 3 to 15 thousand rubles, and their service life is up to four years. Along with the device, it is necessary to purchase a water-based gel to prevent injury to the rectal mucosa.


Congestion in the prostate gland has serious consequences. The best way is to prevent the disease or begin treatment when the first signs of the disease appear. For this you can use a stimulator. How to use a prostate stimulator is briefly described in the article.

The instructions that come with the purchase of the device provide a detailed description of this process. The device helps to get rid of pain, eliminates problems with sexual life, enhances potency, and has a beneficial effect on men's health.

It should be noted that it is not advisable to use a massager without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm your health.


Prostate massager: benefits and harms. Urologist's opinion

  • Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themProstate massage is an effective method of getting rid of a number of diseases, among which prostatitis has a special place.
  • According to the World Health Organization, almost half of the male population already at the age of 50 suffers from prostatitis.
  • And these are only official statistics - real data may be different.
  • The incidence rate among young men has also increased.
  • For prostatitis and other prostate diseases, including cancer, the use of massagers is important.

What is a prostate massager?

Prostate massagers come in different varieties. The principle of operation is the same for everyone, as is the result, but there are still differences. The massager operates from the mains or is powered by batteries. More often you can find the latter option on sale.

It is also possible to purchase a mechanical massager that works without the need to connect to power; its effect is due to the actions of the male owner.

Using the electrical device is quite simple, but the procedure can hardly be called pleasant. The main purpose of the massage is to improve blood circulation, as well as to facilitate the removal of secretions through the channels, which has formed a possible stagnant process. The effect of the massager is stimulating.

What does a prostate massager look like?

A prostate massager is a device that consists of two main elements. By and large, all massagers are invasive - they are inserted into the anus.

Accordingly, one element of the device is intended for internal introduction, the other is the apparatus itself, inside of which the operating mechanisms that regulate the operation are installed.

The functions of a massager can be different - devices are mainly sold that emit vibration and heat tissues in contact with the device. This is where the stimulating effect is achieved.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

By the way, electric massagers are automated. There are also the most common models, but most suggest the ability to turn on the automatic massage mode, when the installation lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, and then the device turns off.

Video: “Review of prostate massagers”

For what diseases is it used?

The massager is used for the following diseases:

  • BPH;
  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • urethral problems.

In general, the massager has a positive effect on the genitourinary system. The removal of stones from the bladder is facilitated, debilitating pain in the lower abdomen gradually disappears, and local immunity increases due to improved blood circulation.

Mode of application

First you need to prepare the device. To do this, take a condom, which is put on a nozzle for insertion into the rectum. The next step is a cleansing enema. If you have recently had a bowel movement, then an enema is not needed.

To perform it, a person needs to undress from the waist down, lie down on a flat surface, and cover it with a medical absorbent diaper (you don’t have to use it or take another suitable cloth that will help maintain hygiene). The procedure is performed in a position on the side, preferably the left.

The legs are bent at the knees together, then an enema is administered with pre-drawn purified water. It is not recommended to get up for five minutes. Then you can get up and walk around the room, which will have a stimulating effect.

This will be followed by the urge to defecate. If the urge does not appear, you need to wait for a while, move around the premises, but it is not recommended to go outside your home.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

When the procedure is completed, lubricate the invasive part of the massager with Vasiline.

The device is first turned on, then inserted into the hole. To do this, you need to lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Introduce the already working device gradually and in such a position that the working part is directed upward.

How long should the device work? It depends on which model is used. Typically the duration of the procedure varies between 15 minutes and 30 minutes. Typically, invasive units automatically switch off when the scheduled time has elapsed.

In some models, you can set the operating speed and vibration activity of the device. This is done so that a person experiencing pain can start with minimal exposure, gradually increasing the intensity of the vibration process.

Video: “How to properly massage the prostate yourself?”

Types of massagers

There are two types of prostate massagers - invasive and non-invasive.

Invasive ones are introduced inside, through the anus, they are the most effective in therapy, especially compared to non-invasive ones.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themNon-invasive massagers are designed to be easier to use and do not require internal use. The mechanical device is laid out on the surface on which the man will sit, and in such a way that the wide part is under the scrotum. Next, you just need to rotate your pelvis to achieve a massage effect.

It should be understood that a non-invasive massager does not bring significant results and its use should be long-term. It requires two procedures during the day for 10-15 minutes. The course of therapy using a mechanical massager is from one month. A course of massages using an electronic device – from two weeks.

At the same time, the possibility of preventive measures is not excluded - for this purpose, it is enough to carry out 1 session over a month or two. Continuous use is not recommended; the break should be 1-3 weeks.

The most common

Most common invasive devices.

They are not much more expensive, but more convenient and effective. At first they bring discomfort during insertion, sometimes pain, but over time the man gets used to it.

Most devices are not connected to an outlet using a plug. The device is turned on, which is equipped with a long wire connecting to the handle, directly to the power supply.

Harm and benefits of a prostate massager

The massager is used for several diagnoses.

However, there are a number of contraindications, including:

These are rather contraindications to using a massager. However, if they are ignored, significant harm can be caused in the form of complications in the course of the disease.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themThe benefits of using a massager are as follows:

  • blood circulation in the prostate and organs of the genitourinary system improves;
  • the process of cell renewal is stimulated;
  • due to heating, prostate function improves;
  • the number of stones in the bladder decreases;
  • stagnant secretions are removed from the prostate.

A prostate massager is a safe way to cure prostatitis, but it cannot be used in advanced stages, which are accompanied by severe pain, inflammation, and the active development of infections. In this case, hospitalization and the introduction of active drug therapy are highly likely to be relevant.

Bottom line

  • of prostate massager - electric and mechanical.
  • A mechanical massager is connected to an outlet and consists of a block, a handle and a wire. The pen is inserted into the anus with the wide part up.
  • The massager is used in a lying position. Before the procedure, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines.
  • A mechanical massager is used on a seat; you need to rotate your pelvis on it to achieve a certain effect.
  • To carry out an invasive massage, you will need the following accessories: a medical disposable diaper, an enema with clean water, a condom for putting on the invasive part of the device.
  • The duration of the massage course is on average from one month. The duration of one procedure is from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Most electrical devices are set to turn off automatically after operating time.
  • Some massagers offer the ability to program the duration of the massage at different times.
  • A prostate massager can relieve pain and treat diseases.


What types of prostate massagers are there and how to use them?

It is recommended to include massage in the complex treatment and prevention of problems with the prostate gland, for which you can use a urological prostate massager.

Today there are various models of such massagers, but the result of their action is the same - improving local blood circulation, ensuring the discharge of gland secretions and eliminating congestion.

Thanks to this action, the therapeutic effect of medications is enhanced, pain and inflammation go away, and normal urination and sexual functions are restored.

When to and when not to use a prostate massager

The main indication for the use of prostate massagers is the need for massage. Prostate massage with a massager will be most effective if performed correctly and regularly in combination with medication, physiotherapy, and lifestyle optimization.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themProstate massage can only be prescribed by your doctor!

When does a man need a prostate massager? When the attending physician prescribed him a massage, but the manual method of performing this procedure by a specialist is unacceptable to him.

It’s inconvenient to massage yourself, so various devices come to the aid of men’s health.

Be sure to take into account contraindications, because in some cases the effect on the prostate only intensifies pathological processes, for example, in acute inflammation or the presence of malignant tumors.


What types of devices and devices are there for prostate massage?

Today, a man can choose what suits him best, because each device has its own characteristics and some advantages. Therefore, the best prostate massager is the one that is optimal for a particular man with his specific diagnosis and associated problems, if any.

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Types of massagers by method of use

  • Invasive,
  • Non-invasive.

Types by device

  • Simple adaptation without additional devices and functions,
  • Massagers with vibration,
  • Devices with additional effects: thermal, magnetic.

Invasive massagers

An invasive device is an anal prostate massager, since the massage actions when using it are carried out by penetrating the man’s body through the rectum.

It is the most effective because it provides access directly to the prostate gland. The prostate massager with vibration has proven itself to be the best.

In addition, devices are produced with additional effects that have a certain effect on gland tissue and men's health.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themProstate massager with vibration

Indications for use

Contraindications and restrictions are the same as for prostate massage in general.

So, we already know that prostate massage eliminates congestion, improves local blood circulation, due to which its positive effect on the body occurs. Additional functions enhance the therapeutic and preventive effect and help to cope with problems faster.

What does vibration provide?

  • More intense stimulation of the prostate gland,
  • Rapid restoration of the tone of the prostate and pelvic floor muscles,
  • More complete discharge of secretions stagnant in the gland.

The benefits of heat exposure

  • Increased blood circulation
  • Acceleration of all ongoing processes,
  • Enhancing the effect of drug therapy,
  • Improving the ability of the prostate gland to resist pathological processes.

With devices that have a thermal effect function, you need to be especially careful and strictly observe contraindications. Under no circumstances should they be used for oncology and acute inflammation.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themHeat exposure is contraindicated in oncology and acute inflammation!

Impact of magnetic field

  • Reduced swelling
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Acceleration of prostate tissue regeneration.

Some models of invasive massagers


This device is manufactured in the UK and has many positive reviews; it has established itself as a high quality device and easy to use. The most popular prostate massager is NexusRevo 2. This is an innovative device that allows you to get a high-quality procedure at home without the help of others.

Nexus Revo is made of special medical plastic, which guarantees complete safety from the point of view of tissue trauma and allergic reactions. The shape of the working area takes into account the anatomical features of the male body as much as possible. This allows you not to worry about the accuracy of its insertion: the head of the device goes directly to the prostate area.

The device has a massive base and a relief surface of the stop, this makes it possible to provide additional stimulation of the perineal area.

The vibration effect is achieved using a special element with six modes of head rotation. For ease of use, the massager is equipped with a rechargeable high-capacity battery and a remote control. The body of the device is waterproof, which ensures high hygiene, as it can be easily washed. There is no heating function in the Nexus Revo massager.


The full name of the device is Mavit-ULP-01. This device is produced in Russia at the Elatom Instrument Plant. Leading urologists from the Ryazan State Medical University, commissioned by the Ministry of Health, took part in the development of its design.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themMavit device

The effect of Mavit on the prostate gland occurs in three directions at once: vibration, heat and pulsed magnetic field. The massage session itself takes place using a probe inserted into the rectum. The probe, that is, the working element, is connected by a wire to a power supply connected to the electrical network.

The average price of Nexus Revo and Mavit massagers is about 10,000 rubles.

Let's just say

The Prostam device is approximately half the price of the previous device, but it is designed in such a way that it has a complex effect on the affected area: vibration, magnetic and thermal. Thanks to this, the healing process is significantly accelerated when using this device. In addition, good results are achieved if Prstam is used for preventive purposes.

The device consists of two parts: a power supply and an anatomically shaped working body. It operates from the mains and has a light indicator indicating the operating mode.

The thermal effect temperature is limited to 430C, which provides the necessary heating, but is safe from the point of view of the possibility of burns.

Since the degree of thermal influence is regulated, it can not be used during the procedure, but can be limited only to magnetic and vibration effects, which have fewer contraindications.

Technique for using invasive massagers

The instructions always detail how to use the device for prostate massage. After purchasing, you should read it carefully.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use themRead the instructions carefully before using the massager!

Before starting the massage, you need to cleanse your intestines. The best way to do this is with an enema. For complete hygiene of the procedure, you should use a condom. It can be either ordinary or special for massagers; products intended for transrectal ultrasound are also suitable.

To facilitate insertion of the working part of the device into the rectum, it is coated with a special lubricant or Vaseline. The man lies on his side, bends his legs at the knees and pulls them to his chest. The device must be turned on and the working organ must be carefully inserted into the rectum. Then, if necessary, switch modes, enable or disable additional functions.

The massage course lasts 7-10 days, one procedure per day, duration from 20 to 30 minutes.

Non-invasive massagers

Prostate massagers designed for non-penetrative massage are suitable for men who are not comfortable with a rectal procedure. They are less effective because they act on the prostate gland through the thickness of the perineal tissue. However, they can also be used, but they will help more not in treating prostate problems, but for preventive purposes.

As a massager, you can use a tennis ball or some objects of a round or cone shape. There are massagers on sale today called Straw Bull. This is a simple device that has a cone shape and a grooved surface.

Using a prostate massager designed for external massage is quite simple. This does not require any special training or special conditions. The massager is placed on any seat, be it a chair or a car seat.

The man sits on it so that it is directly under the crotch. Next you need to perform light rocking movements. A good preventative course lasts for a month.

Procedures should be done twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

Before deciding on the choice of massage method and device for performing it, to understand which is better, you need to consult with a urologist and undergo a prostate diagnosis.

Originally posted 2017-04-18 17:23:12.


How to use a massager, prostate stimulator, instructions

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them
Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

Today, prostatitis and other diseases of the male reproductive system are becoming increasingly relevant. In addition to drug treatments such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, prostate massage has a positive effect. Usually massage sessions are performed by a doctor, but you can also use a method such as a massager for prostatitis.

What is it for?

Massage of the prostate gland by any method allows you to improve microcirculation in the gland itself, which leads to improved functioning of the gland. The massager for prostatitis has a number of indications, which are primarily determined by the doctor.

  1. Chronic prostatitis. When diagnosing chronic prostatitis, the doctor recommends performing a prostate massage session. This allows you to open the clogged ducts of the gland and improve its functional condition.
  2. Restoring adequate potency. If potency is impaired, using and performing prostate massage is “training” for healthy sexual intercourse.
  3. Increase in ejaculate volume. If any problems arise with conception, the doctor may also recommend a massage session, as it will strengthen the functioning of the gland and release a larger volume of sperm. This is necessary both to increase the chances of fertilization and for sperm analysis and selection of viable sperm.

When prohibited

Like any other method of treating prostatitis, this one has its contraindications. Not in all cases, contraindications may coincide with those listed in the instructions, since only the doctor decides whether the massager can be used to treat prostatitis and poor erection in a particular case.

  • Congestion in the bladder.
  • Acute form of prostatitis or other infectious disease of the reproductive system.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Stones in the prostate.
  • Haemorrhoids.

If at least one of these points is present, the use of prostate massage is strictly prohibited. It is necessary first of all to cure these disorders, after which massage can be used. However, the instructions for use clearly describe contraindications to the procedure.

Prostate massage should not be done if you have prostatitis or prostate stones.

How to use

So how to use a prostate massager? There are several types of prostate devices. They all have both advantages and disadvantages. Their choice depends on quality, price, and consumer reviews.

There are a large number of models. In principle, all models are divided into invasive and non-invasive.

According to reviews and experience of use, non-invasive ones do not bring the desired effect, and their use is justified for the prevention of various congestion in the pelvis.

There are several well-known brands of invasive massagers. They differ in their effects.

  1. Aneros Eupho, Maximus.
  2. Gopaldas Curvehead.
  3. Toy Joy.
  4. Power Probe.
  5. Revo 2 Black.
  6. Rhinio RBX-1.

Using the device is not difficult, but requires preliminary preparation. Before using the vibrating massager, you must read the instructions. Before use, you must cleanse your rectum. In addition, before the procedure, it is advisable to drink about 1 liter of water 15-20 minutes before the procedure, so that the filled bladder brings the prostate closer to the rectum.

Then treat the tip of the device with an antiseptic and put a condom on it, which is used for ultrasound examinations. Lubricate the anus with Vaseline or a special lubricant.

You can use the device in any position. Prostate massagers can be inserted in a lateral position with your knees slightly bent. You can also administer while standing, legs spread, or sitting.

It is necessary to use it very carefully and insert the tip slowly and carefully, since there is a sensitive nerve plexus in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the rectum.

After introducing the stimulator and turning on the vibration mode, the massage lasts about 3 minutes, with the next procedure it is necessary to increase the time by 1 minute, the maximum duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After the procedure, empty your bladder.

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The duration and frequency of the massage is determined solely by the doctor.

You need to use the device for quite a long time. Typically one massage course consists of 5-10 sessions. Between procedures it is necessary to pause for one to two days. However, the number of courses and sessions is determined by the attending physician.

The following video shows in detail how to use the device. The instructions describe and illustrate the step-by-step use of the massager and how to properly massage the prostate.

Main effects

When using a massager for prostatitis, three main therapeutic effects are observed. They all depend on the type of device. However, the treatment of prostatitis becomes more effective.

At the same time, recovery processes take less time. This effect helps to improve the transport of antibacterial drugs to the site of inflammation. And improved blood flow with various elements helps to increase local immunity.

Vibration helps to increase tone and eliminate congestion due to the opening of the ducts and more free release of secretions and glands. Some devices have a magnetic effect.

They reduce the focus of inflammation in the gland, remove pain and swelling. This normalizes urine output.

For the first time, it is advisable for the doctor to show how to work with the device and answer all the questions: how to do a massage, which pharmacy is better to buy from and the basic rules of use.

Thus, it is not difficult to perform a massage with a prostate massager, and this helps to improve the condition of men with diseases of the reproductive system. Before using any device, you must consult with your doctor to determine the duration of the procedure and, most importantly, its necessity.


Prostate massager: which stimulator is better for do-it-yourself massage

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them
Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

A special device was developed to massage the prostate at home without the involvement of third parties. You can find two types of prostate massager on sale. Units for home use are easy to use.

With their help, you can achieve the removal of stagnant secretions from the organ, eliminate pain, improve urination, and increase potency. Massagers help get rid of many pathologies of the male gland.

Types of prostate massagers

There are invasive and non-invasive prostate massagers. An invasive massager is a special device that a man must insert into the rectum. This vibrating massager is made of silicone. Its shape is slightly elongated, pear-shaped. There is a vibration element inside the device. A man can use this device for self-massage of the prostate.

The shape of the electric massager takes into account the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the male body, so the device cannot go further into the intestine or fall out, which allows a person to do vibration massage independently.

If we talk about which prostate massager is better, then invasive devices are considered the most effective. This massager provides a triple effect:

  1. The vibration action of the unit allows you to increase muscle tone and improve the removal of stagnant secretions.
  2. Thermal effects help reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.
  3. The vibrating massager also carries out a magnetic effect, which allows you to liquefy stagnant juice, improve urine drainage, remove the inflammatory process and accelerate tissue regeneration.

The non-invasive prostate stimulator is recommended for prophylactic purposes. Their use is aimed at eliminating small stagnant processes in the organ.

The effectiveness of such a massage will be significantly lower than when using direct impact devices. When using non-invasive units, the pubococcygeus muscle is stimulated.

Due to this, there is a slight effect on the organ.

Criteria for choosing a prostate stimulator

To choose the unit that suits you, you need to consult with a urologist, who will take into account the characteristics of your disease when selecting a device. A consultant from a specialized store or website can also help you with this.

Remember that when purchasing a prostate massager, reviews of which are mostly positive, you must take into account the characteristics of your body. If it is unacceptable for a man to massage through the rectum, then invasive devices will not be suitable for him.

Below we present a brief overview of the best models:

  1. Invasive massage device Mavit model ULP-01. The product provides three modes of exposure: magnetic pulse, thermal and vibration.
  2. Emils 007 is a domestic device that does not use thermal heating due to its relative unsafety. The unit operates on the “cold” heating principle. The massager uses the method of selective phototherapy. This unit is also an invasive device.
  3. The imported device Men's Pleasure Wand with a 4-speed operating mode has a convenient handle and control panel. The product is housed in a waterproof case and runs on batteries.
  4. The Nexus revo massager with the function of separate head rotation for better muscle relaxation is also imported.

What is the massager used for?

Indications for using a prostate stimulator are as follows:

  • urethroprostatitis;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prostatovesiculitis;
  • BPH;
  • erectile disfunction.

Technique for using a prostate stimulator

Using a non-invasive prostate massager is very simple. It is necessary to turn on the device and sit on it so that the unit acts on the muscles under the scrotum. 6-7 minutes of such exposure is enough. To make the massage more effective, it is recommended to perform it with a partially filled bladder. The procedure should be done in the morning and evening until the bladder is emptied.

How to properly use an invasive prostate massager with your own hands is described in detail in the instructions for the device. Follow these guidelines:

  1. The device must be treated with an antiseptic solution. Some silicone massagers advise simply pouring boiling water over it or boiling it.
  2. Next, you need to put on the product a condom, which is used for ultrasound with a vaginal sensor, or a regular condom.
  3. The anus is lubricated with Vaseline or any lubricant.
  1. To perform a massage, a man should lie on his side and tuck his legs, bent at the knees, towards his stomach.
  2. The vibrating massager is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 50-70 mm, after which you can turn on the vibration mode.
  3. If you are doing the procedure for the first time, its duration should not exceed five minutes. With each subsequent procedure, the duration can be increased by one minute.
  4. After the required time has passed, turn off the prostate massage device and carefully remove it.
  5. After the massage, you need to empty the bladder.


What is a prostate massager for and how to choose one

A prostate massager is a device for stimulating the gland through the rectum or perineum. There are special medical devices, as well as devices from the sex toy category. Both of them can be used for the treatment and prevention of congestive prostatitis.

What are the benefits of stimulation with a massager?

The main cause of inflammation of the prostate gland is excessive accumulation of secretions in its ducts.

This happens due to infrequent or too weak contraction of the prostatic muscles (atony), slow metabolism and inactive blood flow. Under such conditions, ejaculations, even regular ones, do not always sufficiently stimulate the prostate.

External mechanical influence promotes more complete emptying of the ducts and improves metabolic processes in the prostate gland.

Prostate massage is used in the treatment of inflammation, as well as for the prevention of prostatitis. It can be performed both in a treatment room and at home.

In the latter case, it is more convenient to use urological massagers. From their wide range, you can choose a shape and diameter that eliminates discomfort during the procedure.

Devices on the control panel are most convenient for self-massage.

Prostate massage is the most effective way to protect yourself from a whole range of male diseases and, at the same time, prolong and improve the quality of your intimate life.

After sessions, many men release lubricant (clear prostatic secretion) from the urethra. This is normal, especially if you don't have regular sex. With congestive prostatitis, instead of fluid, jelly-like viscous discharge appears (usually when straining).

Types of massagers

The most popular prostate stimulators and massagers are invasive (acting through the rectum) with a vibration effect, made from medical silicone. Available in various shapes, colors and sizes. You can buy them in sex shops.

Silicone massagers have a number of features:

  1. They need to be stored separately from other things (the surface is easily damaged).
  2. Avoid heating by the sun (the structure and color will change, cracks will appear).
  3. Lubricant should be water-based only.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

Devices for external influence have an equally pronounced effect on prostate tissue : massagers and physiotherapeutic electromagnetic wave devices with rectal probes.

The most basic representative of the first group of massagers is an ordinary tennis ball. To massage the prostate, it is enough to lower yourself on it so that it is in the area between the scrotum and anus (prostate projection), and move back and forth.

A kind of prostate massage is performed while riding a bicycle with a solid (no hole) seat.

There is a special device for non-invasive prostate massage - “Straw Bull”. Externally, it is an ordinary ribbed cone. It needs to be placed under the perineum so that the expansion is in front, and move the pelvis from side to side. Such a massager is unreasonably expensive - from 7,000 rubles.

Prostate massager: types of models and how to use them

As for physiotherapeutic urological devices, most of them have a double effect : vibration massage with simultaneous exposure to magnetic, electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves. The prostate is not only massaged mechanically.

High-quality devices provide acceleration of metabolic processes at the cellular level, tissue regeneration, and removal of swelling. It is better to purchase such products on manufacturers’ websites or in online stores that are official dealers.

Pharmacies do not sell such products.

Rating of massagers

Manual prostate stimulators are popular due to their affordable prices and variety of models. Many men use them not only to massage the gland, but also to add sensations during intimacy.

Are you ready to spice up your sex life with the help of a prostate massager?


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