
Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

There are many different diseases. Some of them have the same symptoms.

Many parents assume that a child’s cough and temperature of 38 indicate that the baby has a cold. However, such signs are also present in other diseases.

That is why only a doctor should select medications. He will make an appointment only after making a diagnosis.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?The appearance of a fever with a cough may indicate various diseases, not just a cold

Reasons for deviations

The child has a temperature of 38-40, accompanied by a cough, a common occurrence. Such unpleasant symptoms can occur for a variety of reasons. This is possible not only with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Cough and temperature 39-40 may also occur with:

  • flu;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles;
  • pleurisy.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?With the development of pleurisy, fever with cough may occur.

Often a temperature of 38-39 and a severe cough are present in children with the flu. This disorder is manifested by weakness in the body and a significant decrease in performance. The following symptoms are present:

  • spasms in the brain area;
  • prostration;
  • refusal of food;
  • fever;
  • muscle pain and other signs that significantly impair the quality of life.

Almost immediately after the child gets sick, a temperature of 39-40 appears. A dry cough also occurs. Flu is often confused with ARVI. With an acute respiratory viral infection, a severe cough and fever are also present. Two similar diseases can be easily distinguished from each other.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?Cough and fever often appear with the flu

With ARVI, the temperature rises slightly. Its indicators increase to approximately 37.5-38 degrees. In this case, the cough is accompanied by a runny nose. Visual disturbances may also occur. Conjunctivitis often appears.

With ARVI, the temperature can persist for more than three days. The child also has coughing for a long time. After starting treatment on the second day, the temperature may decrease slightly, but nevertheless remain elevated. The child may also experience changes in bowel movements.

Most often, loose stool appears.

Children are often diagnosed with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. The very first symptom of such a disorder is a discomfort in the throat. It is most pronounced when swallowing food. The second thing you need to pay attention to is a dry cough in a child. It is quite difficult for him to clear his throat. Body temperature increases slightly.

Pneumonia is often diagnosed in winter. With this disease, a small patient may complain of a debilitating cough, and the temperature will rise to 39-40.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?A sore throat may also cause your child's temperature to rise.

A disease such as pneumonia requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, serious complications may occur.

Symptoms in a newborn

The first year of a child’s life is the most difficult period, both for parents and for the newborn.

This age is characterized by an increased risk of various disorders and diseases. Until the age of two, a child has weak protective functions of the body.

He cannot cope with various negative factors. They have a particularly strong effect on children under 1 year of age.

Symptoms such as cough and fever do not always indicate the presence of the disease. In some cases, symptoms may appear under the following circumstances:

  • Overheating. Undesirable symptoms may occur in infants if the room is too stuffy. The risks increase significantly if the baby is covered with a warm blanket or dressed in too tight clothes. In this case, the cough will be debilitating, and the temperature will increase insignificantly. Usually in this case the child constantly cries and sleeps restlessly.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?A cough with fever in an infant may be a sign of inflammation in the middle ear.

  • Teething. In this case, the child experiences significant discomfort. The child may have an increase in temperature, cough, vomiting and runny nose.
  • Incorrect care. A temperature of 40 and a dry cough often occur if parents do not sufficiently clean the baby’s nasal passages. They are quite narrow. That is why a small patient is unable to independently clean the nasal passages of accumulated dust and secretions. For this reason, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs. This then becomes the cause of the inflammatory process.
  • Inflammatory process in the middle ear. In this case, the infection spreads to the throat. A debilitating cough occurs and the temperature may increase slightly.

If there are such reasons for the appearance of undesirable symptoms, treatment is usually not required. All signs disappear on their own. But still, when they appear, you need to consult a doctor so that he can find out the exact cause of this phenomenon.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?The appearance of your baby's first teeth can cause a fever

Often, a temperature of up to 40 and a cough occur in those infants who have been in contact with a person who has a cold.

Experts recommend starting drug treatment only in particularly advanced cases. This is due to the fact that medications can have negative effects on babies. Medicines may be recommended if:

  • high temperature persists for a long period of time;
  • the child cannot cough fully and is constantly tormented by attacks;
  • the little patient’s condition is rapidly deteriorating;
  • The baby refuses food and hardly sleeps.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?You should see a doctor if your fever does not subside and your cough persists for a long time.

Features of treatment

In most cases, children with fever and cough are prescribed various medications. Medicines are rarely recommended for children under 2 years of age. All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor. He will recommend medications based on the individual characteristics of the baby.

The first thing parents should do when undesirable symptoms appear in a child is to provide him with bed rest and conditions that promote rapid recovery.

Only in this case will it be possible to improve the baby’s condition. Parents should:

  • Dress the baby in clothes made from natural fabric. Under no circumstances should you wrap him in a thick blanket. It is better to cover it with a sheet. Parents should also prepare another set of bed linen and underwear. This is necessary in order to change the baby's clothes when he begins to actively sweat.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?When coughing, drinking regime must be observed

  • Regularly ventilate the room in which a child with fever and cough is located. It is important that there is no draft. The air temperature in the nursery should be approximately 18 degrees Celsius. If necessary, dry air is humidified using a special device.
  • Inspect the room for allergens. Often a severe cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature due to an allergic reaction to something.
  • Provide plenty of fluids for your child. A coughing baby with a fever should not drink hot drinks, but warm ones. This is necessary to ensure that the indicators do not increase even more. Drinking hot tea can cause a rise in temperature. That is why the drink is first cooled to room temperature.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?Treating a child's cough may require taking expectorant medications.

Many parents do not know what to do when their child coughs and has a fever. One of the most popular ways to get rid of unwanted symptoms is drug treatment. The child may be prescribed:

  • Febrifuge. It can be given when the body temperature has exceeded 38.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Medicines that promote expectoration. Thanks to them, sputum is actively collected and released.
  • Antitussives. Such medications are prescribed when a child has a dry, debilitating cough.

Antibiotics and traditional medicine

Many parents believe that if the child has a high temperature, it is necessary to give antibiotics. However, their use is not always justified. Such medications can significantly harm the baby. Antibacterial medications should be taken when a young patient has an infectious disease. Otherwise, there is no need to use them.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?Antibiotic therapy is not recommended without consulting a doctor

Many specialists categorically prohibit giving the baby any medications until examined by a specialist. This is due to the fact that fever and cough do not always indicate the presence of the disease. Often you can do without taking medications.

Often parents treat their child with traditional methods. Natural components will not cause any harm in the absence of individual intolerance. Various inhalations can effectively cope with unwanted symptoms. To carry out one of them you will need to take:

  • potato;
  • water;
  • sage essential oil.

Potatoes are placed in water and placed over medium heat. There you need to add a few drops of sage essential oil. The child must breathe the released steam for at least 5 minutes. You can repeat this procedure up to 4 times a day.

Inhalations with potatoes will be beneficial for the child.

Paraffin therapy is also effective. This procedure can eliminate even the most severe cough. However, it can only be used if the temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees.

The most effective is the simultaneous use of medications and traditional medicine. This combination allows you to cope with unwanted symptoms as soon as possible.

Cough and fever are common symptoms. When they occur, the child’s well-being deteriorates significantly. Such symptoms indicate the presence of some kind of disorder in the body. You can start taking medications only after examination by a doctor. In some cases, the use of medications is not necessary.

What to do if your child has a fever - see this video:


Cough and temperature 38 in a child - pay attention

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?Fever and cough in a child are in most cases symptoms of respiratory viruses entering the body or a manifestation of their bacterial complications

A cough and a temperature of 38 in a child are considered alarming signs indicating the development of inflammation of various localizations in the body in combination with a protective reaction in the form of an active cough reflex.

The most common causes of these symptoms

Most often, these symptoms appear with viral infections of the bronchopulmonary system and ENT organs, but they can also signal the presence of another pathology.

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Therefore, important diagnostic factors are:

  • time of onset of symptoms (child’s cough and temperature 38);
  • the presence of other symptoms (rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose, abdominal pain);
  • their duration and frequency of occurrence.

The following are considered of great importance in determining the cause of any pathological symptoms, including cough with fever 38 and diagnosing the disease:

  • characteristics of the cough (dry (see Dry cough in a child at night: first aid), wet), frequency and duration of attacks, and the appearance of other signs of the disease;
  • dynamics of changes in body temperature - temperature curve (from subfebrile to febrile);
  • the body’s reaction to treatment, including taking antipyretics.

The main reasons for the appearance of a dry cough and an increase in temperature to 38 are considered to be inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx (nasopharyngitis), larynx (laryngitis), trachea and bronchi (tracheobronchitis, tracheitis), caused by a respiratory viral infection or colds.

The appearance of these signs in infectious diseases and their bacterial complications

In addition to respiratory viral infections and colds, a child with a temperature of 38 + cough and other pathological symptoms can manifest themselves with bacterial complications of viral infections in the form of inflammatory processes of the lower respiratory tract - bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy.

First, the child has a dry, frequent, unproductive cough, which after a few days turns into a wet cough with coughing. Then fever, shortness of breath, chest pain appear (see: Lungs hurt when coughing: should you worry), dizziness, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

Features of cough and temperature in infectious diseases in children

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?In European countries, whooping cough is called a 100-day cough (pictured), which is difficult for young children to tolerate and requires urgent and adequate treatment

These pathological signs may appear in the initial stages of most childhood infections:

  1. Whooping cough, parawhooping cough.
  2. Measles, rubella.
  3. Scarlet fever.
  4. Mononucleosis.

With whooping cough and parawhooping cough, a spastic cough is noted, prolonged with coughing, with scanty glassy sputum, leading to vomiting, an increase in temperature of 37.5 - 38, malaise, lethargy. With measles and rubella, cough and fever, runny nose, lethargy are observed in children in the prodromal period, then typical signs of childhood infection appear - rashes, conjunctivitis, photophobia, lymphadenitis.

Scarlet fever in the first days is manifested by an increase in temperature from 38 to 39, cough, runny nose, sore throat, severe weakness, headaches, vomiting, purulent sore throat, a “crimson” tongue with enlarged papillae and a typical pinpoint rash.

Infectious mononucleosis is manifested by a persistent increase in temperature from 38 to 39, coughing or dry unproductive cough, persistent runny nose with difficulty breathing through the nose, enlarged liver and spleen, lymph nodes, malaise and prolonged lethargy.

Other diseases that manifest themselves as fever and cough in children

              Pathology                     Associated symptoms
Adenoiditis, sinusitis The diseases are manifested by persistent nasal congestion, prolonged runny nose, first dry and then wet cough, caused by irritation of the nasopharynx with flowing viscous mucus, an increase in temperature from 37 to 38.5 C, persistent headaches, increasing weakness and malaise.
Sore throat (see Cough with sore throat: causes) Inflammation and enlargement of the palatine tonsils causes a persistent increase in temperature above 38-39 C, resistant to the use of antipyretics, an irritating cough, persistent lethargy, weakness, moodiness, discomfort and sore throat.
Inflammatory heart diseases Rheumatism and carditis in children can be manifested by fever above 38, weakness, shortness of breath, dry cough, pain in the heart and joints, headache and moodiness of the child (see How to recognize a cardiac cough).
Meningococcal infection The first signs of meningococcal infection are manifested by signs of nasopharyngitis - cough, runny nose and fever. Then the child develops severe headaches, hemorrhagic rash and typical neurological syndromes.
Intestinal infections of viral etiology A child with a temperature of 38°C and a cough may be the initial signs of an enterovirus or rotavirus infection, then the baby develops abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, increasing weakness, and malaise.

What to do if your child has a cough or fever

The need to reduce the temperature with antipyretic drugs in a child and the use of antitussive drugs is determined by the doctor. Before using any medications in children, you need to clarify the single and daily dose, contraindications (instructions for the drug), cost (price) and possible adverse reactions.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?A decrease in temperature in children is indicated when it rises above 38.5 or when signs of “white” fever, convulsive readiness, diseases of the heart and nervous system appear

The degree of temperature increase depends on the activity of inflammation and the reactivity of the child’s immune system. Therefore, it is considered incorrect to reduce it to 38.5 C, because this is how the child’s body fights the entry of foreign agents into the body and their reproduction.

About how to behave when a child’s temperature rises (video in this article):

It is important to know: A temperature of 38 + cough in a child is the activation of the body’s defense reactions during the development of various pathological conditions, and their inhibition (with antitussive or antipyretic drugs) helps to increase the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membrane and their reproduction.


Dry, wet cough and temperature 37-38 in a child: causes and treatment

Every parent is afraid of childhood illnesses. A child’s cough and temperature of 37-38 is a reason to seek medical help. Which doctor to go to depends on the savvy of the parents. However, in most cases, mothers and fathers take their child to the pediatrician.

Despite this, the child may need to consult a neurologist, otolaryngologist or gastroenterologist.

So that wandering around doctors' offices is not fruitless, parents must understand at least a little about children's cough and understand how to cope with it.

Types of children's cough

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

A cough is just a symptom that indicates irritation of the respiratory system. First of all, it is divided into acute and chronic.

If parents bring a child with complaints to the doctor’s office, the specialist will definitely ask how long ago the symptom appeared.

  • An acute cough lasts no more than three weeks, appears suddenly, and with adequate therapy goes away quickly. This symptom usually occurs due to viral diseases or due to irritation of the respiratory system by external conditions.
  • Chronic cough is also called protracted cough. It lasts more than three weeks, periodically worsens, and then subsides. The cause of this symptom can be diseases of the lungs, heart, or abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system.

Acute or chronic cough, in turn, is divided into wet and dry. In most cases, it is not difficult for parents to identify a symptom using this classification.

  • A wet cough is also called a productive cough. With it, the bubbling of sputum in the bronchi is clearly audible. Doctors say that a wet cough is easier to cure than a dry cough.
  • A dry cough is characterized by spasms. With it you can't hear the gurgling of phlegm. The child wants to clear his throat, but he can’t. It often looks like a spasm.

If a child coughs and the temperature stays at 38 for a long time, then this condition indicates pathology.

You should not find excuses or think that the cause of the cough was temporary throat irritation, an allergen, or dry air. Hyperthermia indicates that there is definitely an inflammatory process in the child’s body.

Causes of cough with fever

The combination of these two symptoms indicates the presence of pathology in the body. The most common reasons are:

  • acute respiratory diseases caused by viral infection (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • inflammatory processes, irritation of the larynx (laryngitis, pharyngitis);
  • severe allergies accompanied by swelling of the larynx;
  • infectious diseases (scarlet fever, whooping cough, croup).

Any pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms. But not every parent can determine them themselves. Therefore, the search for the cause of cough with hyperthermia should be done together with a doctor.

How to make a diagnosis?

When examining a child, you should not forget about blood tests. They can clarify the situation and help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

If the temperature remains at 37.5 and the child’s cough does not go away for several days, then go to the pediatrician. The doctor will listen to your complaints and examine the little patient.

The first thing that diagnostics involves is studying the condition of the lower parts of the respiratory system.

Using a phonendoscope, the pediatrician will listen to breathing. If it is severe and accompanied by wheezing, then the patient probably has inflammation (bronchitis or pneumonia).

The absence of these signs and easy breathing will force the doctor to look into the throat. Inflammation of this area obliges parents to take their child to an ENT specialist.

During the examination, the otolaryngologist may discover that the child has a red throat and a temperature of 38. These symptoms occur with pharyngitis (inflammation of the larynx), nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx) or tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils).

The cough in this case is caused by irritation and sore throat. Most often it is dry. A wet cough can occur in the morning when the child tries to cough up mucus that flows from the nose into the throat during sleep.

This phenomenon is called postnasal drip syndrome - article about this disease.

If the ENT doctor does not find pathologies in his area, then the diagnosis should be continued with a gastroenterologist.

The reason that a child is coughing and his body temperature is 37 degrees may be reflux. With it, the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus, and in some cases even reaches the mouth.

This condition is very unpleasant; it is accompanied by heartburn, belching, nausea and an annoying cough. Pathology can be diagnosed by complaints, and confirmed by laboratory tests (endoscopy, determination of esophageal acidity).

The doctor may also prescribe an ultrasound, tomography or fluorography for a small patient.

Treatment of cough with fever in children

If a painful dry cough occurs and the child’s temperature of 37 does not decrease on its own, then it is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures.

Any doctor will recommend proven medications to parents, but more and more often they are resorting to traditional methods. Parents believe that such treatment will be safer than using synthetic drugs.

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But this opinion is a big misconception. Many homemade recipes are simply not suitable for treating children, as they can cause allergies.

What to do is up to each parent to decide for himself. We can only recommend that you consult a pediatrician before using any method.

Conservative methods of therapy

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

  • Depending on how the baby’s anxiety manifests itself, a certain tactic of action is chosen.
  • For a wet cough, doctors prescribe expectorants and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • They relieve symptoms, eliminate inflammation and help restore the walls of the lower parts of the respiratory system.
  • A dry cough involves the use of mucolytics, which thin out sticky sputum, but can also be treated with antitussive medications.
  • Herbion is a syrup based on herbs. There are three types of medicine used for different forms of cough. Not for use in infants, may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Ascoril - tablets and syrup, actively used in pediatric practice. This medicine increases the volume of the bronchi, relieves spasms, and accelerates the removal of sputum. Never used on children under one year of age. Recommended for use for dry cough (whooping cough, incipient bronchitis).
  • Erespal - suspension and tablets. It has anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor effects. Used for cough caused by nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. Not prescribed for children under 2 years of age.
  • ACC – powder and tablets for preparing a suspension. They are used to thin sputum in cases of bronchitis, nasopharyngitis, and rhinitis. Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  • Mucaltin is an inexpensive cough medicine known to pediatricians. It is made from plant substances. It has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect for bronchitis, pharyngitis, and is also used for asthma.

Antitussive medications

  1. A separate group includes medications that affect the respiratory center.
  2. They should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, as if used incorrectly, you can harm your child.

  3. If a child has a dry cough and a temperature of 37-38, then medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms:
  • Sinecode – from 2 months;
  • Codelac NEO – from 3 years;
  • Panatus – from 6 months;
  • Omnitus – from 3 years;
  • Stoptussin - from 6 months.

It is unacceptable to take these medications together with expectorants, as they have an antagonistic effect on the child’s body.

Related materials:

Helping a child using traditional medicine

If a child has a cough, snot, and a temperature of 38, you can try to cope with this condition using folk remedies. 

But remember that the lack of effect within 3-5 days or the baby’s deterioration in well-being should force you to immediately contact your pediatrician and follow his instructions.

Since in most cases the described symptoms indicate a viral infection, the treatment method will be medication. Folk remedies are an addition, but not the main treatment option.

First of all, it is important to follow the regime and create comfortable living conditions:

  • frequent ventilation;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • optimal humidity and air temperature;
  • complete fortified diet.

Traditional medicine involves the use of warming, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunostimulating agents.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

Decoctions of plants (chamomile, sage, lemon balm, linden, breast tea). These products should be brewed with boiling water, then cooled and filtered. If the child does not have allergies, then it is permissible to consume such drinks in unlimited quantities.

Tea or fruit juice made from raspberries, viburnum, lingonberries and cranberries will have a beneficial antimicrobial effect. To help your child drink this medicinal product better, you can add a little sugar.

Honey and other bee products have long been used in folk medicine. Warm milk with honey is drunk before bed to alleviate the disturbing symptom. Honey cakes (with flour and water) are applied to the chest and back to warm up.

Onion decoction is considered an effective remedy for wet cough. To prepare it you will need 2-3 onions and half a liter of water. Give your child a decoction of 50 ml three times a day.

Let's summarize

If a child has a temperature of 38, cough and snot, then treatment should be started immediately. The main medications are determined by the doctor depending on the diagnosis.

  • Symptomatic treatment involves the use of expectorants or antitussives.
  • If the temperature rises rapidly and exceeds 38 degrees, then you should think about antipyretic medications.
  • Use only safe products intended for children: Nurofen, Panadol, Cefekon.


A child has a dry cough and a temperature of 38: what should parents do with such symptoms?

Colds among children attending childcare centers are quite common. Common symptoms of a cold are: runny nose, cough and fever.

If parents are still able to treat a runny nose on their own, then with symptoms of cough and fever, the help of a medical specialist will be needed.

What does a cough with fever in children indicate, as well as methods of treating diseases, we will find out further.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

Causes of dry cough

A dry cough and fever in a child are the very first and main symptoms of a developing disease. Before understanding the question of what the treatment of dry cough is, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as the main signs of the concomitant disease. A child may develop a dry cough due to the following diseases:

  1. Cold. With a cold, a runny nose most often occurs, and a dry cough occurs when signs of sore throat develop. A dry type of cough is formed due to the detection of signs of a sore throat.
  2. Flu and its complications. If a child gets sick with the flu, the first symptoms are a high fever and the development of signs of a dry cough. After some time, the cough reflex turns into a wet form, and a runny nose occurs.
  3. Reflux disease. This type of disease develops through the entry of gastric juice into the esophagus. In the esophagus, gastric juice irritates the mucous membrane, resulting in symptoms of a dry cough.
  4. Whooping cough. A disease that occurs in children and is accompanied by fever and cough. The disease is quite serious and contagious. The main symptom of whooping cough is the symptoms of a dry and spasmodic cough.
  5. Penetration of foreign objects into the area of ​​the larynx and respiratory tract. In this case, the child develops a dry cough, but the temperature remains normal. Only when inflammatory processes occur does the child’s temperature increase.
  6. Tracheitis. Symptoms of the disease are caused by the development of a strong and dry cough.
  7. Laryngitis. Laryngitis causes symptoms such as hoarseness and sore throat. The child’s temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, but not higher.

Only after determining the cause of the disease, which must be confirmed by the treating doctor, can one think about how to treat the disease. The diagnosis is made by the attending physician, and on its basis, appropriate treatment is prescribed. But first, you should understand in detail what constitutes a dry cough with fever in a child.

Symptoms of the disease

What to do if symptoms of dry cough occur in a child? Initially, you need to make sure that the cough is really dry, since the type of disease depends on its form. The following symptoms occur with a dry cough:

  • signs of a barking cough, the development of which is often caused by the penetration of a foreign body into the larynx area;
  • coughing occurs regularly, and does not depend on whether the child is resting or actively playing;
  • when coughing, there is no release of phlegm from the throat;
  • when coughing, there is a feeling as if something has gotten into the baby’s throat and he is trying to cough it up;
  • severe dry cough worsens, mainly at night;
  • symptoms become so severe that signs of nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • increase in body temperature, while the thermometer can show a value of 39 degrees and above.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

Regardless of what caused the child to develop a dry cough and a temperature above 38 degrees, parents should take the child to the hospital or call an ambulance. What to do if signs of a dry cough develop in a child should be considered in more detail.

Features of treatment

Before carrying out treatment, you should definitely make sure that it is rational. To do this, you need to visit a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment of a cold, the main symptoms of which are a temperature of 39, runny nose and cough, consists of the following measures:

  1. First of all, the doctor prescribes mucolytic drugs. The main advantage of these drugs is to combat dryness in the respiratory organs, as well as dilute mucus to remove it. After mucolytic therapy, the sign of the disease changes from dry to wet, that is, expectoration of sputum occurs.
  2. Use of expectorants. Such medications are due to their thinning properties, as a result of which there is an improvement in the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.
  3. Expectorant drugs that have a reflex property. With the help of such medications, the cough reflex is strengthened, whereby sputum is eliminated much faster, and the child recovers.
  4. At high temperatures, if the thermometer value exceeds 38-38.5 degrees, antipyretic drugs should be used. It is important to know that their use below 38 degrees is strictly contraindicated, since the immune system copes with the disease on its own.

If a frequent runny nose and cough continue to torment the child, and the temperature subsides only after the use of antipyretics, then it will be necessary to resort to antibiotic therapy. Children often suffer from colds, which are complicated by bacterial diseases.

It is important to know! Parents are strictly prohibited from using antibiotics on their own. After examining the small patient, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic, which should be used strictly according to the prescription or instructions.

Parents treat a runny nose and dry cough at home using methods such as compresses, heating and mustard plasters. All these methods are quite popular and effective, but their use at fever is strictly contraindicated. Even minor symptoms of fever are a reason to exclude the use of traditional methods.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

It is important to know! One of the popular methods of treating dry cough is the use of a nebulizer. It can be used at elevated and high temperatures, and also as the main drug for therapeutic therapy and prevention.

Read also:  Excessive sweating and cough: what the symptoms indicate

If parents independently treat their child, then at least they should imagine the danger of these actions.

Treatment of a child using traditional methods is permitted in combination with drug therapy. If the disease goes from acute to chronic, it will be almost impossible to get rid of the cough.

In addition, the development of complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia or a chronic form cannot be ruled out.

Preventive measures

Prevention methods are quite important when treating a sick baby. The basis of preventive measures is to ensure comfortable conditions in the room where the baby is located.

To do this, it is necessary to increase the air humidity and also warm the room to 18-20 degrees.

It is imperative to ensure that the room is regularly ventilated, which will speed up the healing process and reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the air.

It is important to know! Fever is a sign of a developing disease, but it also has its negative sides. As the temperature rises, the amount of water in the body decreases, so it must be replenished.

It is recommended to drink the baby with juices, compotes, jelly, and milk. All types of liquids should be at room temperature, but not cold. Giving your baby soda, cola, or coffee is strictly prohibited. The baby should drink regularly in small sips.

Regular dehydration will prevent the development of dehydration, accelerate the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, and also improve the liquefaction of sputum for faster coughing. In addition, frequent drinking can speed up the healing of a runny nose.

It is important to emphasize that proper treatment at the initial stage of the disease can prevent the development of complications, as well as strengthen the immune system of a small patient.


Cough and temperature 38 in a child: causes and treatment features

A cough and temperature of 38 in a child are defined as alarming symptoms signaling an inflammatory process in the body. The main provoking factors include colds. Other causes include mononucleosis, scarlet fever, heart pathologies, intestinal infections, and adenoiditis.

Symptomatic picture

For adequate treatment and timely prevention of complications, parents must be able to navigate the norms of body temperature and the characteristics of the cough reflex.

Any irritation of the respiratory system causes a cough in the child, but if it is accompanied by fever, then an inflammatory process is taking place.

There are acute and chronic forms, each of which is a consequence of a particular disease.

In the first case, the cough lasts up to 3 weeks. Attacks occur suddenly and are characterized by a sharp course, while the body temperature may either rise or be normal. When using the right treatment measures, negative symptoms quickly stop.

In the chronic form, the cough is protracted and painful. Diagnosed with a duration of 21 days or more with periodic exacerbations and increased temperature. Pathologies of the heart, respiratory system and neurological diseases can provoke attacks.

The pediatrician primarily associates an increase in temperature and cough in children with the development of respiratory viral infections and their bacterial complications.

Doctors do not recommend taking measures to lower the temperature at 38 degrees or less.

The child’s body resists infection, and the use of medications reduces protective functions and slows down the healing process. In this case, taking only antitussives is indicated.

Complex therapy is prescribed if hyperthermia is above 38 degrees and is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the baby’s well-being.


acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza. A spasmodic cough develops and the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Additional symptoms include nasal congestion, throat discomfort, and muscle discomfort.

Tracheitis. Among the main symptoms of the disease, doctors identify a strong cough reflex and fever. The child may complain of a burning sensation in the chest, difficulty breathing, or pain in the throat.

Angina. An irritating short-term cough develops and the temperature ranges from 38 to 39 degrees. The tonsils are enlarged, the child complains of a sore throat and refuses to eat. The inflammatory process affects the entire pharynx, causing weakness, and the baby becomes whiny and capricious. The use of antipyretics gives short-term results, the temperature rises again.

Bronchitis. The first signs of a negative process in the bronchi are an increase in temperature to 38 and a dry cough. After some time, the mucus begins to leave, the attacks can be prolonged, and the baby has difficulty clearing his throat for several minutes at a time.

Pneumonia. Indicators of hyperthermia during the disease exceed 38 degrees and above. Cough is characterized by severe, prolonged attacks, often accompanied by fever and rapid breathing. Pneumonia in children invariably occurs with shortness of breath, lethargy, and pale skin.

Treatment of cough and temperature above 38 degrees should be carried out only after consulting a pediatrician. Inadequate therapy can lead to deterioration of the respiratory system, swelling of the mucous membranes, and the development of abscesses.

If a persistent cough for a long time is accompanied by a temperature of 38.2 or higher, as well as other symptoms that do not go away, you need to call an ambulance. There are always risks of developing complications, among which are: pleurisy, meningitis, myocarditis, gangrene. Disturbances can affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and brain.

Other reasons

The appearance of a cough and temperature of 38 in a child is caused by diseases that are not directly related to the cold:

  • whooping cough;
  • adenoiditis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • mononucleosis;
  • scarlet fever.

Whooping cough. With pathology, the patient's cough is spastic in nature with prolonged coughing and scanty mucus secretion. The condition is often accompanied by vomiting, lethargy, and complaints of fatigue. Hyperthermia can fluctuate between 37.5-38 degrees. A similar clinical picture develops with parawhooping cough.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

Adenoiditis and sinusitis. Diseases at the initial stage are manifested by a dry cough and nasal congestion. A constant viscous runny nose gradually develops, and is often profuse.

The child is already coughing up sputum, but complains of difficulty breathing. At night he can sometimes choke and snore. Bacterial damage to the nasopharynx provokes headaches, weakness, and hearing loss.

Hyperthermia does not rise above 38.5 degrees.

Rubella, measles. The infectious process is characterized by the appearance of specific rashes on the body, conjunctivitis, and photophobia. However, at the first stage of infection, the only symptoms are a cough and a temperature of 38 in the child. Sometimes they are accompanied by a runny nose and lethargy.

Mononucleosis. A dry, unproductive cough develops and the body temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees. Coughing may be infrequent, but breathing problems may occur due to severe congestion in the nasal passages. Typical clinical manifestations:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • general malaise;
  • constant fatigue;
  • enlarged liver and spleen.

Scarlet fever. The first signs of inflammation include headaches, hoarseness, and sore throat. A dry cough appears, and the child’s temperature rises to 38 within a few hours after the first complaints of feeling unwell. The tongue turns crimson and becomes covered in a rash.

Meningococcal infection. The initial manifestation of the disease includes the sudden development of cough, temperature 38 and above. The negative process is accompanied by a runny nose and increased drowsiness. Then headaches and neurological disorders develop. A characteristic symptom is a hemorrhagic rash.

Inflammatory pathologies of the heart. Cardiac cough and temperature 38 occur with carditis and rheumatism in children of any age. Associated symptoms include shortness of breath, complaints of pain in the chest and heart.

Intestinal diseases. Cough and temperature, which can reach 38 degrees or more, are the primary symptoms of intoxication of the body. Then the baby may complain of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, migraines, and weakness.

Therapeutic measures

Drug therapy is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the complexity of the disease and age characteristics. A cough in a child with a fever can occur for many reasons, so the choice of medications should be approached with special care and caution.


They are recommended only in cases where the baby has hyperthermia above 38. The exception is children who do not tolerate its increase even to 37.5. For children under 2 years old, candles help well. Syrups are used more often and are prescribed at any age, including up to 6 years. From 7 and older, the use of drugs in tablets is allowed.

The rating of children's medicines for fever is headed by:

  1. "Paracetamol".
  2. “Ibuprofen.”
  3. "Nimesulide".

It is permissible to give newborn children antifever medications only after examination by a pediatrician.

Expectorants and mucolytics

The attending physician prescribes medications of this group to the child for a wet cough. The main goal of therapy is to liquefy mucus and activate its removal from the respiratory system. For children, they are available in the form of syrup and tablets.

The best expectorant drugs approved for childhood are:

  1. "Doctor Mom"
  2. "Gerbion".
  3. “Bromhexine.”

Doctors emphasize that before using any medicines, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage in accordance with the age characteristics of the little patient.

Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?


When a dry, unproductive cough develops, which has a painful, barking character, medications are prescribed to relieve it.

The most effective drugs for reducing the cough reflex in children:

  1. “ACC.”
  2. “Stoptussin.”
  3. Codelac Neo.

In most situations, doctors prescribe combination medications for children with antitussive and bronchodilator effects.

What not to do

In the treatment of cough with a temperature of 38 and above in a child, doctors do not recommend:

  • include heavy foods in your diet, including a lot of sweets, flour, salty, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, fast food;
  • simultaneously give mucolytic and antitussive drugs;
  • apply rubbing, inhalation;
  • use mustard plasters, hot baths.

Any thermal procedures are considered safe if the cough reflex is not accompanied by an increase in hyperthermia. Exposure to hot air aggravates the clinical manifestations of the disease, thereby negatively affecting the heart, causing interruptions in its functioning due to increased stress.

It is contraindicated to combine medications that thin sputum and suppress cough in prescriptions. The secretion of mucus becomes difficult, and it accumulates in the respiratory tract.

As a result, a pathological process develops, which, when neglected, provokes pneumonia. That is why self-medication for a child’s cough and fever is unacceptable.


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