
Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

Long-lasting cold symptoms are a sign of an untreated disease or disturbances in the functioning of the ENT organs. Folk remedies for a cough that does not go away for a long time, accelerate the healing of mucous membranes, remove mucus from the respiratory tract and strengthen the immune system. After the epithelium is restored, the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the throat decreases, so coughing attacks disappear.

What are the causes of a persistent cough?

If the cough does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The reason lies in respiratory diseases or dysfunction of the ENT organs after an infection.

Possible causes of a persistent cough:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharynx neurosis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • esophageal diverticula;
  • mediastinal tumors;
  • pneumothorax;
  • asthmatic bronchitis;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial tuberculosis;
  • adenoviral pharyngitis.

Causes of prolonged cough after a cold:

  • violation of the cleansing function of the ciliated epithelium;
  • hypersensitivity of cough receptors in the throat;
  • postnasal drip syndrome.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsTobacco smoking is one of the causes of cough in adults. Resins deposited on the walls of the bronchi glue the cilia of the epithelium, so its cleansing function is disrupted.

How to cure a persistent cough in a child or adult

To get rid of persistent cough, alternative medicine methods are effective. Traditional treatment has several goals:

  • acceleration of mucosal regeneration;
  • liquefaction and removal of mucus from the lungs;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • elimination of pathogenic flora;
  • decreased sensitivity of cough receptors.

Without finding out the cause of coughing, you should not resort to self-medication. Folk remedies only speed up recovery, but do not destroy bacterial or fungal infections.

Home warming

Heat therapy is one of the effective methods of strengthening local immunity and restoring the drainage function of the lungs. To eliminate cough, use:

  • warming ointments;
  • heated salt;
  • foot baths.

Traditional treatment is aimed at activating local immunity. By warming the chest, back or limbs, blood flow to the lungs accelerates, metabolism increases, and bronchial mucus thins.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsTo eliminate a prolonged cough in a child, rubbing is effective. Animal fats - pork, goose, duck - are used as warming ointments.

To achieve a local irritating effect the following is added to it:

  • Dry mustard. 150 ml of melted fat is mixed with 1 tsp. mustard, 15 ml almond oil.
  • Camphor. Animal fat is mixed with camphor in a ratio of 1:25. If desired, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Chopped pepper. 200 ml of goose fat is mixed with 3-5 g of chopped red pepper.

If a child is bothered by a severe cough, apply the folk remedy to:

  • area under the collarbones;
  • intercostal area;
  • the whole back.

After rubbing, it is recommended to lie under a warm blanket for at least 1 hour. Perform the procedure 1-2 times a day for 1 week.

There are many methods in the arsenal of traditional medicine to combat paroxysmal cough. Dry heat is used as an expectorant:

  • Heat 1 glass of salt in a frying pan;
  • pour into a fabric bag;
  • apply to the back, chest or neck for 40 minutes.

A bag of hot salt is not placed on the area of ​​the heart and thyroid gland, as well as on the spine.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsFoot baths are one of the traditional methods for treating rhinitis and cough.

To get rid of symptoms, you need:

  • heat 10 liters of water to a temperature of 45-50°C;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt;
  • add 10 drops of rosemary oil;
  • steam your feet for 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is performed up to 3 times a day. After this, put on warm woolen socks.

How to cure a persistent cough with compresses

There are many folk methods of dealing with prolonged cough in children and adults. For colds, compresses are useful, which are:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • alcohol;
  • hot;
  • oil

Traditional methods of fighting cough in children:

  • Honey. 3 tbsp. l. melt the honey in a water bath and cool. Add ½ tsp. mustard powder. Apply the mixture to the chest, cover with cellophane and insulate with a woolen scarf. After half an hour, the remaining product is washed off.
  • Potato cake. 3-5 potatoes are peeled. Boil in water for 20 minutes. Knead with a fork and mix with 30 ml of sunflower oil. Form a cake and apply it to the upper part of the chest. Cover with cling film or cellophane. Cover the child with a warm blanket. After 40 minutes, the compress is removed.
  • Cabbage. Place 3-4 cabbage leaves in a pan of hot water for 5-10 minutes. Apply them to the chest or intercostal area. Insulate with a towel or scarf. After 15-20 minutes, the compress is removed.

If a child’s persistent cough does not go away within 2 weeks, compresses should be applied 1-3 times a day. After traditional treatment, it is advisable to use warming ointments.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsIf there is no effect within 1 week, you should contact your pediatrician.

How to treat cough at home in adults:

  • Mustard. Mix 1 tbsp. l. flour, melted honey and mustard. Add 30 ml of vegetable oil, 100 ml of vodka. The solution is heated to 40°C. Moisten gauze folded in four and apply to the back or chest. After 25 minutes, the compress is removed.
  • Salt. Dissolve 90 g of salt in 1 liter of water and heat the solution to 45-50°C. Soak a cotton-gauze pad in the liquid. Apply it to the intercostal area for half an hour.

For a sore throat, use a folk recipe for a neck compress. 150 ml of beer is heated to 40°C, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey Soak a cloth in the solution and then apply it to the lower part of the throat for 20 minutes. The procedure is performed 1-3 times a day for a week.


To eliminate dry cough in an adult, inhalation therapy is effective. If you don't have a nebulizer or steam inhaler on hand, use a saucepan and a towel. Traditional medicine offers more than 50 recipes for expectorants and antiseptics that speed up recovery. To increase cough productivity, use recipes with herbs, mineral water, and soda.

Folk remedies for inhalation:

  • Chamomile. Boil 10 g of herb in 300 ml of water for 10 minutes. Add 4-7 drops of bergamot or peppermint oil.
  • Mineral water with soda. 300 ml of degassed mineral water is heated to 45°C, 1 tsp is dissolved in it. soda
  • Onion with mint. The onions are passed through a meat grinder, the squeezed juice is mixed with hot boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Throw 5-7 crushed mint leaves into the solution.
  • Thyme. 2 tbsp. l. Boil raw materials in a glass of water for 2 minutes. Add 3 drops of Siberian cedar or fir oil.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsTraditional treatment is prohibited for high fever and expectoration of purulent sputum.

To prevent burns to the mucous membrane, when using folk remedies, follow the following rules:

  • the distance between the pan and the face should be 25-30 cm;
  • 40-45°C – optimal liquid temperature for heat and moisture inhalations;
  • for sore throat, vapors are inhaled through the mouth and exhaled through the nose;
  • The duration of the procedure depends on age and varies from 2 to 15 minutes;
  • A traditional treatment session is planned 1-1.5 hours after eating.

Inhalations are prohibited if the cough is caused by obstructive bronchitis or abscesses in the lungs.

Herbal remedies for persistent cough

To relieve a prolonged cough, it is recommended to take folk decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. The following have pronounced mucolytic and secretomotor properties:

  • coltsfoot;
  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • aloe juice;
  • marshmallow root;
  • licorice;
  • plantain.

Traditional recipes for mucolytic agents:

  • Licorice. Licorice root is crushed with a knife. 2 tbsp. l. The raw materials are fried in a frying pan for a couple of minutes, after which they are poured into a saucepan. Boil in ½ liter of water for 10 minutes. Leave in a closed container for 5-6 hours. The filtered broth is taken 1/3 cup up to 4 times a day. Traditional therapy takes from 5 to 7 days.
  • Herbal collection. Oregano, thyme, coltsfoot are mixed in equal quantities. Boil 10 g of herb in half a liter of water for 3 minutes. The broth is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth. Drink 150 ml warm up to 4 times a day.
  • Coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. the herbs are steamed with 300 ml of water. Leave in the thermos for 2 hours. Take 150 ml up to 4 times a day.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsBefore fighting acute respiratory infections with folk decoctions, you should make sure there are no allergies. A little liquid is dripped onto the wrist or back of the elbow. If there are no red spots, rashes or itching, the decoction can be taken orally.

How else to treat a persistent cough

Alternative treatment for persistent cough in adults takes from 5 to 7 days. If there is no improvement or your health condition worsens, do not delay visiting your doctor.

Folk remedies for annoying cough:

  • Anise seeds. 2 tbsp. l. seeds are mixed with 10 ml of melted honey, add ¼ tsp. salt. Pour in 250 ml of water and heat to 45°C. Take 30 ml every 2-3 hours for 5 days.
  • Radish with honey. The top of the vegetable is cut off and the middle part is removed with a spoon. 50 ml of melted honey is poured into the resulting depression. After 3-4 hours, the honey with the separated radish juice is poured into a glass container. Take folk remedy 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.
  • Milk with sage. Add 1 tsp to 200 ml of milk. sage herbs. Bring to a boil over low heat and remove from heat. Throw in a small piece of butter. Drink warm before bed for 1 week.
  • Linseed oil. Garlic juice is mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:25. The folk remedy is taken on an empty stomach for 3-6 days.
  • Honey with alcohol. Vodka is mixed with honey in a 2:1 ratio. Take 15 ml up to 3-4 times a day.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsTraditional methods of combating annoying cough are no less effective than pharmaceutical medications with symptomatic action. To speed up recovery, they must be taken systematically for at least 5 days in a row.

Folk recipes with alcohol should not be used by patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis, or cirrhosis of the liver.

Diet and drinking regime for the period of treatment

Treatment of prolonged wet cough in children and adults should be comprehensive. To speed up the healing of the epithelium and reduce the sensitivity of the receptors in the throat, follow a gentle diet. The basis of nutrition consists of foods that strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism:

  • lean poultry;
  • cereal porridge;
  • citrus;
  • legumes;
  • sour milk;
  • greenery;
  • boiled vegetables.

For infectious diseases, split meals are recommended. Therefore, meals are taken every 2 hours, but the portions should not be large.

Pay special attention to your drinking regime. Useful for colds:

  • fruit compotes;
  • milk with honey;
  • breast fees;
  • tea with ginger;
  • degassed mineral water;
  • diluted fruit juices.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsIn the absence of kidney disease, drink at least 1-1.5 liters of warm liquid per day. It accelerates the removal of toxins from the body and reduces the viscosity of sputum in the lungs.

How to deal with a long-term cough with medications

The medicine is selected taking into account the productivity of the cough. If sputum does not separate, use antitussive tablets or syrups. When coughing up mucus, secretolytics (mucolytics) and expectorants are recommended.

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Effective cough medicines:

  • Libexin - antitussive tablets with prenoxdiazine, which reduce the sensitivity of the nerves in the throat;
  • Bronkatar is a mucolytic with carbocisteine, which activates the protective function of the bronchi, lungs, nasal cavity, and pharynx;
  • Ambroxol - expectorant tablets that reduce the elasticity of mucus and make it easier to cough up;
  • Tusuprex is an antitussive drug with oxeladin that eliminates bronchospasms;
  • Herbion primrose syrup is a plant secretolytic that has expectorant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medicationsA persistent cough is a good reason to make an appointment with a doctor.

Depending on the cause, medications or folk remedies are used for relief. Alternative medicine recipes do not destroy the infection, but shorten the recovery period by 1.5-2 times.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications


Folk remedies for cough

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

The benefits of traditional medicine in cough therapy

It has long been known that many herbs have healing properties and help in treating coughs. Traditional medicine is the experience of many generations, which is used both for the treatment of diseases and for prevention. It is sometimes also called alternative or complementary medicine. Plant medicines include:

  • herbal infusions;
  • materials of plant origin;
  • medicines from plants.

In Africa and Asia, most of the population uses the services of traditional healers. In developed countries, folk recipes are also popular. Some folk remedies for coughs have been around for several hundred years. But before you start treating cough with folk remedies, you need to make a correct diagnosis. And for this you should consult a doctor.

If at the beginning of the disease there was a dry cough, and later it turned into a wet one, this means that the body is successfully winning the fight against the disease and removing germs. But cough can be a symptom of various diseases.

For example, with a common cold, you can quickly cure a cough with folk remedies and without the help of antibiotics. But we must remember that treating a cough with folk remedies is not always safe. Sometimes the product may be of poor quality or it may have been combined with other medications.

In some cases, this can lead to an unpleasant reaction from the body.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

Effective cough recipes

Treatment of cough with folk remedies in children and adults is a long process. There are many simple but effective recipes:

Recipe No. 1. One of the oldest folk medicines is radish with sugar. To do this, use 5-6 chopped radish roots. The product is sprinkled with sugar and infused throughout the day. The juice that has been released is taken one tablespoon per hour.

Recipe No. 2. Another natural remedy for colds, runny nose and cough. Squeeze the juice from boiled lemon (5-10 minutes) into a glass, add glycerin and honey. Mix the mixture in a glass. Take no more than 6 times a day by spoon. Stir before use.

Recipe No. 3. An effective method for treating attacks of paroxysmal cough is syrup, which is prepared from ground onions, honey and water in equal proportions. This mixture should be kept in the oven at a temperature of 100 °C. Take a spoon three times a day.

We recommend reading: Sugar with onion juice for cough: proportions and preparation technology.

Recipe No. 4. As a medicinal recipe for an outdated cough, you can use a compress of dry mustard, wheat flour, oil, honey and vodka (all 2 tablespoons).

Mix all ingredients and heat for steam. Place the resulting dough on a bandage made of several layers of gauze and on the sore spot. For insulation, you can use cling film.

It is advisable to do this procedure for several days in a row before going to bed.

Recipe No. 5. Folk remedy for severe cough: 50 g honey + 50 g butter + 1 teaspoon dry mustard. Mix everything thoroughly and take a spoon before meals. In two days there will be no trace of cough left.

Recipe No. 6. Treatment with eggnog. Mix one egg yolk and sugar thoroughly until a thick mass is formed. You can use a mixer. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and add honey, butter and lard.

Stir over low heat. Without bringing it to a boil, add a spoonful of cocoa and mix everything again. Dose for children - 2 teaspoons three times a day, for adults - 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Relief can come after just a few doses.

Recipe No. 7. Cut the onion, apple and potatoes into four parts, add a liter of water and boil until half of the liquid has boiled away. Drink warm.

Recipe No. 8. To treat a smoker's cough, the following folk method may be suitable: pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into a frying pan and stir until it boils. Then pour a glass of water, remove from heat and stir. Drink hot.

Recipe No. 9. Banana with honey for cough. Mash the banana pulp and add a spoonful of honey. Place the container with the mixture on the fire and cook until it turns dark golden brown. Adults should take this product no more than 4 times a day before or after meals. A course of treatment of 7 days is recommended to completely eliminate inflammation.

Recommendations for children:

  • Children under one year of age should not be given honey;
  • Children from 1 to 3 years old can be given half a teaspoon of puree 3 times a day;
  • 3-7 years - one teaspoon;
  • The dose for children over 7 years old is calculated depending on their body weight.

Milk is also used to treat cough and thin sputum. It can be cow or goat. One recipe: add two tablespoons of dry figs to boiled milk and boil again. Let it brew for half an hour. You can also add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of butter to boiled milk. It is advisable to take before bedtime.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications


To improve mucus discharge and speed up the effect of medications, you can do inhalations at home. This method is not recommended for more than 10 minutes at temperatures above 50 °C. But inhalation helps only at the beginning of the disease.

For inhalation, essential oils, medications or herbal infusions are used. For example, oil inhalations with peach, eucalyptus or olive oil help in the treatment of dry cough.

The procedure is performed at a temperature of no more than 40 °C.

Dry inhalations are made using:

For inhalation, you can use a kettle or saucepan. You can insert a funnel into the spout of the kettle and breathe through it. But most often they use a pan over which they breathe, covered with a towel. You should not perform inhalations without consulting a doctor. An incorrectly performed procedure can cause bronchospasm. Contraindications for inhalation;

  • elevated temperature,
  • pneumonia,
  • purulent sputum;
  • nosebleeds.

How to perform inhalations:

  • To treat asthma or bronchitis, inhalations with the addition of soda are often used. 75-80 grams of soda should be diluted in a liter of boiling water. This inhalation is safe for pregnant women and does not cause allergies.
  • To treat a non-productive cough, inhalations are carried out with a validol tablet and herbal infusion. In boiling water you need to put validol, extract of pine needles, eucalyptus leaves and a spoonful of chopped garlic.
  • Severe cough and sore throat are treated with inhalation of novocaine. Per liter of water - 1 ampoule of the drug. Breathe for no more than 5 minutes.

Herbal decoctions are used to treat productive and non-productive coughs. These could be: calendula, sage, raspberry, chamomile.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

Cough compresses

Compresses are another auxiliary remedy for treating cough. You can prepare a compress yourself. It should contain 3 layers:

  1. Gauze or bandage is the first layer. It needs to be soaked in one of the solutions: ether, alcohol or oil.
  2. The second layer is insulation. This can be oilcloth or special paper.
  3. The third layer is warming. You can use a woolen scarf, terry towel, cotton wool.

It should be remembered that at high temperatures it is impossible to make a compress. You should also not put a compress on the heart area. And for children under 1 year old, this procedure can even be dangerous.

To eliminate a cough, compresses are most often made from potatoes, cheese or butter:

  • Oil compress. It is advisable to do this compress at night. You can use olive oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil. One drop of oil should be diluted in 10 drops of water and heated in a water bath. Then drop onto the first layer of compress.
  • Cheese compress. Using this compress you can lower the temperature. But you can’t do it while taking antibiotics. You need to heat the cheese without whey, put it in cheesecloth and form a crust. Next, put it on the sore spot and apply the remaining layers.
  • Potato compress. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, form into a flat cake and place on your chest. It is better to put potatoes in plastic. You can also place this compress on your shoulder blades. But you should be careful so that the potatoes do not cause burns.

But before applying compresses, you should talk to your doctor. Compresses can be used only in the initial stages of the disease. During the acute course of the disease, a compress can provoke inflammation.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications


A long-proven folk method in the fight against cough is rubbing. Basic Rules:

  • Rubbing is done before bedtime. The chest or back is intensively massaged without pressing.
  • Rubbing with ointment should not be carried out in the area of ​​the heart and near the nipples.
  • After the procedure, you need to wrap the patient warmly.
  • You can also rub your feet. After the procedure, you need to wear warm socks.
  • Rubbing should not be carried out at elevated temperatures.

Auxiliary means for rubbing:

But rubbing cannot be the main method of treatment. It only alleviates some symptoms and helps in the fight against the disease.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

Contraindications to home treatment

Folk remedies for coughs have their pros and cons. No one will deny that folk recipes include only natural ingredients. But sometimes traditional medicine also uses toxic substances that can cause harm to the body and provoke adverse reactions. Sometimes traditional medicine recipes do not help. Especially if the disease is in advanced form.

And then you simply cannot do without antibiotics. Traditional medicine is only an auxiliary remedy in the treatment of a serious illness. Of course, you can cure a common cold with raspberries, viburnum and honey.

But using folk remedies for coughs for diseases such as tuberculosis, asthma or asthmatic bronchitis is extremely dangerous, since they can cause irreparable harm to health.

Cough prevention

To reduce the risk of disease, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Good preventative methods for a child would be:

  • hardening;
  • healthy eating;
  • sport;
  • healthy sleep
  • eliminating stress.

The above recommendations will also not hurt for adults. In addition, you should give up smoking and alcohol. If a cough does appear, you should not self-medicate. You need to see a doctor and follow all his instructions.

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If the cough does not go away... An effective folk remedy for cough

Almost no cold is complete without the most unpleasant and long-lasting symptom, which is not so easy to get rid of.

Of course, this is a cough, which, if left untreated, can cause health complications and provoke inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

What to do if the cough does not go away, an effective cough remedy, folk remedies - you definitely need to know what non-traditional compounds can influence the problem.

Onion decoction is an excellent remedy against cold symptoms

A cough that does not go away, an effective cough remedy, folk remedies that will help get rid of the problem quickly - questions that often worry people who prefer treatment at home.

Onion-based medicine is one of the most effective formulations against colds, because this pungent vegetable can have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria.

The benefits of taking onion remedies are quick relief from cough, irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat, and even prevention of inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

Preparation of medicine:

  1. Remove the skins from a few onions.
  2. Chop the vegetables into a fine paste with a sharp knife.
  3. Send the onion mixture into a cooking container, pour milk, taken in equal parts.
  4. At a low boil, stirring constantly, cook the mixture until the onion particles become soft.
  5. Remove the container from the heat and leave to steep for half an hour.
  6. Add bee honey to the warm mixture and mix well.

Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications

Viburnum decoction against the main symptom of a cold

Viburnum is a plant that has been held in high esteem by people who prefer treatment with alternative medicine for many years. It is a decoction from the fruits of this shrub that can cope with even a lingering cough, which is accompanied by inflammation or complications.

If you talk about this topic with an experienced healer, he will certainly advise you to use the fruits of viburnum. You can take the berries raw, grinding them in a meat grinder and mixing them in equal parts with bee product or sugar. In this case, all the wonderful qualities that these fruits possess will be preserved.

The composition based on viburnum fruits and bee honey has a more effective effect on prolonged cough. Be sure to first crush or grind the berries, then add the bee product to taste. Mix the mixture thoroughly and let it sit for half an hour.

Take the prepared medicine without restrictions, but always in small portions - only 15-20 grams. You can drink it with tea or herbal decoction.

Mixture of milk, butter, soda

A mixture of products that can be found in any refrigerator or kitchen cabinet has remarkable properties against a prolonged cough.

It has no contraindications, the only thing you need to remember is that the bee product causes allergic reactions in many people, so be sure to monitor the general condition of the body during the first days of treatment.

If alarming signs are noticed in the form of nausea, rashes on the skin, or mild malaise, be sure to stop using the composition and resort to a more gentle medicine.


  • Boil 200 ml of milk.
  • Add 30 g to hot liquid. bee honey, 20 gr. good butter, a pinch of soda and 100 ml of mineral water.
  • Stir the mixture and leave for 10 minutes.

Drink the prepared mixture at once in the morning, before breakfast. In the evening, repeat the treatment, and you will have to prepare a fresh composition - it deteriorates quite quickly and loses its wonderful properties.

Medicine made from beer, lemon and garlic

If the cough continues for several weeks, does not respond to treatment with pharmaceutical drugs or homemade compounds and does not lose its intensity, you can prepare a mixture in which beer is the active ingredient. It is this mixture that can stop the most protracted cold symptom in just a few days.


  1. Peel a few garlic cloves and chop using a press.
  2. Pass two small lemons through a meat grinder (no need to remove the zest, but it is better to remove the seeds first).
  3. Mix lemon mass, garlic paste and beer (500 ml), add granulated sugar (300 g) to the mixture.
  4. Send the mixture to a low heat, cook at low boil for half an hour, the lid should be closed during this time.
  5. Remove from the stove and leave for half an hour without removing the lid.

There is no need to cool the composition; there is no need to filter it. Drink 40 ml throughout the day. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator, but be sure to warm the medicine before taking it - cold liquid can cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the throat.

Barley decoction against cold symptoms

From barley grains you can prepare a composition that will allow you to forget about debilitating painful attacks in just a few days. This home remedy has no contraindications; it can be combined with any pharmaceutical drugs or alternative medicine mixtures. It also does not cause allergies, so you can take it without fear.


  1. Grind barley grains using a meat grinder.
  2. Pour boiling water (210 ml) over crushed grains (25 g).
  3. Close the lid tightly and leave overnight to infuse.
  4. Place the infusion on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer for a quarter of an hour, always stirring - it may burn.
  5. Filter the liquid and discard the barley mass - it cannot be reused.

Take the prepared medicine 20 ml all day. Do not take too long breaks between doses - just an hour is enough. It is forbidden to add sugar or honey - it is in its pure form that the liquid is most effective.

Herbal tea is an effective and efficient medicine

To get rid of prolonged cold symptoms, you can use a herbal decoction, which has a remarkable effect. There are no prohibitions on taking it, the only thing you need to remember is that it may cause allergic reactions to some herbs. If the body reacts unpredictably to at least one component, it is better not to use it to prepare a decoction.

To prepare the healing liquid you will need:

  • marshmallow (roots);
  • fennel (seeds);
  • licorice (rhizome);
  • coltsfoot (flowers and leaves).
  1. Mix vegetable raw materials in equal parts. To prepare the composition you will need only 40 grams. herbal collection. Brew the crushed raw materials with boiling water (280 ml), close the container tightly with a lid, and wrap it warmly.
  2. Leave the mixture to steep for at least 2 hours. You can reduce the preparation time of medicine by using a thermos. In this case, only half an hour is enough. You can add honey or a small amount of sugar to the filtered mixture to taste.
  3. Take the medicine twice a day. To do this, divide the infused liquid into two equal parts (one of them should be stored in the refrigerator until the next dose). Treatment should not last more than a week. If the cold symptom does not lose its intensity, be sure to refuse such treatment and try to use another method of alternative medicine.

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Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications



Folk remedies for dry cough

Those who have ever had a cold know that a dry cough causes a lot of inconvenience and significantly reduces the quality of life.

Debilitating cough attacks irritate the mucous membranes of the bronchi, trachea, and larynx, leading to constant fatigue, sore throat, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

An effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs are folk remedies for dry cough. They are presented in a variety and are suitable for treating children, adults, pregnant and lactating women.

Traditional methods of treating dry cough

Alternative medicine works well against non-productive cough, both the first symptom of a cold and residual dry cough during recovery. Traditional recipes have their advantages and disadvantages over medications.

Advantages of traditional medicine in the treatment of cough:

  1. Cost is the main advantage, since all recipes are based on herbal ingredients, which you can prepare yourself or purchase at a low price. Medications are often expensive.
  2. Possibility of treatment at home and quick results.
  3. Safety of external methods of treating dry cough.
  4. The possibility of long-term use of traditional methods, in contrast to pharmaceutical medications, which cannot be treated for a long time.
  5. Combinations of various traditional medicine techniques to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

Alternative medicine recipes also have disadvantages:

  1. Difficulty preparing recipes. If pharmaceutical preparations are beautifully packaged and have measuring devices for ease of administration, then folk recipes need to be prepared daily independently; it is not advisable to store natural medicines for more than 1 day.
  2. There are various contraindications to the use of each method. You need to remember about allergic predisposition. And also that herbs must be used, like medicines, observing strict dosages, especially when treating children, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. If used incorrectly, the product will be ineffective, so you need to know the principles of each technique well.
  4. Traditional medicine is not always effective against a severe dry cough. The disease can be cured using a combination of folk recipes and pharmaceutical drugs.

To quickly get rid of dry cough at home in adults, the following alternative medicine options are used:

  • Therapy with medicinal plants.
  • Inhalation using improvised means or a nebulizer.
  • Chest massage.
  • Warming up the chest.
  • Compresses for the treatment of dry cough.

Important! A dry cough can be a symptom of serious diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems. If folk remedies are ineffective, you need to consult a doctor and treat the cause of the symptom.

Medicinal plants

The benefit of using medicinal plants is a reflex expectorant effect. Plants can be brewed as tea or made into a decoction in a water bath.

To make an infusion of a medicinal plant, you need to pour a few tablespoons of dry raw materials and pour boiling water over it, leave for 15-20 minutes under the lid, after wrapping it in a towel. In order to get rid of cough, you should drink this tea 3-4 times daily.

Decoctions prepared in a water bath are well enriched with beneficial plant components. To build a water bath, take a saucepan, fill it halfway with water and place it on the stove. When the water boils, place a smaller container on top of the pan so that the bottom does not touch the water.

There you need to pour a few spoons of dry plant material into 300 ml of water and cover with a lid, leave for 15-20 minutes. The water will not boil according to the laws of physics, but the plant extract will be completely released.

You can drink the decoction in reduced dosages, 1/3 cup three times daily.

Herbs for preparing infusions and decoctions for the treatment of dry cough:

When used, decoctions can be diluted with water to a volume of 1 glass. Additives for infusion or decoction: lemon, mint, ginger. An effective folk remedy for dry cough is honey. It can be eaten as a bite with decoction and infusion, or simply sucked to relieve a painful cough. Just before treating with this folk recipe, you need to rule out an allergy to honey.

Important! Many plants are prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, so you should consult your doctor or carefully read the instructions before taking them.


Treatment of dry cough in adults with folk remedies includes inhalation of moist steam.

Moisturizing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, liquefying viscous sputum, relieving swelling and inflammation, enhancing the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, warming the organs of the respiratory system from the inside - these are the main beneficial effects of inhalation. The result is that the cough softens, sputum is cleared more effectively, and recovery occurs faster.

There are two ways to carry out inhalations - using improvised means and a nebulizer.

The available tools are a teapot and a cone made of thick cardboard. Pour dry raw materials of medicinal plants, add essential oils and pour boiling water over everything. When the water cools down a little, a cone is attached to the spout of the kettle and the person breathes in vapor through it. The procedure is carried out once daily for a long time, as long as the cough bothers the patient.

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This method has one significant drawback - the likelihood of getting a burn to the mucous membrane when inhaling too hot vapors.

The second method with improvised means is to use a basin or pan. Dry parts of plants are poured into a container, essential oils are dripped in and boiling water is poured over it.

The patient bends over the basin at a comfortable distance, and is covered with a towel on top. You can adjust the depth of the inclination and remove the towel when the steam is very hot. You need to breathe through your mouth for 20-30 minutes.

If you have a runny nose, you can alternate breathing through your mouth and nose.

Plants and essential oils for recipes:

  1. Plants: chamomile, linden, coltsfoot, nettle, raspberry, oak bark, mint, pine buds, aloe.
  2. Essential oils: mint, eucalyptus, tea tree, pine, lemon, cypress.

A nebulizer is a special device that breaks down substances into fine particles, which enter all parts of the respiratory system, rather than settling in the trachea and large bronchi.

Usually 2-5 ml of solution is enough for 10-15 minutes of breathing. The procedure can be performed up to 3-4 times a day. The solution for use should not contain any impurities, as this may lead to breakdown.

Substances that can be used for inhalation in a nebulizer:

  1. Alkaline waters: Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki.
  2. Soda solution - a teaspoon of soda per glass of water.
  3. Physiological sodium chloride solution.

Contraindications to inhalations:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Intoxication and severe weakness.
  3. If a person coughs for an unknown reason.

Important! A nebulizer can be used to treat cough in children and adults. Just remember that after using it, be sure to pour out the remaining solution and rinse the container and mask.

Massage for dry cough

How to get rid of a dry cough at home with the help of massage is of interest to many people. In fact, massage techniques are very effective for dry coughs during the period of recovery of the body after an illness and during the initial stage of a cold.

There are several massage techniques:

  • Drainage.
  • Spot.
  • Honey.

You can fight a cough with a massage only if there is no high temperature, symptoms of severe intoxication, or skin diseases.

Drainage massage

The technique is used at the beginning of the disease in the presence of thick sputum in the bronchi. The procedure must be continued during active sputum discharge until recovery. The essence of the massage is physical impact on the chest for better removal of mucus from the bronchi.

We have articles on our website that fully reveal the technique and main nuances of massage:

Before starting a massage session, you need to drink a remedy based on expectorant herbs or a pharmaceutical drug with the same effect. Position the patient on his stomach with the head end of the body slightly lowered.

At the beginning of the procedure, the skin of the back is lubricated with oil or cream so that the massage therapist’s hands glide. Next, you need to warm up the skin with stroking and rubbing.

The main actions in this type of massage: tapping, pinching and stroking in the direction from bottom to top and from the sides to the center. Session duration is half an hour.

Afterwards, rub the chest and back with a warming ointment with menthol and cover the patient with a blanket.


The procedure involves influencing certain points, as a result of which the cough is reduced. This method came to us from the East.

Impact points:

  1. Between the eyebrows.
  2. In the center of the forehead.
  3. On the sides of the bridge of the nose.
  4. On both sides in the most prominent places of the cheekbones.
  5. In the middle of the nasolabial folds on both sides.
  6. On the sides of the jugular cavity, just below the collarbones.
  7. On the sides of the sternum at the level of the 4th intercostal space.
  8. On the sides of the sternum at the level of the 5th intercostal space.
  9. In the elbow bend on both sides.
  10. In the place between the thumb and index finger on both sides.

The impact on the point should be for 2-3 seconds, of medium intensity, but not causing pain.

Honey massage

This type is performed provided there are no allergies. Honey is taken liquid or melted in a water bath; essential oils of mint, eucalyptus or tea tree can be added there.

The technique involves applying honey to the skin of your back and massaging until the honey begins to thicken. Next, patting movements are made over the entire surface of the back in the direction from bottom to top and from the sides to the center.

After the massage, you need to wash off the honey and give the person a rest.

Effective thermal procedures for dry cough

Warming with dry heat allows you to get rid of long-term residual cough.

The following list of techniques is suitable for the procedure:

  1. Table salt.
  2. Salt heating pad.
  3. Minin reflector or blue lamp.

For a dry cough, folk remedies that can cause heating of body tissues cannot be used if there is a high temperature, if the patient is severely weakened, if the cause of the cough has not been established.

To get rid of a dry cough using table salt, you need to take two woolen socks and half a pack of salt. The salt is heated in a dry frying pan until hot. Next, it is poured into one sock, over which the second is put on.

This design is placed on the chest or back, and the patient dresses warmly or wraps himself in a blanket. If the salt is very hot, you can additionally wrap the bag with it in a towel, and as it cools, remove the shells. Keep the structure until it cools completely.

Can be used several times a day.

Important! It is impossible to recover from a severe cold using heating methods alone, but for recovery, all methods can be successfully used at home.

A salt heating pad is a reusable device that effectively warms the chest.

In order to start a chemical reaction, you need to bend the applicator and the solution inside the heating pad will turn into a solid state when heated to 50 ° C. Warming up is carried out for 2-3 hours.

Next, the heating pad is placed in boiling water for several minutes and it can be used again, which is its main advantage.

A blue lamp or Minin reflector affects heated areas with infrared radiation. The mechanism of use is to connect the lamp to an electrical network, directing the light to the upper chest from a distance of 30 cm. The session lasts half an hour. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.

Compresses for the treatment of dry cough

Compresses have a similar effect to heating, only the heat is insulated using cellophane or cling film. Compresses can be applied at night.

Options for treating dry cough at home using compresses:

  1. With jacket potatoes.
  2. With honey.
  3. With alcohol or vodka.

The therapeutic effect of potatoes is to warm the chest. To begin with, the potatoes are boiled in their skins, then the water is drained, and the potatoes are peeled and kneaded a little.

A towel is placed on the chest of a bedridden patient, cling film is placed on top, and potatoes are placed on it, again cling film and a warm blanket are placed on top. The patient lies with the potatoes until they cool completely.

If it is very hot, you can place several towels under the potatoes. You can use the technique every day.

Honey warms well and has a softening effect on phlegm during a non-productive cough. A small amount of honey is heated in the microwave or in a water bath to 50 °C.

Next, gauze is soaked in honey and applied to the skin of the chest or back. Cling film is placed on top, then you can make a layer of cotton wool or wrap it in a woolen scarf and cover it with a blanket on top.

This compress can be left overnight or washed off after a while.

Before using alcohol for a compress, you must first dilute it half and half with water, and vodka is used in its pure form. For the compress you will need 20-30 ml of liquid, slightly warmed.

Gauze is soaked in alcohol, placed on the chest or back, cling film or cellophane is applied on top, then the patient’s torso is wrapped in cotton wool or a woolen scarf. You can keep the compress for up to half an hour.

The cough goes away after 5-6 procedures.

Folk remedies for dry cough in children

Children often suffer from dry cough. The barking cough after and during whooping cough is especially painful for them. Usually the condition is accompanied by bouts of dry, debilitating cough in response to any irritation. A cure for this condition has not yet been found, so pediatricians say that you need to wait out this period and the cough will go away on its own.

The same cannot be said about a cough with a cold. This symptom must be eliminated. All the methods described above are suitable not only for adults, but also for children.

Only treatment for dry cough with folk remedies in children has its own characteristics:

  • The baby should receive enough fluids during the treatment of dry cough. These can be compotes, plain water, infusions and decoctions of expectorant herbs.
  • Constantly ventilating the room where the child is is a must for recovery. Do not allow your child to breathe musty and hot air. Walking in the fresh air is also welcome.
  • Humidify the air using a special device or using a basin of hot water next to the crib.
  • The dosages of expectorant herbal decoctions are as follows: for children under 5 years old - 1 teaspoon three times a day, up to 12 years old the same dosage 4 times a day, up to 14 years old 1 tablespoon three times a day, children over 14 years old take 2 tablespoons three times a day. Infusions and teas based on medicinal plants can be taken 30-40 ml three times a day with the addition of honey and lemon. Infants should not be given their own prepared decoctions and infusions.
  • Infants are treated with inhalations, massage, compresses and warming up the chest. You just need to take into account that children's skin is more delicate and the effect on it should be gentle.


It is believed that a common cold will go away on its own in 7 days, and if treated, then in a week.

Of course, if a person is weakened, his immunity is reduced, then a common cold can be complicated by an inflammatory process that cannot be cured with traditional methods, so the body needs support from the very beginning.

Also, recipes and methods of alternative medicine are effective in eliminating the consequences of cough after pneumonia or severe bronchitis. In general, the main thing is to choose effective variations of therapy for yourself and do not forget about consulting your doctor.


Prolonged cough: recommended folk remedies and medications Link to main publication
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