
Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system are often accompanied by coughing attacks. This symptom can be caused by an infectious-inflammatory process, hypoxia, bronchospasm, mechanical irritation of mucosal receptors or impaired blood flow in the pulmonary circulation.

The main conditions for effective treatment are eliminating the cause and choosing a drug.Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment A lot of new medicines appear on the pharmaceutical market every year, but doctors often resort to old and proven medicines. Eufillin for cough in medical practice is prescribed in the presence of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, in which it is necessary to ensure a long-term and lasting result, as well as in cases where the therapy is ineffective. Prescribing the drug is associated with an increased risk of side effects, so for acute respiratory tract infections or when there is a choice of another drug, doctors prefer to use safer medications.

Indications for use

The range of therapeutic effects of Eufillin is quite extensive. In the instructions for use, as recommendations for its use, pathologies of the cardiovascular, urinary, respiratory systems, diseases occurring with symptoms of hypoxia, ischemia and various disorders of oxygen delivery to tissues are indicated.

Among the diseases accompanied by attacks of dry or wet cough, indications for taking Eufillin are:

  1. Emphysema.
    Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment Destruction of the alveolar apparatus leads to the formation of cavities in the lung parenchyma. These areas are switched off from the breathing process, resulting in a person experiencing chronic oxygen starvation. The use of Eufillin helps maintain the functioning of the remaining part of the alveoli. Bronchial asthma
  2. Chronic obstructive bronchitis. A constant inflammatory process leads to pathological changes in the bronchial tree, and oxygen delivery is hampered by airway obstruction. Irritation of mucosal receptors is the cause of chronic wet cough. With this pathology, taking Eufillin tablets helps speed up the coughing up of sputum, normalize respiratory function and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  3. Bronchial asthma. In order to relieve status asthmaticus, the patient is administered Eufillin to relieve bronchospasm and restore airway patency in a certain dosage. In severe cases of bronchial asthma, including those of allergic origin, a person is prescribed tablets that help reduce the frequency of attacks and improve tissue respiration.
  4. Pickwick's disease. This pathology is characterized by a general increase in body weight and excessive deposition of fat, which is concentrated around the mediastinal organs. Due to the large volume of adipose tissue, the diaphragm is not able to ensure sufficient filling of the lungs with air, and the patient suffers from attacks of suffocation and coughing with any physical effort. The use of Eufillin helps maintain the functional activity of the respiratory system.
  5. Chronic cor pulmonale.
    Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment Increased load on the right ventricle in chronic respiratory diseases is associated with obstructed blood flow and tissue hypoxia. Treatment with Eufillin helps compensate for problems with oxygen delivery. Pulmonary heart

Eufillin acts as an emergency treatment or can be prescribed by a doctor in a combination therapy regimen for long-term treatment for serious respiratory problems. The use of the medicine for wet or dry cough caused by an infectious-inflammatory reaction is not recommended due to the abundance of side effects and contraindications.

Possible contraindications

Eufillin for coughs is prescribed with great caution due to an impressive list of restrictions. Contraindications to taking the medicine are:

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system with cardiac arrhythmias, high or low blood pressure syndrome, with a tendency to thrombosis and a risk of hemorrhage.
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, liver failure.Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment
  • Severe kidney disease.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction - hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis.
  • Epilepsy or neurological diseases with seizure syndrome.
  • A history of bleeding, heart attack, stroke.
  • Children under 3 years of age.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It is contraindicated to combine the use of the drug Euphyllin with the administration of theophylline derivatives, glucose, as well as with products with a high xanthine content - tea, coffee. An extensive list of contraindications narrows the range of use of the drug, despite the effectiveness of the treatment.

Medicinal composition

The active ingredient of the drug Euphyllin is aminophylline, a derivative of theophylline.

The component belongs to the group of antispasmodics, with a predominant effect on peripheral smooth muscles of the vascular and respiratory systems.

Depending on the release form - tablets or solution - the auxiliary components are form-building or preservative additives.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatmentSolution for injection Eufillin

Release forms

Eufillin is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 150 mg or in ampoules with a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration with a concentration of 2.4% and 24%. The liquid form of the drug is also used to refill the inhaler, after diluting the medicine with water for injection or saline.

Operating principle

Once in the human body, the active substance of the drug Eufillin affects the functioning of the digestive, respiratory, and vascular organs. The principle of action of the medicine is to relax smooth muscles, as well as to block specific receptors responsible for the allergic reaction.

In the treatment of diseases accompanied by difficulty breathing, the drug is used to relieve bronchospasm, stimulate the respiratory center, increase the transport function of the blood and to reduce hypoxia.

The maximum effect is observed with parenteral administration of the solution, and when using Eufillin cough tablets, the result is noticeable after 1-2 hours.Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Instructions for use

Treatment of cough with Eufillin in adults is possible with the help of tablets for chronic pathology, and intravenous or intramuscular injections are used to relieve acute bronchospasm attacks. The frequency of taking the medicine orally and the schedule of injections are determined by the doctor, taking into account the current condition of the person. In high concentrations, Eufillin is toxic, so self-medication is unacceptable.

The drug is rarely prescribed to young children, since the child’s body may not be able to cope with the aggressive effects of the active substance. In some cases, it is possible to administer carefully calculated doses of Eufillin for emergency care of newborns in the absence of alternative options.

Since respiratory pathology occurs quite often, the safest method of treatment is the inhalation route of drug administration. Eufillin for refilling a nebulizer is used in a concentration of 2.4%, and the dilution procedure for an adult and a child is different. The doctor will indicate the exact dosage when writing a prescription to purchase the medicine at the pharmacy.

Adverse reactions

The risk of side effects when treated with Eufillin is quite high:

  • Individual intolerance to the active substance or components of the drug is accompanied by symptoms of an allergic reaction.Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment
  • Undesirable reactions from the nervous system manifest themselves in the form of headaches, insomnia, and problems with concentration.
  • The cardiovascular system reacts with changes in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Dyspeptic disorders and the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system are possible.

Among the described side effects there are also: temperature changes, hot flashes, changes in blood glucose concentration.

The prescription of Euphyllin in adults is carried out by a doctor after a thorough examination of the anamnesis and current state of health.

In pediatric practice, pediatricians rarely resort to using this drug to treat a child, preferring safer medications.


Eufillin for bronchitis: dosage and methods of use, indications and contraindications

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Eufillin for bronchitis helps normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, eliminates spasms and relieves cough. Its use improves lung ventilation and reduces the number of relapses of the disease.

To achieve the best effect, you must read the instructions for use of Eufillin in order to obtain complete information about the rules of its use, dosage, as well as main indications and contraindications.

Only the attending physician should prescribe the drug.

Active substance and release forms

  • Eufillin is available in tablet form and as a solution for injection.
  • The main active ingredient of the drug is aminophylline, one ampoule contains 2.4% or 24% (depending on the intended use - for intravenous or intramuscular administration), and a tablet for oral use contains 150 mg.
  • The solution contained in the ampoules is used for intramuscular, intravenous injections and infusions, inhalations and electrophoresis.

pharmachologic effect

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Due to the fact that the main active ingredient of Euphyllin is aminophylline, it has an antispasmodic and bronchodilator effect.

The result of its application is:

  • dilation of the bronchi;
  • strengthening the process of production and removal of mucus;
  • improving the functioning of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm;
  • stimulation of the functioning of the brain center, which is responsible for breathing;
  • improving oxygen saturation of the body.

In addition, the use of the drug helps improve the functioning of the heart muscle, kidneys and bladder. Thanks to this, the disappearance of edema is observed.

Indications for use in bronchitis

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

The appointment of Eufillin is considered justified for:

  • bronchitis in chronic and obstructive form;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • bronchospasms;
  • severe coughing attacks;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • production of excess sputum and disruption of its elimination.

Eufillin is prescribed to children with extreme caution, before reaching the age of six, only in extreme cases, with bronchitis with a complicated course.

The use of the drug should only be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. This is explained by the high risk of developing adverse reactions.

Dosage of the drug

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

When selecting a dose of a medication, you must strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for use. Only the attending physician should prescribe the drug; self-medication is prohibited.

It is recommended to take Eufillin in tablet form after meals with a sufficient amount of water. For adults, the daily dose of the drug for bronchitis and broncho-obstructive conditions ranges from 450 to 900 mg, it all depends on the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.

For children 7-14 years old, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 13 mg per kilogram of weight. The maximum number of tablets per day should not exceed three.

  • Ampoules with solution for injection

The injection form of the drug is used mainly in severe cases and complications, when the situation requires emergency care.

For severe bronchitis, a solution with a concentration of the active substance of 24% is used for intramuscular administration; the dosage is determined at the rate of 5.6 mg of aminophylline per 1 kg of patient weight.

For intravenous drip administration, a single dose of Eufillin is diluted in 100-150 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

The daily dose for adults is 10 mg per kg of weight (600-800 mg). The maximum amount of active substance for children over 14 years of age is 3 mg/kg body weight, it should be divided into 3 administrations.

Eufillin is not recommended for young children due to the high risk of adverse reactions. However, even despite this, in severe cases it is recommended to use the drug, preferably intravenously, by drip.

The dose in this situation is 2-3 mg per kilogram of weight. The daily amount of the drug for children under 3 months is 0.03-0.06 g, from 4 months to a year - 0.06-0.09 g, from 2 to 3 years - 0.09-0.12 g, from 4 up to 7 years - 0.12-0.24 g, from 8 to 18 years - 0.25-0.5 g.

Instructions for use

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

The daily dose of Eufillin for bronchitis ranges from 450 to 900 mg; if necessary, it can be increased; dosage changes are allowed every 3 days. Medicines are used 4 times a day, every 6 hours.

  1. A doctor should calculate the optimal dosage.
  2. This takes into account the severity of the disease, the method of administration of the drug (oral administration, intramuscular administration, intravenous jet or using a drip) and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  3. The duration of treatment is calculated for each specific case, in general it should not exceed 14 days.
  • Use of Eufillin for electrophoresis

Electrophoresis with Eufillin is considered justified and effective in the treatment of bronchitis in children and adults. A cloth moistened with medicine (concentration - 2.4%) is placed on the chest area and electrodes are attached.

During the procedure, a slight tingling, warmth or tingling sensation is felt. It is recommended to carry it out several times a week (preferably every other day), it helps remove mucus from the bronchi, improves the condition of cartilage tissue and stimulates blood circulation.

The course of treatment consists of 10 sessions, the duration of each of them is 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, there is no direct contact of the body with the active substance of the drug and no systemic effect on the organs.

Data from observations and studies indicate that a treatment method such as the use of Eufillin for inhalation is ineffective.

This is explained by the fact that the vapors of the drug do not penetrate further than the mucous membrane, settling on it. As a result, the active substance does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a therapeutic effect.


Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Despite the fact that Eufillin is effective in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis and bronchospasms, it is not permitted to be prescribed in all cases.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • arterial hypertension or hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis or increased acidity;
  • acute kidney or liver diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • increased body temperature;
  • hemorrhage in the retina of the eye;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug and xanthine derivatives;
  • acute heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • sepsis;
  • hyper- or hypothyroidism.

In addition, Eufillin is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

The use of Eufillin for the treatment of women during pregnancy is prohibited. It can cause disruption of the functioning of the mother's heart muscle.

As a result, there is a risk of developing hypoxia and even intrauterine fetal death. If it is necessary to use it during lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Side effects

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

The use of Eufillin (sometimes even correct and justified) can cause the development of adverse reactions. In the vast majority of cases they are presented in the form:

  • the appearance of a headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • bowel disorders, which may manifest as constipation or diarrhea;
  • increased levels of anxiety and restlessness;
  • convulsive attacks;
  • arrhythmias;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feelings of general weakness;
  • chills;
  • sensations of heat and facial flushing;
  • increased daily diuresis;
  • excretion of excessive sweat.

When using Eufillin for electrophoresis, side effects may occur in the form of compactions in the area of ​​use of the drug, hyperemia and irritation.

Changes can be detected in urine tests; protein and blood appear in it. To exclude diseases of the genitourinary system, it is recommended to conduct repeated tests after discontinuation of Eufillin.


  • To summarize the information presented, it is necessary to focus on the fact that Eufillin is a highly effective drug that is used to combat severe forms of bronchitis in children and adults, its complications and other respiratory diseases accompanied by bronchial obstruction.
  • The prescription of the drug, selection of the optimal dosage and frequency of use should be carried out by a doctor, taking into account the clinical picture of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • It is forbidden to self-medicate, as this can cause a deterioration in the general condition.


Eufillin for cough

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatmentWhen a patient suffers from a dry cough, sputum separation often occurs after at least 6-8 days. To speed up this process, doctors recommend taking mucolytic medications. Eufillin for cough can be called one of the most universal drugs that act comprehensively not only on the respiratory tract, but also on the body as a whole. In order not to harm your health, you should take this medicine only after consulting a doctor and studying the instructions.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Instructions for use of Eufillin tablets provide information about its pharmacological properties. The spectrum of action of Eufillin is quite wide, since it affects not only the respiratory tract, but also the functioning of the cardiovascular system, biliary tract, urinary system, and blood pressure. The main properties of Eufillin are as follows:

  1. Stimulation of contraction of the diaphragm;
  2. Decrease in vascular resistance in the lungs;
  3. Reduced pressure in the pulmonary circulation;
  4. Increasing the functionality of the intercostal and respiratory muscles;
  5. Increased sensitivity to carbon dioxide;
  6. Enrichment of blood with oxygen;
  7. Increased number of heartbeats;
  8. Decreased vascular tone;
  9. Slight increase in diuretic function;
  10. Prevents thrombus formation;
  11. Increases acidity in the stomach;
  12. Dilates the bile ducts.

The pharmacokinetics of Eufillin is characterized by its high bioavailability. The composition is quickly and almost completely absorbed into the tissue. The maximum concentration can be reached 1-2 hours after taking the tablet orally.

Substances can pass into breast milk and also pass the placental barrier, so it is advisable not to take them during pregnancy and lactation.

Manufacturers note that the concentration of active components in the child’s blood will be higher than in the mother’s blood.

Self-medication with this medicine is contraindicated, since Eufillin can actively influence various systems in the body. The appointment should only be made by the attending physician.

Reviews about the drug confirm its high effectiveness, but it is important to comply with the permissible dosage. Concentrations greater than 20 mg/ml lead to a toxicological effect.

People with pulmonary heart failure and chronic lung disease should take Eufillin for cough strictly according to the indicated dosage, since the period of elimination of active substances with such diagnoses increases to 24 hours. The elimination process occurs through the kidneys.

For adult patients, the cost of treatment with such a drug will depend on the severity of the disease, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Indications for use of Eufillin

Treatment with Eufillin in adults is possible with:

  • Bronchial asthma (as an additional treatment);
  • Emphysema;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Pulmonary hypertension;
  • Chronic bronchitis;
  • Apnea;
  • "pulmonary" heart.

The main use involves the treatment of any broncho-obstructive syndrome; in children, the indications remain the same.

When treating a child, it is important to strictly calculate the dosage, as there is a high probability of adverse reactions. You should not treat your child with this drug yourself.

In extreme cases, the use of microenemas is permissible. It is unacceptable to treat children with Eufillin tablets under 14 years of age.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Eufillin ampoules: instructions for use

What should be the permissible doses of Eufillin for children? For cough, the dosage is calculated depending on the age of the child. The ampoule may contain a solution of different concentrations. If the ampoule is labeled “2.4%” or “2%,” this means the composition is intended for intravenous use. In the case of marking “24%”, then the purpose of such a solution is intramuscular.

Injecting a solution into a vein can be called an extremely rare method of treatment, because this method can stop bronchospasm in a critical situation. As maintenance therapy, Eufillin is used in tablet form, as well as in the form of intramuscular injections.

If the child’s condition is critical, then Eufillin is administered using a dropper. The permissible dosage should only be calculated by the attending physician. Amount of drug for children of different ages:

  • Newborns up to 3 months – from 30 to 60 mg per day;
  • from 4 months to a year – from 60 to 90 mg per day;
  • from 2 to 3 years – from 90 to 120 mg per day;
  • from 4 to 7 years – from 120 to 140 mg per day;
  • from 8 to 16 years – from 250 to 500 mg per day.

For adults, the permissible dosage is calculated individually depending on weight - 6 mg per 1 kg of weight. Children need to administer the solution in stages, dividing the daily dose into 2-3 approaches. Treatment with injections should not be carried out for more than two weeks. If therapy does not produce results during this period, then you need to change drug treatment.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Eufillin tablets instructions for use

Adults need to take Eufillin tablets 1-3 times a day after eating food, 150 mg. For the treatment of children, it is important to calculate the dosage depending on weight. For a child, treatment is acceptable at 7-10 mg/kg per day, dividing the dose into 4 doses.

The duration of therapy depends on the ease of tolerability of the composition. To get rid of cough faster, after taking the tablet it is permissible to inhale with saline solution. This integrated approach will help speed up the process of removing mucus from the bronchi.

Critically acceptable doses for adults: per day – 1.5 g; at one time – 0.5 g. For children: per day – 15 mg/kg, at one time – 7 mg/kg.

Eufillin during pregnancy

Due to its ability to penetrate the placenta, Eufillin can have various effects on the condition of the fetus in the womb.

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The main negative effect of the medicine is the manifestation of intoxication in the child after birth. After he is born, he may immediately experience arrhythmia, tachycardia, and vomiting.

If the benefit to the mother is greater than the expected harm to the fetus, then the use of Eufillin may be allowed.

If there is a threat to the mother's life, then sometimes this drug is prescribed for:

  • gestosis;
  • severe swelling;
  • placental insufficiency, etc.

Only a gynecologist can prescribe treatment with Eufillin; self-medication is strictly prohibited for a pregnant woman. The doctor must accurately describe the permissible doses and duration of treatment. As negative symptoms decrease, it is important to reduce the dosage in time.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Side effects and contraindications

To get rid of a cough, it is not always possible to be treated with Eufillin, since the drug has a number of contraindications. It should not be used if you have the following diseases:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • stroke.

It is strictly not recommended to take the drug in any form before the age of three. Eufillin therapy should be carried out with caution if the following diseases are diagnosed:

If the intake was incorrect, there was an increase in dosage or duration of treatment, then a number of side effects may occur on the part of different organs and systems. In such cases, the likelihood of developing nervous disorders increases, namely: headaches, insomnia, tremors in the hands, increased irritability, and feelings of anxiety.

The heart and blood vessels may respond with increased heart rate, cardialgia, and angina. If the medication is taken incorrectly, the gastrointestinal tract can signal: nausea, exacerbation of gastritis, heartburn, diarrhea, decreased appetite.

Patients may experience chest pain, increased sweating, itchy skin, and fever. If the listed adverse reactions develop immediately after using the drug, then therapy with Eufillin should be stopped. You should definitely tell your doctor about your deteriorating health.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment


Aminophyllin-Eskom, which contains a similar amount of active substance in its composition, is considered the only substitute for Euphyllin. Other drugs from the group of bronchodilators have similar therapeutic effects:

  • Teobiolong;
  • Teopak;
  • Diprofilin;
  • Theophylline;
  • Neo-Theofebrine;
  • Theotard.

The cost of Eufillin on the pharmaceutical market varies from 10 to 60 rubles per package, but the price is affected by the dosage, the number of tablets, and the country of origin.

Name of the drug Dosage Release form Price in rubles
Eufillin (Pharmstandard) 150 mg 30 tablets 10
Eufillin (Belarus) 150 mg 30 tablets 12
Eufillin (Dalkhimpharm) 24 mg/ml Solution, 5 ml, 10 ampoules 30
Eufillin (Dalkhimpharm) 24 mg/ml Solution, 10 ml, 10 ampoules 45

When buying Eufillin, you need to carefully check the dosage of the active substance. If the purchase is made through online pharmacies, the cost may be lower without taking into account delivery.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

special instructions

During the treatment period, it is worth limiting the consumption of caffeine-containing drinks, as they can affect the condition. After taking a pill or giving injections, it is better to stop driving vehicles, because attention and concentration may decrease. The speed of psychomotor reactions during this period may be reduced.

The spectrum of action of Eufillin is quite broad, so you should not self-medicate. It is better to seek help from a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment without harm or risk to health.



Eufillin For Dry Cough (Description and Contraindications)

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment


The main effect of the substance is dilation of the bronchi. The drug is also used in the treatment of neurological pathologies, with increased blood pressure, heart and kidney diseases. When treating with Eufillin, the main thing is to eliminate not only pathologies, but to restore the activity of the sternum. Otherwise, the therapy will not produce results and the disease will return.

Let's look at the description of the drug aminophylline for cough and its effect on the human body:

  • relaxes the muscles of the bronchi;
  • stimulation of the heart muscle;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • stimulates contraction of the diaphragm;
  • normalizes breathing;
  • increases tissue susceptibility to carbon dioxide.

Release form

The release form of the medicine Eufillina for cough is shown in two versions:

Medicine in the form of a capsule of aminophylline. Cough tablets are prescribed for children according to the instructions at a dose of 7 micrograms per kg of weight, in a daily dose of 15 micrograms.

In the injection liquid version, it is a colorless or slightly yellow substance.

pharmachologic effect

The functioning element is a xanthine derivative. Aminophylline is a mixture that is based on 80% theophylline and 20% ethylenediamine, which facilitates its solubility and improves absorption. By stimulating breathing, the medicine is prescribed to prevent the formation of respiratory arrest - apnea. The drug also has a moderate diuretic effect.

The pharmacological effect of the drug Eufillin is to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, improve the functionality of the respiratory and intercostal muscles. The effect of the substance extends to the functioning of the heart, increasing the frequency of heart contractions and improving blood circulation.

How does aminophylline work:

  • has a vasodilating effect on peripheral arteries;
  • reduces the risk of stagnation in the pulmonary circulation;
  • improving kidney blood flow;
  • improvement of coronary blood flow;
  • stability to changes in red blood cells;
  • preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • Providing an enileptogenic effect when taking a large dosage of the drug.

Mode of application

How to use aminophylline for dry cough? Tablets have their own specific application. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum positive results, the drug should be taken after meals and washed down with water.

When Eufillin is prescribed for a dry cough in an adult, the appropriate dosage is 600 mg (no more than four capsules).

Eufillin is recommended for children over the age of six years at a dosage of no more than ten mg/kg per day. The intake of the pharmaceutical substance is divided into four times.

The doctor prescribes the course of treatment based on the patient’s condition and the stage of the disease. During treatment, it is necessary to take into account the tolerability of the medication, its components, as well as the severity of the disease and stage.


Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatment

Eufillin belongs to a group of medications prescribed for the treatment of lungs and bronchi. Indications for use of Eufillin in pills:

  • asthma;
  • a type of obstructive apnea, which is observed with massive obesity;
  • diffuse prolonged bronchial disease;
  • a complex of hemodynamic disorders (blood movement through the vessels);
  • pathological processes in the lungs, characterized by increased air content in the lung tissue.
  • Eufillin is considered a substance that is effective for exercise-induced asthma; for other forms of the disease it is prescribed in combination with other medications.
  • When can you use Eufillin in the form of ampoules?
  • Indications for taking Eufillin for dry cough in adults are:
  • acute obstructive bronchitis;
  • acute heart failure with attacks of shortness of breath;
  • pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • pathological increase in blood pressure in the vessels of the lungs;
  • neurological disease with severe headaches;
  • blood stagnation in the pulmonary circle;
  • bronchospastic syndrome.

Can aminophylline be taken for a dry cough? Eufillin is a medicinal product, especially often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, which are characterized by a painful dry cough.

Only the doctor can determine how to take the drug, since Eufillin is considered a rather serious medicine.

When the doctor has prescribed you to take a substance orally and after a certain period certain ailments arise, such as dizziness, nausea or increased heart rate, then you need to choose a different type of medication. The dose for each patient is prescribed individually, based on the specifics of the body.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the active substance Euphyllin, or to various other methylxanthine derivatives.

Contraindications to the use of aminophylline are as follows:

  • a child under six years of age;
  • with coronary heart disease of the acute stage;
  • heart rhythm pathologies;
  • inflammation of the gastric mucosa, including tissue damage to the gastric walls;
  • prolonged increase or decrease in pressure;
  • acute pathology of cerebral circulation;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • kidney disease, including acute period;
  • syndrome caused by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • accumulation of blood spilled from blood vessels in the tissues and cavities of the body;
  • taking ephedrine.

Let's consider when aminophylline should not be used or under the strict guidance of a doctor:

  • heart and vascular diseases (clinical form of coronary heart disease, progressive systemic vascular damage);
  • chronic liver or kidney diseases;
  • benign tumor resulting from the proliferation of prostate tissue;
  • breastfeeding if there is a threat to the fetus during pregnancy;
  • children or people of retirement age;

Side effects of the drug

Any medications cause adverse reactions and Eufillin is no exception. Side effects of aminophylline are as follows:

  1. Central nervous system: a feeling of loss of consciousness, pain in the head, poor sleep, anxiety, excessive excitability, increased irritability, rhythmic movements of the limbs or torso caused by muscle contractions.
  2. Cardiovascular system: heart contractions increase, pain appears in the left side of the chest, low blood pressure.
  3. Gastrointestinal tract: cramping pain in the stomach, gag reflex, reflux of stomach contents into the lumen of the esophagus, burning behind the sternum, exacerbation of ulcers, watery loose stools, decreased appetite when the medicine is taken for a long time.
  4. From allergic interactions: rash on the skin, an unpleasant sensation of irritation, burning and tingling in any area of ​​the skin, temperature increases above 37 degrees.

Eufillin for children

The main indications for the use of aminophylline in children are considered to be chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with attacks of shortness of breath, degradation of the structure of the lung tissue, impaired blood and lymph circulation, as well as diseases with increased blood pressure.

The drug aminofillin contains the following contraindications:

  • a decrease in pressure by more than 20% of the original;
  • increase in heart rate from 90 beats per minute;
  • disruption of the normal rhythm of myocardial contractions;
  • ulcerative defect on the wall of the stomach.

Secondary effects include diarrhea, headaches, nausea, syndrome of increased nervous excitability, pain in the abdominal cavity, frequent beating, and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. When the drug is administered into the rectum, irritation of the rectal mucosa may be observed.

Note! Prescribing medicine to children without a doctor's prescription is prohibited! The instructions for use note that children under 3 years old should not be prescribed the medicine either rectally or intramuscularly. Therefore, parents should use medications with caution, especially for children, and follow the doctor’s advice. At this age, any medications are prescribed in precise dosages.

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At the age of fourteen years, the drug can be prescribed, however, in the form of enemas. However, only when the child has a serious illness, so the doctor, despite the huge list of secondary signs, prescribes medicine. The main thing is not to exceed the permissible dose, otherwise all the various secondary effects will negatively affect the general state of well-being.

In case of acute need, aminophylline tablets for a dry cough in a child are prescribed in a dosage of approximately 5 ml per kg of body weight. It is necessary to adhere to the exact time between doses of the drug. For example, a one-year-old child with a cough caused by inflammation of the bronchi is allowed to take the medicine no more often than once with an interval of eight hours.

When the baby is more than six months old, the time is reduced to six hours. For older children, the intervals are the same, however, the dose of the substance is reduced to 4 mg. Very rarely, with a protracted disease, the dose needs to be increased. The child must be administered up to 16 mg of the substance. The dosage during the day does not exceed 400 mg.

It is better to distribute the total dose into four doses of Eufillin.

When secondary manifestations have not appeared and health is improving, the dosage, on the advice of the doctor, is increased by one fourth. This is the maximum dosage, which is 500 mg per day.

When treating infants, doctors more often prescribe electrophoresis with Eufillin, due to the fact that the medicine does not enter the body directly, but is used to wet the gasket of the device. Electrophoresis improves blood circulation, saturates cartilage tissue, and thins mucus in the respiratory tract.

Inhalation procedures for a child with Eufillin are determined with caution, because at an early age the threat of the formation of secondary signs increases, higher than in adults.

Despite the specifics of use and possible side reactions, Eufillin remains an effective medicine. When used correctly, it will bring exceptional benefits to the body and help remove unpleasant signs of protracted illnesses in the shortest possible time.


In what cases and how to take aminophylline

The drug Eufillin has different purposes of action. It is often prescribed to normalize breathing, eliminate cough, and relax muscles in pathologies of the respiratory system.

The product has several forms of release, which are prescribed depending on the disease and its severity. However, they all have the same main component - aminophylline, only in different concentrations.

Instructions for use of Euphyllin cough tablets for adults and children indicate all the features of its action and use.

How the drug works

In relation to dysfunctions of the respiratory system, Eufillin has an antispasmodic, bronchodilator, and vasoconstrictor effect.

The substance aminophylline is included in the drug as the main component and performs a number of functions.

It helps relax the bronchial and diaphragmatic muscles, reduce vascular tone, dilate them, stimulate the respiratory center and increase its sensitivity.

The action of the drug, the substances of which are a xanthine derivative (found in all tissues of the human body and is involved in metabolism), is aimed at:

  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • restoration of alveolar ventilation;
  • relaxation of the muscles involved in breathing.

Thanks to these properties, Eufillin is especially effective for coughs. In addition, it performs a number of other functions:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • helps reduce lower pressure;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • increases heart rate;
  • reduces platelet aggregation;
  • increases stomach acidity.

In what forms is it available?

Eufillin is presented in several forms of production. The most commonly used solution is 2%, 12% and 24%. The solution is used for injection intramuscularly or intravenously, for inhalation and microenemas. Its subcutaneous administration is prohibited. The method of use is selected individually, depending on the pathology and its severity.

The drug is used intravenously for stroke and bronchial asthma. For cough caused by obstructive bronchitis, it is administered intravenously. The mild stage of the disease allows intramuscular injections.

Therapy with Eufillin injections in children is carried out from the age of 14. At an earlier age, medication is prescribed by a doctor only in case of urgent need.

The product can be used for up to 3 months to improve vital signs.

Inhalations with the addition of Eufillin are sometimes used for bronchitis. They have less effect than injections, but still promote recovery.

Other dosage forms:

  • Eufillin tablets (150 mg and 250 mg aminophylline). The drug is used in the form of cough tablets quite often, but mainly in cases where the disease that causes the cough is severe.
  • Powder for internal use. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, relieves spasm. Has a diuretic effect.
  • Suppositories for rectal administration (20 mg aminophylline).

Who is Eufillin indicated for?

The instructions provide a list of indications for prescribing the medication. For coughs and breathing problems, it is prescribed in different ways in different cases.

Parenteral use (that is, in injections and droppers):

  • left gastric dysfunction in combination with bronchospasm and Cheyne-Stokes breathing (a type of impaired breathing);
  • respiratory disorders, including status asthmaticus (addition to treatment);
  • apnea of ​​newborns.

Oral form of application:

  • broncho-obstructive syndrome, including obstructive chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma;
  • apnea at night;
  • cor pulmonale (a complication of pathologies of the respiratory system).

Eufillin for cough is not used to cure it and remove the root cause, but to eliminate spasm, alleviate the condition, improve breathing and relieve pain. It is especially effective for dry barking cough in adults and children.

For children, Eufillin is taken in case of urgent need, when it is necessary to relieve a sharp spasm of the respiratory system. Eufillin is not recommended for children under three years of age. If there is a reasonable need for this, the drug is taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Eufillin is prescribed during pregnancy, as it does not pose a particular threat to the fetus. It is used not only for coughs and respiratory system disorders, but also for complications of pregnancy (preeclampsia, placental insufficiency). The decision to use Eufillin during this period can only be made by a doctor.

How to take it correctly

Eufillin should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist. The form and regimen of drug therapy depends on the pathology, age and other characteristics of the patient’s body.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatmentThe use of the drug in tablets is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

Eufillin for cough for adults can be taken in tablets of 150 mg 1-3 times a day, taking into account the causes of the disease. Eufillin for children with cough is prescribed at the rate of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. This amount is divided into 4 times a day. Therapy with the drug lasts from several days to several months.

When using intravenous injections, they are administered slowly, over 5 minutes (stream) or from 30-50 drops per minute (drip).

For adults, intravenous and intramuscular injections are prescribed on average 400-600 mg per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

For children, the number of injections is determined according to weight: 12-20 kg - two times 100 mg, 21-30 kg - 2 times 150 mg, 31-40 kg - 2 times 200 kg. The average course of therapy takes 2 weeks.

Another effective way to use Euphyllin for cough in children is to apply a compress. It makes breathing easier and relieves spasms.

Mix a tablespoon of Eufillin, Dimexide, Mucolvan with 5 tablespoons of clean water at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Soak a compress with the mixture, apply it to the upper chest, wrap it in cellophane or cling film, and on top with a blanket or woolen scarf. Remove after 2 hours.

What medications does it interact with?

Eufillin is compatible with antispasmodics.

The effect of the drug on cough is enhanced by antibiotics from a number of lincomycins, macrolides, containing allopurinol, quinolone.

Also, the effect of the drug increases when interacting with cimetidine, beta-blockers, fluvoxamine, disulfiram. A similar thing happens with hormonal contraceptives and influenza vaccines.

When used in parallel with these drugs, the doctor reduces the dosage of Euphyllin.

The effect of the drug is weakened by phenobarbital, isoniazid, sulfinpyrazone, caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, green tea), and cigarettes. In this case, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the medicine.

The absorption of the main substance, aminophylline, is reduced by enterosorbents and antidiarrheal medications. If their use is necessary, you should take a break of at least one hour between doses.

Eufillin is incompatible with acids (acid solutions).

Side effects can be enhanced by parallel use with corticosteroids (especially Dexamethasone and Prednisolone), xanthine derivatives, and central nervous system stimulants.

Undesirable effects and symptoms of overdose

Sometimes, after using Euphyllin in the treatment of cough, side effects may occur, in which case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Eufillin for cough and rules for using the drug in treatmentSince Eufillin affects the entire body as a whole, a variety of side effects are possible.

Among them:

  • trembling of the upper limbs;
  • unreasonable anxiety and anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, nausea (if administered orally).

Side effects from injections may include the following:

  • surges in blood pressure (mostly a sharp decrease);
  • increased or decreased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.

In case of an overdose or excessive concentration in the blood plasma, the following symptoms may occur:

  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal system;
  • vomiting, nausea, gastrointestinal upset;
  • renal failure;
  • tachycardia;
  • pressure drop;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • temperature increase;
  • convulsions;
  • skin redness;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • hypoglycemia (increased blood sugar levels).

In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor to discontinue the medication or reduce its dosage.

For whom the drug is contraindicated

Among the contraindications of Eufillin are the following:

  • reduced pressure readings (if it is intended to be administered intravenously);
  • acute and chronic heart failure;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • severe stage of gastritis;
  • bleeding in the retinal tissue;
  • individual reactions to aminophylline, theophylline.
  • age up to 3 years.

Relative contraindications include:

  • renal failure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn).

Spontaneous use of the drug during pregnancy can lead to serious consequences for the fetus and mother. Eufillin for cough is given to children if absolutely necessary under the supervision of a doctor.


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