
Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Papillomas are a fairly common occurrence among both adults and children. They are small exophytic growths on a narrow base with a smooth or villous fine- or coarse-grained surface. Their size usually reaches no more than 1 cm.

They can be formed singly or in multiples. In the latter case, we are talking about such a pathology as skin papillomatosis. The color can vary from light brown to gray.

The main places of localization are the neck area and natural folds of the skin.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?papillomas

If we consider neoplasms from a histogenetic point of view, they are the result of intensive growth of the epidermis with the formation of papillary outgrowths. This type of tumor develops from epithelial cells. In some cases, the cells of the basal layer contain a large amount of melanin, the stratum corneum is sharply thickened.

Causes of papillomas

The most common cause of skin papillomas is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Currently, over 120 types of this virus have been identified. Skin growths are represented by a genus of beta-papilloma viruses. There is also a group of anogenital types, the clinical manifestations of which are papillomas on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, pharynx, and larynx.

Human papillomavirus - HPVSkin types of HPV are currently less studied compared to mucous membranes.

Great interest in this group began to appear when experts hypothesized the influence of HPV on the development of cancer tumors.

In fact, the danger of papillomas is that they can develop from benign into a malignant formation, thereby causing cancer.

Infusion of calamus rootWhere do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated? infection with papilloma

How does papillomavirus infection occur?

contact method, for example, when shaking hands, using common household items;


during pregnancy or during labor.

The incubation period of this virus can last from months to several years.

The triggering mechanism for HPV activity is often the following factors:

decrease in the body's defenses;


bad habits;

some systemic diseases;

surgical interventions;

prolonged depression.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?decreased immunity as a factor in papilloma disease

Depending on what type of HPV infection occurred, there are several types of skin papillomas:

Vulgar: characterized by a hard, keratinized surface, often multiple; in children they are often diagnosed on the knees.

Plantar: according to clinical descriptions, they are similar to a plantar wart, but papillomas are distinguished by a glossy, shiny surface; they are formed when infected with virus 1, 2 and 4. Plantar papillomas cause discomfort while walking and can cause pain

Single papillomas: as a rule, they are only a cosmetic defect and do not cause any inconvenience to patients, but with frequent injury or self-removal they can become large in size.

Flat subcutaneous papillomas: formations that rise slightly above the skin, are flesh-colored, and have a rounded shape.

Thread-like: usually detected in old age, localized around the eyes, armpits, groin, neck.

Basal cell: also more often diagnosed in the elderly, it is a flat formation, in appearance it can resemble a keratinized mole.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?papilloma removal

Diagnosis of papilloma

A dermatologist or venereologist is involved in diagnosing papilloma on human skin. The neoplasm itself is not difficult to diagnose, but it is possible to identify HPV and determine its type using a special analysis - polymerase chain reaction. PCR diagnostics is an accessible and highly informative method.

With its help (PCR) the following is detected:

presence of a virus;

its strain;


Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?papilloma diagnosis

The most dangerous highly oncogenic types are 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45.

Methods for removing skin papillomas

Currently, there are several ways to remove benign tumors. One of the common and accessible methods is the radio wave procedure, which is carried out on the Surgitron apparatus (taken as an example). The impact on the pathological area occurs due to high-frequency radio wave radiation.

The advantage of this procedure is that the radio waves are highly selective, leaving healthy cells untouched. The entire procedure is comfortable and painless for the patient with minimal blood loss. Due to the fact that the device has virtually no contact with the skin, the risk of infection is minimized.

Another modern hardware method for treating skin papillomas is laser technology. In dermatology, various types of laser systems are used: carbon dioxide, erbium, pulsed. The principle of their operation is based on the evaporation of liquid and a destructive effect on pathological cells. Thus, healthy tissues are not affected, and pathological ones are removed in layers.

  Increased blood prothrombin

How is papillomas removed?

Both radio wave and laser removal of skin papillomas are carried out on an outpatient basis. Special preparation for this procedure is usually not required.

General recommendations are:—exclusion of alcohol;—preferably quitting smoking;—limiting ultraviolet radiation;

- no contact with household chemicals.

  • The doctor begins the procedure with disinfection and disinfection: he treats the affected area with a disinfectant, then applies an anesthetic cream to it, after which the procedure itself begins.

Laser removal of papillomas

Removing a small growth takes less than 5 minutes. After all manipulations, apply a sterile bandage or patch.

With laser removal, the scar is practically absent or barely noticeable, so this method is excellent for removing tumors on open areas of the body, for example, on the face, neck, and arms. With radio waves, a small scar remains. A small crust forms at the site of manipulation.

Important! You should not remove it yourself. Within two weeks it separates. If removal occurs in children, the wound is covered with a band-aid during this time.


The removal mechanism is as follows: the affected area is exposed to liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is below 20°C. As a result of freezing, the process of destruction of proteins begins, and subsequently tissue necrosis occurs.

The cryodestruction procedure lasts about 2 minutes.

The cosmetic effect largely depends on the qualifications of the doctor; he must correctly determine the boundaries of necrosis, the treated area is divided into certain zones: cryonecrosis, transitional, irreversible damage, hypothermia.

The procedure usually takes place without anesthesia.

Removal tactics

Examination of the tumor, pain relief if necessary. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the number of papillomas, the required tip is selected and applied to the papilloma.

When the temperature drops to minus 80, you can notice how the tip is attached to the papilloma. Then the area is disinfected, the neoplasm changes its appearance: it becomes white and denser, colder.

As a rule, the patient does not experience any painful sensations, but a slight burning and tingling sensation is felt.

Removal of skin papillomas, regardless of the chosen method, should be postponed in case of the following diseases:

acute inflammatory processes;

suspicion of cancer;

pregnancy, lactation;

menstrual bleeding;

exacerbation of the herpes virus;


Each described technique has its pros and cons. The procedures are aimed at removing the cosmetic effect; under certain factors, tumors may appear again. To prevent relapses, antiviral drugs can be prescribed; they are selected individually by a dermatologist.


Where does the human papillomavirus come from: the main causes of its occurrence, HPV appears

The question of where the papilloma virus comes from worries many people and specialists. Its prevalence and vitality in the human body is surprising, and modern medicines cannot guarantee its complete destruction.

This microorganism has many strains, some of which can lead to serious consequences for humans. In order to resist the virus, you need to know as much as possible about it, including routes of infection and possible preventive measures.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Where do they come from - routes of HPV infection

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common DNA virus that is highly contagious and causes papillomatosis, i.e. the appearance of papilloma on the skin and mucous membrane.

At their core, papillomas are benign formations that resemble warts that grow from epithelial cells.

During development, they are able to affect not only the mucous layer, but also penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Currently, more than 120 varieties of HPV are known, which differ in their contagiousness, oncogenicity and resistance to medications. The virus actively affects people of both sexes, regardless of age. It is almost impossible to completely remove it from the body, where it remains in a latent state for life even after treatment.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Moreover, after infection, the virus may not show itself for years, and the person does not even suspect its presence. As a result, more than 10 percent of all people become carriers of the infection, and during the most active sexual period (25–35 years) the number of infected people exceeds 50%.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Most strains of the virus can be transmitted through contact and household contact, that is, through direct contact with the affected areas of the body of a sick person or through common objects.

Infection is possible by shaking hands, kissing, using a swimming pool and public baths, using someone else's underwear, etc.

Infection of newborns often occurs during childbirth in the presence of papilloma in the uterus, vagina and labia of the woman in labor.

Causes of occurrence, appearance on the body

Papillomatosis is an infectious disease, and the virus enters the body of a healthy person through one of the described routes. The risk of infection increases with the start of sexual intercourse too early, promiscuity, casual (unprotected) sex. However, the development of the disease occurs only when favorable conditions appear for HPV to emerge from its latent state.

The following provoking causes of papilloma are identified:

  • immunodeficiency of a congenital or acquired nature, including HIV and AIDS;
  • the postpartum period, when a woman’s body experiences the effects of hormonal changes and stress;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of a chronic nature, sexually transmitted diseases, venereal diseases;
  • pathologies of the endocrine type, diabetes mellitus;
  • active therapy with immunosuppressants;
  • repeated artificial termination of pregnancy, long-term use of oral, hormonal contraception;
  • exhaustion and physical weakening of the body;
  • intoxication of the body, hormonal imbalance;
  • long-term use of certain medications - cytostatics, antibiotics.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

An incorrect lifestyle leads to the activation of HPV. Bad habits (excessive drinking, drugs) provoke the growth of papilloma. Poor nutrition, starvation diets, and vitamin deficiencies significantly weaken the body, reducing immune defense.


Once in the human body, HPV is most often suppressed by the immune system, and therefore does not manifest itself for a long time.

When the immune defense is weakened, the virus integrates into the cells of the epithelial, basalt layer, changing the chromosomal structure.

Accelerated cell division and their corresponding proliferation occurs, which gives external manifestation in the form of formations of various shapes (papillomas).

The skin can be affected on almost any part of the body. The most common location is on the genitals. Lesions can be found on the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, upper respiratory tract, intestines and other internal organs.

The symptoms and appearance of papilloma vary depending on their type, but some common features can be noted. Usually the formations do not show pain, but in some cases pain and burning are felt upon mechanical contact with the affected area. Atypical discharge may appear. The main sign of papillomatosis is the appearance of the growths.

What types are most common?

Papillomas are easily identified by their characteristic shape. Based on this feature, there are several types of formations:

  1. Warty type (warts) . They are generated by HPV 1–5, 10, 28 and 49. The main difference between viral warts and other formations of this type is their instability - they appear and disappear on their own, depending on the state of immunity. In color they are close to the shade of normal skin. The most common types are juvenile (flat) warts, plantar warts (spikes), and vulgar warts that appear on the hands.
  2. Condylomas of the pointed type . They are papillary growths provoked by HPV 6,11, 13,18, 35. The main localization areas are the genitals, anal area, oral cavity, lips, larynx, and respiratory tract. These condylomas can be single or multiple.
  3. Confluent condyloma acuminata . Nearby formations are able to join together to form a growth that looks like cauliflower. When using a magnifying glass, you can notice the presence in such formations of individual sharp elements with their own blood capillary. They can be differentiated using a weak vinegar solution - papillomas acquire a pearly white hue.
  4. Flat type papillomas . This variety indicates the existence of an old, chronic infection and significant cellular change. Formations can be of considerable size.
  5. Laryngeal papillomas



Papillomas are a disease that affects epithelial cells and skin. The cause of papillomas is the human papillomavirus, which belongs to the Papoviridae family, the Papillomavirus group. Among HPV, viruses with high and low oncogenic risk are distinguished. The oncogenicity of papillomas is explained by the ability of the virus to integrate its DNA into the genome of human cells.

When HPV enters the human body, it initially infects the basal cells of the epithelium. Microtraumas, abrasions, cracks and other damage to the skin contribute to the penetration of the papilloma virus into the body.

For a long time, the virus can reproduce initially without manifesting itself clinically (chronic carriage).

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If the virus multiplies in the superficial layers of the skin, then over time, even with chronic carriage of the papilloma virus, cell hyperplasia is observed.

Since the human papillomavirus is unstable in the external environment, infection occurs through direct contact.

Promiscuous sexual intercourse leads to infection; smoking, pregnancy, endometriosis, vitamin deficiency, and immunodeficiencies are predisposing factors for infection to occur when interacting with the virus.

The risk of infection increases with frequent contact with bare human skin, for example during massage.

Papilloma is a neoplasm of the skin or mucous membranes and looks like a papillary growth that protrudes above the surrounding tissue. Papillomas are localized on the skin, mucous membranes, in the groin area and on the genitals; in some cases, papillomas are found in the renal pelvis and on the mucous membrane of the ureters.

Since papilloma consists of connective tissue covered with skin and contains blood vessels, when it is traumatized, bleeding is possible. The neoplasm grows upward outward in the form of scattered papillae in various directions and resembles cauliflower in appearance.

Skin color may not change, but in most cases, papillomas are white to dirty brown in color. Favorite localization is the skin of the hands and arms.

In patients with immunodeficiencies, papillomatosis becomes widespread. Primary skin changes begin to appear 1-6 months after infection.

The concentration of the virus in the affected areas reaches its maximum by the 6th month from the moment of infection; this period is the most contagious.

Depending on the type of virus, the clinical manifestations of papillomas are variable. Thus, vulgar papillomas look like a hard lump with a diameter of 1 mm with a rough keratinizing surface.

Vulgar papillomas tend to merge, and therefore often affect large areas of the skin. Simple (vulgar) papillomas are localized everywhere, but more often they affect the skin of the fingers and the back of the palms.

In especially young children, papillomas affect the knees; this is due to physiological characteristics, since children crawl without clothes.

Typically, vulgar papillomas are located in groups, but the long-term existence of a single element for several years is possible. Immunodeficiency conditions and general diseases contribute to the spread of the process; in isolated cases, vulgar papilloma becomes malignant.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Papillomas on the soles are often painful, especially when walking. In approximately 30% of cases, they resolve themselves; self-recovery is more often observed in young children. They are often confused with calluses, which appear between the fingers with prolonged pressure. However, calluses, unlike papillomas, have a smooth surface and retain their skin pattern.

The causative agents of flat papillomas are HPV 3.10. These papillomas are of unchanged skin color and look like smooth, flat lumps, sometimes they can be yellowish or slightly pink in color, often with rounded outlines. There are also polygonal plantar papillomas. The neoplasms cause pain, itching, and the affected area is hyperemic.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?Filiform papillomas are diagnosed in half of those over the age of 50 who apply for skin tumors; they are also called acrochords. They are localized on the skin around the eyes, in the groin area, in the armpits and on the neck. First, small bumps of a yellowish tint appear, which subsequently increase and gradually transform into dense, elongated elastic formations up to 5-6 mm in size. If the acrochords are localized in places where trauma is possible, they become inflamed and cause pain. Threaded papillomas are not prone to spontaneous disappearance. In patients with diagnosed filamentous papillomas, rectal polyps are quite often observed.

HPV 13, 32 cause local epithelial hyperplasia, which is characterized by the appearance of small papillary neoplasms on the oral mucosa and on the red border of the lips, which slightly rise above the skin and tend to merge.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?One of the rare papillomas is Lewandowsky-Lutz papillomas (epidermodysplasia verrucous). Mostly children and adolescents are affected. Sometimes epidermodysplasia verruciformis is familial. Clinically it looks like multiple red-brownish spotted papillomas on the hands and feet. If papillomas are located in areas of the skin that are most susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, then in 30% of cases they become malignant and degenerate into malignant tumors with germination into neighboring tissues.

HPV, which is the causative agent of genital warts, can have a low, medium and high risk of oncological degeneration, therefore, when diagnosing genital warts, a PCR examination should always be performed. The incubation period ranges from several weeks to several months.

Since in some cases the changes are minimal, these papillomas go unnoticed. The main route of transmission is sexual. The risk group includes people with immunodeficiencies and frequently changing sexual partners.

Externally they look like pink or pale gray pigmented pointed growths on a stalk.

In most cases, there is pain, burning, itching, irritation when touched and rubbed by underwear, and they are often injured and bleed. They are localized in the vestibule of the vagina, on the labia minora; less commonly, genital warts are found in the vagina and on the cervix. In men, the opening of the urethra is affected.

The affected area depends on sexual behavior; in individuals who practice anal intercourse, genital warts are found in the perineal area and in the perianal area. In some cases, genital warts are diagnosed on the oral mucosa and on the red border of the lips, which is again associated with the characteristics of sexual life.


Where do papillomas come from and how do they manifest?

Table of contents

  • How does HPV manifest?
  • Diagnosis of HPV
  • HPV Treatment Methods

Today, not a single qualified specialist can say exactly where papillomas come from. But it is known what causes their formation and how one can become infected.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a large group of viruses, which consists of 27 subgroups from 5 families and more than 150 strains. HPV can cause many dangerous diseases (oncology, epidermodysplasia, epithelial hyperplasia).

Each strain has its own name and individual number, since each infected cell has different DNA.

The human papillomavirus can be transmitted not only through sexual contact. You can become infected even with a simple handshake (if the patient has any damage to the body with discharge). There are many known cases where HPV was transmitted to a newborn from an infected mother.

How does HPV manifest?

Symptoms of infection appear gradually and differently depending on what disease they caused. Experts identify several main subgroups of diseases that can be formed on the basis of HPV.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Warts are specific formations of a convex, dense structure. They have a round shape with clear outlines. As a rule, they do not cause pain and differ in color from the surrounding skin.

They can form on the palms, soles, fingers and other parts of the body. In most cases, warts do not cause any problems, except that they do not look aesthetically pleasing.

The cause of their formation can be human papillomavirus types 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Condylomas are convex neoplasms of dense composition that resemble warts in appearance and composition. These neoplasms have a pointed tip shape and their contours are unclear. They can form on the genitals (both men and women).

For example, on the head of the penis, on the cervix, on the walls of the bladder. In addition, they can appear on the mucous membranes (oral cavity, vagina, etc.). Condylomas are caused by HPV types 6 and 11.

You can get rid of warts on the body only if you completely remove them.

Bowenoid papulosis is characterized by the formation of rashes on the genitals. In most cases, men develop a rash on the head of the penis, which causes discomfort and occasionally itching.

In women, the skin of the labia majora is a common location for rashes. As a rule, the disease is caused by virus strains 16, 18, 31 and 33.

There have been several cases of Bowenoid papulosis developing into skin cancer.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Bowen syndrome develops exclusively in men. A raised, silky plaque of a reddish hue may form on the skin of the genital organs, which has clear boundaries. If the disease is not treated, then over time it can degenerate into a malignant formation. The appearance of plaques can be caused by human papillomavirus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 and 45.

Cervical neoplasia is caused by HPV strains 16 and 18. This disease is the initial stage of cervical cancer. The formation of this oncology can be caused by HPV 16,18,31,33,35,39 strains.

Diagnosis of HPV

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Diagnosing human papillomavirus is quite difficult. In most cases, it is almost impossible to identify diseases. The doctor examines the skin and mucous membranes in those places where the virus appears most often. In women, it is mandatory to examine the vagina and cervix using mirrors. Additionally, you will need to perform a colposcopy and undergo a cytology test. If the patient is diagnosed with a tumor on the cervix or other genital organs, the doctor may take a small piece of tissue for a biopsy. In this way, the specialist will determine the initial stage of the disease.

The polymerase reaction is one of the most accurate methods used to determine the DNA formula of the virus in any biomaterial that needs to be examined. There is another diagnostic method - the DIGENE test.

It allows not only to identify the virus, but also to determine its strain by DNA. Using the DIGENE test, you can also find out the degree of malignancy of the human papillomavirus (the ability of HPV to cause cancer).

HPV Treatment Methods

To date, there is no single strategy for treating HPV, since different strains require special therapy. It is necessary to treat the infection caused by the virus, and not try to remove HPV from the body.

Even if a person is not bothered by warts, it is advisable to remove them using cryotherapy or electrocoagulation. It is also advisable to treat condylomas with these methods. In addition, you can get rid of genital warts using radio waves or lasers.

It is worth understanding that removing tumors will not cure the patient from papillomavirus. Relapse of the disease is also possible.

Surgical methods are used to treat HPV to remove malignant tumors. But the operation will not cure the virus, but will only remove the tumors. To reduce the possibility of relapse of the disease, I often use additional treatment methods in medical practice.

To date, there are no specific drugs that can cure a patient from HPV. Therefore, in most cases, experts recommend the use of antiviral drugs that stimulate the immune system. They all have different effects on HPV virus cells.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Only a doctor can prescribe a particular drug to a patient, based on the results of all examinations. After all, each person has his own characteristics. For example, some may have allergies, while others may have severe side effects from the drug.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of treatment with antiviral drugs has not been proven, and few people succeed in improving their well-being.

No specialist can guarantee a positive result even after complete cure of HPV, since there is a high risk of relapse. The disease may not manifest itself for quite a long time and after a few years it may degenerate into a malignant formation.

Therefore, it is recommended to undergo regular examinations in order to detect HPV in the early stages and thereby avoid the formation of cancer.

It is impossible to say with certainty where the papillomavirus comes from; it is difficult to cure. By self-medicating, the patient can only worsen his condition.

Therefore, if you have any signs of the disease (warts, condylomas and other neoplasms), we recommend that you seek help from qualified specialists who will prescribe the correct therapy.

Do not forget that HPV in its final stages can provoke the formation of cancer.


Human papillomavirus: where does it come from and how to get rid of it

It is important to know where papillomas come from in order to avoid possible infection. Papilloma is nothing more than a viral skin disease.

Small tumor-like formations are benign. Their color usually does not differ from the general skin tone. Apart from aesthetic discomfort, they do not cause any unpleasant sensations in humans.

But despite this, viral infection poses a danger.

After all, papillomas tend to actively multiply, and rashes can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes of internal organs. At the same time, it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus once it has entered the body. And the treatment carried out can only dampen its activity.

Ways of infection with the virus

The appearance of papillomas on the body is caused by the activity of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Virus cells can be present in any human body, but do not manifest themselves for a long time.

The impetus for the activation of a “dormant” infection is any malfunction of the immune system. This could be regular lack of sleep, poor diet or constant stress. As soon as the body's defenses weaken, the virus begins to manifest itself as rashes on the skin.

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And if nothing is done at this stage, the number of papillomas begins to increase, affecting more and more new areas of the body.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Previously, there was an opinion that sexual contact with a carrier of the disease was the only method of transmission of the papilloma virus. But modern medicine has proven that this is by no means the case, and you can catch the infection at home. This significantly expanded the list of causes of papillomas infection:

  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse and unprotected sexual intercourse. This is the most common method of infection, which mainly affects the genital mucosa. However, the use of barrier contraception cannot provide complete protection against the virus.
  • Scratches, cracks and other damage to the skin. Even a microscopic injury is enough for the virus to find a new host.
  • During childbirth from mother to child. If there are papillomas on the mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs, infection of the newborn at the time of passage through the birth canal is almost inevitable.
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus. There is no point in talking about a 100% probability of infection, but the risk of transmission of infection during the development of the fetus in the womb is very high. Therefore, if an active virus is detected in a woman’s body before pregnancy, it is recommended to postpone conception and undergo supportive treatment.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules. A washcloth, towel, slippers or bedding from a virus carrier can all pose a danger to family members.

The body of a healthy person produces a sufficient amount of antibodies to HPV, which makes it possible to block the activity of viral cells.

But at the same time, the carrier of the infection poses a great danger to surrounding people who cannot boast of such good health.

Causes of papillomas on the body

We have figured out the ways of contracting a viral infection. But then where do papillomas come from if this is a disease with a “dormant” character. The reasons for such activity are exclusively physiological in nature, and the risk of infection can lie in wait for any person, regardless of his age and social status:

  1. Chronic diseases. Weak immunity, drug intoxication and decay products of pathogenic microflora activate viral cells and provoke the appearance of papillomas in different parts of the body.
  2. Frequent stress. Being in a state of constant nervous tension, the body cannot fully resist pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, metabolic processes are disrupted and decay products of cell activity accumulate. Constant intoxication may well serve as an impetus for the activation of papilloma virus cells, manifesting themselves as neoplasms on the skin.
  3. Natural aging of the body. The aging process affects absolutely all organs and systems, worsening their functioning. And in a state of such a complex failure, the body becomes a target for infections and disease progression.
  4. Pregnancy period. Pregnancy is a colossal burden on the body, which now has to work for two. Traditionally, the human papillomavirus in women is activated precisely during this happy period for them, overshadowing it with fears and worries about the health of the unborn baby.
  5. Overweight. People with varying degrees of obesity have numerous comorbidities. Considering all the above information, the likelihood of papillomas appearing is very high.

These are the main risk factors that trigger the formation of viral rashes on the body of an adult. But in fact, there are a huge number of scientifically proven reasons why skin papillomas occur. And all of them are, to one degree or another, associated with a malfunction of the immune system.

Causes of papillomas in children

The likelihood of contracting HPV in children is very high. This is facilitated by hormonal changes in adolescents during puberty, the still weak immune system of a newborn, dysbiosis in infants due to errors in nutrition, and the weakening of the body’s defenses after a cold or flu.

The main reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the body of a small child:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • from an infected mother to her child during childbirth;
  • household contacts through clothing, toys and household items;
  • as a result of unsafe games on the beach or first swimming lessons in the pool;
  • bad habit - biting nails;
  • independent infection through dirty hands in the presence of any skin damage.

Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated?

Even the mildest cold can trigger the activation of the virus, manifesting itself as papillomas on the neck, arms or mucous membranes.

Treatment methods for papillomas on the body

It is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of the virus in the body. But you shouldn’t neglect the symptoms of its activity. When papillomas appear on the skin, antiviral therapy is traditionally prescribed, followed by supportive treatment to strengthen the immune system. All this helps to avoid relapse of the disease and new skin rashes.

If the papilloma is located in an inconspicuous place and does not cause any concern, most dermatologists agree that it should not be touched. If the growth is constantly exposed (interferes with hygiene procedures, gets caught by clothing), the verdict is clear - remove.

Do not try to tear off or cut off a papilloma yourself. This will only worsen the situation, and a whole group of neoplasms will appear in place of a small growth.

If a person is worried about papillomas, then in search of answers to the question of how to get rid of them, you need to contact a dermatologist exclusively. Modern medicine offers several treatment options that help quickly and painlessly remove skin lesions.

  1. Surgical excision of papilloma tissue. The main advantage of the method is the possibility of further studying the growth for cancer markers (histology).
  2. Laser therapy. Burning out of the skin formation is carried out under the influence of high temperatures, which avoids bleeding and other complications after the procedure.
  3. Cryodestruction method. This method of treatment allows you to avoid scars, which is important when getting rid of papillomas on the face and other open areas of the body.
  4. Electrical burning. The electrocoagulation method is considered one of the most reliable in the fight against papillomas. But after removing the growth, scars may remain.

There are also folk remedies for papillomas on the body. But in the conditions of modern medicine, treating growths with celandine or laundry soap is no longer relevant. Especially when it comes to treating papilloma in a child. Moreover, complex therapy should not be limited to affecting skin tumors exclusively.


Why papillomas appear on the body and what to do with them

Drawing by Sergei Belozerov

Maybe you don’t know exactly what papilloma is, but, of course, you’ve seen it. A mole is not a birthmark, a wart is not a wart - it is a small growth of brown, pink or the same shade as the skin that appears in a variety of places, including the eyelids or genitals. Let's try to figure out where papillomas come from and how to get rid of them.

The Ubiquitous Virus

The appearance of papillomas tells us one thing - the human papillomavirus (HPV) has settled in the body. Researchers of the virus believe that about 70% of our planet's population is infected. It is transmitted through contact - starting with a handshake or sharing common things and ending with intimate relationships.

HPV is also transmitted from mother to newborn child. However, the virus does not always take root in the body - a good immune system copes with it. If this does not happen, then the virus begins to declare itself loudly.

Moreover, this often does not happen immediately - the latent course of the disease can last several years.

Depending on the strain of HPV that affects the body, papillomas have different colors and shapes. They are pineal, plantar (similar to calluses), filiform (elongated on a thin stalk), wide (squamous) and others.

Moreover, papillomas can occur not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane of internal organs. In the latter case, they are most often removed surgically, but external papillomas can be dealt with in less radical ways. The most popular of them is removal of formations with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction).

Oh, frosty frosty

Cryodestruction is a painless and quick method of getting rid of papillomas. Using a special device with a tip, the tumor is frozen with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -195 degrees. After this, the papilloma dies and disappears after a few days, leaving no traces.

Usually one session is enough to remove it, but if the papilloma has very long roots, several cryodestruction may be necessary.

Most often it is recommended to remove papillomas that have arisen in dangerous places where they are constantly injured, for example at the bottom of the neck, on the inside of the thigh, between the toes, etc.

electrocoagulation is used to remove papillomas - the effect of high-frequency electric current on the formation. There is also a method when radio waves are directed at the papilloma (the so-called radio wave knife).

Under no circumstances should you remove papillomas yourself, although there are many traditional ways to get rid of them. This can lead to the spread of the virus to neighboring tissues and pathological neoplasms.

Aggravating consequences

Unfortunately, the human papillomavirus can cause more than just warts. Its insidiousness is that some varieties of this disease cause cancerous tumors. In particular, scientists have proven the connection between HPV and cervical cancer.

That is why women are strongly recommended to periodically undergo a cytological examination of cervical smears in order to diagnose malignancy in the early stages.

Moreover, this study is included in the medical examination for women over 30 years old, that is, it can be completed once every three years free of charge under a compulsory health insurance policy.

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented drugs that treat HPV. Modern medicine can only deal with its consequences - removing papillomas or pathological formations from the cervix. For those who have the HPV virus detected in their blood, doctors recommend undergoing immunostimulating therapy, and for women to undergo regular smear tests.

Expert commentary

cut or freeze?

In addition to sun rays, simple trauma to them can also lead to malignant degeneration of moles. Therefore, it is better to get rid of convex and hanging formations, especially those that are easy to damage (between the fingers, at the armpits, etc.), in advance.

One of the most popular ways of getting rid of it is cryomedicine, that is, freezing a mole using a cryodestructor - a device that runs on liquid nitrogen.

The procedure is quick, painless, and some time after the dinka (as well as papilloma, wart, keratoma, hemangioma, etc.) dies and disappears, leaving no scars.

“There are no moles that cannot be removed,” says Vladimir MASLOV, chief physician of the Cryomedicine Center LLC. - Most benign lesions can be removed using freezing in several sessions. At one time, it is possible to remove up to 10 nevi (dark moles) and up to 40 - 50 papillomas (skin growths on the body, usually pointed).

The number of nevus moles and their location on the body are genetically determined in us, but they do not appear simultaneously, but throughout life. It is not necessary to remove absolutely all moles; it is enough to focus on those that interfere or are easily injured.

If you accidentally pick off a mole, you must remove it within a week, and in no case wait until everything heals. It is in these healed areas that black pigmented, fast-growing spots often appear - the first sign of melanoma. Papillomas are less dangerous formations in terms of their malignancy.

However, they are viral in nature, and over time there are more and more of them on the body. Therefore, they need to be removed regularly.

Vladimir Evgenievich says that before the cryodestruction procedure, the doctor examines moles to see if they are suspicious. If, upon visual examination, a mole raises doubts about its benign quality, the center’s patient is sent to an oncology clinic.


Human papillomavirus in women - what it is, where it comes from, how it is transmitted and why it is dangerous. Papillomas where do they come from and why

Where does the human papillomavirus come from in women, who can be a carrier of HPV and what is it?

The main way a woman becomes infected is unprotected sexual contact , which, as a method of infection, ensures the transmission of strains that lead to the appearance of genital warts.

However, transmission routes are not limited to sexual contact. How is HPV (human papillomavirus) transmitted in women? Risk factors:

  • violation of personal hygiene (using other people's towels, razors, scissors);
  • intrauterine development in the body of a mother affected by HPV;
  • visiting saunas, gyms and showers with improper sanitary treatment;
  • using poorly disinfected instruments;
  • wearing someone else's clothes.
  • Women who take contraceptive medications or have had sexually transmitted diseases are at risk
  • The danger lies in the simultaneous transmission of sexually transmitted infections - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis - together with HPV, therefore, with unprotected sex, complex infection of the body is possible .
  • The use of cesarean section also increases the risk of virus entry through epithelial tissue.
  • Under equal infection conditions, those women who have a weakened immune system (chronic decline in immunity, acute respiratory infections, flu, stress, chronic fatigue) are more likely to become infected with HPV.
  • Watch the video about the causes and symptoms:
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Types and types of HPV: classification, list of strains of high oncogenicity

  1. Modern technologies have made it possible to identify more than 100 types of human HPV, which differ significantly in the degree of danger.

  2. The presence of highly oncogenic human papillomavirus (oncogenic HPV) increases the risk of developing cancer in women, especially the cervix.

  3. Certain varieties of HPV can remain in the human body throughout life, but do not provoke the appearance of dangerous conditions - these are strains of the non-oncogenic group.

Completely non-oncogenic HPV types . 1, 2, 4, 5 are strains that do not lead to pathogenic changes in tissues and dermis.

Strains of low danger . Types 40–44, together with 3, 11, 13, 32, 34, 51,61, 72, 73 and 6, with good immunity, do not provoke degenerative changes, but with prolonged exposure to negative factors they sometimes lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

HPV average risk - 52, 53, 56, 58 and 30, 35, 45.

HPV strains of high oncogenic risk in women . Bladder, breast, and cervical cancer are consequences of the influence of the most dangerous strains.

Full list: 50, 59, 68, 64, 70 and 16, 18, 31, 33, 39. These types of HPV are the most dangerous for women, they can even change the DNA of cells that begin to malfunction.

There is also a direct dependence on the location of the growths on the body and the type of infection : HPV type 7 leads to the appearance of butcher’s warts, HPV 1, 2, 4 - on the sole of the foot, HPV 13 and 32 - on the mucous membranes of the mouth, HPV 30, 11, 6 - pulmonary tract.

Pointed neoplasms are formed when exposed to HPV types 11 and 6, 54 and 42.

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Development algorithm: symptoms and signs, photos

HPV infection occurs without the appearance of sharp signs of infection , as occurs with sexually transmitted diseases.

A sluggish process, not associated with manifestations of relapses, develops slowly until it manifests itself completely or is destroyed by the body.

Incubation period of HPV in women . The asymptomatic development of HPV lasts about three months, during which the infection multiplies (virus replication occurs) and affects healthy tissue.

Sometimes the latent stage lasts only 16 days or reaches a long period - up to 12 months.

In 80–90% of cases, the immunity of young women under 25 years of age copes with the pathology, eliminating the infection (natural elimination). In the remaining 10–20%, the virus becomes more active and enters the chronic stage.

Activity stage . Signs of infection can be detected even with the naked eye - skin tumors appear and grow rapidly.

A decline in immunity can lead to decreased energy and relapses of chronic diseases.

Signs of HPV and differences from other neoplasms . After activation of the virus, vaginal lesions are often diagnosed, characterized by bacterial vaginosis and itching in the intimate area.

  • The main differences: papillomas are characterized by their ability to change color, although moles are not characterized by shade transformation.
  • How HPV (human papillomavirus) manifests itself in women: there is a burning sensation at the site of the papilloma, and a colorless liquid may flow out of it, causing inflammation.
  • Neoplasms due to HPV infection:
  • exophytic condylomas . They include large genital warts and small ones, which are compared in appearance to “cauliflower”;
  • flat warts . Localized on the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina;
  • vestibular papillomatosis . It appears in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina, on which small but large numbers of papilloma-like growths grow.
  1. Papillomas should also be distinguished from moles by their structure , which usually do not contain vessels in their structure, but consist of melanocytes.
  2. However, exact confirmation of the identity of the formation on the skin is provided by a medical study - a biopsy.
  3. This manifestation of HPV, such as a sudden and intense formation of skin growths on the body, indicates a decline in immunity and the progression of HPV in women.
  4. Symptoms and signs of the presence of human papillomavirus on the body and face in the photo:

Who to contact and how to identify papillomavirus

How to detect HPV in women? If you are concerned about condylomas in the intimate area, contact a gynecologist ; if on other parts of the body, contact a dermatologist .

  • If there are no visible manifestations of the disease, you can visit a therapist , who will refer you for tests to determine the types of HPV (after studying the results, adequate treatment will be prescribed).
  • To remove tumors, you need to visit a surgeon .
  • Strains are detected using several methods, including PCR (a swab is taken from the woman’s urethra) and a blood test .
  • If changes in the cervix are suspected, material for research is taken from this area and diagnosed using the Papanicolaou method .
  • A cystological smear from a scraping of the skin or mucous membrane is not very informative, since it detects only large clusters of pathogens, while PCR detects even single viruses.

The most advanced is the Digene test , which has the greatest sensitivity to detect different strains. It allows you to most effectively diagnose viral DNA fragments in the cells and tissues of the body.

Danger, consequences

Why is human papillomavirus dangerous in women? Lack of treatment leads to disfigurement of the skin, on which unaesthetic changes form, and the presence of oncogenic varieties provokes the occurrence of cancer.

With HPV, dysplasia can also be observed - a precancerous condition that transforms the nuclei of epithelial cells. If detected early, it can be treated conservatively; if detected late, it can only be treated surgically.

The most dangerous combination is considered to be the identified combination of 16 and 18 HPV strains, leading to rapid cell mutations. In these patients, prompt treatment is indicated to minimize potential harm.

Causes of papilloma on the body

  • Papillomas on the body can represent various skin tumors that are similar only in appearance. However, there are indeed common causes for most diseases similar to papilloma: solar radiation, age, heredity. What does the body signal first when papillomas appear on the body? That's right, about the fact that you should have stopped sunbathing a long time ago, eaten rejuvenating apples and changed your heredity.
  • The main cause of the occurrence of true papillomas on the body and warts is the penetration of HPV viruses. These viruses do not penetrate deep into the body, into the blood or other tissues and organs. As a result, its place of reproduction becomes the deep layers of the epidermis, and it itself is located inside the cells. The virus spreads through contact with objects and contaminated skin. For most, it does not cause symptoms when it is under immune control. Why, weakened immunity causes the appearance of papilloma on the body. To prevent infection, you should avoid dampness and be careful with cuts and abrasions, since it is through skin lesions that the virus most often enters the body. But the most important thing is to keep your immune system in good condition. To do this, you should enrich your diet with vitamin-containing foods, lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits, and spend time outdoors more often.
  • Intradermal nevus, like all other pigmented nevi, appears mainly due to tanning in the sun or in a solarium. For these reasons, people with fair skin, hair, and blue eyes are most prone to the appearance of new nevi. Their skin is most sensitive to sunlight. Hereditary predisposition plays an important role. The appearance of an intradermal nevus usually begins with flat dark spots - border nevi. Which, over time, become more convex and lose their previous color.
  • The causes of non-pigmented melanoma are a series of random mutations in the proliferating cells of any pigmented formations, including nevi and freckles. Why is no one safe from it? However, the possibility of occurrence increases many times over when tanning in the sun and in a solarium.
  • The main reasons for the appearance of “papilloma on the body” of the type seborrheic keratosis are age-related changes in cells, in which the reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation is disrupted.
  • The causes of soft fibroids have not been fully established. However, it is believed that hereditary predisposition plays a major role in their occurrence. The second most important reason is friction in the folds of the skin or on clothing. This is why they often appear in obese people.

Methods for treating papillomas on a woman’s body

There are two methods of treating human papilloma in women on the body at home - folk and traditional. In the first case, it is assumed that natural remedies will be used, and in the second - drugs with antiviral, immunostimulating and cauterizing effects.

Folk remedies for treating papilloma on a woman’s body

The simplest remedy is the juices of various plants and fruits; for example, an extract from aloe leaves helps very well. You need to wipe the growths with it 3-5 times a day, using a cotton pad or gauze. You can also use them to prepare a compress, leaving it to form for about 30 minutes.

Here are other effective remedies for human papilloma in women on the body:

  • Lemon juice . Squeeze it out of this fruit and treat the growth with it. You should not do this if there is damage to the skin, otherwise it may start to burn. Carry out such procedures 1-2 times a day for at least a week. In this case, you need to prepare the product only before use.
  • Kalanchoe juice . Wipe the leaves of this plant, chop them and use gauze to squeeze out the liquid from the resulting pulp. This is what needs to be used to treat papillomas on a woman’s body at least 2-3 times a day. Follow this procedure for 1-2 weeks.
  • Potato mush . To prepare it, peel the tubers of the plant, chop them on a grater or using a meat grinder. Next, apply the prepared mass to human papilloma in women on the body and leave it here for 20-30 minutes. If the growth is in a hard-to-reach place, you can wrap the paste in gauze and leave this compress on the growth for about 15 minutes.
  • Green tea . Brew the leaves by pouring (1 tbsp) boiled water (200 ml). Let it sit under the lid for about 10 minutes, then strain, the tea leaves can be thrown away, you only need to use the liquid. This is what should be used to wipe the formations, moistening a cotton pad, for 10-20 days, 2-3 times a day.
  • Onion . Remove all the husks, chop it (1 piece) and squeeze out the juice. Place the resulting pulp on gauze, which needs to be folded several times and left on the human papilloma of women on the body, removing it after 15-20 minutes.
  • Garlic . Peel it (5-6 cloves) and chop it with a meat grinder or knife. Then crush the mass well with your hands, mold it into a cake and leave it on the growth, removing the compress after 10-15 minutes. This option is not suitable if there are open wounds on the skin, otherwise it will become very hot.

Various oils are also very effective - sea buckthorn, rosemary, lavender, coconut, olive, fir.

They can simply treat the growths with a cotton pad and use them to make compresses.

For greater effectiveness, the remedy for human papilloma in women on the body is recommended to be heated before use. On average, they should be used for 10-20 days in a row.

What types are most common?

Papillomas are easily identified by their characteristic shape. Based on this feature, there are several types of formations:

  1. Warty type (warts) . They are generated by HPV 1–5, 10, 28 and 49. The main difference between viral warts and other formations of this type is their instability - they appear and disappear on their own, depending on the state of immunity. In color they are close to the shade of normal skin. The most common types are juvenile (flat) warts, plantar warts (spikes), and vulgar warts that appear on the hands.
  2. Condylomas of the pointed type . They are papillary growths provoked by HPV 6,11, 13,18, 35. The main localization areas are the genitals, anal area, oral cavity, lips, larynx, and respiratory tract. These condylomas can be single or multiple.
  3. Confluent condyloma acuminata . Nearby formations are able to join together to form a growth that looks like cauliflower. When using a magnifying glass, you can notice the presence in such formations of individual sharp elements with their own blood capillary. They can be differentiated using a weak vinegar solution - papillomas acquire a pearly white hue.
  4. Flat type papillomas . This variety indicates the existence of an old, chronic infection and significant cellular change. Formations can be of considerable size.
  5. Laryngeal papillomas


Where do papillomas come from and how are they diagnosed and treated? Link to main publication
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