
Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Colds or coughs are the most common illnesses in children and adults. Most often in such a situation, doctors prescribe various anti-inflammatory drugs and expectorants.

But often the course of treatment includes a drug such as Viferon. Its main difference from most remedies is that suppositories can be used to treat patients of all ages.

Even pregnancy is not a contraindication to the drug.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon effectively copes with viruses, pathogenic microbes and fungal microflora

Description of the product

In order to understand why Viferon is prescribed for cough, you should find out what this drug is. This is a medicine from the group of immunomodulators. In addition, the components of the product have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

According to experts, Viferon is acceptable for use in newborns. The dosage is determined purely individually.

The main component of the drug is interferon. Its responsibilities include stimulating the function of the immune system. Due to this, it is possible to achieve a response from the immune organs when the body is infected. Under the influence of the drug, the work of macrophages is activated, which leads to increased production of lymphocytes. These cells act directly on the pathogen.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsThe action of Viferon is aimed at destroying viruses and strengthening the overall immune system

In addition to the named component, the product contains ascorbic acid and tocopherol. The first increases the efficiency of the main component.

Due to this, a positive treatment result is observed much faster. An additional component in the form of tocopherol provides the product with antioxidant properties.

The unique combination of three components also guarantees the suppression of viral life and acceleration of regeneration processes.

Release forms

In the pharmacy chain the drug is presented in several dosage forms:

  • Gel – is a homogeneous mass of white color, occasionally with a gray tint. As a rule, this form is used in the treatment of laryngitis and tracheitis by applying the gel to the mucous membranes.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon ointment is effective in the treatment of herpetic infections on the skin or red border of the lips

  • The ointment is more viscous in consistency. It has the characteristic smell of lanolin. The color can be either white or yellow. It is used exclusively externally in the treatment of infections affecting the skin.
  • Suppositories are traditionally shaped yellow-white suppositories. They are used in the treatment of almost all infectious pathologies. Also indicated for the prevention of colds.

Suppositories can have different dosages, so before inserting a suppository into a child, it is important to carefully study the doctor’s prescriptions and the instructions for the purchased drug.

When is the drug used?

Viferon can be used not only for coughs. It has a fairly wide list of indications. Here are just the most important points:

  • all infectious pathologies, including influenza and ARVI;
  • bacterial infections;
  • pneumonia of any etiology;

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon is prescribed to newborns with bacterial pneumonia and babies on mechanical ventilation

  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • intrauterine pathology;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • herpetic symptoms.

The drug is not antibacterial or prescription, but it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor in order to prevent disruption of the function of one’s own immune system.

Features of application

Most often, experts prescribe the drug in suppositories. It is quite difficult to find ointment and gel in the pharmacy chain. Candles can be used by both adults and children. Due to the peculiarity of the dosage form, the drug does not have any effect on the digestive system and important organs, excluding side effects.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon actively fights viruses, increases the body's resistance to infection, which leads to a quick recovery

Viferon is completely safe and suitable for most patients. Despite the fact that suppositories are used, the active components are quickly absorbed through the mucous membranes and spread throughout the tissues and organs, stimulating the immune system and suppressing the activity of viruses. When using candles, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • suppositories are administered only after bowel movements, especially for children under three years of age;
  • Before inserting the suppository, the child’s skin should be thoroughly washed and dried with a towel;
  • the drug should be stored in the refrigerator, and before administration, the packaging should be opened especially quickly, since the candles immediately begin to melt;
  • suppositories are inserted into the anus in a lying position;
  • After placing the candle, small children should be placed on their stomach and held there for half an hour.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon suppositories are safe for children under 2 years of age and newborns

Dosage selection

As in any other case, the dosage of the drug is determined only based on the patient’s age. In difficult cases, the doctor may prescribe a different dose, but the following recommendations are more often used.

Patient's ageDrug formMethods of administration
Newborn babies Candles in dosage 150000 It is allowed to use a candle twice a day for five days. A repeated course is allowed only after a week.
Children under seven years old Candles in dosage 150000 Use twice a day as a suppository. The duration of treatment is five days. In difficult cases, the course is increased to ten days.
Children under 17 years old Candles in a dosage of 500,000 It is allowed to use a candle twice a day. Course – week
Adults Candles in a dosage of 500,000 Use a candle twice a day for a maximum of two weeks.

These recommendations are standard and may vary depending on the patient's condition. But in any case, the minimum duration is five days, and the maximum is two weeks.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsStrict adherence to the correct dosage of the drug Viferon allows you to effectively fight diseases

Possible disadvantages

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is individual intolerance. There are also no data regarding possible side effects. In most cases, the drug is easily tolerated, does not cause negative consequences and quickly has a stimulating effect on the immune system, thereby shortening the recovery period.

It is extremely rare for patients to experience allergic reactions, manifested in the form of the following symptoms:

  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • skin hyperemia.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsAn allergic reaction to the drug Viferon is extremely rare.

Such symptoms do not require any measures. They go away on their own within three days after stopping treatment.

Analogues of the drug

It is not always possible to find Viferon suppositories in a pharmacy or to select the exact prescribed dosage. For this reason, it would be useful to find out what analogues exist that help eliminate cough.

First of all, Interal-P should be highlighted. It is also available in suppositories, but a possible disadvantage is that this drug is not available in a dosage suitable for newborns. In terms of price, the medicine is a little more expensive, but it is what is used in the treatment of severe pathologies, including oncology.

When treating a cold cough, you can also use drugs such as Grippferon, Kipferon or Genferon. Their mechanism of action is similar, but they are more expensive. Replacing the drug Viferon with a similar one, changing the dosage or frequency of use is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsThere are many drugs, like Viferon, belonging to the group of interferons

  • In addition, you should not use suppositories for every cold, since the immune system must independently fight the infection and the constant use of immunomodulators can negatively affect this process.
  • This video will tell you about


How to use Viferon suppositories for adults: indications, contraindications, side effects, reviews

The immune system of the human body is not always able to effectively eliminate viral and infectious manifestations. Therefore, it is very important to promptly select an effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases. Viferon suppositories for adults are an effective remedy that has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Description of the medication

Before using any medication, you must familiarize yourself with its purpose, how it should be used correctly, and to whom it is contraindicated.

Viferon is a powerful drug, the main purpose of which is to activate the immune system in the body, fight viruses and infections. This is a combined pharmacological agent and contains recombinant alpha-interferon, as well as a complex of certain vitamins. It also contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • polysorbate;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sodium ascorbate.

The main components also include butter, cocoa and fat, which in the total composition do not exceed 1 gram. The medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment.

Description of suppositories:

  • candles in the form of a bullet, have a slightly pointed, oblong shape;
  • color white, slight yellowness is acceptable;
  • The blister pack contains 5 or 10 suppositories.

The product is available without a doctor's prescription. There are several types of Viferon suppositories, with a dosage of 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 IU, in which not only the dosage of the main components differs, but also the auxiliary ones.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

When purchasing a drug, you must pay attention to the dosage, since the number of times of use per day and the possibility of use for children and pregnant women depend on it.

Pharmacological properties

Many people are interested in the question: why are Viferon suppositories prescribed and what are the main properties of the drug? It is worth noting that this is a modern remedy, which contains the main component - alpha interferon, contained in the human body. Suppositories with Viferon help activate the protective functions of the human body, stimulate the immune system and fight various types of viruses.

In addition to the main component, the medication contains ascorbic acid, which also has an antiviral effect and protects the body from harmful free radicals, which are the cause of most diseases.

Interesting fact: Thanks to vitamin C, interferon activity increases, and alpha tocopherol helps restore cells and relieve inflammatory processes.

By prescribing Viferon for adults, the need for many antibiotics is eliminated, while the use of other drugs that are usually prescribed for viruses and infections is significantly reduced.

It should also be noted that the treatment period is also significantly reduced. By choosing such therapy, the gastrointestinal tract and other systems are affected with less intensity.

The risk of occurrence and development of other diseases characteristic after long-term therapy with various tablets is reduced.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

It is worth noting that the drug helps reduce the production of its own interferon, and does not improve immunity. In this regard, it is not recommended to use the drug too often and for a long time in order to avoid dependence.

The dosage of Viferon suppositories for adults depends on the doctor’s prescriptions and the degree of damage to the body by the virus.

The instructions for use of Viferon suppositories for adults contain more detailed information about the composition, as well as the properties of the medication.

Video “Fight for immunity with Viferon”

Informational video with advice from a specialist who recommends using Viferon for immunostimulation.

Viferon for adults - indications

The main purpose of the product is the treatment of infectious viral diseases. Diseases for which suppositories are used:

  • pathologies caused by infections of the urogenital system;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • sepsis, various infectious diseases, enteroviruses;
  • acute respiratory diseases in adults and children;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • complication of influenza and ARVI;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • candidiasis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydial infections.

The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women and newborn children, as the drug has a fairly safe composition.

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It has been confirmed more than once that Viferon rectal suppositories are an absolutely safe pharmacological product, so they can be used by any category of patients.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsWhat does Viferon ointment help with?

However, there is a certain contraindication here too. This is an individual intolerance to any component.

Suppositories are allowed to be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, in the first trimester you should still stop using the product. This is due to the fact that the placenta has not yet fully formed, so all substances can penetrate to the fetus. Starting from the second trimester, Viferon is absolutely safe.

You should not use the product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If side effects or allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Side effects may occur, most often they occur in the form of:

Usually, after discontinuation of suppositories, such symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Mode of application

Depending on the form of Viferon, the method of using the drug also depends. Suppositories are administered rectally, into the rectum; the daily dose is influenced by several factors, such as:

  • patient's age;
  • weight;
  • the nature of the virus and the disease itself;
  • body characteristics (pregnancy, individual intolerances, etc.).

This pharmacological product is prescribed for the treatment of certain pathologies, and can be used both as an independent remedy and in complex treatment.

For newborns and children up to 6 months

For premature babies, as well as children under six months of age, the daily dose is one suppository twice a day. It is necessary to choose a drug with a dosage of 150,000 IU. The duration of treatment depends on the stage and the disease itself, as well as on individual characteristics. Determined by a doctor after diagnosis.

For children aged 6 months to one year

Usually at this age, specialists prescribe this drug for the treatment of viral hepatitis C, D, B. 1 suppository in the anus, once a day. Dosage - 500 thousand IU. The course may vary.

Children under 12 years old

To eliminate the symptoms of flu and colds, you need to use one suppository twice a day. The dosage of one suppository is 150 thousand IU.

Dosage for adults

The number of suppositories administered, as well as their dose, depends primarily on the disease, stage and individual characteristics.

Chronic viral hepatitis is treated with suppositories with a dose of 3 million IU, one unit, twice a day. Typically the treatment period is 10 days. After this, the attending physician should reduce the dosage, depending on whether the patient is recovering.

Viferon suppositories - instructions for use in gynecology:

  • 500 thousand IU;
  • daily dose - 1 million IU, but at a time, in the evening.
  • The average length of the course is 5 days; after a five-day break, the course is usually repeated.
  • Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications
  • Most often used to treat:
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • vaginosis and so on.

For genital herpes, suppositories are prescribed, and their dosage is 1 million IU, twice a day. For viral colds, suppositories of 500,000 IU are used, twice a day. The average duration of the course is a week. It is worth noting that suppositories melt quickly, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator and remove them from individual packaging immediately before administration.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During lactation, Viferon is prescribed to eliminate bacterial as well as infectious pathologies of various types. The dosage is the same as for adults. The use of suppositories is not recommended before week 14 due to insufficient research.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Overdose and adverse reactions

Another advantage of the drug is the fact that adverse reactions occur very rarely, since the drug has excellent tolerability.

If there are side effects, they are expressed locally - allergies in the anus, itching, burning, rash and discomfort. In this case, the doctor must assess the degree of allergy and make a conclusion - leave the suppositories for therapy or refuse to use them.

There is no data on overdose, but failure to follow the instructions may result in dangerous consequences. Therefore, doctors and manufacturers recommend strictly adhering to the instructions and dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

You should be careful when combining Viferon suppositories with other medications, since their main component can enhance the effect of such pharmacological products:

  • various types of antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs of various forms;
  • antimicrobial agents;
  • immunostimulants.

Doctors note that constipation and stool disorders negatively affect the main effect of suppositories. Therefore, it is recommended to use laxatives or do an enema.

Viferon candles for men

Recently, quite often, many urologists prescribe Viferon suppositories to men, as they are excellent at fighting infections. But it is known that infections become the main root causes of various male diseases, starting with prostatitis.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

That is why anti-infective drugs must be included in comprehensive treatment. However, Viferon will not help get rid of male diseases on its own, so it is necessary to prescribe additional medications and procedures, such as prostate massage, heating, etc.

Viferon suppositories for prevention in adults

To date, the effect of using suppositories for the prevention of viral diseases, as well as more serious pathologies, has already been confirmed. These include:

  • chlamydia;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis in children and adults;
  • seasonal viral infections and diseases.

To prevent such infections and pathologies, it is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, using the smallest dosage. It is best to consult a doctor for help and recommendations to prevent addiction.


Today, the pharmacological market is developing well, so you can see many analogues of Viferon in pharmacies. These drugs are similar in composition, properties and indications. Analogues include:

  • Laferon;
  • Alfarekin;
  • Laferobion (no less effective and popular option);
  • Interferon and so on.

An exact analogue of Viferon has not yet been invented, but the above drugs are very similar in composition. Their main component is identical.

How to store candles?

Like most other medicines, candles must be stored away from sunlight and heat devices - fireplaces, radiators. The maximum permissible storage temperature is ten degrees. Therefore, the most suitable place for storage is the refrigerator.

You need to save the pharmacological product in its original packaging, without removing the suppositories from the blister in advance. The shelf life is 24 months from the date of production; it is strictly not recommended to use expired candles.


On the Internet you can see a considerable number of different reviews about the drug, most of which are positive. By the way, many doctors also note this medicine as an effective antiviral agent that is excellent for most patients.

Irina, 37 years old:

“The gynecologist prescribed me Viferon to fight the infection that caused candidiasis. I was treated with these suppositories for 10 days, after which the infection decreased significantly. After a five-day break, the course was repeated, but for 5 days. I was pleased with the result.”

Victoria, 40 years old:

“After a cat appeared at home, somehow all family members began to suspect toxoplasmosis. Viferon was prescribed for prevention and treatment. Moreover, everyone was treated with it: my husband and I and two children, one of whom is only three months old. No adverse reactions, I recommend!”

Vasily, 38 years old:

“After contacting a urologist, a course of complex treatment was prescribed, which included Viferon to eliminate the infection. I didn’t notice any side effects, but I was pleased with the result. Now I use this drug for periodic prophylaxis, on the advice of a doctor.”


Despite the safety of this pharmacological product and the absence of side effects, it is highly not recommended to self-prescribe this drug, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences.

Viferon can be prescribed by absolutely any doctor - urologist, gynecologist, therapist, infectious disease specialist. This is due to a fairly wide range of applications, which makes it possible to treat many diseases caused by viruses and infections. The main thing is to follow the instructions and rules of use. Then side effects are unlikely, and the effect will be pronounced.

Video “Description of Viferon suppositories”

Video review of an antiviral drug called Viferon, as well as recommendations for its use.


Viferon suppositories: instructions, composition of the product and treatment regimen, contraindications for suppositories

Viferon suppositories have antiviral and immunostimulating properties. They are prescribed for therapeutic and preventive purposes; there are no age restrictions. The medicine is classified as a group of immunomodulatory drugs, which is explained by the presence of recombinant interferon alpha-2b in its composition.

After penetration into the body, it activates a defense mechanism, which leads to a reduction in the likelihood of infectious infection. Viferon is included in the federal standards of medical care, which are used in the event of influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections and other “cold” pathologies.

Most often, children suffer from infectious diseases. This is due to the fact that their immune system is not fully formed. There are many medications on the pharmaceutical market that can protect young patients from the negative effects of the external environment. The drug Viferon is considered one of the most popular.

It is produced in several forms: ointment, gel, rectal suppositories. The latter are more suitable than others for the treatment and prevention of viral and bacterial pathologies in young children.

Viferon is considered a relatively safe drug. When using suppositories in accordance with the instructions for use and the recommendations of the attending physician, the risk of adverse reactions is minimal.


Viferon suppositories help adults and children with:

  • flu;
  • enterovirus infection;
  • parainfluenza;
  • candidiasis;
  • pneumonia;
    Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications Herpes
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • herpes;
  • chlamydial infection;
  • cytomegalovirus.

They can help if the patient’s history includes cirrhosis of the liver, acute respiratory viral infections, secondary diseases provoked by a viral infection, trichomoniasis, vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, viral hepatitis. With the help of Viferon, you can prevent the development of negative consequences from hypothermia or contact with an infected person.

The drug is included in complex therapy prescribed to premature infants, nursing mothers and pregnant women (starting from the 14th week of pregnancy). In each of these cases, you must consult your doctor. Despite the minimum side effects, Viferon has contraindications.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsViferon candles

Combining this drug with antibacterial and hormonal drugs is accompanied by a decrease in their dosage. This does not affect the effectiveness of the therapeutic complex. It should be noted that Viferon is combined with medications from any pharmacological group. Using these rectal suppositories you can achieve:

  • increased production of immunoglobulins;
  • activation of natural interferon synthesis;
  • accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • stopping foci of inflammation.

The positive effect of suppositories contributes to faster recovery and strengthening of the patient's immune system.


Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsContraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy

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Candles are characterized by an almost complete absence of contraindications. The only limitation is considered to be individual intolerance to the components included in their composition. We must not forget about caution: the drug is prohibited for use in the first three months of pregnancy. This applies to most medications. During the first trimester, organogenesis occurs and the vital organs of the fetus are formed. Taking drug therapy is fraught with disruptions to this process.

The use of Viferon during pregnancy has some nuances. The daily dose for a woman expecting a baby is less than the standard dose.

This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the expectant mother’s body is much more sensitive to medications. If an allergic reaction to Viferon suppositories occurs, side effects may occur with greater intensity.

People suffering from pathologies of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine systems should also be careful.

Advantages of the drug

Viferon has a positive effect on the functioning of macrophage cells. Their functions include the elimination of pathological pathogens. The effect of suppositories is not limited to this; they have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the patient’s body. By using Viferon, doctors can avoid emulsifiers of synthetic origin, which are often toxic.

Each of the components included in the drug has an individual therapeutic effect, thereby ensuring a complex effect on the body.

The activity of B-lymphocytes, MHC antigens, T-helpers, and natural killer cells is activated. Viferon prevents the proliferation of pathogenic viruses.

Doctors, when recommending suppositories, are guided by the fact that:

  • They contain antioxidants (vitamins C and E).
  • The main component (interferon alfa-2b) is not produced from blood or its components.
  • With their help, you can reduce the risk of toxic poisoning of the body.
  • They are included in the list of vital medicines.
  • Their safety profile has been fully studied.

The use of this medication is not complicated by addiction and withdrawal symptoms. The use of Viferon in the form of suppositories allows you to avoid increasing the load on the excretory system and digestive tract. Long-term circulation of interferon alpha-2b in the blood can significantly improve the effect obtained from drug therapy and reduce the likelihood of developing negative consequences.

Medicinal composition

The candles are white (there may be small inclusions of a yellowish tint) and bullet-shaped. Each suppository contains a certain amount of the active ingredient. Manufacturers have provided dosages for patients of different ages. One suppository may contain 3,000,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 150,000 IU of human recombinant interferon.

In addition to this, the drug contains the following components:

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsCacao butter

  • alpha-tocopherol acetate;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • polysorbate;
  • confectionery fat;
  • cacao butter.

The last ingredient is necessary for more convenient administration. Suppositories are packaged in blister packs of 5 or 10 pieces. Afterwards the blisters are placed in a cardboard box. The medicine should be kept at a low temperature; they should not be kept outside the refrigerator.

Children are prescribed suppositories, the dosage of which is 500,000 IU and 150,000 IU. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. The production date is indicated on the packaging. The use of expired candles is strictly prohibited; they must be disposed of immediately.

Methods of application

Viferon suppositories are intended for rectal use. The dosage directly depends on the age, weight and chronic pathologies in the patient’s history. Gender does not matter. For women and men suffering from the same pathology, the standard daily dose is the same. Also, the doctor must take into account the factor that provoked the malaise.

Viferon is safely prescribed to patients from the following categories:

  • Newborns under six months and premature babies - complex therapy of intrauterine infections, treatment of viral hepatitis and complicated pneumonia.
  • Children from 6 to 12 months – chronic hepatitis C, D, B. The daily norm is determined based on the results of a blood test.
  • Children older than one year - treatment of influenza, parainfluenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections.

Viferon suppositories are used to treat not only children, but also adults. The drug is taken in full accordance with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

The dose, order of administration, and duration of therapy depend on the specifics of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. During the course of treatment, the patient must undergo regular follow-up examinations.

Information obtained after laboratory tests are the basis for adjusting the therapeutic regimen.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsColds

When treating infectious and inflammatory diseases that affect the reproductive organs, the patient will have to forget about sexual contact for a while. Otherwise, there is a high risk of re-infection. If one partner is diagnosed with a urogenital infection, the other also needs to undergo a diagnostic examination.

This applies to diseases such as candidiasis, chlamydia, vaginosis, genital herpes and mycoplasmosis. Ignoring unpleasant symptoms can lead to serious problems in the intimate area. Adults rarely use Viferon to treat colds. Syrups and tablets are more popular.

Suppositories in this case are administered to enhance the therapeutic effect.

The suppositories are inserted into the rectum following the instructions. First, you need to slightly cool your hands, this is necessary to maintain the shape of the rectal suppository. Then the patient should take a comfortable position. If the patient is a child, he is asked to lie on his side and press his knees to his stomach.

The patient should not strain too much; if all the rules are followed, the discomfort will be minimal and short-lived. The suppository is lubricated with vegetable oil and carefully inserted into the anus. After this, the patient should remain in the same position for some time. We must not forget about the rules of hygiene.

Before and after the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

The opinions of parents who used Viferon to treat their children vary.

Many of them note such advantages of these suppositories as compactness, convenience and ease of use, and the almost complete absence of contraindications and adverse reactions.

Others leave negative reviews, complaining about the high cost and lack of positive effects. The latter is most often caused by errors that were made when taking the medicine.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsSuppositories can be purchased at any hospital pharmacy, and there is no need to provide a prescription from your doctor. Despite this, before starting therapy, you must consult a doctor; he will prescribe the most appropriate dosage regimen and dosage.

Side effects

In most cases, Viferon suppositories are well tolerated by patients. Adverse reactions may occur due to an allergic reaction; its clinical manifestations include the following symptoms:

  • Itching and burning that occurs when trying to insert a suppository into the anus.
  • Unpleasant sensations localized in the rectal area.
  • Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

If they appear, you should consult your doctor. It is quite possible that he will reconsider the treatment regimen: change the daily dose or prescribe a drug that will work without causing adverse reactions.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsHeadache

In very rare cases, Viferon can cause weakness throughout the body, severe headache, dyspeptic disorder, chills, poor appetite, and muscle pain. These signs are not a reason for symptomatic treatment.

They pass without leaving traces in a few days. Parents should not exceed the dose prescribed by the doctor, as this can lead to an overdose. No such cases have been identified to date, but it’s still not worth the risk. It is strictly prohibited to independently change the order of administration, course duration and daily dosage.

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Candles can be combined with many medications; the main thing is not to neglect the manufacturer’s instructions and carefully monitor the body’s reaction to the medication. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Before using the suppository, it is recommended to carry out cleansing procedures.

If a sick person has an allergic reaction to Viferon, the drug is replaced with analogues. They are structural and functional. The list of the most effective medications includes the following medications:

  • Laferobion;
  • Grippferon;
  • Kipferon;
  • Interferon;
  • Alfarekin;
  • Genferon;
  • Laferon;
  • Lipoferon.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindicationsGenferon

Some of them, like Viferon, are allowed to be included in the therapeutic regimen for infants (Kipferon, Grippferon).

Viferon suppositories are a universal drug that is approved for use in the treatment of infants and pregnant women. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven, which is confirmed by relevant documents. Viferon is recognized as a medicine that can relieve the symptoms of many inflammatory and infectious pathologies. It also has antioxidant properties.

Viferon is characterized by a unique mechanism of action. The drug stimulates the production of its own protective molecules. They fight pathogens from the inside, blocking their reproduction.

At the same time, a restructuring occurs in healthy cells of the body, as a result of which the virus or bacteria can no longer penetrate them. This is interference; it underlies the preventive effect that occurs when using all forms of this drug.

 The therapeutic effect of Viferon manifests itself both before and after infection. Having undergone prevention, you don’t have to worry about infectious diseases and complications.

According to doctors, the greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved by using Viferon rectal suppositories in the general therapeutic regimen. The drug is often prescribed for preventive purposes, for example, to strengthen immune defense in the fall or spring. It is allowed to be included in the treatment complex at any stage of an acute infectious disease.


VIFERON® is a complex antiviral drug with antibacterial, antichlamydial and immunomodulatory effects

LLC Feron

VIFERON is a complex antiviral immunomodulatory drug with a broad spectrum of action for children and adults. The original formula of the drug includes a combination of interferon alpha-2b and highly active antioxidants (vitamins C and E). It is used externally and is available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels.

VIFERON preparations were developed as a result of fundamental research that showed that the combination of interferon and antioxidants enhances the effectiveness of the treatment. Widely used in pediatrics, neonatology, gynecology (including for the treatment of pregnant women from the 14th week of gestation), dermatology, urology, therapy and infectology.

Antiviral and protective effect of interferon.

Read more about the antiviral effect of VIFERON

For what diseases is VIFERON used?

Interferon alpha-2b in the drug has a universal effect against a wide range of viruses and other pathogens. Therefore, the drug is used to treat a large number of different diseases in children and adults:

  • ARVI, influenza, including those complicated by bacterial infection;
  • herpes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • papillomavirus infection (PVI, HPV);
  • cytomegalovirus infection (CMV);
  • enterovirus infection (“intestinal”, “stomach” flu);
  • laryngotracheobronchitis, pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis;
  • severe forms of acute viral infections, including intrauterine infections;
  • candidiasis (thrush);
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • chronic hepatitis B, C, D, including those complicated by cirrhosis of the liver, as well as before plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gardnerellosis.

Forms of release of the drug VIFERON

The drug is available in three dosage forms.

More information about dosage forms of the drug VIFERON

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

VIFERON Suppositories (rectal suppositories) are an antiviral drug with an immunomodulatory effect. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, bullet-shaped, white-yellow or yellow in color.

One suppository contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2b as an active substance in dosages of 150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU.

The drug in the form of suppositories is used in children and adults as part of complex therapy for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • ARVI, including influenza, including those complicated by bacterial infection, pneumonia;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns, including premature babies: meningitis, sepsis, intrauterine infection;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, HPV, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis);
  • herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form in adults;
  • chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, including those complicated by cirrhosis of the liver.
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According to (May 2018), the cost of the drug VIFERON Suppositories (suppositories) in pharmacies is:

  • suppositories 150,000 IU, blister in a cardboard pack, 10 pcs.: 200–345 rub.;
  • suppositories 500,000 IU, blister in a cardboard pack, 10 pcs.: RUB 335–493;
  • suppositories 1,000,000 IU, blister in a cardboard pack, 10 pcs.: RUB 489–698;
  • suppositories 3,000,000 IU, blister in a cardboard pack, 10 pcs.: 835–1,198 rub.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Find out more about the drug:

VIFERON Ointment is an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent for external and local use. The ointment is produced in the form of a viscous homogeneous substance of yellow or yellowish-white color.

Used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza, herpes of various localizations and stomatitis in adults and children. The use of the drug as part of complex therapy for acute respiratory viral infections allows you to reduce the symptoms of the disease (runny nose, cough, sore throat, aches in muscles and joints, chills).

And for herpes (Herpes simplex types 1 and 2) and herpetic stomatitis, the use of the drug leads to the complete disappearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane and skin rashes1. According to www.medlux.

ru, price of the drug VIFERON Ointment for external and local use, 40,000 IU/g, 12 g tube, in pharmacies varies from 151 to 198 rubles. The cost of the drug is indicated as of April 2018.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

VIFERON Gel is an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, which is produced in the form of a homogeneous, opaque and white gel-like mass.

When applied to the skin, mucous membrane and tonsils, the drug forms a thin protective layer that prevents the penetration of viruses and also strengthens local immunity.

The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children and in the complex therapy of influenza, frequent and long-term acute respiratory viral infections, including those complicated by bacterial infection.

In addition, the drug is used for the prevention and treatment of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheitis (“false croup”) - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, which leads to narrowing of the airway lumen and disruption of their functioning.

The drug is also used in the treatment of acute and chronic herpetic infections of the skin and mucous membranes, including its urogenital form. In gynecology, the drug is used in the treatment of herpetic cervicitis. According to, the price of the drug VIFERON Gel for external and local use in pharmacies varies from 145 to 194 rubles. The cost of the drug is indicated as of April 2018.

Viferon and cough: use with dosage and contraindications

Find out more about the drug:

Clinical effects of using the drug VIFERON

  • The drug has undergone a full cycle of clinical trials for various nosologies (including randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies), as well as a number of additional research works that were carried out in leading clinics and research institutes in Russia.
  • The drug is a leader in prescriptions among pediatricians and is one of the five most prescribed drugs by gynecologists.2
  • The high demand for the drug in clinical practice is confirmed by the fact that VIFERON is included in the List of Vital and Essential Medicines, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

When choosing a drug, especially for the most vulnerable categories of patients, such as pregnant women and children, it is very important to pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the drug, but also to the gentle effect of its components on the body.

The high degree of safety of the drug is confirmed by the possibility of its administration to children from the 1st day of life, as well as to premature babies. The drugs are allowed during breastfeeding and pregnancy. 3

The drug in the form of suppositories does not overload the gastrointestinal tract , which is especially important for people suffering from gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for those who take a large number of tablet medications. The candles do not contain dyes or flavoring additives, which minimizes the likelihood of allergies .

The drug contains highly active antioxidants: in suppositories - vitamins E and C, in ointments - vitamin E, in gel - vitamin E, citric and benzoic acids.
The presence of antioxidants makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the body's own immune response to infectious agents.

The use of the drug VIFERON allows you to reduce therapeutic doses of antibacterial and hormonal drugs in the treatment of various diseases, as well as reduce the toxic effects of therapy carried out using other drugs.
The drug does not accumulate in the body, is not addictive and is not an immunostimulant. When using the drug, the body's ability to produce its own interferon is restored.

Viferon for adults

VIFERON Suppositories (suppositories) in various dosages for the treatment of ARVI, herpetic infections and urogenital infections, including human papillomavirus, are used according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

The drug in the form of an ointment is used to treat ARVI and herpes of various localizations. Interferon, which is part of the drug, blocks the reproduction of the virus, and the presence of vitamin E provides a wound-healing effect. The ingredients of the drug easily penetrate the skin and have an immunomodulatory effect.

For herpetic infections of the skin and mucous membranes, the ointment is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days*. It is recommended to begin treatment immediately when the first signs of damage to the skin and mucous membranes appear (itching, burning, redness).

For ARVI, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 3-4 times a day for 5 days.

To prevent flu and colds, you need to apply a strip of the drug VIFERON Gel, approximately 0.5 cm long, to the nasal mucosa 2 times a day. Course duration is 2–4 weeks.

For the treatment of ARVI and influenza, including those complicated by bacterial infection, the application of the drug must be repeated 3-5 times a day for 5 days.

To combat herpes, apply the gel using a spatula or cotton swab 3-5 times a day to a previously dried affected surface*. The duration of treatment is 5–6 days.

Viferon for children

The drug in the form of suppositories (VIFERON Suppositories ) is approved for use from the first days of a child’s life.

The drug in various dosages is used twice a day in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns, including premature babies: meningitis (bacterial, viral), sepsis, intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, enterovirus infection, candidiasis, including visceral, mycoplasmosis), – as part of complex therapy.

The form of release of the drug is comfortable for children: the ergonomic shape of the suppository ensures easy administration, the absence of dyes and sweeteners minimizes the likelihood of allergies, and the rectal route of administration does not overload the gastrointestinal tract. The dosage regimen – 2 times a day – is convenient for children and parents.

Scheme of use of the drug VIFERON Suppositories (short version)

frequency/duration of use
ARVI and influenza 5 days

  1. up to 7 years
  2. over 7 years old
  3. 2 times a day

150,000 ME
500,000 ME
(once every 12 hours)

Herpetic infection 5 days
150,000 IU
2 times a day
(1 time every 12 hours)
Urogenital infections, including human papillomavirus infection 5 days
150,000 IU
2 times a day
(1 time every 12 hours)

Scheme for using the drug VIFERON Ointment (short version)

Child's age
Frequency of application
from 1 year to 2 years 2500 IU (1 pea with a diameter of 0.5 cm) 3 times a day
from 2 to 12 years 2500 IU (1 pea with a diameter of 0.5 cm) 4 times a day
from 12 to 18 years old 5000 IU (1 pea with a diameter of 1 cm) 4 times a day

VIFERON Ointment can be used to treat ARVI and influenza in children over 1 year of age . To treat influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the ointment is applied in a thin layer to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages for 5 days.

Scheme for using the drug VIFERON Gel (short version)


Frequency/duration of use

Mode of application

ARVI and influenza (treatment) 3–5 times a day / 5 days A strip of gel no more than 0.5 cm long is applied to the previously dried surface of the nasal mucosa
ARVI and influenza (prevention) 2 times a day / 2–4 weeks
Herpes infection of the skin and mucous membranes 3–5 times a day / 5–6 days A strip of the drug no more than 0.5 cm long is applied using a spatula or a cotton swab / cotton swab to a pre-dried affected surface 3-5 times a day
In complex therapy of recurrent stenotic laryngotracheobronchitis 5 times a day in the acute period / 5–7 days A strip of the drug no more than 0.5 cm long is applied to the surface of the tonsils using a spatula or a cotton swab / cotton swab
3 times a day / next 3 weeks
Prevention of recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis 2 times a day / 3–4 weeks, repeat the course 2 times a year

VIFERON Gel can be used from the first days of a child’s life , as well as for the treatment of older children.

Viferon for pregnant women

The drug VIFERON Candles (suppositories) can be used by pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy, starting from the 14th week of gestation. Gestation is the number of complete weeks of gestation, from conception to birth of the baby.

The drug in the form of an ointment can be used by pregnant and lactating women in any trimester (I, II, III), as well as by nursing mothers.

With external and local use of the drug, systemic absorption (the physiological process of absorption, that is, the penetration of medicinal substances into the blood and lymph) is low and the drug has an effect only at the site of the lesion.

Expectant mothers can also use VIFERON Gel. During lactation (breastfeeding), ointment and gel are not recommended to be applied to the area of ​​the nipples and areola.

It is important to know

Please note that there are no analogues for the drug VIFERON. Despite the fact that the main active ingredient in many recombinant interferons is interferon alpha-2b, they have different excipients and other dosages, dosage forms, methods of administration and manufacture, side effects, age restrictions and indications for use.

Any information without links to information from the website of our company, official representatives and consultants is contradictory and may not only be false, but also hazardous to health.

You can get detailed information and answers to any questions regarding the drug VIFERON from our specialists on the company’s website in the Questions and Answers section.


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