
Why cough occurs when laughing and how to eliminate it

Treatment tactics directly depend on the provoking cause. It is important for patients to remember that cough is not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary examinations and identify the correct diagnosis.


Certain medications are prescribed for respiratory diseases.

Patients take medications that can suppress the cough reflex or increase mucus production (Ambroxol, Broncholitin). You can drink more warm liquid.

In general, doctors do not recommend using inhalations and mustard plasters. It is useful to eat food that does not irritate the mucous membranes, attend massage sessions, and play sports (running, cycling), which strengthens the respiratory system.

Why cough occurs when laughing and how to eliminate it

In some cases, it is enough to quit smoking and regularly ventilate the room.

For asthma, hormonal or bronchodilator drugs are prescribed, for allergic diseases - antihistamines. For heart diseases and tumors, patients require specialized treatment in appropriate hospitals.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods are suitable for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Patients need to know what to do if they have a severe coughing attack when laughing. You can use herbal infusions sold through pharmacies.

It's easy to cook them yourself. You need to take a spoonful of sage, mint, eucalyptus, chamomile. The mixture is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, filtered, and drunk three times a day.

In case of an acute attack, you can chew a small leaf of mint or propolis, this will eliminate the irritation. Therefore, it is recommended to keep a small amount of these plants with you at all times.

Cough is almost always dependent on the underlying disease. It cannot arise on its own. Coughing often occurs when laughing or after it. This sign may indicate the presence of certain diseases.

A cough that occurs when laughing almost always requires medical treatment. Accordingly, when such a sign appears, it is important to visit a doctor for examination and diagnosis.

Only timely treatment can reduce the risk of complications.

Finding the cause of the cough

To clarify the cause of cough, first of all, questioning, examination and x-ray of the chest organs are necessary.

The diagnosis is established after examination by an ENT doctor and consultation with an allergist. When prescribing any medications, be careful and always consult a doctor. Often attacks occur only after sleep or are repeated many times when there is a change in air temperature, food, overwork, increased blood pressure, emotional stress, etc.

Or maybe an allergen - so how to determine it - their darkness..... The asthmatic process is a pathological process that occurs in the bronchi and is mainly of medium and large caliber. In younger children, asthmatic bronchitis is often combined with bronchial asthma.

The method of treating such a manifestation depends on the factor that caused it. Patients should understand that coughing after laughing is not a disease, but a symptom. In this case, you need to contact a pulmonologist for diagnostics, laboratory tests, an ultrasound or ultrasound, and a diagnosis. Only after this is treatment prescribed.


If a person constantly has such a manifestation, then he may be prescribed various medications. For colds, medications are prescribed to eliminate the cough reflex and sputum discharge - Bronholitin, Ambrobene, ACC, etc.

If a person has bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by a cough after laughing, he is prescribed bronchodilators, and in case of allergies, sorbents and antihistamines. Flixotide, Pulmicort, Alvesco help patients with asthma. For heart disease or tumors, drug therapy in a hospital setting is recommended. Prescribed drugs containing potassium and magnesium, and antioxidants.

Folk remedies

You can prepare such a remedy. Take 1 tbsp. sage, thyme, peppermint and eucalyptus. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herb. The resulting decoction should be filtered and taken 3 times a day. If an acute cough attack occurs after laughing, you can chew a mint leaf or propolis, this will eliminate the symptom.

It also happens when a person may confuse tracheitis with bronchitis. After all, with bronchitis the symptoms are almost the same. Both bronchitis and tracheitis are accompanied by a hacking cough.

Therefore, insufficiently informed people begin to take mucolytic drugs, the main effect of which is aimed at thinning the mucus in the bronchi, while with tracheitis it is necessary to relieve inflammation in the trachea.

Patients with tracheitis should never self-diagnose or self-medicate. Taking combination medications over a long period of time can be extremely harmful to your health and lead to disappointing results. This is especially true for children when parents choose their medications on their own instead of going to the hospital.

But you shouldn’t rush to the doctor at the first appearance of a cough, worry, worry and panic. A visit to a therapist is necessary when the cough does not go away within 2 days, when the symptoms do not subside, the condition does not improve and the cough becomes simply unbearable.

A symptom such as coughing after laughing does not always raise suspicion among people. Some may ignore it for many years, arguing that nothing else bothers them.

It should be remembered that a cough often indicates the presence of an illness that requires treatment. The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner it will become clear what exactly you are suffering from and how to treat it.

Acute tracheitis occurs when you catch a viral or bacterial infection that settles on the mucous membrane and begins active life there.

Chronic tracheitis can occur due to lack of treatment for previously existing acute tracheitis or other respiratory tract diseases.

  • smokers;
  • people who abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • workers of mines and foundries.

Tracheitis can be determined by the presence of other accompanying symptoms, including bouts of coughing outside the period and laughter. They may occur:

  • in the morning;
  • at night;
  • when taking a deep breath;
  • during physical activity;
  • with a sharp change in temperature.

With tracheitis, sputum most often does not appear, so the cough is always dry, annoying, and because of it, unpleasant sensations arise in the sternum, pain in the chest space.

You can be sure that you have tracheitis if you start treatment for it and within a few days you see a noticeable positive result from the treatment.

To further reduce the severity of the disease, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Give up bad habits - smoking and drinking;
  • Reduce the number of allergens in your environment - this could be dust, animal hair, plant pollen;
  • Avoid transitions from very warm to cold environments and vice versa;
  • Do not eat or drink foods that are too hot or cold;
  • Avoid spices in your diet, which can irritate the tracheal mucosa.

Treatment of tracheitis depends on its etiology. Treatment of acute tracheitis should be aimed at eliminating etiological factors, as well as alleviating the patient’s symptoms, since a severe cough can be painful and debilitating.

In such situations, mustard plasters, sulfa antibiotics, cough medications based on codeine or libexin are prescribed if it is impossible to withstand coughing attacks, mucolytics and expectorants for difficult sputum discharge.

If the etiology of the process is viral, antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, Remantadine. It effectively copes with influenza A and B viruses.

Why cough occurs when laughing and how to eliminate it

It is possible to use steam inhalations without adding anything.

Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is based on the same principles as the acute one, but the drugs will have to be used with an eye to long-term treatment, and dosages are calculated accordingly.

But there are other reasons why coughing occurs when laughing.

Folk remedies

The main treatment for cough with tracheitis is aimed at clearing the upper respiratory tract of a bacterial or viral infection.

It is very important to prevent further spread of the infectious pathogen to the rest of the respiratory tract, because it can cause acute bronchitis or pneumonia.

A cough due to tracheitis should be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Patients need to know that they should not refuse antibiotic treatment.

For this disease, various expectorants and inhalations are also used. Often people resort to the use of folk remedies, which can also provide significant assistance in getting rid of the disease.

The patient may be prescribed the well-known mustard plasters, which are applied to the chest.

The main point in treating the disease is to prevent its acute form from developing into a chronic one. Frequent smoking and alcohol abuse can trigger the occurrence of chronic tracheitis.

It is not recommended to cope with any disease alone. And with such a disease, the intervention of qualified specialists is necessary. After all, a constant debilitating cough simply will not give you the opportunity to breathe normally, talk, and you can forget about a normal life. Therefore, if a persistent cough does not go away, a visit to the doctor is a must.

Thus, it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it.

By catching the slightest cold or choosing the wrong approach to treatment, you can get various kinds of health problems that will become a real threat to life.

If a person perfectly understands and realizes the importance and responsibility of the current situation, then he will definitely choose the right path to a healthy life and avoid situations dangerous to health.

Finding the cause of the cough

Why does a cough appear after laughing?

If it has been established that this is not tracheitis, then other variants of diseases should be considered in which a cough appears when laughing.

  • Recent respiratory tract infection. Often, after recovery, a person continues to cough for some time. Normally, residual effects can last from one to three weeks after recovery.
  • A disease that occurs more often in young children. Its peculiarity lies in the external similarity of the disease to the common cold, which is why doctors make an incorrect diagnosis for a long time and select ineffective, ineffective treatment.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. If you have diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, for example, atherosclerosis, a history of heart attacks, hypertension, and so on, then the appearance of a cough can be an important signal that stagnation is occurring in the small circle and the issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible .
  • Neoplasms in the lungs. Coughing for no reason can be a harbinger of tumors in the lungs. It is especially important to recognize and identify malignant neoplasms in a timely manner.
  • Allergies to environmental objects, as well as to chemicals. In this case, you should pay attention to the instructions for the medications you were taking when the symptoms appeared.
  • Individual intolerance to medications, food components, household chemicals.
  • A special place in the etiology of cough during laughter is occupied by asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. We will talk about them in more detail below.
  • Recent respiratory tract infection. Often, after recovery, a person continues to cough for some time. Normally, residual effects can last from one to three weeks after recovery.
  • Whooping cough. A disease that occurs more often in young children. Its peculiarity lies in the external similarity of the disease to the common cold, which is why doctors make an incorrect diagnosis for a long time and select ineffective, ineffective treatment.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. If you have diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, for example, atherosclerosis, a history of heart attacks, hypertension, and so on, then the appearance of a cough can be an important signal that stagnation is occurring in the small circle and the issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible .
  • Neoplasms in the lungs. Coughing for no reason can be a harbinger of tumors in the lungs. It is especially important to recognize and identify malignant neoplasms in a timely manner.
  • Allergies to environmental objects, as well as to chemicals. In this case, you should pay attention to the instructions for the medications you were taking when the symptoms appeared.
  • Individual intolerance to medications, food components, household chemicals.
  • Asthma. A special place in the etiology of cough during laughter is occupied by asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. We will talk about them in more detail below.
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Children's health

If children cough when laughing, then the cause may be a pathology such as whooping cough. This disease has a severe course. A cough begins and continues for a long period, and the symptom can be debilitating. During a coughing attack, a child can clearly hear a whistling sound.

This condition can also occur in the presence of other disorders, such as bronchial asthma. If a child coughs when he laughs, this continues for a long period of time and is accompanied by a deterioration in health, then you urgently need to show him to a doctor, conduct an examination and diagnosis.

Lena and Katusik-Knopusik (24/11/2000)

Maybe you have other reasons for this? Consult an experienced specialist

About vasomotor rhinitis. Read below, I have a combination of two types, it is very difficult to treat, i.e. I almost always have a runny nose (especially when there are temperature changes), I’ve even come to terms with it (it’s not the same kind of runny nose as with a common cold). I know how to deal with allergic rhinitis: Erius and Beconase.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease of non-inflammatory nature. There are two forms of vasomotor rhinitis: allergic (it also includes seasonal runny nose, or hay fever) and neurovegetative.


Cough after laughing in a child. Why does a cough appear after or when laughing, what are its causes?

Since I didn’t go to the doctors about this myself, Maybe you have other reasons for this? Consult an experienced specialist

About vasomotor rhinitis. Read below, I have a combination of two types, it is very difficult to treat, i.e. I almost always have a runny nose (especially when there are temperature changes), I’ve even come to terms with it (it’s not the same kind of runny nose as with a common cold). I know how to deal with allergic rhinitis: Erius and Beconase.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease of non-inflammatory nature. There are two forms of vasomotor rhinitis: allergic (it also includes seasonal runny nose, or hay fever) and neurovegetative.

The cause of seasonal runny nose - hay fever - can be pollen from various plants: poplar, aspen, ragweed, etc. Exposure to pollen is only possible during the flowering period of plants.

With the permanent form of allergic rhinitis, the allergens are very diverse and can affect the patient throughout the year. Such allergens include food products (strawberries, citrus fruits, honey, crayfish, etc.

), medicines, perfumes, house dust, animal hair, daphnia.

Symptoms: all varieties are characterized by three main symptoms - difficulty breathing through the nose, copious mucous or serous discharge from the nose and bouts of sneezing.

A distinctive feature of seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is a clear seasonality of exacerbations that occur during the flowering of plants to the pollen of which the patient is hypersensitive.

During an exacerbation, sneezing, itching and burning in the nose and eyes, difficulty in nasal breathing, copious liquid discharge from the nose, and skin irritation at the entrance to the nose are noted. In addition, weakness, headache, fatigue, and sleep disturbance are noted.

The duration of the exacerbation depends on the duration of flowering of the herbs; the symptoms of the disease disappear on their own after the end of this period and do not appear until the next year.

With the permanent form of allergic rhinitis, there is no seasonality; attacks of runny nose are observed throughout the year, periodically intensifying and weakening regardless of the time of year. Exacerbations manifest themselves in the form of attacks accompanied by sneezing, copious liquid discharge from the nose and difficulty breathing of varying severity; There is itching in the ears, eyes, nose.

The diagnosis is established after examination by an ENT doctor and consultation with an allergist. When diagnosing allergic rhinitis, an allergological examination is required: skin tests with allergens, determination of general and allergen-specific JgE, nasal provocation test with allergens.

Treatment: The most radical way to avoid allergic rhinitis is to eliminate the allergen, but it is not always known what exactly causes the allergy.

Therefore, it is very important to take some preventive measures: avoid contact with pets, carry out wet cleaning in the apartment daily, do not spray all kinds of aerosols, avoid staying in smoky rooms.

You should limit spices in your diet, avoid eating canned food and smoked meats, limit or completely exclude from your diet some sweets (chocolate, cocoa), as well as eggs, fish, oranges, nuts, honey. All these products are strong allergens. When prescribing any medications, be careful and always consult a doctor.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis is carried out by an ENT doctor together with an allergist-immunologist.

Various groups of medications are used to treat allergic rhinitis.

The most common group is antihistamines, general and local.

Their action is that, by blocking histamine receptors in the nasal mucosa, the drugs eliminate itching, sneezing, and nasal discharge.

However, they do not eliminate nasal congestion, so the use of vasoconstrictor drugs (Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Nazol, etc.) is additionally required. Vasoconstrictor drugs should be used for no more than 7-10 days.

Previously, first generation antihistamines (Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, etc.) were mainly used. The main adverse reactions when using these drugs are drowsiness, loss of attention, weakness, headache, loss of coordination, etc.

Recently, they have been replaced by modern second-generation antihistamines, devoid of these serious drawbacks - Claritin, Loratadine, Clarinase, Zyrtec, Kestin, Telfast. These are general-acting drugs, available in tablet form and taken 1-2 times a day.

In addition, there are effective drugs for topical use in the form of aerosols or nasal sprays. Allergodil is a local antihistamine, the effect occurs within 15 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours, does not cause drowsiness, is used in adults and children from 6 years of age.

This group also includes Cromosol, Cromoglin, Histimet. The most effective methods of treating allergic rhinitis include the local use of corticosteroids - topical hormonal drugs in the form of nasal sprays. These are drugs such as Aldecin, Nasobek, Beconase, Flixonase, Nazacort, Nasonex.

These drugs have a high degree of safety and effectively eliminate all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, as well as the symptom of nasal congestion, which practically cannot be eliminated with other drugs.

In the occurrence of the neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis, endocrine changes in the body and reflex effects on the nasal mucosa are important.

Symptoms: The same three main symptoms are observed - repeated sneezing, difficulty breathing through the nose and runny nose, but they are variable. Often attacks occur only after sleep or are repeated many times when there is a change in air temperature, food, overwork, increased blood pressure, emotional stress, etc.

Treatment: aimed at reducing the reactivity of the nervous system. First of all, hardening of the body is used - water procedures, exposure to fresh air, physical education and sports, and climatic therapy.

General strengthening agents are prescribed - multivitamins and biostimulants. Laser therapy and acupuncture are widely used.

If there is no effect or if hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates develops, cauterization of the inferior turbinates with trichloroacetic acid, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen, or surgical intervention - conchotomy - is used.

When a cough appears when talking, the reasons can be very different, ranging from dry mucous membranes to malignant tumors in the respiratory tract. In some cases, the disorder does not require any therapy; it can be eliminated by ensuring normal humidity and air temperature. Ingoda requires long-term complex therapy.

Types of cough and their characteristics

A cough can occur during a conversation in different cases. To understand the nature of the disorder in the body, you need to find out what type of spasm worries the patient.
Based on the nature of the mucus, its presence or absence, the frequency of attacks and their duration, one can make an assumption about the disease that provoked the symptom. Let's look at them in more detail.

Type of cough Peculiarities Violations
Dry It appears when the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are inflamed, is paroxysmal in nature, and does not bring relief to the patient. Acute respiratory infections, inflammation of the larynx, nasopharynx and trachea, allergies, the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract, psychological discomfort, natural reaction to inhaling cold air.
Wet It appears most often due to infection of the lower respiratory tract and is accompanied by the production of various types of sputum. Bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and ARVI, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Morning It has a paroxysmal nature, is formed from inflammation of the lower respiratory tract and stagnation of sputum, fluid accumulates in the bronchi during the night. Worrying in tuberculosis, bronchiectal patients and heavy smokers.
Evening Most often caused by infection of the lower respiratory tract, it worries the patient all day, but in the evening the cough gets worse. Bronchitis, pneumonia.
Night It appears when the tone of the vagus nerve increases, and also occurs when phlegm flows into the throat. Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, postural drainage.


When I laugh I start coughing

When a cough appears when talking, the reasons can be very different, ranging from dry mucous membranes to malignant tumors in the respiratory tract.

Table of contents:

In some cases, the disorder does not require any therapy; it can be eliminated by ensuring normal humidity and air temperature. Ingoda requires long-term complex therapy.

Types of cough and their characteristics

A cough can occur during a conversation in different cases. To understand the nature of the disorder in the body, you need to find out what type of spasm worries the patient. Based on the nature of the mucus, its presence or absence, the frequency of attacks and their duration, one can make an assumption about the disease that provoked the symptom. Let's look at them in more detail.

A dull and mild spasm appears due to a slight but constant irritation of the cough receptors.

What causes spasms when speaking?

If your cough begins to get worse when talking, it may be associated with certain diseases. However, there are situations when a spasm appears without any disturbances; it is provoked by unfavorable conditions. Let's get acquainted with the reasons that can cause an unpleasant symptom.

  • Post-infectious state. The cough may not go away for several weeks to two months, even after all symptoms of the infection have disappeared. This condition causes disruption of the functioning of the respiratory epithelium. Also, during and after illness, increased sensitivity of cough receptors may be observed. To alleviate the condition, physiological procedures are used.
  • Infectious ENT diseases. This type of cough provokes a runny nose. The flow of mucus through the pharynx into the throat leads to spasm, since phlegm irritates the receptors. Disruption does not only occur during conversation. It is especially intensified in the evening and at night, when a person takes a horizontal position.
  • Whooping cough. This is a serious infectious disease, it is rare nowadays and mainly affects children. Initially, the patient does not have any alarming symptoms, he feels normal, does not lose his appetite, and his body temperature is not elevated. However, later the cough intensifies, it becomes paroxysmal, causing nausea and vomiting, sometimes even stopping breathing. Along with the spasm, fever and general weakness appear.
  • Nicotine use. “Smoker's cough” is a fairly common phenomenon, most often it occurs in people over 35 years of age who smoke 20 cigarettes or more per day. It appears against the background of impaired functioning of the mucous membranes. Attacks occur in the morning, coughing continues throughout the day.
  • Asthma. The disease manifests itself only as a cough, making it difficult to diagnose. The spasm can change its character, be accompanied by sputum or be dry, and disturb the patient with severe attacks or periodic coughing. The disease can only be determined using a test for bronchial hyperactivity. Irritation of the respiratory tract occurs mainly after contact with dust, inhalation of cold air or vigorous physical activity.
  • Allergic reactions. If there is a personal intolerance to any substances, the patient experiences a cough that intensifies during periods. Allergies can be seasonal and appear during the flowering period. Also, an unpleasant symptom can be caused by the hair and feathers of pets, household chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, food, etc. It can be eliminated by using antihistamines and limiting the patient from contact with allergens.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. In heart failure, there is weakness of the heart muscle. The organ cannot fully pump blood, which causes it to stagnate in the respiratory system. This leads to swelling of the mucous membranes and irritation of their receptors. Against the background of the disorder, a dry spasmodic cough appears, which is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux. The disease develops due to insufficient tone of the gastric sphincter. Food entering the stomach cannot remain there; it is thrown back into the esophagus. The acidity of these masses is quite high, which irritates the mucous membranes of the larynx and causes coughing. The spasm intensifies when talking or laughing, while eating and a few minutes after eating.
  • Side effects of drugs. Coughing while talking may occur while taking medications for hypertension and heart failure. The symptom is a side effect and disappears immediately after the patient stops using medications of the ACE inhibitor class.
  • Ear wax plugs. Cough receptors are located in the ears, so diseases of this organ also cause spasm. Seizures may occur due to the presence of ear plugs. It disappears after removal of sulfur masses from the ear canal.
  • Neoplasms. Oncological diseases are often accompanied by a cough. Initially, it is mild and is accompanied by clear sputum. As the tumor develops, the spasm intensifies, becomes intrusive and prolonged, does not bring relief, and sometimes blood clots are observed in the sputum.
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During a conversation, a cough may appear if a person is nervous or worried. This can be compared to increased sweating in stressful situations. To eliminate the problem, you need to change the patient’s environment; in some cases, the help of a psychotherapist is necessary.

How to avoid spasms

If you are susceptible to respiratory infections, it is best to prevent them from occurring. To do this, you need to protect yourself as much as possible from freezing - always dress for the season and do not spend a lot of time in the cold.

You should also follow these rules:

  • humidify the indoor air using household humidifiers;
  • do not stay in hot rooms for a long time;
  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • avoid large crowds of people during epidemics;
  • pay attention to moisturizing the mucous membranes, gargle with medicinal decoctions and infusions;
  • Take medicinal herbs for prevention, do steam inhalations.

In conclusion

A cough can appear when speaking for various reasons. This is a normal physiological reflex that helps our airways clear foreign bodies.

However, if the spasm becomes strong and intrusive, causes discomfort and occurs too often, you should consult a doctor. Only in a hospital can they determine the disease that caused the symptom and prescribe effective treatment.

  • Dasha Pashchenko


Cough when I laugh. En: what causes a strong cough when laughing. cough after laughing

Consult an experienced specialist

About vasomotor rhinitis. Read below, I have a combination of two types, it is very difficult to treat, i.e. I almost always have a runny nose (especially when there are temperature changes), I’ve even come to terms with it (it’s not the same kind of runny nose as with a common cold). I know how to deal with allergic rhinitis: Erius and Beconase.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease of non-inflammatory nature. There are two forms of vasomotor rhinitis: allergic (it also includes seasonal runny nose, or hay fever) and neurovegetative.

The most effective methods of treating allergic rhinitis include the local use of corticosteroids - topical hormonal drugs in the form of nasal sprays.

These are drugs such as Aldecin, Nasobek, Beconase, Flixonase, Nazacort, Nasonex.

These drugs have a high degree of safety and effectively eliminate all symptoms of allergic rhinitis, as well as the symptom of nasal congestion, which practically cannot be eliminated with other drugs.

Lena and Katusik-Knopusik (24/11/2000)

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Cough with undisturbed general condition

Cough can accompany many diseases - from the common cold to lung and stomach diseases. But what is the cause of cough if there are no other symptoms?

Coughing helps clear the airways of foreign substances and mechanical irritants (sputum, mucus, pus, blood, dust, pieces of food, etc.).

It can be one of the symptoms of various types of acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, pneumonia, pleurisy and other respiratory tract diseases, as well as accompany heart failure and gastrointestinal pathology.

This is explained by the fact that the nerve endings associated with the cough center are located in many internal organs, in the diaphragm, ear canals, and some parts of the brain.

A cough can bother a person if the general condition is not disturbed. What is the cause of a cough that is not accompanied by any other suspicious symptoms?

Consequences of past infection

The cough or coughing may continue for three weeks to a month and a half after the symptoms of an acute respiratory tract infection have resolved. According to various sources, post-infectious cough bothers 25-50% of patients.

This may be caused by damage or dysfunction of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, or an increase in the sensitivity threshold of cough receptors.

To treat such a cough, plant extracts and infusions, moisturizing inhalations, heating, and compresses are used.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (rhinitis, sinusitis) is not always accompanied by coughing up mucus. Mucus can drain down the back of the throat, causing discomfort in the throat. This tickling causes a cough, which gets worse when the person lies down.

Whooping cough

Cough is the early and main symptom of whooping cough. In the first days it is dry, the child rarely coughs. Often, temperature, appetite and sleep are normal, so such a cough does not make parents worry. As the disease progresses, the cough intensifies, becomes painful and paroxysmal.


A smoker's cough manifests itself in the morning with the discharge of thick sputum, and frequent coughing is a concern throughout the day. This type of cough can be caused by the fact that mucosal cells cannot cope with the removal of mucus from the bronchi, the development of bronchitis, or even lung cancer.

Bronchial asthma

In approximately 10% of cases of bronchial asthma, a person does not suffer from the suffocation characteristic of this disease. In this case, cough is the only manifestation of the disease.

The nature of the cough can change from day to day, bother you at night, occur after physical activity, or inhale cold air.

The diagnosis of “bronchial asthma” in such patients is made on the basis of a test that detects bronchial hyperactivity.


Often the cause of a cough in the absence of other symptoms is allergens that have entered the respiratory tract (plant pollen, pet dander).

Heart diseases

Do you constantly cough even though you don't smoke and don't have asthma? Often a cough is the only symptom of gastric reflux. What else does a cough indicate?

Most heart diseases are characterized by weakness of the heart muscles. The heart has a hard time pumping the required volume of blood, causing blood to stagnate in organs, including the lungs.

The lungs become filled with blood, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract swells, and the cough receptors are irritated. A dry cough occurs, which may be accompanied by rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

You can get rid of this cough only through treatment of heart failure.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

A cough may be the only symptom of this disease, which causes the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach to relax.

In approximately 50% of patients, gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of food from the stomach back into the esophagus) is not accompanied by symptoms from the esophagus and stomach.

Cough occurs due to irritation by acidic gastric contents of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract and stimulation of nerve endings in the esophagus.

The cough occurs after or during eating, decreases during sleep and intensifies when moving to an upright position, talking or laughing.

Taking medications

Cough can be a side effect of medications, especially those prescribed to treat hypertension and heart failure (ACEI class). This cough is more common during the day; it is dry and often presents as a slight, debilitating cough. The cough disappears 3-7 days after stopping the medication.

Ear diseases

Some pathological conditions of the external auditory canal (in particular, cerumen plugs) are associated with irritation of cough receptors in the hearing organ. A dry cough can bother you around the clock until the ear disease is treated or the wax plug is removed.

Lung tumor

A cough for a long time may be the only symptom of some lung tumors in the early stages. It is dry or accompanied by the release of a small amount of light sputum. However, X-rays do not show changes in the lungs - special research methods are needed.

Neurotic somatoform disorder

Such a cough “due to nervousness” often occurs when a person is in uncomfortable situations. More common in children. Psychogenic cough does not bother you at night. Lifestyle changes and treatment prescribed by a psychiatrist can help get rid of it.

It is worth noting that in 20% of cases it is not possible to establish the cause of a chronic dry cough after active examination and treatment. This idiopathic cough is more common in middle-aged women. In some cases, doctors attribute it to an age-related increase in pre-existing subclinical inflammation in the respiratory tract. Treatment of such a cough is ineffective.

Instructions for medications


cough after laughing

2014-09-29 10:28:28

Tanya asks:

Hello! I re-read almost all the answers to all the questions and it helped me a lot when I quit smoking. Smoking experience 20 years. Age 42. I haven’t smoked for 2 years now. I quit smoking when I fell ill with very severe bronchitis. The illness lasted 3 months. Passed. All tests and x-rays at that time were good. Since then, all this time there have been no pulmonary diseases, only my throat hurt periodically. My health improved, there was no cough and no clearing of the bronchi and lungs. And now, almost 2 years have passed, my throat hurt and I had pharyngitis for about a month. Then it seemed to “sink” into the bronchi, as if you had a cold. Now, about a month ago, a slight cough has begun. With a small amount of green sputum. The cough is not constant. Occurs mainly when laughing or breathing exercises. Short-term, with slight wheezing. A little (a drop) of sputum will go away and that’s it. The attack ends. I feel basically normal. The lifestyle is quite active. The cough lasts 3-4 weeks. Before this, there was no cleansing (as many people write here). And in principle, although I suffered from chronic bronchitis all the years of smoking, nothing bothered me about my lungs.

Could this cough be a clearing of the lungs 2 years after quitting smoking? Or could this indicate some kind of bad disease?

October 01, 2014

Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich answers:

Read also:  Basic methods of treating age-related and complicated cataracts

Hello, Tanya. No, this is not a “cleansing”, but post-viral complications, possibly a subacute course of chronic bronchitis. And it needs to be treated comprehensively under the guidance of a general practitioner or family doctor.

It is important that he listen to your breathing by auscultation (with the ear), and, accordingly, evaluate general blood tests, urine tests and 2-3 sputum tests with cultures for flora, incl. and for mycobacteria + radiography and ENT consultation (to exclude nasopharyngeal diseases).

This is roughly the algorithm for you. But under no circumstances self-medicate. Good health to you.

2014-07-11 13:00:09

Olga asks:

Dear Doctor! Please help me make a diagnosis. My husband is 47 years old; he had never had bronchitis or any bronchopulmonary diseases before. At the end of February 2014, he accidentally discovered (while laughing) wheezing in the lungs when exhaling. Then came a cough - mostly dry, yellow sputum, difficult to separate. The husband points out that the taste of sputum is unpleasant, reminiscent of the taste of halva or sunflower. In February, for a month, I had contact with a person who came from Africa and had constant diarrhea and cough. Also, in February, my husband took salofalk for inflammation of the rectum after taking a diclofenk suppository (From the annotation - side effect of salofalk - Allergic exogenous alveolitis) My husband has never had an allergy to medications or food, as well as to pollen. X-ray of the lungs (in dynamics) and computed tomography showed nothing, no pathology was detected. (All blood tests are also without pathological changes, including C-reactive protein, ESR, leukocytes, immunoglobulin E, eosinophils) Everything is normal. The only thing is an increase in serum potassium in periods of up to 8 units and hyperlipidemia. Auscultation - moist fine bubbling rales on both sides. Quantiferon test - negative for tuberculosis. Nelson staining - negative. In April 2014, a course of antibiotic therapy was carried out - avalox - 7 days, roxithromycin - 7 days, amoxiclav - 5 days. Then a short course of tableted prednisolone - according to a decreasing scheme - 10 days. The general condition improved, but the wheezing - fine bubbling, wet, dry - did not go away and remained. There was no improvement from inhaled sympathomimetics and bronchial corticosteroids. Now my husband’s cough appears even at night, it’s persistent and dry. During the day, there is more sputum, the color of the sputum still remains yellow with an unpleasant aftertaste. My husband’s blood pressure is usually stable: 120 and 80, height 182, weight 92, pulse 67. Appetite is good. Of the chronic diseases, only vasomotor rhinitis for 7 years. True, it should be noted that while taking avalox and roxithromycin in April 2014, there was an improvement in nasal breathing and a general improvement in well-being. But the cough and dry wheezing in the lungs remained. Now the cough has intensified and the nasal mucosa has begun to swell more. I noticed that While taking antibiotics, my husband develops hoarseness every time. No other chronic diseases or foci of infection were identified during the examinations. Maybe it's pneumomycosis or tuberculosis? Or systemic lung disease? Please tell me what other tests can be done to clarify the diagnosis! Best regards, thanks in advance,


July 13, 2014

Vazquez Estuardo Eduardovich answers:

Hello Olga! Unfortunately, we don’t consider it necessary to discuss disease options with you; doctors should do this only in medical circles, and with the population - only for the purpose of preventive conversations (and in this regard, we do not consider it necessary to aggravate).

We would now assume chronic (sluggish) tracheobronchitis, apparently of a parasitic nature, which also needs to be examined more deeply. But as we answer other people, the absence of laboratory evidence does not necessarily exclude any medical suspicion.

Contact an infectious disease specialist, and then your general practitioner - they will tell you what to do next.

2012-12-14 08:49:19

Igor asks:

Hello. During physical activity and intense breathing I experience irritation, burning and discomfort. For example, after swimming or jogging, until your breathing becomes even. It feels like the intense passage of air burns the inflamed mucous membrane. This feeling gets worse every year. I also cough when I laugh.

Periodically there are periods (1-3 weeks) of dry non-productive cough without sputum production. This has been happening for about 10 years now, and it’s only gotten worse over the years. Spirography is normal. A layered tomogram showed nothing. The ECG is normal (the atria are only slightly enlarged). The parasitic and allergenic panels also revealed nothing.

But this sensation torments during respiratory stress, sometimes even minor. The pulmonologist prescribed me to drink Singular for three months. I've been taking it for three weeks and the cough has gone away. With the same load, the burning sensation and discomfort did not decrease. I had a bronchoscopy in 2008 - there was irritation of the mucous membrane characteristic of chronic bronchitis.

Are these above symptoms chronic bronchitis?

December 24, 2012

Gordeev Nikolay Pavlovich answers:

Hello, Igor. Yes, you may have chronic catarrhal tracheo-bronchitis + cold allergy. Consult your doctor. Good health to you.

2011-12-21 12:04:10

Maria asks:

Good afternoon! The whole family was poisoned by solyanka soup, it contained brisket, pieces of lard, pickled cucumbers, olives, it was a very fatty soup.

I took enterodesis 2 times a day, a day after the poisoning it became better, the vomiting stopped, there was no diarrhea, only when I coughed, laughed or took a sharp breath, it went under the ribs on the side of the chest. I only ate tea without sugar, mineral water and crackers. On the 3rd day I started taking Bifiform 2t.

I'm interested in what kind of pain this is. Gastroscopy diagnosed gastritis-duodenitis. Blood test is normal. What do you recommend in this situation?

January 16, 2012

Anna Alekseevna Kucherova answers:

Good afternoon. Intestinal spasms against the background of metnorism (increased gas production). I recommend diet No. 5 for 2-3 weeks.

2010-08-03 09:42:31

Oleg asks:

: Good afternoon! Please help me make a diagnosis. I've been sick for 7 days. The first day. I had a headache (in the temple area), and in the evening the temperature rose to 38. Day two. The temperature remains at 38, the headache intensifies (no other symptoms, runny nose, cough, nausea, vomiting were observed). The ibuprofen prescribed by the doctor helped only slightly, lowering the temperature a little and easing the pain. In the evening, the headache intensified, and there was an attack of hysterical laughter from the painful shock. Day three. He passed tests - urine, blood - general, as well as blood biochemistry. All results are within normal limits. The temperature remains at 37.6 and there is a headache in the temples. I gave an injection of analgin, diphenhydramine and noshpa, which relieved the pain and lowered the temperature. On the same day, the following specialists examined: an infectious disease specialist - found nothing, suspected frontal sinusitis and referred him to an ENT specialist; ENT - ruled out frontal sinusitis, suspected a neuroinfection and referred to a neurologist; the neurologist concluded cerebral arachnoiditis and arachnoencephalitis and referred for hospitalization. Day four. The general condition has improved compared to previous days, the head hurts with sudden movements, the temperature began to “jump” from 36.0 to 38. It usually rises in the evening. The hospital confirmed the suspicion of arachnoiditis and performed a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid. The results of the analysis are clear. A course of treatment was prescribed: antibiotic ceftriaxone intravenously, analgin + corglycone + ascorbic acid intravenously. Days 5-7 - the condition does not change - headache with sudden movements, radiates to the left temple, temperature continues to jump from 36 to 38.2. An MRI of the brain was done in axel, coronal and sagittal projections. Everything is normal, only a retention cyst was discovered in the left maxillary sinus 36*34*28mm. There are no other changes. However, the attending physician (neurologist), after reviewing the images, ruled out the possibility of fever from the cyst and continued treatment for neuroinfection with ceftriaxone. At the same time, the following medications were added: a dropper - rheosorbilact, suprastin IM, troxevasin tablets and platifilin IM. After the injections, the temperature remains 37.0. Question: 1) could this be a neuroinfection if all tests are clear? 2) can a cyst cause an increase in temperature?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

04 August 2010

Victoria Gennadievna Kachanova answers:

Hello, Oleg. If the cyst does not fester, it cannot give rise to an increase in temperature, especially to such numbers as yours. If the cerebrospinal fluid is clean, this is not a fact that there is no neuroinfection.

Perhaps it has not yet developed to such an extent as to give a change in the cerebrospinal fluid and blood test (yours is also calm).

If no other source of infection is found, then the main diagnosis for you will be neuroinfection, and this is correct.

2010-01-24 15:05:48

Ekaterina asks:

Hello! My daughter is 3 years old. The girl is not sick. But in June she suffered from bronchitis. Since then, coughing, heavy breathing, whistling, hoarse voices have become our constant companions! Our daughter reacts to everything (cold air, physical activity, crying, laughter, screaming).

We did the following: we took it to the Caucasus in October, took Tailed (nothing), Brochomunal for 30 days, inhalations through a Nebulizer with saline. solution (when there is obstruction with Berodual), Claritin and expectorants.. (At this time, the neck is always loose. The pediatrician also diagnoses laryngitis.

), removed the dog from the house, removed the carpets, visited an osteopath, passed a bunch of tests: eosophils in the blood 7.0% (after measures taken 0.5%), nasal swab-mucus 25%, llisten eggs (blood and feces) were not detected, but folk remedies We still chased them, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - the results were good.

We have been taking anti-dysbacteriosis medications in courses since birth.

The pulmonologist diagnoses asthma (there has been obstruction 4 times already) and a hormone is prescribed (we won’t take it). At the moment the situation has stabilized, we periodically hear whistling and coughing, but they go away immediately after inhalation with saline solution and hot drinking (at this moment the doctor does not hear the obstruction ) What is this cough and whistling, why and why does it start, why does it quickly go away and not go down????? Maybe it’s not asthma? An infectious disease specialist talks about the habit of the bronchi to react in this way to stress (more often, by the way, coughs and hoarseness occur precisely when the daughter freaks out or screams), is this possible? And also, what kind of drug is Singulair, do we need it? We are going crazy with anxiety, we want our childhood to be fulfilling, but there is no running around, no crying, no laughing out loud. Thank you in advance for your answer and attention!!!!!!

04 February 2010

Vera Alexandrovna Strizh answers:

Dear Ekaterina! Wheezing is a symptom of asthma, called wheezing. Attacks of suffocation that occur after overexertion or physical exertion are called tension asthma.

Singulair is a drug from the group of so-called leukotrienes, the effectiveness of which has not yet been proven. The safety and effectiveness of Singulair in children under 6 years of age has not been established.

The osteopath could not cope with the tension in the body - look for a craniosacral therapist and read here Dysbacteriosis - also, probably, it was not dealt with. So, is the action plan clear?

2009-06-11 20:37:28

Maria asks:

Hello... I need help... I have been suffering from thrush for about a year... from time to time it disappears... it appears when overheated and after a course of antibiotics... I know that antibiotics weaken the body...

after treatment with neopenetran, flucostat and clotrimazole, the thrush again temporarily disappeared and has not yet appeared... but now there is another problem... previously there was discharge from the vagina and now it has begun to discharge from the urinary canal...

the slightest sneeze, cough or just laughter due to which the stomach tenses as liquid flows out of the urinary canal (at times liquid like water and sometimes thick gel-like mucus-like), translucent with a white tint and odorless...

in the liquid you can see curdled pieces of white color, reminiscent of vaginal discharge with thrush... what to do besides going to the doctor and getting tested? there is no opportunity or time at all in the next month... thanks in advance


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