
Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatment

Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatment

Cough is a reflex physiological reaction of the body to irritation of receptors located in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Depending on concomitant diseases, it can become pathological.

It is necessary for every person to know what types of coughs there are in adults, since treatment is prescribed on this basis.

Classification of the main types of cough

Cough with phlegm is easier

The nature of the cough reflex directly depends on the pathological factor and the level of its impact on the respiratory system. But it is worth noting that all respiratory infections and their manifestations in adults are easier than in children.

Cough is divided into two large groups:

  1. Dry;
  2. Wet (with sputum discharge).

According to the duration of the disease, the following types of cough are distinguished:

  • Spicy. Disappears mostly within 21 days. Most often caused by a viral or bacterial respiratory infection. A feature of the course of cough is its persistence;
  • Persistent cough. Can last up to 3 months. The cough is not constant, but paroxysmal, periodic. Occurs at a certain time of day (at night or during the day);
  • Chronic . Severe concomitant diseases or prolonged absence of cough therapy can lead to its chronicity. It has a variable character, cough characteristics (dry or wet) depending on the cause of its appearance.

Depending on the nature of the pathogen affecting the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the following types of cough are known:

  1. Viral;
  2. Bacterial;
  3. Allergic.

The diseases most typical for each type of cough are given in the table:

Type of cough Reasons for appearance
Dry, barking Laryngitis, pathological formations in the larynx
Dry, paroxysmal Tracheobronchitis, whooping cough
Dry, long-lasting, occurring more often in the morning Nasopharyngitis
Wet, disappearing after coughing Bronchitis, mild forms of pneumonia
Moist, with sticky sputum Cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma at its height

Clinical picture

Initial symptoms of cough may be minor

When a cough has already occurred, how can you determine whether it is dry or wet?

With a dry cough, symptoms often do not subside; on the contrary, it becomes painful and protracted. There is no relief after coughing. Therefore, this species is also called unproductive.

With a wet cough, liquid or viscous sputum is released, the patient feels better and for some period the symptoms of the disease may completely disappear. Therefore, this cough is usually classified as “productive.” The clinical picture of dry and wet cough is strikingly different from each other, which makes diagnosis and treatment easier.

A comparison of the main types of cough is presented in the table:

Characteristic Dry cough Moist cough
Nature of the pathogen affected Most often viral Most often bacterial
Sputum absent present
Characteristics of cough Doesn't bring relief Symptoms may disappear after coughing
By time of occurrence During the whole day Morning
Exodus Recovery, transition to a wet cough or the appearance of complications Recovery or complications
In which diseases is it most often observed? Laryngitis, tracheitis, acute bronchitis Chronical bronchitis

Dry cough

Most often, a dry cough is caused by viral pathogenic agents that affect the upper parts of the respiratory system.

How to determine the type of cough during illness? It’s simple, for example, a feature of a dry cough is the patient’s constant complaint of a sore throat. The coughing that occurs is initially weak, but over time it intensifies and becomes annoying. If there is no effect, you should not continue to cough, since there is a possibility of damage to the small vascular network in the respiratory tract.

Current of wet cough

A cough with sputum is considered wet.

With a wet cough, the causes in most cases are bacteria or allergic reactions to the environment. It occurs more often in the morning, after sleep.

The sputum is quite liquid and comes out easily.

It is a good substrate for the growth of bacteria and, if treatment is not started in time, serious complications may develop in the form of pneumonia or lung abscesses.

How to determine which cough occurs due to the allergic nature of the disease? In these cases, the cough is wet, but the sputum becomes viscous and difficult to separate, “vitreous.” In severe cases, shortness of breath may occur.

Attention! To determine the exact disease that caused the cough, you should contact a medical organization (hospital or clinic).

Cough treatment

To prescribe treatment, you should consult a doctor

Diagnosis of the disease in adults and their treatment are fundamentally no different from that in children. However, only a doctor can choose the right therapy by prescribing the necessary laboratory and diagnostic tests.

Primary treatment for cough should be aimed at the causes. Examples of antiviral drugs are presented in the photo.

Some antiviral drugs for treatment

Currently used:

  1. Antibacterial drugs;
  2. Antiviral;
  3. Immunomodulators;
  4. Expectorants;
  5. Mucolytic;
  6. Antitussives (instructions for use must be strictly followed, since these medications have many contraindications);
  7. Antiallergic.

The last group of drugs usually has a higher price than the others, and they are prescribed only in exceptional cases (for bronchial asthma).

As an additional therapy, it is possible to use traditional medicine: inhalations, plenty of warm drinks, compresses and decoctions of medicinal herbs. How to properly prepare a healing decoction can be seen in the video in this article.

Attention! Antitussives should be taken only after a doctor's prescription. This group of drugs is contraindicated for children.


With treatment the cough goes away very quickly

All types of cough in adults respond well to therapy. In cases where cure does not occur for a long time, you should consult a doctor to adjust the treatment. With the right medications, the cough disappears in less than 3 weeks.


Types of cough syndrome in adults and its causes

Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatment

Cough is not a disease, but a reflex symptom that accompanies many diseases. This sign may have different characteristics. It is by paying attention to them that one can suspect the presence of a particular ailment.

But in some cases, cough is not a pathological sign. In this case, he does not need treatment or any other medical intervention. The types of cough in adults are varied and you need to know them in order to consult a doctor in time.

You need to find out in advance how to determine the type of cough and know the main characteristics.

Cough can be either a sign of illness or normal.

Concept of cough

An undesirable symptom such as cough develops in a certain way. There are several stages. In an adult, this happens as follows:

  • An infection enters the body. It can enter the body through the mouth or nasal passages.
  • Bacteria that enter the body provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process. Therefore, coughing is often preceded by hypothermia or decreased immunity.
  • There is a sharp increase in mucus in the bronchi. Its quantity is several times higher than the norm. The process of its removal to the upper sections begins to slow down.
  • A stagnant process occurs in the bronchi. A favorable environment for bacteria to multiply appears. The body tries to get rid of pollution in the respiratory tract. A natural reflex such as coughing occurs.

Often a cough develops when viruses enter the body.

The person takes a breath and opens his mouth. Pressure increases in the lungs, and the respiratory organs experience tension. The body forcefully pushes it out along with phlegm.

If there is a small amount of pathogenic symptoms, therapy lasts no more than a few days.

For serious illnesses, treatment may take a long time. A person with a cough can have a wide variety of pathologies. In some cases, disorders are treated with antibiotics. Only a specialist can determine the cause of coughing.

Cough can accompany certain diseases. Often, with such a symptom, the patient is diagnosed with bronchitis. This disease is characterized by a severe cough. Over time, the symptom can become productive. The disease is accompanied by a huge number of unpleasant symptoms.

The presence of inflammation in the trachea causes coughing

Coughing may also be present with:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cold.

These are the main ailments that are accompanied by cough. Coughing can also be present in a person who has such a bad habit as nicotine addiction. If the symptom is ignored, the patient's condition may worsen.

A smoker's cough always indicates the presence of a certain form of bronchitis. He needs a complete cessation of the bad habit and special treatment.

A symptom such as a cough should not be neglected, since such a negative symptom may indicate significant abnormalities in the human body. It is advisable to visit a specialist.

Cough may be due to asthma

The main types of coughing

Varieties of cough may indicate certain diseases. The doctor always pays attention to the characteristic features of coughing. Thanks to this, he can suspect what specific disease the patient has. Based on this, treatment is also selected. Based on the nature of coughing, the specialist also decides which studies to refer the sick person for.

Experts distinguish two main types of cough: pathological and natural. The first is present only in the presence of certain diseases. It does not arise by itself. With this type, you will have to visit a specialist and resort to drug therapy.

It is important to note that it can be accompanied by a huge number of symptoms that make you feel worse. Their treatment can only be carried out after the root cause has been established.

Many people are interested in how to treat a cough that occurs every day. Each person can cough up to 25 times a day. This sign is called natural. It is not a deviation and there is no need to resort to treatment. The reflex occurs in order to clear the airways of all kinds of contaminants. It doesn't cause any discomfort.

Unlike a pathological cough, no treatment is required for a natural cough.

Cough can also be divided into two types:

Based on the nature of coughing, a primary diagnosis can be established. A dry cough does not bring relief to the sick person. Seizures may occur. Typically, a paroxysmal dry cough occurs at night or in the morning.

Gradually, coughing can turn into productive coughing. However, such a cough may appear immediately. This is possible for certain diseases. A wet cough brings relief to the patient.

A patient may be diagnosed with a specific type of cough based on the duration of the symptom. Descriptions of cough types are presented in the following table.

Type of trait Its features

Acute cough This symptom usually lasts no more than three weeks. The causes of its appearance usually include infectious diseases.
Prolonged cough The symptom is characterized by the fact that it is present for up to three months. Usually it does not bother the patient constantly, but occurs in attacks. May appear at certain times of the day.
Chronic illness In this case, the patient has been coughing for at least 3 months. It is usually of a fickle nature.

Cough depending on the disease

This or that type of cough may occur with a certain disease. Only knowing the characteristics of the symptom in various pathologies can one suspect the presence of a specific disease.

Read also:  Consultation with a venereologist: how it is done and in what cases it is needed

Coughing often indicates problems in the bronchi. In this case, there is a strong dry cough. It occurs frequently during the day and is not characterized by relief.

It may also indicate the presence of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • malignant neoplasms in the lungs.

With bronchitis, the patient may complain of an acute dry cough. It causes significant discomfort to the patient. The symptom is usually accompanied by pain.

The cough remains dry only during the first few days after the onset of the disease. After that he becomes productive. Sputum begins to appear.

  • It is liquid at first, and then its consistency becomes more slimy.
  • In addition to a cough, people with bronchitis may also have a sore throat
  • In addition, this disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • unpleasant feeling in the throat;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • some difficulty breathing.

Often patients are also diagnosed with pneumonia. In this case, coughing is constantly present. The cough is dry and hacking. May cause pain in the throat and chest. Coughing may produce sputum. It has a red tint. Typically the patient has the following symptoms of the disease:

  • excessive sweating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • the color of the skin around the oral cavity changes, it becomes bluish;
  • breathing becomes more frequent, wheezing may also occur;
  • painful sensations in the chest and abdomen.

With bronchitis, increased sweating may occur along with a cough.

With tuberculosis, the cough is dry and intrusive. The condition may worsen at night. Over time, coughing can become productive, but at the same time cause no less discomfort to the patient.

Treatment of pathologies

Therapeutic therapy is selected based on the underlying disease. Usually it is aimed at ensuring that the mucus comes out as easily as possible. Patients are advised to sleep only on their back or side. This will reduce the risk of night attacks. The coughing process will be easier. When coughing, it is important to follow basic recommendations. To do this you will need:

  • spend at least 30 minutes a day in the fresh air;
  • drink enough fluids;

In addition to taking medications, when treating a cough, you should follow a drinking regime.

  • carry out wet cleaning every day and clean all interior items from accumulated dust;
  • ventilate the room every day, but do not be in a draft;
  • change your lifestyle. You will need to change your diet and give up bad habits.

A wide variety of drugs can be prescribed to treat the disease. Most often, experts prefer medications in liquid form. You will need to drink large amounts of warm liquid. This will facilitate quick and easy removal of mucus. All of the above recommendations must be followed regardless of the characteristics of coughing.

The video will talk about cough treatment:



Cough - types, symptoms and treatment

Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatment

Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatmentWhat is a cough?

For the average person, a cough is associated with either a cold or the flu. But it can occur as a symptom in hundreds of other diseases or be caused by other causes.

Whatever causes it, irritation occurs in the cough receptors of the nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and sensitive endings n. vagus

In this article we will talk about cough in an adult, its causes and treatment.


As I already said, the cough itself is more of a symptom. But he also has symptoms:

  • inflammatory process on the mucous membrane, which leads to its swelling;
  • pathological secretion;
  • the patient feels as if there is a lump in the throat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature;
  • tumor in the mediastinum.

Types and nature of cough

Cough is classified according to 3 indicators:

  • The nature of the cough can be productive or unproductive.
  • According to duration, coughs are classified into episodic, short-term, paroxysmal and persistent coughs.
  • Depending on the course and degree, it can be acute or chronic. An acute cough usually does not last long, up to 3 months, and does not entail serious consequences. Chronic cough – lasts more than 3 months.

A cough in the morning may indicate diseases such as chronic bronchitis and gastrointestinal reflux.

Coughing at night is a sign of bronchial asthma, heart failure, sinusitis or whooping cough.

There is another type - barking cough . Associated symptoms are shortness of breath and wheezing.

Dry cough

A dry cough is a non-productive cough.

Typically, the cause of such a cough is gastroesophageal reflux disease. But it can also occur against the background of ARVI and upper respiratory tract diseases. In general, there are more than 50 reasons that can cause it.


  • pain and burning behind the sternum or in the epigastric region;
  • in the morning and at night the patient feels heartburn.

In many cases, a dry cough can turn into a wet (with phlegm) cough.

Moist cough

The main indicator is the nature and color of sputum:

  • if the sputum is glassy, ​​this indicates bronchial asthma;
  • if it is rusty in color, then it may be heart failure;
  • purulent and yellow-green sputum is characteristic of bacterial respiratory tract infections;
  • purulent sputum with a strong unpleasant (smelly) odor - this is most likely a lung abscess and bronchiectasis.

Acute cough

Acute cough is determined by causes, symptoms and duration.

The causes of acute cough are infections that lead to diseases such as:

  • pneumonia;
  • ARVI;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • pleurisy.

It can also be provoked by:

  • inhalation of toxic substances;
  • ingress of smoke and dust from the environment;
  • entry of a foreign body into the bronchus and aspiration.

Symptoms may include:

  • sputum;
  • rhinitis;
  • fever;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain.

Duration: acute cough lasts up to 3 months.

Chronic cough:

The reasons may be the following:

  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system: chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchial tumors, lung cancer, interstitial lung diseases, postnasal drip syndrome, etc.;
  • extrapulmonary pathology: mediastinal tumors, mitral stenosis, aortic aneurysm, left ventricular failure, gastroesophageal reflux, sinusitis, mental disorders;
  • due to medication and treatment;
  • postnasal drip syndrome. For an accurate diagnosis, they undergo an ENT examination, allergy tests and x-rays of the paranasal sinuses.

Other causes of cough:

  • Taking ACE inhibitors and b-blockers can lead to a side effect in the form of cough. It usually goes away after the patient stops taking the medication. But, if this does not happen, then there is another reason that provokes it;
  • Also, a cough can occur against the background of psychological stress and even before performing on stage in front of an audience.

I also suggest you watch the recording of the conference of specialist pediatrician Vera Sergeevna Mikova, who spoke about all the possible causes of cough in children and adults:

Treatment and prevention of cough

Since we have seen that cough can be a symptom of a large number of diseases, it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis!

All treatment should be directed towards the underlying cause. That is, the underlying disease needs to be treated. But your doctor may prescribe you pills that will alleviate your condition and reduce the severity of your cough.

You can find articles on other diseases and their treatment on the page – “Diseases: Articles”.

But as a preventive measure and a complement to the main treatment, we recommend adding the natural immunomodulator XANGO mangosteen juice, which is an antioxidant and perfectly fights free radicals and all kinds of colds, infections and bacteria. It will help strengthen your immune system and become an additional protection during illness, removing inflammatory processes throughout the body.


Types of cough and their treatment

To clearly understand what disease accompanies a cough, it is necessary to distinguish between the main types of cough and know its key characteristics. According to duration, acute and chronic forms are classified, and according to intensity, normal coughing and hysterical cough.

In addition, they are divided according to the presence of secretions: wet, dry. Considerable importance is given to the issue of ascertaining the nature of the secreted sputum, which can be with purulent impurities, with bloody discharge, or watery. Based on the timbre of the cough, a loud, muffled appearance can be distinguished.

Severe cough: types of symptoms and the main methods of its treatment

The time factor has a significant impact on the accurate diagnosis, and therefore the competent selection of medications. When it occurs: in the morning, in the evening, or as an annoyance throughout the day.

The seasonality of cough (spring, winter) is also a weighty argument that should not be discounted when diagnosing.

The doctor takes all of the above into account when determining the disease, a sign of which is the cough that is tormenting you.

It is strongly not recommended to do this on your own. Be sure to call a doctor or go to a clinic.

How does a cough occur?

This pathology has a specific development scenario. Conventionally, the process of emergence and development is divided into the following stages:

  1. The infection enters the body through the mouth and nose.
  2. Pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) provoke the onset of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane that covers the inside of the above-mentioned parts of the face. The following factors contribute to inflammation of the mucous membrane: hypothermia, weakened immunity.
  3. When the health of the lungs is normal, the “secretory fluid” regularly formed in the bronchi is a reliable protector against microscopic dust particles and pathogens. The daily volume of such mucous bronchial secretions can reach 100 ml.
  4. Ciliated epithelium is a layer of corresponding cells with mobile “cilia” located on the inner surface of the respiratory tract. Responsible for the movement of bronchial mucus up the bronchi, towards the pharynx. In other words, it pushes mucous secretions out of the respiratory system. Subsequently, they are quietly swallowed, the person does not feel it at all.
  5. With respiratory disease, there is a sharp increase in mucus formed in the bronchi. The volume of produced bronchial secretions is tens of times higher than the permissible values. The activity of ciliated epithelial cells decreases sharply with the development of the inflammatory process. The upward movement of mucus is inhibited.
  6. Excessive amount of sputum provokes “congestion” in the bronchi, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of microbes. Independent cleansing of dust particles and pathogens becomes impossible, and the body “calls for help” with a cough.

Finally, we come to the final stage - the process itself. The chronology of actions is as follows:

  • inhale, cover your mouth
  • respiratory muscles are tense
  • air pressure increases in the lungs


Types of cough

There are many types of cough. They are distinguished by the presence of sputum and its absence, frequency, place of occurrence and other characteristics. By the nature of the spasm, you can determine which disease caused it and prescribe the correct treatment.

This is done by an otolaryngologist; his consultation is mandatory if respiratory diseases are detected. You cannot prescribe any medications or traditional medicine yourself, since different types of spasms are treated according to different regimens.


It can be caused by many factors, both pathological and physiological. Before starting treatment, be sure to find out the cause of the attacks.

Read also:  Cupping for coughs: is it possible to use them and how to treat them correctly

Max Galinkovsky

Residual cough after ARVI

How to treat cough after ARVI? What are the possible complications and what are their manifestations? The publication contains recommendations for the prevention and treatment of residual cough in adults.

Natalia Tsyurik

Residual after bronchitis

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Lina Kirillova

Strong without fever

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Natalia Tsyurik


What ailments cause it? Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of such a specific symptom? Its manifestations in adults and causes are described in this article.

Natalia Tsyurik

With high temperature

When an adult has a high fever and a severe cough, you can try to treat yourself with folk remedies. But if the situation does not change within 2-3 days, it’s time to see a doctor.

Anna Alexandrova

With wheezing in an adult

This is a sufficient cause for alarm, even in the absence of high fever. Therefore, self-medication in this case is unacceptable, and consultation with a doctor is required.

Doesn't work

When it does not go away within a month, it is necessary to look for hidden reasons that cause this unpleasant symptom. This is not always an infection; perhaps there is a hidden irritant.

Anna Alexandrova

Paroxysmal dry

Paroxysmal dry cough – when does it occur and how is it treated? How to relieve bronchospasm in an adult? The material in this article will help you figure this out.

Natalia Tsyurik

With sputum

A cough with white or clear sputum is not dangerous. But if the mucus takes on other, especially intense shades, this is already a cause for concern, you may have a serious illness.

Anna Alexandrova

For no reason in adults

When a cough has no visible cause, but it lasts longer than a month, you need to look for invisible ones. Otherwise, the respiratory organs will be constantly irritated and serious illnesses may develop.

Anna Alexandrova

Residual - how to treat

If after treatment it was not possible to completely get rid of the cough, you should not be especially worried. Residual effects may last for several weeks. Whether they are dangerous or not – more on that later.

Lina Kirillova


His attacks are dangerous because they can lead to loss of consciousness. Whether this can be avoided and how to prevent it, we will find out further. But first, about the most common causes of bronchospasms.

Lina Kirillova

Dry with chest pain

What is the cause of chest pain associated with a dry cough? The simplest reason is considered to be “fatigue” of the bronchial muscles, but bronchospasm can also be a manifestation of the disease. Possible situations are outlined below.

Lina Kirillova

Dry without temperature

How dangerous can a cough be if the temperature is normal or rises slightly? You should know that behind these symptoms there is sometimes a serious illness. This will be discussed further.

Lina Kirillova

Chronic cough

Often people believe that it is a sign of bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia. However, there are many more reasons. If you correctly determine why it occurred, the chances of recovery increase to 100%.

Yulia Zablotskaya


It is unproductive, whistling and exhausting. Usually annoying to asthmatics and those with whooping cough. Find out what its features are and how to relieve spasm to alleviate the condition.

Yulia Zablotskaya


Today, not all doctors consider it correct to call a cough a cardiac one. However, sometimes such a symptom really is a signal of a number of cardiac dysfunctions. To cure it, it is necessary to determine the causes.

Yulia Zablotskaya

Rare dry

Is a rare dry cough left after recently completed treatment dangerous? Perhaps you don’t even need to see a doctor? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Lina Kirillova


Seek immediate medical attention at the first signs of attacks. Do not self-medicate. It is important to establish the correct diagnosis and avoid the most tragic consequences.

Olga Kondratyuk

Persistent dryness in an adult

Many people mistake it for a separate disease, but it is only a symptom that can become chronic. Timely identification of the cause of the disease will help you recover without complications.

Olga Kondratyuk


What can be done if the cough is very severe and accompanied by other symptoms? We will answer this question, and also talk about first aid for an unexpected attack and the best treatment methods.

Lina Kirillova

With a deep breath

When this occurs, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The reasons may be different, but almost all of them are pathological. This means that properly selected treatment is required.

Anna Alexandrova

Symptoms of heart failure

To quickly and accurately deal with a cardiac cough, you need to establish its key cause. It is the diagnosis that should become the starting point both in the treatment of cough and in eliminating its cause.

Max Galinkovsky

After meal

If you notice that a mild but persistent cough regularly appears after a meal, consult a doctor. This symptom indicates the presence of a disease.

Max Galinkovsky

In the morning

In most cases, it does not require targeted treatment. If it is caused by pathological factors and is a symptom of the disease, then therapy is necessary.

Max Galinkovsky

Brown phlegm in a smoker

To quickly and safely get rid of a morning cough with phlegm, you need to accurately determine its cause. Without this, treatment will be ineffective and even dangerous.

Max Galinkovsky


In a healthy adult, residual cough after an acute respiratory infection goes away within 1-2 weeks. If it lasts a month or longer, it is already chronic or caused by other reasons that need to be looked for.

Anna Alexandrova


It is almost always possible to determine its root cause, which guarantees a complete recovery. A correct diagnosis, proper treatment and preventive measures will help restore your health.

Kondratyuk Olga

Dry with a temperature of 38

Is it necessary to urgently take an antipyretic if the body temperature remains 37-38? This question arises with every cold. We will tell you how best to act in such a situation.

Lina Kirillova

Dry and doesn't last long

In this case, folk remedies cannot help. If it lasts several months, then it is likely a symptom of a chronic disease.

Anna Alexandrova

Strong at night

What do attacks at night mean? To get the correct answer to this question, you need to undergo an examination. But you can reduce the risk of recurrence. More on this later.

Lina Kirillova

With blood

If blood appears in the sputum, this is not a cause for great concern. But when a bloody cough continues for a long time or there is a lot of blood, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Anna Alexandrova

During physical activity

Why does a child start coughing at the slightest physical exertion? How serious is this, and is it possible to cope with bronchospasms on your own? The answers to these questions follow.

Lina Kirillova

On the exhale

There are many medications and methods of treating it. But before starting therapy, we advise you to seek help from a doctor and establish an accurate diagnosis.

Maxi Galinkovsky


It must be treated in relation to the disease that provoked it. However, there are a number of effective ways to reduce the intensity of bronchospasms.

Max Galinkovsky

At night with an adult

We will tell you how to establish the root cause, cure the disease in the early stages and prevent complications from occurring.

Olga Kondratyuk

After quitting smoking

In a healthy person it lasts no more than a month. But if chronic respiratory diseases have developed, the situation becomes more complicated and treatment may be required.

Anna Alexandrova


It is significantly different from cough caused by colds. This bronchospasm has a different nature, so traditional drugs are not suitable for its treatment.

Max Galinkovsky

Old in an adult

How to treat it depends solely on what caused this symptom. There is no universal recipe. An examination is necessary, and then quality therapy.

Anna Alexandrova


It appears as a symptom of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and it will not be possible to get rid of it using traditional means. Need diet and stomach treatment.

Anna Alexandrova

Smoker's cough

It causes discomfort both to the smoker himself and to those around him. To alleviate cough attacks and reduce their intensity, we recommend using medications and traditional methods of treatment.

Max Galinkovsky

Strong to the point of vomiting

What can trigger a gag reflex when coughing? In the article we will find out the reasons for the appearance of this symptom, consider the diseases that lead to it and their characteristics.

Dasha Pashchenko

While eating

Don't know how to deal with this problem and where to turn? We will learn the reasons that provoke the violation and methods for eliminating them.

Dasha Pashchenko

No temperature

Are you worried and want to know what may be causing it and what measures can be taken to eliminate it? In this article we will consider all the issues in detail.

Dasha Pashchenko

Dry exhausting

Don't know how to deal with it? We will consider the causes of this disorder, characteristics of the diseases, methods of their treatment and precautions.

Dasha Pashchenko

No sore throat

Have you encountered such a problem? We will learn what diseases can cause such a condition, how to correctly determine its cause and how it can be dangerous if not treated in a timely manner.

Dasha Pashchenko

Intensifies in the evening

This occurs due to the presence of pathological processes in the body. We will look at why the symptom appears at this particular time of day, what diseases provoke it, and how to alleviate the patient’s condition.

Dasha Pashchenko


There are a lot of reasons that cause it, and it occurs more often in children than in adults, since their mucous membranes are more delicate and sensitive. It can be difficult to remove.

Anna Alexandrova


Severe cough: types, treatment methods

Cough is a natural reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract by foreign bodies or vapors.

This is protection aimed at getting rid of dust and phlegm to achieve full breathing.

A severe dry or wet cough can appear with various diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and ARVI, or with mechanical damage from foreign objects or food.

Types and symptoms

The cough can be dry or wet, productive (with phlegm) or unproductive. The presence of mucus that is difficult to separate indicates pathology of the lungs and bronchi.

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Therefore, if this symptom is detected, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist to identify the underlying cause. Dry cough is a common occurrence and most people do not pay attention to it.

This should not be done, as it may be a symptom of a serious illness. The causes of its occurrence are varied: from the common cold to tuberculosis.

Every person produces sputum; in a healthy state there is little of it. It has bactericidal properties, eliminating harmful microbes. Along with phlegm, dust particles, dead skin cells and other substances are removed from the respiratory tract.

In a normal state, a person does not notice how he swallows mucus during intense breathing. However, during the inflammatory process or exposure to viruses and allergens, the volume, composition, shade, properties and discharge of sputum change greatly.

This leads to mucus stagnating in the bronchi and becoming a favorable habitat for dangerous microorganisms.

Based on the nature of the manifestation, two types of cough are distinguished:

  1. Dry (without sputum) - has two forms: barking, which is always accompanied by sore throat, sore throat, hoarseness, and paroxysmal (bronchitis and tracheitis).
  2. Wet - with wheezing, expectoration, heaviness and discomfort in the chest. Usually occurs with pneumonia and bronchitis.

Severe cough in acute form (with infectious pathologies) lasts no more than 3 weeks. In chronic - for several weeks. According to frequency, there are constant coughs with attacks up to vomiting, fainting, respiratory arrest, and temporary coughs - an isolated phenomenon without any consequences.

Dry is considered the safest and easier to cure. Its main symptoms are:

  • lack of sputum;
  • sore throat;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • barking character;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nocturnal attacks.

These signs indicate the development of pathology, leading to insomnia, constant headaches and disruption of the nervous system.

A cough with sputum is called productive and indicates the body’s good ability to cleanse itself. When a small amount of mucus is secreted, it becomes constant. A lot of sputum is often the result of the development of the disease. In serious cases, it contains pus. Symptoms of a wet cough:

  • wheezing and whistling even when breathing;
  • attacks at any time of the day;
  • temperature +38 degrees (lasts a long time);
  • sneezing and runny nose;
  • lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • bad breath;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • vomit;
  • sputum has a green or yellow tint;
  • lack of appetite;
  • presence of blood in mucus.

Most pathologies begin with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. This is usually associated with the development of microbes in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of obstructive bronchitis, asthma or purulent cystic fibrosis (with stringy sputum). Whatever the cough, in order to avoid complications it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.


Before treating a severe cough in children and adults, the cause of its occurrence should be determined.

Medicine identifies several categories of factors for the appearance of symptoms: mechanical - foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract and ear canal, inflammation of the bronchi and trachea; chemical; allergic and thermal. Most often, a severe cough occurs during disease outbreaks. The main reasons are:

  • laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • pleurisy;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • sinusitis;
  • papillomatosis;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • whooping cough;
  • viral pathologies;
  • neuralgia;
  • tuberculosis (first stage);
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • entry of foreign bodies into the mucous membrane;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • measles;
  • cancer of the lungs or larynx;
  • dry air;
  • exposure to cosmetics, chemicals, dust, exhaust fumes and products.

It can also be provoked by such phenomena as harmful working conditions, heart disease, taking medications, helminthic infestation and stressful situations (psychogenic cough).

A severe cough in children (without fever) may be a consequence of passive smoking. In newborns, the causes are different from in adults.

Typically, a severe cough occurs after feeding when milk enters the respiratory tract, during teething. This condition is not a pathology and does not require treatment.

If you experience a prolonged dry cough without an increase in body temperature, you should urgently consult an oncologist.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo a special examination to identify the cause of the pathology. After collecting anamnesis, the doctor determines the circumstances and time of occurrence of a severe cough.

The volume, type and shade of mucus secreted are important. Only after this can a correct diagnosis be established and effective treatment selected. Timely treatment allows you to quickly eliminate the cough and improve the patient’s condition.

Treatment involves the use of drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, relieving swelling and spasms, dilating the bronchi and thinning sputum:

  1. Dry allergic cough requires taking antihistamines and inhalations based on plant extracts. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids and following a special diet are recommended.
  2. If a foreign body enters, when there is no need for surgery, medications are prescribed that cause increased mucus secretion to cleanse the bronchioles.
  3. Antiviral drugs are effective only at the initial stage of the pathology.
  4. If the cough is accompanied by inflammation and fever, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.
  5. Inhalations will help calm painful attacks.
  6. For bronchial asthma, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.
  7. Cough caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is treated with antacids and proton pump blockers.
  8. Helminthic infestation requires individual therapy.
  9. Neuralgic pathologies are eliminated by suppressing the cough reflex.
  10. Mucolytics thin the mucus so it can be separated.
  11. If the cause of the cough is a tumor, consultation with an oncologist and specific treatment are necessary.
  12. Moist does not need to be suppressed so as not to interfere with the cleansing of the bronchi. The spasm should be relieved with herbal (Herbion, Travesil, Bronchipret, Doctor Mom and Gedelix) and synthetic (Tussin, Lazolvan, Codelac, Ambroxol) drugs with an expectorant effect.
  13. For respiratory pathologies, different types of medications are used. These include drugs to suppress the cough reflex if mucus is not produced and a cough is present: Codeine, Oxeladin, Paxeladin and Tusuprex. Products aimed at increasing the liquefaction of sputum are also used: Stoptussin, Ambroxol, Mucaltin, Linkas and Codelac.

Folk remedies

To eliminate a severe cough, various compresses and warming of the chest are often used. To do this, alcohol and any vegetable oil must be mixed in equal proportions.

Two pieces of cloth should be moistened in the prepared solution and one of them should be placed on the chest (avoiding the heart area), the other on the back. Wrap the body in thick polyethylene and put on warm clothing to secure it.

The procedure must be carried out at night until the cough is completely relieved.

For another recipe, add water to the lemon and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut the fruit in half and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 2 tbsp to it. l. glycerin and 1 tsp. honey Take the product daily, before meals. You can also mix lemon juice, chopped garlic and honey, pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 10 hours. Drink the infusion before bed.

It is recommended to bring one glass of milk to a boil, cool, add 1 tbsp. l. goat fat and a little honey, stir and drink in one go. Take 3 times a day.

You can also take one handful of berries and viburnum leaves, pour 1 liter of water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. To enhance the effect, you can add hot pepper. The resulting syrup should be taken 3 tbsp. l. before each meal.

For another recipe, 200 g of melted butter, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 1 glass of honey must be mixed until completely dissolved. Add 100 g of cocoa to the resulting composition. Pour into small molds and place in the freezer. Three times a day, brew one tablespoon of the product in hot milk and take until recovery.

Infusions and decoctions made from eucalyptus leaves, St. John's wort, sage, plantain, linden and licorice root help relieve an attack. Tea based on coltsfoot, thyme, oregano and marshmallow promotes a productive cough.

All folk remedies can be used only after consultation with a specialist..

Chest massage

This procedure is carried out only when mucus is secreted; a non-productive cough cannot be eliminated by massage. Suitable for small children, as they do not cope well with coughing, do not want to take medications and endure the application of mustard plasters. There are several types of chest massage: acupressure, vibration, drainage and cupping.

It stimulates mucus production in adults, children and even newborns. The procedure should be performed half an hour after taking expectorants. The duration of the massage is 30 minutes, for children - 15. The course of treatment is 12 days. After the procedure, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket.

Massage is contraindicated for patients with false croup, underweight children and high body temperature. It is also prohibited to touch the spine (especially in a child).


The most common inhalations for severe coughs are heat-moist inhalations. The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes at a temperature of +42 degrees. For this purpose, there are soda, salt and mineral solutions. Dry inhalations are made from powders and essential oils and are used at the initial stage of cough.

At home, you can use a kettle with a funnel or a saucepan. It is most convenient to carry out the procedures using a special inhaler. The prepared solution must be poured into the device and act according to the instructions. The most popular inhaler is the nebulizer. You need to breathe into it freely and without tension.

Features of treatment in children

If a child aged 2 years or older develops a severe cough, you should not self-medicate; you should urgently take him to a pediatrician and coordinate all actions with him.

If dry, you need to give more warm liquid: herbal teas, milk or water. Warming compresses at night help (if there is no elevated body temperature).

Drug treatment consists of taking expectorants, bronchodilators and mucolytics. For long-term pathology, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Mustard foot baths help get rid of a barking cough.

It is very important to provide your child with adequate nutrition and regular intake of vitamins.

Steam inhalations are possible only using decoctions of coltsfoot and chamomile. If you are not allergic, you can add thyme, menthol and eucalyptus. You can let your child breathe over boiled potatoes. This must be done very carefully so as not to cause bronchospasm. Radish with honey after meals has a good effect.

If the dose of the drug is not calculated correctly, it can cause nausea and vomiting in the child. Not every child is suitable for cough suppressants; for many, their use leads to the development of diathesis, gastrointestinal tract disorders and allergies. Most medications contain alkaloids that can cause dangerous complications.



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