
Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiency

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency in females can occur both during childbearing age and with the onset of menopause.

It leads to many unpleasant consequences: menstrual irregularities, painful periods, pronounced premenstrual and menopausal syndromes, miscarriages in early pregnancy and the most dangerous thing - the development of infertility. In this article, we will look at the causes and symptoms of such hormonal disorders, as well as how they are diagnosed and treated.

The most important female hormones

The female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are synthesized in overwhelming quantities by the ovaries. A small amount of them is produced by the adrenal cortex. The menstrual cycle has 3 phases, which occur under the influence of a certain sex hormone.

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiencyWhat do the gonads influence?

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The follicular phase is influenced by the hormone estrogen.
    Under its influence, a dominant follicle is released in the ovaries, in which an egg develops for subsequent fertilization. At the same time, the endometrium, the inner layer of the organ, grows in the uterus under the influence of estrogen. In order for a fertilized egg to implant into the endometrium, it must have a thickness of 11-12 mm. Against the backdrop of rising estrogen levels, the endometrium is saturated with blood and nutrients so that in the event of pregnancy, the egg has all the conditions for growth and development.
  2. The ovulatory phase lasts one day.
    Approximately 12-16 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs - the egg leaves the follicle and moves along the fallopian tubes towards the sperm. If all circumstances are successful, conception will occur in the woman’s body.
  3. The luteal phase occurs under the influence of the hormone progesterone.
    It is produced by the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine gland that forms in the ovary at the site of the released egg. If fertilization of the egg has occurred in the female body, then pregnancy will occur under the influence of progesterone, and if not, then menstruation will begin.

As you can see, estrogen-progesterone deficiency will lead to either a lack of ovulation or a pregnancy failure.

What are the symptoms of hormonal deficiency?

The following symptoms of progesterone deficiency are identified:

  • the menstrual cycle becomes longer;
  • attempts to conceive a baby for a long time do not give a positive result;
  • the ensuing pregnancy ends in miscarriage;
  • a disease of the mammary glands appeared;
  • the lady has a low body temperature;
  • limbs swell;
  • spotting vaginal discharge appears either in the middle of the cycle or before menstruation;
  • premenstrual syndrome has vivid manifestations of specific symptoms: irritability, tearfulness, frequent mood swings and others.

A decrease in the level of progesterone in a woman’s body may be indicated by such manifestations as the development of flatulence or the appearance of pain in the abdomen.

Often women do not associate them with the problem of prolonged non-pregnancy, and therefore do not report them to the gynecologist.

How the body signals low estrogen levels

Estrogens are called the main female hormones. They not only influence the menstrual cycle, but take part in many important processes occurring in the body of the fair sex. In particular, they play an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, as well as the absorption of calcium. They affect the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, blood vessels, hair and nail plates.

The following symptoms indicate estrogen deficiency:

  • unreasonable irritability;
  • sleep disturbances up to the development of insomnia;
  • dry skin;
  • feeling of dryness in the intimate area;
  • the appearance of infectious diseases of the genital organs that are not sexually transmitted;
  • pain in the uterine area.

Estrogens also affect a woman's memory. Therefore, when memory deterioration and difficulties in concentrating on some information, especially new information, are observed for a long time, you should check the level of the estrogen hormone in the blood.

What causes hormonal imbalances?

Scientists are still studying the causes that lead to a deficiency of sex hormones in the female body.

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiencyThe consequences are quite unexpected.

To date, they have published the following list of triggers:

  1. Frequent consumption of hormones with food.
    The fact is that in modern agriculture, in order to increase income, animals are fed growth hormones. Therefore, industrially grown meat and dairy products contain hormones. If hormones constantly enter a woman’s body during meals, they inhibit the work of the ovaries, and they begin to produce less of their own hormones.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
    The synthesis of sex hormones by the ovaries is stimulated by special pituitary hormones. The functioning of the pituitary gland is influenced by the hypothalamus. Disturbances in this chain lead to hormonal imbalance. Such problems can be caused by inflammatory and infectious processes in the brain, severe or frequent stress, as well as excessive physical activity.
  3. Thyroid dysfunction.
    After all, in the female body everything is interconnected. Therefore, changes in the level of thyroid hormones provoke an imbalance of sex hormones.
  4. Synthesis of excess androgens by the adrenal cortex and ovaries.
  5. The pituitary gland produces excessive amounts of the hormone prolactin.
  6. The presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages.

With the onset of menopause, the ovaries gradually fall asleep, and the level of sex hormones in a woman’s blood decreases.

Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can lead to hormonal deficiency. Such medications should be prescribed by a doctor and only after examining the patient.

How is hormonal deficiency diagnosed?

In order to prescribe competent treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose.

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiencyWhat could be the reason?

For this purpose, the following methods are used:

  1. Screening of venous blood for hormones.
    In order to obtain adequate results of blood tests, with a 28-day menstrual cycle, it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the estrogen level on the 3rd day of the cycle, and to determine the progesterone level on the 21-22nd day.
  2. When a woman’s menstrual cycle exceeds 28 days or is shorter, the dynamic ultrasound diagnostic method is used.
    It allows you to monitor the stage of ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum.
  3. If it is not possible to use ultrasound, then the woman measures her basal temperature.
    This is a very simple but effective method that allows you to determine the onset of ovulation by a sharp drop in basal temperature. During the luteal phase of the cycle, basal temperature gradually increases.
  4. A special study is carried out - a smear to check for infections in the genitourinary tract.

In order to obtain the maximum amount of information, doctors prescribe all diagnostic methods in combination. The lady measures her basal temperature on her own.

To obtain reliable information, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • use the same thermometer every day;
  • measure temperature at one time;
  • Carry out the procedure without getting out of bed.

There are several ways to measure basal temperature. The thermometer can be taken into the mouth or placed in the vagina or anus.

Features of treatment

There is no single scheme that can successfully treat estrogen-progesterone deficiency in different patients. Treatment is always individual. It depends on the results of the diagnosis and the causes of hormonal imbalance. The doctor will prescribe a specific hormonal drug, its dose and course of treatment.

It is strictly not recommended to treat hormonal disorders on your own. Each medicine has its own indications and contraindications. Only a specialist will be able to select the optimal drug, based on test results and taking into account the patient’s health condition.

The most popular medications for the treatment of such hormonal disorders are Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Treatment of estrogen-progesterone deficiency can be carried out with the following hormonal drugs: Janet, Novinet, Mercilon, Ovidon, Tri-Regol and others.

In case of deficiency of only estrogen, the following drugs are prescribed: Proginova, Ovestin, Ovepol, Estrogel, Hormoplex, Hormoplex and others.

Bottom line

Estrogen progesterone deficiency can occur in women at different ages and for various reasons. But such a hormonal disorder always poses a threat to a woman’s health. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of sex hormone imbalance and, if they appear, immediately seek qualified medical help.

The doctor will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis, and then, based on its results, prescribe competent treatment. Self-medication for hormonal disorders is not worth it. We wish you good health!

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Progesterone deficiency, how to recognize and treat?

Progesterone deficiency is a serious pathology that can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle and cause infertility. The hormone progesterone plays a huge role in the female body. Therefore, its deficiency causes serious complications and problems in the reproductive system.

Description of the pathology

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiency

Progesterone is directly involved in the formation of mammary glands, conception and bearing a child. It is able to suppress involuntary uterine contractions, thereby reducing the risk of premature birth.

A lack of progesterone can reduce the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for egg maturation and estrogen production. As a result of such a failure, the woman does not ovulate.

In medicine, this pathology is called estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

The required amount of progesterone is synthesized by the corpus luteum, the maturation of which in the ovary occurs approximately on the twentieth day of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of progesterone deficiency

Progesterone deficiency is a pathology that has not yet been fully studied. But today scientists have identified a number of reasons that can provoke its appearance in the female body:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages;
  • excessive production of androgens;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;
  • renal failure;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • polycystic disease

In addition, the onset of menopause can be the cause of a lack of progesterone. Other negative factors can also affect the development of pathology. For example, hormonal imbalance that occurs due to stress or uncontrolled use of hormone-containing drugs.

At the stage of bearing a child, the development of progesterone deficiency can provoke uterine bleeding or post-term pregnancy. Also, a woman should remember that pathology can be provoked by more serious causes, for example, malignant tumors. Often, exacerbation of the oncological process occurs during pregnancy.

Clinical manifestations

Most often, progesterone deficiency develops asymptomatically. A woman may not even be aware that she has it before she decides to become pregnant. But in some cases, pathology can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • a woman’s inability to conceive for a long time;
  • diseases of the mammary glands;
  • general weakness and decreased body temperature;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

A woman should not ignore any symptoms of progesterone deficiency. If the decrease in hormone is caused by menopause, then clinical manifestations may include dryness, itching, burning in the genital area, and sudden mood swings. Moreover, women who consider such symptoms during menopause to be the norm are completely wrong. Such violations must be treated promptly.

Diagnostic methods

Several years ago, in order to determine the lack of progesterone, a method of measuring rectal temperature was used. But over time, it became clear that it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on these data, since a decrease in temperature occurs even with normal hormone levels.

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A more relevant method is to take blood to determine progesterone levels. It is carried out from 15 to 18 days of the cycle. In order to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis, blood sampling is carried out several cycles in a row.

Additionally, the patient is examined using an ultrasound machine. This study allows us to determine the structure and size of the ovaries, as well as the presence and maturity of follicles. Ultrasound is also performed more than once. If the duration of the menstrual cycle constantly increases or a woman has a miscarriage, the doctor prescribes an endometrial biopsy.

Treatment of pathology and prevention

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiency

The doctor selects a course of therapy for each woman individually, based on the characteristics of her body, the degree of deviation of the hormone from the norm and age. Lack of treatment leads to anovulation and other equally serious complications. An approximate treatment regimen for progesterone deficiency is as follows:

  1. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the patient is prescribed drugs based on estrogen (Estrogen, Proginova, Octodiol).
  2. If the test result shows a lack of progesterone, treatment is continued with drugs such as Duphaston or Utrozhestan. These medications should only be taken after ovulation occurs. If pregnancy occurs, a woman is advised to continue taking medications for up to three months. Abruptly stopping medications can cause a miscarriage.
  3. During menopause, therapy is carried out both monophasic and hormonal drugs containing several components.

The basis of the drug Utrozhestan is progesterone of natural origin. The medicine reduces the risk of premature birth, miscarriages, and also maintains the required level of luteal hormone. Utrozhestan is also prescribed for menopause, and in some cases it is combined with drugs containing estrogen.

Duphaston contains semi-synthetic progesterone. The drug is available in the form of tablets, suppositories or cream. In hospital settings, Duphaston is often used in the form of an injection solution. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg.

Prevention measures for progesterone deficiency are mainly aimed at giving up bad habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When treating this pathology, a woman must strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs will lead to serious consequences for the reproductive system and the entire body.


Progesterone deficiency

Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiency

Progesterone is very important for the female body. It takes part in the formation of mammary glands in girls, ensures the possibility of pregnancy in a woman and supports its course. Due to a lack of progesterone, symptoms of PMS intensify, and menstruation can be painful.

Progesterone is the hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and thus is necessary to balance the effects of estrogen hormones. Insufficient levels of progesterone can cause the development of endometriosis, that is, a hormonal-dependent disease that can cause the endometrium to grow.

A sufficient level of progesterone is a prerequisite for the normal course of pregnancy, since even before conception it helps prepare the uterus to accept the embryo, and “switches” the immune system of the mother’s body instead of rejecting the fetus to protect it. In cases of recurrent miscarriage associated with estrogen-progesterone deficiency, it is possible for a doctor to prescribe medications that allow you to recreate the natural mechanism of the normal course of pregnancy.

A lack of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle with a simultaneous increase in estrogen levels is the cause of premenstrual syndrome, which affects most of the female population, as well as indirectly their loved ones.

In order to reduce the intensity of contraction of the uterus, its sensitivity, which will help relieve pain; as well as normalize the woman’s well-being and her emotional and mental state, special medications can also be prescribed.

Symptoms of progesterone deficiency

The entire list of symptoms of progesterone deficiency that a woman can usually notice:

  • infertility or non-ovulation;
  • early miscarriage;
  • disturbance in the mammary glands;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • menstrual pain;
  • bags or swelling;
  • water retention (polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios);
  • decrease in body temperature.

Diagnosing progesterone deficiency is not easy. Most often, it makes itself felt in the process of treating some other diseases.

But this disease still has some characteristic symptoms: female infertility, lack of ovulation, miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, diseases of the mammary glands, bloating, fluid accumulation, and a decrease in temperature may indicate progesterone deficiency.

Causes of progesterone deficiency during pregnancy

The reasons for this phenomenon have now been studied quite well. The most common among them are the following:

  • dysfunction of the placenta or corpus luteum
  • lack of ovulation in women of childbearing age
  • serious excess of gestational age
  • occurs with intrauterine growth retardation
  • develops after an abortion due to hormonal imbalance
  • uterine bleeding
  • menstrual irregularities
  • renal failure
  • chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system
  • oncological diseases
  • taking certain medications.

Treatment of progesterone deficiency during pregnancy

There is no universal recipe for treating progesterone deficiency. You should know that in each specific case the doctor must select an individual regimen.

As a rule, progesterone deficiency is important when a threat occurs before 16 weeks, but in rare cases it persists after the 20th week of pregnancy.

In this case, it is necessary to take tests again (a vaginal smear or a blood test from a vein for the content of this hormone).

If there is a threat of miscarriage, progestins that do not have masculinizing and virilizing properties are used. Duphaston, utrozhestan, 17-OPK are suitable for this.

But you should never self-medicate or follow the recommendations of incompetent people. Only your doctor can prescribe the right drug for you after a detailed examination.

Progesterone deficiency and Duphaston

To treat progesterone deficiency, the drug Duphaston .

The use of this synthesized analogue of the natural female hormone progesterone in gynecological practice makes it possible to combat infertility, “habitual” abortions, threatened miscarriage, menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea), and endometriosis. "Duphaston" is used in case of pathological absence of menstruation, for the treatment of uterine bleeding.

Many women planning a pregnancy and pregnant are familiar with Duphaston firsthand. After all, a lack of progesterone is one of the reasons why pregnancy can be terminated.

If there is a threat of termination of the current pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage - doctors prescribe this drug.

It helps create favorable conditions for the fetus - it reduces the excitability of the uterus and ensures the normal development of its mucous membrane.

According to what regimen and how much to take Duphaston, this can only be decided by the attending physician. Most often, the need to take the drug exists until the 16th week - at this time the placenta is already forming, and it itself can produce progesterone. If necessary, Duphaston can be used for up to 22 weeks. The medicine is discontinued gradually, reducing the dose by 0.5-1 tablet per week.

Sometimes women wonder why a progesterone drug is prescribed before a test has been carried out to determine its level in the body. There are simply cases when the analysis shows a sufficient level of progesterone, but it is still not enough for the normal development of pregnancy. And therefore there is a threat of interruption.

Who is Duphaston contraindicated for? Women with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, Dabin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome.

"Duphaston" cannot be used during lactation, since its main component, the active ingredient dydrogesterone, is excreted along with breast milk.

In combination with estrogen, Duphaston is not prescribed in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, migraine and renal dysfunction.

But there is another opinion based on letters from readers

“The myth of duphaston”... It is believed that duphaston (unlike other progesterone drugs) does not affect ovulation.

But that's not true! We received a large number of letters from women who, when taking this drug incorrectly (due to the incompetence of doctors) (before ovulation), instead of the effect of maintaining the corpus luteum phase, received anovulatory cycles.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that if such a “treatment” may not have any effect on a healthy body (after a cycle of taking the drug, the body will function the same as before the drug was prescribed without any disturbances), then if there are any ( already existing) hormonal disorders, it can greatly worsen the situation (keep up ovulation not only in the cycle with taking the drug, but also lead to further disorders). So, it is possible that taking this drug does not affect the onset of ovulation, but this is more likely to apply to very healthy women (those who become pregnant after just one half of the missed tablet). But the healthy, as they say, are usually not treated...

Therefore, we remind you once again that in order to prescribe any treatment, including hormone replacement therapy, a preliminary general medical examination must be carried out.

This is necessary for the reason that the combination of estrogen and progesterone during treatment should be used with caution, as this can lead to undesirable consequences and has a certain number of contraindications. Never self-medicate.

Your health is too valuable for you to do without the help of a specialist.


Progesterone deficiency: causes, signs, symptoms, treatment

Progesterone is a hormone of the female sex glands, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Therefore, progesterone deficiency is the main reason for the inability to conceive and bear a child.

In order to understand the mechanism of action and understand this concept, it is necessary to understand what affects the mechanism of conception and pregnancy. And two hormones influence this - progesterone and estrogen.

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Estrogen helps prepare the uterine lining to receive a fertilized egg. If there is insufficient amount of estrogen in the body of a representative of the fair sex, the fertilized egg does not attach to the walls of the uterus and menstruation occurs.

As for progesterone, it is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy - this hormone is produced by the corpus luteum and is present in a woman’s body in sufficient quantities throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

This hormone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus and reduces the likelihood of excessive contractions of the uterus and, as a result, miscarriage.

Therefore, a decrease in its quantity causes breakdowns and inability to carry a pregnancy to term.


The symptoms of a pathology such as estrogen-progesterone deficiency can be completely undiagnosed, so women suffering from this pathology often do not know about its existence until the moment when they try to get pregnant and fail. Also, this pathology can be detected by chance, during the examination of a woman in order to assess her hormonal levels, as well as in other pathologies of the female sphere, for example, in cases of menstrual irregularities.

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If symptoms of progesterone deficiency are present, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inability to conceive a baby for a long time;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • constant miscarriages;
  • diseases of the mammary glands.

In addition, atypical signs of progesterone deficiency are associated with the development of flatulence and abdominal pain. Also, women suffering from this pathology may complain of spotting vaginal discharge immediately before menstruation or in the middle of the cycle.

However, most often the symptoms of the pathology are not expressed, so the woman is perplexed as to why she cannot conceive or bear a child, and the reason usually lies in estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

Progesterone deficiency is often observed during menopause. The level of progesterone decreases from the moment the fair sex reaches 45 years of age, since at this age the body is no longer capable of childbearing and the reproductive function of a woman fades away. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the fact that a woman’s periods disappear.


Although experts have not fully studied progesterone deficiency, they have still identified the most common causes that cause it.

In particular, insufficient production of this hormone is affected by a woman’s regular consumption of foods containing hormones, for example, chicken meat from broiler chickens.

Due to the constant supply of hormones from the outside, their own production slows down and even stops. Treatment in this case will consist of stopping the use of hormone-containing products.

There are also other reasons for the disruption of progesterone production and its decrease in the body, these are:

  • diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammation in the uterus and appendages;
  • excessive production of androgens by the adrenal glands and ovaries;
  • Excessive production of the hormone prolactin by the female body.

One of the main causes of pathology is also menopause, during which the production of all hormones slows down. Other factors also influence estrogen-progesterone deficiency. For example, it can occur with the development of hormonal imbalance in the female body against the background of regular stress. Or develop as a result of uncontrolled use of certain medications.

As mentioned above, progesterone deficiency during pregnancy causes miscarriages and the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. During pregnancy, progesterone deficiency can be a consequence of uterine bleeding, and also occurs when a woman has a post-term pregnancy (more than 32 weeks).

It is very important to remember that the causes of this disorder can be more severe; for example, this pathology often becomes a sign of a woman’s cancer.

Cancer often worsens during pregnancy, and under the influence of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, cancer cells begin to actively multiply.

Treatment of such hormonal deficiency is associated with eliminating the cause that caused it.

With hormonal imbalance in women during menopause, the following symptoms are noted:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • burning and itching of the genitals;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • irritability and mood swings.

Features of treatment

To treat this hormonal disorder, it is necessary to prescribe specific medications. The most common medicine used to treat this disorder is Duphaston, with which many women are familiar.

The dosage and duration of taking the drug is determined by the doctor; self-medication can be dangerous to health.

If progesterone deficiency occurs during menopause, then the woman requires treatment for hormonal imbalance through replacement therapy. For this purpose, she is prescribed to take certain hormonal medications to stabilize the background. At the same time, only a doctor can select the type of medicine and its dosage for a woman during menopause.


Progesterone deficiency: symptoms and methods of replenishing hormone deficiency

The course of many processes in the body depends on the hormonal background. A woman’s reproductive function is closely related to the sex hormones estrogens and gestagens. Progesterone is a hormone that is synthesized by the corpus luteum during the luteal phase of the cycle. He is responsible for ensuring that pregnancy proceeds normally if it occurs.

If the function of the corpus luteum is reduced, progesterone is produced in insufficient quantities. Progesterone deficiency occurs.

The diagnosis is made by analyzing progesterone levels during the ovulatory phase of the cycle. The state of progesterone deficiency entails a number of endocrine disorders, leading to lack of ovulation and infertility.

Most often, progesterone deficiency is diagnosed in women 18-25 years old.

general information

The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that appears after ovulation. It synthesizes progesterone to provide the necessary hormonal support during the luteal phase of the cycle and the beginning of pregnancy.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that performs several functions:

  • takes part in the formation of mammary glands,
  • relaxes the muscles of the uterus, suppresses its excessive contraction, preventing miscarriage during pregnancy,
  • promotes painless menstruation.

Lack of progesterone inhibits the synthesis of FSH, which affects the production of estrogen. That is, progesterone balances estrogen levels. The maturation of the egg is disrupted, anovulation is observed, which leads to malfunctions of the entire reproductive system of the woman.

Insufficient progesterone levels make embryo implantation difficult. When pregnancy occurs, increased uterine tone and immune activity against the background of a pathological condition creates a high probability of miscarriage.

Find out the instructions for using the drug Gordox for pancreatitis of the pancreas.

General rules of therapy and effective methods of treating papillary thyroid cancer are collected in this article.

Reasons for the development of pathology

It is very difficult to clearly say why hormone levels fluctuate in the body. Each woman’s body is individual and reacts differently to the influence of various factors. The immediate causes of progesterone deficiency are poorly understood.

Experts have identified factors that can influence hormone synthesis:

  • a large amount in the diet of foods that contain hormones (for example, broiler meat),
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system,
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, which are accompanied by impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones,
  • infections of the genital organs and urinary tract,
  • ovarian dysfunction,
  • increased levels of androgens and prolactin,
  • irregular sex,
  • frequent emotional shocks,
  • uncontrolled use of medications,
  • oncopathology.


The primary symptoms of progesterone deficiency are quite vague. As hormonal imbalance increases, pronounced signs of pathology appear:

  • menstrual cycle irregularities,
  • severe pain during menstruation,
  • inability to get pregnant,
  • the occurrence of breast diseases,
  • decrease in body temperature,
  • atypical vaginal discharge not associated with menstruation,
  • dryness, vaginal itching,
  • pronounced PMS,
  • swelling.

This entire range of symptoms makes itself felt only in 10% of women. Diagnosis of corpus luteum insufficiency based on external manifestations is often difficult. Particular attention should be paid to such a sign as the inability to become pregnant for a long time without using contraceptives.

The presence of progesterone deficiency in pregnant women can be suspected when certain symptoms appear:

  • spotting,
  • severe swelling of the limbs,
  • pain in the lower abdomen and kidney area.

If during pregnancy there is no control over the level of progesterone, then a woman may experience complications when it decreases:

  • premature birth,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • development of intrauterine defects in a child,
  • formation of malignant tumors,
  • decreased water balance in the uterus, which may result in fetal death.

Important! Progesterone deficiency in pregnant women is very dangerous. This condition is fraught with a high risk of embryo rejection and spontaneous miscarriage.


Before starting treatment, the doctor will prescribe a series of studies to confirm the diagnosis and determine the condition of the reproductive system:

  • blood test for hormones,
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs,
  • a swab from the genital tract to check for infection,
  • measurement of basal temperature (during the onset of ovulation it decreases sharply).

Effective treatments

After confirmation of progesterone deficiency, individual treatment is prescribed taking into account the causes of the disorder, the patient’s age, and the symptomatic picture. Therapy includes taking medications that stimulate an increase in progesterone levels in the blood. Particular attention must be paid to the treatment of corpus luteum deficiency during pregnancy.

Learn about the symptoms of high renin levels in the body, as well as ways to correct your prohormone levels.

What is lactic acidosis in diabetes mellitus and how to treat this dangerous pathology? Read the answer at this address.

Follow the link and read the information about the indications and rules for the use of antiandrogen drugs for women.

The most effective drugs prescribed for progesterone deficiency:

  • Duphaston contains a semi-synthetic analogue of the hormone, which makes it possible to quickly restore its level in the body. The drug acts only on receptors in the uterus, without affecting the egg. As a rule, the doctor prescribes 1 tablet of Duphaston per day. If there is a threat of miscarriage in pregnant women, the dosage can be increased to 2 tablets.
  • Utrozhestan is a progesterone-containing product of natural origin. The drug is available in the form of capsules for oral use and in the form of a gel for vaginal administration. The drug is often prescribed to prepare the uterus for pregnancy, as well as during menopause in combination with estrogens.
  • Crinon drug in the form of a vaginal gel. Used in cases of threatened miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency. The gel should not be used if you have severe kidney pathologies.

In the presence of progesterone deficiency, it is very important to normalize the general hormonal levels and eliminate the diseases that affect it.

To speed up recovery, a woman needs to reduce the impact of psycho-emotional factors, give up bad habits, and balance her diet.

If there are complications of progesterone deficiency (mastopathy, polycystic ovary syndrome), appropriate therapy is prescribed; in some cases, surgery is necessary.

Prevention measures

To avoid hormonal disorders, including a drop in progesterone levels, a woman should follow some rules:

  • increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, herbs, fish in the diet,
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking,
  • ensure adequate sleep at least 8 hours a day,
  • adhere to moderate physical activity,
  • avoid stress,
  • promptly identify and eliminate diseases that affect hormonal levels,
  • Be regularly examined by a gynecologist.

Progesterone deficiency very rarely leads to dangerous, life-threatening conditions; if detected in a timely manner, it can be easily corrected.

But women planning pregnancy and going through pregnancy without complications need to remember the importance of progesterone during this period.

You should constantly monitor your health and hormonal levels, and consult a doctor if the slightest signs of disturbance appear.


The site administration advises you not to self-medicate, and in any controversial situations, consult a doctor.


Estrogen-progesterone deficiency: Definition, Variants of the condition, Diagnosis, Treatment

Today in our article, we will discuss a very relevant topic today - a type of hormonal disorder in the female body - estrogen-progesterone deficiency.


As always, let’s start with a “breakdown” of concepts and terms, because what scares people far from medicine the most are unknown and “scary” words.

As we can see from the title of our article, we will talk about the lack of hormones of both phases of the menstrual cycle - both estrogen and progesterone.

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It is immediately important to note that in the case of the term “estrogens” we are talking about the totality of all fractions of estrogens that the body produces, and not about any specific one.

Both hormones - progesterone and the main types of estrogens - are produced in women by the sex glands - the ovaries.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the bulk of estrogen is secreted by the growing follicle; in the second half, in the place of the ovulated follicle, the corpus luteum is formed - a temporary hormonally active organ that takes on the role of a “progesterone factory”.

This happens normally in women of the so-called reproductive age - from the moment of the onset of menstruation to the age of onset of menopause - on average - 18-49 years.

Rice. — Simplified diagram of hormonal regulation of the cycle

In gynecological endocrinology, quite often, isolated deficiency of progesterone alone occurs - the so-called luteal phase deficiency of the cycle or LPF. This disorder is associated with infertility, miscarriage and various menstrual irregularities.

An isolated decrease in estrogen fractions is quite rare.

As a rule, in women of reproductive age with more or less regular menstruation, the level of estrogens, for example, estradiol, which is given as a determined criterion by most medical laboratories, is normal.

We are talking about a significant decrease in estrogen levels in women in menopause, after surgical removal of the ovaries, radiation or chemotherapy damage to the tissue of the gonads, as well as in a number of abnormal conditions in young women, which we will talk about a little later.

What then is estrogen-progesterone deficiency? In fact, this is the depletion of ovarian function or the lack of response of the ovaries to commands from the brain and “higher” hormones to produce eggs and secrete hormones. In fact, menopause - both timely and premature - is the most classic version of combined deficiency of both estrogen and progesterone.

State options

We will now discuss in more detail the conditions that may be accompanied by variants of estrogen and progesterone deficiency.

Menopause or menopause

As we have already said, this physiological condition is the most typical example of a lack of sex hormones.

Everywhere they talk about estrogen deficiency, the possibilities of their compensation and drug correction during menopause, but not everyone knows that in the pathophysiology or mechanism of the development of menopause, it is the lack of progesterone that is primary.

It is with a drop in progesterone levels that the process of entering menopause begins - hence disruptions in the menstrual cycle, heavy menstruation, breakthrough uterine bleeding, problems with the mammary gland, and various hyperplastic processes of the endometrium.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency join a little later and form the same well-known menopausal syndrome - hot flashes, “throwing” into a fever, mood swings, libido disorders, and so on.

The reason for natural menopause is obvious - physiological depletion of the supply of eggs in the ovary occurs, ovulation stops, and, accordingly, the production of hormones.

Let us make an important emphasis, which will be useful for understanding the following points; physiological or timely menopause can be considered such a condition in women who have reached the age of 50 years and older. A similar condition in younger women has a different name in modern gynecological terminology.

Premature ovarian failure syndrome

Premature ovarian failure syndrome, premature ovarian failure or PIO is what literally in the last decade was called early or premature menopause or menopause. Now this condition has this, more delicate name. This syndrome can occur in patients of absolutely any age up to 50 years old - at 30, 33,35...

Unlike natural menopause, this is a real problem not only for the patient’s reproductive health, not only for her psychological awareness of herself as a woman, but also for general, non-sexual health. This is the risk of early cardiovascular disorders, diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis and related pathological fractures, and much more.

The essence of early ovarian depletion is similar to that of depletion at the age of natural menopause - at one point the reserve of the “germinal follicle fund” of the ovary runs out or the ovarian reserve is depleted.

There are many reasons for early ovarian failure:

  • Operations on the ovaries. Unfortunately, any, even gentle, operation on the ovaries damages its tissue and a certain percentage of the ovarian reserve dies. In some cases, surgeons are forced to remove large parts of the ovaries due to large tumors.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ovaries are the same salpingo-oophoritis that affects a large percentage of young women around the world. Chronic inflammation not only physically “kills” ovarian tissue, but can also trigger a complex cascade of secondary diseases, including autoimmune diseases. In this case, the body itself can begin to produce antibodies or “killer cells” of its own tissues.
  • Endometriosis is another problem of the 21st century. The still unknown causes of endometriosis do not detract from its devastating consequences on women's health. Screenings of endometrioid lesions are often found in the ovaries, form endometrioid cysts and, in the literal sense, “devour” ovarian tissue, reducing its ovarian reserve.
  • Chemo- and radiation therapy of cancer and malignant neoplasms of various localizations. Unfortunately, this is also a common problem of our time. Young women, even girls and teenagers, are not immune from malignant neoplasms. Aggressive treatment of cancer does not spare the delicate tissue of the gonads, sometimes irreversibly damaging the supply of eggs.
  • Depletion of the ovary during repeated stimulation of ovulation, IVF programs. In assisted reproductive programs, various options for ovarian stimulation are widely used, with the goal of simultaneously obtaining a large number of follicles - not one or two, as in the natural cycle, but a dozen. Of course, such a shock cannot pass without a trace for the ovary, and if there were several such shocks, or even more than ten, the disastrous result will be obvious. If you constantly whip a horse, forcing it to gallop, and not give it rest, the horse will soon fall - a complete analogy with the ovary and its stimulation programs.

Post-sterilization syndrome

The situation is essentially similar to menopause or PIA, but it began abruptly, in connection with the removal of the ovaries - due to large tumors, ovarian cancer, trauma to ovarian tissue. An option for sterilization is also the above-mentioned chemotherapy or radiation therapy, during which the functionally active ovarian tissue dies.

Resistant ovarian syndrome

A rather mysterious and not yet studied condition in which in young women the ovary stops responding to commands from the brain and nerve impulses.

There is practically no difference in the clinical manifestations of menopause, PUI and resistant ovarian syndrome - the patient stops menstruation, symptoms of menopause appear, and, of course, reproductive function completely stops.

However, the pathogenetic essence of resistant ovarian syndrome is different - the ovary has preserved the ovarian reserve, the number of follicles in it is adequate, but for some reasons not yet fully understood by medicine, the ovary stops responding to commands from higher organs - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the higher nervous system.

This situation is associated with ovarian tissue receptors - their death, injury, degeneration. This can occur due to autoimmune processes in the body, an inflammatory process in the ovarian tissues, and also for completely unclear reasons.

Congenital anomalies of the structure of the genital organs

There are also a lot of congenital structural features of the genital organs, in which their insufficient function occurs from the very beginning of puberty.

Such congenital anomalies include congenital variants of ovarian underdevelopment:

  • Hypoplasia is partial underdevelopment of the ovaries, their small size, and a poor supply of follicles. Often such a decrease in size and ovarian reserve is combined with the same resistance or pathology of the receptor apparatus.
  • Aplasia is the complete absence of ovaries or the presence of a rudiment or a thin cord instead of a normal ovary.

Artificial or medicated menopause

In recent years, a number of drugs have often been used in gynecology to introduce patients with severe gynecological pathology into artificial temporary menopause. This is done to treat uterine fibroids, severe forms of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, certain types of cancer, as well as to prepare patients for IVF programs.

For this purpose, quite serious drugs are used - gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists, anti-estrogenic drugs, large doses of gestagens, and so on.


It is not difficult to suspect estrogen-progesterone deficiency - its symptoms are obvious:

  • Stopping menstruation;
  • Lack of pregnancy;
  • The appearance of menopause symptoms in young women.

But only a qualified gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist should identify one or another version of this condition. This requires a certain test for sex hormones, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs with an assessment of the volume of the ovaries and the supply of follicles in it.

It is especially important to deal with this situation in a timely manner if a young woman is planning a pregnancy - every week counts.


Treatment of estrogen-progesterone deficiency involves, first of all, finding out the causes of this condition. However, in the vast majority of cases, unfortunately, it is impossible to restore the independent function of the ovary and its ovarian reserve.

Therefore, the treatment of all forms indicated in this article comes down to replacing the function of non-functioning ovaries. This is done for many reasons:

  1. Restoration of menstrual function in a young woman, which in some cases is accompanied by restoration of the woman’s psychological comfort.
  2. Elimination of the manifestations of menopause, including severe forms of menopausal syndrome, severe hot flashes, dry mucous membranes of the genital organs and many others.
  3. It works “for the future” - hormonal deficiency at a young age invariably leads to complications in adulthood and old age - osteoporosis, variants of senile dementia, cardiovascular diseases.

You can compensate for the lack of sex hormones with various medications, of which there are a large number on the modern pharmaceutical market. This can include special drugs for hormone replacement therapy (HRT or MHT), some hormonal contraceptives, as well as combinations of “pure” estrogens and gestagens.

Only a doctor can select one or another option for hormonal therapy and only after conducting a series of tests. Sex hormones are not “vitamins”; their irrational and improper use can lead to serious complications - thrombosis, liver dysfunction, and cancer.


Correctly selected medications for the examined woman are a real salvation, which can improve the woman’s quality of life, eliminate a number of her pathological conditions and complexes.


  1. Kharkevich D.A. Pharmacology M: GEOTAR-Media, 2010.
  2. “Gynecology” G.M. Savelyev and V.T. Breusenko, 2007.
  3. Serov V.N., Prilepskaya V.N., Ovsyannikova T.V. Gynecological endocrinology, M, 2004.


Symptoms and methods of treatment of progesterone deficiency Link to main publication
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