
Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

  • November 1, 2018
  • Dermatology
  • Matela Victoria

What is better to remove warts - nitrogen or laser? Let's look at this issue. First, let's look at what a wart is. This is a benign neoplasm on human skin that resembles a node or papilla. In frequent cases, warts rise above the surface of the skin. They appear due to the introduction of the papillomatosis virus into the human body, which is transmitted from sick people to healthy people through bodily contact. To avoid infecting a healthy person, it is necessary to remove the wart. After this, comprehensive treatment must be carried out. There are several methods to remove a tumor. To begin with, it is important to analyze each method of therapy and identify its advantages and disadvantages.

Laser in the fight against warts

We are starting to find out what is better to remove warts - nitrogen or laser. First, let's analyze the laser technique. The papillomatosis virus is capable of causing active division of skin cells.

Most often, warts form on the hands or soles. In some cases, neoplasms become malignant. Therefore, they must be eliminated on time.

Nowadays, laser techniques are often used for this purpose.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Using a carbon dioxide laser, the doctor burns out the warts. With the erbium laser treatment method, the doctor evaporates the structure of the tumors layer by layer.

Advantages of laser therapy

Considering whether it is better to remove warts - nitrogen or laser, we will analyze the advantages of laser therapy. The advantages of the method include:

  • No pain.
  • The manipulation is performed within a few minutes.
  • There is no risk of bleeding.
  • You can use a laser to remove warts on the face.
  • There are practically no contraindications.
  • The skin is not injured.

The disadvantage is that during laser therapy it is impossible to collect biological material and send it for histological diagnosis. In addition, it is difficult to control the depth of laser exposure. Destruction is carried out in one stage. If the process is started, the procedure must be repeated after some time so that the scar is invisible.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

How to carry out the procedure

First, the patient must be examined by an oncologist-dermatologist. The patient is placed on the operating chair. Next, you should expose the necessary areas of the skin (on which the warts are located). The specialist treats the skin using antiseptics. If necessary, the patient is given an anesthetic drug.

After this, a laser is aimed at the wart. All that will remain of the wart is a crust. It is not advisable to wash the affected area with water after the procedure. The crusts disappear on their own after a week. There is no need to worry if there is a light mark left on the skin. After some time it will disappear.

Experts recommend applying sunscreen to the skin (where the wart was).


Speaking about what is better to remove warts - nitrogen or laser, we cannot fail to mention the contraindications of the procedures. Note that only after examining the patient, the doctor prescribes a specific method of therapy. Many people do not know that in some cases it is not recommended to use laser technology to remove warts:

  • During an exacerbation of herpes.
  • In the presence of a general inflammatory process in the body.
  • If the skin is inflamed around the warts.
  • During the period of bearing a baby.
  • If there is a suspicion of malignant neoplasms.
  • The patient's temperature.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • Pulmonary failure.
  • Any infectious diseases.
  • A patient has herpes zoster.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Severe liver or kidney failure.

The cost of the procedure depends on how large the wart is and where it is located. Only a doctor can recommend the best way to remove a wart.

How to get rid of warts using liquid nitrogen

This chemical element in liquid form has a very low temperature (about -200 °C). With its help, a pathological neoplasm is frozen, as a result of which warts disappear from human skin. The main advantages of the method include:

  • No pain.
  • Minimal risk of complications.
  • No scar after the procedure.
  • No bleeding occurs.
  • It is allowed to be used to eliminate warts in children.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Many people are interested in information about the best way to remove a wart. This depends on the overall clinical picture and the competence of the doctor. It is difficult even for a qualified specialist to determine the required depth of exposure to liquid nitrogen if the wart is large and deep. Under such conditions, it is necessary to carry out several freezing sessions.

Carrying out the procedure

It is necessary to expose the skin with warts. The doctor touches the tumor with an applicator and presses lightly on it. The duration of the procedure is 20 seconds. If the tumor is on the sole - 60 seconds. At the very beginning of therapy, the wart turns pale.

After some time it turns red and swells. After a day, a bubble forms, which must not be pierced (otherwise a scar may form).

Within a week, a crust will form at the site of the wart, which doctors recommend treating with salicylic alcohol.

Main contraindications

It is prohibited to use this method of removing warts if:

  • Pregnancy.
  • The presence of an acute infectious disease.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Skin cancer.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Allergies to cold.
  • High blood pressure.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

The process of removing warts with laser or nitrogen must be carried out by a qualified doctor. The cost of the procedure depends on the clinic or hospital where the therapy was performed. The size of the tumor is no less important.

For what reasons do warts appear?

Most often, warts appear as a result of transmission of the papillomatous virus from a sick person to a healthy person. You can become infected not only through physical contact, but also by using shared objects. As medical practice shows, infection most often occurs in the gym or sauna. Warts cannot disappear on their own, so they must be removed.

Therapy must be comprehensive. During the treatment process, it is important to take an antiviral drug and strengthen the body. What is the best way to remove a wart: laser or nitrogen? The doctor will report this only after a thorough examination of the patient.

Provoking factors

Warts also form in people who have a strong immune system. The following factors increase the risk of warts:

  1. Damage to the skin. If there is damage to the mucous membrane or skin, then if there is bodily contact with a sick person, infection will occur. The virus can remain in the air for several hours. This period of time is enough to become infected. A wound, cut or scratch only increases the possibility of the virus entering the body of a healthy person. For this reason, warts are most often found on the hands.
  2. Hot weather. If there is high humidity, warts may appear on the feet. When a person wears uncomfortable shoes, his feet sweat. Calluses and damage to the skin form. As a result, epithelial formation often appears.
  3. Reduced immunity. In some cases, the virus may be present in the human body. In this case, warts may not be observed. With a strong immune system, the body is able to constantly suppress the virus, preventing it from spreading.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Many people plan to remove warts with laser or nitrogen. What's better? If you do not strengthen your immune system, warts will systematically appear on the skin. For this reason, it is important to get enough sleep and eat right. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of useful vitamins and microelements. You should take more walks in the fresh air and avoid excessive drinking.

Basic therapy methods

You should know that self-medication is prohibited, as this can harm your overall health and aggravate the problem. For this reason, it is important to consult a dermatologist if you have even one tumor. The doctor will decide how to remove the wart - liquid nitrogen or laser. The treatment method is selected after diagnosing the patient. The main methods of therapy include:

  1. Cryodestruction. During the procedure, the doctor freezes the warts. After a week, a small trace will remain of it, which over time will not differ from the main color of the skin.
  2. Quite often, specialists remove warts with electric shock. This method of treatment allows for histological examination if there is a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm. There is no risk of bleeding. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After surgery, there is no need to wet the skin or use cosmetics, as a scar may remain.
  3. If the wart is too large, then surgical excision of the tumor cannot be avoided. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The specialist cuts out the excess tissue with a scalpel and sends it for histological diagnosis. The skin is sutured with a cosmetic suture.

Chemical therapy is rarely used, since the process of such an operation may leave scars and scars. It is important to consult your doctor before attempting any treatment.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Chemical therapy

Many people don’t know which is better: to remove warts with a laser or liquid nitrogen? Therefore, they resort to chemical treatment. Using salicylic acid, you can get rid of warts. This remedy should be used only after consulting a dermatologist.

It is forbidden to use acid if the wart has formed on the face or genitals. Purchase the drug at the pharmacy in the form of ointments, liquids or patches. Psoriasis and calluses are often treated with salicylic acid.

Experts do not recommend using this method of therapy if the patient has diabetes or blood diseases.

Trichloroacetic acid is used to cauterize warts and remove calluses. Application is quite simple. The product must be applied to the warts and left until completely dry. Using Ferezol, you can get rid of warts in the shortest possible time. The drugs should be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Patient opinions

Based on the reviews of patients who used laser methods for removing warts, we can conclude that the result of treatment depends on the qualifications of the doctor. The size of the tumor is no less important. It is impossible to remove a large wart in one session, so several procedures must be performed. If the specialist performed the operation carelessly, the roots of the wart may remain.

Patients report that laser scars are not always absent. Much depends on how deeply the doctor penetrated the laser into the tissue. There is no need to go to dubious clinics, since even such safe treatment can cause great harm. For many girls, the laser helped get rid of unpleasant warts that prevented them from looking good.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, then after the procedure you will certainly be pleased with the result.

Analyzing reviews of people who removed warts with liquid nitrogen, we can conclude that the procedure effectively and painlessly helped get rid of tumors. There were no possible side effects such as blistering or swelling. The most important thing (according to people) is to see a qualified doctor. The procedure is carried out quickly.

Patients claim that it is undesirable to use medications at home, since such treatment often leaves scars. Let us remind you once again that only a doctor decides how to remove any formations on the body, including plantar warts - with a laser or nitrogen.

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We remove tumors. What is better: laser or liquid nitrogen?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths betterWhen it is necessary to remove tumors on the body, patients are faced with a choice: which method is better? Today we will tell and compare two modern and fast ways to remove unwanted growths: laser and liquid nitrogen. How the procedures are carried out, indications and contraindications for them, read about all this in our article.

What is cryodestruction?

Cryodestruction is the removal of tumors using liquid nitrogen, which has a temperature of -180 °C to -196 °C. The essence of the procedure is that when treating a new growth, instant freezing and crystallization of water in the cells of the growth occurs.

The blood supply to these tissues is disrupted, protein and fat structures are destroyed, metabolism in the cells stops and they begin to die.

Exposure to such low temperatures also affects nerve endings, so in most cases you can do without anesthesia.

How does the procedure work?

Removal with liquid nitrogen is carried out in two ways:

1. Using a cotton swab. This method is used for small neoplasms (flat moles and papillomas). A cotton swab is soaked in liquid nitrogen and applied to the tumor. Keep on average up to 3 minutes. First, the patient feels cold, and then numbness of the tissues.

2. Using a cryodestructor. This is a special device with a needle-shaped tip that is inserted under the skin. Liquid nitrogen is supplied through the needle, the sensor controls the temperature, which allows you to interrupt the procedure at the right time. This method is suitable for removing large moles, warts, papillomas, which are located in the deep layers of the skin. The procedure can last up to 5 minutes.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

When is liquid nitrogen removal recommended?

Cryodestruction removes benign tumors that cause cosmetic defects or suspicions and may have a tendency to degenerate into a malignant tumor. The first signals for such changes are:

  • increasing education;
  • change in color and shape;
  • itching and peeling;
  • bleeding.

If you notice such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. For more information on how to identify a malignant neoplasm, read our article “What to do if suspicious growths appear on the skin?”

Cryodestruction is most often recommended for the removal of moles, papillomas, warts, condylomas, keratomas and small calluses that do not rise above the skin.

Also, this procedure is used mainly on open areas of the body.

Specialists extremely rarely use liquid nitrogen for neoplasms on the mucous membranes, as well as in hard-to-reach places with thin and easily injured tissues.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Can be performed without anesthesia;
  • Bloodlessness;
  • Rapidity.

Disadvantages of cryodestruction:

  • It is not always possible to remove the tumor completely, especially if it has deep roots. Therefore, in some cases the procedure is carried out 2-3 times;
  • Leaves small pits on the body;
  • The healing period can last up to 3-4 weeks.

The procedure is not performed if:

  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​removal;
  • intolerance to liquid nitrogen;
  • epilepsy;
  • during pregnancy.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

After removing the tumor, a crust appears; it should not be wetted or peeled off. Within 10-14 days it disappears on its own. With proper care and following the doctor's recommendations, the wound will heal completely in 20-25 days.

The cost of cryodestruction depends on the type and type of tumor that needs to be removed. Prices range from 800 to 2500 thousand rubles.

What is laser therapy?

In recent years, lasers have become widely used in medicine. Today this is one of the most popular treatment methods, both in cosmetology and a number of other industries: gynecology, otolaryngology, urology, dermatology, dentistry, etc.

The essence of the laser removal procedure is the layer-by-layer evaporation of tumor tissue. It kind of “burns out” pathological cells and at the same time seals the vessels, which completely eliminates the possibility of infections entering the wound. The laser acts precisely, without affecting or damaging surrounding tissues. This is why the healing process proceeds much faster.

How is the procedure done?

Before the removal begins, the doctor administers local anesthesia. When it begins to act, you can begin excision. Depending on the size of the growth, the procedure can last from 5 to 10 minutes. Then a bandage is applied and recommendations for caring for the wound are given.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

When is laser used?

The laser can deal with growths of any type and size. With its help, fibromas, warts, moles, papillomas, hemangiomas, atheromas, skin horns, calluses, condylomas and a number of other formations are removed.

The location doesn't matter either, since the laser can work even in the most difficult to reach places.

Another advantage of the procedure is that it can be used on mucous membranes, with minimal tissue damage.

Benefits of laser therapy:

  • Painless - anesthesia is administered;
  • Bloodless - the laser seals the vessels;
  • Fast – the procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes;
  • There is no risk of infection;
  • The rehabilitation period is up to 10-14 days;
  • No scars are left behind.

The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • After removal, there is no tissue left for histological examination, so the doctor needs to take it before starting the procedure;
  • Complete excision of large tumors may require two procedures;
  • During the healing and rehabilitation period, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

There are several contraindications for laser therapy:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Acute phase of chronic diseases;
  • Wounds and rashes on the skin near the extraction site.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

The wound healing process begins with the formation of a crust on it, which lasts 7-10 days and then disappears on its own.

As is the case with healing after cryodestruction, in no case should you tear off the scab, scratch it or get it wet.

New skin forms under the crust, it must be protected from injury and be sure to apply sunscreen when going outside. Within 3-4 weeks, the wound will completely heal and become the same color as healthy tissue.

The cost of laser removal is calculated based on the type, size, shape and category of complexity of the tumor. On average, prices vary from 300 to 12,000 thousand rubles.

Which is better: laser or liquid nitrogen?

Let's summarize. In order to choose what is right for you, you first need to consult with your doctor. It is he who will be able to prescribe the necessary procedure. However, laser and liquid nitrogen are used for different categories of tumors.

For example, small moles or papillomas on open areas of the body can be easily treated with cryodestruction. For excision of larger formations located in skin folds or on mucous membranes, a laser is better suited.

It is also worth noting that the laser acts more accurately with minimal tissue damage, so the healing process is faster, and there are almost no noticeable marks left on the skin.


Removing warts with laser or nitrogen, which is better?

Views: 4673 Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Warts are new growths above the skin in the form of hard, tumor-like nodules. They can remain on the human body all his life, since by their nature the growths are benign. But there may be exceptions, because the appearance of warts is caused by various types of human papillomavirus.

In some cases, patients themselves want to get rid of these skin growths, especially if they enlarge, grow and cause discomfort. Various techniques are used to remove warts, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Laser method

Laser is an indispensable method for removing warts on sensitive areas of the skin, for example, on the face. Laser destruction usually takes place in one stage, but if the form is advanced, additional sessions may be required. Most often, cosmetologists use 2 types of lasers with a small beam diameter:

How is the procedure done?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths betterBefore the procedure begins, the skin around the tumor is treated with an antiseptic; local anesthesia (for example, lidocaine) may be used. The penetration depth of the laser beam is selected for each patient individually (depending on skin type and degree of complexity of the procedure).

After laser treatment, a crust temporarily appears at the site of the wart, which falls off on its own within 7-10 days after the procedure.

The laser-treated area of ​​skin requires careful care to avoid suppuration. During the first day, it should not be wetted with water; a waterproof plaster is used for this.

After the procedure, visiting the sauna and taking hot baths, as well as applying cosmetics, is also contraindicated.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the laser method

Removing warts using a laser beam has a number of advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • painless, bloodless and non-contact manipulation;
  • bactericidal effect of the beam;
  • rapid skin restoration without scar formation;
  • The duration of the procedure is 1-2 minutes.

Disadvantages: the inability to conduct histology of the removed tissue. Due to the use of local anesthesia, the patient may experience adverse reactions such as dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, and peeling of the skin.


You cannot remove warts using a laser:

  • in the presence of an inflammatory process of the skin around the skin growth;
  • during an exacerbation of herpes;
  • with a tendency to form keloid scars;

Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen) to remove warts

An effective method for removing warts is the cryodestruction method. Liquid nitrogen has a cold effect on pathological tissues, destroying their cells and, as a result, the warts gradually dry out.

How does the procedure work?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths betterA special applicator is applied to the wart and held for about 30 seconds, pressing or extinguishing the growth. After the procedure, the growth gradually turns pale, then swells and turns red. Within 24 hours it becomes like a bubble (under no circumstances should it be pierced - this is fraught with serious complications). The latter disappears on its own after approximately 7 days.

First, a crust forms at the site of the bubble, then it falls off and a barely noticeable pinkish spot remains, which will eventually acquire a normal color. While the wart is healing, it is recommended to treat it with salicylic alcohol.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Using liquid nitrogen to remove warts has several advantages:

  • painless and bloodless procedure;
  • no local anesthesia required;
  • skin restoration without scarring;
  • procedure duration is 1-2 minutes;
  • Children are allowed.
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The disadvantages of the method are that it is impossible to control the depth of exposure to liquid nitrogen. Therefore, for large tumors, several sessions of cryodestruction will be required for the complete disappearance of the wart.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of liquid nitrogen to remove warts is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for acute infections;
  • with exacerbation of chronic and skin diseases.

As side effects, a rash and age spots may appear at the site of treatment with liquid nitrogen.

Laser or liquid nitrogen - which is better for removing warts?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Both methods have not only sufficient advantages, but also a number of disadvantages. It is difficult to determine which method is better, because for each patient it is an individual choice.

It all depends on the person’s health, skin type, and location of the wart. For example, both methods are equally suitable for removing growths on the body, but laser is better on the face.

Contraindications also occupy a special place in the choice of method.

To obtain a lasting result, the removal of warts by one method or another must be combined with restorative treatment, otherwise this threatens the re-formation of the growth.

Additional Information:


Is it better to remove warts with laser or nitrogen?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Warts are benign growths. Most often, their appearance is caused by the human papillomavirus.

These growths should be removed in a timely manner, but what method should be chosen for this? Many people are interested in the answer to the question: removal of warts with laser or nitrogen, which is better ?

Description of procedures and contraindications

Today, two methods are most actively used to get rid of warts: laser removal or liquid nitrogen removal. Each of them has its own characteristics, consequences and contraindications.

Laser burning

This method involves the use of a laser beam .Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

With its help you can get rid of tumors on any part of the body, including:

A specialist who treats warts uses a laser beam to act on the growth and evaporate the liquid from it. This leads to the destruction of the tumor tissue and its complete disappearance.

To get rid of it, just one procedure is enough, and the laser does not leave any marks or scars on the skin.

Contraindications to laser wart removal include:

  • carrying a baby;
  • the presence of herpes in the area from which the tumor needs to be removed;
  • colds and other viral diseases;
  • cancer diseases;
  • fresh tan;
  • diabetes.

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Nitrogen freezing

Exposure of the skin to nitrogen is called cryodestruction . This procedure involves deep freezing the damaged area.

The wart is exposed to liquid nitrogen for 15-40 seconds. At this time, the growth thickens and turns white, and after the end of the session, the area around it turns red and swells a little.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

  • After another week, it falls off, and a pink spot is visible under it.
  • To use cryodestruction, it is necessary to first numb the area that will be exposed to nitrogen.
  • This procedure may leave marks on the skin. Contraindications include:
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • high sensitivity of the body to very cold temperatures;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • cancer diseases.

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Advantages and disadvantages of each method

Laser removal and cryodestruction have their advantages and disadvantages . The advantages of laser treatment of warts are:

  • safety and absence of pain;
  • high efficiency;
  • rapid recovery and absence of traces at the site of laser exposure;
  • no restrictions on the patient's age;
  • the procedure takes a little time.

There are almost no disadvantages to laser hair removal.

Negative consequences can only affect people with very sensitive skin. In this case, swelling or redness appears at the site of exposure, which disappears after some time.

The advantages of cryodestruction include:Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

  • high efficiency;
  • no preliminary preparation is required;
  • There is no bleeding during the procedure;
  • quite low and affordable price for wart removal.

The disadvantages of the method include : the possibility of repeated exposure of the growth to nitrogen, a long recovery period, the risk of scar formation at the site of exposure, and during cryodestruction the patient may feel discomfort.

Also, these methods can remove any type of wart:

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What is the best way to delete?

Cryodestruction and laser removal of warts in the clinic today are the most popular methods of getting rid of warts and other unwanted growths, but many people wonder: which method to choose?

If you need to remove a tumor on the face or other visible place, it is better to use a laser, as it does not leave scars, but the cost of this procedure is quite high.

The price of cryodestruction is more affordable , but sometimes several sessions may be required (especially for large warts), since nitrogen does not penetrate deep into the skin. It is worth noting that the use of cryodestruction can cause pain.

Before choosing laser or nitrogen , it is better to consult a dermatologist. The use of a laser is considered a more effective method, however, cryodestruction has a more affordable cost, but several sessions may be required to completely get rid of the growth.

Watch the video: removing warts with laser and liquid nitrogen


Removing warts with laser or nitrogen, which is better?

Skin defects can cause many problems to their owner. Firstly, it looks repulsive, especially multiple growths on open areas of the body. Secondly, some tumors can be injured by clothing and bleed and become painful.

Thirdly, there are varieties that can degenerate into malignant tumors. These factors are direct indications for the removal procedure.

Today, there are several effective techniques, among which the most popular are laser and liquid nitrogen.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Laser removal technology

Before answering the question of whether it is better to remove warts with laser or nitrogen, it is necessary to study both methods in detail.

Vaporization of warts with a beam is carried out in a medical institution by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. The main advantage is the ability to affect the deep layers of the dermis. As a rule, one procedure is enough to get rid of growths, but in particularly advanced cases a number of additional sessions may be required.

There are two types of laser devices with small diameters used in this area of ​​cosmetology:

  • erbium – evaporates the skin layer by layer;
  • carbon dioxide – carries out burning.

It is best to remove warts with a type 2 laser, which is what is most often done. On average, the procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

Main stages:

  1. First, the work area is disinfected using an antiseptic.
  2. At the request of the patient or according to indications, a local anesthetic is applied.
  3. A laser device enters the process, which uses high energy to cut the surface and at the same time cauterize the blood vessels, which avoids bleeding. This makes it possible to treat the wart as efficiently as possible and burn it off without any residue - thanks to the incision, it is possible to capture the new growth and pull it upward. The depth of penetration depends on the complexity of the work and skin type, and is selected individually in each specific case.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen, which is better? If the defect was small in size, then the resulting wound does not require stitching. A sterile bandage is applied over the wound, which is secured with a plaster. If severe pain and unbearable discomfort occur, painkillers may be prescribed.

The temporary crust will come off after 7-10 days. To avoid suppuration, the treated area requires care and attention. During the first day, avoid contact with water. During the healing period, you should avoid hot water baths and saunas, as well as the use of any cosmetic products.


  • high efficiency;
  • fast healing;
  • non-contact exposure;
  • bactericidal effect of the beam.

Disadvantages include drowsiness, a feeling of fatigue, and possible attacks of dizziness. Subsequently, peeling of the skin may occur.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the inability to study tissue removal for cancer cells.

Cryodestruction - removal of growths with liquid nitrogen

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

All manipulations are carried out only with a special machine designed for customizable applicators and cryogenic freezing. The attachments on the equipment change depending on the problem.

The main stages of treatment with liquid nitrogen:

  1. The area around the wart is treated with a special composition that protects healthy tissue and from infection by microorganisms from the neoplasm. If the procedure is performed on the face, it is recommended to remove makeup, as there is a risk of paint particles getting into the wound, which can lead to infection and pain.
  2. A softening gel is applied to the bulge. It helps improve the penetration of nitrogen into the deep layers of the skin.
  3. Pain relief is performed with local drugs.
  4. A small wooden tube is placed on the area of ​​the neoplasm, at the end of which a container with nitrogen is attached. When pressing on the container, the composition flows onto the wart and its subsequent freezing.
  5. If there are papillomas or subcutaneous warts on the body, a device with a cryogenic processing function can be additionally used.
  6. As a result of treatment, the internal cavity of the defect becomes whitish. If you press on the wart, its consistency will be elastic and dense, which explains the effect of freezing.
  7. After the manipulations are completed, a special composition is applied to the skin to eliminate pain and soften the growth.

The exposure time of liquid nitrogen to one element is 30 seconds. The tumor disappears in about a week. In its place there remains a barely noticeable pink spot, which will soon acquire a healthy flesh color.


  • absence of blood and pain during the procedure;
  • no scar changes;
  • no painkillers required;
  • can be used to treat children.

The main disadvantage of the method is the inability to control the depth of nitrogen penetration into the dermis. Therefore, in advanced cases, several repeat sessions are prescribed.

Comparative characteristics of methods

Now that we know the essence and features of both procedures, we can do an analysis and find out whether it is better to remove a wart with a laser or liquid nitrogen.

Comparative characteristics of laser technology and cryodestruction:

Category Description What's better
Soreness Both methods cause discomfort, but laser burning requires an injection of an anesthetic, and cryodestruction is carried out without pain relief. Nitrogen
Depth of influence The beam penetrates to the level determined by the doctor with micrometer precision. The cryoapplicator does not have this capability. A liquid nitrogen
Danger of relapse In both cases, measures are taken to exclude possible infection of healthy tissues, but neither method can completely remove the cause of growths from the body. No
Carrying out histological analysis of tissues The laser beam and liquid nitrogen completely destroy the affected tissue, so it is impossible to conduct histology and find out about the presence of cancer cells. No
Consequences The likelihood of a scar appearing at the treatment site depends on many factors, including the individual characteristics of the body. But the depth of penetration of the device plays an important role in this matter. In this case, liquid nitrogen remains the loser, since the cosmetologist does not have the ability to fully control it. Laser
Recovery period After cryodestruction, the patient has to endure discomfort for about two weeks. Within a week, the treated growth turns into a vesicle with serous contents, and after its destruction a crust appears. After laser evaporation, the skin is restored in just 5-7 days. Laser
Risk of infection Both methods eliminate the risk of contracting hepatitis, HIV, etc. No
Read also:  Symptoms of cervical cancer and treatment of cancer

Judging by the table, you can put an equal sign between both methods. Each patient has the right to independently choose how to get rid of the hated growths easier and faster. Your doctor can recommend the most appropriate method based on individual factors.

What is better according to doctors?

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Laser technology wins in terms of the main parameter - high efficiency. To evaporate one wart, only one procedure is required and no additional manipulations or repeated sessions are required. Fast and without scars. The beam precisely targets the tumor and does not damage healthy tissue.

Laser is the latest and most modern technology. Cryodestruction is a technique proven over the years and by millions of grateful patients. What to choose? – everyone decides for himself. It all depends on the location of the growths and the type of skin. For example, both methods are suitable for eliminating warts on the body, but for treating sensitive areas (face, décolleté) there is nothing better than laser.

When choosing a method, much attention is paid to contraindications. Thus, beam evaporation is not recommended if the skin is prone to the formation of keloid scars, as well as during an exacerbation of the herpes virus. Nitrogen is prohibited for use by pregnant women during the transition of chronic and skin diseases to the acute phase.

When choosing which is good from two evils specifically for you, be sure to study all the characteristics and focus on the important points. Be sure to consult with a specialist to make sure you make the right decision. If none of the proposed methods suits you, then explore other possibilities of modern medicine.

The article has been verified by the editors


Laser removal of warts, papillomas, neoplasms - review

  • If I had thought of going through this procedure earlier, I would have avoided the torment suffered during numerous cryodestruction procedures.
  • And when I noticed that a wart was appearing on my middle finger of my left hand, I decided not to be stupid and immediately go for the procedure of removing warts using the radio wave method.
  • Before removing papillomas from a surgeon, you should consult a dermatologist to make sure that it is really a wart (in the case of a mole, you need to make sure that it can be removed).
  • Then you go to the surgeon for the actual removal. I came across a very funny doctor)
  • -Doctor, does it hurt?

- To be honest, I don’t know, they’ve never done this to me...

You are then given anesthesia. They simply inject an injection of ice caine directly under the wart. This is the MOST PAINFUL part of the procedure. If you estimate this pain on a scale of ten, then it’s about 4 out of ten ) This mosquito bite cannot be compared with the torment that I experienced during cryodestruction.

After the injection, the doctor immediately reached for the laser.

-Doctor, shouldn’t we wait a little? Has the injection worked yet?

-Let's check now...

And so you lie there and feel absolutely NOTHING . Not even the slightest pain, no burning, no warmth!!! NOTHING .

  1. When working, the doctor used a special “portable))” hood, and the smell was immediately “absorbed”
  2. Accordingly, I didn’t smell any disgusting smell of burnt skin)
  3. After removal, the doctor gives recommendations:
  • Do not wet for 3 days
  • treat with potassium permanganate solution 3 times a day for three days
  • after three days, apply levomekol/levosin ointment, etc.
  • change the patches periodically

After about an hour, the ice-caine began to wear off and a nagging pain was felt, not very noticeable; it did not interfere with work or thinking)

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

If all recommendations are strictly followed, the wound heals completely within a month. But this despite the fact that my wart was very small, barely noticeable. For three weeks I had to wear a band-aid to hide the black crust.

  • PRICE . Consultation with a dermatologist 500 rubles. Removal + anesthesia - 700 rubles. Total: 1200 rubles for clear skin and getting rid of complexes) I paid 4 times more for cryodestruction.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

I can conclude that removing warts with a laser is much better than removing them with nitrogen. However, you should not forget about the reasons for the appearance of warts, and remember that removing them will only partially solve the problem)


What is better to remove warts: laser or nitrogen?

Often, growths appear on the skin for no apparent reason. Often these turn out to be warts - benign formations in the form of a nodule. The disease does not interfere with the person, but there are symptoms that force people to go to the clinic to remove warts.

Removing warts with laser or nitrogen: which removes growths better

Reasons for turning to specialists

Warts can appear, for example, on the face, hands, feet, and so on. Particularly pronounced discomfort is observed when a growth forms on the fingers and when plantar outgrowths appear.

Reasons for urgent consultation may be bleeding from the formation, change in color or size, the appearance of new lesions, pain, and so on.

In this case, it is recommended to find out which doctor specializes in this disease, undergo all examinations and get a referral for the procedure.

You should not start treatment until the cause of the pathology is determined. In addition, it is worth figuring out whether the growths need to be removed. First of all, surgery is required in cases where the above-described symptoms appear.

In addition to them, indications for intervention are hanging formations, as well as frequent injury. In order to choose the most suitable method for eliminating a tumor, you can watch reviews and videos describing operations using various techniques.

But without consulting a specialist, you should not take any action.

Laser therapy or nitrogen?

Laser has been used especially frequently lately. The main advantage is the speed and absence of bleeding. In addition, it is not painful and effective. Due to the ability to act in a targeted manner, it is possible to eliminate all pathological tissues without damaging healthy ones.

During the manipulation, a laser device is used. The beam is directed to a certain point, due to which moisture from the cells evaporates and tissues are destroyed. Lack of contact with skin eliminates infection. In addition, such methods allow the edges of the wound to be cauterized, preventing bleeding.

In order to perform the manipulation, it is enough to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a series of examinations to rule out oncology, as well as determine the depth of the growth. Only after this is the operation scheduled.

After treatment, a small wound remains on the skin, which completely disappears after 5-7 days, leaving no scars in its place. The advantages are that one treatment is enough to remove the entire wart.

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to decide where to remove growths in Moscow and St. Petersburg, since the effectiveness directly depends on the equipment used. The experience of specialists and your willingness to follow all their recommendations are also important.

Along with the laser, liquid nitrogen is used. The method is quite well known, but to completely eliminate the pathology, not one, but 3-5 treatments may be required.

The technique involves exposing the area to liquid nitrogen, which causes a sharp decrease in tissue temperature and their subsequent necrosis. The cost of the procedure is affordable, but again it is worth remembering that it is unlikely that the problem will be eliminated in one visit.

In addition, without experience, a cosmetologist can damage healthy tissues or act on them for too long, which will cause a scar to appear.

In order to choose the most effective method, you should take into account the location of the outgrowth, as well as its size.

Next, you need to decide where the manipulation can be performed and what can be used to treat the wound to prevent the formation of a scar.

Experienced specialists will always suggest a suitable product for treating the skin at home after manipulation. However, as reviews and before and after photos show, today the laser technique is the most effective.

Patient reviews

Reviews from people who have undergone surgery to remove tumors sometimes help make the right choice. Here are just a few of them.

Tatiana. A growth appeared on my foot and made it very difficult to walk. I decided to have laser removal, especially since the price tripled for me. After the operation, a small scar remained at the site, which became less noticeable after six months.

Irina. Removal was carried out using liquid nitrogen. Before that I tried celandine and other folk remedies. There was no effect. Immediately after the cryotherapy procedure, the growths disappeared, but after a while new ones appeared. I think it would be better to choose a radio wave method or a laser.

Svetlana. They removed a wart under my son's eye using a laser. We are very pleased with the result. The wound healed quickly, there was no bleeding and there was no scar left at all.

If you have not yet decided where to remove the wart, then the Biomed Laser Therapy Center is waiting for you. Experienced specialists will perform the procedure without pain and without complications using the latest equipment. You can consult by phone and find out how much the procedure costs, whether it can be performed on children and what means to eliminate the disease are available at the center.

The cost of local anesthesia is 10% of the cost of removal, but not less than 300 rubles. When removing 3 or more tumors, a 20% discount is provided.

The information is not a public offer, you can find out more by calling the numbers listed on the website


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