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Symptoms of salpingoophoritis and the main manifestations of the disease
Salpingoophoritis is one of the most common pathologies of the internal genital organs.
Cough herbs: features of use and list of plants
Cough herbs for adults can be taken in the form of tea, decoction, infusion or alcohol extract.
An incipient cough in a child: how to treat it in a particular case
Cough is a protective-adaptive reaction that occurs in response to irritation of nerve endings in the respiratory tract.
When selecting a particular treatment method for ovarian cancer, the doctor takes into account several factors:
Obsessive cough in a child: what does its appearance mean and how to treat
 Quite often you can encounter a neurological cough in a child.
Symptoms of endometrial cancer and methods for diagnosing tumors
A tumor of the inner layer of the uterus of a malignant type has unexpressed symptoms, so a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out to determine the diagnosis.
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