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Cough does not go away: choosing an effective cough remedy
Respiratory diseases cause certain inconveniences, so they must be dealt with.
A child snores after adenoid removal: how to eliminate the symptom
When a child snores at night, congenital anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx are diagnosed: defects and deformations of the palate, a deviated nasal septum.
Cough prevents you from sleeping: what to do and how to choose the right drug
To answer the question “Cough keeps you from sleeping, what should you do?
A child snores in his sleep: what can cause this phenomenon
It turns out that not only an adult, but also a child can snore during sleep.
But often parents show excessive zeal in caring for their children.
Thor's Hammer drops: a means to improve potency in men
The drug Thor's Hammer for restoring potency is available in the form of drops.
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