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Treatment of allergic cough and prevention of complications
 Every year the palette of allergens becomes more diverse.
Inhalations with soda for dry cough: how to do and how they are useful
Almost all modern doctors, when treating patients with colds, advise, first of all, a treatment method such as inhalation, and...
Allergic vasculitis is a symmetrical rash on the skin due to allergic inflammation of the walls of veins and blood vessels.
Treatment of allergies to flowers and prevention of complications
Other names for allergies to flowering grasses and trees are hay fever, hay fever.
Cold prostate: symptoms and possible complications of hypothermia
Hypothermia always has a negative effect on the body.
Treatment of allergies to cold and ways to relieve symptoms of the disease
An allergy to cold is a pseudo-allergic reaction that occurs as a result of exposure of the human body to low temperatures.
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