
Cold prostate: symptoms and possible complications of hypothermia

Hypothermia always has a negative effect on the body. First of all, the organs of the genitourinary system suffer from hypothermia, because they are most sensitive to the effects of low temperatures .

How can you get a cold in your prostate?

Despite the fact that the prostate gland is located deep in the pelvis, it is more susceptible to changes due to hypothermia than other organs of the male genitourinary system . This is due to the fact that the prostate has a good blood supply and any disruption of blood flow affects its condition.

When exposed to cold, vasoconstriction occurs. With general hypothermia, all peripheral vessels that do not supply blood to vital organs spasm. This includes the vessels of the prostate. With local hypothermia, vasoconstriction occurs in the area that is exposed to cold.

Important! The prostate gland suffers if cold affects the pelvis, buttocks, scrotum and lower abdomen.

Thus, the prostate can get cold if :

  • sit on a cold surface
  • go out into the cold in light trousers or a short jacket,
  • swimming in cold water or simply staying in a cold place for a long time.

How hypothermia affects the prostate

Due to a decrease in blood flow in the tissues of the gland during hypothermia, local hypoxia and mild ischemia occur. This leads to the accumulation of under-oxidized products in the tissues of the gland and dilation of blood vessels. The sudden increase in blood flow causes swelling .

In addition, during ischemia, the resistance of prostate tissue decreases, making it easier for infections to penetrate into them .

A decrease in both local and local immunity during hypothermia leads to the development of infectious inflammation. Prostatitis develops - the most common complication of hypothermia of the prostate gland .

It is important! Prostatitis can occur not only due to hypothermia; there are many other reasons for the development of this disease. However, most often it appears precisely after being in the cold.

This pathology manifests itself in the form of general symptoms of hypothermia and signs of prostatitis. The most common complaints are :

  • Increased body temperature above 38°C;
  • Drawing or aching pain in the perineum or pelvis;
  • Frequent urge to urinate;
  • Difficulty passing urine;
  • Frequent urination at night;
  • Pain during urination;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Weakness of erection, short sexual intercourse;
  • Unpleasant sensations during bowel movements.

In addition, symptoms of a cold and inflammation of other organs may occur: headache, sore throat, runny nose, weakness .

In acute forms of inflammation of the prostate, conservative treatment is resorted to . For this, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, nurofen, voltaren;
  • Antibiotics: protected penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides;
  • Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs: dexamethasone, prednisolone;
  • Immunomodulators: remantadine, thymalin;
  • Specific therapy for prostatitis: prostamol, prostatilen, vitaprost;
  • Diuretics: furosemide, hypothiazide, veroshpiron.

Note! Treatment with prostate massage and physiotherapeutic procedures is possible.


Inflammation of the prostate gland due to hypothermia is easier to prevent than to cure . To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Dress according to the weather;
  • Don't neglect warm trousers;
  • Limit contact with cold surfaces;
  • Reduce the time spent in the cold to a minimum;
  • Do not neglect wearing underwear;
  • In case of hypothermia, start taking immunostimulating drugs before the first symptoms appear;
  • If signs of inflammation appear, consult a doctor.

What to do if you have a cold in your prostate?

Extreme cold is dangerous to health. Hypothermia reduces the body's defenses. A person becomes susceptible to various diseases.

Harmful bacteria or microbes are activated, damaging the mucous membranes and causing inflammation. Cold constricts blood vessels and disrupts tissue metabolism.

Insufficient blood supply to the tissues causes their necrosis. This may primarily affect the arms and legs. Why is hypothermia dangerous for men?

What can hypothermia lead to?

Hypothermia often causes dangerous complications. Prostate colds in men are not uncommon. This disease is classified as a pathology of the andrological urogenital type. According to medical statistics, the disease has become “younger”, and very young men aged 25 to 30 are faced with this problem.

Hypothermia can also lead to:

  • diseases of the respiratory system - influenza, ARVI, sore throat, pharyngitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system - inflammation of the joints, relapses of arthritis, lower back pain;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, inflammation of the appendages in women. Very often, when the entire body is exposed to too low temperatures, kidney function is disrupted;
  • disorders of the heart. When exposed to cold for a long time, blood vessels narrow and the blood thickens. This can contribute to blood clots and heart failure.

When hypothermia occurs, the body begins to work harder. At first he tries to get used to such conditions. A person develops a fever. With prolonged cooling of the body, the functions of internal organs are switched off. If you don't get help in a timely manner, the cold can be fatal to a person.

Is it possible to have hypothermia of the prostate?

Cold and low temperatures are unfavorable for the male body. They can lead to inflammation of the prostate. Exposure to low temperatures leads to vasoconstriction. Blood flow to the prostate gland decreases or stops altogether. As a result, the nutrition of the prostate is disrupted.

Another factor for the occurrence of prostatitis is the body’s lower resistance to infections. Frequent colds during cold periods and decreased immunity become a dangerous condition for the male body.

How is the deeply “hidden” prostate gland exposed to hypothermia? The remoteness of the organ does not at all protect it from the effects of cold. It is the prostate that is a weak point in men.

Prostatitis from hypothermia occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Low temperatures cause vasoconstriction. The normal functioning of the prostate gland is disrupted.
  2. If you sit on a cold surface for several minutes, the organs of the genitourinary system cool down by a few tenths of a degree. The result is a cold prostate.
  3. Cold affects more than just one organ. A failure in one part of the body affects the work of others.

People who have already had inflammation of the prostate gland or have a chronic course of the disease should be especially attentive to themselves. In chronic prostatitis, the trigger can be not only hypothermia, but also stress, bad habits, sexually transmitted infections, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle.

What can trigger the appearance of an unpleasant illness? Causal factors also include:

  • walking barefoot on cold ground;

  • clothes out of season;
  • long exposure to the wind;
  • improper use of air conditioning;
  • wet feet.

Symptoms of prostatitis

What symptoms indicate prostatitis? The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Aching pain appears in the lower abdomen. It often occurs in the groin, perineum or sacrum. The pain is inconvenient and disrupts the normal rhythm of life. Sometimes the pain is unbearable.
  2. Going to the toilet becomes torture. Urination is very painful. There are times when a man experiences difficulty urinating.
  3. Sexual desire decreases. Premature ejaculation may occur during sexual intercourse.
  4. Weakness appears and performance decreases.
  5. Body temperature rises and headaches appear.
  6. Discharge appears from the urethra.

If you notice one or more symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. Chronic prostatitis can be hidden. In this case, the clinical picture is weak.

Features of treatment

What to do if symptoms of prostatitis appear? You should not delay a visit to the doctor, as prostatitis can lead to vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles), urethritis, colliculitis, prostate abscess and infertility. Treatment of the inflammatory process is complex, so if the prostate is cold, doctors prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • means to boost the immune system.

Physiotherapy is also effective: treatment with a magnet, electrophoresis, and laser have a beneficial effect on the source of inflammation. Physiotherapy helps eliminate pain and improve the general condition of the patient.

At home, it is allowed to carry out herbal baths and douching with herbal decoctions and oils. Such methods have a positive effect on the mucous membrane. Contribute to her recovery.

Treatment can be supplemented with prostate massage. This is a rather unpleasant procedure. But it is an effective addition to general treatment.

In advanced stages, when hypothermia has led to complications, surgical methods can be used to combat the disease.

You should not hope that the pain will subside over time. Treatment of prostatitis requires medication. Acute inflammation is quite easy to cure. But if you start it, you can achieve a chronic course of the disease.

And in such a situation you will have to be treated throughout your life. Prostatitis leads to problems such as impotence, so do not delay treatment.

At the first symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor to exclude serious consequences.

Originally posted 2017-07-01 13:26:11.

Is it true that prostatitis is caused by hypothermia?

Cold and hypothermia negatively affect human health, constricting blood vessels and disrupting tissue metabolism. Since childhood, we have all been accustomed to hearing that hypothermia is fraught with various ARVI diseases, flu, colds or sore throat. But is it true that prostatitis can develop from hypothermia?

Indeed, hypothermia of the body negatively affects men's health, but not any drop in temperature will necessarily lead to prostatitis.

In addition to cold, this disease is also promoted by low immunity and decreased functional activity of the prostate gland.

Even a person with a strong immune system may not be spared from prostatitis, but his treatment will be faster and more effective, unlike a person with a reduced immune defense.

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Prostatitis from hypothermia occurs when there is reduced blood flow in the prostate, when excess secretion accumulates in it.

Even slight general hypothermia can aggravate this situation, further reducing blood flow to the organ.

Do not naively believe that if you get a cold in your feet, you will only get away with a runny nose, because, it would seem, there is no connection between the feet and the prostate. However, hypothermia leads to changes in all organs and systems of the body.

The prostate gland is extremely sensitive to low temperatures. Even 10 minutes of sitting in the seat of a poorly heated car lowers the temperature by several tenths of a degree.

The disease itself, prostatitis, can be of 2 types: acute or chronic. The painful symptoms that occur with a prostate cold are correlated with an acute form of prostatitis, which has the following symptoms:

  1. Sharp tingling in the lower abdomen, groin, perineum or scrotum.
  2. Frequent urination accompanied by pain.
  3. The appearance of discharge when urinating.
  4. Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  5. A decrease in the usual rhythm of life, a feeling of fatigue, lethargy and weakness throughout the body.
  6. Headaches accompanied by fever.
  7. Decreased quality of sex, loss of libido or premature ejaculation.

It should be taken into account that pain symptoms can appear not only during urination, but also at rest.

The process of urination becomes painful due to compression of the urethra by the cold prostate. Sharp tingling sensations in the groin and perineum indicate contact of the muscles around the urethra with an enlarged, inflamed prostate. Often, pain in the groin is the only sign of illness.

If a man notices any of the listed symptoms, it is better not to hesitate to visit a doctor. Without timely treatment, the acute form of prostatitis can become chronic, causing male infertility or disruption of the harmony of sexual life.

Men who are often exposed to low temperatures due to the nature of their professional activities, wear clothes that are out of season, or live in cold housing are predisposed to chronic prostatitis. The disease can occur even from simply walking barefoot on the floor. Despite the weaker, almost insignificant, symptoms, chronic prostatitis is much more difficult to cure.

An inflamed prostate is treated comprehensively using physiotherapeutic methods:

  • using ultrasound;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • ozone therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Physiotherapeutic methods help relieve pain and improve the general condition of the patient. In addition to them, doctors prescribe antibiotics, hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulants.

An additional treatment is a rather unpleasant, but quite effective procedure - prostate massage.

When treating at home, it is allowed to take herbal baths and douche the mucous membrane with decoctions of herbs and oils.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Prostatitis is no exception; prevention will help avoid inflammation of the prostate and possible complications.

First of all, you should be wary of hypothermia (try to spend less time in cold conditions or remember to dress warmly if this cannot be avoided), exercise more often and have a regular sex life.

Such simple prevention will strengthen the immune system and help resist diseases, but if the prostate already has a cold, don’t wait - consult a doctor.

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What to do if you have a cold in your prostate?


Extreme cold is dangerous to health. Hypothermia reduces the body's defenses. A person becomes susceptible to various diseases.

Harmful bacteria or microbes are activated, damaging the mucous membranes and causing inflammation. Cold constricts blood vessels and disrupts tissue metabolism. Insufficient blood supply to the tissues causes their necrosis.

This may primarily affect the arms and legs. Why is hypothermia dangerous for men?

What can hypothermia lead to?

Hypothermia often causes dangerous complications. Prostate colds in men are not uncommon. This disease is classified as a pathology of the andrological urogenital type. According to medical statistics, the disease has become “younger”, and very young men aged 25 to 30 are faced with this problem.

Prostatitis has two forms - acute and chronic. Hypothermia occurs in an acute form, which is characterized by sudden painful symptoms

Hypothermia can also lead to:

  • diseases of the respiratory system - influenza, ARVI, sore throat, pharyngitis, otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system - inflammation of the joints, relapses of arthritis, lower back pain;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, inflammation of the appendages in women. Very often, when the entire body is exposed to too low temperatures, kidney function is disrupted;
  • disorders of the heart. When exposed to cold for a long time, blood vessels narrow and the blood thickens. This can contribute to blood clots and heart failure.

When hypothermia occurs, the body begins to work harder. At first he tries to get used to such conditions. A person develops a fever. With prolonged cooling of the body, the functions of internal organs are switched off. If you don't get help in a timely manner, the cold can be fatal to a person.

Is it possible to have hypothermia of the prostate?

Cold and low temperatures are unfavorable for the male body. They can lead to inflammation of the prostate. Exposure to low temperatures leads to vasoconstriction. Blood flow to the prostate gland decreases or stops altogether. As a result, the nutrition of the prostate is disrupted.

A prostate cold also has symptoms associated with disorders of the reproductive system, since when the gland is inflamed, it increases in size and cannot fully perform its functions.

Another factor for the occurrence of prostatitis is the body’s lower resistance to infections. Frequent colds during cold periods and decreased immunity become a dangerous condition for the male body.

How is the deeply “hidden” prostate gland exposed to hypothermia? The remoteness of the organ does not at all protect it from the effects of cold. It is the prostate that is a weak point in men.

Prostatitis from hypothermia occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Low temperatures cause vasoconstriction. The normal functioning of the prostate gland is disrupted.
  2. If you sit on a cold surface for several minutes, the organs of the genitourinary system cool down by a few tenths of a degree. The result is a cold prostate.
  3. Cold affects more than just one organ. A failure in one part of the body affects the work of others.

People who have already had inflammation of the prostate gland or have a chronic course of the disease should be especially attentive to themselves. In chronic prostatitis, the trigger can be not only hypothermia, but also stress, bad habits, sexually transmitted infections, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle.

What can trigger the appearance of an unpleasant illness? Causal factors also include:

  • walking barefoot on cold ground;

Intimacy after hypothermia is often accompanied by discomfort in the groin area and painful symptoms during ejaculation

  • clothes out of season;
  • long exposure to the wind;
  • improper use of air conditioning;
  • wet feet.

Symptoms of prostatitis

What symptoms indicate prostatitis? The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Aching pain appears in the lower abdomen. It often occurs in the groin, perineum or sacrum. The pain is inconvenient and disrupts the normal rhythm of life. Sometimes the pain is unbearable.
  2. Going to the toilet becomes torture. Urination is very painful. There are times when a man experiences difficulty urinating.
  3. Sexual desire decreases. Premature ejaculation may occur during sexual intercourse.
  4. Weakness appears and performance decreases.
  5. Body temperature rises and headaches appear.
  6. Discharge appears from the urethra.

If you notice one or more symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. Chronic prostatitis can be hidden. In this case, the clinical picture is weak.

If a man, after hypothermia, feels a constant feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, he needs to see a doctor to identify prostatitis

Features of treatment

What to do if symptoms of prostatitis appear? You should not delay a visit to the doctor, as prostatitis can lead to vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles), urethritis, colliculitis, prostate abscess and infertility. Treatment of the inflammatory process is complex, so if the prostate is cold, doctors prescribe:

  • antibiotics;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • means to boost the immune system.

Physiotherapy is also effective: treatment with a magnet, electrophoresis, and laser have a beneficial effect on the source of inflammation. Physiotherapy helps eliminate pain and improve the general condition of the patient.

At home, it is allowed to carry out herbal baths and douching with herbal decoctions and oils. Such methods have a positive effect on the mucous membrane. Contribute to her recovery.

Treatment can be supplemented with prostate massage. This is a rather unpleasant procedure. But it is an effective addition to general treatment.

In advanced stages, when hypothermia has led to complications, surgical methods can be used to combat the disease.

You should not hope that the pain will subside over time. Treatment of prostatitis requires medication. Acute inflammation is quite easy to cure. But if you start it, you can achieve a chronic course of the disease.

And in such a situation you will have to be treated throughout your life. Prostatitis leads to problems such as impotence, so do not delay treatment.

At the first symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor to exclude serious consequences.


What to do if you have a cold in your prostate, symptoms of a prostate cold and methods of treatment

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Denis Georgievich
  • 51304
  • Update date: December 2019

The prostate gland is the most important male organ, on the health of which reproductive function depends. If a man has a cold in the prostate, it is important to detect the problem in a timely manner and consult a urologist. The disease is successfully treated, but only until it becomes chronic.

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Prostate cold: why is hypothermia dangerous?

Quite often, men are interested in whether it is possible to get a cold in the prostate and how this disease manifests itself. A prostate cold is a phenomenon in which there is a disruption in the functionality of the organ due to a decrease in local immunity.

You can catch a cold in the following situations:

  • prolonged swimming in a cold body of water;
  • being in a draft or under air conditioning;
  • clothing that is too light in the cold season;
  • improper use of a contrast shower.

Moderation is also important in health procedures

Under normal conditions the organ is protected. Nature has provided mechanisms that prevent the internal organ from getting cold. It is possible to catch a cold in the prostate gland only against the background of decreased immunity. An important role in the development of this condition is played by chronic stress and lack of vitamins against the background of poor nutrition and bad habits.

If a man has a cold in his prostate, he should not hesitate, but rather take the necessary measures. This condition is dangerous due to the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland, which is difficult to treat and, in most cases, becomes chronic.

A cold prostate without timely treatment can remind itself for many years, provoking:

  • urinary disturbance;
  • weakening of erection;
  • pain after ejaculation;
  • decreased fertility.

Thus, simple hypothermia can lead to the development of infertility. This complication occurs quite rarely, and only timely treatment will help prevent its development. If a man has a cold in his prostate, what to do in this case can only be determined by a doctor after a detailed diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease

Hypothermia of the prostate gland can manifest itself in different ways. Having noticed any discomfort in the perineum and comparing it with recent hypothermia, it is important to undergo an examination by a urologist as soon as possible. Possible symptoms of a prostate cold:

  • pain in the perineum;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • weak erection;
  • pain after ejaculation.

According to statistics, the first place among patients’ complaints is pain. In this case, the pain syndrome can be localized in the perineum, in the anus or in the lower abdomen.

A prostate cold most often manifests itself as pain.

The pain in the perineum is aching in nature. They can either intensify or disappear completely. At the same time, men often make the mistake of preferring to ignore the discomfort; as a result, the pain syndrome intensifies over time, and other symptoms may join it.

Pain in the anal area can be shooting in nature. At the same time, it intensifies with load on the pelvis and pubococcygeus muscle, as well as with defecation.

Quite often, men complain of a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the rectum, mistaking this sign for a symptom of hemorrhoids.

Due to the peculiarities of its location, the prostate gland may cause pain in the pelvic area, including the anus and lower back.

One of the most common symptoms is pain in the lower abdomen. At the same time, strong spasms are felt, the intensity of which either increases or decreases. Against this background, urinary disturbances often develop - frequent urges and a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder, even if the man has just visited the restroom.

In some cases, pain may be completely absent. Patients may not notice discomfort for a long time until the disease becomes chronic and then prostatitis.

The peculiarity of a cold of the prostate gland is that no man is immune from this phenomenon, regardless of age. When the prostate is hypothermic in young men who tend to neglect their own health, it is important to remember that a cold prostate gland in older age will manifest itself as chronic prostatitis, so the disease must be treated in a timely manner.

Among the signs of a cold prostate, a decrease in erection is often noted. This is due to impaired blood circulation in the organ and a deterioration in the outflow of prostate secretions, as a result of which it is either difficult for a man to achieve ejaculation, or it occurs too quickly. Such symptoms require attention, since restoring a normal erection can be quite problematic.

Treatment principle

For a prostate cold, treatment begins with diagnosis. It is necessary to visit a urologist and undergo a comprehensive examination. To do this, a general blood test, ultrasound and rectal palpation of the organ are prescribed. Additionally, an analysis of prostate secretion may be prescribed if the development of an acute inflammatory process is suspected.

How to treat hypothermia of the prostate in men depends on the symptoms and severity of dysfunction of the organ.

Treatment is selected by the doctor according to individual indications

In case of inflammation, antibiotics are indicated. Typically, broad-spectrum medications are prescribed - penicillins or cephalosporins. Antibacterial drugs are taken in a course lasting up to two weeks. They are prescribed only after analysis of prostate secretions, since without this examination it is impossible to identify the causative agent of the disease.

However, infectious inflammation rarely develops with simple hypothermia. Usually, the prostate gland can be cured with anti-inflammatory drugs. Rectal suppositories are used - this form of drug release allows you to quickly deliver the active substance directly to the cold organ. Drugs used for treatment:

  • Prostatilen;
  • Propolis candles;
  • ichthyol suppositories;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

All these drugs effectively relieve inflammation and at the same time have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, which allows you to quickly restore the functionality of the organ.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Nimesil, Affida - can be used as an aid to relieve symptoms. They are taken to relieve pain and reduce inflammation in addition to rectal suppositories. Diclofenac is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, Nimesil and Affida are taken in one sachet, the contents of which dissolve in water.

If immunity is impaired, immunostimulants and vitamins may be prescribed. If hypothermia and negative consequences for the prostate occur against the background of stress, sedative medications are used, since the increased load on the nervous system only aggravates the course of the disease.

As a rule, a cold detected in a timely manner is treated within one and a half to two weeks and goes away without leaving a trace. If the disease has become chronic, a long course of antibacterial therapy, injections of immunostimulants and the use of prostate protectors are required. Moreover, even comprehensive treatment cannot guarantee that the disease will not develop into chronic prostatitis.

Prevention measures

Prevention comes down to being attentive to your own health. You should always dress for the weather. The choice of linen plays an important role - it should be made only from natural fabrics. Quite often, wearing synthetic underwear leads to profuse sweating in a warm room. When going outside in the cold season, this can lead to hypothermia of the organ.

It is important not to overuse swimming in cool waters. It's quite easy to get a cold on your prostate on a warm summer evening if you spend too much time in the water. The slightest breeze will be enough to give you a cold.

The state of a man’s immunity plays an important role. The weakening of the body's protective function leads to the fact that any draft can cause a cold. It is necessary to increase immunity by regularly taking a complex of vitamins and paying attention to your own diet. Bad habits should be abandoned.

Another bad habit that few people pay attention to is violation of the daily routine, overwork and lack of sleep. All this leads to stress, which you need to be able to deal with, otherwise it will become chronic, and over time can provoke the development of neurosis.

It should be remembered that the health of the nervous system is the key to the health of the entire body as a whole.

Until August 10, the Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting the program “Russia without prostatitis .” Within which the drug Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!


Prostate hypothermia: how to treat, symptoms and complications of prostate hypothermia

Hypothermia, as a pathological process affecting the entire body, causes not only classic bronchopulmonary diseases, but also diseases seemingly unrelated to the main damaging factors. This article will talk about hypothermia of the prostate and the problems that arise against this background.

How to treat hypothermia of the prostate, what are the causes and symptoms of this condition? How serious are the consequences and how can they be avoided during hypothermia? You will read about this and much more below.

Why does prostate hypothermia occur?

Hypothermia of the prostate is formed against the background of general hypothermia of the whole body after exposure to low temperatures for a sufficiently long period of time.

In the vast majority of cases, urological problems associated with the pathological effect of cold on the azygos exocrine gland and nearby tissues in men appear already in the post-reactive period and require additional therapy.

The basic mechanism for the formation of complications after hypothermia of the prostate gland is a significant decrease in both local and general immunity , which leads to the penetration of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms into the genitourinary system, provoking a variety of inflammatory processes.

Typical diseases that develop as a result of hypothermia of the prostate gland are prostatitis and prostate adenoma, which require immediate treatment.


The symptoms of prostate hypothermia are not specific and depend on the degree of hypothermia, the disease that has manifested itself, as well as its form with other features.

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Classic manifestations of prostate dysfunction:

  • Erectile dysfunction. Can be partial or complete;
  • Frequent urge for “small need” . At the same time, urination is scanty; after the procedure, the man feels that the bladder is not completely emptied. Sometimes the irritative manifestation is accompanied by urinary incontinence, ischuria, stranguria, and imperative false urges;
  • Pain syndrome of “smeared” localization . The pain itself can be either segmental and aching, or acute. Subjectively, unpleasant sensations form in the groin area, scrotum, perineum, lower back, and lower abdomen. The pain syndrome sometimes intensifies during sexual intercourse or urination;
  • Decreased sexual desire . Unpleasant sensations during inflammation will reduce libido and cause a weakening of sexual desire, up to its complete loss;
  • In some cases, in the absence of qualified urological treatment over a long period of time, prerequisites for male infertility are formed.

As modern medical practice shows, almost always after hypothermia of the organ and the formation of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, other systems are also affected by pathology - parallel development of cystitis occurs, inguinal lymph nodes may enlarge, etc.

Treatment of prostate hypothermia

The treatment procedure for organ hypothermia is developed by a professional urologist based on the diagnosis.

Before prescribing a therapeutic regimen for the treatment of an inflamed prostate, rectal palpation of the gland, ultrasound, bacteriological and microscopic examination of urine, smears from the mucous membranes and organ secretions are prescribed, hormonal status is determined, etc.

The main treatment measures as a result of hypothermia:

  • The use of alpha-blockers to restore the synchronous functioning of the prostate, sphincters and bladder by acting on specific receptors;
  • The use of prostate hormone blockers to suppress secretion, which further irritates the prostate;
  • Prescribing antibiotics . Narrow-spectrum antibacterial agents are prescribed by a urologist only after identifying the specific type and type of pathological agent causing inflammation;
  • Use anti-inflammatory drugs as needed - NSAIDs or corticosteroids;
  • The use of reductase inhibitors to normalize the intensity of urine output and systematize feedback;
  • Purpose of prostate massage . It is the main non-drug treatment method in this case. The basic positive effect consists of a mechanical effect on the gland, with the removal of secretions from it through the urethral canal, which leads to an improvement in the dynamic performance of the organ;
  • Physiotherapy . A wide range of classical methods, from microwave microwave exposure, electrophoresis and UHF to balneology, taking warm baths with parallel aromatherapy and other activities as prescribed by the urologist.

Complications of prostate hypothermia

Hypothermia of the prostate can cause a number of serious complications in the victim in the medium term.

The most well-known consequences of prostate hypothermia:

  • Prostatitis . The development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, most often of a bacterial nature;
  • Vesiculitis . A complication of prostatitis, characterized by an inflammatory process in the localization of the seminal vesicles. Spermatocystitis is almost always secondary and is diagnosed in 10-15 percent of all victims who have suffered severe hypothermia of the prostate gland;
  • Adenoma . Benign prostatic hyperplasia, most often manifested in middle-aged and older men after hypothermia;
  • Prostate cancer . A malignant tumor that partially or completely affects the tissue of the gland;
  • Sarcoma . A rare complication of adenoma, diagnosed mainly in the stronger sex under 30 years of age;
  • Prostate calculi . Stones in the prostate gland, which form after hypothermia against the background of obstruction of nearby ducts through which the secretion of the organ drains;
  • Fibrosis . A complex pathological process characterized by the growth of connective tissue in the gland, blocking or compression of the urethra, general wrinkling and degradation of the organ;
  • Abscess . Purulent melting of part of the prostate tissue due to an advanced infectious process;
  • Empyema of seminal vesicles . A complication of classic vesiculitis, characterized by purulent inflammation;
  • Other problems , diseases, pathologies and syndromes, often posing a direct danger to the health and life of the patient.


Got a cold in the prostate: symptoms, colds, what to do, in men

Many men are irresponsible about their health, which often leads to disastrous consequences. The prostate gland often suffers from this. You can catch a cold very easily by spending a little time in the cold in insufficiently warm clothes. What to do if a man has a cold in the prostate, symptoms of pathology.


Symptoms of a prostate cold can vary. It depends on the individual characteristics of the body and how advanced the disease is.

Clinical manifestations can be numerous, but the main symptoms that occur are:

  1. Increased body temperature. In most cases, the increase in the indicator occurs suddenly and immediately to a high level. Already from this manifestation one can suspect that an inflammatory process is developing in the body. The temperature can rise to such levels that the patient begins to feel chills and fever.
  2. Pain syndrome in the groin area. The pain is sharp and cutting in nature, with a fairly pronounced intensity, which causes agony in the man. Sometimes the pain is aching, but in this case it is also not easier, because it exhausts the patient.
  3. Sexual dysfunction. With an inflammatory process in the prostate gland, men often encounter problems in bed. This manifests itself in the form of a decrease in intimate attraction to the opposite sex, erectile dysfunction, and delayed ejaculation. Such violations negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of the patient.
  4. Difficulty with bowel movements. Stool disorders occur, most often constipation. Spasms of the rectum are also observed.
  5. Difficulty with urination. If a man has a cold in his prostate, it is almost never possible to avoid urinary problems. There is pain when emptying the bladder, urinary retention, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.

If a man has a cold in his prostate and symptoms of this condition appear, he should immediately visit a doctor. He will conduct an examination, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods of the genitourinary system, and then prescribe treatment.


If a man has a cold in his prostate, the culprit is hypothermia. Moreover, inflammation does not always occur when the groin area catches a cold. The prostate gland can be damaged even if the lower limbs or the entire body are exposed to cold or draft.

Hypothermia can occur for various reasons. A man can simply sit at home at the computer with the window open, from which a cool wind is blowing.

A prostate cold can also occur as a result of a long swim in a body of cold water.

Or often a prostate cold develops when patients do not consider it necessary to dress warmly during the cold season. This is especially true for teenage boys. They think less about their health.

You can also overcool your body while taking a contrast shower. This is a very useful procedure that helps strengthen the immune system.

But it needs to be done correctly. If you do not take precautions, you can easily develop inflammation.

Many people believe that in the summer, under the hot sun, it is simply impossible to catch a cold, even if you swim in cool water. Is it really possible to get a cold on your prostate while swimming? It is quite possible and this happens quite often.

How dangerous is hypothermia?

A prostate cold in men is a serious condition that requires immediate action. Otherwise, an inflammatory process will develop, which will be accompanied by numerous disorders. Hypothermia negatively affects the functionality of the prostate gland itself.

The urinary system will also suffer from this. Problems with emptying the bladder begin. Due to hypothermia, the activity of the genital organs also worsens, and problems arise in bed.

Also, a cold of the prostate can lead to infertility. This happens rarely, but the risk is always present. Therefore, treatment must be immediate.

What to do if you have a cold in your prostate?

Treatment for a prostate cold depends on what the test results show. If an inflammatory process occurs as a result of hypothermia, therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs will be required. When an infectious focus develops, only antibiotics will help to cope with the pathology.

If there is severe pain, doctors prescribe painkillers. Along with taking medications, it is recommended to attend physiotherapeutic procedures. They will help relieve pain and suppress inflammation.

The diet is selected by a specialist taking into account the clinical picture.

Doctors also recommend restorative therapy to activate the immune system. This includes adherence to the principles of healthy eating.

When a person is sick, his body needs a large amount of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, acids. Diet or taking vitamin-mineral complexes helps provide them.

In addition to a healthy diet, general restorative treatment includes physical therapy. The doctor draws up a set of physical exercises that must be performed regularly.

You should also streamline your intimate life during treatment. The presence of casual relationships can only aggravate the problem. You will also have to refrain from cycling, drinking alcohol and smoking.

Preventive measures

An inflamed prostate gland brings a lot of discomfort to a man’s life. Therefore, it is worth protecting it from exposure to cold and other unfavorable factors.

To prevent prostate colds, doctors recommend the following measures:

  1. Do not swim in rivers, lakes and other bodies of water for a long time.
  2. Be sure to take breaks if work involves sitting for a long time.
  3. Choose clothes according to weather conditions.
  4. Do not sit on cold objects.
  5. Maintain personal hygiene.
  6. Lead an orderly intimate life.
  7. Play sports or at least do simple exercises throughout the day.
  8. To refuse from bad habits.

Thus, it is very easy to get a cold in the prostate. A draft is enough for this. Hypothermia is fraught with serious consequences, so you need to protect yourself from it as much as possible.


Cold prostate: symptoms and possible complications of hypothermia Link to main publication
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