
What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

The spine is made up of seemingly strong structures. Despite this, it requires careful monitoring. The prevalence of back diseases is very high: according to statistics from various sources, at least 85% of people suffer from osteochondrosis. 40% of the population will experience lumbago sooner or later.

In children, during periodic medical examinations, various postural disorders are detected in 85–90% of cases. Back injuries account for up to 12% of all injuries.

The high incidence has led to the need to identify a separate branch in orthopedics - vertebrology and the emergence of a medical specialization - a doctor - vertebroneurologist.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

What kind of doctor is this and what is vertebrology?

Vertebrology is a field in medicine that studies diseases of the spine and back in general, and also develops treatment methods. Vertebroneurology is a science that identifies cause-and-effect relationships of damage to the peripheral and central parts of the nervous system and diseases of the spine.

Accordingly, a vertebrologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the spine and adjacent tissues. Such a specialist uses a conservative method - most back diseases can be treated without surgery.

Even if it is in an advanced stage, the task of the vertebrologist is to find a non-surgical method of treatment. The success of this largely depends on the level of his qualifications. A good vertebrologist is a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, and an orthopedist rolled into one.

Such a doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment without referral for consultation to other specialists.

What does he do and what does he treat?

The methods of work of a vertebrologist make it possible to provide assistance to those patients whose diseases have long been under the purview of a neurologist. With the use of medications in such patients, the symptoms were suppressed, but the cause of the disease was not eliminated. With the advent of vertebrology, they are successfully provided with medical care. A vertebrologist treats the following diseases:

  • What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column. In addition to changing the shape of the chest and increasing the load on the intervertebral discs, compression of the nerve roots and organs of the chest and abdominal cavities occurs. If you suspect a curvature of the spine in a child, it is important to have him examined by a pediatric vertebrologist - such disorders can be successfully treated only in children and adolescents. In adult patients, only a change in the angle of the spine is possible.
  • Kyphosis is a curvature of the thoracic spine. Pathology affects the structures of the spinal column itself and the organs located near it. The volume of the chest decreases, and a lack of oxygen develops. Compression of the spinal cord and nerves is manifested by impaired sensitivity and muscle weakness.
  • Osteochondrosis is a disease based on degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, small joints of the spine and in the vertebrae themselves. In most cases, the cervical and lumbar spine are affected. Pain, sensory impairment, limited mobility, decreased visual and hearing acuity, and tinnitus significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. However, according to statistics, only 20% of patients with osteochondrosis come to the doctor. Only the progression of symptoms and worsening of the condition forces the patient to seek medical help.
  • Hemangioma is a vascular tumor. When it is located inside the spinal column and has an aggressive course, severe complications can occur: compression fractures of the vertebral bodies, compression of the spinal cord and its roots, paresis, paralysis, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Osteoporosis is a decrease in tissue density and changes in their structure. Fractures with this disease can occur with minor stress: with a light blow or even walking.
  • A herniated disc is a pathology in which the nucleus pulposus protrudes beyond the disc. The displaced tissue compresses the nerve roots, resulting in characteristic symptoms: pain, numbness, poor circulation.
  • Disc protrusion is a protrusion of the contour of the intervertebral disc beyond the vertebra.
  • What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?Ishalgia is a complex of symptoms resulting from compression of the sciatic nerve due to inflammatory processes, spinal deformities: kyphosis, scoliosis, hernia. Manifested by pain, cramps, impaired motor function, numbness, lameness, constipation, urinary incontinence.
  • Lumbago is acute pain in the lower back, accompanied by stiffness, regardless of the cause.
  • Radiculitis is a lesion of the spinal cord roots, accompanied by pain, decreased sensitivity and movement disorders.
  • Stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal occurs as a result of invasion of cartilage, soft tissue and bone structures into it. Under their pressure, the spinal cord and nerve roots are damaged. The leading complaints in this pathological process are pain in the back, in the lower extremities, intermittent claudication, weakness in one or two legs.
  • Back injuries. Their severity varies: from bruises to severe fractures with damage to the spinal cord. The severity of the consequences is directly dependent on how quickly medical care was provided.
  • Spondylolisthesis is a displacement of the overlying vertebra relative to the underlying one, characterized by pain that intensifies even with light loads, radiating to the lower back, thigh, hip joints, and there is limited movement in the spine. As the disease progresses, shortening of the body, protrusion of the chest and abdomen forward, and loss of sensitivity in the limbs are possible.

What symptoms do you consult a vertebrologist for?

There are many diseases of the spine and symptoms can vary greatly. Pathology at an early stage does not give specific signs. Manifestations at this stage are similar to those of lesions in other organs. Back diseases cause:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the genitourinary system.

If you have such symptoms, you should consult a therapist. He will prescribe the necessary examination and, if a pathology of the spinal column is suspected, will refer you for a consultation with a vertebrologist.

If specific symptoms are detected, you can immediately contact a vertebrologist:

  • pain: in the back of various locations, in the occipital and temporal parts of the head, aggravated by bending and turning, in the arms and legs, accompanied by numbness, tingling, in the chest and intercostal space in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and a normal ECG;
  • limited mobility of the spine;
  • poor posture;
  • weakness in arms and legs;
  • the appearance of a crunch in the spine;
  • numbness of the perineum.

Diagnostic methods in vertebrology

The appointment with a vertebrologist lasts 15-30 minutes. Patients in serious condition are hospitalized in the hospital and undergo examination in a hospital setting. To establish a diagnosis, the doctor conducts a survey, examination, and uses instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods.


What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?During the interview, the doctor finds out the reason for the patient’s visit and the presence of complaints. Determines the presence of factors predisposing to back diseases: occupational (sedentary work, forced body position, specialty associated with psycho-emotional stress), genetic (many disorders of the formation of the spine are hereditary), medical (patients who previously suffered from back pain have a risk of developing diseases of the spine), non-occupational factors (sports, sedentary lifestyle), a history of back injuries.


During the examination, the doctor evaluates the patient’s posture, gait, posture in a sitting position, lying down, pressed against a stand, and checks how developed the muscular frame of the back is. An important stage of the examination is palpation. Painful areas are palpated, the back, upper and lower extremities are flexed and extended to identify positions of maximum discomfort and relief.

Laboratory research methods

For diagnosis in vertebrology, the results of the following laboratory tests may be required:

  • a general blood test and a general urinalysis indicate the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • biochemical blood test reflects the state of mineral metabolism;
  • lupus anticoagulant, antinuclear antibody test and rheumatoid factor detect autoimmune diseases;
  • A spinal puncture is prescribed if an infectious process, malignant neoplasms, or hemorrhage under the membrane of the spinal cord is suspected.

Instrumental research methods

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?In each case, the vertebrologist determines the need for and type of additional examination, which will give him more information about the clinical picture of the disease. Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is prescribed one or more instrumental studies:

  • X-rays show the condition of the bones if damage is suspected;
  • computed tomography in vertebrology is used to diagnose spinal tumors;
  • magnetic resonance imaging shows the condition of the spine and soft tissues: intervertebral discs, spinal nerve, cartilage, joints;
  • electromyography reflects the state of muscles and neuromuscular reactions;
  • Ultrasound examination allows you to detect a diseased organ if a pathological process is suspected, localized in the abdominal cavity, pelvis, spine and soft tissues.

Treatment methods

Having received all the data about the patient, the nature and severity of his disease, the doctor prescribes treatment. A vertebrologist is a specialist who, given the seriousness of the process, tries to use conservative therapy for his patients.

Treatment methods:

  • Drug therapy is prescribed for severe pain or to suppress the inflammatory process in the spine. In most cases, the vertebrologist tries to do without the use of medications.
  • Physiotherapy allows you to launch biological processes through the influence of physical factors: laser, heat, ultrasound, magnetic field, electricity. Allows you to relieve pain, eliminate spasms, reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.
  • Manual therapy and therapeutic massage are used during the period of remission. Massage relieves muscle spasms, reduces pain, and strengthens the spinal column. Manual therapy restores the physiological position of the vertebrae.
  • Reflexotherapy is a treatment method by influencing biologically active points and is effective in relieving pain.
  • Therapeutic exercises are also prescribed during the period of remission; it not only improves the patient’s condition, but also prevents exacerbations.
  • Hirudotherapy is used as an auxiliary technique - it does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but improves blood circulation and has a general healing effect.
  • Osteopathy (traction) consists of lengthening the spine by applying its own weight or additional loads to it. It should only be performed by an experienced doctor, as improper technique can lead to serious consequences.


  • puncture laser discectomy – removal of part of the intervertebral disc;
  • radiofrequency thermal annuloplasty involves connecting the outer tissues of the intervertebral disc;
  • What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?laminectomy - removal of a small part of the vertebral bone tissue to free the pinched nerve;
  • percutaneous automated discectomy - removal of part of the intervertebral disc when it protrudes into the cavity of the spinal canal;
  • facetectomy – removal of intervertebral joints;
  • vertebroplasty - injection of a cementing composition into the vertebral cavity, which holds the damaged areas together.
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Pediatric vertebrologist

Back problems can appear at any age, even in newborns. A pediatric vertebrologist diagnoses and treats back diseases, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

Most often, people turn to such a specialist when a curvature of the spine is detected: kyphosis or scoliosis, as well as flat feet.

Congenital defects of the spinal column are also the responsibility of a pediatric vertebrologist.

Doctor's recommendations

The vertebrologist gives each of his patients recommendations, the implementation of which will help avoid the development of many spinal diseases and reduce the risk of exacerbations:

  • sleep on a hard mattress lying on your stomach and back;
  • wearing correct and comfortable shoes; if the patient has shortened limbs, flat feet, club feet, shoes should be selected that can compensate for these defects;
  • adherence to sleep and wakefulness;
  • sufficient physical activity: sports, walking, swimming;
  • in case of prolonged stay in one position (working at a computer), organizing breaks;
  • weight control;
  • maintaining correct posture;
  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • performing a set of therapeutic and preventive exercises for the spine;
  • avoiding excessive physical activity;
  • minimizing psycho-emotional stress;
  • taking multivitamin complexes;
  • If pain or discomfort occurs, consult a doctor promptly.

Vertebrology is a young science, but its relevance is undeniable - an increasing number of people suffer from diseases of the spinal column.

Such diseases not only cause discomfort, but also significantly complicate the performance of daily activities, and also reduce ability to work.

If alarming symptoms are detected, you should seek medical help from a therapist or vertebrologist. Early diagnosis of the disease will significantly shorten the treatment period and avoid complications.




  • What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?
  • Spinal diseases can occur in any person, regardless of age and type of activity... It is the vertebrologist who treats these problems.
  • Self-medication and alternative treatment without consultation with a vertebrologist are not an option; such serious problems should only be dealt with


  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are dealt with by orthopedists, neurologists and vertebrologists; it is difficult for a person unfamiliar with the specifics of diseases to navigate...
  2. What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?
  3. Who to turn to for help... There was a time when such problems were solved by neurologists, prescribing painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, the hope was only for the latest drugs and some physical procedures... Nowadays, spine pathologies are in the sphere of activity of a vertebrologist . A

what does a vertebrologist treat?

it will be a legitimate question what diseases are subject to it...

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

Vertebrology combines the problems of neurology, orthopedics and neurosurgery; this science can explain how a single vertebra acts on the body as a whole, because everyone knows, even non-specialists, that the health of the spine affects, to no small extent, human health. That is why vertebrology is in demand in modern medicine, and that is why scientists are engaged in the development of this branch of medicine - a vertebrologist .

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

A vertebrologist is subject to methods of diagnosing and treating diseases of the spine, and this is what distinguishes a vertebrologist from an orthopedist or neurologist.

This is a specialist with a narrow focus - the treatment of spinal diseases! The competence of a vertebrologist includes herniated discs, degenerative changes in the spine, which may be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, etc.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

A vertebrologist treats stenosis of the spinal canal and deformities of the spinal column, tumors and fractures of the spine, the consequences of injuries to the spinal column, and all kinds of anomalies in the development of the spine. Methods for treating spinal diseases used by vertebrologists include surgical and conservative treatment.

  • What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?
  • In addition to medical and surgical treatment, vertebrology has techniques of manual therapy, massage, traction methods and physiotherapeutic treatment by a vertebrologist .
  • Useful knowledge for everyone



Who is a vertebrologist and what diseases does he treat?

A vertebrologist is a qualified specialist whose field of activity includes special methods for diagnosing and treating mainly diseases of the spinal column. Vertebrology is one of the youngest areas in medicine. It occupies a special place between neurology, neurosurgery and orthopedics.

Contents of the article:
When to go to a vertebrologist
What diseases does a vertebrologist treat
How diagnostics are carried out
Treatment methods
Features of a pediatric vertebrologist

When should you contact a vertebrologist?

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?First of all, people who have constant headaches, as well as pain in the cervical and other parts of the spine need consultation with a vertebrologist. Persons with the following symptoms should also contact this specialist:

  • change in the intensity or nature of pain in the back, the occurrence of radiating pain (which radiates to other organs);
  • presence of a feeling of weakness in the upper and lower extremities, paresthesia (changes in skin sensitivity);
  • painful sensations in the heart area with normal ECG data;
  • limitation of motor activity in the joints of the spinal column;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure, accompanied by headache, rapid heartbeat, dizziness;
  • the addition of dysfunctions of the pelvic organs (acute urinary retention or involuntary urination).

Quite often children may complain of headaches and back pain. The cause of these conditions may be changes in the spinal column. In such cases, consultation with a pediatric vertebrologist is mandatory.

What diseases does vertebrology cover?

The scope of activity of a vertebrologist includes diagnosis and treatment of the following spinal pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column of a degenerative-dystrophic nature;
  • tumor neoplasms of the spine and spinal cord;
  • herniation of the intervertebral disc;
  • developmental anomalies of the spinal column;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal;
  • post-traumatic changes in the spine and spinal cord;
  • vertebral fractures with and without damage to the spinal cord;
  • deforming changes in the spine.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?However, you need to understand that a vertebrologist deals not only with disorders of the structure and function of the spinal column, but also with pathologies of surrounding tissues, nearby joints and elements of the nervous system. As a result, it can also treat vegetative-vascular dystonia, ishalgia, lumbago, and radiculitis.

In some cases, the onset of clinical signs of spinal pathology may be associated with the appearance of symptoms such as stomach pain, headaches and heart pain, disruption of the pancreas and kidneys. Thus, the onset of the development of the disease may be accompanied by certain difficulties in diagnosing spinal pathology by a vertebrologist, due to concomitant disorders that are not within his competence.

Diagnostic methods of vertebrology

To identify pathology of the spinal column and carry out differential diagnosis, the following methods of examining the patient are used:

  • objective examination of the patient (examination, palpation);
  • functional tests (turns and tilts of the torso, head, which allow you to assess the mobility of the spine and identify pathology);
  • X-ray diagnostics of the spinal column (used to clarify the condition of the bones);
  • ultrasonography;
  • computed tomography (to detect tumor formation);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (the most informative method for diagnosing pathologies of the spinal column and surrounding structures and tissues).

Treatment methods in vertebrology

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?All methods used to treat patients with spinal pathologies are divided into surgical and conservative. Surgical methods are used in extreme cases; as a rule, they are avoided. The most popular methods in the treatment of vertebral pathologies are special massage and manual therapy.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment of spinal column pathologies is performed under general anesthesia. Modern surgery increasingly uses minimally invasive surgical interventions. Such methods of performing surgery are much more technically complex, but are easier to tolerate by patients and are less traumatic.

One of the most modern minimally invasive methods for treating pathologies of the spinal column is vertebroplasty. The essence of this technique is to fill the site of a bone defect with a special medical glue intended for gluing broken vertebrae. This treatment is carried out without a single incision, under local anesthesia and monitored by ultrasound.

Conservative treatment

Osteopathic treatment can alleviate the general condition after the first session: blood supply to the tissues of the diseased organ improves, tension decreases, and as a result, pain disappears.

A good therapeutic effect is achieved by using the spinal traction method. For such treatment, literacy, caution, as well as the doctor’s experience are of great importance, since incorrect implementation of this procedure can aggravate the patient’s condition. Physiotherapy techniques are widely used.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?Reflexology is used as an auxiliary treatment method. This method of treatment is recognized by official medicine. Reflexology gives a lasting positive effect in the treatment of spinal pathologies, which is achieved through the impact of varying depths of injections on biologically active points of the human body.

Some cases require drug treatment, after which therapeutic exercises are prescribed. A course of adequate physical activity on the spine allows you to consolidate the effect after drug treatment and prevent the occurrence of relapse (re-development of the disease).

Features of the work of a pediatric vertebrologist

Spinal diseases can occur at any age. Since the body of an adult and a child have some differences, a pediatric vertebrologist should deal with problems with the spine in children. His competence includes pathologies of the spinal column, both in adolescents and in newborns.

A pediatric vertebrologist must identify and observe pathological changes in the vertebrae and nearby structures (intervertebral discs, muscles, bone tissue, spinal cord, ligaments).

Somewhat earlier, when a child was diagnosed with a spinal pathology, he went through quite a long journey to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment: a pediatrician, a surgeon, a neurologist, an orthopedist, a neurosurgeon.

Today, these issues are dealt with by a pediatric vertebrologist.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?


Undoubtedly, vertebral pathologies significantly worsen the quality of life. Such diseases are often accompanied by excruciating pain and limitation of physical activity. However, modern medicine is able to effectively cope with these problems and return the patient to a full life. Qualified vertebrologists will help patients with this difficult task.

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Vertebrologist: what does this doctor treat?

A vertebrologist is a doctor with a narrow specialization, which includes methods for diagnosing and treating diseases of the spinal column.

It helps to detect and cope with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, quickly get rid of back pain and other unpleasant symptoms that accompany spinal damage.

Vertebrology is a relatively new field that has already taken pride of place in modern medicine.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

Diseases treated by a vertebrologist

Most people do not even suspect the existence of such a specialist as a vertebrologist. They continue to consult a chiropractor, neurologist, or orthopedist for back problems.

Each of these doctors prescribes a specific treatment related to their activities, and to achieve a complex effect, you have to undergo several doctors at once.

But at this time there is a highly specialized specialist who deals with pathologies of the spine - a vertebrologist.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of doctor this is and when you need to contact him.

Vertebrology is a branch of medicine that studies and explains the effect of each vertebra on the body. The specialist is a vertebrologist - a doctor who deals with back problems. His competence includes diagnosis, prevention, treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

He tries to cope with any problem in a conservative way, with the help of manual therapy, involving specialists in this field. Vertebrology is a young specialization; treatment methods that exclude surgical intervention are used to treat diseases.

A vertebrologist diagnoses diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • unstable vertebrae;
  • post-traumatic state;
  • spinal deformity;
  • any damage to the vertebrae.

This is a small part of the existing dystrophic diseases of the spine, which are in the specialization of a vertebrologist. But in addition to diseases, a vertebrologist deals with damage to joints, nerves, and spinal tissues. Pathologies include:

You can contact a vertebrologist if you experience pain in the cervical spine or back during pregnancy.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist? to contents ^

When to consult a doctor?

Symptoms indicating problems with the musculoskeletal system can be varied and are often difficult to associate with the spine. Some of the common first symptoms of the disease are: pain in the spine, pain in the heart, stomach, problems with the kidneys or pancreas. With such symptoms, it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis without examination and consultation with specialists.

The main reasons to make an appointment with a vertebrologist are headaches, discomfort, pain in some part of the spine.

You should seek help from a vertebrologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • girdle pain in the sternum or between the ribs;
  • constant dizziness during sudden movements or after waking up;
  • pain, numbness in the shoulders;
  • numbness of the upper or lower extremities, perineum;
  • causeless surges in blood pressure;
  • crunching in the spine while moving;
  • back pain radiating to the buttocks, thighs, legs;
  • poor posture;
  • limited back mobility;
  • fatigue, weakness.

Early back problems may be indicated by a rapid heartbeat, problems with the kidneys, heart or stomach, or difficulty urinating or defecating. If you have such symptoms, you need to contact a therapist, who will write a referral to a vertebrologist.

In particular, you should not delay visiting a specialist if you have already had problems with your spine. Self-medication is not recommended; it can worsen the condition, which will lead to the development of complications, including disability.

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How to make an appointment with a vertebrologist?

If a number of symptoms appear that indicate problems with the musculoskeletal system, you should contact your local physician, who will make an opinion and give a referral to a specialist in this area.

A vertebrologist is a specialized specialist who is located only in large cities; you can get an appointment with him only with a referral from a therapist or another doctor. If your city does not have this specialist, then it is recommended to find one in the nearest cities and go for a consultation.

There are vertebrologists in private medical centers where you can go without a referral from another specialist.

Before you make an appointment with a specialist, it is recommended to find out about his certificates, work experience, and read reviews from his patients. If you have chosen a doctor, then there should be no discomfort in communicating with him, but there should be trust. Only in this case can you entrust back treatment to a specialist.

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Vertebrologist treatment methods

At the initial appointment, the doctor interviews the patient, collects a complete history, and also learns about heredity. After this, the vertebrologist conducts a thorough examination of the patient, which consists of feeling the back, checking reflexes and muscle strength, as well as assessing the symmetry of the body, examining it for injuries and diseases.

A detailed examination is the main part of diagnosing the problem, since with its help the doctor receives information about the patient’s condition, suggests the disease and the cause of its development.

  Gynecologist: what does this doctor treat?

To confirm the diagnosis, blood and urine tests are prescribed, as well as instrumental diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI and others. Sometimes a puncture may be prescribed.

After all diagnostic measures have been carried out, the diagnosis has been confirmed, the vertebrologist selects treatment. If possible, the doctor tries not to use medications and surgery. The operation is prescribed if necessary. Treatment methods for spinal diseases used by a vertebrologist are:

  • manual therapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • spine stretching;
  • osteopathic treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Drug therapy is used if the patient complains of pain that is difficult to get rid of. Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed if inflammation is present. In other cases, the doctor tries not to use medications.

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Neurologist-vertebrologist: what does he specialize in?

A neurologist-vertebrologist is a doctor whose responsibilities include diagnosing and treating diseases of the spine, but unlike a vertebrologist, he deals with problems caused by disruption of the central nervous system or damage to nerve endings.

This specialist is considered a specialist with many certificates. The majority of a neurologist-vertebrologist’s patients are people who have had a spinal injury, manifested by neurological symptoms.

People turn to a specialist for radiculitis, osteoporosis, curvature of posture along with damage to the nerve endings. The doctor may involve other specialists to make a diagnosis.

  • After identifying the disease and its cause, the neurologist-vertebrologist prepares a comprehensive treatment, which usually consists of taking medications that relieve pain and other unpleasant symptoms, as well as manual manipulation, massage, and physiotherapy.
  • Surgical intervention is prescribed only in severe cases, when conservative treatment does not help or complications arise.
  • To sum up who this vertebrologist is, watch this short video:



Spinal diseases significantly worsen the quality of life of patients, regardless of their age, and require timely diagnosis and treatment. A neurologist-vertebrologist is a doctor who specializes in pathologies of the spinal column and uses modern methods of diagnosing and treating them.

Spinal diseases arise as a result of unfavorable external and internal environmental factors; they can lead to serious complications for human health. Consultation with a neurologist-vertebrologist is necessary if such unpleasant symptoms as pain, limited mobility, sensitivity disorders and headaches appear.

What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist?

What is included in the scope of a specialist’s activity?

A neurologist-vertebrologist deals with the problems of diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the spinal column, which lead to dysfunction of peripheral nerve endings. The functions of a vertebrologist are usually performed by neurologists and orthopedists , that is, specialists with higher medical education who have undergone advanced training in vertebrology.

The condition of the spine affects the functioning of all organs and systems, especially the nervous system. That is why neurologists-vertebrologists deal with current issues in the treatment of spinal pathologies.

An ordinary neurologist differs from a vertebrologist in that he deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system of various etiologies, while a vertebrologist is a specialized specialist who deals exclusively with diseases of the spine . Many people are interested in what a doctor specializing in neurology and vertebrology treats. The scope of activity of a neurologist-vertebrologist includes the following pathologies:

  • posture disorders;
  • degenerative processes in the spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • consequences of spinal column injuries;
  • spinal neoplasms;
  • dorsalgia;
  • radiculitis.

You should seek help from a doctor immediately after alarming symptoms appear. Pain and discomfort in the back, increased fatigue, headaches and sensory disturbances signal that you need qualified help from a neurologist-vertebrologist.  

A vertebrologist and neurologist will help determine the main cause of the deterioration in general health and prescribe effective treatment for the disease.

Features of an appointment with a neurologist-vertebrologist

You can get an appointment with a vertebrologist-neurologist in a specialized center, private clinic or government institution.

To choose a good specialist, you need to pay attention to his work experience, qualifications and patient reviews.

A good vertebrologist-neurologist, like a chiropractor, must be fluent in various manual techniques that relieve pain and restore the condition of the spine.

To make a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body is required, including additional laboratory and instrumental research methods (radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI and others).

A neurologist-vertebrologist treats the disease using drug therapy, massage, manual techniques, and physiotherapy.

Sometimes the patient is indicated for surgical treatment to eliminate problems with the spine.

It should be remembered that treatment of spinal disease in most cases takes quite a long time (a year or more). It is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations and not interrupt the course of treatment. Self-medication for any problems with the spine is strictly contraindicated, as it can lead to serious consequences for your health.


Why should I see a vertebrologist? What problems can be addressed?

The emergence of new specialties in medicine might have remained unnoticed if from time to time we had not been referred to some “narrow” specialist. This is where we begin our search for the mysterious doctor, whose specialization we sometimes have difficulty pronouncing.

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And when we find it, we wonder why for so many years we went with our problems to our usual therapist or surgeon. It’s the same with the vertebrologist. All my life my “shot” back was treated by a neurologist.

Why do we need this “special” doctor now?
“In fact, narrow specialization helps the doctor study his field in more detail, delve into the very “inside” of the disease in order to understand the “cause-and-effect relationships” and prescribe the most effective treatment for the patient,” says a specialist at the Medical Center for Vertebrology and Orthopedics, a neurosurgeon. vertebrologist, candidate of medical sciences Igor BORSHCHENKO.

Translated from Latin, vertebrology is the science of vertebrae. Accordingly, a vertebrologist is a doctor specializing in diseases of the back, or more precisely, the spine.

“True, there is no such specialty in medicine officially yet,” explains Dr. Borshchenko. “That’s why all specialists who deal with back problems call themselves vertebrologists: neurologists, surgeons, and most often chiropractors.”

From therapist to neurologist

In fact, not all back pain is necessarily related to the spine. The source of pain symptoms can be diseases of the internal organs, muscular system, and psycho-emotional sphere. Experts call such non-vertebral pain “referred”, and they are dealt with by doctors in the medical field corresponding to the nature of the disease.

The patient himself is not always able to figure out where and what hurts, so in any case, no matter what the nature of the pain, the first thing to do when pain in the back occurs is to consult a doctor.

First, see a therapist to rule out diseases of the internal organs. If it becomes obvious that the cause of the trouble is related to the spine, the patient’s path lies with a neurologist. It is quite possible that the treatment prescribed by this specialist will be enough for the pain to go away and be forgotten like a bad dream.

If the treatment prescribed by the doctor does not bring the desired relief, you should think about visiting a vertebrologist.

The field of activity of a vertebrologist is problems associated with changes in various structures of the spine (intervertebral discs, joints, ligaments, muscles).

They can be expressed by pain in the back, legs, arms, and neck. The pain can be constant, aching or sharp, but, as a rule, it is always associated with movement or a certain position of the body - it intensifies in the same position or worsens with movements.

“Usually a course of treatment prescribed by a neurologist gives results within 2-3 weeks,” explains Dr. Borshchenko. “If this does not happen, then a different approach to treatment is required and, perhaps, you really need to consult a highly specialized specialist in spinal diseases - a vertebrologist.”

It also happens that the patient does not feel pain, but he already has neurological disorders of movement and sensitivity. Let's say there is no pain, but the arm or leg is hard to control. This is also an undoubted indication for visiting a vertebrologist.

What does a vertebrologist treat?

The most frequent guests at appointments with specialists in spine diseases are patients suffering from osteochondrosis, a degenerative disease of the spine accompanied by damage to the intervertebral discs.

This disease can affect people of all ages, starting from 18–20 years old. But most of all, the disease “loves” people in the active period of life.

In young people, the disease arises from physical overload, but over the years, acquired osteochondrosis acquires age-related complications.

Spinal stenosis develops - a narrowing of the lumen of the spinal canal, in which the spinal cord and nerve roots pass, and bone growths - osteophyte spines - appear.

Of great importance in the occurrence and development of osteochondrosis are factors such as genetic predisposition and the combination of our physiological habits: incorrect posture, sitting position, manner of holding the head, working at the computer, and finally, sleeping. All these “wrong” manners of ours lead to the fact that we chronically overload the spine, contributing to its destruction.

“It’s no secret that there are people who have virtually no osteochondrosis,” continues Igor Anatolyevich. “As a rule, these are the owners of a naturally stable musculoskeletal system, with habits established correctly in childhood: first of all, correct posture.”

A huge number of patients turn to vertebrologists about herniated intervertebral discs.

But this disease is nothing more than a manifestation of osteochondrosis. Most often, intervertebral hernias are the result of improper lifting of weights. Just think about it! A spinal injury once received (usually a ruptured disc and the appearance of a small hernia) never heals, does not heal, and after 10 years, or even earlier, begins to manifest itself.

As a rule, a hernia is characterized by pain in the corresponding part of the spine and can lead to compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord, or the vessels passing through the spinal column. Depending on the location of the hernia, a whole range of possible symptoms may occur, from dizziness to numbness of the limbs.

Many patients turn to vertebrologists with spinal injuries. The very phrase “spinal injury” brings to mind thoughts of some kind of global catastrophe - accidents or falls.

Meanwhile, in order to get a spinal injury, it is not at all necessary to “put” effort into it.

Under the influence of age-related changes and various unfavorable factors, the bone tissue of the vertebra weakens, and it ceases to withstand normal physiological loads.

This primarily applies to patients suffering from osteoporosis - a decrease in bone mass, leading to bone fragility and an increased risk of fractures.

Another significant area of ​​vertebrology is spinal tumors. They can be benign or malignant. In addition, there are tumors of the nervous system itself - the spinal cord and nerve roots. Fortunately, most of these tumors are benign.

When considering a patient’s complaints and diagnosing a disease, any doctor must first rule out the oncological nature of the disease.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still, and those diseases that previously confined a person to bed can now be successfully treated. And this is exactly what vertebrology does.

Without surgery

In order for the vertebrologist to have a complete picture of the disease, it is, of course, necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Typically, the doctor will refer the patient for at least two examinations: an x-ray of the affected area of ​​the spine and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Most often, a medical examination and these examinations are enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

But what this treatment will be depends on the disease itself, its stage and manifestations.

In “unadvanced” forms of the disease, conservative treatment may be sufficient. Depending on the indications, this includes massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy, and osteopathy - the “softest” type of manual therapy. In acute inflammatory processes, the doctor must prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that relieve muscle spasms.

And of course, when treating the spine, it is difficult to do without painkillers. Today, doctors have mastered the method of injection blockades, which can relieve pain for a long time.

Deep injections, penetrating to the nerve root located at the very depths of the spine, are carried out under the control of an X-ray machine and are performed by an anesthesiologist.

This technique eliminates the need for the patient to swallow packs of analgesics and their analogues that are harmful to the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

However, the possibilities for conservative treatment are not unlimited. If the disease has progressed and the pain becomes constant, surgical intervention is indispensable. The question is how serious this intervention will be.

Surgery “minor” and “major”

If the problem cannot be treated conservatively, doctors try to solve it using endoscopic treatment methods or so-called minor bloodless surgery. This gentle organ-saving technique consists in the fact that operations are performed through small punctures or incisions in the body cavity, where special medical instruments are inserted.

Such techniques make it possible to combat the complications of osteochondrosis. For example, with the help of special microsurgical instruments, you can suck out a hernia that is bothering the patient or expand the spinal canal by removing excessively overgrown parts of the vertebra.

It is possible to “renew” an intervertebral disc with cracks that cause constant pain. Doctors perform laser reconstruction of the disc and stimulate cartilage growth. New cartilage will grow slowly over several years, but already six months after such operations, patients note that the pain decreases or disappears completely.

No less “revolutionary” techniques put patients with spinal fractures back on their feet in a matter of days.

A needle with bone cement is inserted into the broken vertebra (if the fracture is not comminuted, but compression). The cement fills the fracture area and hardens after 15 minutes. The patient can stand up, sit down, and walk on the day of surgery.

But before, a patient with such an injury was bedridden for a month or a month and a half, and for many elderly people this ended tragically. From immobility, bedsores formed, pneumonia occurred, and not everyone had the strength to overcome the disease.

“Of course, even today it is necessary to perform major operations with fixation of the vertebrae with screws and rods, for example, in case of spinal injury, accompanied by fractures or dislocations of the vertebrae.

Or with a disease such as spondylolisthesis, that is, slippage of one vertebra relative to another, as well as many other conditions and complications of spinal osteochondrosis. But this is when the disease is already advanced. And it’s better not to bring it to this point.

Fortunately, modern techniques that allow for gentle treatment are sufficient today. And there is no reason not to use them,” says Igor Borshchenko.


What diseases are included in the scope of activity of a vertebrologist? Link to main publication
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