
Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

With age, 80% of the population develop single or multiple papillomas on the chest, armpits and neck. But not everyone knows why they arise and how to get rid of the formations.

Main characteristics of the neoplasm

The growth of papillomas on the mammary glands is a common occurrence: it is in this area of ​​the body that the skin is most susceptible to changes. The localization of warts depends on the factor that provoked their occurrence. Growths can form both on the surface of the nipples and breast skin, and in the milk ducts.

Types of growths

The following warts may appear on the chest:

  1. Filiform - pointed papillomas. As a rule, they occur in older people. The formations are located under the breasts. Therefore, they are often injured. This often leads to the spread of the disease: there is an increase in the number of warts and their rapid growth (up to 4 cm in length).
  2. Flat, mole-like formations with a yellow or flesh-colored color. They occur in children and adolescents. Usually these growths disappear on their own.
  3. Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growthsSenile - round, protruding papillomas that do not have pigmentation. They appear in people over 40 years of age. Senile warts are the most dangerous: they can be both benign and malignant.

Causes of the disease

Warts on the chest occur for various reasons. Most often, their occurrence is observed when affected by the papilloma virus (it affects the layer of skin that is responsible for its regeneration). The peculiarity of HPV is that it may not manifest itself in any way for years. The virus begins to multiply only in conditions favorable to it. Factors that provoke its activation include:

  • hormone imbalance;
  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent stress;
  • chronic diseases: bronchial asthma, diabetes.

Other causes of warts on the chest:

  • Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growthsneglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • age-related changes;
  • profuse sweating;
  • wearing tight clothes;
  • use of cosmetics that worsen skin condition;
  • chest trauma;
  • damage to the nipples during breastfeeding.

Warts on the chest are not only an aesthetic problem.

Important! Despite the fact that in most cases such formations are benign, without proper therapy they can transform into a malignant tumor. Therefore, if they occur, you should consult a doctor.

Features of manifestation, diagnosis

The clinical manifestation of warts varies: it all depends on the type of tumor and the stage of its development. Growths located under or on the breasts do not cause severe discomfort or unpleasant sensations. But with intraductal formations (cystadenomas), the patient has complaints about:

  • pain in the nipple area;
  • burning, discomfort in the chest;
  • uncharacteristic discharge.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

  • blood test - prescribed to confirm (refute) the presence of HPV in the body and determine its type;
  • laboratory examination of fluid secreted from the nipples - helps determine the nature of the tumor;
  • Breast ultrasound – performed if there is a suspicion of a formation in the ducts of the mammary gland;
  • mammography;
  • radiography using a contrast agent is prescribed when it is necessary to accurately determine the location of the formation and estimate its size.

If the cause of wart growth is the papilloma virus, new growths may appear in the chest area. Therefore, after diagnosis and clarification of the mechanism of their occurrence, it is necessary to immediately begin taking therapeutic measures.

Treatment methods and recommendations for the prevention of pathology

How to treat warts is determined by the doctor based on the examination results. As a rule, taking medications, surgery, and using folk remedies is indicated.

Surgery to remove papillomas is the main method of treating growths in the chest area. Their excision is carried out in different ways: it all depends on the type and location of the formation. Applicable:

  • Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growthsLaser therapy is the most effective and safe method of combating pathological formations on the body. Its main advantages are the absence of bleeding and scars after the intervention;
  • electrocoagulation - exposure of warts to direct and alternating current. Used when you need to remove thread-like growths;
  • radio wave therapy. Its use is relevant for external warts. They are removed with a radio knife. The advantages of this operation: quick and painless removal of papillomas, low likelihood of disease recurrence after the procedure;
  • cryotherapy – freezing and excision of warts with liquid nitrogen. Using this method, growths of flat shapes are removed;

Intraductal formations are removed by sectoral resection of the mammary gland. To exclude oncology, at the end of the operation, a tissue sample is sent for histological examination.

If a wart appears under the breast and on it, you cannot remove the growth yourself. This threatens the transformation of a benign papilloma into a malignant tumor, the growth of formations and the development of other complications dangerous to health.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

Important! During pregnancy, taking medications can harm the baby. Treatment of warts is limited to strengthening the immune system through nutritional correction.

Alternative medicine offers several methods of combating external papillomas on the chest. To help get rid of them:

  • Castor oil. Use this way: apply the product to the warts three times a day;
  • alcohol tincture of green walnut and kerosene (ingredients are taken in a ratio of 2:1);
  • garlic compress. The juice of one tooth is mixed with baby cream and applied to the tumor for 3-5 minutes. After the compress, the breasts are thoroughly washed with water;
  • Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growthsinfusion of dandelion flowers and alcohol (before using the product, you need to infuse it for 3 weeks). Warts are wiped several times a day.

To prevent breast formations, it is recommended:

  1. Minimize alcohol consumption and quit smoking.
  2. Strengthen your immune system: take vitamins, eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  4. Get proper rest (sleep at least 8 hours a day).
  5. Control body weight.
  6. Wear comfortable, loose clothing.
  7. Avoid stressful situations and overwork.
  8. Regularly undergo examination by a mammologist.

When a wart appears on the nipple or under the breast, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. The sooner the cause of its formation is identified and treatment is started, the lower the likelihood of its transformation into a malignant tumor.

  • Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growthsPapillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths


6 reasons for papillomas on the nipple, on and under the breast, in the mammary gland

Papilloma is one of the most common benign breast tumors.

It is a small growth that creates a cosmetic defect and causes discomfort to the girl (can cause itching). The main reason for its appearance is infection with papillomavirus.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

The appearance of a single papilloma is accompanied by the rapid formation of new growths. Under certain conditions, the development of malignant processes may occur if they have oncogenic properties. To prevent this, you should immediately get rid of the tumor. With a comprehensive and competent approach to the problem, it is not difficult to cope with it.

Reasons for appearance

Papilloma on the nipple is not a rare phenomenon; the main cause of its occurrence is human papillomavirus infection. Most often, it enters the body through sexual contact (as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse), but with microcracks, self-infection can occur.

Household contact with a carrier of the virus (for example, using the same razor) can also pose a danger. People with low immunity are especially susceptible to infection.

Also, the causes and factors that provoke the appearance of papilloma under the mammary glands include:

  • abnormalities of the endocrine system (presence of diabetes or obesity);Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths
  • frequent stress (mainly of a chronic nature);
  • increased sweating;
  • long-term use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing uncomfortable (tight) underwear.

Once in the body, the virus may remain dormant for a long period of time, so signs of its activity do not immediately appear on the skin. Since the virus can enter the body even through small wounds, it is recommended to carefully treat them with an antiseptic (to avoid infection).


Papilloma on the nipple and breast


What does papilloma on the nipple look like? The tumor can be localized both under the breast and directly on the nipple itself. Such neoplasms are superficial, they are clearly visible during examination, and do not cause difficulties in diagnosis. Based on their form, structure and cause of occurrence, the following types of neoplasms are distinguished:

  • flat. Visually, they resemble moles and are pale or pale yellowish in color. This type of neoplasm is typical for adolescents and appears against the background of hormonal changes in the body during adolescence. Most often, they disappear on their own after strengthening the immune system;
  • threadlike. Such papillomas are typical for formation in the breast area in pregnant girls or elderly women (during menopause) due to hormonal imbalance. They are capable of increasing in size, are traumatic, and are accompanied by discomfort ;
  • senile. Viral nature does not take part in the formation of such neoplasms. They appear against the background of keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis at a more mature age (after 45 years). Such tumors can be not only benign, but also malignant. Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

You should undergo an examination for any type of neoplasm in the breast area. A separate type is intraductal mammary papilloma. Its peculiarity is that it grows inward, affecting the ducts of the mammary gland. Such a papilloma can be detected for sure only through a thorough examination of the breast by touch. It is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the nipples (most often transparent);
  • tingling or burning sensation in the chest area;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples.

What is the danger?

Breast papilloma is not just a cosmetic defect, but also poses a health risk. Despite the fact that papillomas on the nipples are benign in nature, they can become malignant.

As a rule, benign papilloma does not change its appearance and does not increase in size.

If the shape or color of the papilloma has changed or bleeding has appeared, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths


If you discover a tumor in your breast area, it is important to promptly consult a mammologist or oncologist.

A thorough examination will allow you to prescribe the most appropriate treatment and prevent a number of negative consequences.

A visual examination of chest papilloma is not enough, so the doctor sends the patient for instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. The following procedures may be prescribed:

  • breast ultrasound;
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • X-ray examination (with contrast);
  • biopsy of tumor tissue.

Diagnosis of papilloma on the nipple is a responsible and important undertaking. It allows you to get a complete picture: establish the location, structure and nature of the tumor, determine the likelihood of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm.

Neoplasms on the breast during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy, the HPV virus is activated, so a woman develops papilloma on her chest. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, weight gain, and a lack of beneficial microelements and vitamins. Exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of reduced immunity increases the risk of developing neoplasms.

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Breast papilloma occurs not only in pregnant girls. Often it forms after the birth of a child, since the body has suffered increased stress and requires restoration.

During lactation, girls often develop microcracks from child bites, which is a provoking factor. Such neoplasms do not go away on their own, so you need to consult a doctor for advice.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove papilloma under the breast.Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

Treatment methods

After examining the discharge from the breast and the papillomas themselves, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment. As a rule, they resort to complex therapy, which involves taking medications and surgical intervention.

So how exactly do you get rid of papilloma on the chest?

There are several methods for removing growths; let’s take a closer look at each one separately.

Traditional methods

Many women are interested in how to remove papillomas under the breasts, since they form most often in this area. The most effective and reliable method is removal.

Many minimally invasive removal techniques have been created that allow you to get rid of the tumor in a short time and without serious complications. They are performed using local anesthesia.

Below are the most common ways to eliminate papilloma in the nipple and breast area:

  • cauterization. Removal is carried out using salicylic acid. This method is rarely used, since there is a high risk of getting burned;
  • cryotherapy. This technique involves exposing the neoplasm to liquid nitrogen at low temperatures. Most often it is used to remove flat papillomas;
  • removal by laser. This is the most effective and safe method. After cauterization, a crust forms, which disappears on its own after 7-10 days;
  • electrocoagulation.
  • radiosurgery. Its essence is to cut off the growth on the mucous membrane using a radio knife.

Thanks to the progress of medicine, after removal of growths it is possible to maintain the high aesthetic qualities of the breast. For minimally invasive surgery, cosmetic sutures are placed on the breasts, and they are removed a week after the operation.

In extreme cases (if the growths are large), they resort to removal using a scalpel. At the end of treatment, a histological examination is carried out to ensure the complete disappearance of growths and to establish the nature of their formation.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

Some papillomas in the chest area can be removed without resorting to surgery. For this, doctors prescribe various ointments that have antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The most commonly used are Oxolinic ointment, Isoprinosine, Salicylic ointment and Betadine. The method and duration of use are prescribed by the attending physician.

Doctors often prescribe antiviral drugs and immunomodulators to boost immunity. Drugs such as Kagocel and Cycloferon (in tablet form) especially help girls during the recovery period.

With their help, healing occurs faster and the likelihood of relapse is reduced. Along with immunomodulators, for the purpose of prevention, a complex of vitamins (mainly groups B, C) and minerals is prescribed.

These include: Complivit, Duovit, Centrum.

Folk remedies

It is not recommended to remove papilloma on the chest on your own (without consulting a doctor). Some natural ingredients can cause individual intolerance and be accompanied by side effects.

If the patient is unwilling or has contraindications to surgery, the doctor can recommend traditional methods for removing papillomas on the chest at home.

Let's take a closer look at the most effective of these methods:

  1. celandine juice. The juice of the plant is applied to papillomas on the chest every day for 7-10 days.
  2. Garlic compress. Take one medium clove of garlic, mix with nourishing body cream and apply to the growth for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the area is washed with water. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.
  3. Aloe juice. Moisten a cotton swab with the juice and apply it to the growth for no more than 10 minutes. Duration of treatment – ​​1 week.
  4. Castor oil. This is the most popular vegetable oil with a whole list of medicinal properties. With its help, neoplasms in the chest area are treated several times a day for 3-4 weeks.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the tumor every day for 7 days. If there is no effect, therapy should be stopped.
  6. Dandelion decoction. To prepare the decoction, the plant is poured with pure alcohol and placed for a couple of days in a dark place, protected from sunlight. After this time, the product is ready for use: wipe the affected areas with it 2 times a day. Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths


Papilloma on the breast can provoke the development of cancer. To avoid this, the tumor should be removed as early as possible. After removal, a rehabilitation period begins; its duration varies between 7-21 days. Surgery can lead to some complications. Among them:

  • swelling of mammary gland tissue (not only internal, but also external);
  • changes in the physiological position of the spine (curvature);
  • deviations from the nervous system (stress, depression).

After treatment of papilloma on the nipple circumference, the patient initially requires monitoring - mammography at least once every 3 months and a tactile examination by a mammologist.

This way, doctors will be able to monitor the absence of relapses and possible complications of the disease.


Like any other neoplasm, breast papillomas are easier to prevent. Preventive measures include:

  • regular visits to a mammologist (1-2 times a year);Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths
  • timely treatment of any hormonal and endocrine diseases;
  • carrying out activities to improve immunity (moderate sports, walks in the fresh air);
  • maintaining proper nutrition (the daily diet should include foods containing large amounts of useful microelements and vitamins);
  • performing an X-ray examination of the mammary glands every year (this is especially true for middle-aged women - after 40 years).


Causes and treatment of papillomas on the nipples

Papilloma on the nipple is one of the manifestations of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Neoplasms of this type are considered benign, but this does not negate the inconvenience that a woman experiences because of them.

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths


The human papillomavirus, which causes the formation of papillomas, infects approximately 4/5 of the world's population. However, HPV is a hormone-dependent infection, that is, it is activated during endocrine changes within the body, in other words, during:

  • Puberty;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menopause;
  • Obesity.

One of the most defenseless places in the female body is the mammary glands, so quite often the virus settles there. Among other things, the formation of growths is caused by weakened immunity and the presence of injuries.

Sexually active women are most often exposed to HPV, since the virus is transmitted through tactile (not necessarily sexual) contact between people . An acquired infection can appear at any age, but infection usually occurs in youth.

In addition to direct contact, HPV can be transmitted through:

  • Hugs;
  • Sharing personal hygiene items with other people;
  • Using underwear of the wrong size;
  • Staying in public areas.

The higher the humidity around, the longer the virus persists, and the stronger the effect, the weaker the person’s immunity. The body's defenses weaken in the presence of bad habits, acute and chronic diseases. It should be noted that male breasts are equally susceptible to the appearance of single or multiple papillomas.


The fact of infection does not become obvious immediately. In some cases, it may take several months before the virus is detected.

Papilloma can be located on any part of the breast, including the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple) and the nipple. Intraductal formations are considered the most dangerous. They most often become cancerous tumors.

Papilloma on the nipple is usually dark brown in color, has a wide base and, more precisely, is located on the areola. On the rest of the skin of the mammary gland, the papilloma is very noticeable and is easily recognized even during self-diagnosis. Often it consists of acrochords (pedunculated papillae), which do not differ in color from the surrounding areas.

If such a neoplasm is discovered, then to make an accurate diagnosis you will need to visit a dermatologist or surgeon who will take a scraping to conduct a microscopic examination. If the appearance of the papilloma changes or darkens, you should immediately consult a specialist.

The most dangerous type of formation has already been mentioned above: intraductal papilloma. It is quite difficult to detect this type of pathology; women often do not notice it for a long time. You can suspect its presence by strange discharge from the gland, a burning sensation inside the nipple and in adjacent areas, and painful sensations when palpated .

Why is HPV dangerous?

If a papilloma forms on the surface of an organ, then we can say that there is no danger and a person infected with HPV will, in the worst case, only experience a feeling of discomfort. If you get wet frequently, the virus can quickly spread to nearby areas of the skin .

Getting rid of aesthetically unattractive growths is quite simple using a number of modern techniques. If the papilloma is located in the area of ​​the areola or nipple, then the following is observed:

  1. increased degree of trauma due to wearing tight underwear;
  2. bleeding;
  3. cracks that soon become foci of inflammatory processes;
  4. inability to breastfeed the baby;
  5. there is a risk of transmitting the virus to the child.

It is always necessary to monitor the condition of intraductal neoplasms in order to notice the formation of cancerous tumors in time. Alarming symptoms include the presence of retraction in the central part of the areola.

Such tumors usually do not threaten the development of metastases, but the woman is very worried about painful sensations in the breast area and a feeling of fullness.

Trauma to the papilloma can lead to heavy bleeding and spread of the virus to nearby areas of the skin.

Diagnostic process

Treatment of papillomas is carried out by dermatologists or oncological surgeons, but every specialist must have a minimum awareness of HPV in order to give the patient the right direction in a timely manner.

The presence of papilloma on the nipples during pregnancy can be diagnosed visually; in some cases, a biopsy of the materials taken for analysis is performed. If there is a suspicion of intraductal formations, then the attending physician gives a referral for an ultrasound examination .

When confirming the diagnosis, an x-ray examination is performed. To make the image clearer, a galactography procedure is performed, in which the doctor injects a special contrast agent into the duct and takes an image almost immediately. The main indication for galactography is the presence of pathological discharge.

If the patient has impaired prolactin production, or is taking a course of hormonal drugs, or is pregnant, then it is advisable for her to do without an X-ray examination.
In addition, during pregnancy it is prohibited to take antiviral drugs, which can cause congenital deformities.

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Treatment of papillomas

Therapeutic therapy is carried out only if the development of the neoplasm has become malignant. In this case, surgical removal of the papilloma is performed.

The specific method of operation is determined according to the results of the x-ray. Postoperative observation by oncologists is also mandatory. If the growth bothers a woman, only from an aesthetic point of view, then she determines the need for surgery at her own discretion. Moreover, in this case, a dermatologist-cosmetologist can also help .

It would be best to use gentle or non-contact methods, since the skin in the area of ​​the mammary glands is extremely thin, in addition, a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated there and their damage can be very painful. Therefore, it is often used:

  1. Laser coagulation (a hardware technique that ensures excision of growths at a precisely defined depth using special rays);
  2. Radio wave removal (the procedure is performed using an electrode, does not last long, but is used only in conjunction with painkillers);
  3. Cryodestruction (freezing of the growth through a special attachment using special agents).

To ensure that after the operation there are no scars left at the site of the removed growths, proper care should be taken and medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken. It is highly recommended not to self-medicate and use traditional methods of getting rid of papillomas.


The main method of preventing the appearance of papillomas is to strengthen the body's defenses. It is also necessary to maintain personal hygiene and not come into close contact with unfamiliar people.

You should regularly feel and examine your breasts in order to detect a problem in time. It is also necessary to pay attention to discharge from the nipple, signs of inflammation (redness and swelling of a separate area), and to note whether the appearance and size of the papilloma changes.


Nipple papilloma: causes and methods of removal

Papillomas on the nipples: treatment and prevention of growths

Papilloma of the nipple is a benign neoplasm. This phenomenon is formed as a result of infection of the body with the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Despite the fact that this formation is benign in nature, it causes severe discomfort to the woman.

In clinical practice, nipple papilloma is a cosmetic defect. However, the risk of the tumor degenerating into malignant cannot be completely eliminated. This is especially true for formations formed inside the ducts of the mammary gland. They are the cause of the development of malignant breast diseases in 10% of cases.

Therefore, if a papilloma is detected on the mammary gland, you should consult a doctor. Read more about the disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of getting rid of it below.

The main source of papilloma formation in the nipple area is the human papillomavirus. About 75% of the entire world population is infected with it. It is easy to catch the virus - just hug a sick person or use his personal item.

Papilloma on the nipples and breasts is most common in women. This is explained by the fact that the mammary glands have a porous structure and very delicate skin.

And since medical research has long proven that papilloma appears not only through infection, but also as a result of hormonal imbalances, any endocrine disorders (puberty, pregnancy, menopause) can trigger the “awakening” of the infection.

And it is quite difficult to find a more sensitive and vulnerable place in the female body than the breasts. Therefore, the mammary glands take the entire blow.

The notorious obesity, which also has a hormonal origin, can also provoke the appearance of papilloma. Therefore, in people who are overweight, these formations are often found in various parts of the body.

Who else is at risk?

  1. Since HPV is most stable in a humid environment, visiting a bathhouse, sauna, shared showers, or swimming pools can cause infection.
  2. Women who are sexually active.
  3. Adverse habits – smoking, frequent drinking.
  4. Chronic diseases.
  5. Weakened immunity.

It is worth noting that immediately after entering a woman’s body, the virus does not manifest itself in any way. A month or more may pass from the moment of impact. The impetus for its progression is a decrease in the body’s protective functions or hormonal imbalance.

In addition, injury to the mammary gland, poor hygiene, wearing poor-quality and too tight underwear (read: how to choose the right bra), the presence of cracks, abrasions, etc. can “activate” the infection.

Papilloma on the nipple is a pedunculated neoplasm that has a granular structure. It is soft to the touch. There is no pain when touched. Papilloma can be of different colors (from dark brown to pink).

Single papillomas can disappear on their own – after 1 month. This suggests that the immune system is coping with the virus and producing a sufficient amount of antibodies.

If the lesion is extensive, then in this case it can be argued that the body’s protective functions are not able to perform their functions, and therefore immediate medical intervention is required, otherwise the infection will invade more and more new areas.

Localization zones of papillomas in women

Papilloma in women can be localized in various areas. Most often, the formation can be found under the breast, since increased sweating and diaper rash are observed in this area, and regular friction and lack of air create ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Papillomas especially often form in this area in people who are overweight and have diabetes. This category has extensive foci of infection.

Papilloma under the breast is a pink formation no more than 1 cm long.

Papilloma can also appear on the halo. It is a loose formation, which is localized on a wide base, brown in color. The size usually does not exceed 5 mm. A wart is painless and causes only cosmetic discomfort in a woman.

Neoplasms can also be located in the neck and décolleté area. There are frequent cases of their localization on the face and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Intrastream papilloma

Intrastream papilloma is formed from the epithelium of the mammary gland ducts. It is a cyst-like growth with papillary growths. This formation is benign. They appear in women at any age, from puberty to menopause. Another name for this type of papillomas is “cystadenopapilloma”.

This phenomenon in 10% of cases is the cause of tumor-like malignant processes in the mammary gland.

This type of papillomas is easily injured. At the same time, a bloody fluid begins to appear, which subsequently penetrates the ducts of the mammary glands and is then released from the nipples.

If there are many cystadenopapillomas in the ducts, then in half of the cases this leads to the development of a malignant process.

The size of such a papilloma usually does not exceed 2 cm. It is localized, as a rule, at a depth of 5 mm in the nipple area.

The most common causes of cystadenopapilloma are:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • puberty;
  • infertility;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • adnexitis in chronic form.

Predisposing factors are considered to be bad habits, obesity, psychoemotional disorders, prolonged use of hormonal drugs, diffuse, nodular mastopathy and heredity.

Types of papillomas and the reasons for their appearance

Most often, filamentous papillomas form on the mammary gland. Another name for them is “acrochords”. As a rule, they are formed singly. Their structure is dense and their shape is oblong. The color of the formations is brown.

Most often, their appearance is noted in the area under the breasts. They do not cause pain. The cause of the appearance is virus strains 7 and 2. Active growth is observed during pregnancy, menopause and obesity.

Another type of papillomas that can often be found in the chest area is flat. They are usually localized on the areola and nipple. This type is a light brown spot (protruding slightly above the surface of the skin), which consists of many nodules.

Unlike other types of papillomas, this growth, in addition to cosmetic discomfort, can cause itching and burning. The reason for their appearance are viruses of types 28, 49 and 10. Most often they appear during puberty. After the hormonal levels stabilize, the formations disappear on their own.

Candillomas or genital papillomas affect the female breast quite rarely. However, in isolated cases they are still diagnosed.

Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

Papilloma on the nipple is a common companion of pregnant women. During this period, as is known, the expectant mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes like never before (this once again confirms that papillomas also arise due to endocrine changes).

The difficulty is that during the period of bearing a child, a woman is not allowed to take any antiviral drugs, since some of them can cause congenital physical defects in the child. All therapeutic measures should be carried out only after the baby is born (the decision to remove the papilloma is made individually by the doctor).

All a woman can do is:

  • regularly carry out activities to strengthen the immune system;
  • do not wear tight underwear;
  • avoid stress;
  • control your weight;
  • Do not self-medicate, much less use traditional methods of therapy.

In most cases, nipple papilloma disappears after the birth of the child and does not require treatment. Most likely, this occurs due to the stabilization of the hormonal system.

As for the fear of many mothers that HPV is transmitted to the child during breastfeeding, it is absolutely in vain. Yes, indeed, the papilloma virus can pass from mother to newborn, but this happens in rare cases and only when it passes through the birth canal. If a papilloma has formed on the nipple, this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding.  


When the immune system weakens or a hormonal imbalance occurs, the virus begins to spread throughout the body and manifest itself in the form of papillomas. External formations practically do not bother a woman - only from the aesthetic side. But those papillomas that form from epithelial tissue in the ducts have characteristic symptoms.

  1. In the nipple area, the woman feels a burning and tingling sensation.
  2. The nipples become very sensitive.
  3. Liquid is released from the nipples. At the initial stage they are insignificant. In advanced cases, the discharge becomes abundant.
  4. The color of the liquid can be different - ranging from whitish to yellow and green (purulent inflammatory process). Red, pink and brown colors are observed in 90% of cases.
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In addition, the woman feels weak, lacks strength, the temperature often rises, the affected part of the mammary gland swells, turns red and is very painful.

It is worth noting that in most cases, internal papilloma does not manifest itself in any way. It can only be diagnosed during a preventive breast examination.

Why is HPV dangerous?

HPV can pose a danger to a woman’s health, since in 10% of cases, papillomas that form inside the mammary ducts can turn into malignant formations.

In addition, these growths are easily injured when putting on underwear or during breastfeeding. Then bleeding may occur, which will lead to secondary infection with all the ensuing consequences.


Diagnostic plan for suspected intraductal papilloma.

  1. Mammography (after 40 years).
  2. Ultrasound, MRI, CT. The location and size of the formation will be determined.
  3. PCR. Identifies the type of pathogen.
  4. Ductography. Determines the number of formations and their location in the mammary gland.
  5. Biopsy.
  6. Cytological examination of fluid secreted from the nipple.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will decide on treatment methods.

How to remove papilloma?

Physical and chemical methods are used to treat papillomas. In the latter case, components based on phenol (Ferezol) and various acidic agents (Solcoderm, Duofilm) are used to cauterize the growths. Treatment can be carried out both at home and within the walls of a clinic. Chemical methods are not used for papillomas formed on the nipples and breast skin.

As for physical methods, their use is advisable in almost all cases, including during pregnancy. Here are the most effective and safe methods for removing papillomas.

  1. Cryodestruction. It is carried out using the influence of liquid nitrogen on the formation. Several procedures will be required. In the case of the formation of a single papilloma, one session of cryodestruction will be sufficient.
  2. Laser removal. In this case, a carbon dioxide laser is used. The method requires pain relief. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. One session is enough. Laser removal is considered the most effective procedure.
  3. Radio wave method. Papillomas are eliminated by exposing them to low-frequency radio waves. The procedure is less traumatic, unlike the others. The radio wave method should not be used during pregnancy. The session lasts up to half an hour.
  4. Surgical intervention. Papillomas are removed in the classic way - using a surgical scalpel.

All physical methods are carried out only after the use of antiviral drugs - on days 3-5. The main means that stimulate the body's protective functions are medications that contain interferon (Viferon, Kagocel, Isoprinosine, Panavir).

As for intraductal papilloma of the nipple, in this case only the surgical method is used, since this disease is classified as precancerous.

The main method of removal is sectoral resection, which involves removing tissue with affected mammary ducts.

The operation does not affect the size of the breast and does not require further mammoplasty to restore its former shape.

The formation of papilloma inside the mammary duct can be prevented through regular mammography, as well as timely treatment of nodular and diffuse mastopathy. Early diagnosis of breast cancer requires systematic breast self-feeling.


Papillomas on the chest: symptoms, danger, treatment methods

The cause of papilloma on the chest is HPV (human papillomavirus). In most cases, women are susceptible to skin microgrowths. The growth on the nipple is a benign formation and can be removed without recurrence or complications.

Symptoms of papilloma on the nipple

The growth of papillomas on the chest, near the nipple, is associated with the activation of the virus. Once in the body, it can remain dormant for a long time; the following factors can “awaken” the virus:

  • Injury to the mammary gland: bruise, inaccurate shaving (a common cause of the growth of papilloma on the nipple in men), hair removal;
  • Skin lesions, microcracks, which may be a consequence of a lack of vitamins and nutrients. They often provoke the growth of papillomas on the nipple circumference;
  • Violation of hygiene rules;
  • Hormonal imbalance. Papilloma on the papilla in women can occur during pregnancy, menopause, and puberty.
  • The manifestations and type of formations depend on their location:
  • The growths on the nipple have a slightly elongated shape, are supported by a wide stalk, and can be dark brown in color.
  • Pain occurs when a wart is injured;
  • Papilloma on the areola of the mammary gland is characterized by small size and lack of pain;
  • Papillomas on the mammary gland are based on a thin stalk and have a cone-shaped shape. Associated manifestations are as follows:
  1. Increased breast sensitivity;
  2. Itching;
  3. Tingling.

Localization of papillomas

The growth of formations can occur on the surface of the breast, in its internal system. In most cases, multiple formations of microgrowths appear on the skin of the mammary glands; papillomas on the nipple are single. New growths on the surface of the breast do not pose a significant danger, they are noticeable, and therefore are removed in a timely manner.

Particularly dangerous are intraductal microgrowths (cystadenomas) - benign formations located in the internal system of the mammary gland. If cystadenomas occur, the risk of their degeneration into malignant formations is quite high. The main symptom of intraductal growths is discharge from the nipple.

Are breast papillomas dangerous?

Formations on the skin of the chest are considered the least dangerous. The risk of malignancy is minimal.

Warts on the areola and surface of the nipple are subject to regular trauma due to friction with clothing or underwear. Infections easily penetrate into the resulting microcracks, provoking the development of inflammatory processes. Irritation of the tissues adjacent to the growth can cause the appearance of new formations.

In women, the presence of a growth on the nipple interferes with breastfeeding and increases the risk of HPV infection in the newborn. The most dangerous are intraductal microgrowths, which are included in the group of diseases with a high cancer risk. They require careful diagnosis and immediate treatment.


The set of diagnostic measures includes:

  • Examination by a mammologist;
  • PCR studies (the type of virus is determined);
  • It is possible to prescribe a biopsy (sampling a microscopic area of ​​papilloma for examination).

The presence of cystadenomas requires additional research:

  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Radiography;
  • Mammography, ductography.

The appearance of papilloma on the nipples during pregnancy

Papillomas on the mammary gland are a common occurrence during pregnancy. The growth of formations is provoked by hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. Growths can appear on any part of the mammary gland of the expectant mother.

Regardless of the location of the warts: multiple growths on the skin of the chest, a single papilloma on the halo; during pregnancy, therapy is carried out only after childbirth.

Self-medication is contraindicated - this can lead to serious complications. There is no need to cauterize formations on the skin or papillomas on the nipple circumference during pregnancy - this can provoke their further spread and infection in the damaged area.

Breastfeeding is not recommended. Papilloma on the nipple during feeding interferes with the natural process and increases the risk of contracting the baby with papillomavirus. Formations can develop in the mouth of a newborn due to the baby’s weak immunity in the first months of life.


Growths on the chest require removal. The destruction of formations on the nipple is carried out in the clinic. You cannot remove such a papilloma yourself, since the nature of the formation is not known: benign or malignant. Innovative hardware technologies allow you to remove the growth quickly and painlessly:

  1. Laser treatment, with the help of which formations are removed painlessly and safely. The laser evaporates the affected tissue layer by layer, simultaneously cauterizing the vessels, making the procedure completely bloodless. The impact is carried out pointwise, nearby tissues are not injured;
  2. Electrocoagulative method, which involves using alternating current to burn out the growth. A crust remains at the site of the papilloma, which cannot be torn off to avoid infection and inflammation. When complete healing occurs, the crust will fall off on its own;
  3. Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). The operation is painless and does not require the use of anesthesia. No scars or cicatrices remain at the site of the removed wart;
  4. Radio wave excision (radio knife). The impact is carried out only on the affected tissue, healthy tissue areas are not injured. Minimal risk of inflammation, rapid healing is achieved through sterilization.

The choice of hardware technique depends on the diagnostic results, determined by the mammologist.

Drug therapy is prescribed after removal of the formations. The therapeutic complex includes:

  • Antiviral drugs aimed at fighting the virus and preventing relapse;
  • Immunomodulators, stimulating the body's defenses, strengthening the immune system;
  • In some cases, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed.


The main preventive method of papillomas on the mammary glands is to strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to observe the rules of nutrition, work and rest. Nutrition should be balanced and complete.

It is necessary to avoid excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, salty foods, and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is necessary to avoid nervous and physical overload, which negatively affects the immune system. Sleep should be at least 8 hours.

Adequate physical activity has a positive effect on the immune system.

You need to pay special attention to personal hygiene. Hygienic products must be individual. It is necessary to avoid harsh effects on the skin: washing, shaving and hair removal procedures are carried out carefully with minimal pressure. The skin of a pregnant woman should be treated with baby soap, using hands or a soft sponge.

It is necessary to avoid contact with infected people. To avoid infection during sexual intercourse, it is recommended to use a condom.

Clothing and underwear must be of high quality, which will reduce the negative impact on the skin, its irritation and injury. Expectant mothers are recommended to wear special maternity underwear, which is made of hypoallergenic materials and made according to special patterns.

If formations occur on the chest in men, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will order an examination, on the basis of which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

Timely removal of growths will prevent the risk of complications and consequences.

Women should immediately contact a mammologist to detect formations inside the breast duct, which are dangerous due to the possible risk of degeneration into malignant tumors.

If formations appear on the nipple or areola of the expectant mother, the pregnant woman should inform the observing gynecologist about this. The doctor will be able to assess the patient’s condition, the degree of risk for the unborn baby, and prescribe an examination, based on the results of which treatment will be carried out.


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