
Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Cough with pharyngitis is the main symptom of the disease. It starts out dry, but becomes softer as it heals. Seizures tire a person. They can be so strong that chest pain, tickling and nausea appear. If the situation has gone too far, immediate medical attention is required.

Why does a cough occur with pharyngitis?

According to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), the pathological process of pharyngitis should cover only the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and regional lymph nodes.

The lower airways remain healthy. Then the question arises, where does the cough come from? Experts name two theories for the appearance of the reflex.

One of them is indirect irritation of the nerve endings of the tracheal mucosa, the other is the flow of inflammatory fluid along the back wall of the pharynx.

In the first option, the pathophysiological process is as follows:

  1. The mucous membrane swells.
  2. Inflammatory mediators, cytokines, and interleukins accumulate in tissues.
  3. The receptors, due to this effect, generate a nerve impulse.
  4. The signal travels further along the nerve endings and enters certain areas of the brain.
  5. A cough reflex is formed.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

This occurs due to the fact that the body reacts stereotypically to different stimuli, and the nerve endings intersect with each other.

The second pathological process is simpler. Under the influence of gravity, mucus flows from the nasopharynx into the trachea, causing a cough aimed at removing foreign fluid from the respiratory tract.

With a prolonged form of pharyngitis, thinning of the mucous membrane is observed, which leads to exposure of nerve endings. As a result, impulses are generated from the slightest irritant, provoking annoying, painful attacks.

Character of the cough

The lower respiratory tract in case of pharyngitis does not participate in pathophysiological processes, therefore thickening of pulmonary secretion and its infection will not be observed.

It all starts with a tickle, a change in the timbre of the voice or its complete disappearance, especially in the first half of the day. As the night approaches, the symptoms become stronger. Two days after the onset of the disease, a person develops signs of a dry cough.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

As pharyngitis becomes chronic, attacks intensify. They exhaust the patient physically and mentally, preventing him from sleeping or eating normally. All this leads to depletion of the nervous and immune systems, which interferes with recovery.

Acute pharyngitis goes through several successive stages:

  • Catarrhal. Manifested by soreness and dry cough.
  • Hypertrophic. Prolonged attacks, severe discomfort, sensation of a foreign body in the throat.
  • Atrophic. The cough is so strong that it can provoke vomiting.

During all three stages, the disease only gets worse. But when a patient develops a wet cough with pharyngitis, this is a sure sign of recovery. This means that the inflammation is subsiding and other manifestations of the disease will soon disappear.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Associated symptoms

Acute pharyngitis implies rapid development of the clinical picture. First of all, a person is worried about a sore and sore throat or “empty throat,” when even swallowing saliva or water causes inconvenience. The temperature does not reach 37.5 0C, but in children under 2 years of age it can rise to 38 0C and higher.

Due to the development of atrophic changes in the mucous membrane, nasal discharge is watery. They are almost impossible to stop with vasoconstrictor drops.

With chronic pharyngitis, in addition to cough, intoxication, general malaise, and muscle pain are observed. The temperature stays around 37 0C. The secretion from the nose is thicker and is blown out of the lung.


To accurately determine the disease, it is enough to go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist. Based on the totality of the complaints presented and the characteristic picture of pharyngoscopy (examination of the pharynx using instruments), the specialist will be able to quickly make a diagnosis.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

In the acute form, inflammation of the throat mucosa is observed, which spreads to the tonsils. They are covered with a gray-yellow coating. A chronic course is indicated by thickening of the tissues of the pharynx and soft palate.

To find out the cause of pharyngitis, you need to take a swab from the throat. The samples are sent into a nutrient medium and after 5–7 days the exact causative agent of inflammation is known. Therapy is prescribed without waiting for research results, after which, if necessary, the regimen is adjusted.


You should start fighting acute pharyngitis and cough by introducing bed rest. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours at night and 60 minutes during the day. This is necessary to restore the body and maintain its immune system.

At the same time, the diet is adjusted; warm, nutritious dishes with a mushy consistency should predominate. Rough food causes coughing attacks and aggravates inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

You must refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol during the treatment period. It is important to replenish daily fluid losses with tea, fruit drinks and herbal decoctions.


Conservative therapy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of pharyngitis and eliminating its cause. It’s worth getting ready for a long recovery process.

First of all, it is necessary to suppress the cough reflex, which will immediately improve a person’s sleep and appetite. For this, Codelac, Sinecod or Oxeladin are prescribed. To reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, Libexin is used. Moisturizing the nasal mucosa with oil solutions, for example, Pinosol, will reduce its injury.

Children with pharyngitis are recommended to drink cough-stimulating syrups, such as Alteyka or Pectolvan. This form of medication is better accepted by the baby and causes less difficulty during administration than tablets.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

To make the tickling sensation during pharyngitis disappear, you can dissolve Septefril, Strepsils (it also has an anesthetic effect) or Faringosept.

It is important to remember that you cannot take expectorants and antitussives at the same time. Their actions contradict each other, which can lead to blockage of small bronchi with viscous sputum. This is fraught with the spread of the disease lower into the respiratory tract.

Antibiotics are used only as a last resort. They are prescribed for barking, uncontrollable cough, a sharp increase in body temperature and laboratory confirmation of the bacterial nature of the disease.

Inhalations and rinsing

If pharyngitis becomes chronic, it is necessary to switch to medications that do not have a drying effect. It is recommended to give preference to inhaled forms of antimicrobial drugs - Bioparox, Hexoral, Tantum-Verde.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

In addition, you can lubricate the throat with pharyngitis with Miramistin, gargle with Lugol's solution or propolis tincture, inhale vapors of mineral waters or saline. All this contributes to the healing of the mucous membrane and the transition of a dry cough to a wet one.


The use of physiotherapy is effective in the fight against pharyngitis. Especially in the chronic form of the disease. The hypertrophied mucosa is cauterized with a laser or low temperatures, preventing the inflammatory focus from spreading further.

Residual cough is treated with iodized potassium, which is delivered to the tissues using electrophoresis. It is recommended to do mud or paraffin applications. They have a warming effect, improve blood circulation and stimulate local immunity.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine has its own methods of combating cough with pharyngitis. It is believed that three tablespoons of honey eaten during the day is enough to ease the symptoms of the disease.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Additionally, it is recommended to consume warm milk with natural butter or propolis. Pharmaceutical rinses can be replaced with a decoction of oak bark and willow, mixed in a 1:1 ratio. For 200 ml of boiling water, 30 g of dried ingredients are required.

A good result is obtained after drinking potato juice. A spoonful of the product is drunk, but not swallowed immediately, but lingered in the mouth for a little while. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a day.

Warm chamomile or linden teas, with the addition of raspberry jam, honey, and pureed cranberries will complement the basic therapy for pharyngitis. With their help, the body will receive the necessary dose of vitamins and microelements.


Pharyngitis, like other colds, is easier to prevent than to cure. A good help for this will be giving up bad habits. It is also worth reviewing your diet in favor of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime. Lack of fluid in the body causes drying out of the mucous membranes and, as a result, their traumatization and a decrease in local protective functions. Therefore, they become entry points for infections. To avoid this, it is enough to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water per day.

Moderate but regular physical activity will keep the immune system in good shape, as will long walks. But here it is important not to overdo it, but to give the body time to recover between workouts.

Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of rooms before going to bed will create the necessary healthy microclimate.


Cough with pharyngitis creates significant discomfort for a person. To get rid of it, they use tablets, syrups, inhalations and physiotherapy. For quick results, it is better to combine traditional and folk remedies.

With adequate treatment, the ailment goes away within a week. If this does not happen, and the symptoms only worsen, the doctor will adjust the therapy. As a rule, a change in antibiotic or antiviral drug is recommended.


How to cure cough with pharyngitis

[Cough with pharyngitis] is one of the most common signs, which, depending on the severity of the disease, can manifest itself either in the form of a simple cough or in a severe paroxysmal form.

The cough that accompanies [pharyngitis] can be dry, throaty, hacking, worse at night and early in the morning and accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations in the throat.

Often, patients complain of restless nights, during which they have repeated coughing attacks, while the patient tries to cough up, but nothing works, since no sputum is produced.

Sometimes a nonproductive cough can cause nausea and vomiting. Some time after the onset of the disease, sputum begins to be produced in small quantities, but this does not make the coughing process easier, since the exudate has a viscous, thick consistency.

During the process of illness, the body activates its protective functions, including coughing, which clears the airways from irritating foreign factors.

With pharyngitis, such foreign factors are sputum and microbes concentrated in it.

The absence of sputum can accompany pharyngitis for a long time, this indicates the absence of complications in which the tonsils and laryngeal mucosa are exposed to infection.

In addition to a dry “barking” cough, pharyngitis is characterized by sore throat, change in voice timbre, painful swallowing, swelling and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

A pronounced inflammatory process excites a large number of cough receptors, which leads to an increase in coughing attacks.

To cure a cough, cough suppressants alone are not enough.

Complex etiotropic therapy will be required to reduce the risk of symptom recurrence.

Important to know: Purulent pharyngitis

Methods to combat cough

To cure a cough completely, you must first transfer it from a dry form to a productive form with sputum separation.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

  • Thanks to this, sputum will be released more intensely, and its removal will help get rid of painful dryness in the throat.
  • As a liquid for consumption, you can use herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, warm milk, as well as alkaline mineral water, which, due to its chemical composition, ensures the release of sputum, and, accordingly, helps get rid of cough.
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Therapeutic measures

With pharyngitis, the symptoms are relatively easy to treat.

The main symptomatic remedy that allows you to quickly cure a cough is inhalation, based on direct impact on the affected areas.

Adding essential oils to the inhalation solution helps soften the mucous membrane of the throat; in this case, sputum will also be produced more intensely.

Inhalations designed to treat cough are recommended to be carried out in the following sequence:

  • procedure using bronchodilators;
  • inhalation with a mucolytic drug;
  • inhalation with an antiseptic composition;
  • use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Between each procedure you must take a break of 20 minutes.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Inhalations help to quickly treat symptoms of dry cough in children. Under the age of 7 years, it is recommended to use a nebulizer, as steam procedures can aggravate the situation and cause harm to health.

To enhance the effect of inhalation, you should take anti-inflammatory drugs:

    • gargling with herbal infusions and antiseptic solutions (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, infusion of eucalyptus and chamomile);
    • lozenges and lozenges that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (Septolete, Faringosept, Falimint, Terasil, Travisil);
    • irrigating the throat with antiseptic sprays (Ingalipt, Hexoral, Tantum Verde).

Important to know: Treatment methods for atrophic pharyngitis

Cough with pharyngitis at an early stage can be cured with the help of topical medications.

However, if the symptoms have become painful for the patient and significantly worsen his well-being, systemic mucolytic and expectorant agents should be used:

      • ACC;
      • Bromhexine;
      • Ambroxol;
      • Mucalitin;
      • Gerbion.

As a result of the influence of these drugs, sputum begins to be more actively produced and liquefied.

Lazolvan in the form of inhalations is considered an effective and operative remedy that helps cure cough within three days.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Antibacterial treatment for pharyngitis is prescribed only when there is a bacterial infection; in this case, systemic antibiotics are indicated, for example:

      • Flemoxin;
      • Amoxicillin, etc.
  1. If the disease is viral in nature, then antiviral drugs will help treat it:
  2. For painful paroxysmal coughs, both adults and children are prescribed antitussive drugs that inhibit the activity of the cough center and help get rid of annoying night coughs.

The most effective of these means are considered:

      • Libexin;
      • Tusuprex;
      • Terpincode.

The simultaneous use of mucolytic, expectorant and antitussive drugs is contraindicated, as this can lead to the filling of the bronchi with sputum.

Therapeutic measures for chronic forms of the disease

The chronic inflammatory process is dangerous because it can over time cover the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea, while sputum begins to be produced in the bronchi.

To reduce the risk of developing chronic pharyngitis, it is necessary to treat the acute form of the disease in time; for this, you should first consult a doctor who will determine in what way and with what drugs a specific case of pharyngitis should be treated.

The classic treatment regimen for cough in chronic pharyngitis includes the following methods:

      • lubricating the throat with products based on essential oils (allows you to soften the mucous membrane and get rid of dryness and soreness);
      • inhalations using mineral water and preparations containing sea water;
      • taking medications containing bacterial lysates;
      • mechanical removal of granules using cauterization with trichloroacetic acid;
      • cryotherapy, electric current, through which hypertrophic formations are eliminated;
      • physiotherapeutic procedures to help treat cough.

Important to know: Which antibiotics are best to take for pharyngitis?

In the case of advanced stages of pharyngitis, surgical treatment is sometimes required, so it is recommended to treat the pathology without delay, when the first signs and symptoms occur.

For chronic pharyngitis in children, inhalation of Essentuki or Narzan mineral water helps treat cough and alleviate the condition.

In addition, therapy should be supplemented with a gentle diet, excluding rough and spicy foods that irritate the sore throat.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Children are recommended to rinse with antiseptics and irrigate their throats with antimicrobial sprays; infusions of chamomile and sage in the form of solutions for inhalation and gargling are also recommended in reasonable doses.

General recommendations

Cough with pharyngitis involves not only the use of medications, but also following some important rules that speed up the healing process and eliminate symptoms:

      • compliance with bed rest during the period of exacerbation of symptoms;
      • ensuring adequate sleep;
      • exclusion from the diet of spicy, fatty, cold and hot foods;
      • quitting smoking and alcohol;
      • monitoring the humidity levels in the patient’s room (the air should not be too warm and dry).


Dry cough with pharyngitis: treatment

A dry cough is one of the symptoms of diseases of the oropharyngeal region. It causes significant discomfort, especially at night. The thing is that with this type of cough, irritation of the receptors occurs, while sputum production is not observed.

To overcome the disease, you need to know the symptoms and treatment methods.Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Description of the disease and features of cough

Pharyngitis can have two types of course: acute and chronic. In acute pharyngitis, the symptoms manifest themselves clearly and are often characterized by an increase in temperature.

The chronic type of disease is sluggish, but occurs every time the immune function is weakened.

Both types of illness are accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane in the posterior wall of the pharyngeal region. Often one of the main signs is an unpleasant dry cough.

This process is associated with damage to mucous tissue structures as a result of exposure to viral, bacterial, allergenic agents, injury from rough and spicy food, and prolonged smoking.

This symptom in practice is called pharyngeal cough. Its manifestation directly depends on the form and course of the inflammatory process.

Cough with acute pharyngitis

Dry cough in acute cases develops due to irritation of tissue structures by viral agents, pathogenic microbes and products of their activity. In this case, viscous mucus flows down the back wall of the throat.

Later, as the disease progresses, the cough begins to worsen with swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. Very often this phenomenon occurs with colds. But the pathology does not occur in isolation, but spreads to the nearest areas of the nasopharyngeal region and larynx.

As the disease progresses, the cough becomes painful and persistent. Most often it occurs during sleep. Other symptoms such as hoarseness, difficulty in nasal breathing, and increased temperature are also observed.

The main difference between pharyngitis and other diseases is the long absence of sputum. This phenomenon is associated with a progressive inflammatory process in the posterior wall of the pharynx, its lateral ridges and lymphoid follicles.

Patients complain of soreness, itching and a constant feeling that there is a foreign object in the throat. The cough can become paroxysmal, which leads to sleep disturbance. In children under three years of age, coughing may result in vomiting.

It is worth remembering that the acute form of the disease quickly becomes chronic. Then it will no longer be possible to completely cure the disease. The formation of such pathology is observed after the second or third period of the disease in its acute course. Chronic pharyngitis will occur after each weakening of immune function.

Chronic cough

Dry cough with chronic pharyngitis becomes regular. Here the course of the disease depends on the species.

Chronic pharyngitis occurs:

  • catarrhal This type of disease is mild. With timely treatment, the pathology quickly resolves. It is characterized by persistent redness of the pharyngeal mucosa, swelling, and enlarged follicles. Mucus constantly flows down the back wall. The cough is dry and occurs almost constantly;
  • hypertrophic. It is characterized by severe redness of the throat and swelling of the mucous membrane. A lot of mucus flows down the back wall. The cough is long-lasting and irritating;
  • atrophic. This type of disease is considered the most dangerous. It occurs as a result of the progression of sclerotic changes in the mucous membranes of the pharynx, lymphoid and glandular tissues. There is depletion of the epithelium. The walls of the throat turn pale and dry out. Vascular tubules atrophy. The patient complains of a dry, painful cough. Sometimes vomiting occurs.

The catarrhal form of pharyngitis quickly turns into another form, since treatment is usually delayed. But if drug therapy is started as soon as possible, then a positive prognosis is observed.

In advanced cases, catarrhal pharyngitis turns into a hypertrophic or atrophic form. Then the treatment process is aimed at eliminating symptoms and maintaining immune function.

Therapeutic measures for pharyngitis

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

When pharyngitis occurs, a dry cough is the first sign of an inflammatory process. There is no point in delaying treatment. At the first signs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

You might be interested in the article - How to treat cough with pharyngitis in children?

Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of drugs. But only a doctor should prescribe them after examination.

How to treat a cough if it does not go away for a long time?

Use of antitussives

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

The effect of all antitussive medications is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. They can influence at different levels:

  1. Centrally acting drugs. They directly affect the cough center, which is located in the nervous system.
  2. Peripheral medications affect nerve receptors and endings that are located in the trachea and bronchi.

These drugs are indicated for:

  • increased frequency of unproductive coughing attacks that cause sleep disturbances, anxiety, and vomiting;
  • attacks of dry cough, which are accompanied by overstrain of the respiratory muscle structures and increased pain in the throat;
  • the occurrence of tears in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and hemorrhages.

Only a doctor prescribes such medications. They should not be used independently by children under six years of age, the elderly, or people with weakened immune function.

List of effective drugs:

  • Codeine,
  • Ethylmorphine,
  • Dimemorphan.

Other treatments

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

How to treat cough with pharyngitis? To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, local and anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out. It consists in:

  • gargling with antiseptic solutions - Chlorophyllipt, Chlorhexidine;
  • irrigating the throat with decoctions based on medicinal herbs. Chamomile, sage, calendula, and oak bark are perfect for such purposes;
  • sucking tablets and lozenges. They reduce and soften cough, eliminate soreness and itching. Such drugs include Falimint, Grammidin, Septolete, Doctor Theiss;
  • irrigating the throat with special sprays that have an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect - Ingalipt, Proposol, Tantum Verde;
  • taking antihistamines to relieve swelling in mucous tissues. These include Erius, Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak;
  • the use of local anti-inflammatory drugs with immunomodulatory effects. This group includes Imudon, IRS-19.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

If you experience a dry cough with pharyngitis, treatment may also involve the use of traditional methods in the form of:

  • compliance with the drinking regime. The patient needs to drink plenty of warm liquid. It is best to use herbal decoctions, milk with honey, mineral and ordinary water;
  • performing inhalations with saline solution or mineral water;
  • applying oil, dry and wet compresses;
  • instillation of essential oils of fir, eucalyptus and sea buckthorn into the nasal passages.
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If you adhere to this treatment tactic, you will be able to cope with the cough in 5-7 days.

Some recommendations

Pharyngitis is treated not only with drug therapy. To make the effect better and recovery faster, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Limit your loads. During illness, you should observe strict bed rest. There should be no exercises, exercises or sports. This will allow the body to gain strength to fight the disease.
  2. Maintain a strict drinking regime. Every day, regardless of your condition, you need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. The main requirement is its warmth. The temperature of the drinks should be 40 degrees. To drink, you can drink herbal infusions, milk with honey, filtered and mineral water, tea with lemon, a drink made from chamomile and linden.
  3. Often, for a dry, obsessive cough, it is recommended to take a remedy made from milk with a spoonful of soda and mineral water. This will make the cough moist and remove phlegm.
  4. The air in the room should be humid and at normal temperature. Humidity should not exceed 50%, and the room temperature should be 20 degrees. You also need to ventilate the room as often as possible to remove all viruses and bacteria.
  5. You should communicate with infected people as little as possible, as this can lead to additional infection and the development of complications. This phenomenon is associated with weakened immune function.
  6. You should avoid various stressful situations. There is no need to be nervous when you are sick.
  7. Follow a diet. You need to remove foods that irritate the mucous membrane from your diet. This includes fried, fatty, spicy, sweet and flour dishes. Preference should be given to soups, broths, liquid porridges, boiled fish and chicken.
  8. You need to get plenty of rest and enough sleep. It is better to stay at home for three days.
  9. Give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

Pharyngitis with cough is an unpleasant phenomenon that requires timely treatment. The insidiousness of the disease is that it quickly becomes chronic. Therefore, at the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Especially when the disease affects children.



Cough with pharyngitis: dry, wet and severe cough in children and adults, how to stop, does cough with pharyngitis occur after treatment

Cough with pharyngitis is one of the main symptoms of the disease. At the beginning of the illness, it is predominantly dry. Then, as it recovers, it becomes wet. Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Sometimes a coughing attack is so painful that it tires the patient and completely deprives him of strength, and is often accompanied by severe attacks of sore throat and chest pain. This situation requires immediate medical attention and competent treatment.

Why does a cough occur with pharyngitis?

In general, the term pharyngitis usually refers to inflammation of the mucous and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx. The lower respiratory tract remains aside, that is, the trachea, lungs and bronchi are not affected. Then the question arises - can there be a cough with pharyngitis and, if so, why does it appear?

There are two main reasons for the development of the reflex:

  1. Receptor irritation of the throat mucosa.
  2. Pathological secretion flows down the back wall.

In the first case, a spasm develops against the background of an acute inflammatory process and swelling affecting the nerve endings of the pharynx. Through receptors, an irritating signal enters the brain and a response occurs - a coughing attack.

The second case is more typical for recovering patients. The resulting sputum flows down the posterior part of the nasopharynx, thereby causing irritation and a reflex response.

In the chronic form of pharyngitis, the cause of cough is thickening and swelling of the mucous membrane. As a result, receptors are also irritated, causing a sore throat and severe spasm. With atrophy (thinning) of the tissues of the pharynx, the problem arises against the background of drying out of the mucous membrane and exposure of the nerve endings.

Character of the cough

Since with pharyngitis the lungs and bronchi do not participate in the inflammatory process, this means they do not produce sputum, and the cough will be dry. It develops 1–2 days after infection and is accompanied by all the signs of a respiratory disease.

Symptoms of acute pharyngitis:

  • temperature increase to 37.3–38.0 °C;
  • headache, aches in muscles and joints;
  • general weakness;
  • nasal congestion.

As a rule, a dry cough with pharyngitis begins with a sore throat and hoarseness. At night, the attacks intensify, bringing the patient a lot of inconvenience and suffering.

With a chronic illness, the picture changes somewhat. The spasmodic reflex acquires a stable character, becomes annoying and exhausting. The patient has a constant desire to swallow, and there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat. The patient becomes restless and irritated over trifles, while other symptoms of pharyngitis weaken.

Manifestations of the chronic stage directly depend on the form of the disease. For example, with catarrh, the cough is dry, incessant, and unproductive. Accompanied by soreness and mild pain in the throat.

At the next stage, hypertrophic, prolonged, persistent coughing and severe discomfort in the throat appear. Atrophic pharyngitis is accompanied by painful spasms up to the urge to vomit.

Does pharyngitis cause an attack of wet cough? Yes. This is a sign of recovery.

If the cough reflex does not go away for a long time, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger, it is necessary to urgently postpone the voucher for an appointment with a doctor or call a specialist at home.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger


An exhausted and sleep-deprived patient has a natural question: how to treat a cough with pharyngitis? And this is where problems arise. The patient is ready to do anything to stop this torment and often does not even think about what he is taking. And it does not take into account that antitussive drugs are prohibited from being used simultaneously with expectorants and mucolytics.

Self-medication often results in various complications, including obstruction (blockage) and disruption of the patency of the tracheobronchial system. Therefore, drugs for the treatment of pharyngitis should only be prescribed by a doctor. In the acute form of the disease, if there are no symptoms of general intoxication of the body, local remedies and restorative therapy are sufficient.


So, how to treat cough with pharyngitis in adults? Since the disease occurs without sputum discharge, there is no point in prescribing mucolytics and expectorants. The main emphasis is on eliminating inflammation, restoring the pharyngeal mucosa and alleviating the patient’s condition.

For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antitussives - Tusuprex, Stoptussin, Sinekod, Codelac;
  • products that improve the condition of the mucous membrane and eliminate irritation - Libexin, Rengalin, Omnitus;
  • antihistamines - Loratadine, Suprastin, Zyrtec;
  • drugs that relieve inflammation in the pharynx and thin the phlegm flowing down the back wall - Respal, Folbditek;
  • lozenges and lozenges that relieve sore throat - Hexalize, Falimint, Faringosept, Strepsils.

In addition to oral administration of tablets, anti-inflammatory sprays are prescribed: Tantum Verde, Cameton, Hexoral, Bioparox. They help stop a coughing attack and reduce the symptoms of pharyngitis. Various antiseptics are used to gargle - Miramistin, Rotokan, Furacilin. The same drugs can be used for inhalation.

Wet cough with pharyngitis is treated with medications such as ACC, Mucaltin, Gerbion, Ambrobene, Ambroxol.

Antibacterial agents are prescribed in case of bacterial nature of pharyngitis, which is often provoked by a sore throat, sinusitis, rhinitis or other infectious disease. Antibiotics help quickly relieve severe coughing attacks and eliminate other symptoms of illness.

Most often, macrolides (Sumamed) or cephalosporins (Cefixime) are prescribed for pharyngitis. Only a doctor can select the necessary antibacterial drugs. He also determines the course duration and single dosage.


Drug treatment of pharyngitis is quite effectively supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. In the chronic form, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen or laser coagulation of hypertrophied tissues is often prescribed.

A good effect is achieved by electrophoresis with potassium iodide, ozokerite or paraffin applications. Physiotherapy eliminates the source of inflammation, improves blood circulation in the affected tissues, relieves pain and restores the mucous membrane.

Treatment of cough in children

How to treat cough with pharyngitis in children? In pediatrics, special medications intended for children are usually used. They act more gently and have minimal side effects.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

If your cough does not go away after pharyngitis, you should not be alarmed. These are residual signs of the disease that develop against the background of reduced immunity or negative environmental influences:

  • dry or smoky air;
  • eating too hot food.

It is not difficult to get rid of residual cough in a child. It is enough to take a course of vitamins and immunostimulants, limit stress, walk and relax more.

When trying to get rid of a cough due to pharyngitis, one should not forget about the underlying ailment. It also needs to be treated. Otherwise, the pathological process will become chronic, which will be very difficult to cope with.

Elena Medvedeva, doctor,
specially for


Dry cough with sore throat

Such a common throat disease as pharyngitis is familiar to everyone, starting from a young age. Pathology can develop in both infants and adults.

The frequency of sore throat depends on many factors (the strength of the immune defense, the aggressiveness of the provoking factor). The main symptom of the disease is a sore throat, but a dry cough often appears with pharyngitis.

Where it comes from and how to deal with it, we will consider further.

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

Inflammation and infection can spread to the mucous membrane of the throat from the paranasal cavities or rise from the larynx or bronchi. What reasons provoke the development of pharyngitis:

  • infectious agents of viral, bacterial, and mycotic origin;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes by hot drinks, cold foods or cold air;
  • neck or throat injury;
  • freezing;
  • allergic reactions associated with contact of the body with allergens;
  • smoking;
  • occupational hazards when the air is polluted with dust particles or chemicals;
  • diseases of the digestive system, one of the symptoms of which is heartburn, caused by the reflux of stomach contents up the esophagus.

Infection of the body can occur primarily with the development of inflammation in the oropharynx, or the infection can spread from surrounding chronic foci during their exacerbation. When inhaling cold air, a spasm of superficial blood vessels occurs, which reduces the strength of local protection, predisposing the penetration of microbes.

Pharyngitis manifests itself symptomatically:

  1. soreness, dryness, discomfort in the oropharynx;
  2. pain when swallowing. A person has a desire to constantly swallow saliva;
  3. there may or may not be a fever, it all depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and the cause of the disease;
  4. the general condition suffers slightly, fatigue and irritability are possible.
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A dry cough is a variable symptom, but with its appearance the condition worsens. It interferes not only with sleeping at night, but with normal communication and work. At first, a slight cough may appear, which gradually intensifies and turns into a painful dry cough.

Dry cough and sore throat need to be treated at the earliest stage of the disease, otherwise, as the chronic form develops, it will be much more difficult to cope with the symptoms.

What predisposes the process to become chronic? What causes a dry cough and sore throat? These factors include:

  1. long-term smoking, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is constantly irritated by the combustion products of tobacco;
  2. chronic infections in the ENT organs;
  3. professional factors;
  4. low level of immunity;
  5. predisposition to allergies.

Why doesn't my cough go away?

Cough with pharyngitis: how to treat the symptom and what is its danger

  • a weakened immune system that is unable to fight existing infections and cannot resist new infections;
  • the addition of rhinitis, in which mucus can flow down the back pharyngeal wall, causing a cough;
  • improper treatment, for example, prescribing antibiotics for a viral disease, non-compliance with the recommended doses and duration of taking antibacterial drugs. Improper administration of antibiotic therapy leads not only to the lack of a therapeutic effect in the disease, but also to the death of beneficial microorganisms representing the flora of the body;
  • incorrectly identified cause. If the cause of pharyngitis is an allergic factor, the cough may persist as long as the body's contact with the allergen continues. A dry cough will continue to bother you despite treatment for sore throat;
  • chronic foci of inflammation, for example, laryngitis or bronchitis, prolong the period when a dry cough bothers you. In this case, treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating inflammation in the throat, trachea and bronchi.

Long-term exposure to an allergic factor increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma, which causes coughing attacks with severe shortness of breath.

Fighting dry cough

Note that coughing is a protective reaction of the body, thanks to which the airways are cleared of germs, dust particles and mucus. How is a cough impulse formed? Irritation of cough receptors in the respiratory tract occurs with mucus, which is produced during inflammation of the mucous membrane, or with foreign particles.


Cough with pharyngitis. How to treat dry and wet cough? Pharyngitis in children: symptoms and treatment (Moscow), 01/15/2017

A sore and sore throat, a feeling of a lump and a desire to cough - these symptoms are familiar to every person. They often accompany pharyngitis. Today's article will tell you about this disease. You will learn the main signs and ways to eliminate the pathology.

Preliminary characteristics

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process occurring in the larynx area. It affects lymphoid tissue. According to the nature of origin, the disease can be infectious or non-infectious.

In the first case, pathology develops due to damage by viruses and bacteria, as well as due to some other disease (scarlet fever, influenza, whooping cough). Non-infectious pharyngitis is less common.

Its appearance is triggered by inhalation of polluted air or chemical (irritant) substances. Finding out what exactly caused the disease is possible only through laboratory tests.

Pharyngitis is most often diagnosed in children. Symptoms and treatment will be presented to you below. Before this, it is worth saying that there are two forms of pathology: acute and chronic. The latter occurs as a result of improper therapy or lack thereof.

The appearance of pharyngitis of various forms

Children of preschool and school age most often suffer from pharyngitis. If the pathology occurs suddenly, then it occurs in an acute form. It is accompanied by symptoms such as severe sore throat and sore throat. During the examination, you can see severe redness of the mucous membrane and swelling.

A dry cough often occurs with pharyngitis. The disease may be accompanied by high fever (up to 39 degrees). In children, the pathology provokes headaches, general malaise, and increased drowsiness. If a runny nose is added (which is not uncommon), then we are talking about acute nasopharyngitis.

The lack of modern therapy provokes the transition of the pathology to a chronic form.

With advanced or untreated pharyngitis in children, soreness and irritation in the throat persist. There is no longer any acute pain, and the body temperature is within normal limits. It would seem that the child is on the mend. But it was not there.

Chronic pharyngitis provokes frequent headaches. It can be aggravated by complications such as sinusitis or otitis media. Less commonly, pathology affects the kidneys, but this is not excluded. Cough with chronic pharyngitis, often dry or wet, but with very difficult sputum discharge.

The child’s appetite worsens and performance decreases.

How to eliminate pharyngitis in children?

Symptoms and treatment must overlap. The main therapy for the pathology is symptomatic.

This means that when the temperature rises to high levels, the child must be given antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Ibuprofen, Nimulid. Many of them also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cough with pharyngitis must be eliminated with suitable means. Please note that they depend on the nature of the symptom.

If you have a runny nose, it must be treated with antiseptics, antivirals or antibiotics. The appropriate drug is selected depending on the cause of pharyngitis. Parents often resort to their grandmother’s methods of treatment: they use folk remedies.

This is acceptable, but you should always remember about possible allergies. In addition, the use of improvised means does not exempt you from taking medications. It is quite difficult to eliminate cough with pharyngitis using herbal decoctions and folk recipes. If the disease is neglected, it will go into a chronic stage - you already know about this.

That's why it's so important to show your child to the doctor and get an appointment.

Antibiotics or antivirals?

Cough with pharyngitis is often of infectious origin. It appears due to damage to the larynx by bacteria or viruses. The latter option is more common in children. To treat acute viral pharyngitis, it is necessary to use drugs that eliminate the cause of the disease.

Doctors prefer to prescribe safe medications for children: interferon inducers. The drugs boost your own immunity, helping the body cope with the infection on its own. It is permissible to give Anaferon, Ergoferon, and Cytofir to children. After 2 years, Isoprinosine is prescribed, and field 4 is Cycloferon.

Children of school age can be given the well-known “Rimantadine”.

Cough with pharyngitis in children can be caused by bacterial growth. In this case, doctors prescribe antibiotics. It is important to remember that such drugs should not be taken independently.

It is believed that the most effective antimicrobial agents for pharyngitis are penicillins. Preference is given to Augmentin or Amoxiclav. Flemoxin or Amoxicillin are less commonly prescribed.

If a child has intolerance to this series of antibiotics, then the drug is selected taking into account individual characteristics.

Treat a runny nose

A wet cough with pharyngitis in children is often caused by nasal mucus draining down the back of the throat. It seems that the child has no snot, and his nose is grunting. During the examination, you can see that the pharynx is inflamed and purulent sputum flows through it. Treatment of such an irritant is always complex. Doctors prescribe the following remedies.

Saline solutions “Aquamaris”, “Rinostop”, “Dolphin”. They are necessary for rinsing the nasal passages in order to eliminate accumulated pus and cleanse the mucous membranes.

Vasoconstrictors “Nazivin”, “Vibrocil”, “Snoop”. The drugs are intended to relieve swelling. They relieve nasal congestion and itching, and restore breathing.

Antibiotics and antiseptics “Isofra”, “Protargol”, “Miramistin”. The purpose of these drugs is to eliminate microbes that irritate the larynx and cause coughing.

Stop the cough

Before you relieve a cough with pharyngitis, you need to make sure that it is really dry. To do this, show your child to the doctor. The doctor will listen to your breathing, bronchi and lungs.

If everything is clear in the lower respiratory tract, then you will be allowed to take antitussive compounds. For children the following are prescribed: “Sinekod”, “Codelac Neo”, “Gerbion”.

The purpose of the medications is to relieve spasm and reduce the activity of the complex reflex arc.

Often, children suffer from coughing due to pharyngitis so much that they feel the urge to vomit. If this reflex is not stopped in time, the child will vomit. This symptom is very painful and exhausting. More often it appears during the acute course of the disease.

Expectorant medications

If a child has a wet cough due to pharyngitis, how to treat it? More often, a debilitating cough with difficult discharge of viscous sputum appears in the chronic course of the disease. A child with this problem coughs all the time and cannot push the lump out of the respiratory tract.

To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend using expectorants: “ACC”, “Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan”, “Mukaltin”. The effect of their use becomes noticeable already in the first two days: sputum becomes thinner and comes off easier. The child’s general well-being also improves. Some medications can be taken by inhalation.

The effectiveness of such treatment is several times higher than with the oral use of expectorants.

Doctors can also recommend anti-inflammatory syrups and tablets, for example “Ascoril”, “Erespal”, “Pectusin”. It is permissible to take them in accordance with the age of the child, in the required dosage.

Local remedies

Since cough with pharyngitis is caused by irritation of the larynx, you can take emollients. Doctors prescribe lozenges and irrigating solutions for children. The age of the child is always taken into account. Many drugs are contraindicated in children under 3 or even 6 years of age.

To reduce cough and sore throat, “Lizobakt”, “Doctor Mom”, “Strepsils”, “Septolete”, “Grammidin” are used. You can treat an inflamed larynx with solutions “Ingalipt”, “Tantum Verde”, “Hexoral”, “Bioparox”. Be sure to read the instructions before using the medication.

Traditional methods of treatment

For many children, rinsing with pharyngitis helps. You can carry out such manipulations yourself, but do not forget to follow the instructions given.

For rinsing, choose decoctions that have an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect: chamomile, sage, calendula. It is acceptable to gargle with saline solution.

To prepare it, you will need a teaspoon of baking soda and salt, as well as a glass of warm water.

You can treat a cough with pharyngitis by drinking plenty of warm drinks. Drink tea with raspberries or lemon, milk with honey. Onion broth helps many people. When choosing a folk remedy, always consider the age of the child. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to give allergenic products on their own: honey, cow's milk, herbal decoctions.


Pharyngitis accompanied by cough is a common occurrence in childhood. A small, fragile organism cannot yet cope with the disease on its own. Therefore, it is so important to notice the pathology and carry out the correct treatment. Remember that an acute cough is much easier to eliminate than a chronic one. Good health to you and your child!


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