
Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Hirudotherapy is an effective way to treat various diseases and pathologies using medicinal leeches. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the patient’s circulatory system, improving his condition and relieving the main symptoms of the disease. Leeches for prostatitis are used to stimulate blood circulation in the groin and prostate area. This allows you to relieve swelling and stop the inflammatory process. Application of leeches is an auxiliary method of treating all forms of prostatitis. Hirudotherapy is also successfully used to prevent the disease, which is especially important for men at risk. The procedure has virtually no contraindications, but before it is carried out you should undergo a comprehensive examination.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Features of hirudotherapy

Medical leeches have a complex effect on the body. The effectiveness of the technique is due to the unique chemical content of bloodsucking saliva. Leech saliva contains more than 100 organic and mineral substances, among which the most effective are:

  • Hirudin. The substance prevents blood clotting and is used to thin it. Included in drugs for the treatment of thrombosis, hypertension and liver diseases. Particularly effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • Destabilase. The enzyme has the property of dissolving blood clots and preventing blood stagnation;
  • Hyaluronidase. The enzyme increases the permeability of tissues and capillary walls. It has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, stopping the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Eglins. Protein compounds stop inflammatory processes;
  • Bradykinins. They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Treatment has an impact in three main areas:

  1. Mechanical. Leeches reduce the volume of bad blood. During one session, an individual is able to suck up to 10 ml of blood, due to which it is renewed faster;
  2. Reflex. The worm does not need additional stimulation and bites the skin at the points necessary for impact;
  3. Biological. During a bite, the leech injects saliva into the human blood, which thins the blood. Accelerating blood flow helps remove congestion and swelling.

Treatment of prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland occurs as a result of congestion that disrupts blood circulation and lymph flow in the prostate area. This leads to a decrease in local immunity and the development of pathology.

When prostatitis is diagnosed, specialists often prescribe complex therapy, which includes taking medications (antibiotics) and treatment with leeches.

Hirudotherapy for prostatitis is prescribed individually. A urologist specialist selects a scheme for placing blood suckers depending on the characteristics of the patient’s circulatory system. The impact points are located as close as possible to the prostate gland, due to which the improvement in the patient’s condition is noticeable after the first procedure.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

The use of leeches in the treatment of prostatitis contributes to:

  • reducing prostate swelling and relieving inflammation;
  • restoration of erection;
  • normalization of the urination process.

The procedure is performed not only for prostatitis. Hirudotherapy is indicated for prostate adenoma and erectile dysfunction caused by stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Treatment of prostatitis with hirudotherapy is not recommended at home! Procedures should be carried out only in specialized centers and in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Layout of leeches

When treating the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, various schemes for placing leeches are used. In most cases, they are placed in the groin area at the top of the tailbone, on the lumbar spine, in the pubic area or in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the placement points for blood-sucking worms are located in the perineum or on one or both sides of the anus.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

The scheme of treatment and sessions is as follows:

  1. At the initial stage, the patient is given leeches in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Therapy is aimed at eliminating edema and blood stagnation. Before the treatment procedure, it is useful to massage the back and lower back. Sometimes patients undergo 3-5 sessions of preparatory therapy (depending on the severity of the pathology and its form). To thin the blood, 5 points are affected, for which 5 worms are used.
  2. At the next stage, the patient is given 3 leeches. The points are located in the main zone: one just above the base of the penis, the other two on the right and left sides.
  3. The third and fourth sessions can be carried out simultaneously or separately, depending on the dynamics of the disease. This procedure uses 7 leeches.
  4. The next stage affects the coccyx area. No more than 3 leeches are placed on the points.
  5. The sixth procedure is performed in the Michaelis Rhombus area. 5 leeches are used to influence the points.
  6. The next session is carried out similarly to sessions 3 and 4. The procedure uses 7 blood-sucking worms.

During one treatment course, 35 leeches are used. Between therapeutic procedures, the patient should regain strength and rest.

The breaks are 3-4 days, sometimes up to 7 days. When treating chronic prostatitis, it is recommended to undergo several courses of treatment, which are carried out at intervals of 2 months.

Side effects may occur after the session:

  • mild itching and slight swelling at the bite sites;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness and malaise.

Within a few hours after the procedure, the patient's condition returns to normal.

The duration of therapy with medicinal leeches largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of neglect of prostatitis. If auxiliary measures are carried out in combination with drug treatment, improvement occurs after 2-3 sessions.


Treatment with leeches is prohibited for cancer. Stimulation of the circulatory system can provoke tumor growth and the formation of metastases. Also, do not resort to therapy for systemic infections.

Contraindications also include:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dermatitis (infectious);
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications


The results of treatment are evidenced by numerous patient reviews. Thanks to the completed course of hirudotherapy, many men not only got rid of prostatitis, but also significantly improved their health.

Alexei. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, I encountered an unpleasant problem: after 35 years, my sexual desire sharply decreased.
On the recommendation of a urologist, he underwent a course of treatment with leeches, thanks to which not only the symptoms of prostatitis disappeared, but also got rid of constant weakness and fatigue. Valery. For several years they tried to have a second child with their wife, but due to chronic prostatitis nothing worked. After 12 sessions of treatment with leeches, test results showed normal sperm activity and stable remission.
In six months I plan to undergo a second course of hirudotherapy! Vyacheslav. I have been suffering from prostatitis for more than 5 years. The attending physician several times recommended a course of treatment with leeches, but I thought that the therapy would not have a noticeable effect. Only after I began to experience terrible pain in the groin did I make up my mind. Surprisingly, it was leeches that gave me back my second youth.

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Hirudotherapy in the treatment of prostatitis

One of the alternative medicine methods widely used in the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system is hirudotherapy. This technique is constantly being studied and improved, so you can cure prostatitis with leeches in almost any city. We will tell you how to place leeches, how to remove them, and provide information on contraindications to the procedure.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Properties of leeches and their benefits for prostatitis

In modern medicine, leeches of the Hirudo medicinalis species (ringed worms) are used to treat inflammatory and other diseases. They are raised on special farms, and they stop feeding them 2-3 months before they go on sale. You cannot treat prostatitis with leeches of other species, especially those living in Russian reservoirs - there will be no benefit, only harm.

Leeches Hirudo medicinalis, planted according to a pattern at certain points, immediately have 3 types of effects on the human body:

  1. Hirudin is injected into the tissue. This is a special substance that thins the blood.
  2. They perform bloodletting - one annelid sucks out 5-10 ml of blood.
  3. Stimulates the immune system. Hirudin is a substance foreign to our body, against which the immune system begins to produce antibodies.

Chronic prostatitis is most often accompanied by persistent congestive processes in the pelvic organs. In a sick man, the outflow of venous blood is disrupted, as a result the prostate increases in size and swells.

One disorder leads to another and a person’s blood microcirculation deteriorates, prostate tissue does not receive enough nutrients, and oxygen starvation may begin.

Therefore, leeches, due to their unique properties, can help in the treatment of prostatitis, especially in chronic and stagnant forms.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

With a prolonged inflammatory process in any organ, the amount of thrombin in the blood increases. Hirudin, contained in leech saliva, neutralizes it, and therefore the swelling gradually subsides. After several sessions, a man can temporarily get rid of pain and pressure in the perineum.

Rules for placing leeches and the scheme used

If you take a medicinal leech and place it on your arm or leg, there may be no effect. Hirudotherapy is performed according to a certain method, somewhat similar to acupuncture - there are special points on which blood-sucking predators need to be placed. Next, they examine the skin themselves and find the ideal place to bite. All that remains is to wait the allotted time and remove the leeches.

When treating prostatitis with leeches, you must follow special rules:

  1. Self-medication is prohibited; the procedure should be performed by an experienced doctor.
  2. The leech can only be used once, repeated use is prohibited.
  3. Along with hirudotherapy, the man is prescribed a course of antibiotics, more often fluoroquinolones.
  4. The points for placing leeches in the first and second sessions should be different.
  5. The man must lie down during the procedure.
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To cure prostatitis you will need 4-35 leeches. A more accurate amount can be found out from the test results: it depends on the stage of the inflammatory process, existing complications and the condition of the man’s blood.

If used incorrectly, anaphylactic shock and death are possible. Therefore, it is forbidden to be treated with leeches without medical education and special training.

Features and technique of the first session

First of all, the hirudotherapist will take measures to level out stagnant processes near the prostate gland by increasing blood flow and changing the composition of the blood (decreasing the amount of thrombin).

To do this, at the first session of treatment for prostatitis, leeches are placed in the liver area at the points indicated in the diagram. This procedure can be carried out at home, the main thing is that the doctor has the appropriate education.

The process follows the following algorithm:

  1. The man lies on his stomach, the doctor massages his back to “accelerate” the blood.
  2. The patient turns over onto his back to gain access to the abdomen.
  3. Up to five individuals are placed in the liver area for a period of 15 minutes to an hour.
  4. Another leech is placed in the area of ​​the left nipple and in the solar plexus area.
  5. After the end of the established period, the worms are removed and destroyed.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

In some cases, one session is enough for the symptoms of prostatitis to stop bothering the patient. However, more often, men go to the doctor with advanced forms, in which the edematous processes last a long time and therefore one procedure is not enough to eliminate them. Therefore, after 3-4 days you will have to visit the hirudotherapist again and continue treatment.

If after the first session your health worsens, weakness appears, chills or other health problems begin, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Technique and nuances of subsequent therapy

Starting from the second session of hirudotherapy, leeches are placed on the pubic area, and in special cases - near the tailbone. This involves three points.

The first leech is placed on the area of ​​the base of the penis, the second and third are placed on the sides of the first, at an equidistant distance.

With this arrangement of blood-sucking worms, microcirculation of blood in the tissues of the prostate is stimulated, as well as lymph circulation is enhanced and its outflow from areas of the inflammatory process is improved.

For the treatment of chronic prostatitis, as well as chronic pelvic pain syndrome, four sessions may be sufficient. However, if a man does not feel relief or it is insignificant, hirudotherapy is done several more times, but leeches are placed on the tailbone area.

In this case, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor, therefore treatment at home is unacceptable.

Despite the fact that the patient feels improvement after the first session, it is better to complete the full course and consolidate the achieved effect.

With a competent approach to the fight against prostatitis, 35 individuals will be required, and the course duration will be approximately 60-90 days.

During treatment, the doctor can use two schemes: x-shaped, in which the leeches are planted in an “oblique cross” at a distance of 2 cm from the anus, and longitudinal, when the animals are seated in one line along the perineum.

Medical leeches have a death grip; they can only be partially torn off; the remaining part of the worm can lead to inflammation and blood poisoning. In addition, even after losing a part of its body, the predator continues to suck blood, which is extremely undesirable. Therefore, after the end of the therapeutic period, the leech must be removed, and the following methods will help with this:

  1. Lightly sprinkle the worm with ash or cigarette ash.
  2. Sprinkle with salt.
  3. Place a small piece of cotton wool or gauze soaked in alcohol to the area of ​​the front suction cup.
  4. Instead of alcohol, soak a cotton pad in wine or vinegar.
  5. Fumigate the leech with smoke.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Using these methods, you can remove the leech without difficulty and without harm to your health. By the way, the same method can be used in the case of river blood-sucking worms, which have similar reflexes.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches should be combined with conservative therapy, especially with antibiotics. Only in this case can we hope for recovery and not wait for relapses of the disease.

Contraindications to the use of leeches

Any interference with the body’s vital functions is associated with an increased risk and may be prohibited for some diseases. The same applies to the treatment of prostatitis using leech bites. This procedure cannot be done in the following cases:

  • poor blood clotting and anemia;
  • the presence of hemolysis (a pathology in which red blood cells are destroyed);
  • low blood pressure;
  • tuberculosis in any form, including tuberculous prostatitis;
  • oncology of various localizations, including prostate cancer.

Also, hirudotherapy will be prohibited if a man’s body is weakened by any disease or surgical intervention. Therefore, before deciding on treatment with leeches, you need to undergo a full examination and not hide existing problems from the doctor.


Information that treatment of prostatitis with leeches can be effective is available from various sources. This is evidenced by reviews from both the doctors themselves and men who have undergone a similar procedure. However, it is necessary that it be done correctly, and that the doctor has the appropriate education. At the same time, conservative treatment tactics cannot be excluded.

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Treatment of prostatitis with leeches and hirudotherapy for adenoma: setting scheme

Many men suffering from prostate diseases are skeptical about hirudotherapy - leech therapy. This is partly justified, since such manipulation as a single remedy does not help. But, treating prostatitis with leeches helps alleviate the patient’s condition.

Leeches effectively combat the phenomena of stagnation in the pelvic area, have a positive effect on the genitourinary and reproductive systems, as they stimulate arterial and venous blood flow in the area of ​​the glandular organ.

So, where are leeches placed for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, and how is the manipulation carried out?

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy against the background of prostatitis has not been fully studied, although the placement of leeches at certain points during inflammation of the glandular organ has the same goals as medications aimed at restoring the damaged organ. To improve the patient’s well-being, it is necessary to eliminate venous stagnation, one of the factors leading to the development of chronic prostatitis.

Congestion in the pelvic organs leads to the accumulation of tissue exudate and endotoxins in the prostate gland. The accumulation of toxins provokes the development of an inflammatory process and an increase in the size of the prostate.

Hirudotherapy for prostatitis provides the following results:

  • Improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Hirudotherapy provides a reflex dilation of blood vessels, which accelerates local metabolic processes in the glandular organ. This leads to a decrease in inflammation;
  • The blood composition is normalized. The saliva of blood-sucking worms contains enzyme substances that help thin the blood. Thus, manipulation can reduce the likelihood of blood clots forming. Against the background of prostatitis, blood clotting increases, since the prostate gland does not produce the required amount of prostaglandins - substances that prevent blood clots;
  • Strengthening the immune status. Leech bites provoke a slight release of blood, which helps activate the immune system.

Hirudotherapy reduces swelling of the prostate gland, relieves pain, normalizes the process of urination, and improves local immunity.

The therapeutic properties of leech saliva are due to the high concentration of enzymes that have a direct effect on the composition of the blood and metabolic processes in the body:

  1. Hirudin prevents blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves the functioning of the circulatory system as a whole.
  2. Trypsin is a unique substance that has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolic processes, reduces swelling of the prostate.
  3. Hyaluronidase has a beneficial effect on erectile function, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, and improves tissue nutrition. Strengthens the effect of medications for the treatment of prostatitis.
  4. Cathepsin is an enzymatic substance that prevents oncological processes; helps stop inflammation.
  5. Acetylcholine dilates blood vessels, relieves spasms, reduces blood pressure, improves gastrointestinal motility, and normalizes the activity of the central nervous system.

To alleviate the patient’s condition, these substances are enough, but the saliva of leeches contains more than a hundred enzymes that have a beneficial effect on various physiological processes in the male body.

Indications for use

One of the indications for treatment with leeches is venous insufficiency of the glandular organ in men, which is manifested by impaired urination and pain.

Treatment is necessary, since ignoring the symptoms leads to swelling and hardening of the prostate, which aggravates the clinical picture. Hirudotherapy is recommended for acute and chronic forms of prostatitis.

An exception is a bacterial type of inflammation in the prostate. Leech treatment for prostate adenoma in men is also prescribed.

How to carry out the procedure and scheme for placing leeches for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Leeches for prostatitis are an effective remedy that helps to stop the clinical manifestations of the disease as quickly as possible. Studies on volunteers have shown that the combination of hirudotherapy and medications for prostatitis accelerates the recovery process of patients.

When it is necessary to eliminate swelling of the prostate and level out the symptoms associated with the development of swelling, the worms are kept until they drink enough blood and fall off on their own. Leeches are placed on reflexogenic areas, the influence on which improves the functioning of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.

Live leeches are placed on a man’s body in accordance with a certain pattern. The duration of the manipulation is approximately an hour. An hour is enough for the leech to drink blood and detach on its own.

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To be completely saturated, she needs five milliliters of liquid. Next, it is placed in a solution and is not reused.

Medical leeches are grown in laboratory conditions, so they cannot act as carriers of infection.

For medical manipulation, they use those leeches that have fasted for 4-5 months so that they can bite and suck the required amount of blood.

The skin is bitten through 1-2 mm, and the saliva of leeches gets into the wound.

After the procedure, small wounds remain, from which blood flows out within 20-50 minutes - this is normal, this process stimulates the immune system. Wounds should not be treated with iodine or brilliant green.

Important: If the bleeding does not stop within 24 hours, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Against the background of the inflammatory process in the prostate, two schemes for installing leeches are practiced - with the letter X: just above the anus. Or above the median crotch seam. It is strictly forbidden to place it on the seam.

Treatment regimen for prostatitis with leeches:

  • First session. The specialist places the worms in the liver area and under the solar plexus of the man. This manipulation improves blood circulation, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances;
  • Second session. The leeches are located just above the reproductive organ and on either side of the first worm. Before the manipulation, a massage is performed to accelerate blood circulation;
  • Third and fourth sessions. Worms are placed between the pubic bone and the navel, and 2-3 pieces are also placed in the perineal area;
  • The fifth session is similar to the very first procedure or at the discretion of the doctor, taking into account the existing symptoms of a particular patient;
  • Sixth session. Leeches are placed in the sacral area in the shape of a diamond;
  • Seventh and eighth sessions. Place on the lumbar region in one horizontal line.

The same area can be used several times during different sessions. For complete recovery, 3-4 courses are required. The course involves eight manipulations with a break of 2-5 days (depending on the patient’s well-being). There is a two-month break between courses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

Hirudotherapy appears to be an effective procedure, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from urologists. This manipulation is recommended for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and erectile dysfunction. The procedure has its pros and cons. Let us briefly list the benefits of hirudotherapy:

  1. Quick elimination of negative symptoms (some patients show improvement after the first session).
  2. Improving the functioning of the reproductive and genitourinary systems.
  3. Rejuvenation of the whole body.
  4. Availability of the method (hirudotherapists are available in most cities).
  5. Natural treatment.

Along with the advantages, hirudotherapy has certain disadvantages that should be familiarized with before manipulation. First of all, this is the cost of treatment. It's not the cheapest. Installation of one worm varies from $5 to $10, and the total number per session is determined by the man’s weight - one piece for every 10 kg.

Important: medicinal leeches can be purchased at some pharmacies for use at home. But doctors do not advise experimenting, since incorrect placement of the leech can damage a large blood vessel.

Disadvantages of hirudotherapy:

  • Discomfort during manipulation. Patients complain of a burning sensation at the site of the bite. There is no pain, since the saliva of leeches has an analgesic effect;
  • There is a risk of developing an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by severe redness of the bite site, swelling and other symptoms;
  • Risk of infection. It's small, but it's still there. Especially when placing wild leeches on the body, which are not intended for treatment;
  • Bleeding. It develops as a result of improper placement of the leech, so it is recommended to carefully choose the clinic where the hirudotherapist receives treatment.

Hirudotherapy does not guarantee results, in other words, there is a possibility that this method of treatment will not help. Treatment of prostatitis with leeches is a method on the border of alternative and traditional medicine. The safety of such therapy has not been proven, so the decision to use leeches is made on an individual basis.


Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

It is not recommended to carry out hirudotherapy against the background of infectious prostatitis. The enzymes found in the saliva of leeches are powerless against pathogenic microorganisms. Manipulation is not prescribed for low blood clotting.

Contraindications for hirudotherapy:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Leukemia.
  3. Ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum.
  4. Acute pathologies of infectious nature.
  5. Active form of tuberculosis.
  6. Diabetes mellitus, regardless of type.

Against the background of arterial hypotension, hirudotherapy can provoke a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which leads to the development of a hypotonic attack.

Treatment with leeches is not contraindicated for hypotensive patients, but it should be started with caution.

Hirudotherapy is quite compatible with any antibacterial drugs, but leeches should not be used if the patient is taking medications that thin the blood.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis with leeches is an excellent way to help normalize blood flow in the pelvis and improve local immunity. The combination of hirudotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and medications restores the full functioning of the prostate, which ensures stable and long-term remission.


Leeches for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches or hirudotherapy is offered by modern medicine as one of the methods of treating inflammation of the prostate gland. This method of treatment has been known for a long time.

According to ancient medicine, all diseases came from bad blood. Literally everything was treated with bloodletting.

Sometimes dirty and unsterile objects were used, which led to infection and sent the patient to the next world prematurely.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

After scientists discovered the invariability of blood composition, hirudotherapy was forgotten for a long time. But at the end of the 19th century, scientists discovered that the composition of the saliva of blood-sucking worms includes hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. Many men are concerned about the question of whether prostatitis can be cured with leeches.

How do leeches help?

Inflammatory processes of the prostate gland lead to permanent prostatitis and adenoma. Treatment of prostatitis with leeches is very often used in formal and alternative medicine.

Regardless of the causes of the disease, the disease is characterized by blood hypostasis. Worms help improve blood circulation. During the session, venous and arterial circulation is stimulated.

The saliva of blood-sucking individuals contains more than 100 useful substances.

The most effective substances:

  • Hirudin thins the blood;
  • Destabilase dissolves blood clots;
  • Hyaluronidase helps to resolve adhesions and scars;
  • Eglins reduce inflammation;
  • Bradykinins act anti-inflammatory.

Leeches relieve diseases associated with blood stagnation and blood clots. They increase the permeability of capillary vessels, eliminate swelling and inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce the level of intoxication. They are gentle and non-toxic. For therapy, medical worms are used, which are grown in a special environment and are not fed for several months. The doctor decides where to place the leeches.

Bloodsucking therapy is beneficial due to three factors:

  • One individual sucks up to 5–10 ml of blood, and this contributes to its renewal;
  • The worm injects hirudin, which thins the blood;
  • Individuals act on reflex points similar to acupuncture.

Who is prescribed hirudotherapy?

Hirudotherapy has a positive effect in the initial stages of the disease, when the first signs, frequent urination at night, have just appeared and is used in the following cases:

  • Treatment of chronic prostatitis;
  • Tumor of benign etiology;
  • Permanent prostatitis of a non-contagious nature;
  • Urinary disorders.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications

How are leeches used?

Only a specialist in this field can apply leeches for prostatitis. It is recommended to carry out procedures every other day.

To treat prostatitis in men, special acupuncture points are used and worms are applied to them. They themselves determine the suction point. In this case, the bite is equal to a mosquito bite.

The worm's teeth are small and sharp, and its saliva has an anesthetic effect. For therapeutic treatment, 5–6 individuals will be needed.

Under no circumstances should they be torn off; they stick tightly. When the worm sucks blood, it falls off. The only thing that blood-sucking individuals do not like is the strong foreign odors of scented soap, cologne, and tobacco smoke. Therefore, if it is necessary to stop the session, then soak a cotton swab in alcohol and apply it to the site of suction, the worm immediately falls off. Used leeches are disposed of.

The following application schemes exist:

  • According to the first diagram, the point of placement of leeches is in the perineal area on both sides of the middle seam. Up to five worms are used. The number of procedures is 4–5 with a pause of 3–7 days. Duration of therapy 1 month;
  • According to the second scheme, they are placed in the lumbar region in an “X” shape at a distance of 3 cm from the anal canal. The center of the letter is the anus, and the ends are where the leeches are installed.

An alternative scheme for placing leeches for prostatitis includes several procedures.

Worms are placed on the area of ​​the liver gland in the first procedure in the amount of 3-5 individuals, in the second - at the base of the genital organ, and the other two are 1.5 cm above the first on the sides.

 Blood-sucking worms can be placed in this session at home under the supervision of a medical specialist. The purpose of this procedure is to stimulate blood circulation.

In the third and fourth procedures, three leeches are installed between the pubis and the navel, and four pieces in a semicircle in this area. On the fifth, there are three pieces between the anus and the scrotum, and two at the base of the soft spot; on the sixth - four pieces in a diamond pattern in the sacral region; on the seventh – five pieces horizontally on the lower back. The eighth and ninth procedures are similar to the third and fourth.

Preparatory procedure

Up to five worms and an additional two are placed on the area of ​​the liver gland, one in the solar plexus area and the other under the right nipple. The residence time of the worms is up to 60 minutes.

The second and third procedures take place in the pubic area. The purpose of the sessions is to stimulate blood circulation and increase blood flow in the lymph nodes. Usually four procedures are enough.

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 Leeches for prostatitis are placed in the fifth and sixth sessions, if necessary. You will need a total of 35 worms.

For complete therapy, several courses will be required once every 2-3 months.

When the leech gets enough, it falls off on its own. But there are situations when it is urgently necessary to interrupt the session. In this case it will help:

  • Cotton wool soaked in alcohol, vinegar or wine;
  • Cigarette smoke;
  • Salt or ash.

Is it possible to install leeches yourself? This procedure is not recommended to be done in person - it can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindications


Despite the usefulness of hirudotherapy for the treatment of prostatitis, there are limitations to the use of procedures:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypotension and hypertension;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Diseases of the skin in areas where leeches are located;
  • Obesity;
  • Allergy to hirudin or any component of saliva;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Hemolysis;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Reduced blood clotting.

Therapy results

The action of worms during procedures has three positive effects:

  • General biological. When a worm bites, more than 100 useful substances enter the bloodstream, the most essential of which is hirudin. It reduces the level of blood clotting. It cannot be replaced by any other possible analogue;
  • Mechanical. The worm, sucking blood, reduces pressure on the prostate;
  • Reflex. Where the worms are placed are the acupuncture sites. Leeches activate reflex zones and improve blood supply to the pelvic area.

Possible side effects occur after hirudotherapy sessions:

  • Itching and swelling at the bite sites;
  • Fever;
  • General malaise.

This is a normal response of the body. The immune system is activated.

Reviews from sick people indicate that treating prostatitis with leeches is effective. The main purpose of leeches is to eliminate congestion in the prostate gland. As a result, thinned blood is formed, its movement through the blood vessels accelerates, and swelling in the area of ​​the prostate gland subsides. But this will require more than one course of procedures.


Hirudotherapy for prostatitis


Hirudotherapy for prostatitis is considered a common physiotherapeutic method. Doctors agree that hirudotherapy is effective in the initial stages of the disease.

Men over 35 years of age are more susceptible to prostatitis. The disease develops for various reasons. The main ones are physical inactivity, hypothermia, sexually transmitted infections, and bad habits.

Treatment with leeches is effective for all forms of the disease, except infectious.

The benefits of hirudotherapy


  • prevent stagnant processes in the gland;
  • improve blood flow.

Their beneficial properties make it possible to treat the disease at the initial stage of development without medications or surgery.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindicationsThe use of leeches to treat various diseases is called hirudotherapy

Three main effects of hirudotherapy:

  1. Biological. When a leech bites through the skin, it injects hirudin into the blood vessels. It prevents blood clots. Thus, blood microcirculation in the organ is normalized.
  2. Mechanical. Due to the fact that the food of leeches is blood, it circulates in a smaller volume through the blood vessels. Stagnation disappears.
  3. Reflex. A specialist knows where to place the leeches. They are not placed on the entire body, but at certain points (as in an acupuncture procedure). There is an activation of reactions that normalize the functioning of the gland.

For these reasons, hirudotherapy for prostatitis has a positive therapeutic effect.

Indications for the procedure

Leeches are used for many diseases. Hirudotherapy is recommended for the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic course of bacterial prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • chronic form of non-bacterial prostatitis;
  • urinary disturbance.

If you have one of the listed diseases, the procedure may bring the desired effect.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindicationsThe use of leeches can be part of complex therapy for prostatitis


Leeches for prostatitis are not recommended for use if there are concomitant diseases:

  1. Hemophilia.
  2. Hypothyroidism.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Low blood pressure.
  6. Allergy to hirudin.
  7. Malignant neoplasms.
  8. Blood diseases - lymphoblastosis, leukemia.
  9. Tuberculosis.
  10. Massive bleeding.
  11. Anemia.
  12. Injury to the skin at the procedure sites.

It is better to coordinate treatment with your doctor.

Scheme for placing leeches for prostatitis

To obtain the expected therapeutic effect, you must complete at least 2 courses. Between each of them there is a two-month break. One course contains from 8 to 9 sessions. After each procedure, take a 3-4 day break. To complete one course you need about 35 leeches.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindicationsThe use of leeches for prostatitis must be carried out in the pelvic area so that the effect is directly on the site of inflammation

Placing leeches for prostatitis:

  • Area above the pubic bone - placed above the pubic bone at the beginning of the penis.
  • Zone below the abdominal cavity - placed below the navel at a distance of 3 fingers and above the beginning of the penis at a distance of 4 fingers.
  • Liver zone – in the area of ​​the right side and the location of the liver.
  • The sacral zone is at the top of the coccyx.
  • Lumbar area – placed in the area of ​​the second and third vertebrae.

The main area for the procedure for prostatitis is the pubic zone, others are additional.

  • Session No. 1. For the initial procedure, 5 leeches are placed at the location of the liver, along the extreme line of the right costal arch.
  • Session No. 2. 1 leech is placed at the base of the male genital organ, the remaining 2 are placed on the side of it, 15 mm above the first. Visually, a triangle is obtained with two sides equal in length.
  • Sessions No. 3, 4. Three leeches are placed in the middle between the pubic bone and the navel. The remaining 4 pieces are in a semicircle above the pubis (approximately along the elastic line of the underwear).
  • Session No. 5. 1 leech is placed on the perineum, and 2 are placed at the upper point of the buttocks.
  • Session No. 6. Four leeches are placed in the sacral region in the shape of a diamond.
  • Session No. 7. 5 leeches are placed in the lumbar region in a horizontal position.
  • Sessions No. 8, 9. The procedure is the same as for sessions 3 and 4.

This scheme will help you quickly get rid of the disease.

Recommendations for therapy

To cure prostatitis as quickly as possible, you should follow some recommendations:

  • You need to understand that treatment takes a long time.
  • There is a break day between sessions. The course consists of 12 procedures. You are required to complete 4 courses per year.
  • It is not recommended to stop treatment after the first sessions, even if symptoms have improved. The course must be completed in full to prevent relapse of the disease.
  • Hirudotherapy is best combined with special gymnastics and herbal medicine.

Prostate adenoma requires more serious treatment than hirudotherapy.


Mostly positive reviews about hirudotherapy on the Internet predominate. According to most patients, the procedure is effective at the beginning of the development of the disease. After several sessions, the severity of symptoms decreases. The procedure turned out to be ineffective in patients at an advanced stage of prostatitis.


Treatment of prostatitis with leeches

The procedure of placing leeches (ringed worms) on the body is called hirudotherapy (it can be considered a type of physiotherapy).

For inflammation of the prostate, sessions are carried out to thin and eliminate blood stagnation, improve metabolic processes in the pelvic area and in the prostate gland in particular.

Leeches for prostatitis stimulate local cellular immunity and promote tissue restoration.

Features of leeches

Three types of leeches are used for medical purposes (all of them are intraspecific forms of the medicinal leech - Hirudo medicinalis):

  • Pharmacy. Color features: olive-colored belly, orange-brown stripes on the back;
  • Therapeutic. Narrow stripes on the back alternate with dark spots;
  • Eastern. The back is light with wide longitudinal stripes, in which diamond-shaped spots are inscribed. The abdomen is also spotted.

The leech has two suckers (in front and behind), but there are jaws only on the front (wide). If it is sucked on with the narrow end, it will not drink blood.

Treatment of prostatitis with leeches: general principles and contraindicationsTo enlarge, click on the image

During suction, a leech takes blood 6 times more than its own volume . It does not coagulate in the worm’s stomach and serves as food for two years due to the activity of special bacteria – symbionts.

They also protect the leech from foreign microorganisms that enter the blood, so it is impossible to become infected by sucking it . For medical procedures, according to the rules, hungry individuals that were kept in clean water are used.

They didn't bite anyone, their stomachs are empty.


Leech saliva contains the following substances:

  1. Aspirase is an enzyme that helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol.
  2. Bdellins are high molecular weight proteins that inhibit the activity of enzymes that clot blood.
  3. Bradykinins are substances that increase the activity of leukocytes, thereby achieving an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Hirudin is a blood thinning enzyme.
  5. Destabilase is an enzyme that dissolves blood clots.
  6. Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that has a bactericidal effect.
  7. Orgelase is a substance that stimulates the growth of new capillaries, improves blood microcirculation, which helps relieve swelling.
  8. Eglins are proteins that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  9. Kininase is an anesthetic substance.
  10. Vasodilators (histamine) - reduce blood pressure, remove toxins from the blood, stimulate lymph flow.

Some experts in the field of hirudotherapy express the opinion that the composition of saliva depends on blood (the glands of the worm automatically adjust when it first arrives).

Leeches for prostatitis: the benefits of hirudotherapy and features of its implementation

Purposes of prescribing hirudotherapy for prostatitis:

  • Stimulation of lymph and blood flow in and around the gland;
  • Relieving inflammation and swelling, facilitating urination;
  • Reducing pain;
  • Inhibition of the reproduction and activity of pathogens;
  • Accelerating the recovery of cells damaged by inflammation.

Hirudotherapy is especially useful for men suffering from varicose veins and blood that is too thick.

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