
Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Every person snores in their sleep. Light snoring should not be a cause for concern. But severe snoring with holding your breath is a serious cause for concern and decisive action. Can an anti-snoring pillow solve the problem? What types can be purchased and what do those who already use an anti-snoring pillow say about their purchases?

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

The most common causes of snoring:

  • sleeping on your back - a sunken tongue puts pressure on the airways and can even completely block them , but as soon as a person turns on his side (or buy a good pillow) and snoring disappears;
  • colds accompanied by nasal congestion, or periods of exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases (sinusitis, some types of allergies, etc.);
  • deviated nasal septum as a result of injury;
  • a small gap between the uvula and the walls of the pharynx;
  • obesity - excess fatty tissue is deposited in the tissues of the pharynx, which leads to its narrowing;
  • long uvula (a simple operation helps eliminate snoring);
  • malocclusion (the lower jaw has moved backward);
  • Excessive alcohol consumption – excessive muscle relaxation;
  • smokers' diseases;
  • pathologies of the tongue, jaws, nasal passages.

In addition to the discomfort that heavy snoring causes to others, it can be the beginning of the development of a serious disease - sleep apnea associated with holding your breath . Apnea, in turn, leads to the development of stroke, cardiac ischemia, heart attack, and hypertension. Holding your breath is also dangerous, because during sleep a person is not able to control breathing, which can lead to death.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

In most cases, an orthopedic anti-snoring pillow helps solve the problem. During sleep, a person takes a comfortable position: the head lies flat, the spinal column is correctly extended, the shoulders and chest are straightened . The tongue does not sink in, so nothing prevents the air from leaving the respiratory tract.

The anti-snoring pillow helps:

  • reduce the load on the spine;
  • relax the muscles of the cervical region;
  • improve blood flow to the brain;
  • saturate the skin with oxygen.

A good pillow will help not only get rid of snoring, but will also prevent the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis, relieve morning headaches and stiff muscles - characteristic signs of an uncomfortable posture during sleep, and, perhaps, help improve your complexion, because you will get a great night's sleep .

By following simple recommendations, you will definitely choose the best pillow from the huge assortment that manufacturers offer.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Before purchasing an orthopedic pillow, make sure that it contains hypoallergenic and well-ventilated fillers. Among the most popular fillings are natural latex and its artificial analogue - foam rubber, as well as polyester, memory foam, technogel .

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

If you have wide shoulders and tall height, then a pillow with a height of 12-15 cm is more suitable for you . For short miniature dormouse, a pillow up to 12 cm high will be an ideal companion.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

The ideal contours of the pillow are selected taking into account the position in which the person sleeps . If you are on your side, a “hard cushion” pillow against snoring will suit you (photo). For those who sleep on their back, pillows are available with a depression in the center where the head can be placed. You can choose a good option from Sissel pillows.

The shape of an anti-snoring pillow can be either rectangular or shaped (with a recess in the center for the neck).

Snoring is such a common problem that inventors around the world create unique devices time and time again. The convenience of many of them can be debated, but they help to combat snoring quite effectively.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Japanese scientists have created a pillow that can change height. It has a built-in microphone that causes the base to respond to the vibrations it hears. If snoring intensifies, the pillow fills with air and “grows” by 7-8 centimeters . A peacefully sleeping person either wakes up or changes position - the snoring stops.

The model weighs two kilograms , so it won’t be easy to take it with you on a business trip. Other “disadvantages” include electrical cables that “encircle” the product and high cost.

A similar idea was proposed by German scientists from the University of Rostock.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

The “Sound Sleep” model consists of two charming teddy bears. A small bear is worn as a bracelet on the wrist - it is responsible for controlling snoring .

The second animal is larger. It is a pillow that, when characteristic sounds appear, begins to gently stroke a person’s cheek , forcing him to change his position. You will definitely have to get used to such a pillow so as not to flinch every time a furry paw begins to stroke your face.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Margarita, 42 years old
anti-snoring pillow “Trives Top-116”

It’s strange that my husband chose the Trives orthopedic pillow. Tougher than mine, which means it’s masculine. The picture shows a young man, which means it’s definitely a man’s. And they say women have a strange logic. In general, the pillow is good. Height – 13 cm. Round roller.

But due to the lack of a recess for the neck, after a couple of nights my husband began asking to exchange pillows with him. What would you do for the sake of your loved one, so, of course, I gave him my pillow, and I tried out a new one.

I liked its rigidity, and the absence of a neck recess does not cause much inconvenience. There is a zipper, but only one pillowcase, but this has a favorable effect on the price (only a thousand rubles with a “tail”).

I still returned the pillow to my husband so that he could get used to it, but he sleeps on the low part, and his high bolster is at the top. I don’t insist, because the main thing for me is that I stopped snoring.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Olga, 37 years old
anti-snoring pillow “Sona Pillow”

Most orthopedic pillows are not designed for people who like to sleep with their arm under their head. But I found an option that seemed good to me. My husband snored terribly - this forced me to urgently look for a way out. The pillow costs a little more than one and a half thousand rubles, and for an ordinary pillow it seems expensive, but I was ready to do a lot to sleep peacefully at night.

We ordered it online. A night has passed - he snores, a second has passed - he snores, a week - he snores. Sleeping, he says, is comfortable, but the snoring hasn’t gone away! I took him to the doctor, and he said that it wouldn’t hurt to lose 10 kilograms, then, lo and behold, the snoring would go away.

In general, the pillow turned out to be just a high-quality pillow that is comfortable for sleeping on your side, but it in no way relieved snoring.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Yaroslava, 28 years old,
buckwheat husk pillow “Healthy sleep”

Similar pillows are produced by many manufacturers, but I bought them from us in Belarus much cheaper than what Russian companies offered. Firstly, an amazing aroma emanates from the pillow - it is very pleasant to sleep on it. Secondly, it is absolutely natural.

My husband snored, and I was skeptical about the manufacturer’s assurances that the pillow would also relieve snoring. I decided it was just another publicity stunt. But how surprised I was when after a couple of nights the intensity of the snoring began to subside. No, my husband still snores, but not as loudly.

But before, I couldn’t even fall asleep next to him. By the way, similar pillows are offered by Faberlic. Some manufacturers, if I’m not mistaken, add additional flavorings – lavender, hops, lemon balm.

The pillow does not have any bolsters or indentations, but it is so comfortable that sleeping is a complete pleasure. The only thing is that you need to be prepared for the specific rustling that comes from the buckwheat filler.


Orthopedic anti-snoring pillow - how it works

Snoring is not usually considered a disease. However, it is worth noting that a healthy person should not snore. The appearance and progression of snoring indicates partial changes in the airways. In some cases, it is a harbinger of dangerous apnea.

Snoring in itself is an unpleasant phenomenon - it lowers the self-esteem of the sleeper and is a serious obstacle to the rest of other family members. In addition to all of the above, it poses a threat to human health. In order to combat this disease, many drugs and devices have been invented. In this article we will talk about an anti-snoring pillow.

How effective is it? How is it different from the classic model?

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Why does snoring occur?

There are many reasons for snoring: from the trivial (excess weight, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, smoking, alcohol abuse, menopause) to the very serious (deviated nasal septum, abnormalities in the structure of the bones of the facial part of the skull, consequences of injuries). Age, with its inherent problem of decreased tissue elasticity (including the palate, tonsils, nasopharynx), makes its own adjustments.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Partial narrowing of the airways can be caused by other factors, in particular:

  • curvature of the cervical spine;
  • “recession” of the lower jaw and malocclusion;
  • growth of adenoids and exacerbation of sinusitis;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane as a result of colds and allergic reactions;
  • sleeping in a supine position;
  • pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

Important! As mentioned above, snoring can signal the development of a serious condition called sleep apnea. The danger of the disease is temporary cessation of breathing during sleep (up to 400 times in particularly advanced cases).

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This is fraught with increased blood pressure and, as a result, heart attack, stroke, the development of arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest. The disease makes itself felt even during the daytime.

A person who is regularly sleep-deprived may fall asleep at work, on the road, or while driving.

What is snoring?

Whatever the reason, the essence of rhonchopathy (the scientific name for snoring) comes down to the fact that during sleep, the flow of air passing through the narrowed airways provokes the “beating” of soft tissues against each other, which causes vibration. When a person is awake, the muscles are in good shape and nothing like that happens. However, during sleep, muscle tone weakens, causing the tongue and other soft tissues to partially block the free passage of air through the throat.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Reference! Most often, rhonchopathy is a problem for men. Of the total number of people with this manifestation, 70% are men and 30% are women.

Fighting rhonchopathy

There are several options for combating the disease. Among the cardinal ones necessary in some cases are surgical intervention and correction of soft tissues.

In other cases, a strengthening massage of the cervical spine, treatment with certain medications and special gymnastics are prescribed.

Some try to combat snoring by using devices placed in the nose or mouth (these measures are not treatment).

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

A special anti-snoring pillow can become part of a comprehensive treatment. As practice shows, a properly selected product gives excellent results (especially if its use is combined with other auxiliary products).

Differences between a classic pillow and an anti-snoring pillow

Special anti-snoring pillows have two main differences from regular sleep pillows.


To effectively cope with the task, the pillows are given a certain shape that helps ensure the desired tilt of the head (slightly forward so that the mouth does not open) in the supine position.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules


We are talking about snoring-sensitive pillow models. As soon as the product detects the occurrence of vibration (snoring), it begins to resort to active actions - shocks and response vibration.

As a result, over time, the body subconsciously remembers which poses should be avoided in order to minimize the manifestations of rhonchopathy.

The disadvantage of such pillows is the need to replace power supplies, as well as their significant weight.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Important! It is worth mentioning that the use of a pillow is effective only for the problem of positional snoring (when occupying a certain position in sleep). If we are talking about more serious problems, special treatment (and sometimes surgical intervention) cannot be avoided.


The following are used as fillers for orthopedic anti-snoring pillows:

  • natural and artificial latex
  • polyester siliconized fiber
  • memory foam of a certain hardness

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Overview of anti-snoring pillow types

Today you can choose one of the models of anti-snoring pillows.

  • With special firmware-recess for the head in the center of the pillow.
  • With a recess for the shoulder.
  • With an elevation in the center, which makes sleeping on your stomach and back uncomfortable.
  • Ergonomic wave-shaped (made of natural latex).
  • Star-shaped.
  • Travel pillow (inflatable or filled). It has the shape of a bagel, horseshoe, or collar. Prevents the head from throwing back and “rolling” to the side.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Reference! Some manufacturers claim that water products and pillows with natural fillings (buckwheat husks, cherry pits) also partially solve the problem of snoring.

To choose the best option, first consult your doctor!

Review of popular models

If you are definitely determined to buy an anti-snoring pillow, here is a brief overview of the most popular models.

"Anti-snoring" . A general name for variations of pillows from different manufacturers. The most commonly used fillers are polyester siliconized microfiber and viscoelastic memory foams. The shape is rectangular, with a recess for the head or shoulder. Hardness is below average.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Ascona . The famous brand's product range includes three models of transformable sleep bases with wireless control, designed to effectively combat snoring. In tandem with an ergonomically shaped pillow, the bases showed good results.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Anatomic 001 from TM Orthovitex . NANOFIBRILS polyester fiber is used as filler. The main features are a special recess for the head, a six-chamber relief, and structural stability. Hardness - medium. Dimensions - 70 cm by 50 cm.

Snore Activated Nudging Pillow is a so-called “smart” pillow. Polyurethane is used as a filler. It has a rectangular shape with dimensions of 55 cm by 36 cm. The principle of operation is based on the microphone built into the pillow capturing vibrating decibels, as a result of which it begins to inflate, which prompts the sleeper to change position.

Reference! As reviews show, an anti-snoring pillow, although not able to cure rhonchopathy, largely solves the problem and increases the level of comfort during sleep.

What can you add to a pillow?

The anti-snoring pillow itself will only help in the case of so-called positional ronchopathy. In more complex cases, a complex of drugs, concomitant treatment or even surgical intervention is required.

  1. If we are talking about excess weight, you should start with losing weight (under the supervision of a nutritionist).
  2. If you are talking about reduced tone of the soft mucous tissues of the nasopharynx, you can familiarize yourself with a set of special exercises for the respiratory system that strengthen the throat muscles.
  3. Contrasting water procedures or walks in the fresh air before bedtime may be especially valuable.
  4. Gargling with a saline solution is another way to keep the soft tissues of the throat toned.
  5. You can use special anti-snoring devices. This could be a nose clip, jaw guards, an electric bracelet, or a special bandage. All these devices and gadgets are put on before bed and are designed to prevent snoring. It is better to consult a doctor before purchasing!


Anti-snoring pillow - marketing ploy or real help?

Many people suffer from snoring, both men and women. The mechanism of snoring is simple: it is caused by increased vibration of the soft palate, larynx and tongue, which occurs during sleep due to the fact that at this time the lumen of the airways narrows.

Causes of snoringAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

There are many reasons for snoring, ranging from a deviated nasal septum to pathology of the respiratory system.

Most often, snoring is a harmless problem and only in rare cases can it lead to serious health problems. However, snoring must be combated; it interferes with other people's sleep.

In such a situation, an anti-snoring pillow will help - an inexpensive but effective means of combating the source of loud night vibrations.

Indications for use

An orthopedic anti-snoring pillow is a special device that provides the neck with a position in which the respiratory organs are located in an anatomically convenient position for the act of breathing. In this case, the tongue does not sink, and the lumen of the respiratory tract is constantly open.

An anti-snoring pillow has a number of benefits

  • Gives the neck the correct position;
  • Reduces stress on the vertebrae, muscles and ligaments of the cervical spine
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the brain;
  • Ensures air flow through the respiratory tract;
  • Reduces the frequency of headaches and migraines;
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing osteochondrosis;
  • Provide a comfortable position while sleeping;
  • Stimulates sound and restful sleep.

ContraindicationsAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

You cannot use an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis. In this case, the mobility of the vertebrae of the neck is impaired due to partial ossification of the intervertebral discs. Using a pillow will cause forced deformation of the spine, compression of nerves and blood vessels, which will lead to impaired blood supply to the brain and pain in the neck.

Neck injuries

It is also not recommended for people who have suffered a neck injury in the past to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. The consequence of the injury is the fixation of the cervical spine in a forced position; if you try to straighten the neck, pain will appear.

Criteria for choosing an orthopedic pillow

There are a few things to consider when choosing an anti-snoring pillow. The pillow should be made of hypoallergenic materials that are well ventilated and provide air circulation. Also important are the size of the pillow, its configuration and the density of the filler. Therefore, when choosing a product, you must take into account: the patient’s height, weight, build and the width of his shoulders.

FillersAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

A modern anti-snoring pillow most often has as a filler:

  • latex;
  • foam;
  • polyester;
  • technogel;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • memoryform (material having a memory effect).

One of the most popular fillers is latex; foam rubber and technogel are less popular. The filler in the form of buckwheat husks, in addition to orthopedic, has an additional massage effect (gently massages the skin of the neck, head and face during sleep).

Cushion height

For a tall person with proportionally broad shoulders, a pillow with a height of 12–15 cm is suitable, for people with average and short stature – less than 12 cm.

The choice of configuration is influenced by your sleeping position. If a person sleeps on his side, a bolster pillow is suitable for him; if he sleeps on his back, a pillow with a recess in the central part for the head or a regular rectangular pillow is suitable.

  • We recommend articles on the following topics:
  • Is a latex pillow effective and is it worth the money?
  • What is an orthopedic memory foam pillow?
  • Neck cushion for osteochondrosis: benefits and effectiveness
  • How to choose an orthopedic pillow
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Hardness degree

It is best to choose a pillow with medium-hard filling. If a person suffers from moderate snoring, you can buy a softer pillow; if you suffer from severe snoring, you can buy a harder one. Intensive use of a pillow causes its rapid flattening and a decrease in the elasticity of the filler. Pillows with side bolsters are more comfortable than products without them.

Product price

When choosing, price also matters. Pillows made of latex, technogel and memory foam are more expensive than their simple foam counterparts. Foam rubber filling is not suitable for allergy sufferers, for whom respiratory tract irritation occurs when tiny particles of foam rubber enter them.

Consultation with a specialist before purchasing

The snoring pillow can be used by people of any age group. However, before purchasing the product, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This is necessary in order to determine whether the cause of snoring is a serious illness. The pillow is ideal for patients whose snoring is caused by hypotonicity of the muscles of the soft palate.

Types of anti-snoring pillowsAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

There are many models of pillows that can help reduce nighttime snoring. The most popular are: Anatomic, Sona Pillow, Orthovitex, Aqua Prim.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rulesAnatomic pillow

It has a relief surface represented by 6 chambers. It is adjustable depending on the height of the shoulders. This structure allows you to get rid of vibration and speed up the process of falling asleep. The materials from which this pillow is made are natural cotton and nanofibrils.

Sona Pillow

It has the unique property of remembering the curves of the neck and the bulge of the head; you can sleep on it in any position and at any angle. The pillow has an elongated shape, making it comfortable to sleep on your side. The pillow has medium hardness, height – from 9 to 14 cm, it provides a person with natural thermoregulation and is made of natural materials.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Orthovitex pillow

Made from polyester fiber and cotton. It has cameras and an adjustable height, which allows it to be adjusted to a person’s height and shoulder height.

Aqua Prim pillow

Roll-shaped, elongated, with a longitudinal notch in the central part. It has a medium degree of hardness. Thanks to the hypoallergenic memory foam filling, it can be used by allergy sufferers.

Intelligent pillowsAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

There are even smart anti-snoring pillows, like ZEEQ. This pillow has a built-in acoustic system, is equipped with an alarm clock and a special vibration device that is activated when the snoring volume is high.

The vibration forces the person to change position, and snoring stops. There are also pillows with another mechanism for forced change of posture.

When the volume of snoring increases, the internal cavity in them actively inflates, the pillow increases in volume, and this forces the person to change their position during sleep. Smart pillows are the most expensive.

Product careAnti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Caring for anti-snoring pillows is simple. The removable pillowcase must be washed regularly. If it has antibacterial impregnation, it cannot be washed often; after 10 washes it will turn into a regular pillowcase. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a simple cotton pillowcase over it. This manipulation will allow you to wash the cover no more than once every 6 months.

Most orthopedic pillows are not machine or hand washable; immersion in water damages the integrity of the filler; such pillows can be cleaned dry.

A pillow filled with latex can be wiped with a damp sponge; if the filling is memory foam, the pillow can only be ventilated.

With proper use, the product can last 10 years or more.


The best orthopedic pillow for snoring

According to statistics, up to 50% of men and at least 20% of women are susceptible to snoring. Many consider this pathology more of an inconvenience than a reason to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

Therefore, the demand for devices that can be used at home to correct snoring is steadily growing. A special place is occupied by accessories such as an orthopedic anti-snoring pillow.

Manufacturers promise not only restful and deep sleep, but also getting rid of pathology in the shortest possible time.

Let's try to find out what anti-snoring pillows are, find out what types of products there are, and what the most popular models look like. And most importantly, let’s figure out whether they can really help cope with the problem.

Organizing your sleeping area for healthy sleep

For those suffering from snoring, proper preparation of the sleeping place is a prerequisite for alleviating this syndrome. In order not to provoke the progression of the pathology, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rulesThe room should be thoroughly ventilated before going to bed.
  2. You should sleep on a bed; even the best quality folding sofa can cause problems with the spine, headaches and incorrect sleeping position.
  3. The mattress must be orthopedic, it must be regularly cleaned and changed according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. For sleeping, it is better to use special orthopedic pillows. They help maintain the correct position of the neck and spine at night, promoting complete relaxation and quality rest.

Anti-snoring pillow

This accessory causes much controversy among patients and doctors. Some consider anti-snoring pillows a waste of money, while others claim that with their help they got rid of the pathology. To form your own opinion, you should familiarize yourself with the structure and functions of the product varieties, as well as read reviews of people who are already using them.

Description of different types

A special anti-snoring pillow is a sleep accessory designed taking into account anatomical features. The product allows you to achieve a head position in which the airways do not narrow and the patient does not suffer from snoring. The following types of pillows are currently available:

  1. Orthopedic. They are quite hard to the touch, can be made individually, and can also be purchased in medical equipment stores or on the Internet. The products have special cushions under the neck; due to their slight flexibility, they help maintain the correct position of the head during sleep and thereby prevent snoring.
  2. Anatomical. They resemble orthopedic ones in shape, but are softer to the touch. The pillows are made in such a way that it is difficult for the patient to roll over on his side or stomach while sleeping, since the models are equipped with bolsters not only under the neck, but also on the sides.
  3. Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rulesLatex. Due to the fact that this material has good elasticity and quickly takes its original shape, such products support the head and neck during sleep and do not crush. The accessories are hypoallergenic and do not harbor dust mites. Pillows can be used not only at home, but also when traveling.
  4. Filled with water. Thanks to their design and elasticity, they support the head well during sleep. The disadvantages include the temperature of the product - it will always be equal to room temperature. There are heated models, but they are expensive.
  5. Filled with husks and buckwheat. Such products are easy to care for, take the desired shape during sleep and subsequently do not change it. They are hypoallergenic, but for some patients they are too harsh.
  6. Inflatable. A hiking option, as they tend to deflate significantly over time.
  7. So-called “smart” models. They have a special design, which consists of hollow and filled chambers. A computer and microphone are installed inside the product. When a person begins an attack of rhonchopathy, a special device detects the outgoing sounds and sends a signal to the control unit. He inflates the hollow parts of the pillow, his head rises, and the snoring stops.

Advice! Before purchasing such a product, it would be useful not only to read reviews, but also to consult with an orthopedist. An incorrectly selected pillow will not relieve snoring and can cause constant headaches and problems in the cervical spine.

Functions and principle of operation

The main purpose of such products is to support a person’s head and neck in a fixed position during sleep. Thanks to this, the airways open up as much as possible, air reaches the lungs more easily, and a kind of “sticking together” of the mucous membranes does not occur.

This leads to better saturation of the body with oxygen, which ultimately has a positive effect not only on the process of getting rid of snoring, but also on the general well-being of the patient: performance increases, people feel more rested, memory problems go away, neck pain and migraines go away.

All this is possible when the accessory is correctly selected. Otherwise, it will not only not get rid of problems, but will also provoke the emergence of new pathologies.

The difference between a “smart” pillow and a regular pillow

When it comes to choosing a pillow for a snoring person, the question often arises: whether to buy a regular product or give preference to an accessory equipped with a special microphone and computer.

When sleeping on a regular pillow, the placement of the head is determined by the shape of the accessory, and the cushions under the neck and on the sides in an orthopedic or anatomical version help support the neck in the desired position. Despite this, the patient may continue to snore at night.

Some patients complain that due to constant inflation they cannot sleep normally and often wake up at night, and the position of the head under the influence of built-in mechanisms changes so that the next morning the patient feels discomfort instead of relief.

Description of the best models

Modern manufacturers offer a huge number of pillow models, which is easy to get confused. According to consumer opinion, it is possible to determine a list of accessories that best meet the needs of people suffering from snoring. Below is a brief description of the most popular products:

  1. "Good night". This is a type of “smart” product that clearly responds to snoring and gently inflates certain valves of the pillow, quietly and gradually changing the position of the patient’s head during sleep. Consumers note the effectiveness, softness of impact and noiselessness of this accessory.
  2. "Ascona". Such pillows have an anatomical shape and combined types of fillers, when both husk and synthetics are used in one product. Thanks to the rollers on the sides, they help to give the correct position to the head while sleeping not only on the back, but also on the side. Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules
  3. "Healthy sleep" from Faberlic. This option uses husk filler, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also hypoallergenic. The accessory is able to maintain the correct positioning of the head and neck during sleep. Users note improved well-being, increased performance and a surge of strength after using this model.
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It is impossible to definitively answer which pillow is better. This will depend on the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the snoring person.

Reviews on the use of orthopedic pillows for snoring

Maria: “My husband complained that I periodically began to experience loud snoring at night.

In order not to lead the situation to full-blown snoring, I decided to buy a “Healthy Sleep” pillow.

I am very pleased! I began to get enough sleep, the feeling of exhaustion in the morning disappeared, and the periodic headaches disappeared. The snoring stopped completely, the pillow helped cope with it.”

Ivan: “I snored for a long time, my wife constantly complained and did not let me sleep at night. When the situation escalated to the limit, it was decided to buy a Goodnight pillow. This is a real miracle! There was no snoring. When I sleep, I do not feel any changes in its shape; my wife says that when snoring begins, the pillow gently turns the head and the sounds stop. I recommend her to everyone."

Natalya: “Dad suffered from snoring for a long time. I bought him Ascona, he is very pleased. Snoring has practically stopped, the person feels much more energetic, memory has improved, blood pressure has normalized, and migraines have stopped tormenting them. Now all male snorers in our family sleep on such pillows, and the problem is solved!”

Tips for choosing the perfect product

An anti-snoring pillow, according to experts, is a good solution to the problem, but it’s worth trying it out to make your own verdict. To avoid disappointment with your purchase, you should follow some rules when choosing the right sleep attribute:

  1. First you need to decide on the type and material of the product. After this, you can search for information about available models.
  2. When you have an idea of ​​what kind of pillow you need, you should read the relevant reviews and reviews on the Internet.
  3. Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rulesEven if the choice is finally made, you should not rush into the purchase. You should first test the model you like or at least see it “live”. This is not possible when shopping online.
  4. You should buy the product in a specialized, officially registered store to protect yourself from counterfeits.
  5. What the accessory is made of is also important. Preference should be given to pillows made of hypoallergenic materials that are easy to clean, and the pillowcase can be removed and washed. They should feel elastic to the touch and hold their shape well.
  6. The optimal size is when the head, neck and shoulders fit on the product.

The choice and purchase of such an accessory should not be made spontaneously, since such a pillow may not only not be beneficial, but also worsen the patient’s condition, causing migraines and fatigue.

Orthopedic pillows designed to combat snoring will be good helpers for patients who have been diagnosed with the initial stage of ronchopathy and do not have respiratory tract pathologies or ENT diseases. You should not save on the price of the product. Otherwise, the pillow will not have the desired effect, and the patient will have to resort to more effective measures.


Orthopedic pillow for snoring: the right choice and reviews

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

There are many methods to combat snoring. Medicines have a number of contraindications, and not everyone will agree to surgery, and it is not cheap. Therefore, for many people, the anti-snoring pillow has become a real salvation.

What is an orthopedic pillow

The bedding looks like an ordinary pillow. It can have various fillers. Its main function is to eliminate a specific sound that, for various reasons, can be emitted by a person in a dream. An orthopedic pillow for snoring has some features:

  1. In its manufacture, special fillers are used: latex, polyester, foam rubber. They allow you to support your neck and head in a comfortable position.
  2. The product can be of different shapes and sizes, which are selected in accordance with the individual preferences of the person and his height.
  3. Sometimes the design has a special irritant built into it that reacts to snoring and gives a signal to the sleeper in the form of a jolt or vibration.

The pillow does not need to be fluffed or adjusted, it does not require special care. It is advised to clean it from dust and ventilate it, and if used regularly, it is necessary to change the filler once a year.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

How it works

An orthopedic pillow for snoring will not be able to cure a serious pathology, but it is quite capable of ridding a person and those around him of an unpleasant sound. It allows you to find a body position in which the specific vibration will become less pronounced. The anti-snoring pillow also performs a number of other functions:

  • improves blood circulation in the brain by removing stress from the muscles;
  • promotes long and comfortable sleep, which restores the body’s functioning and prevents the development of diseases;
  • prevents the tongue from sinking;
  • supports the neck and head area;
  • gives the correct position to the spine, allows the muscles of the chest to relax, and evens out breathing.

When a head is placed on a pillow, it takes its shape and returns to its original state after the person rises. This item can be used by both adults and children. The main thing is to choose the right product.

How to choose an anti-snoring pillow

The price of a pillow is not that low, so you need to be careful when purchasing it. It is advised to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The material and filler must be of high quality. It is recommended to buy a product made from natural latex, visco-elastic foam or buckwheat husk.
  2. You should make sure that you are not allergic to the material.
  3. It is necessary to select the correct thickness of the product so as not to aggravate the problem. The height of the product should be equal to the clearance between the neck and the bed.
  4. The standard dimensions of bedding are 40 by 60 cm. Larger people will find larger products suitable.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Choosing an anti-snoring pillow should be based on personal preference. Low products with a recess in the center are purchased by people who like to sleep on their back or stomach. For those who rest on their side, a hard cushion is suitable.

Today, there are many types of anti-snoring pillows on the textile market. Popular manufacturers include the following companies:

  • Orthovitex;
  • Sona Pillow;
  • Fabe Antisnoring;
  • Trives.

The price of pillows varies depending on the characteristics and material of the product and the manufacturing company. On average, bedding costs from 2 to 7 thousand rubles. You can buy a pillow through online resources, in medical equipment and orthopedic stores, or in a pharmacy.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Many buyers choose Orthovitex products. This is an anti-snoring pillow that has mixed reviews. It has a special relief and several chambers with terylene mesh. Some patients consider the design a real find and talk about its real effect.

Many patients choose products from memoryform. This is a hypoallergenic material that has a memory effect. In most cases, the product helps get rid of snoring. And for those for whom the pillow did not help, it is simply pleasant to sleep on it. Some buyers note a positive effect after several days of using the product.

Anti-snoring pillow: application features and selection rules

Doctors do not recommend using a pillow with an irritant. It does not allow the central nervous system to completely rest, and then chronic fatigue syndrome, nervousness or psychosis may develop.

People with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are also not advised to purchase such a product. With this disease, pain and impaired blood supply to the brain are possible.

Contraindications also include injuries and neck fractures.

Experts advise not to turn a blind eye to the problem, because snoring can cause a stroke, serious diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Reviews from practicing doctors are positive.

Prevention of snoring plays an important role in maintaining human health.

It is advised to normalize your own weight, try not to sleep on your back, follow the rules of hygiene and be sure to pay attention to the pillow on which the person sleeps.

In order not to harm your body and get the desired effect, you need to take the choice of anti-snoring bedding seriously.

Before use, you need to read the instructions and find out about all contraindications. It is best not to look for simple solutions, but to eliminate the cause of the unpleasant sound.

Therefore, it is worth consulting a specialist who will fully examine the condition of the respiratory system.


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