
Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

Many men believe that with age, the problem of decreased potency cannot be avoided. In fact, this is not so, and sexual strength can be maintained until old age. The main thing is to monitor your health and promptly treat diseases that lead to erectile dysfunction.

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

Causes of impotence

Impotence is a consequence of a malfunction of the body's systems and internal organs. The main cause of the disease is impaired blood circulation and vascular patency. Impotence can be caused by:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • frequent stress;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • lack of physical activity.

Some medications also negatively affect men's health, as indicated in the annotations for the medications. There is a high risk of impotence and prostatitis in men with diabetes and who have undergone surgery on the pelvic organs. Impotence can be a consequence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as psychological disorders.

Treatment regimens for impotence in men include medications, massage and exercise.

Methods for treating impotence at home

Folk remedies for impotence can normalize the functioning of internal organs and improve blood flow. It is advisable to use them with exercise, diet and massage. The easiest way to strengthen the male body is to review your diet. Some products can prevent decreased erectile function and even cure impotence:

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

  1. Honey. Honey products contain all the nutrients needed by the body. An effective remedy against impotence includes 100 grams of honey and the same amount of chopped walnuts. The products are mixed and consumed 30 grams after meals. You can increase the positive effect of the drug for the treatment of impotence if you drink this delicacy with warm milk. You need to treat impotence with honey for one month. Honey pepper paste is very beneficial for the male body, which is also consumed after meals.
  2. Seasonings. Recipes for treating impotence often include dill, parsley and celery. These seasonings help against prostatitis and impotence, but you need to use them every day. If it is not possible to consume fresh herbs, you can replace them with dried ones. An effective folk remedy for impotence is a decoction of these herbs, which is consumed before meals. To do this, pour 5 grams of dried herb into 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Take 100 ml several times a day.
  3. Melissa decoction. Treatment of impotence at home involves taking a decoction of lemon balm. To do this, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of dried plant and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink in the morning and evening in small sips of 100 ml. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  4. Carrot juice. Add 20 grams of honey to one glass of juice and take it after meals.
  5. Tea with ginger. Traditional treatment of impotence with ginger gives positive results in men of different ages. Making the drink is very simple - add 4 grams of crushed root to 250 ml of boiling water, and then add 30 grams of honey. The fresh root can be consumed in small pieces.
  6. Pumpkin seeds. Traditional medicine recommends eating 40 fresh pumpkin seeds every day. The treatment is quite long - 3 months.

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

Treatment of impotence with traditional methods must be long-term. Impotence will not go away if you interrupt the course of treatment and start using other traditional treatment recipes.

The most powerful folk remedies for impotence

Effective recipes will allow you to treat impotence with folk remedies forever. However, the result will also depend on strict adherence to the recommendations for use and on the lifestyle that the man leads.

  1. Rennet or camel stomach. This is the most powerful and popular folk medicine for the treatment of impotence in eastern countries. Its action is similar to Viagra, but has no side effects or contraindications. One of the best remedies for impotence is taken in dried form. Three grams of product per day is enough. You can prepare a tincture based on the stomach of a camel - 50 grams of the stomach is poured with 350 ml of vodka and infused for two weeks. Take two tablespoons on an empty stomach.
  2. Ginseng. This plant allows you to cure impotence at home. It is used to make tinctures, which can be based on wine, vodka or cognac. To cure impotence with folk remedies, you need to mix 40 grams of root and 600 ml of vodka. You need to insist for 21 days, then strain and drink 25 drops three times a day. The course is quite short - 14 days, after which they take a break for two months and repeat.
  3. Mumiyo. It is necessary to dissolve 2 grams of mumiyo in 150 ml of water. You need to take a tablespoon in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which they take a break for 5 days and repeat the treatment, adding, in addition to mumiyo, honey. So, 10 tablespoons of honey are added to the initial composition, mixed and taken before bed. In the morning you need to eat mumiyo without honey. For the next course, the volume of mumiyo is doubled.
  4. Beaver stream for prostatitis and impotence. If you do not know how to take beaver stream, then it is best to give preference to the tincture, which can be purchased ready-made. You can make the tincture yourself by pouring 100 grams of the stream with 45% vodka in a volume of 500 ml. You need to insist for at least a week. You can consume no more than one teaspoon of the product per day.
  5. Winter mushroom for impotence. Treatment with folk remedies for impotence includes the mandatory intake of infusions or decoctions of winter mushroom. The traditional way of preparing the tincture is to take 20 grams of fresh mushrooms per 100 ml of vodka and leave for two weeks.

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

Popular homemade recipes for impotence

When treating impotence and prostatitis with folk remedies at home, beebread and propolis are often used. In order to increase potency, a man needs to consume 10 grams of a product such as bee bread every day.

A strong remedy for impotence and prostatitis in men should be taken in courses - for a month. Bee bread has a pleasant sour taste and easily dissolves in the mouth, so it does not need to be washed down with water. Bee bread has a positive effect on sperm quality and sperm motility.

The most useful bee bread is fresh, but it does not last long.

Propolis can be used in the form of a tincture. Grandmother's recipe for impotence - 100 grams of strong vodka and 20 grams of propolis are mixed and infused for two weeks. Propolis should be taken 40 drops 3 times a day. The use of propolis for men with impotence is 14 days.

Very often, Peruvian maca is taken to enhance erection. This plant has long been used to restore the body of men. It helps both get rid of impotence and strengthen the immune system. Take 3 times a day with plenty of water.

Hirudotherapy has proven itself well in the treatment of impotence. Medical leeches are used for many diseases of the circulatory system and blood vessels. Their application allows you to normalize blood flow in the tissues. You can also use leeches at home, but with extreme caution.

Is it possible to permanently cure impotence at home?

Folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence help strengthen the body and normalize the functioning of the circulatory system. They will never cause harm or cause problems with other organs.

Homemade recipes are not as strong as medications, but using them for a long time, you can permanently cure impotence and strengthen the body.

However, they will be powerless if the disease is caused by inflammation of the genitourinary system or mental illness.

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

Before identifying and looking for signs of impotence, you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Sometimes it is enough to start eating right, completely giving up alcohol and introducing physical activity into your life, and the problem with erectile dysfunction will be solved by itself. Nothing affects the male body more than addiction and addiction to alcohol.


Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis

The word "potency" comes from the Latin "potentia" and means "possibility". Potency is the ability of a man to perform sexual intercourse.

Good potency indicates a person’s ability to lead a normal sex life and have sex. How does prostate adenoma affect potency? Various negative effects on the male body in most cases worsen potency: psycho-emotional stress, endocrine disorders, neurogenic and vascular, bad habits, diseases.

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, expressed in its inflammation. It can be caused by a variety of factors (infection, etc.). About half of men belonging to the middle age category suffer from this disease. In this case, the development of prostatitis occurs quite quickly.

Mechanism of prostatitis development

Abstinence from sexual intercourse and other reasons lead to stagnant processes. The inflammatory process originates in the acini (excretory ducts).

The initial stage of prostatitis development is characterized by increased pain. During the exfoliation of the layer of epithelial tissue, the canal becomes blocked (due to the mixing of the epithelium with mucus).

Folk remedies for impotence and prostatitis: popular recipes

The next stage is characterized by the appearance of small stones (microlites).

Accumulating and mixing with mucous secretions, microliths create plugs blocking the channels. With the further development of prostatitis, microabscesses are found in the plugs, disrupting the functioning of the prostate and drainage.

The described processes last a long time, while the prostate may be fine. The patient does not notice prostatitis - obvious symptoms are detected when microabscesses appear.

How are these male diseases interconnected?

If prostatitis and impotence develop rapidly, you need to eliminate alcohol, caffeine, spicy, salty and fatty foods from your daily menu. Such ingredients contribute to the formation of congestion in the prostate, the appearance of another attack, pain syndrome.

Additional recommendations for daily nutrition are provided below:

  • include seafood, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • exclude smoked foods, fatty foods, bad cholesterol, carcinogens;
  • adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition;
  • consume foods with zinc, phosphorus and oils, which are considered an inexhaustible erectile stimulant.
  • take vitamins internally.

Untreated prostatitis can lead to impotence. The fact is that the second disease can be a consequence of the first. At the same time, men who are diagnosed with prostate inflammation experience significantly worse erections.

If it is necessary to simultaneously carry out the processes of treating prostatitis and impotence, then the overwhelming number of doctors argue that you must first concentrate on treating the first ailment, and then move on to eliminating the second.

Today, decoctions and tinctures from various plants are effective aids that help get rid of prostatitis and symptoms of impotence. They allow you to have a variety of positive effects on a man’s body.

Such “medicines” can reduce inflammation, improve urination, have a good effect on the pancreas, increase erection, reduce stress and have many other positive effects. The main thing, as already mentioned, is to apply them correctly, in strict accordance with the recommendations of specialists.

Let's look at the most effective means:

  • Benefits of Herbal Remedies
  • Composition of products to increase potency in men
  • Basic drugs for persistent potency
  • How to take drugs to increase potency

Today you can often hear from men about such a problem as decreased potency or fading sexual desire. Frequent stress, the presence of chronic diseases, and poor ecology undoubtedly affect the health of the stronger half of humanity.

Men are forced to take additional means to help increase male strength. Pharmacies offer both synthetic and natural means to increase potency.

But what to give preference, of course, each man chooses for himself. Medications undoubtedly have a faster effect, but it should be taken into account that the negative impact from them is very great.

First of all, when taking such pills, there is a strong release of blood, the level of hormones increases sharply, and this factor is not suitable for everyone, as it can provoke surges in blood pressure.

Benefits of Herbal Remedies

Symptoms of diseases

Signs of prostatitis may vary in severity. They depend on the form and stage of the disease.

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Treating ailments with herbs

Men who are faced with certain problems related to potency immediately begin to wonder how to restore potency, how to get rid of prostatitis, that is, what remedies for prostatitis and impotence can and should be used.

The main treatment formula is to get rid of chronic inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. To effectively get rid of prostatitis and all complications, you should adhere to the following rules of therapy:

  1. Restoring the patency of lymph and blood vessels.
  2. Strengthening local and general immunity.
  3. Bringing the glands and muscles of the pelvis to optimal tone.
  4. Restoring the correct balance of beneficial microorganisms in the prostate area.
  5. Stabilization of hormonal fluctuations in a man’s body.

    This disease is accompanied by difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction and pain during ejaculation.

Along with taking medications and folk remedies, patients are prescribed various physical procedures. This includes prostate massage, physical exercise, that is, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

At the initial stage of the disease, all you need to do is add certain exercises and diet. This is important in the treatment of impotence and prostatitis.

More advanced forms of prostate problems will require more serious treatment.

How to cure impotence with chronic prostatitis? A favorable treatment prognosis indicates the need to consult a specialist for advice, diagnostics and subsequent treatment.

Therapeutic therapy is complex and consists of drugs that eliminate the underlying disease, drugs that increase blood supply to the genital organs, as well as psychotherapeutic measures.

The number of medications taken can be reduced by taking drugs that have a dual effect. Such medications simultaneously cure both prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

IMPORTANT. Medicines that increase blood supply to the genitals often have a number of serious side effects. They can be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician in an individually selected dosage.

Drug therapy

Rectal suppositories with antibacterial and analgesic properties. The usual course of treatment is from five days to two weeks.

Pumpkin seeds are the most popular folk recipe for treating the disease. One of the most popular folk recipes for the treatment of prostatitis is the use of pumpkin seeds, which contain the daily requirement of zinc that a man needs.

You should eat at least 30 seeds at a time at least 3 times a day, or simply eat dried seeds throughout the day.

You can also grind 500 g of unroasted pumpkin seeds, mix them with 200 ml of honey and dissolve one tablespoon of this mixture for several minutes every day before breakfast and dinner.

Parsley has a beneficial effect on sexual function, and it also stops the inflammatory process. Parsley juice should be taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Parsley seeds are useful: grind the seeds into powder until you get 4 teaspoons, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, cool. Drink one tablespoon of this decoction 4-6 times a day.

Tincture of hazel bark or leaves. Take one tablespoon of hazel leaves or bark, brew it in a glass of boiling water, cover tightly, let it brew for half an hour, strain and take 1/4 cup of infusion 4 times a day.

Usually a week of such procedures is enough. Note: you need to brew hazel bark twice as long, as it is hard.

For each brew, it is better to use fresh ingredients, but you can also use already used ones.

Tincture on aspen bark, collected in the spring before the leaves and buds bloom (second half of April), the desired thickness of the bark is 3-5 mm. The bark must be dried in the shade or in the oven, and the dried bark must be crushed.

Fill a liter jar 1/3 full with bark and fill it to the top with vodka, leave for 2 weeks, then strain. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture three times a day before meals until the tincture is completely gone.

“Tea” made from chestnut shells helps well in the treatment of not only prostatitis, but also adenoma: you just need to brew the shells and drink them instead of tea. However, such a drink causes increased appetite, so you can make enemas of 250 ml from this decoction 2 times a week, which gives the same result without side effects such as overeating.

Another folk recipe for the treatment of acute prostatitis is based on onions: pour the gruel from 2 grated onions into 600 ml of warm water, cover and let it brew in a warm place for at least 2 hours. Take 50 ml daily in the morning before breakfast.

The simplest, most easily accessible, but at the same time very effective treatment for prostatitis at home is the consumption of pears, especially wild ones. With regular and long-term use of compote from fresh or dried pears, a complete cure for the disease occurs, and the first positive result is noticeable after 3-5 days.

Whatever method of dealing with this unpleasant disease you choose, you need to pay serious attention to your lifestyle, think about the correct sleep patterns, food consumption, work and rest, and pay due attention to physical exercise to prevent prostatitis.

And yet, the most effective method of treating prostatitis at home is its prevention, that is, an active lifestyle, reasonable sports activities and regular sex life with a regular partner.

How to restore potency after prostatitis? This is exactly the question asked by men who have suffered from disorders of the genitourinary system that have negatively affected their erection.

First of all, for this it is necessary to get rid of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. To effectively use remedies for prostatitis and impotence, adhere to the following treatment principles:

  1. Restore the patency of blood vessels and lymph.
  2. Strengthen local and general immunity.
  3. Tone the muscles and glands of the pelvis.
  4. Restore the correct balance of microorganisms in the prostate area.
  5. Stabilize hormonal fluctuations in the body.

One of the most common methods of implementation is physical therapy. The use of massages and temperature effects on the prostate area significantly improves the condition of the genitourinary system.

A healthy and active lifestyle, physical exercise and giving up bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes) will only contribute to the restoration of sexual function. At the same time, these drugs are used to prevent impotence and prostatitis.

On the other hand, exercise and diet alone cannot eliminate these complex diseases.


A number of medications are also used for this. To increase potency, medications are taken that help fill the cavernous tissues of the penis with blood. For this purpose, well-known drugs such as Viagra are prescribed.

Take such drugs in accordance with the instructions (usually no more than 1 tablet per day). It is not recommended to continue the course of such medications for longer than 6-7 days. After this period, the patient should experience noticeable improvements in sexual function.

At the same time, prostatitis should also be treated. Drugs are used depending on the origin and course of the disease.

These can be antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants. It is worth noting that they take medications to treat prostatitis and increase potency only after doctor’s recommendations.

Remember that some pharmaceutical products, in addition to their positive effects, can negatively affect potency.

Folk remedies


Folk remedies for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis

Depending on the state of health, the state of the digestive system and other factors, treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is the main way to combat it or part of a combination with medications.


A sedentary lifestyle, disrupted daily routine, lack of physical activity and disgusting urban ecology are often a consequence of the occurrence of “male” diseases in men of any age.

Previously, it was believed that older men (45 years old) were susceptible to them. These diseases (for example, prostatitis) are getting younger every year, and the initial age of detection has approached 25 years.

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the prostate gland. Common causes of occurrence are:

  • blood stagnation in the pelvic organs due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • cooling the body. During local or general cooling of the body, the prostate gland is most susceptible to inflammatory processes;
  • constant bowel dysfunction;
  • various infections in the body or in individual organs;
  • lack of sexual activity, or its intermittent nature;
  • reproductive dysfunction in men. Thus, the use of artificial insemination with donor sperm is the only way to fertilize the egg;
  • sexual diseases and infections.

At the first sign of discomfort during urination, you should immediately consult a urologist.

Therapy process

How to treat prostatitis in men:

  • chemical therapy;
  • effective treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies by selecting a combination of herbs;
  • changes in daily routine and lifestyle;
  • a certain diet;
  • introduction of periodic sports activities.

The above options provide productive treatment of prostatitis at home and future victory over it.

Some features

There are two types of disease: chronic and acute. How to treat prostatitis in men depends on the nature of the course, from which the doctor selects appropriate combinations of therapy methods. Regardless of the nature of the course, traditional medicine for prostatitis is selected in such a way that the following symptoms disappear:

Chronic nature is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits and rare physical activity.

It can also catch men over 45 by surprise due to weakening of the prostate muscles. These symptoms cause urinary problems and groin pain.

The main methods of combating a chronic disease at home using traditional methods are treatment:

  • herbs and honey;
  • physical exercise.

The acute nature causes swelling of the prostate gland and problems with urination. The prostate becomes inflamed, followed by severe pain.

This type of disease can appear in men of any age due to the presence of infection, microbes and disrupted microflora.

Treatment of an acute type of disease at home with folk remedies consists of using decoctions of nettle, yarrow and tansy.


There is no need to be disparaging about the use of plants in healing. Chemical studies of many plants have proven that they contain minerals and vitamins beneficial to the human body.

The above set has one big drawback. Chemical drugs have different side effects:

  • Hypotension.
  • Headache.
  • Itching.
  • Individual intolerance.

In this case, methods known to the people come to the rescue:

  • traditional methods of treating prostatitis have no side effects;
  • the natural origin of the plants makes it easy to tolerate therapy;
  • other diseases are treated in parallel;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • a good combination of several natural products without consequences or side effects.

Herbal remedies

The actions of herbal remedies are determined by a set of herbs and plants in the correct proportions and the frequency of their use. Examples of the action of phytocollections:

  • destruction of viruses;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • reduction of spasms;
  • destruction of microbes;
  • bleeding stop;
  • anesthesia;
  • normalization of the immune system;
  • increasing male sexual function and many others.

This disease is treated with long-term medication. Therefore, long-term use of medications may cause unpleasant and harmful effects. Therapy using natural remedies strengthens the body without side effects. The bonus of using herbal remedies is the pleasant taste.

We recommend the following recipes:

  • Dilute one tablespoon of rosemary, bearberry and tansy with 400 ml of hot water, let it brew in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Strain the resulting mixture using thick cheesecloth. Take 3 sips in the morning;
  • Boil one tablespoon each of chamomile, echinacea and St. John's wort for 10 minutes in 350 ml of water. It is recommended to drink this decoction in the morning. Effect: relieves inflammation;
  • To reduce blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, she recommends a decoction of licorice root, sweet clover and nettle. One tablespoon of each type is mixed for 30 minutes in 350 ml of hot water. After straining, it is recommended to drink the decoction 4 times a day;
  • Parsley is a folk remedy for male diseases. It should be consumed in the form:
  • leaves;
  • dry leaves;
  • salads;
  • herbal decoctions.


Recommendations during treatment at home with folk remedies:

  • folk recipes advise making decoctions, tinctures, juices, consumed orally or by urethral administration;
  • electrophoresis - the procedure combined with herbs increases the therapeutic effect;
  • alcohol tinctures are made from the upper parts of plants crushed into 5mm pieces;
  • decoctions are made from root parts crushed into 3mm pieces. It is recommended to use enamel dishes in a water bath and then strain through cheesecloth;
  • strain hot decoctions due to the presence of astringents and tannins in the plants. Each portion of the decoction is prepared on the day it is taken.
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You should use various decoctions and tinctures after consultation with your doctor, who will select the funds in the right proportions and the right period of use.

Thermal treatment

This type of therapy is introduced after consultation with your doctor!

Composition of the collection (proportion):

  • chamomile (1);
  • sage (1);
  • linden (1);
  • marsh cudweed (2);
  • fireweed (2).

Pour 5-6 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 liters of boiled water and leave for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the infusion should be poured into a container in which you can sit and sit for 15 minutes. It is also recommended to syringe this infusion into the intestines and hold for 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 14 days.


The actions of this plant are diuretic and anti-inflammatory.


  • pour a couple of teaspoons of finely chopped wheatgrass roots into 200 ml of cool water and leave overnight;
  • In the morning, pour 1500 ml of boiling water over this mixture and let it brew for 1 hour;
  • in this form, continue to take the decoction 3 times a day.

Propolis and enema

It is generally advised to take one teaspoon of propolis oil per 100 ml of warm milk daily before meals. But you can also use enemas. To do this you should know the following:

  • The best combination of treatments is determined after consultation with your doctor.
  • Monitor the quality of propolis when purchasing. Propolis contains a large number of different resins that affect the speed of achieving the desired result and the effectiveness of therapy. It is recommended to purchase light-colored propolis with a light and delicate aroma.

Enema recipe:

  • dissolve 40 gr. propolis and 2 gr. cocoa in 200g alcohol;
  • 2 gr. dilute the mixture with a syringe, allow time to dissolve during the day;
  • administer the mixture for 2 months;
  • After consultation with a doctor, the course should be repeated.


Honey with herbs is a good method of getting rid of the disease. To do this you should:

  • make a mixture of equal parts of linden, celandine, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of this mixture into 500 ml of hot water with the addition of honey;
  • The daily dose of infusion is 50 ml after meals.

Pumpkin seeds

  • The value of pumpkin is hidden in its seeds, which contain zinc - a useful chemical element for males, regardless of age. 30 pumpkin seeds daily are an excellent prevention of many diseases;
  • 500 gr. pumpkin seeds are crushed in a blender or meat grinder. A glass of honey is added. After thoroughly stirring this mixture until smooth, make small round balls. It is recommended to consume these balls 30 minutes before meals.


This herbaceous plant is recommended to be eaten not only by sick people, but by healthy people without diseases. In addition to generally strengthening the immune system, garlic helps treat infectious and bactericidal diseases. 1 head of garlic can significantly speed up therapy against many diseases.

An important factor in the treatment of any disease is the patient’s psychological readiness to fight illnesses. A combination of a positive attitude and the right tools will give immediate results.


The risk of this disease is significantly reduced with daily consumption of:

  • hazelnuts;
  • onions;
  • celery;
  • olives 5 pieces per day.

In case of painful and uncomfortable urination, the above products are recommended to be consumed first.

Prevention of prostatitis in men with folk remedies allows:

  • extinguish foci of inflammation;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce body intoxication.

Do not neglect going to the doctor for consultation and determination of preventive methods and direct treatment with folk remedies. Properly selected methods, daily routine, proper nutrition and moderate physical activity are an effective method of treating the disease.

For the most part, all folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence are suitable for all patients with this disease. An exception may be individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to individual components of infusions, decoctions and mixtures.

Treatment of prostatitis with garlic


Folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence

For many men this issue is very painful. And everyone strives to cope with impotence in their own way. Someone goes to the doctors. And someone is trying to use the advice of traditional medicine, because they are embarrassed to go to a specialist with a similar sore.

Many people are interested in how to cure impotence with chronic prostatitis. If a man suffers from both prostatitis and impotence, then treatment should begin with prostatitis. If you cure one, it is quite possible that the other will also disappear. Impotence can develop due to the presence of prostatitis.


Herbal remedies for impotence and prostatitis do not harm the body. Their effect on the body has been tested and studied for a long time. But when starting treatment and choosing the necessary prescription, it is best to first consult with your doctor.

The action of infusions, like the action of drugs, may be accompanied by side effects. And even having achieved the desired result and increased potency, if you select the wrong herbs, you can develop a lot of other problems not related to the sexual sphere.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose herbs for treatment with extreme caution.

All treatments for impotence are based on the same set of herbs, most often used for treatment: chamomile, celandine, motherwort, lingonberry leaves, knotweed, yarrow, dill, and elecampane root.

An important condition for successful treatment is proper preparation of the infusion. If the technology is violated, the therapeutic effect of herbs may weaken.


An effective remedy for the treatment of impotence is an infusion consisting of all the above herbs. They are taken in the same ratio. Each component of the infusion must be thoroughly crushed. Then everything is mixed. The herbal mixture should be stored in a tightly sealed jar where moisture cannot enter.

When preparing the solution, take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour in a liter of boiling water. Then the broth is placed on low heat. The broth should be boiled for ten minutes. Then the medicine is poured into a thermos.

The infusion should sit well overnight. Take 150 ml of decoction 35 minutes before meals. The decoction turns out to be quite bitter and you can improve its taste by adding sugar or honey. The course of treatment is four months.

Next there should be a break for two weeks.

But doctors do not recommend resorting to the same remedy for a long time, as addiction may occur. Therefore, infusions of different herbs must be alternated during long-term treatment.

A tincture of three herbs at once can be of great benefit. It contains nettle, clover and mint. Take five teaspoons of each herb. The mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and the herbal mixture is infused for thirty minutes in a tightly sealed container. The solution must be filtered. Take this remedy one glass three times a day.

St. John's wort

For problems with potency, men are recommended to drink an infusion of St. John's wort. It can be prepared quickly and easily. Take a glass of boiling water for a tablespoon of herb. The infusion will be ready for use in an hour. To achieve the desired effect, St. John's wort tincture must be taken half a glass three times a day.


Another plant useful for men is calamus. But this product is prepared with vodka. To prepare the product, take one hundred grams of marsh calamus, which is poured with a liter of vodka.

Until complete readiness, the product must be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark place. The infusion is prepared over several weeks. Only 30 ml of product is needed per appointment.

You must take the medicine three times a day.


Many people love walnuts. But few people perceive them as medicine. Meanwhile, they can affect male potency.

Every day, men who want to improve the quality of their sex life should eat up to a glass of nuts. But the secret of treatment lies not only in the nuts themselves.

If you follow the recommendations of traditional medicine, you need to wash down the nuts with a glass of goat milk.


Another recipe for potency enhancement is prepared from ordinary onions. Onions are recommended to be consumed fresh. But you can also make a tincture from onions.

To do this, choose three small onions. They are crushed and poured with boiling water. Take up to 400 ml for three bulbs. boiling water The mixture should be infused for thirty minutes.

Take the tincture up to three times a day, 100 ml.


Anise seeds are also recommended as a remedy for impotence. They are crushed until they turn into powder. The medicine is taken in powder form. Every day it should be consumed one and a half grams at a time forty minutes before meals. There should be three such doses of medication per day.


The sainfoin decoction begins to be prepared in the evening. To prepare this potion, take the root part of Siberian sainfoin in crushed form. It is brewed with boiling water. Take 300 ml of boiling water for one tablespoon of root.

This mixture should simmer over low heat for several minutes. But this is not enough. She still needs to insist. To do this, pour it into a thermos and leave overnight. In total, it is recommended to drink up to 50 ml of infusion per appointment. The course can be repeated from time to time until recovery occurs.


And of course, treatment of impotence and prostatitis cannot take place without the use of honey. Honey tincture will quickly relieve problems with potency. For 250 ml of honey, take the same amount of crushed aloe leaves. All this is mixed and filled with Cahors. This mixture should be placed in a container with a lid. It is necessary for the mixture to stand in a dark place until ready.

You will be able to take the medicine only after a week. Before taking, the tincture must be strained. There is a certain scheme for taking this drug. For the first dose, only a teaspoon of tincture is needed.

Honey tincture is taken one teaspoon at a time for three days before meals. Next, the dose must be increased to a tablespoon. The tincture must be taken for thirty days.

Then a break of two weeks is taken, and the course of treatment can be extended.


Carrot decoction. To prepare a remedy for increasing potency from carrots, you need to take a medium-sized vegetable. It is cleaned and grated.

Two tablespoons of grated carrots are brewed with milk brought to a boil. One glass of milk is enough. The resulting mixture is returned to the fire. Carrots must be boiled in milk for ten minutes.

The resulting mixture is taken three times a day. One hundred grams of the product is required per appointment.


An equally useful remedy for men is made from black raisins. It must be thoroughly sorted and washed. It is poured with milk and boiled for several minutes. Then the raisins and milk are cooled. Raisins should be eaten and washed down with milk.

For the first dose, take 300 ml of milk and some raisins; thirty grams will be enough. This amount of milk and this amount of raisins should be eaten and drunk within a week. Then the volume of milk and the amount of raisins must be increased to 500 ml and 50 g. respectively. This remedy is taken once a day.


Another remedy for impotence is prepared from ginseng root. Take 20 g. ginseng and filled with alcohol having a strength of 70%. The root should be infused for a week. The tincture should be taken twenty drops three times a day thirty minutes before meals.

Crushed ginseng root can be mixed with honey. For this product you need to have 25 grams. ginseng and 700g. honey These two components are mixed together. They must be infused for ten days. You need to take this remedy one teaspoon three times a day thirty minutes before meals. It is necessary to be treated in this way for two months.


Another remedy that can be found in collections of recipes on folk medicine is prepared from a winter mushroom. This mushroom can be found growing on oak, willow, and rowan. This mushroom can also grow on rotting stumps.

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This mushroom is ideal for treating impotence. It contains a large amount of amino acids, minerals and proteins. The medicine can be prepared only from fresh mushrooms. Dry ones are also suitable for these purposes, but the effect will be a little weaker.

This mushroom can be used for treatment in the form of a decoction and tincture.

A medicinal decoction is prepared from powdered mushrooms. This powder is poured with water and boiled over low heat. The drug is taken three times a day. For the decoction, take one tablespoon of powder and 100 ml of water. In total, you need to take this remedy for two weeks.

For the tincture, fresh mushrooms are needed. 25 grams of mushrooms are poured with vodka. The mixture should be infused for two weeks. After straining, the product is taken one teaspoon forty minutes before meals. The entire course takes three weeks.

Sweet clover

Another plant, field grass or sweet clover. This herb must be crushed to a powdery state. For administration, only 0.3 grams of powder is taken. The product must be taken up to three times a day.

The entire course should not exceed two weeks, but field grass should not be taken by absolutely everyone. For those who suffer from hypotension, this drug is contraindicated.

People prone to allergies should take this remedy with caution.

Folk remedies are an excellent addition if the patient is treating prostatitis and impotence. But we must remember that they are not a panacea, so you cannot neglect to follow the doctor’s recommendations. Before using folk remedies, you should definitely consult with a specialist to rule out serious pathologies such as testicular cancer.


Folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence: studying the most effective herbs and drugs

Any sexual disorder causes severe discomfort, stress and even depression in men. Therefore, in order to get rid of any ailments associated with the genitourinary system, all methods of therapy are used, including folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence.

The connection between prostatitis and libido

  • Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland due to pathogenic microorganisms and congestion that appear in it.
  • As a result of the disease, problems of a sexual nature begin.
  • To understand the connection between the inflammatory process in the gland and potency, let's consider the role of the prostate in a healthy sex life in men.
  • The prostate gland performs the following functions:
  1. Production of a specific secretion from the glandular tissue of an organ. The substance promotes the activity of sperm and is a nutrient medium for them. When this function is disrupted, infertility occurs.

  2. The secretion of the prostate gland envelops the sperm with a substance that prevents them from dying in the acidic environment of the vagina in order to be able to fertilize the egg.
  3. Healthy functioning of the sphincters of the gland ensures normal ejaculation. When the muscles become inflamed, they weaken and erectile dysfunction often occurs.

The disease begins spontaneously and develops rapidly. At the same time, male strength is also rapidly weakening, which has an extremely negative impact on a healthy sex life.

Deterioration of potency due to inflammation, weakening of erection leads to the appearance of complexes and psychological diseases - stress and depression. Violations on the psychological side lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

The effect of prostatitis on potency

A decrease in potency during the inflammatory process in the prostate is inevitable.

Note! Prolonged inflammation leads to the fact that glandular tissue turns into connective tissue.

In this case, the penis loses all its normal functions. Erectile dysfunction leads to the following consequences:

  • decreased libido;
  • weak ejaculation;
  • decreased sensitivity in the penis, in severe cases it disappears completely;
  • after ejaculation, a man feels weakened and broken;
  • the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse.

Often ejaculation occurs too early or is delayed. An erection may also occur too quickly or take a long time to occur.

All these violations lead to the appearance of complexes and feelings of inferiority in a man.

Even after therapy, men often face the emergence of fears in the sexual aspect.

This can lead to impotence or other problems due to psychological trauma. Thus, impotence and inflammation of the prostate become frequent companions.

Herbs and herbal medicines for treatment

Traditional therapy is often used to eliminate male diseases. The use of medicinal herbs is preferable to medications. This is due to the fact that herbs for treatment have no side effects and have few contraindications.

However, we should not forget that folk remedies for potency cannot completely replace traditional therapy.

Healing herbs for prostatitis and impotence can have a beneficial effect on the male body:

  • acceleration of blood circulation in the genitourinary organs;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increased urine flow;
  • positive effect on potency and erection;
  • normalization of blood composition.

Most often in folk medicine for the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, the following herbs are used:

  • parsley;
  • nettle;
  • blooming Sally;
  • rose hip;
  • lemongrass;
  • plantain seeds;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Melissa;
  • celandine;
  • Kalanchoe.

This is not the entire list of medicinal herbs; there are many more. All of them help improve blood flow, accelerate metabolism, and increase the body’s protective properties.

There are also herbal medicines that contain a complex of medicinal herbs, vitamins and other natural components. They have a quick and lasting effect. The most popular among them:

  • Prostamol Uno;
  • Speman;
  • Bangshil;
  • Pro-Essence;
  • Lycoprofit;
  • Peponen.

Tablets for the treatment of prostatitis

Tablets are medications for the treatment of prostatitis. They are easy to use, quickly absorbed into the blood and have a long-lasting effect.

Among the popular tablets for the treatment of prostatitis and impotence are:

  • Speman;
  • Prostan;
  • Peponen.

Speman is a natural drug, a cure for male prostate diseases. At the same time, the drug improves erection and prolongs potency. Has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Price in pharmacies – from 300 rubles.

Prostan - minimizes the risk of gland stagnation, improves urine flow. Used for the prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, reduces the chance of complications of the disease. Packaging price – from 1200 rubles.

Peponen is a drug in capsules that helps eliminate congestion in the prostate gland, relieves pain, and prevents frequent urination. Has a quick and long-lasting effect. The price of medicine for the treatment of male diseases in pharmacies is from 1900 rubles.

Drops for the treatment of prostatitis

In medicine, there are special food additives in the form of drops that are aphrodisiacs. Most often, they contain medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and blood circulation-improving properties.

Popular drops include:

Iron Prost contains only natural ingredients and does not contain antibiotics. This is the best remedy for potency.

Its action is aimed at restoring normal functioning of the prostate gland. It improves erection and increases libido.

It must be taken in a course; it has a lasting, long-lasting effect. Does not cause addiction. The price is low - from 499 rubles.

Prostonor also consists only of natural substances. The drops act instantly and produce a long-lasting positive effect.

The medicine for impotence quickly penetrates the blood, relieves pain, and eliminates inflammation. It also improves the composition of sperm and has a positive effect on erectile function. Price from 200 rubles.

Other methods

Non-traditional methods of therapy are often used for prostatitis in men. This is due to the small number of contraindications to the procedures and the high rate of positive effects of the techniques.

However, it is recommended to use alternative therapy only in combination with traditional therapy, since the first will only help eliminate the symptoms of the disease or serve to prevent prostatitis and impotence.

Other methods of alternative medicine include:

  • hirudotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • stone therapy;
  • physiotherapy.


Treatment of prostatitis and increasing potency with the help of hirudotherapy involves the use of leeches.

The duration of the procedure and the number of sessions can only be prescribed by the attending physician or a qualified hirudotherapy specialist.

Most often, the course consists of eight sessions, with 35-40 leeches used. While suctioning to the skin, the leech bites through the dermis and injects hirudin into the blood. This is a special substance that can thin the blood and quickly spread throughout the body.

Once in the pelvic area, hirudin prevents the occurrence of congestion in the organs of the genitourinary system. This reduces the risk of relapses.

  1. It is believed that the thicker a man’s blood, the greater his chance of congestion in the genitals and the higher the risk of developing inflammation of the prostate gland.
  2. Therefore, the ability of leeches to thin the blood has a beneficial effect on the health of the genitourinary system.
  3. During the procedure, leeches are applied to certain places - biologically active acupuncture points.

In this case, new leeches are used each time; after each session it is recommended to take a break of 3-4 days. The doctor can use up to 6 leeches at a time. The procedure itself is painless and lasts about half an hour.


Another name for the procedure is acupuncture. It is also one of the most popular and effective methods of treatment for chronic prostatitis, impotence and decreased libido. The action of acupuncture is aimed at normalizing oxygen exchange in the affected tissues of the prostate and eliminating congestion in the organ.

Acupuncture is absolutely painless, sessions can be used every day. The duration of one procedure is 30-40 minutes.

It is recommended to carry out acupuncture manipulations only in specialized and certified institutions.

One of the main advantages of acupuncture is the absence of side effects. For the procedure, special needles are used, which differ in diameter and length.

To enhance the effect, the needles are heated before the injection. They are installed only at bioactive points on the body at a certain angle. During the injection, the patient feels warm tides on the body, which relax and do not cause any discomfort.

Acupuncture has a warming effect and improves blood flow in the pelvic organs. If there is any discomfort or pain during the session, the therapy is stopped.

Stone therapy

  • This is an unconventional way of healing Tibetan medicine against prostate adenoma and inflammation.
  • Stone therapy is a healing technique using black hot and white cold stones of different diameters.
  • During therapy, stones are placed on active acupuncture points of the body or along the spine.
  • Alternating hot and cold helps improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the prostate gland.
  • Heat also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it and speeding up metabolism in the body.


It is prohibited to use any methods of physiotherapy during exacerbation of the disease, but they are necessary for chronic prostatitis.

There are exercises that can be easily done at home without any special equipment. Physiotherapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, reducing the risk of complications and accelerating the patient’s recovery.

Popular physiotherapy methods include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • massage treatments for the prostate.

Therapeutic exercises for chronic inflammation can be done at home. It consists of a set of useful exercises.

Gymnastics accelerates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, thereby reducing the risk of congestion in the genital organ.

Laser therapy is a modern method of treatment using a laser. During the procedure, laser beams activate the prostate gland to secrete secretions. Therefore, toxins and pathogenic microorganisms that cause the disease are quickly removed from the organ.

The laser accelerates blood flow in organs. It is better to use laser therapy in combination with therapeutic exercises.

Electrophoresis is an effective method of treatment; it has been used for a long time and shows excellent results. The effect of alternating current on the abdominal wall and perineum is aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs and accelerating metabolic processes.

Prostate massage can be performed only after pain and inflammation in the organ have been eliminated; it is used for chronic prostatitis.

Note! Also, during a massage, the doctor can easily determine the size and condition of the prostate.

Therapy is aimed at accelerating blood circulation and eliminating congestion in the organ.


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