
Prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The diagnosis of “prostatitis” for many men sounds like a death sentence. They believe that it is impossible to get rid of the disease, so men's health and potential will never be the same.

But doctors found a way to cope with the disease. Prostonor drops for prostatitis help quickly restore the functionality of the prostate gland and normalize hormonal levels in a man’s body.

Who is the appointment indicated for?

Timely treatment is the key to a successful and quick recovery. Therefore, it is important to take measures to eliminate symptoms at the initial stage of the disease. Men should be wary if they experience:

  • stretching in the groin area;
  • tingling and tightness in the perineal area;
  • increased urination;
  • difference between the level of the testicles;
  • occasional constipation or diarrhea;
  • weakening of erection;
  • decreased libido;
  • inability or difficulty passing urine.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

All of the above signs may indicate incipient prostatitis. If you experience at least one of the alarming symptoms, you should visit a doctor.

At an early stage, the disease responds successfully to conservative therapy. An effective remedy that is often prescribed by doctors is Prostatitis drops.

Composition of the drug

The product contains four components that are indispensable for the male body. Each of them has unique properties that allow them to cope with disorders and inflammation in the prostate gland.

  1. The source of disturbances is affected with the help of chaga. The natural substance is activated immediately after consuming the drug. Chaga penetrates the gland, restoring its functions, eliminating the inflammatory process.
  2. To improve sperm quality, the substance sabal palm has been added to the drug. Under the influence of this component, sperm become more active. Complications of the disease in the form of infertility will not be observed due to the effective effects of this substance.
  3. The drops contain magnesium, which is essential for the male body. It helps restore blood supply to the prostate and strengthens the tissue. As a result, the pain goes away and the effect lasts for a long time.
  4. Pumpkin seeds are needed to restore male strength and potency. They help normalize libido, making a man’s sex life bright and rich.

Each component is necessary to restore the functioning of the prostate gland. Together they lead to excellent results in a short period of time.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Action of the product

Many doctors believe that Prostonor drops are a breakthrough in medicine in the treatment of prostatitis. Their peculiarity is their complex effect on the male body. Therefore, the drug allows you to cope with various disorders.

  1. After use, there is an elimination of pain, cutting, burning in the groin and lower back.
  2. The drug helps normalize the urination process. Its frequency and stability are restored.
  3. The product eliminates the inflammatory process in the prostate gland and urinary tract.
  4. The drops help restore male strength and normalize erections. A man can be sure that there will be no problems in his sexual life and in matters of conceiving children.
  5. The drug not only affects the prostate gland, but also the entire body as a whole. After treatment, an increase in body tone and normalization of protective function can be noted.

Many patients note that after using the product, prostatitis goes away forever.

Clinical trials

Drops for prostatitis were tested in laboratory conditions at the Pyatigorsk sanatorium. The research took place in 2013. Patients of various ages took part in them. The youngest men were 38 years old. Representatives of the older group were up to 73 years old. All of them suffered from chronic prostatitis.

The research was carried out over two months. Patients of the first group took only pharmaceutical drugs for prostatitis. The men of the second group took additional Prostonor drops. The results exceeded all doctors' expectations.

  1. Pain, stinging and burning disappeared in all patients taking the drops, while the result in the first group was worse (56%).
  2. In 97% of the total number of men, urination returned to normal. In addition, the urge to go to the toilet became less frequent in 98% of cases.
  3. The prostate gland decreased in size in 89% of men. Medicines were able to achieve this result only in 9% of cases.

After discontinuation of the drug, prostatitis did not return in 98% of patients. Patients who stopped taking other medications noted the return of the disease in 65% of cases.

Advantages of the drug

The drug is different from other medicines. The benefits of treatment with Prostonor drops are highlighted.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

  1. The product is certified. Documents confirm that the treatment gives a positive result.
  2. The drug has undergone clinical trials and has also been studied in the laboratory by doctors and scientists.
  3. Drops are recognized by urologists as an effective remedy. Therefore, they are often prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis.
  4. The composition of the drug is completely natural, which proves its safety. The product can be used by people suffering from liver and kidney diseases.
  5. The drops not only fight the symptoms of the disease, but also increase the tone and immune defense of the body.
  6. The product is available for sale at an attractive price.

Due to these properties, Prostonor is increasingly used to treat prostate dysfunction.


Drops for prostatitis are an additional therapeutic agent. They can be used independently. But before use, you should consult your doctor. He must assess the symptoms and calculate the dosage of the drug.

The drug is used outside the acute stage. This is due to the fact that Prostonor is not the main drug for treatment. Therefore, he will not be able to eliminate the signs of the disease.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The drug is available in the form of a solution. The bottle is equipped with a pipette for quick and easy collection of medication. The instructions describe how to use the drug.

  1. The solution is drawn into the pipette with one or two clicks.
  2. The product must be dissolved in warm water. 1/4 cup will be enough. You need to add 45 drops to the liquid, which equals 3 ml.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed and shaken to obtain a homogeneous liquid.

You need to take the product twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Where to buy the product

Many men want to purchase the drug and do not know how to do it. Prostonor drops are sold in pharmacies, as well as on the official website of the manufacturer on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that the pharmaceutical product will be slightly more expensive. This is due to the markup on the drug sold at retail.

You can easily and affordably buy the product now on the manufacturer’s website. This way you can purchase an original medicine, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by certificates. You should not contact intermediaries who can sell counterfeit goods. This may be hazardous to your health.

Product reviews

When using Prostonor drops for prostatitis, patient reviews are only positive.

Kirill, 39 years old, Smolenskprostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use When I was diagnosed with prostatitis, I decided to try the drops that the doctor recommended.
I really didn’t want to do a prostate massage. After two weeks of taking it, I noticed that there was no more pain, and urination had returned to normal. There are only unpleasant memories of the disease. Stepan, 47 years old, Tverprostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use Until recently, I didn’t even know what problems there could be in the sexual sphere.
But they affected me after the appearance of prostatitis. I decided to try Prostonor drops on the advice of my son. I took it three times a day. I noticed the result already on the third knock: the pain went away, the condition improved significantly. I continue to take the drug. Ivan, 52 years old, Nizhnevartovskprostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use When I first felt dull pain, the doctor made a disappointing diagnosis - prostatitis. The prescribed treatment did not help. Someone advised my wife to order Prostonor drops. After taking it for two weeks, I noticed that the pain became much lesser and my sex life was brighter.

Originally posted 2017-01-08 17:51:44.


Prostonor - drops for prostatitis: reviews, instructions and price of the drug

The drug Prostonor is an effective natural remedy designed to combat prostatitis, prevent its further development, and restore erectile function in the stronger sex.

According to the manufacturer, Prostonor drops help eliminate painful symptoms characteristic of urological diseases and quickly restore potency. How true are these assurances? Let's figure it out.

To do this, let’s analyze the composition and properties of the drug Prostonor.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

How and what causes the effect

Prostonor for prostatitis, according to the description, is an absolutely safe and natural drug that has a beneficial effect on the prostate and genitourinary system as a whole, as well as normalizing the hormonal levels of the stronger sex. The use of Prostonor is characterized by the presence of the following therapeutic properties:

  1. Restorative action.
  2. Analgesic effect.
  3. Antitumor effect.
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Normalization of hormonal levels.

In addition, the use of this drug strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the quality of intimate life, helping to cope with problems such as erectile dysfunction, weakened libido or premature ejaculation.

This complex effect is achieved thanks to the following natural plant components included in this product:

  1. Pumpkin seeds - enrich the body with vitamin C, stop the inflammatory process, strengthen the immune system, and increase the body’s overall resistance.
  2. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps prevent relapses of urological diseases.
  3. Chaga - has pronounced regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates painful symptoms inherent in prostatitis, pain, and suppresses inflammatory processes.
  4. Sabal palm extract - this component normalizes erectile function, stimulates testosterone production, increases the qualitative and quantitative indicators of ejaculate, and has a beneficial effect on reproductive health.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The drug contains pumpkin seed extract.

In addition, Prostonor includes a complex of vitamins and minerals that are essential for men's health. Judging by the doctors, such a unique composition is completely harmless to the patient’s body, contributes to the successful fight against prostatitis, and allows you to quickly restore lost male strength.

Moreover, the opinions of patients who experienced the effect of the drug indicate that after a full therapeutic course they began to feel more cheerful and energetic, got rid of problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and their intimate life was filled with new, bright colors and emotions !

When to use

According to the instructions for use, Prostonor drops are primarily intended for the treatment and prevention of such a widespread disease as prostatitis, which occurs in acute or chronic form. The use of these drops can be recommended for representatives of the stronger sex if the following clinical symptoms are present:

  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.
  • Pain localized in the lower abdomen, groin and lumbar region.
  • Pain and discomfort during urination.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
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All of the above signs indicate the development of prostatitis and require competent, adequate treatment. Before using the drug, it is best to consult with a qualified specialist. Perhaps the doctor will recommend some additional medications or physical therapy procedures.

In addition, Prostonor is prescribed to patients suffering from prostate adenoma, prostate hyperplasia, urethritis, and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. These natural drops are also used in cases of sexual dysfunction.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The drug is used for various disorders.

Prostonor can be used as an independent drug and as a component of complex therapy, because these drops are perfectly combined with other medications. Prostonor is also used for prophylactic purposes for chronic prostatitis, to prevent possible relapses and exacerbations of the pathological process.

Let's cast aside doubts

Some patients are convinced that Prostonor drops are just another scam and doubt the ability of a natural herbal preparation to cope with a serious urological disease. The results of numerous clinical trials, as well as doctors' reviews of Prostonor, prove the fact that this drug really helps.

A study was conducted in the city of Pyatigorsk in which men with diagnosed prostatitis were treated using Prostonor drops for these purposes.

The results speak for themselves, since 88% of patients were completely cured of this disease.

Many specialists in the field of urology and andrology also testify to the high effectiveness of this drug. Prostonor has been approved by the Russian Association of Doctors.

The only question is how quickly the expected therapeutic effect is achieved? The fact is that the results of the treatment process are influenced by many factors, such as the patient’s age category, his individual characteristics, the form of the disease, the stage of the pathological process, lifestyle, etc.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

To achieve the best results, it is advisable to complete the full course of taking the drug.

In some cases, the symptoms of prostatitis disappear after just a few days of using the drug. And sometimes it is necessary to undergo a full therapeutic course.

In particularly complex, advanced clinical cases, patients require complex treatment, including antibiotics, diet therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

In such situations, Prostonor can only act as a component, an auxiliary element of complex therapy.

Nevertheless, Prostonor has proven itself as a drug for eliminating and preventing a number of urological diseases, improving potency, and restoring erectile function. The product is characterized by the presence of a cumulative effect, so the results can be fully assessed only after completing a full treatment course.

And, of course, you can expect positive dynamics and therapeutic effects only when using the original product.

Unfortunately, buyers often become victims of scammers and purchase counterfeits, which ultimately leads to disappointment and writing negative reviews, hence the opinions about all sorts of scams.

 To avoid such a situation, you should be extremely careful and buy only the original drug.

Prostonor, due to its natural composition, is characterized by an extremely narrow range of contraindications, which usually include the presence of malignant tumors, autoimmune diseases, an excessively high tendency to allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the active substances that these drops contain.

The drug usually has no side effects. Only in very rare cases, when using Prostonor, men experience allergic reactions. You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms by adjusting the dosage of the medication.

Optimal course duration

According to the instructions for use, 10 drops of Prostonor should be dissolved in a glass of clean water and taken in this form twice a day before meals (about half an hour). The drops have a neutral taste and aroma, so if desired, they can be added to juice, tea, coffee and other drinks (except alcoholic ones).

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The drug must be used in accordance with the instructions.

The optimal duration of the therapeutic course is a month. However, if necessary, the treatment period can be extended. It is recommended to shake the bottle of drops thoroughly before each use.

During treatment with Prostonor drops, the patient can eat as usual, without following any special diet. However, according to experts, you should still refrain from drinking strong alcoholic drinks during the therapeutic course.

In most cases, acute painful symptoms become less pronounced, and the patient’s condition noticeably improves within the first day of treatment. After a week of therapeutic course with regular use of Prostonor, pain, problems with urination, and swelling disappear.

Patients note an improvement in mood, a surge of vigor and strength.

After approximately two weeks of treatment, there is a clear increase in sexual desire, erections become better and more stable, and intimate contacts themselves become brighter and longer lasting.

General physical and sexual endurance increases, the immune system is strengthened, the patient becomes less susceptible to viral, colds, and infectious diseases.

As a rule, upon completion of the therapeutic course, a man visits a doctor and undergoes appropriate tests. Treatment with Prostonor drops allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process and its accompanying symptoms, normalize testosterone levels, and improve the qualitative and quantitative indicators of seminal fluid.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Speaking about Prostonor drops, we can highlight the following advantages:

  1. Naturalness.
  2. Minimum restrictions and side effects.
  3. Wide spectrum of action.
  4. Positive effect on potency and men's health in general.
  5. Fast action combined with a prolonged effect.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The product has a number of advantages.

Among the disadvantages, some men include the high cost of the drug, as well as, in their opinion, insufficient effectiveness. As a rule, this applies to especially complex, advanced cases when the patient requires complex treatment or the rules for the use of Prostonor have been violated.

As for the cost of the drug, the price is quite reasonable and affordable, even in comparison with possible analogues. Especially considering that these drops are natural, safe and very effective.


Today, Prostonor drops are difficult to find on pharmacy shelves. You can buy the drug with home delivery on specialized websites, online pharmacies and stores. Moreover, the price of this medicine is quite reasonable and affordable for most buyers. Prostonor costs an average of 990-1500 rubles, the price of the drug decreases during promotions.

Prostonor - drops for prostatitis, which, according to doctors, have a unique natural composition and a wide range of beneficial properties.

This drug is safe for health, actively helps improve potency and sexual life in general, helps to quickly and effectively get rid of painful symptoms characteristic of prostatitis and other urological diseases of an inflammatory nature. You can make sure that this is not a scam by trying the product at an affordable price.


Drops for prostatitis Prostonor: instructions for use, side effects, use of the drug for prostate diseases

Prostatitis occupies one of the leading places in the frequency of pathologies of the male genitourinary system.

The disease, which occurs in an acute form, often takes a chronic course, and unpleasant symptoms become constant companions of a man for many years.

Due to the increased incidence among the male population and the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate gland in people under 30 years of age, there is a need for an effective drug for treatment with minimal side effects.

Prostonor prostatitis drops, created on the basis of natural ingredients, are one of the best drugs with therapeutic and preventive effects. The product, which belongs to the category of dietary supplements, is safe when recommended dosages are followed and helps fight the symptoms that accompany prostate inflammation.

The main advantage of prostonor drops for prostatitis is its absolutely natural composition and careful selection of components. When creating the drug, the physiological characteristics of the male body were taken into account and the best recipes of traditional medicine were selected, which have proven their effectiveness over a centuries-old history of successful use in practice.

Unlike alternative treatments for prostatitis that are difficult to prepare, the finished product contains correctly balanced dosages of active substances and extracts from beneficial plants collected in ecologically clean areas of our planet.

The convenient form of release in the form of drops and a small bottle allows you to carry the medicine with you, use it on trips and business trips, without interrupting the course of therapy for prostate diseases.

Doctors consider the advantage of the drug to be its complex action and good compatibility with medications prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland. The balanced formula of Prostonor solution not only effectively eliminates the signs of prostatitis, but also has a direct effect on the cause of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

With regular use, the normal balance of male hormones is restored, the tone of the bladder walls increases, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, and unfavorable conditions are created for the life and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to the active components of the liquid medicine Prostonor, a natural return of erectile function occurs, the sexual activity and reproductive abilities of a man are restored.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Prostonor drops have rare side effects and almost no contraindications, which expands the range of possible uses of the dietary supplement in men with concomitant diseases.

The instructions indicate the high effectiveness of the drug as a prophylactic agent in the presence of risk factors for acute inflammation of the prostate or exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

Due to the content of birch mushroom extract in Prostonor drops, the product has a pronounced antitumor effect, therefore it is recommended in the scheme of conservative therapy for hyperplastic processes in the prostate gland, as well as to prevent the development of cancer.

  • Prostonor has antispasmodic properties by relaxing smooth muscle tissue. Reducing pressure on the urethra facilitates the outflow of urine and eliminates pain.
  • The impact on cell division processes stops excessive growth of prostate tissue, which is caused by damage to the structural units of the organ. The risk of developing hyperplasia and morphological changes at the cell level is reduced.
  • The bactericidal properties of Prostonor drops effectively eliminate the cause and signs of inflammation, creating unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microorganisms and reducing tissue swelling.
  • The restoration of erectile and reproductive ability occurs due to the normalization of hormonal levels, while the excessive activity of testosterone production is suppressed or the enzymatic function of the prostate gland is increased.
  • Stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic area helps remove toxins and metabolic products from prostate tissue, and also normalizes blood flow to the male genital organs.
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The vitamin and mineral supplements contained in the Prostonor solution, as well as natural stimulants, help restore the protective functions of the immune system, the weakening of which provokes exacerbations of chronic prostatitis and worsens a man’s well-being. The drug formula is registered and approved based on clinical trials.

Composition of drops

A natural remedy for the treatment of prostatitis contains active plant substances that are used in folk medicine for inflammatory and hyperplastic diseases of the prostate gland.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Formula of Prostonor liquid medicine:

  • Chaga mushroom. It forms the basis of Prostonor drops and determines the main principle of action of the drug. Birch mushroom belongs to the group of poisonous plants, but in recommended dosages it is an effective cure for cancer and also has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Palma Sabal. A natural stimulant of male potency affects blood circulation, increasing the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. Due to this, the filling of blood vessels increases, and metabolic products are removed from the prostate faster.
  • Pumpkin seeds. In terms of zinc content, this plant is the leader among all known natural products. The chemical element is necessary for the production of hormones and the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Magnesium. Drops for prostatitis are additionally enriched with an important mineral, which takes part in the metabolic functions of the body, and also helps restore the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Instructions for use

Recommendations for the use of Prostonor drops, recommended as an adjuvant for the treatment of prostatitis, can be read in detail in the instructions for the drug, which are located in each package of the original manufacturer. It is better to pre-coordinate the choice of dosage and dosage regimen with your doctor, since the composition contains toxic components.

The manufacturer recommends using the liquid after first dissolving it in water. In this form, Prostonor is quickly absorbed and better tolerated. You should take the product using a special pipette on the bottle, add the required number of drops into a glass of clean water, stir well and drink. It is better to take the resulting solution half an hour before meals.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The instructions indicate the possibility of dosing twice as much if a man is diagnosed with an infectious form of prostatitis. This instruction applies to the first 2 days of using Prostonor drops, then the number of drops should be reduced.

The general course of taking the drug should not exceed 30 days, and it is recommended to start treatment with drops after eliminating the acute symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland with medications with antibacterial properties.


There are few restrictions on the use of Prostonor drops, recommended in the complex treatment of prostatitis:

  • An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to one or more components included in the drug.
  • The use of drops by men under 18 years of age is prohibited.
  • If you have diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, as well as a tendency to high blood pressure, it is recommended to choose a dietary supplement with a different composition.
  • Prostate cancer at the metastatic stage. Taking drops in this case will not bring any effect and may cause harm.
  • Autoimmune diseases. The presence of pathological activity of the immune system is a limitation to taking any immunomodulatory drugs, since it can provoke an exacerbation.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Considering the presence of poisonous plants, it is better to pre-coordinate the use of drops with a doctor in order to avoid complications resulting from improper use. The best solution would be to undergo diagnostics before use.

Possible side effects

Treatment with Prostonor drops is usually well tolerated by men if the correct dosage is chosen and possible contraindications are taken into account. In rare cases, side effects may occur, which are usually associated with adaptation to the components of the drug or caused by exceeding the dose specified in the instructions for use of the drug:

  • Headache, dizziness. It usually goes away on its own within 2–3 days of use.
  • Drowsiness or excessive excitability. Associated with effects on the nervous system, therefore, while taking Prostonor drops, you should limit driving and work associated with risks.
  • Allergic manifestations in the form of skin itching, redness of the skin, rashes are the result of an individual reaction to the active substances and herbal additives included in the product.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Prostonor drops, which are recommended for the treatment of chronic prostatitis and the prevention of prostate diseases, have both positive and negative reviews. The choice of drug should be made individually, taking into account all possible reactions and health status in each specific case.


Getting rid of prostatitis without much effort with Prostonor drops: instructions for use and composition of the drug

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Today, approximately half of the male population of the planet suffers from manifestations of a disease such as prostatitis.

Every year the disease becomes younger, so recently men who are under forty years old are increasingly turning to urologists. Everyone knows about the origin of prostatitis.

It appears due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. With a decrease in the body's protective functions, the number of pathological microorganisms increases, which, accordingly, causes an inflammatory process.

Bad habits, an unbalanced diet, irregular sex life, a sedentary lifestyle and a complete lack of physical activity can only aggravate the situation. If this disease is suspected, doctors prescribe special therapy aimed at eliminating symptoms and treating the disease.

One of the drugs that can help in this situation is Prostonor - drops for prostatitis. Their positive effects on the body are described in detail below.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Signs of an inflammatory process in the prostate include the following:

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

You should not delay treatment if you have symptoms of a disease that many men fear. Especially if its course is accompanied by severe and unbearable pain. Prostatitis can ruin the life of any man.

If the situation is ignored, then in the next few years the health condition will only worsen. There may even be blood during urination and ejaculation. Often there are even congestion processes in the bladder.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then you can prepare for impotence (sexual impotence, which can no longer be treated).

Doctors often diagnose their patients with a condition that is a consequence of advanced prostatitis - prostate adenoma.

It is characterized by the appearance of tumor formations, various nodules, as well as tissue proliferation. Often men are faced with oncology, the treatment of which does not always result in recovery.

Composition of drops

Prostonor is a truly revolutionary drug that helps in the fight against a disease affecting the prostate gland. Especially if the disease is chronic. With regular use of these drops, patients note a decrease in the manifestations of the disease.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Drops for prostatitis Prostonor

Urination becomes normal, pain completely disappears. At the first stage of use, discomfort is eliminated, burning sensation during emptying the bladder, and urination becomes less frequent, inflammation completely disappears.

But at the last stage of taking this remedy, an erection begins to recover, and the body is strengthened. In addition, prostatitis no longer reminds of itself.

As for the composition of the drops, it includes the following components:

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

  • chaga – it is able to suppress the inflammatory process, gradually eliminating it;
  • sabal palm – has a beneficial effect on the quality and quantity of sperm produced;
  • magnesium – normalizes blood circulation in the body, in particular, improves it in the structures of the prostate;
  • pumpkin seeds – improves libido.

There is no doubt that traditional medicine is indeed effective and can cure various ailments. But recently, people increasingly prefer herbal preparations that contain exclusively natural substances. The advantage of such drugs is that they have virtually no side effects.

Due to its unique and rich composition, Prostanor helps relieve inflammation, spasms and swelling at the site of the lesion.

Drops for prostatitis called Prostonor have been developed over a fairly long period of time. In order to combat the inflammation that occurs in the prostate gland, experts have studied more than a hundred different medicinal plants.

If you take a closer look at the composition of the drops, you will find that they can bring much more benefits than you might think at first glance:

  1. Chaga _ This component of natural origin begins to actively influence the inflamed area almost instantly. You can even say that the effect is noticeable after the first use of this product. The ingredient enters the soft tissue of the prostate, relieves inflammation, which causes severe pain;
  2. Sabal palm is a plant-derived substance that can quickly improve sperm counts. It also increases sperm motility. Among other things, this component has a positive effect on the male reproductive system. He struggles with infertility;
  3. magnesium _ It is considered an essential and unique substance necessary for the normal functioning of the male body. The activity of this compound is that it restores full blood circulation in the prostate gland. As a result, its work is significantly improved;
  4. pumpkin seeds . They are active in combating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. This product can not only restore male strength, but also increase potency. It also strengthens erections.

Instructions for use

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

It is advisable to drink them on an empty stomach.

The duration of treatment with Prostanor is one month. You need to drink drops twice a day: morning and evening.

Shake the bottle with drops before taking.

Video on the topic

Video review of drops for prostatitis Prostonor (Prostonor):

Prostonor is an effective medicine that is excellent for treating men of different age groups. It is advisable to talk to your personal doctor about treatment before using this drug. A competent approach to therapy allows you to get rid of this serious illness forever.

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Prostonor for prostatitis

Prostonor drops are an effective tool for restoring prostate function and normalizing hormonal levels in the male body. The drug helps not only eliminate symptoms, but also get rid of the cause of inflammation.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The drug consists of plant extracts, is safe and does not cause side effects, provided there is no individual intolerance. Use is permitted even for patients who suffer from liver and kidney pathologies.


Prostonor contains four active ingredients that have a positive effect on men's health. Each component has a unique healing property, helps to cure prostate diseases and eliminate the source of inflammation.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

  • Chaga is absorbed into the tissue of the prostate gland, helps restore its functions, and relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Sabal palm improves the qualitative and quantitative parameters of ejaculate. Improves the quality of seminal fluid, making sperm more active and mobile, preventing the negative consequences of prostatitis in the form of difficulties with fertilization.
  • Magnesium helps improve microcirculation of blood fluid, strengthens structures and tissues.
  • Pumpkin seed extract restores lost libido, sexual activity and potency.

The combination of these components makes Prostonor drops an effective means for restoring men's health.

Indications for use

Prostonor drops are prescribed for exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the prostate gland, prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis due to dysfunction in the hormonal environment.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

The use of Prostonor is advisable if symptoms appear:

  • nagging or aching pain in the groin area;
  • discomfort, tingling or pressure in the perineum;
  • the testicles are located at different levels (this may indicate an enlargement of the gonad on one side);
  • problems with stool (recurrent difficulties with bowel movements);
  • deterioration of erectile function;
  • deterioration of sexual desire;
  • difficulty emptying the bladder.

These symptoms indicate that an inflammatory process is developing in the prostate gland. At an early stage, the disease can be successfully treated with Prostonor prostatitis drops.

Instructions and dosage

Prostonor is produced in the form of a solution. The package contains a pipette for convenient collection and dosage. The solution is taken in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, the duration of treatment is at least one month.

The optimal dose of the drug described in the instructions is 3 milliliters. The individual dosage is selected by the doctor.

The drops must first be prepared for use. Take a dose of drops into a pipette and dissolve in three tablespoons of warm water. It is very important to achieve a uniform consistency of the solution by shaking thoroughly for half a minute.

Before and after taking the medicine, do not drink or eat food for half an hour so that the medicine is quickly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream . If you follow all the rules for taking the drug, the results can be felt just a few days after the start of the course of therapy.


There are also certain contraindications to taking the drug:

  • glomerulonephritis in the acute stage;
  • tumor processes, especially malignant ones;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Reviews from doctors and patients

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

According to many doctors, the drug Prostonor is an innovation in the treatment of prostate inflammation. A distinctive feature of the product is that its action is complex; there is a positive effect on all organs of the reproductive system.

After a course of therapy with Prostonor, cramps and pains during bladder emptying and during intimacy are eliminated. The medicine helps fight inflammation in the prostate and urethra.

Thanks to Prostonor drops, erection and sexual desire return, problems with egg fertilization are eliminated.

There is a positive effect on the entire body - on the endocrine, cardiovascular, and immune systems, and the tone of the smooth muscles of the reproductive system organs increases. Under the influence of active substances, natural defense mechanisms are strengthened.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

According to reviews from patients who have tried this drug on themselves, it completely helps to cure prostatitis and prevents its re-exacerbation.


Prostonor - drops for prostatitis


Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of modern men. It affects at least a third of the male population of the planet over the age of 35.

By affecting the prostate gland, prostatitis significantly worsens a man’s quality of life, bringing with it pain and burning in the groin, which can be especially noticeable during urination and intimacy. Prostonor drops for prostatitis are one of the most modern and effective means to combat this unpleasant disease.

When combined with other drugs in complex therapy, they give a quick positive result, reducing pain, inflammation, swelling, and also restoring male strength.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for useDescription of the drug Prostonor

Composition of the drug "Prostonor" and the effect of its components

The drops contain only natural components of plant origin, as well as a complex of essential microelements.

Any chemicals are completely excluded from the composition, so we can say with absolute confidence that Prostonor is absolutely harmless and has no side effects or strict contraindications, except for the rare occurrence of individual intolerance, that is, an allergy to one of the components. In the composition of Prostonor drops you can see:

  • Chaga mushroom – has an optimal balance of microelements in its composition, and therefore is able to normalize the level of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, as well as strengthen the immune system and have an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation;
  • Sabal palm fruit extract is a natural inhibitor that can suppress inflammatory processes at the very beginning of their appearance, restore potency, normalize urination function, relieving hypertonicity of the bladder muscles, strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of saturated fats, zinc, phosphorus, demonstrating effectiveness in strengthening the immune system, activating the production of male hormones and cleansing the blood and blood vessels;
  • Magnesium is an essential trace element for humans, responsible for enzymatic reactions in the body, as well as normalizing the state of the central nervous system and strengthening the walls of the urinary tract, normalizing blood circulation.

You should not take the drug if you are intolerant to the components of the composition. If you experience side effects from the drug, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for useProstonor for the treatment of prostatitis

Advantages of "Prostonor" in comparison with analogues

Among the undoubted advantages of drops for prostatitis, one cannot fail to note:

  • positive effect - will be noticeable literally a couple of days after starting treatment;
  • You can start taking drops at any stage of the disease - both at its first manifestations and during the next exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, as well as for preventive purposes;
  • natural ingredients do not have negative side effects on other organs and systems of the body;
  • in addition to reducing inflammation and unpleasant symptoms, the drug also quickly and efficiently restores damaged tissue and has a general strengthening effect on the body;

Prostonor drops for prostatitis have also earned many positive reviews, which, in particular, note the ease of use of the drug. Convenient release form - a small bottle with a convenient pipette allows you to always carry the drops with you and be able to take them on time under any circumstances.

The principle of action and method of using Prostonor drops for prostatitis

The manufacturer claims its product as a quick and effective method to permanently get rid of such an unpleasant ailment as prostatitis.

The components of the drops have a gentle effect on the prostate, relieve inflammation and regenerate damaged gland tissue, relieving pain.

It is very important that there is no negative effect on other internal organs, as is usually the case with traditional medicines from the pharmacy. For example, Prostonor does not “harm” the stomach and liver.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for useProstonor drops are available in bottles

Take the drops according to the instructions - orally, always for a course lasting at least a month. It is necessary to take the drug into a pipette, add 10 drops of Prostonor to a glass with 50 ml of boiled warm water. Stir the mixture thoroughly and drink. You need to take the drops 2 times a day. Within just a week of regular use you will feel that:

  • all functions of the genitourinary system have completely returned to normal;
  • bladder muscle tone is normalized;
  • pain, burning and other unpleasant symptoms have significantly decreased;
  • mood improved, sexual desire returned;
  • vitality and endurance appeared.

Despite this, we still recommend finishing the course to the end so that the achieved result is fully consolidated.


Treatment regimen and instructions for using Prostonor drops

Prostatitis is one of the acute pathologies of men's health. Prostonor drops for prostatitis are one of the most effective means in the fight against pathology. The instructions and treatment regimen are very simple. How to correctly and quickly diagnose the disease and begin healing?

Signs and causes of the disease

According to medical statistics, more than 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from prostatitis. Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. The causes of the pathology are different:

  • infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, leading to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • poor nutrition.

The disease is manifested by pain and difficulty urinating. If measures to eliminate inflammation are not taken in a timely manner, serious consequences may occur:

  1. Transition from the acute stage of the disease to the chronic stage.
  2. Development of male infertility.
  3. Purulent inflammation of the prostate, which can only be treated surgically.
  4. Narrowing of the urethra and the formation of a scar on it.
  5. Sepsis, most often in patients with diabetes mellitus.

So many factors in the development of complications prompt us to look for the most effective drugs to eliminate the disease.

Prostonor drops

Prostonor drops for prostatitis have won good reviews from the male half of the population. The drug successfully relieves not only the symptoms of the pathology, but also eliminates the causes of the disease. Just one course of treatment returns men to a full, healthy life.

prostonor drops for prostatitis: instructions for use

Drops have the following effects on the body:

  • From the first use, pain in the groin and lumbar region is eliminated.
  • Urination is normalized and inflammation is relieved.
  • Erection function is restored.

The drug is made from natural ingredients, thanks to which it has no contraindications or side effects. From the first days of taking it, men feel relief, symptoms disappear, inflammation is neutralized.


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