
Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

The appearance of growths on the skin is caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV), so the disease is considered contagious. The infection infects cells and causes them to multiply rapidly. Treatment of warts and papillomas with medications is aimed at eliminating the signs and symptoms. Destructive methods, virucidal and other types of therapy are used.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

How to treat viral warts and papillomas?

In most cases, such skin formations do not hurt; the desire to get rid of them is explained by a cosmetic defect. Growths caused by HPV can have a dense consistency, round or polygonal shape, and a rough surface. They most often appear on the skin of the fingers, soles of the feet, and face. Viral papillomas occur in the folds of skin on the body, in the genital area.

In what cases should you consult a doctor about the treatment of warts and papillomas:

  • preventing the spread of HPV in the body, the safety of others;
  • pain, bleeding, itching or burning in the area of ​​the skin growth;
  • the patient’s desire to get rid of a cosmetic defect;
  • a large number or large size of warts;
  • immunodeficiency condition.

HPV medications are used primarily to treat the signs and symptoms of infection.

Conservative treatment with drugs for warts and papillomas requires long-term use of medications. Quick relief from the external manifestations of a viral infection is provided by modern techniques - laser and radio waves.

You can cauterize benign growths with special medical solutions or remove them using an electrocoagulator or low-temperature substances. No type of therapy provides complete elimination of HPV.

Inexpensive medications

Various chemicals are used to cauterize warts. Destructive treatment methods allow you to remove the affected area of ​​skin, that is, get rid of a cosmetic defect.

One such substance is silver nitrate or lapis in the form of a pencil. This product should be used with great caution due to the coloration of the skin in a dark gray color and the possibility of burns.

The effectiveness of lapis is approximately 43%.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Salicylic acid is another affordable pharmaceutical product for removing warts and papillomas. A keratolytic substance destroys epidermal tissue infected with HPV.

In pharmacies you should look for Kolomac liquid for warts or other salicylic acid preparations with a concentration of more than 10%. The viscous solution of Duofilm, in addition to salicylic acid, also contains lactic acid.

Callus patch Salipod contains 40% active substance.

Advantages of preparations based on salicylic acid:

  • relatively high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • painlessness;
  • affordable price.

Salicylic alcohol 2% is not suitable for the treatment of skin growths; its keratolytic effect is weak.

Before using preparations for removing warts and papillomas based on salicylic acid, it is necessary to soften the formations of the keratinized surface. You can apply a compress with warm water to the wart.

Then use nail scissors to cut off the layer of dead cells, then apply salicylic acid. This should be done every 24–48 hours.

Treatment is long-term - from several weeks to several months.

Foreign doctors conducted placebo-controlled studies of the treatment of external manifestations of HPV with medications containing salicylic acid. The effectiveness was 65–75% (in the control group - 48%). The study showed that the effectiveness of salicylic acid is the same as 5-fluorouracil, podophyllotoxin and cryotherapy.

Strong antiseptics and cauterizing agents

Oily liquids Verrukacid and Feresol contain phenol and metacresol dissolved in ethyl alcohol. They cause coagulation of proteins in skin cells infected with HPV. Apply a drop of liquid to the wart using a special applicator or a cotton swab. After this, redness of the skin area begins.

Advantages of the drugs Verrukacid or Feresol for warts:

  • The product can be used at home for self-treatment.
  • Skin growths disappear after one or 2-3 treatments with the solution.
  • Relapses do not appear within 2 years.
  • The drops disinfect the skin well.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

For large skin formations, it is recommended to apply the solution 2-4 times with breaks of about 15 seconds to dry the previous layer. Phenolic substances should not be used to treat warts in young children.


The toxic substance is obtained from the plant Podophyllum thyroid. It is a large-leaved herb native to the mountainous regions of India. Podophyllin preparations cause necrosis of pathological tissues and mummification of warts. In studies, the effectiveness of the product reached 81% for plantar warts, 85% for genital warts.

Drug treatment of warts on the genitals is carried out using Condilin solution. The composition contains podophyllum extracts, lactic acid and its sodium salt. The solution is applied using the applicator included in the package.

Freezing aerosols

Cryotherapy is most often performed using cryogens. In medical institutions, specialists use special probes through which liquid nitrogen is supplied at a temperature below –180°C. Or moisten a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen and apply it to the wart or papilloma. Cells infected with AHF die off, but the virus itself does not die.

For cryodestruction of benign tumors, dry ice and dimethyl ether are used. The latter substance is part of the Cryopharm aerosol, which reduces skin temperature to –56°C in the area of ​​warts and papilloma. There is no discomfort during freezing, but when thawing, pain is felt and a blister appears. Healing occurs in 7–14 days.

Cryopharm is used to treat warts on the legs and arms. Undesirable consequences of freezing include relapses and changes in skin color. It is recommended to take immunomodulators and antivirals simultaneously. The effectiveness of cryotherapy is comparable to the treatment of warts with salicylic acid.

Antiviral therapy

Preparations with the general name "Panavir" contain extract of young potato shoots. They produce an injection solution, suppositories and gel for local and external use. Antiviral drugs have not only antiviral, but also immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. After using Panavir gel, pain and irritation in the wart area decreases.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Antiviral treatment is also carried out using the drugs Acyclovir (produced under the trade names “Ciclovir”, “Virolex”, “Zovirax” and others).

The drugs stop the reproduction of HPV and herpes viruses and prevent infection of healthy cells. Acyclovir for warts does not have an immunosuppressive effect.

The drug is produced in the form of powder, tablets, suspension, ointment for external use.


Retinoic acid preparations prevent the uncontrolled growth of skin cells infected with HPV. This type of treatment reduces the risk of new formations. It has also been established that retinoids have an immunomodulatory effect. Vitamin A, a precursor to retinoic acid, is a powerful antioxidant.

Retinoids can be used in the form of injection solutions and external agents to suppress the proliferation of HPV. Researchers have found that Tretinoin cream is up to 85% effective in treating warts. This treatment lasts 2–3 months.


The drug Groprinosin for warts is used for a deep effect on the immune system (analogue - Isoprinosine). According to reviews, the product has the advantage of strengthening the immune system. The active substance inosine pranobex increases immunity to all types of infection. Among the disadvantages, there is a high price when a relatively long course of treatment is required.

Medicines used to treat HPV contain interferon preparations. They suppress the proliferation of viruses and stimulate the immune system. The effectiveness of treatment in the study was 62%.

Simultaneously with taking immunomodulators, it is necessary to treat warts with external agents - antiseptics, keratolytics.

It is recommended to make compresses or baths with baking soda and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Combination therapy:

  • Cryopharma + Salicylic acid + Imiquimod, 5%.
  • 5-fluorouracil + Salicylic acid (17–40%).
  • Salicylic acid, 40% + Imiquimod, 5%.
  • Interferon-alpha + Podophyllotoxin.
  • Interferon-alpha + Isotretinoin.
  • Cryopharma + Podophyllotoxin.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Therapy using a combination of different medications and wart removal methods is most effective in case of immunosuppression in the patient. For example, when genital warts were removed by electrocoagulation, the relapse rate was 74%. With the simultaneous use of antiviral gel, this figure decreased by 2–3 times. In all cases, a long period of use and patient compliance with the doctor’s recommendations are required.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, does not constitute professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.


Treatment methods for warts

A wart is a benign formation and does not always need to be removed using radical methods. Indications for treatment will include pronounced cosmetic defects, as well as the potential danger posed by the wart.

At the same time, the treatment method, choice of medications and additional recommendations for skin care are determined by the doctor. You should not try to remove warts yourself, especially using dubious means and techniques.

This can lead to complications.

Determining the danger of warts and papillomas

The indication for treatment of papillomas and warts is their potential danger to health or pronounced cosmetic defects, as well as permanent injury to the formation, discomfort and pain in the area of ​​its localization. If a papilloma or wart is discovered, you should show it to the doctor in the following situation (without self-medicating!):

  • The formation grows extremely quickly, changes its shape and color.
  • The edges of the papilloma are blurred or indistinct.
  • The color of the wart is heterogeneous; there are fragments of a dark or light shade.
  • The formation is painful (especially on the soles).
  • It is constantly injured, itches, and bleeds.
  • The number of elements on the skin increases sharply.
  • The genitals are affected.

All these symptoms are a reason to immediately consult a doctor, conduct an examination and prescribe treatment.

Removing warts: what methods are there?

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

It is possible to remove warts using a complex effect on the body of immunomodulatory and antiviral therapy. This is a conservative treatment. This type of therapy has undoubted advantages in that not only existing elements on the skin are removed, but it also has an active effect on viruses and increases immune defense. This creates an obstacle to the recurrence of the viral infection.

There is another way to remove warts - destruction of existing elements on an outpatient basis using both traditional surgical (using a scalpel) and more modern interventions. Today, wart removal is practiced using cryotherapy, electrocoagulation or laser exposure, as well as radio wave techniques.

Under the supervision of a physician, wart removal can be practiced using chemicals or special patches applied to the affected area.

Many patients try to remove warts using folk remedies and improvised techniques, but this often turns out to be ineffective and even dangerous. Some products can cause damage to healthy skin or burns, and inept removal of a wart on the foot can lead to inflammation of the wounds and suppuration.

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Removing warts with laser: techniques

Today, many cosmetology clinics and skin clinics offer laser treatment for warts. The procedure is simple and quick; the virus-affected area is removed layer by layer using a laser beam. The entire procedure takes a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia.

You can eliminate warts with a laser in almost any location, from the face to the soles. Healing is relatively fast, but there are also some disadvantages. In the area where the wart was treated with laser, a sore and indentation of the skin forms, which disappears over the course of several weeks.

Laser wart removal is somewhat limited in cases of multiple facial lesions and in children at an early age.

Chemical remedies for warts

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

This technique is used infrequently and only if other methods are not suitable. Its essence is that the remedy for warts is applied to the surface of the formation and actively destroys it due to aggressive chemical components. Typically, such wart remedies contain alkalis or organic acids, which helps to quickly remove warts from limited areas of the skin. In addition, the use of such wart remedies allows you to pre-cauterize it and then completely remove it. The procedure itself, when such an active remedy for warts is used, can have a single or multiple use.

The disadvantages of such techniques are their complexity and pain; in addition, there is a high risk of infectious secondary complications in the places where the papilloma is removed. A more gentle remedy for warts is salicylic acid, used in special patches. They are cut to the size of the wart and attached for two days.

Application of electrocoagulation of warts

A common method for removing warts is using a special metal loop that is exposed to electric current. This leads to its “cutting” with cauterization. Due to high-frequency electric current, tissue is simultaneously removed and bleeding is immediately eliminated and tissue is treated. This is an active prevention of wound infection.

This method can remove the wart to its very base. The material that is removed using this method can be sent for histological analysis, while the intervention itself is performed under local anesthesia. After removal, a small spot remains at the site of the wart, which disappears without a trace after 4-5 days.

If the wart is extensive, the site of its removal is additionally treated with products to eliminate scars.

Removal by cryodestruction

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

This method of therapy involves treating warts with liquid nitrogen, which freezes the tissue and leads to their necrosis. The substance is applied using a special device or dispenser directly to the surface of the formation. It only takes a few seconds to irreversibly freeze the affected tissue. After treatment, the wart thickens and turns white; within an hour after the procedure, a blister forms, which dries out over the course of a week. Gradually the crust comes off and the spot turns pale. If cryodestruction is carried out on the sole, several sessions are required with treatment once every three days. When removed using this method, the wart completely disappears.


Plantar warts: conservative or surgical treatment? :


Everyone probably knows what a wart is. In medical terms, this is a benign skin tumor that resembles a nodule or papilla in appearance.

Doctors note that warts are most often caused by papilloma viruses. This disease is rightfully considered contagious.

Indeed, it is very easy to “catch” a wart - all you need to do is come into direct contact with an infected person.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods


Experts distinguish several types of such formations: ordinary, flat, pointed, senile. Plantar warts are described in detail below. They can be treated at home.

Risk group

Have you ever wondered why some lucky people have perfectly clear skin and have never tried to remove an annoying wart, while others only have time to buy medicine and study reference books in search of folk remedies? It turns out that there are several factors that predispose to the development of skin tumors. These include weakened immunity, vegetoneurosis, and acrocyanosis. Excessive sweating can also cause plantar warts to appear on the feet. Treatment should be aimed not only at removing external signs, but also at combating the cause.


It is worth noting that many people mistake plantar warts, the treatment of which requires some effort, for ordinary calluses, which can be gotten rid of simply by visiting a pedicure office. Dermatologists say that the main reason for the appearance of formations on the feet is tight shoes. However, they usually cause severe pain and sometimes even interfere with walking.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Plantar warts: how to treat?

In principle, you can get rid of tumors yourself. You can easily find the ingredients you need for this: sour milk, vinegar, pickles. Before you go to bed, soak your feet in a basin of hot water: let the skin steam.

Then take a piece of pickled cucumber and use a medical bandage to wrap it around the affected area. Wear warm socks on top. As soon as you wake up, remove the compress. You will most likely find that the skin is peeling off.

Using a razor blade, carefully cut off the top edges of the wart, but do not try to cut off as much as possible: you do not want to allow bleeding. With this method you can remove all plantar warts: the treatment will take you a couple of days.

Instead of a cucumber, you can take a clot of sour milk - the effect will be the same.


There is an even simpler way: using an eye dropper, regularly drip table vinegar onto the wart. However, be careful: if you touch healthy skin, a burn may occur.


After you finally get rid of warts, it makes sense to take a course of drugs that strengthen the immune system. Do not neglect general hygiene: wash your feet thoroughly every day with warm water, change your socks regularly, and do not wear uncomfortable shoes.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods


Are you not a supporter of traditional medicine? If plantar warts bother you, removal will help you forget about them forever. Today, medicine offers many techniques: from cryodestruction (that is, exposure of the affected area with liquid nitrogen) to surgical excision and cauterization with acid. When choosing a procedure, focus on the characteristics of your body.


How to get rid of warts

Ecology of health and beauty: Nothing spoils the skin of your face or hands more than a wart that unexpectedly grows in a couple of weeks. The person begins to feel shy...

Warts: Traditional Treatments and Herbal Medicine

Nothing spoils the skin of your face or hands more than a wart that .

The person begins to feel embarrassed and hide the affected area of ​​the body under clothing or a bactericidal patch. Meanwhile, in most cases, getting rid of warts is not so difficult.

There are many ways to treat warts, both traditional and non-traditional.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods

Conservative methods of combating warts are a set of procedures aimed at increasing immunity and at the same time destroying a viral infection. But in this case, it is necessary to select medications individually, only after an examination, and only a doctor can do this.

Often the best treatment for warts is to leave them alone. In most patients, the immune defense kicks in and the warts disappear on their own.

  • For all types of warts, the following has long been used internally:
  • 0.15 g 3 times a day (course of treatment 2-3 weeks),   
  • prescribed orally 1 g 3 times a day for 10 days; after a 5-day break, the course of treatment is repeated; only 3-4 courses.    
  • magnesia, powder - Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, epsomite)

2 times daily, morning and evening, before meals, take magnesia powder on the tip of a knife. Take it for a month.  

  1. 0.25 g 3 times a day (for 2-3 weeks).
  2. Local treatment
  3. Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methods
  4. Local antiviral ointments are recommended:
  • 3% oxolinic,
  • 3-5% tebrofen, 
  • 5% fluorouracil ointment, 
  • 10% interferon ointment, 
  • alcohol solution of podophyllin, 
  • pastes and ointments with resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids. 
  • Also for warts:
  • apply a lead patch with salicylic acid (1:1), apply lactic-salicylic collodion (lactic and salicylic acids - 3 g, elastic collodion - 14 g), lubricate them with a 20% solution of hydrogen peroxide , inject 1 ml of 1-2% under novocaine solution .
  • In the treatment of flat and vulgar warts 
  • 3-5% salicylic ointment is rubbed into them , then 5% tebrofen ointment , the course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.
  • is also used ; 0.5; 1% riodoxol ointment and 2 or 3% oxolinic ointment (applied to warts 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks to 2 months).

For the treatment of well-shaped warts 

  • 1-2 drops of a 33% solution of hydrogen peroxide so that it never gets on the surrounding skin, and after 10-15 minutes 3-5% tebrofen ointment is rubbed ; course of treatment is 4-6 weeks or more.

Treatment of genital warts 

  • It is carried out by diathermocoagulation and cryotherapy , as well as by scraping the lesion tissue with a Volkmann spoon, followed by lubricating it with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • In addition, lubrication of genital warts with feresol, trichloroacetic acid, 10% silver nitrate solution, 20% alcohol solution of podophyllin, and bonaftone ointment (3-5 times a day until complete cure) is effective.


When treating viral skin diseases, herbal medicine can be successfully combined with other medications. 

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methodsAntiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed:

  • infusion of common burdock (20.0:200.0) 1/4-1/2 cup 3-4 times a day;
  • lemon balm infusion (2 tablespoons of herb per 2 1/2 cups of boiling water - daily dose);
  • decoction of the herb St. John's wort (10.0:200.0) 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • infusion of sage leaves (2 teaspoons of leaves in 2 1/2 cups of boiling water) a tablespoon every 2-3 hours;
  • infusion of calendula officinalis flowers (a tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water) a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • decoction of rhizomes with roots of elecampane (10.0:100.0) a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • infusion of wormwood (1-2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) a dessert spoon 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals;
  • infusion (10.0:200.0) or decoction (a tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water) of peeled chamomile, 1-5 tablespoons 2-3 times a day;
  • infusion of plantain leaves (10.0:200.0) a tablespoon 3-4 times a day or plantain juice a tablespoon 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals;
  • a decoction of blueberry leaves (10.0:1000.0) or berries (1-2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) 1-3 tablespoons 3 times a day;
  • decoction or infusion of burdock root (a teaspoon in 2 1/2 cups of boiling water) 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals;
  • Eucalyptus globulus tincture , 15-20 drops 3 times a day. published by
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Also interesting: How to get rid of warts: 7 natural remedies  

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet


Treatment of warts with folk remedies • Traditional healers

Many people eventually face the problem of warts. It can overtake anyone at any and most inopportune moment. The cause of this problem is the papilloma virus. The papillomavirus is a complex of viruses of the papillomavirus family.

This group includes viruses of 5 genera. It is worth noting that information is currently available about more than 100 varieties of this virus. Transmission of papilloma can occur both during contact with carriers and through common objects.

The incubation period lasts 2-3 months.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methodsTreatment of warts with folk remedies

The highest probability of getting hit is through minor injuries. Thus, it can enter through abrasions, cuts, wounds that, it would seem, do not cause discomfort. Mostly people with weak immune systems may be at risk from this unpleasant disease. With a 90% chance, warts may appear in those who visit swimming pools and various sports sections.

However, if a person has a strong immune system, then he is not afraid of warts, but at the same time he can be a carrier of the papilloma virus for a long time. If you have found about 10 or more warts or you have eliminated them, but they appear again, you should review the following points in your routine:

  • daily regime;
  • diet and quality of food consumed;
  • stress resistance;
  • attention to sports physical activity.

And also take a lot of other measures that will help improve your immunity.

Unconventional methods of treating warts

If you prefer treating warts with unconventional methods, using folk remedies, then in folk medicine there are many methods that can be used to treat warts.

However, it is worth understanding that if one method could help one person in the best way, then for someone else it could be ineffective. In other words, for each individual case you need to have a special approach.

Therefore, in such a case, it is worth considering several of the most effective and efficient folk recipes that will help cure warts at home.

Important! If you have already tried several traditional methods for treating warts, but they have not brought results, then you should seek help from a dermatologist.

For whom can traditional methods of treatment be suitable?

Treatment of warts with folk remedies is universal, so anyone can try using traditional methods of treatment. However, at an earlier age, you should choose gentle means. To treat warts in children, it is better to use products that are less painful.

Modern removal methods are traumatic, so it is better to avoid them. Remember that warts cannot appear on their own. This is a direct sign that your immune system is weakened. Sometimes they may not require treatment, and they can go away on their own if a person takes care to restore the immune system.

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methodsHow to treat warts

Signs of proper treatment

It is possible to determine that treatment is proceeding correctly based on several specific signs. For example, if the warts turn black, this indicates that the treatment is effective. This means that the papilloma roots are drying out. In this case, it is not recommended to cut off the top layer of warts, since it should fall off on its own.

Now it’s worth considering traditional methods for warts, which will help you effectively get rid of growths.

Treatment of warts in a week using celandine

Indeed, traditional methods of treating warts can be considered real helpers. In folk medicine there are a lot of remedies for this case. But most of all, experts recommend using celandine for treatment, in particular when warts have just begun to appear.

In this case, it will be enough to apply the juice of a plant that has only been cut to the vulnerable spot. Or you can buy a concentrate based on celandine at the pharmacy to remove warts. The juice should be applied carefully; you do not want it to get on healthy areas of the skin, as you may get a burn.

To protect yourself from such injury, you should mix celandine juice with Vaseline. Use this remedy until the unpleasant formations disappear completely.

Treating warts with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an absolutely safe folk remedy for treating warts. This tool allows for painless treatment. In addition, this method is simple and economical. When buying tea tree oil, pay attention to its composition. The oil must be 100% tea tree without any additives.

Lubricate skin lesions with tea tree oil three times a day. Also, if you are lubricating the skin on your feet, there is no need to dilute it. In this area it is thicker and less sensitive than in others.

Tea tree oil can be diluted with water or aloe vera in a ratio of 1:2. It is not advisable to apply tea tree oil in its pure form, as this contributes to irritation, burning and itching.

Dry ice to fight warts

Another equally effective remedy for combating skin growths can be dry ice. According to the principle of action, it is similar to liquid nitrogen. The recipe is quite simple.

You need to take dry ice, apply it to the place where the warts have formed and hold it for as long as you can tolerate it. Place the remaining dry ice in a bag and put it in the freezer.

This procedure can be carried out several times throughout the day, every 2 hours. Using this method, you can expect that the warts will disappear very soon.

If you still don’t know how to treat warts, then the above methods will help you. The main thing is to start using them on time and correctly. By approaching the issue of treating warts with folk remedies responsibly, you can get rid of this problem very quickly.

 Treatment of asthma with folk remedies or tincture on walnut partitions

Source: https://xn—-7sbmebaubycncl1a2byd8d.xn--p1ai/lechenie-borodavok-narodnymi-sredstvami/

Warts on the hands: treatment with conservative and radical methods « Health and proper nutrition

Warts: treatment with conservative and alternative methodsWhat should a person who has warts on their hands do? The answer is simple and banal: these tumors must be removed, fortunately, modern medicine offers many ways to successfully resolve this issue. If you are not a supporter of surgical methods, try special solutions, and if these toxic drugs seem to you to be an even greater evil, contact aesthetic medicine clinics where the wart will be burned out with a laser in just a couple of minutes. Below we will talk in detail about these wart removal methods.

Conservative methods

With your permission, this is how we will designate a group of methods based on the use of traditional medicine recipes and special pharmaceutical drugs.

It is really possible to remove warts on your hands with the help of folk remedies, but we cannot guarantee success for everyone who decides to try them on their skin.

However, there will be no harm from “natural drugs”, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

To remove warts, you can use raw potatoes, which contain special polysaccharides that have an antiviral effect (as is known, the cause of warts is the parasitism of the human papillomavirus in the epidermal cells). The potato should be cut in half, after which the cut should be applied to the pathological focus. After about an hour, you can remove and throw away the medicine. We recommend that superstitious people do not throw away potatoes, but bury them in the ground as deep as possible.

Celandine juice is good against warts. To get it, simply take a living plant, break the stem and a drop of sap will come out. We lubricate the wart with it, and so on six times a day. Some advise sprinkling the wart with chalk, others with grated garlic, and for some, Kalanchoe juice and wormwood infusion help. In a word – experiment and improvise!

Are you not used to relying on chance, or did the wart on your finger not disappear after using the methods listed above? Then go to the pharmacy and buy a wart remover. The pharmacist will probably offer you celandine, feresol, solcoderm or something else from this series.

What is the effect of these drugs based on? They contain chemical compounds that cause coagulation of skin proteins and chemical burns of the epidermis: phenols, nitric acid, salicylic acid, trichloroacetic acid, lactic acid, etc.

As a result of the action of these explosive mixtures, the neoplasm is destroyed, which disappears a few days after the start of using the drug.

The method is reliable, but quite painful - you will have to endure the burning sensation twice a day for about a week.


This method occupies a kind of intermediate place between conservative and surgical methods.

The principle of operation, we believe, is clear to everyone: a new growth on the skin is frozen using liquid nitrogen (temperature minus 195), and after a few days the wart dies.

In the case of ordinary warts, the procedure is carried out once and lasts about 30 seconds, but plantar warts are often removed in several sessions with an interval of about five days.

Surgical methods

How can you quickly, almost painlessly and effectively remove warts on your hands? Surgical laser treatment meets all these requirements! Don’t be confused by the word “surgical” in the name of the method.

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This is a regular erbium or carbon dioxide laser that vaporizes the wart or causes tissue coagulation.

There is nothing purely “surgical” in this procedure, except, perhaps, local anesthesia, which is carried out before this “large-scale operation”!

Removing warts using a monochrome beam of light takes no more than two minutes, and a person does not feel pain after local anesthesia with ultracaine. What are the advantages of the laser method of wart removal? Firstly, this is a bloodless procedure, in which it is impossible to introduce infection into the wound, and this advantage of the method must be discussed first.

Secondly, the laser method allows you to control the depth of exposure with micrometer precision, and therefore damage to healthy tissue is excluded.

For the same reason, there is no need to be afraid of the appearance of a scar, scar or age spot at the site of the wart.

Thirdly, the rehabilitation period after laser removal is minimal - within a week the integrity of the skin is restored, and you forget about the cosmetic defect.

But it is not only the laser that allows you to fully obtain such benefits. The method of radio wave removal of tumors on the skin has the same advantages, although it is based on a slightly different operating principle.

If the laser in some sense burns out the wart, then the radio wave knife, using high-frequency current, cuts out this benign tumor.

The recovery period after removing a wart with a radio wave scalpel is minimal, and the risk of scarring tends to zero.


These are the methods you can use to remove warts on your hands. All that remains is to make a conscious choice and say goodbye to this unpleasant education forever. Be healthy and never worry about trifles!


Unconventional methods for treating warts

Since ancient times, people have avoided the “unlucky” people infected with papillovirus. It was believed that toads (frogs) or evil spirits were to blame. As for the machinations of unclean creatures and amphibians, these are, of course, bedtime stories for children, but our ancestors knew firsthand about the direct transmission of papillomavirus from person to person, and they sought to get rid of this scourge as quickly as possible.

Here is a collection of unconventional ways to fight warts. This is, of course, not a medical dissertation, but proven methods. Each method is suitable for each person, so the results will be purely individual.

They say in any case, both with the intervention of a medical specialist and with the use of folk recipes, faith in a cure is at the head of the table. And not least, a strong immune system is able to fight the filtering virus without any outside intervention.


Lubricating warts with your own urine in the morning and evening has a positive effect. The duration of urine therapy is 10 days.

  • Ammonia
  • In specific cases, ammonia turns out to be a good remedy against warts; they quickly disappear.
  • Salt

Mix apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:4 with fine table salt until it reaches a mushy consistency. Apply to the wart and bandage it. Use for warts on fingers. It is advisable to store the mixture in the refrigerator, having prepared it in advance.


For dry warts on the hands, the following method is described. Wash your hands with soap, wipe dry and rub generously with school chalk, apply a bandage made of red cloth. Repeat the procedure three times daily. After 5–8 days, even large warts fall off on their own. Do not wet the bandage

Castor oil

Make a thin paste from baking soda and castor oil. Apply it to the warts and bandage them. Repeat the procedure morning and evening. Warts noticeably decrease or disappear altogether. It is also effective to rub pure castor oil on warts for 15 minutes in the morning and at night. This remedy is effective against moles.

Wood ash

Lubricate the new growths daily with wood ash mixed with water. The consistency is thick sour cream.


Place a small piece of quicklime on the wart moistened with water, repeat the procedure daily until completely cured. Be careful not to burn the healthy tissue around the lesion.

  1. Iodine
  2. Apply iodine to the surrounding skin of the wart with a cotton swab and cover it crosswise with a bactericidal plaster.
  3. Acetic acid (essence)

Every day, before going to bed, use a pipette to drop concentrated acetic acid onto each wart. Do not overdo it with the amount of vinegar - you can get serious burns to healthy tissue. Continue treatment until complete recovery.


You can lubricate the wart with liquid soap and bandage it with flannel cloth. The softened body of the tumor will be easy to remove. Changing the bandage three to five times daily is enough.

Vitamin A

Some people use vitamin A to get rid of warts. Open the capsule (from fish oil or fish liver) and squeeze a little liquid onto the wart and rub it in. Repeat the procedure daily. Taking the drug orally in large quantities is toxic. Within a few months, the nodules will resolve on their own. Plantar warts take longer to heal.

  • Vitamin E
  • Applying an oily solution of vitamin E directly to the wart helps it resolve.
  • A thread

Tie the wart at the very base with thread. Over time, the formation will dry out and fall off.


Remove viral warts by all means

Like any other virus, HPV actively develops and causes diseases when the body’s resistance to infection decreases.

The structure of a wart.

The main point of application of the virus is the cells of the basement membrane (growth zone) of the epidermis. Under the influence of the virus, new cells grow and form a papillary structure - papillae. The epidermis that forms is atypical, its cells are of different shapes, quickly become keratinized and are poorly exfoliated.

New blood vessels called capillaries form in the papillae of the wart. Over time, some of the papillae may become necrotic. This explains the appearance of the wart. It looks like a round callus in the center of which there are rods (papillae) with red or black inclusions (popularly called roots).

Since the development of warts occurs from the depths of the epidermis, at first viral warts are covered with old cells and really look like a callus or tubercle. Over time, the epidermis above the papillae peels off and the “roots” stick out. Warts can grow to large sizes, and several nearby ones can merge.

Large warts, especially on the soles, can cause pain, they can become inflamed, and they can bleed in open areas of the skin and in places of possible trauma.

 Types of warts

Plantar viral warts - HPV type 1 (the most common), also types 2, 3, 4, 27, 28, 58 and others. Popular name - Spine is found on the supporting surfaces of the feet. They occur at any age, but more often in children, since adults have more advanced immunity. Infection occurs in common areas with a damp environment - showers, swimming pools; or when using shared footwear.

Flat warts are HPV types 3, 10 and 28. They are most often located on the face.

Anogenital warts (genital warts or venereal warts) - HPV types 6 and 11 (the most common), and types 42, 44, etc. They are slightly raised, clearly demarcated, slightly bumpy formations of flesh-colored or brownish color up to 5 mm in diameter. This article does not cover the treatment of anogenital warts.  

  • Non-oncogenic papillomaviruses (HPV serotypes 1,2,3,5)
  • Oncogenic papillomaviruses of low oncogenic risk (mainly HPV serotypes 6, 11, 42, 43, 44)
  • Oncogenic papillomaviruses of high oncogenic risk (HPV serotypes 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 68)

Treatment of warts

All treatment methods can be divided into active surgical, passive surgical and conservative. As stated earlier, viral pathology progresses with immunity disorders.

In a healthy person, the papilloma virus after infection, and, in the absence of repeated infections, circulates in the blood for up to 2 years and spontaneous recovery can occur under the influence of the body’s defenses.

This can happen quite quickly, without any treatment. There are known cases of unconventional treatment - “whispering by traditional healers”. If viral warts persist, complex therapy should be carried out, combining surgical and conservative methods.

Sometimes a course of conservative treatment is carried out first, and then surgical. In any case, the possibility of recurrence of warts remains.

 Surgical methods for treating warts

First of all, they are aimed at destroying warts using various physical and chemical factors. This can be conventional removal with a scalpel or removal using electrosurgical instruments, laser, cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen), using necrotizing drugs, keratolytics.  

In the last two cases, the arsenal of drugs is currently quite wide. A long-standing method, cauterization with a lapis pencil (discontinued), is based on the necrotizing property of nitric acid.

Vartek, Condiline, Condiline Nycomed, Verrukacid, and Solcoderm are used.

They usually contain podophyllin or a complex of substances including nitric acid, acetic or lactic or oxalic acid, phenol or metacresol.

Keratolytic drugs destroy the stratum corneum of the epidermis and wart tissue. These include preparations based on salicylic and lactic acid - Salipod patch, salicylic alcohol, Collomac solution.

For cryodestruction, in addition to liquid nitrogen, the proprietary Cryopharm system is currently used.

Conservative treatment of warts

Drug treatment should always accompany surgical treatment either before or after wart removal. The approach is always individual.

For multiple warts or single-large ones, when their complete removal is impossible due to the undesirability of forming a large scar surface, conservative therapy is prescribed, and the largest ones (when there are many) are removed; and single large warts are cauterized segmentally, using semi-conservative methods against the background of conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment is carried out with locally active drugs and general effects on the body.

 For general effects, antivirals (Remantadine, Kagocel, Viferon, etc. affecting DNA containing viruses), immunomodulators (Anaferon, Cigapan, Arbidol, Derinat), immunostimulants (Immunomax, Immunal, Estifan, Likopid, Ibomunil, Methyluracil) and various complex vitamins are used drugs.

For local exposure, gels and ointments with antiviral activity are used - Oksolinovaya, Viferon, Viru-Merz, etc.

 General recommendations for the prevention and treatment of viral warts

You should avoid visiting swimming pools, sports locker rooms, and public showers. Shoes must be dry and periodically disinfected with special means. Underwear - socks, stockings - should either be ironed or treated with antiviral antiseptics. Items must be periodically wiped with antiseptic preparations. Viral warts.


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