
Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Opsomenorrhea is a violation of the menstrual cycle in the direction of its increase. Menstruation occurs irregularly or disappears altogether. This pathology can have serious consequences and therefore requires mandatory medical intervention.

hyperpolymenorrhea is a disorder of the menstrual cycle.

The concept of pathology - opsomenorea

Opsomenorea is a pathological process during which the duration of the menstrual cycle increases to thirty-five days or more. In some cases, the interval between menstruation is several months.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Opsomenorea during menopause and puberty: pathology or normal

During puberty, the menstrual cycle is just developing and may be unstable. Therefore, any fluctuations are not considered a deviation from the norm, but are quite acceptable even in a healthy body.

Pathology is often observed during menopause. This is a long process, so the body needs time to readjust. There is nothing wrong with scanty bleeding. This is considered the norm.

Menopause is one of the reasons for the development of opsomenorea.

Reasons for the development of the problem

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularitiesThere are two forms of manifestation of the disease:

Primary develops in the case of congenital pathologies of the genitals or their underdevelopment. Opsomenorea occurs with the onset of the first menstruation and constantly recurs.

The causes of the secondary form are provoking factors. They are:

  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Abortion.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Psychological disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Strong physical activity.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Exhaustion of the body.
  • A brain tumor.
  • Climate period.
  • Diabetes.

IMPORTANT! A genetic predisposition to this pathology may not appear immediately, but only after exposure to a certain factor.


Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularitiesThe main symptom of opsomenorea is an increase in the interval between cycles . Also possible:

  1. Lower abdominal pain.
  2. Lower back pain.
  3. Fast fatiguability.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Weakness.

significantly reduced . They can start and end on the same day. And the amount of discharge is too scanty, possibly of a spotting nature.

There is weight gain and acne appears on the face and chest. Male pattern hair may develop:

  • Above the lip.
  • On hands.
  • On the back.

Sexual desire disappears , and sexual intercourse itself does not bring satisfaction.

The secondary form can manifest itself as symptoms of the underlying disease that provoked it. Possible itching, rash, redness of the skin.

NMC according to the type of opsomenorrhea

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularitiesNMC of the opsomenorea type is a violation of the duration or phase of reproductive function . Most often it manifests itself during puberty, but can also occur after it has stabilized. Gaps between menstruation can occur in both a two-phase and single-phase cycle.

The development of pathology during reproductive age is an obstacle to conception. But the menstrual cycle can be adjusted, after which it is possible to become pregnant.

ATTENTION! Violation of the monthly cycle can be a consequence of a serious illness. You should visit your gynecologist's office regularly to prevent serious complications.


If the development of the disease is suspected, a diagnosis is carried out. It consists of:

  1. Taking an anamnesis.
  2. Examination of the genital organs.
  3. Blood and urine tests.
  4. Hormone tests.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the development of pathology. Only after this can you count on positive treatment results.

Primary opsomenorrhea is difficult to treat . Endocrinologists, geneticists, and surgeons participate in the process .

Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate inflammatory processes . They also help eliminate sexually transmitted infections.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities adnexectomy: concept and features of the procedure.

Why are periods painful and what can you do to relieve the pain? The answer is here.

Heavy periods with blood clots:

It is mandatory to take hormonal medications . The duration of their use is determined by the attending physician. Depending on the situation, hormone therapy can be carried out in courses or until the onset of menopause.

IMPORTANT! Throughout the course of treatment, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations and do gymnastics. Give the body a chance to rest.

To strengthen the body and boost immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes . It is also necessary to adhere to a special diet. You should fill your diet with fresh:

  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Berries.
  • Greenery.

Avoid eating too fatty, spicy, fried foods . And also from alcoholic beverages and tobacco products .

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Adipose tissue in the female body is a source of sex hormones. In case of their excess or deficiency, the reproductive system suffers. To eliminate this problem you need to adjust your body weight. For these purposes, a nutritionist works with the woman. He creates a daily menu and gives practical recommendations.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, physiotherapy methods are used:

  1. Electrotherapy.
  2. Acupuncture.
  3. Healing mud.

ATTENTION! Physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated in the presence of cancer and hypertension.

Detection of pathology at an early stage of development significantly increases the chances of recovery. Therefore, if characteristic symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Video: opsomenorea: symptoms, treatment and prevention.


Menstrual irregularities such as opsomenorrhea

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularitiesThe menstrual cycle is the period of time from the previous to the beginning of the next menstruation. Its normal duration is considered to be from 21 to 35 days. Opsomenorrhea is a cycle disorder when the duration of breaks between menstruation ranges from five weeks to three months. This pathology is considered dangerous to a woman’s reproductive health and is the result of serious abnormalities or diseases.

Types of menstrual cycle with opsomenorrhea

In a healthy body, the cycle is divided into the following phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory and luteal . During the first period, your period begins. During the second, the development of eggs in the follicles occurs. This is followed by ovulation - the release of the germ cell and its entry into the woman’s abdominal cavity. It is at this time that the sexual process occurs.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

In the absence of a fertilized egg in the luteal phase of the cycle, the development and subsequent destruction of the corpus luteum occurs - a temporary gland that appears at the site of the burst follicle. With opsomenorrhea, there is a failure in the duration of one of the described phases. The luteal period may be absent. Depending on this, there are several types of cycle characteristic of opsomenorea.


It occurs in 75% of cases of the disease. The following types are distinguished:

  1. With an extended follicular period. With this course of opsomenorrhea, follicle maturation occurs on the 20-30th day of the cycle. Ovulation occurs at the end of this period, followed by the luteal phase. Thus, the beginning of the next menstruation is shifted. This form of opsomenorea is most often accompanied by insufficient production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland.
  2. With an extended follicular phase and a shortened luteal phase. In this case, there is a late development of follicles, a time shift during the release of the egg and ovulation. But at the same time, underdevelopment of the corpus luteum is observed. In addition to the lack of FSH production, there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body.


In 25% of cases, it is observed with underdevelopment of the female reproductive system. With this form of the disease, the mature egg does not leave the follicle, but continues to exist in it for some time.

The body actively produces estrogen, which leads to its excessive concentration. This, in turn, provokes endometrial hyperplasia. Once the follicles begin to break down, estrogen levels decrease.

A thick layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected, causing profuse uterine bleeding.

  Girls' first periods - everything you need to know

Forms of opsomenorrhea

The disease is classified into two types: congenital (primary) and acquired (secondary) . They differ in their causes and also have different treatment methods.

In the congenital form of the disease, the cycle is pathological starting from the first critical days. The acquired disease is characterized by a disturbance in the rhythm of menstruation after a period when the menstrual cycle was normal.

The disease develops against the background of certain phenomena and conditions that can affect female sexual function.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Causes of opsomenorrhea

of the congenital form of the disease:

  • anatomical features of the body;
  • malformations of the female reproductive system;
  • asthenia during puberty;
  • a phenomenon where the genitals stop growing before reaching maturity.

The acquired form can be caused by the following reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • nutritional dystrophy, adherence to strict diets, fasting;
  • abortions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • brain tumors;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • surgical operations and injuries in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus;
  • Sheehan's syndrome.

There are also physiological reasons: the period preceding menopause and menopause, the formation of menstruation in young girls.


The forms and types of the disease are characterized by a long menstrual cycle (from 36 days). In this case, a low intensity of discharge . Menstruation may occur in the form of spotting. The duration of menstruation is 1-2 days.

In addition to the main symptoms, opsomenorea is characterized by painful periods, difficulties in conceiving, instability of the emotional state, and rapid fatigue of a woman. If opsomenorrhea is a consequence of a hidden disease, then, in addition to scanty critical days, the woman has symptoms of this disease.


Delay in identifying opsomenorea and its causes leads to infertility. The patient's examination includes:

  • blood chemistry;
  • collection of life history;
  • examination on a chair;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • tests for HIV and STDs;
  • hormone analysis;
  • smear collection.

Consultations with related specialists and an endocrinologist may be required. The full scope of diagnostic tests for each patient is selected individually.

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Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Any irregularity in the menstrual cycle is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Treatment of opsomenorrhea

Treatment of the disease depends on the results of the studies performed, as well as on the form of the pathology. For primary opsomenorrhea, hormonal drugs are prescribed to restore the woman’s reproductive system.

Treatment of the acquired form of the disease depends on the factors of its occurrence.

Cause Therapy
Lack of weight Diet, daily routine, weight gain
Neoplasms in the brain Surgery
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system Complex treatment: antibiotics, immunostimulants and vitamins
Hormonal disbalance Hormone therapy

Additional measures include acupuncture, physiotherapy, gynecological massage, mud therapy, and herbal medicine. Women suffering from opsomenorrhea are contraindicated in physical activity and psycho-emotional shocks.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

If you have an established diagnosis, you must take the therapy prescribed by your doctor seriously. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Preventive measures

Risk factors for the development of the disease are unfavorable conditions and the environmental situation in the region of residence. Poor heredity can provoke the primary type of opsomenorrhea, and in the presence of certain conditions it becomes the cause of the development of its secondary form.

In addition, predisposing factors are HIV infection , disruption of the endocrine glands , severe chronic diseases , and exhaustion of the body . Simple rules will help you avoid menstrual irregularities:

  • good nutrition;
  • regular visits to a gynecologist and therapist;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • healthy and active lifestyle;
  • minimum stress.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities


Opsomenorea is a dangerous disease of the female reproductive system that can lead to infertility. If abnormalities in the menstrual cycle and problems with women's health are detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment.


What is opsomenorea and how to treat it


A regular menstrual cycle (from 21 to 35 days) is one of the signs of the health of the female reproductive system. Any malfunction in its operation can prevent the desired pregnancy from occurring.

Opsomenorea is a menstrual cycle disorder (MCI), which is characterized by an increase in the time between menstruation (36–90 days).

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Opsomenorea and its forms

NMC of the opsomenorea type is caused by congenital or acquired factors.

Primary disorders are noted from the moment of menarche (first menstruation); they are the result of pathology of the development of the reproductive system or its underdevelopment (infantilism).

We can talk about such a menstrual cycle disorder as secondary opsomenorrhea if a woman’s periods were previously regular, but under the influence of external or internal reasons the length of the cycle has increased.

Opsomenorea occurs in two forms:

  1. An extended two-phase stage, during which the process of follicle maturation is delayed. In the first phase of the cycle, the follicle does not develop at all or its growth stops. Estrogen levels are reduced. During the second phase, the follicle still matures, but the timing of ovulation is delayed, which can cause infertility.
  2. Monophasic type - occurs several times less frequently, characteristic of genital hypoplasia. In this case, the corpus luteum phase does not occur, the amount of estrogen drops sharply, and endometrial cells are rejected.

All NMCs during reproductive age lead to disturbances in the course of phases and negatively affect fertility, so every woman should know what opsomenorea is.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Causes of opsomenorrhea

Primary opsomenorrhea is genetic in nature or occurs as a result of a delay in the general and sexual development of the child. There are many more reasons for the development of secondary opsomenorrhea:

  • malnutrition during diets, eating disorders;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • brain tumors;
  • traumatic damage to the reproductive organs, including as a result of abortion;
  • parasitic lesions;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hormonal changes, including those associated with disorders in the hypothalamic system and the regulation of pituitary hormones;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome, leading to hypomenstrual syndrome and infertility;
  • reasons of a psychological nature;
  • heavy physical activity.

Thus, NMC is not an independent disease. Once the underlying cause is eliminated, menstruation is restored.

It is worth reading in more detail about the causes of cycle disruption in order to take timely measures to eliminate the pathology.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Symptoms of pathology

With opsomenorrhea, women note an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the intensity of bleeding. The nature of menstruation changes, spotting is observed for 2-3 days.

With this form of disorder, ovulation may occur very late. In some cases, there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen, general weakness, and increased fatigue of the body. There are signs of the underlying disease that led to NMC.

The condition of the reproductive system in the absence of treatment worsens, secondary opsomenorrhea can lead to the onset of secondary amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation).

A gynecologist can determine the exact cause of the disorders after conducting a diagnostic examination. During puberty, it is necessary to monitor the girl’s development so as not to miss the symptoms of primary opsomenorrhea.

Before menopause, changes in the length of the menstrual cycle have physiological causes.

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine the causes of opsomenorrhea, a detailed diagnosis is required. If NMC is suspected, the gynecologist records the woman’s subjective complaints.

An examination in a gynecological chair helps to visually determine possible defects in the development of the genital organs and take smears for colpocytological examination.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

The next diagnostic measure should be an ultrasound, during which anatomical disorders in the structure of the pelvic organs can be determined and inflammatory processes can be identified.

Infection status is studied using testing for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.

In the event that NMC is extragenital (without a gynecological cause) in nature, the woman should be additionally examined by a neurosurgeon and endocrinologist. The treatment plan depends on the results of diagnosing the root causes of the disease.

Treatment of opsomenorrhea

Treatment of opsomenorrhea depends on the causes that caused it, the woman’s age and reproductive intentions:

  1. The primary form of the disease, caused by congenital anatomical pathologies and serious forms of sexual infantilism, is difficult to correct. The attending physician prescribes therapy and also refers for consultations with a geneticist and endocrinologist.
  2. If the cause of NMC is brain tumors or PCOS syndrome, surgery may be required. To restore the cycle, hormone therapy is actively used to stimulate ovulation.
  3. Secondary opsomenorea, caused by inflammatory processes of the genital organs, is treated with antibiotics, vitamin therapy and immunostimulating drugs. Massage, mud therapy, hirudotherapy and reflexology are used as auxiliary methods.
  4. If the menstrual cycle is disrupted due to a lack of body weight, a balanced diet with a calorie surplus is developed for the woman. In case of anorexia, it is necessary to involve a psychotherapist.

During treatment, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity and strong emotional experiences.

What is opsomenorea and how to treat it Link to main publication Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities



Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Opsomenorrhea is a prolongation of the menstrual cycle, in which its duration is over 35 days. The disorder is cyclical in nature, menstruation repeats at least every 3 months. Menstruation can occur either in the form of hypooligomenorrhea or hypermenorrhea. The likelihood of pregnancy in patients with opsomenorrhea is reduced. Examination for this disorder includes a standard gynecological examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, hormonal blood tests, colpocytology, and, if indicated, RDV. The treatment strategy for opsomenorrhea is determined taking into account the causes of menstrual irregularities; Hormone therapy plays a leading role in it.

Opsomenorrhea (bradymenorrhea) is an increase in the interval between menstruation from 36 days to 3 months (the norm is 21-35 days). Along with oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea and spaniomenorrhea, it is a variant of hypomenstrual syndrome.

Opsomenorrhea can be primary (congenital) or secondary (acquired). In practical gynecology, we speak of the primary variant of bradymenorrhea if rare periods are observed from the very beginning of menstrual function.

The secondary variant is characterized by a decrease in menstruation after a period when the woman had a normal menstrual rhythm.

Like other menstrual cycle disorders, opsomenorea has a negative impact on reproductive function, which is primarily associated with a change in the phase of the cycle, inferiority or absence of ovulation.

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities


Primary opsomenorea is formed as a result of malformations of the genitals, delayed sexual development, general and genital infantilism, asthenia during puberty. In this case, menarche usually occurs late, and subsequently the rhythm of menstruation becomes rare.

Various acquired pathological conditions that negatively affect menstrual function lead to the development of secondary opsomenorrhea. This can be nutritional dystrophy, psycho-emotional trauma, heavy physical labor, severe intoxication.

A change in the rhythm of menstruation according to the type of opsomenorrhea can be associated with surgical operations - abortion, RDV, ovarian resection, oophorectomy, adnexectomy.

Sometimes opsomenorea develops against the background of endocrine disorders (often polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, Sheehan syndrome), autoimmune, parasitic diseases, brain tumors, sluggish infectious processes, incl.

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genitourinary system.

In addition to pathological opsomenorea, there is a physiological decrease in menstruation - for example, during puberty and the formation of the cycle, in the premenopausal period due to the gradual decline of ovarian function.

Clinically, opsomenorea occurs in the form of rare menstruation. The intermenstrual interval is over 35 days, but not more than 3 months. The intensity of menstrual bleeding is usually insignificant (smears or drops of blood), and the duration is short.

A change in the phase of the menstrual cycle causes incomplete ovulation or anovulation, so many patients with opsomenorrhea suffer from infertility. In some cases, opsomenorrhea develops into secondary amenorrhea.

Along with rare periods, there are symptoms of the underlying disease.

Opsomenorea can have 2 different types of course: with the presence of a prolonged biphasic or monophasic menstrual cycle. With an extended two-phase cycle, the delay in menstruation is due to the protracted process of follicle maturation.

In the first phase of the cycle, the follicle either does not develop at all or undergoes atresia at one of the stages of development. In this case, estrogen secretion is low, basal temperature is single-phase, colpocytology indicates a low degree of epithelial proliferation.

Subsequently, after growth retardation, the follicle still matures, but ovulation can occur on the 20-30th day of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the corpus luteum phase is shortened or unchanged.

The level of sex hormones does not differ from that during a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature in the second phase becomes above 37 ° C, the cytology of vaginal smears reflects secretory changes in the endometrium.

Opsomenorrhea against the background of a monophasic cycle is less common - in 22-24% of cases, usually in patients with genital hypoplasia. The state of the endometrium remains unchanged and corresponds to the beginning of the proliferative phase.

Another cause of opsomenorrhea during a monophasic cycle may be persistence of the follicle. In this case, the corpus luteum phase does not occur, and the persistent follicle creates conditions for endometrial hyperplasia.

Reverse development of the follicle is accompanied by a sharp drop in estrogen levels and rejection of the functional layer of the endometrial uterus, which is clinically expressed as menorrhagia.

Establishing the causes of smallpox menorrhea requires a wide range of diagnostic measures. During the initial visit to the gynecologist, complaints, the nature of the menstrual cycle, gynecological and general somatic anamnesis are clarified.

Examination on a chair allows you to identify abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs and take a smear for colpocytological examination (“hormonal mirror”).

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is used to determine anatomical abnormalities and inflammatory processes that contributed to the development of opsomenorrhea.

To examine the infectious status, gynecological smears are analyzed: microscopy, PCR, bacterial culture for flora.

In order to identify hormonal disorders, the levels of FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, and progesterone are examined. In some cases, determination of adrenal and thyroid hormones is indicated.

If extragenital pathology is suspected as the cause of opsomenorrhea, the patient is referred for consultation to an endocrinologist or neurosurgeon.

The directions and scope of treatment measures are determined by the underlying pathology, age and reproductive plans of the woman.

Congenital anatomical defects and severe forms of sexual infantilism are difficult to correct. In these cases, treatment tactics for opsomenorrhea are developed together with geneticists and endocrinologists.

Some types of pathology (brain tumors, PCOS) may require surgical intervention.

Hormone therapy plays a leading role in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. It allows you to restore the normal rhythm of menstruation. If this is not enough for pregnancy to occur, they resort to stimulation of ovulation.

If the cause of opsomenorrhea is inflammatory gynecological diseases, antibiotic therapy, vitamin therapy, and immunostimulation are performed. They use treatment with natural factors (balneotherapy, mud therapy), electrophoresis of the collar zone, gynecological massage, and acupuncture.

If you are underweight, an individual diet with a complete diet is developed. A patient with opsomenorrhea is advised to avoid physical exertion and psycho-emotional shocks.



Evgrafova Olga Nikolaevna

in detail

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

Opsomenorrhea is a condition characterized by an increase in the menstrual cycle to 35 days or more. Menstruation occurs once every 2-3 months and occurs in the form of hypermenorrhea or hypooligomenorrhea. At the same time, the likelihood of getting pregnant is minimal, since the phases of the cycle are constantly changing, and ovulation is incomplete or absent. Opsomenorea can be congenital (primary) or acquired.

Causes of opsomenorrhea

A congenital disorder of the menstrual cycle is associated with delayed sexual development, genital defects, asthenia during puberty, due to which menstruation occurs late and later becomes rare.

Secondary opsomenorea (before this the cycle was regular and lasted 21-35 days) develops as a result of various pathological conditions: debilitating physical activity (often found in female athletes), psycho-emotional trauma, and intoxication of the body.

The cycle can be changed by surgical manipulations performed on the reproductive system - oophorectomy, ovarian resection, adnexectomy, abortion. Cycle delays occur due to dysfunction of the endocrine system (polycystic disease, Sheehan syndrome, hypothyroidism), autoimmune diseases, and infections.

Opsomenorea occurs in girls of puberty, during puberty, as well as in premenopausal women.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of opsomenorea are rare periods that occur at intervals of 35 or more days (up to 3 months). They do not last long - 3-4 days, and the bleeding is insignificant (smears, drops). There are two types of cycle:

  1. Monophasic. Occurs in 24% of cases in women with anomalies of genital development. In this case, the state of the endometrium remains unchanged, corresponding to the proliferative phase of menstruation. Another reason is the dominant follicle, which promotes endometrial hyperplasia and prevents the onset of the corpus luteum phase. With atresia, the level of estrogen sharply decreases, the functional layer of the lining endometrium is rejected, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding (menorrhagia).
  2. Two-phase. The delay is caused by the slow maturation of the follicle - it either does not have time to mature in the first phase, or undergoes atresia (reverse development). In this case, estrogens are produced in insufficient quantities, proliferation (division of glandular cells) of the epithelium is low, and a single-phase basal temperature is also noted. As a result, the follicle matures, but ovulation occurs on the 20-30th day of the cycle.

Regardless of the type of cycle, with opsomenorrhea, ovulation is incomplete or does not occur at all, which becomes the cause of infertility.

Diagnosis of opsomenorrhea

Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities

To establish the cause of opsomenorrhea, a culture test for flora, PCR (diagnosis of infections), and hormone levels (progesterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, prolactin) are also performed. In some cases, additional blood tests for thyroid and adrenal hormones are prescribed. If the cause of opsomenorrhea is extragenital pathology, the woman is prescribed an examination by a neurosurgeon and endocrinologist.

Treatment of opsomenorrhea

Treatment methods depend on the causes of occurrence, the nature of the disease, and the woman’s age.

In the presence of congenital anatomical pathologies, sexual infantilism, treatment is somewhat complex and requires complexity.

So, in addition to the gynecologist, the program of therapeutic measures is drawn up by an endocrinologist and a geneticist. If the cause of opsomenorrhea is ovarian cystomas or tumors of internal organs, surgical intervention is necessary.

If opsomenorea is secondary (acquired), treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs to restore balance and normalize the menstrual cycle. In the presence of inflammatory processes, infections, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.

To maximize the effect and consolidate the result, a diet is developed, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements, immunomodulators, physiotherapy, and acupuncture are prescribed. The patient is advised to avoid stress, heavy physical activity, move more, and be in the fresh air.

Mud therapy and balneotherapy have a good effect on stabilizing the cycle (when choosing a resort, consultation with a doctor is required, which is due to the chemical composition of water and mud in different regions).

Opsomenorrhea and infertility

The presence of opsomenorea is often the main cause of infertility. This is due to an extended cycle lasting over 35 days, during which ovulation does not occur at all or does not occur completely.

Disruption of the reproductive system makes pregnancy impossible, so a qualified examination with subsequent treatment is required. Cycle correction is usually carried out with the help of hormonal drugs prescribed after tests.

If drug treatment or surgery is necessary, gentle means and techniques are chosen, for example, laparoscopy.

When hormone therapy is not enough to normalize menstruation and further pregnancy, ovulation is stimulated.

The procedure helps the patient's body create an egg capable of fertilization, pushing it to exit the follicle as it matures.

For this purpose, medications are used that affect the ovaries in order to increase their production of the necessary hormones.

  • Watch a video about opsomenorrhea
  • Oligomenorrhea: what is it?
  • Treatment for ovarian cysts
  • Infertility: what you need to know about it?
  • Removal of genital warts

Evgrafova Olga Nikolaevna

in detail



Opsomenorea is a disorder of the menstrual cycle, characterized by its prolongation to 36 days or more.

To avoid dangerous complications, it is very important to promptly diagnose the pathology and undergo a course of treatment. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the number listed on the website or using the booking button.

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NMC (menstrual irregularity) of the opsomenorea type often occurs in girls after menarche, as well as in premenopausal women.

Menstruation with opsomenorrhea can be either regular or irregular. In this case, the volume of discharge can be either normal, smaller or larger in volume.

Scanty menstruation lasting no more than 2 days, along with an increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle, are signs of hypomenstrual syndrome.

Heavy, infrequent menstruation may indicate persistence of the follicle.

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Causes of opsomenorrhea

NMC of the opsomenorea type can develop for various reasons.

  • Genital infantilism
  • Chronic infectious diseases (mainly pathological processes in the genitourinary system)
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases
  • Severe diseases of the hematopoietic system
  • Disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary system
  • Autoimmune processes
  • Space-occupying formations in the brain
  • Sheehan syndrome
  • Injuries to the organs of the reproductive system, surgical interventions in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, artificial termination of pregnancy

NMC according to the type of opsomenorrhea in a biphasic and monophasic cycle

Long intervals between menstruation can occur both with a normal two-phase and with a single-phase menstrual cycle:

  • Two-phase menstrual cycle with prolongation of the follicular phase with a normal duration of the luteal phase. With insufficient secretion of FSH by the pituitary gland, the follicles require more time to grow and develop, and the release of a mature egg from the ovary occurs on the 17-30th day, while on average ovulation occurs on the 14th day.
  • Two-phase menstrual cycle with lengthening of the follicular and shortening of the luteal phase of the cycle. As in the first case, ovulation occurs later than usual due to insufficient production of follicle-stimulating hormone. In addition, in the second phase of the cycle, there is hypofunction of the corpus luteum (an endocrine gland that develops at the site of a ruptured follicle, which secretes progesterone and estrogens within 2 weeks after ovulation if fertilization does not occur), that is, luteal insufficiency develops .
  • Monophasic menstrual cycle. In this case, the cause of opsomenorrhea may be the persistence of the follicle. If normally the dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg emerges from it, then in this case it continues to exist for some time. Thus, the ovaries can simultaneously contain several follicles that actively produce estrogens. Long-term high concentrations of estrogen cause excessive growth of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa. Once the follicles begin to undergo reverse development and estrogen levels drop, the hyperplastic endometrium begins to be shed. In addition, the cause of opsomenorrhea during a monophasic cycle can be congenital underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

Diagnosis of opsomenorrhea

Rare menstruation is a serious reason to contact a specialist, since it is impossible to exclude their complete cessation in the future and the development of infertility. To identify the causes of opsomenorrhea, the following methods can be used:

  • History taking
  • Examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist (including a bimanual examination to identify the presence of abnormalities in the development of the reproductive organs)
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • Hormone tests (sex hormones, thyroid hormones)
  • Tests to detect STIs
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist and other related specialists

The scope of research, if necessary, can be expanded for each patient individually.

Treatment of opsomenorrhea

Treatment of opsomenorea-type NMC depends on the causes of its development and is based on the results of the examination. Thus, opsomenorea is often detected in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and, accordingly, treatment for PCOS will be required.

The presence of tumors in the brain is an indication for surgery. If sexual infantilism is detected, therapy for underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system will be required, which depends on the severity of the pathology.

Opsomenorrhea and infertility

Since a significant increase in the duration of the menstrual cycle, as a rule, indicates malfunctions in the functioning of the reproductive system, it is necessary to promptly consult a specialist and undergo a full examination.  

If you have any questions related to opsomenorrhea, you can ask the doctors at Nova Clinic. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the number listed on the website or using the booking button.

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Opsomenorrhea - what it is, why it appears and how it manifests itself

Few people know what opsomenorea is. But any woman of reproductive age can face this disease. Pathology is an increase in the menstrual cycle to 35 days or more and is cyclical in nature. Moreover, the interval between menstruation can reach 3 months, which negatively affects ovulation and the ability to conceive a child.

At the moment, doctors distinguish two types of opsomenorrhea - congenital and acquired. In the first case, the cause of the disease may be:

  • delayed sexual development;
  • disturbances in the process of intrauterine formation of genitalia;
  • genital infantilism;
  • asthenia during puberty, etc.

But why does opsomenorea appear in adult women? Lengthening the cycle is often associated with other diseases, pathological conditions and factors such as:

  • stress and psycho-emotional experience;
  • exhausting physical labor;
  • nutritional dystrophy;
  • intoxication;
  • abortion;
  • ovarian resection and other previous operations

Often, menstrual irregularities such as opsomenorea occur in connection with endocrine disorders (polycystic disease or hypothyroidism), autoimmune and parasitic diseases, indolent infections (for example, of the genitourinary system), brain tumors, etc. In short, a change in the duration of the menstrual cycle may indicate the presence of more serious problems in the body.

In adolescence, opsomenorea does not require treatment, since it is not a pathology, but a physical manifestation of the process of cycle formation. Similar symptoms occur in women before menopause.

The main symptom of opsomenorea is a large interval between menstruation (more than 35 days, but not more than 3 months). At the same time, the intensity of menstrual bleeding is minimal, and the duration of discharge is only 3-4 days.

The loop itself could be:

  1. Two-phase. The delay is associated with too slow maturation of the follicle, so that ovulation occurs on the 20-30th day of the cycle.
  2. Monophasic. It occurs quite rarely - in approximately 24% of women with deviations in the development of the genitals. Characterized by heavy bleeding (menorrhagia).

Without proper treatment, opsomenorrhea risks developing into amenorrhea, which can lead to infertility. At the same time, menstrual irregularities are often accompanied by other gynecological diseases.


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor carefully interviews the patient and then prescribes a comprehensive gynecological examination. Opsomenorea requires:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (checking for anatomical abnormalities and inflammatory processes);
  • bacterial sowing on flora;
  • PCR (for diagnosing infections);
  • analysis of hormones (in particular, estradiol and prolactin, progesterone, FSH and LH);
  • RDV (according to indications).

Only after this can the true cause of menstrual irregularities be identified and effective treatment prescribed.

Modern medicine offers several methods for treating opsomenorrhea. The choice depends on the woman’s age, as well as the causes and nature of the disease.

Particularly difficult are congenital anatomical pathologies, which require an integrated approach and the participation of doctors such as a gynecologist, endocrinologist and geneticist.

But in the case of an ovarian cyst and tumor, the tumor will have to be removed surgically.

As for secondary type opsomenorrhea (i.e., an acquired disease), its treatment comes down to taking hormonal drugs. They help restore balance in the body and normalize the menstrual cycle. In the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes, you must first take a course of antibiotics and only then proceed to the treatment of opsomenorrhea.

A special diet, taking vitamins and immunomodulators, acupuncture, physiotherapy and light physical activity can enhance the therapeutic effect and consolidate the result.

Call right now and find out about opsomenorea in women: what it is, how to diagnose it and how to treat it. Better yet, come for an appointment at one of the ExpressMedService medical centers located in the Frunzensky and Vyborgsky districts of St. Petersburg. Experienced specialists will conduct an examination, take the necessary tests and restore your health.


  1. Vikhlyaeva E.M. Guide to Endocrine Gynecology
  2. Manusharova R.A., Cherkezova E.I. Gynecological endocrinology / guide for doctors
  3. Vikhlyaeva E.M. Hyperprolactinemia and reproductive system disorders. Guide to Endocrine Gynecology
  4. Serov V. N., Prilepskaya V. N., Ovsyannikova T. V. Gynecological endocrinology
  5. Smetnik V.P., Tumilovich L.G. Non-operative gynecology


Causes of opsomenorea and treatment of menstrual irregularities Link to main publication
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