
Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

More and more patients are turning to otolaryngologists with complaints of a painful, suffocating spontaneous cough. Doctors often name the reason: cough psychosomatics.

It turns out that a disease that is not based on physiological abnormalities and pathologies can develop against the background of psychological disorders. 

Mechanism of cough formation

The cough itself is a protective reaction of the body. It ensures cleansing of the respiratory system from conditioned irritants and foreign bodies. The brain receives a signal about the presence of an irritant in the respiratory organs (dust, food particles, mucus, phlegm, etc.), and the mechanism of contraction of the muscles of the larynx is triggered.

The person takes a short breath, and the spasmodic bronchial muscles, while interacting with the muscles of the larynx, neck, chest and abdominal cavity, provide a quick exhalation. At the same time, the muscles of the trachea make it narrower for the passage of air, providing it with greater speed during exhalation.

Precisely because cough is protective in nature, its causeless occurrence is often classified as an allergic reaction.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Any complaints of cough should be checked. The following diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • blood samples, tests for antibodies and antigens;
  • bronchomotor test, bronchoscopy;
  • chest x-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • chest radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the respiratory system.

If, according to the research results, doctors have not identified any abnormalities or pathologies in the functional state of the respiratory system, then it is worth talking about the psychosomatics of cough and its causes. Due to the fact that coughing is protective in nature, and the brain receives signals about a threat in the organs of the respiratory system that needs to be urgently eliminated, the brain can also receive signals about an imaginary threat.

Attention! Our body and mind are closely connected, and any negative state of mind can negatively affect the entire body, leading one or another organ to dysfunction.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Psychosomatics as a direction in psychology and medicine appeared in the 18th century and was the doctrine of the influence of the soul on the body. The first diseases classified as psychosomatic were bronchial asthma, hysteria, disorders of female sexual function, migraines and allergies.

It's all about the negative emotions that a person experiences, but does not know how to cope with them, and they “get stuck” in the mind, leading to illnesses - these are anger, fear and sadness. The body is programmed to survive, and when something threatening to a person occurs in the environment, processes aimed at preserving life are activated. It is negative emotions that trigger such processes.

But if a person sits in an office, at a meeting, travels on public transport, stands in a traffic jam, is forced to communicate with people he doesn’t like, then his negative emotions and feelings are suppressed and accumulate in the body. A person brings even more harm to his body by being “stuck” in the past, analyzing the situation, increasing feelings of guilt, criticizing and scolding himself, and reliving his negative experiences.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

According to the results of research by doctors and psychologists, they will definitely lead to somatic (physical) illness, including choking from a dry psychosomatic cough:

  • unfulfilled dreams and desires;
  • fear of changing living conditions in the future;
  • low self-esteem;
  • difficulties in solving typical life issues;
  • various fears of dialogues and conflicts.

Psychosomatics of cough in the theory of Louise Hay

The famous psychologist Louise Hay from the USA, author of more than 30 works on psychosomatics (the relationship between the mind and physical illnesses) and self-help, considers a dry psychosomatic cough as the body’s reaction to specific human life situations.

According to her theory, a person is responsible for the development of any disease to himself, and every thought shapes the present and the future, and by changing thoughts to positive affirmations (verbal formulations, statements), a person is able to recover even from cancer.

Louise Hay's methods are based on getting rid of negative experiences of the past, forgiving all insults to yourself and others, training respect, agreement with your actions, and reshaping your way of thinking from negative to positive.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

“Turn within and connect with that part of your being that knows the path to healing. It's possible. Know that the healing process is underway. The time has come to believe in your healing abilities - bright and strong. You are a spirit, and as a spirit you are able to save yourself... and the world." – Louise Hay.

If we consider diseases of the throat and the psychosomatics of cough in the teachings of Louise Hay, then the psychological causes of spasms of the larynx and bronchi are:

  • the desire to attract attention, to be noticed;
  • fear, rejection of ideas or circumstances;
  • suppressed emotions and lack of freedom of activity and creativity;
  • tension, fear of “not being on time”,
  • unrest and constant grievances over trifles.

It is necessary to regularly repeat positive affirmations when the described situations arise:

Negative emotions Positive affirmations (affirmations)
Fear. Rejection of an idea or experience. I'm safe. I trust the process of life to bring me only good things.
Fear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity. Now everything good in me flows freely. I am a conductor of Divine thoughts. There is peace in my soul.
The desire to bark at the whole world, to draw attention to oneself, to force people to listen only to oneself I am noticed and highly valued. I am loved.
Inflated thoughts generated by fear. I drop, relax and let go. Everything is fine in my life.

This is an excerpt from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Psychotherapists have long recognized the influence of the mind and thoughts on the body, and when a patient appears with psychosomatics of unknown etiology, they prescribe complex treatment.

For psychosomatic cough with sputum, treatment includes observation by an allergist, because

phlegm is a consequence of the accumulation of mucus on the bronchial ducts, and hypersecretion of mucus is the result of edema, requiring the use of antihistamines.

On a note! To relieve neuratic spasms in the larynx, trachea and bronchi, ataractic drugs (minor tranquilizers) are prescribed, which calm nervous stimulation and have a relaxing effect on the muscles that relieve spasms.

Most modern drugs do not cause drowsiness, addiction or withdrawal symptoms. For example, the new generation drug Atarax is prescribed by doctors for the treatment of psychosomatic cough in a child. After taking tranquilizers, doctors recommend:

  • sedatives of plant origin (Novopassit, Persen, Negrustin, etc.);
  • herbal soothing teas and infusions (St. John's wort, chamomile, peppermint, valerian roots, oregano, hawthorn, etc.);
  • tinctures (valerian, peony, motherwort, etc.)

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

If you experience regular stress, it is recommended to visit a psychologist and take a course of consultations. A specialist will help you find the root cause of a psychosomatic cough, allow you to reconsider your views, understand your life situation and get rid of oppressive problems.

Another modern method of psychology is the technique of body-oriented psychotherapy. These sessions are suitable for children and adults. The method is aimed at working with the body, removing muscle tension, and getting rid of psychosomatics.

For psychosomatic cough, an experienced psychologist works the muscles of the head, neck, anterior surface of the chest, especially the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, combining bodily practice with psychological communication. During sessions, a psychologist can put the patient into a light trance and ask him to talk with his body, namely with the body clamp.

This method of therapy is very effective because... The patient, while kneading the clamp, is working through his psychological problem, which is the cause of the disease.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

For general relaxation of the body and relief of muscle spasms during psychosomatic cough in adults, doctors recommend:

  • regularly take baths with aromatic oils, sea salt, pine needles;
  • take walks in the fresh air before bedtime;
  • take breaks from work;
  • get rid of a bad habit - smoking, because... It is nicotine that can be an irritant to the mucous membrane when coughing.

On a note! A daily contrast shower will help cope with hypertonicity of the muscles of the head and neck and strengthen the general condition of the body.

To relieve muscle tone in the neck and chest, do massage sessions of the collar area and head. Buy massage balls or a self-massage mitt from the store and relieve muscle tension while traveling or in the office. Electric massagers are also effective.

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Experts advise choosing Shiatsu massage pillows. The device is designed in such a way that it deeply kneads the muscles of the back and neck, and is also ideal for head massage. Some models are equipped with infrared heating and an adapter for an outlet in the car.

Important! For any obsessive and prolonged cough, you must first visit a doctor to rule out dangerous diseases and chronic pathologies, and only if you are completely sure that there is no pathology in the respiratory system, go to a psychotherapist or psychologist.

 Certified specialists will relieve you of the disease in a few sessions and teach you how to prevent its occurrence.

Listen to your body, live in harmony with your mind and give yourself the right to rest.


Psychosomatic causes of cough

Coughing is not considered a negative phenomenon, because it prevents the penetration of allergens and pathogenic bacteria into the body through the oral cavity. However, a person is exhausted, constantly coughing, and is also forced to stay away from society so as not to infect people.

In some cases, the cause of the pathological phenomenon cannot be identified. Visits to doctors' offices, numerous examinations and tests do not provide information about what caused the pathology.

In this situation, doctors are inclined to believe that the cough is associated with psychosomatics and is caused by the negative mental or emotional state of the patient.

How does a cough appear?

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Cough is a protective reaction of the respiratory system to external and internal irritants. By coughing, a person clears the respiratory tract from allergens, harmful microorganisms and foreign particles. The brain receives a signal that there is an irritant in the respiratory organ and turns on the reactions of contraction of the laryngeal muscles. A person inhales air, then the bronchi, which are in a state of spasm, acting simultaneously with the laryngeal, cervical, abdominal and pectoral muscles, provide a short and noisy exhalation, called a cough. Moreover, the contracting muscles narrow the trachea, due to which air leaves the lungs at high speed when exhaling. Usually a cough is a companion to a cold, an allergic reaction, or acute respiratory diseases.

Psychological causes of cough

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

Emotional fluctuations, dissatisfaction with life, dissatisfaction with circumstances, a feeling of injustice - all these factors negatively affect the state of the body. Negative emotions and nervous disorders can disrupt the functioning of any organ. In a person experiencing psychological problems, blood pressure increases, respiratory function deteriorates, and the functioning of the heart, circulatory system, and digestive tract is disrupted. Negative energy, filling the body, leads it to a state of stress.

Typically, sick people do not suspect that the cause of their poor condition is a mental disorder, but search for the physical provocateur of the disease.

When a cough occurs, a person assumes that the body is too cold, has wet feet, or has caught an infection.

And rarely does anyone realize that a cough is triggered by a stressful situation, a nervous disorder or an emotional outburst.

Read also:  Cough and sore throat: treatment with medications

The purpose of a cough is to clear the respiratory tract of anything that irritates the mucous walls and prevents air from entering the lungs. From a physiological point of view, during a cough, the respiratory system is cleared of mucus and foreign particles.

And from the point of view of psychosomatics, the body seeks to get rid of emotional negativity and mental disorders. When a person begins to cough suddenly and for no reason, he should think about what emotions he is experiencing at this moment in his life.

A cough is a consequence of doubts and worries, choking is a result of stress, and a sore throat is a feeling of injustice.

The most common psychological causes of cough are listed below.

  1. Internal conflict. A person suddenly begins to cough when he is forced to say or do something that he does not want, that goes against his principles and conscience. A cough, for example, can occur when it is necessary to lie or express unpleasant information. By clearing the throat, the body tries to either interrupt unpleasant speech or remove accumulated negativity from itself.
  2. The body's reaction to words. Every spoken word can have an impact on the human body. People thoughtlessly say “I can’t breathe because of you” or “you’re in the way like a bone in my throat.” And the body takes these bad phrases literally and begins to react to them. As a result, a coughing attack is observed.
  3. Negative experience. Memories of past negative events can provoke an unpleasant symptom. The experience is stored in the subconscious, but is manifested by a cough every time a person experiences the same emotions that he experienced during an unpleasant event. For example, a man was once drowning but was saved. Floundering in the water, he coughed and choked, while experiencing fear and helplessness. After such a terrible situation, this person coughs every time he feels fear and helplessness.
  4. Self-hypnosis. A person convinces himself that he is sick. The body reacts to this with real symptoms, including coughing. The stronger the confidence in one’s own ill health, the more intense the symptoms appear.
  5. Self-flagellation. A person may want punishment for himself for committed or imagined offenses. In this case, unpleasant symptoms arise due to a depressed state, but are perceived as punishment.
  6. Attention deficit. This psychological problem is observed more often in children than in adults. A child suffering from lack of attention knows that his parents will feel sorry for him if he gets sick. Therefore, a sudden cough and runny nose in a child may be a manifestation of loneliness and uselessness, a desire to remind parents of their existence. In an adult, unpleasant symptoms may appear due to cooling of marital relations, problems in the family, or lack of communication.
  7. Perception of someone else's illness. If a person cares for a patient to whom he feels deep affection, then he can mentally take on the symptoms of his ward. As a result, when remembering the illness, a person immediately begins to cough. Moreover, the perception of the disease can be so deep that the symptoms are not limited to a cough; fever, weakness, and drowsiness may occur.

Louise Hay's theory

The famous American writer and psychologist Louise Hay named several causes of psychosomatic cough:

  • mental return to experienced negative situations;
  • the desire to be noticed, understood, appreciated;
  • skeptical and judgmental attitude towards oneself and other people.

According to the psychologist, in order to eliminate a cough, it is necessary to change the way of thinking, get rid of skepticism and a tendency to criticize. You need to love yourself, realize that there are many good and decent people in the world who can be treated with respect and attention.

Liz Burbo's theory

Psychologist Liz Burbo claims that the path to health runs through love of life, acceptance of one’s own body, and normalization of one’s mental state. The causes of cough in adults are often negative thoughts and emotions.

Due to anger, dissatisfaction, envy, internal conflicts, irritation, a person loses self-control, cannot be tolerant of the people around him, and cannot adequately perceive reality.

According to the psychologist, a psychosomatic cough torments people who are nervous, anxious, depressed, aware of their oppressed position, and experiencing dissatisfaction due to everyday troubles.

Valery Sinelnikov's theory

According to psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, coughing acts as both a defense against infection entering the respiratory tract and a blockage that prevents the severance of relationships with other people due to thoughtless words.

When a person is ready to utter angry, humiliating or condemning words, his body blocks the release of these words by coughing.

The psychotherapist claims that a dry cough, accompanied by a sore throat, appears when a person gossips, angrily and groundlessly condemns someone.

Psychosomatic cough in children

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

There are many physiological factors for the occurrence of childhood cough: sore throat, bronchitis, colds, whooping cough, acute respiratory viral and bacterial diseases. Sometimes a child begins to cough when a foreign object gets into his throat. In the latter case, the baby immediately requires medical attention.

But it happens that parents do not detect any physiological factors that can cause an irritating symptom in the child. This means that the provocateur of the pathological condition is most likely a psychological factor.

The child's psyche is characterized by inflexibility and instability.

If any experience seems insignificant and trivial to an adult, then in a child it will cause a lot of negative emotions that can provoke irritation of cough receptors.

Experts identify several causes of psychosomatic childhood cough.

  1. Attention deficit. By coughing, the child is trying to attract the attention of his parents. Babies need parental care and affection, and when they do not receive the desired amount of attention, they begin to be capricious, mischievous, and feign illness. The child’s body reacts to the simulation by beginning to show real symptoms of the disease. In order for a child to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, parents need to give him the necessary amount of love and care.
  2. Painful reaction to criticism. This problem is typical mainly for teenagers. Children in adolescence react extremely sharply to criticism, to the desire of their parents to dictate rules to them and limit their freedom. Parents need to understand that the child has the right to express his opinion, have his own secrets, and choose his friends. A teenager becomes frail and prone to various diseases if he is forced to participate in family conflicts, if he suffers from strict parental supervision.
  3. Overprotection. Some parents carefully care for a sick child, but their care disappears as soon as the baby recovers. In such a situation, the child will try to get sick in order to receive a portion of parental love. The task of parents is to show the child that they always love him, that there is nothing positive in illness, that being healthy is interesting and fun.

Treatment of psychosomatic cough

Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods

If it is known that the cough is caused by psychological factors, then complex therapy is used to eliminate it, including psychological methods and the use of medications.

When coughing with sputum caused by an allergic reaction, the use of antihistamines is required.

To eliminate spasms in the tissues of the larynx, trachea and bronchi, mild tranquilizers are used to weaken nerve impulses and relieve muscle tension.

To treat psychosomatic cough, doctors recommend taking herbal sedatives, relaxing teas based on medicinal herbs, and sedative tinctures.

A sick person should definitely attend sessions with a psychologist. A specialist will help identify the factor that provoked the disease and suggest the optimal method of getting rid of a mental disorder.

To relax the laryngeal and bronchial muscles and normalize the body’s condition, the patient is recommended to:

  • perform aromatherapy;
  • take hot baths with sea salt;
  • take a walk in the fresh air every day;
  • take breaks while working;
  • quit smoking.

To get rid of muscle strain in the neck and chest, it is useful to take a contrast shower and massage. You can purchase a massage mitt and rub it on the cervical-thoracic area of ​​the body.

If, despite the measures taken, the unpleasant symptom does not disappear, then you should immediately go to the doctor to prevent the development of severe pathology of the respiratory system.


Psychosomatic cough: causes, symptoms, treatment

Coughing most often occurs due to diseases that negatively affect the upper respiratory tract, due to foreign body entry, mechanical trauma, and allergic reactions.

However, there are situations when this symptom is associated with emotional stress.

Cough, the psychosomatics of which is a separate science, studies the impact of the psychological state on individual organs and their functioning.

What is a psychogenic cough?

Psychogenic cough is a symptom similar to the symptoms of colds. But this type of coughing is directly related to changes in the patient’s psychological state. This problem cannot be resolved by classical treatment methods. A special approach and non-standard diagnostic methods are required.

Change in psychological state

Signs of psychosomatic cough

In order to determine what disease has affected the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the general well-being of the person. There are several main signs that help distinguish the appearance of psychosomatic coughing. These include:

  1. Dry coughing. They are not accompanied by sputum production. The cough is loud and resembles barking. For several days his character does not change. With stress and emotional experiences, coughing intensifies. A calm environment improves the condition.
  2. Choking, shortness of breath, various breathing disorders. Along with a cough, tickling, dizziness, headache, heart and muscle pain, weakness, and lack of oxygen may appear. Symptoms intensify with increased emotional stress.
  3. Change in speech. An uncharacteristic howl appears coming from the lungs, words are harder to pronounce.
  4. Pain in the eyes. There may be a burning sensation, itching in the eye area, and increased lacrimation.

If treatment is not started, the psychosomatic cough will remain. It will intensify during strong experiences and emotional outbursts. Since a nervous cough does not depend on the time of year or environmental factors, it can occur unexpectedly.

Who is most susceptible to psychogenic cough?

There are several groups of people who are most susceptible to psychogenic coughing. These include:

  1. Children are developing organisms that are more susceptible to emotional disorders and less resistant to stressful situations.
  2. People suffering from psychological illnesses.
  3. Pregnant women - before the birth of a child, the body is rebuilt, which reduces stress resistance.

Psychogenic cough often occurs in people who work under conditions of constant moral oppression and psychological stress. The environment and events taking place around play a huge role.

Pregnant woman

Psychosomatic causes of cough

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine what is causing the unpleasant symptom that is causing shortness of breath. There are a number of psychosomatic causes of cough that need to be treated first. If you do not deal with the sources of the problems, the cough will appear again after a short period of time.


During bursts of psychological stress, normal life processes begin to change. A large number of stress hormones appear, which is perceived negatively by the body. Because of this, various side symptoms arise.


Many people are familiar with inner experiences. If you do not receive psychological relief, they will accumulate, increasing the negative impact not only on your moral, but also on your physical state. Experiences depress the body and provoke the occurrence of various unpleasant symptoms.

Read also:  Pectusin: for which cough will this drug be most effective?


The environment shapes a person as a person. People have a huge influence on each other. Any quarrels, scandals, conflict situations leave an imprint on the behavior, condition and mood of an individual. If negative moments often occur that depress your psychological state, this can directly affect your health.


Causes of cough according to Louise Hay

Louise Hay is an American psychologist who has written more than 30 works related to the study of psychosomatics.

Regarding the cough, she said that it is not a symptom of any disease, but an attempt to attract attention to oneself, to declare oneself to the world. The arising desire leads to the appearance of tickling, followed by coughing.

To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, Louise recommended constantly uttering boasts to yourself, pleasant words that will convince a person of his value.

Causes of cough according to Liz Burbo

Another psychologist, Liz Burbo, studies coughing that occurs for no apparent reason. The psychologist claims that cough appears in people who often judge themselves harshly.

They are extremely irritable, severely condemn themselves for the slightest offenses, their appearance, shortcomings.

The specialist recommends to such people to calm down their own criticism and try to pay attention to their advantages.

Causes of cough according to Sinelnikov

The famous homeopathic doctor Valery Sinelnikov identifies several reasons for the appearance of psychogenic cough:

  1. Coughing as a symptom of asthma. The doctor says that asthmatic manifestations in children arise due to the fact that the child experiences many unresolved psychological conflicts.
  2. Cough due to the development of bronchitis. The specialist claims that the disease and its accompanying symptoms are associated with the negative environment around. This could be a tense situation at work, quarrels in the family.
  3. Pathological diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Coughing is accompanied by mucus discharge. According to the doctor, these are symptoms of hidden anger that accumulates over time.

To get rid of a symptom, you need to resolve internal problems that the child’s parents may not notice. An adult needs to try to understand himself on his own. If you can’t analyze your thoughts, you can use the help of a psychologist.

Quarrels in the family

Causes of psychological cough in children

Nervous coughing occurs very often in children. This is due to the fact that the child acutely perceives any family conflicts. If the upbringing is incorrect, the baby is treated poorly, the parents often quarrel, and unpleasant symptoms will appear. Powerful psychological experiences can lead to a lack of oxygen, panic attacks, and shortness of breath.


It is impossible to start treatment before diagnosis. Incorrectly selected drugs and procedures can harm the body. To confirm the presence of coughing associated with psychological stress, it is necessary to use the exclusion technique. It involves diagnosing various causes of cough.

Initially, doctors must make sure that it is not caused by a foreign body entering the upper respiratory tract. They then perform a test to check for allergic reactions. Next, they need to establish that the symptom is not related to colds. When the main diagnostic stages are completed and there are no results, specialists identify psychological problems.

How to treat psychosomatic cough?

When diagnostic procedures have been carried out, the cause has been established, and comprehensive treatment is prescribed. It can consist of two main directions:

  1. Use of medications. These can be sedatives that help quickly get rid of psychological stress. Additionally, tablets are prescribed that have a positive effect on cough receptors. The number of coughs decreases, and it becomes easier to breathe.
  2. Procedures aimed at distracting from stressful situations.

Treatment methods vary depending on the patient's age.

Distraction from stressful situations

In children

To help a child cope with a psychogenic cough, it is necessary to consider treatment methods. It must be comprehensive, consisting of a number of actions:

  1. Game therapy methods. Through play, the psychologist finds out from the child what worries him, helps him speak out, and throw out his emotions.
  2. Improving the situation in the family. Parents are advised to resolve conflicts and controversial situations not in front of the child.
  3. Providing due attention to education and training.
  4. Praise the baby, support in hobbies and endeavors.

Children do not always talk about their experiences on their own. Therefore, you need to talk to them more often, pay attention to any changes in behavior and communication.

In adults

For adults, there are also several treatment methods based on psychological techniques. Experts recommend using them in combination to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. These include:

  1. Communicate more with friends and relatives. Don't forget about live communication. When going to a psychologist, try to open up as much as possible so as not to accumulate unnecessary experiences within yourself.
  2. Find a passion. Hobbies help you forget about pressing problems, survive difficult life moments, and distract yourself from worries and conflict situations. People who do what they love are more likely to be happy and less depressed.
  3. Sports activities. High physical activity helps to unload from negative thoughts and occupy your head with other thoughts. Don't overload yourself with heavy loads. Exercises should be slow, you need to learn to control your breathing.
  4. Calming teas help you fall asleep if you are unable to do so due to emotional stress.
  5. Do self-analysis once a day. To do this, you need to sort through the thoughts that accumulate over the day and evening. At the same time, you need to weed out the negative and try to remember the positive.

Psychologists recommend setting goals every day and trying to achieve them. We must not forget about communication with family. Pleasant family evenings, a trip to nature, and active recreation together will help you get rid of your worries.

Psychosomatic cough is considered one of the pressing problems of our time. It arises for various reasons, which originate from unresolved internal conflicts and experiences. Treatment of such coughs should be prescribed by experienced psychologists. A set of methods will help you quickly restore your condition and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


Psychosomatics of cough: causes of occurrence in children and adults

A cough that appears is most often considered one of the symptoms of a respiratory disease, but there are other reasons for its appearance. An unusual, but important diagnostic symptom may be a nervous cough , which is of a psychosomatic nature of origin and practically cannot be treated with medication.

Brain-body connection

“All diseases come from nerves” is a completely fair statement. This problem is dealt with by the science of psychosomatics - a study at the intersection of psychology and medicine.

The appearance and progression of some somatic diseases are closely intertwined with the functioning of the nervous system and psychological factors.

The most in-depth studies try to find the connection between physical illnesses and deep-seated spiritual and emotional problems.

Thus, the psychosomatic causes of autonomic disorders, migraines, and asthma, which arise due to panic attacks, have already been identified. Nervous cough in children and adults is a sign of mental disorders .

How does a psychosomatic cough manifest?

Psychosomatic cough in adults and children occurs during mental disturbances. The very reason for the appearance of this disease is irritation of the “cough center” - the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is responsible for the coughing process.

But if normally this mechanism of operation is intended to cleanse the respiratory tract from pathogenic organisms, foreign bodies, and foreign substances, then a nervous cough in adults and children appears without such reasons.

There are no symptoms of respiratory disease.

Distinctive symptoms of psychogenic cough:

  • Psychosomatic cough is dry , since no mucus is formed in the respiratory tract and there are no inflammatory processes.
  • It begins to worsen in stressful cases, when mental work predominantly involves processes of excitation. That is, cough in children due to nervousness occurs, for example, in anticipation of exams, due to significant study loads, and in adults due to quarrels, problems at work, etc.
  • Without worries, psychogenic disorders recede, symptoms of a nervous cough do not appear in sleep, in a calm environment.
  • There are no other symptoms of respiratory diseases: fever , nasal congestion, inflammation of the mucous membranes. There is no physical cause for a nervous cough.

The main causes of psychogenic cough

Symptoms of nervous cough accompany mental disorders, disorders of the mechanisms of impulse transmission along nerves. It appears in people who feel constant anxiety , excitement, and stress.

These symptoms can be caused by:

  • Loneliness or quarrels with loved ones;
  • Stressful work or home environment;
  • “Mirror effect” during illness of loved ones;
  • Doing something that disgusts you;
  • Waiting for exams.

Negative emotions begin to provoke irritation of the cough center, but symptoms can also appear when receiving powerful joyful feelings. The nervous system is equally activated in these cases, overexcitation affects the cough center.

Thus, a nervous cough is typical in adults and children “out of habit.” It arises from somatic cough manifestations, as a sign of severe lung disease, which is fixed reflexively over a long period of the disease. The disease has passed, but the symptoms continue to remain.

Psychogenic coughs are very often a “bad habit”, with the help of which a person evokes sympathy from others. Occurring at first as a conscious simulation, this cough eventually becomes fixed reflexively in the psyche.

Diagnosis of the disease

A psychosomatic cough symptom in an adult patient or a child is determined by collecting an anamnesis and how to exclude diseases of the respiratory system.

When the appearance of a symptom begins to worsen in a person’s excited state and disappears in a calm environment, this indicates the psychogenic nature of the origin.

Symptoms of mental cough disappear when the patient begins to get involved in an interesting activity, while forgetting about his problems.

Diagnosis is performed only by a professional doctor . Only an experienced psychotherapist will take into account the symptoms and be able to tell how to cure nervousness.

Self-medication only complicates the situation, masking the real causes of the disease, making it difficult to identify the etiology of origin.

An experienced specialist will discover a pathological substrate in the unconscious or conscious layer of the human psyche that causes a cough reaction.

It is very important to distinguish the symptoms of a neurological cough in a patient and begin timely treatment of possible mental disorders.

How to treat psychosomatic cough?

Since this symptom is a superficial sign of a nervous disorder, in itself it is almost incurable.

In order to be able to influence the very cause of coughing attacks, medications are prescribed that affect the cough center in the medulla oblongata of the head.

Drugs with this effect are prescribed only by a psychotherapist. In this case, antidepressants and sedatives are used.

It is necessary to organize conditions for the restoration of the nervous system. The patient and those around him can relieve and in some cases cure nervous cough on their own. It is necessary to create a friendly and calm environment, to pay more attention to positive activities that cause a surge of positive emotions.

An important role in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system is played by the daily routine, which, to avoid overexertion, involves alternating periods of rest and work.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the treatment of nervous disorders, herbal medicine is used, as well as traditional medicine, but this must be agreed upon with a doctor.

  • Water infusions of motherwort, medicinal valerian, and thyme strengthen the nerves and also have a sedative and calming effect. Thus, the nervous symptoms disappear.
  • Tinctures of medicinal herbs in alcohol have a beneficial effect on the psyche, but their use in children must be carefully dosed.
  • Relaxing baths with herbal infusions normalize the nervous system.
  • Mastering meditation and relaxation techniques will help control nervous reactions.
  • An unconventional, but very effective method of treatment is hypnosis. By immersing a person in a hypnotic state, a psychotherapist will be able to discover the underlying cause of nervous disorders and cure it.
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Child psychosomatics of cough

As psychosomatics notes, a child has a cough symptom due to nervousness - this is a fairly common phenomenon. The child’s psyche is forming, it still remains mobile and is not completely settled. Children react violently to events, are emotional, have a hard time withstanding stress and criticism, and are dramatic, which is why they may develop a nervous cough.

This condition can be caused by:

  • conflicts with peers or in the family;
  • intense study;
  • unexpected fear (for example, watching horror films);
  • exams;
  • upcoming performance before the public (educational conferences, matinees).

Psychosomatic symptoms are most pronounced during puberty, when a serious restructuring of the child’s psyche and body occurs. If the psyche is already formed, then these symptoms go away on their own.

The most important thing during coughing attacks in children is to correctly determine the cause of the disease, so as not to miss a nervous disorder or a developing infection.

Close observation of children and identification of situations when they appear will help diagnose coughing attacks due to nervousness.

If there are no other signs of respiratory diseases and a restful sleep at night is not interrupted by attacks, then this indicates a nervous cause for the cough.

Treatment of psychological cough in a child involves going to a child psychologist who can help cope with the problems. It is these problems that require the close attention of parents, and coughing attacks are only desperate signals for help.

  • There is no need to scold children if they continue to cough. It is better not to focus on this fact.
  • Children with nervous system disorders (and healthy children as well) benefit from moderate physical activity - a sports section.
  • Reduce the amount of time your child spends in front of the computer and watching TV.
  • Exclude products that contain caffeine (tea, chocolate) from the daily menu. They can be replaced by magnesium-containing products - green vegetables, nuts.
  • You can alleviate the appearance of nervous disorders in a child with massage, herbal teas, and sedatives of plant origin.

The human body and psyche closely influence each other and are interconnected. In the light of the development of psychosomatics, the old slogan “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is beginning to be revived again and, accordingly, vice versa.

Often, in order to help their children, parents need to reconsider their attitude towards the world, which is why they cannot cope without a psychoanalyst.

The life of any person is what he thinks about it, and in order to change something around you, you need to start with your feelings, thoughts and self-awareness, since a person is happy only when he is in harmony with the world around him and with himself.


Cough - psychosomatics: causes in adults, psychosomatic with sputum, dry and sore throat in a child, symptoms

Soul and body are inextricably linked. It is not for nothing that the causes of some diseases of the body are associated with diseases of the soul.

Thus, in the 19th century, the medical and psychological direction of psychosomatics arose, which studies the influence of psychological factors on physical diseases.

Past grievances, internal experiences, guilt, anger, fear - emotions cannot but influence our body. Diseases arise due to mental disorders. And cough is not an exception, but rather a confirmation of alternative medicine.

Definition of the symptom of psychosomatic cough

Why alternative medicine? Agree that at an appointment in a regular hospital you will not be asked about your mental well-being. And the doctor will not prescribe self-analysis in the prescription. According to the psychosomatics of sinusitis or cough, this is what you need to deal with if you have any painful symptom.

A cough is a strained, sharp exhalation in order to free the body from excess mucus, pus, sputum or other foreign body. Moreover, cough is not a disease, but only a symptom.

There are many diseases that cause this disease.

But how often do we put psychosomatics on a par with them? Take a closer look at yourself: if you have the following symptoms, then the disease is probably psychosomatic in nature:

  • dry;
  • the nature of the cough does not change for a long time (weeks, months);
  • the disease is not accompanied by the usual symptoms of respiratory tract damage (sputum, fever, purulent discharge);
  • cough worsens in stressful situations;
  • appears only during the day;
  • antitussive medications are not effective;
  • cough does not become more intense during physical activity;
  • dry cough accompanied by shortness of breath.

On what basis can a nervous cough occur in an adult or child: causes

Experts who study psychosomatics have developed tables of probable causes of a particular disease. This is the result of numerous studies and observations.

On what basis does psychosomatic cough occur in adults:

  • A person’s desire to draw attention to his personality provokes the appearance of a strong dry cough - look at me, he says;
  • Disagreement with others , irritation caused by their actions, conversations, internal criticism cause periodic coughing, with the help of which the body wants to get rid of irritation as if it were a foreign body;
  • A person’s defensive reaction to some unpleasant task is the body’s way of trying to get rid of, “clear the throat,” from an unwanted task.

A psychosomatic cough occurs when all the emotions described above are suppressed by a person, he does not try to solve them.

Possible complications

A complex internal condition that provokes a cough can influence the development of the disease. If you continue to ignore your internal state, the cough will get worse. Practice shows that a psychosomatic cough gradually develops into psychosomatic asthma. You can find out about the reasons for a strong cough in the morning by following the link.

Treatment methods

Traditional medicine treats physical ailments, suppresses symptoms with pills, syrups and physiotherapy. Same with coughs. Its usual cause, infection, is treated with antibiotics, immunostimulants and mucolytics.

But you go through the first course, the second, the third and do not feel any relief. What is the reason? In your head. But we come to understand this too late; the disease takes on a chronic form.

Another question arises: how to treat a psychosomatic cough? You can find out how to treat a cough in a 3-year-old child here.

Visit to a psychologist

A visit to a psychologist will help save you from coughing attacks. This is common practice abroad. A specialist will help you understand your feelings and draw conclusions, answer your pressing questions, and develop practices and methods to deal with the problem. But in our country we are not used to trusting our problems to a stranger.

Self-analysis of the psychosomatics of cough

You can do some self-analysis on your own. You need to be extremely honest with yourself. You have nothing to hide from yourself. Everything that you hide from yourself, that you suppress, is worth bringing out. Next, develop an action algorithm depending on the cause of the psychosomatic cough:

  • If the cough is caused by a hidden desire to attract attention or internal irritation, then try to stop and analyze your thoughts. What causes discomfort? Why don't you believe in yourself? What prevents you from living life to the fullest?

All experts involved in psychosomatics recommend turning a negative situation into a positive one in direct proportion.

  • Say a phrase that turns you into a more confident person or reduces dissatisfaction with yourself and people and, accordingly, manifestations in the form of a cough: “I love myself”, “I love the people around”, “I am worthy of this”, “I can”;
  • Don’t hide your emotions, boldly say what you think;
  • Tell yourself that you are recovering, set yourself up for the good;
  • Meditate: meditation calms you down, helps you get rid of anxiety, fatigue, and helps you develop the ability to focus on your personality;
  • Minimize irritating factors: limit watching TV and computer, regulate your sleep, play sports and normalize your diet;
  • Perform soothing aromatherapy treatments;
  • Take herbal-based sedatives: chamomile, string, mint;
  • Treat yourself to acupuncture or a soothing massage;
  • When coughing, breathing exercises are very effective.

Variable breathing

Variable means changeable. This is a breathing technique that connects the body and soul, allowing the psyche to calm down and get rid of stress, and the body to get rid of illness. It is based on the work of the heart, which has a variable heartbeat.

The heart beats 60 times per minute, but it doesn't beat evenly every second. This is a small cardiac arrhythmia that is inherent in nature. During stress, the heart loses such variability, the heart beats like clockwork. So, variable breathing is designed to restore a variable heartbeat.

Stress hormones will stop being produced by the body, and the person will calm down.

You need to make time and space for slow breathing. 10 minutes of time and a comfortable place on a rug or chair. If you are comfortable, let's begin. Inhale slowly for 10 seconds. Next - exhale slowly - also for 10 seconds. There should be no holding your breath. We breathe like this for 10 minutes. You must inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose or mouth.

While inhaling, draw in air with your stomach, gradually inflate your stomach, and while exhaling, gradually push the air out of your throat, trachea, chest and abdomen. In 1 minute you will take 3 inhalations and 3 exhalations. If you can’t hold out for 10 seconds, then start with 5, but gradually increase. To guarantee, place a watch in front of you. This type of breathing should become a daily practice.

At least 10 minutes a day.

How to treat a wet cough in a child

Instructions for using Omnitus are presented in this article.

What is allergic rhinitis: //



Paying attention to our health, we often treat symptoms, spend a lot of money and effort on it, but to no avail. And we don’t want to recognize mental health as important as physical health. Problems accumulated inside come out into the external environment in the form of diseases.

Thus, a psychosomatic cough, as an inner voice, declares contradictions in a person, or a nervous cough manifests itself in children against the background of an unfavorable family environment. And it cannot be drowned out until you listen to yourself and resolve internal conflicts. Dealing with stress is not always possible, especially alone.

But you are already armed with the information and treatment methods described above. Find out about the treatment of cough with phlegm in a child here.


Psychosomatic cough: causes of development and diagnostic methods Link to main publication
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