
Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

The incidence of fungal infections is becoming more intense every year. This can be explained by the mutation of old strains, gradually adapting to various antimycotic and disinfectant drugs, and the emergence of new pathogens.

Taking antibiotics leads to a gradual weakening of their effect, a decrease in immunity and resistance of the human body. Against this background, a comfortable environment is created for the development of various infections, including such phenomena as fungal or candidal prostatitis.

How to identify it, how to treat it, what preventive measures to use?

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Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures
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What is prostate candidiasis

This is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland of fungal etiology, the causative agents are the yeast-like fungi Candida. One of the prerequisites for their excessive reproduction is congestion in the prostate, creating a favorable environment for their development.

Fungal prostatitis is a fairly rare infection, which leads to its untimely detection and to a chronic form and relapses. Undiagnosed candidiasis (thrush) can cause infection of the kidneys and excretory system. This is why it is important to undergo periodic examinations, especially in cases of:

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

  • prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • a previous viral or infectious disease;
  • prolonged exposure to the cold, especially in winter;
  • overheating (harmful effects of UV radiation);
  • suffered stress;
  • lack of vitamins or minerals;
  • improper or inadequate nutrition;
  • maintaining a sedentary lifestyle;
  • close contact with a carrier of candidiasis, including through sexual contact, use of common personal hygiene products.

If a pathology is detected, comprehensive treatment is prescribed, including the elimination of foci of infection and congestion.

Present symptoms

The initial stage is most often asymptomatic. At the second stage, the clinical picture contains symptoms: pain and discomfort in the prostate gland and lower back, disturbances in the urination process (dysuria) - difficulty, frequency, soreness, as well as incontinence. Many men experience fever and erectile dysfunction.

Can appear:

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

  • Severe itching in the penis area, especially the head. A burning sensation is added to it.
  • Discharge from the urethra, a white coating in the folds and in the furrow area, reminiscent of sour milk. It consists of cells of destroyed epithelium, immune system, candida, and plasma protein.
  • Blisters, film or erosion on the penis. They are an allergic reaction to fungus.
  • Redness and swelling of the skin of the penis. Talks about inflammation. The blood vessels dilate due to the body's attempts to deal with it by increasing blood flow to remove toxins.
  • Enlargement and hardening of the lymph nodes in the groin. Penetrating into the lymph node, the fungus produces toxins that lead to inflammation and pain.

Sometimes fungal prostatitis develops into cystitis, pyelonephritis, balanitis, and posthitis. With balanitis, inflammation of the head of the penis occurs, with posthitis - the membrane of the foreskin. When symptoms of both diseases appear, we can talk about balanoposthitis.

Diagnostic methods

Initially, the doctor examines the patient and listens to complaints. If the symptoms are not pronounced and diagnosis is difficult, a general urine and blood test is prescribed.

A swab and scraping are taken from the head and foreskin of the penis, and a laboratory analysis of plaque is done. Microscopic and bacteriological studies of the obtained material are carried out in the laboratory.

In addition, doctors advise doing a full analysis for the presence (absence) of all sexually transmitted infections known to medical science.

If this is not enough, or ulcers appear on the penis, surgical intervention may be prescribed in the form of a biopsy procedure - taking a small fragment of tissue to examine for the presence of infection and identify the causative agent. The fragment is studied using histological studies.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

If studies show that pathological changes are widespread, removal of the affected fragments or the entire prostate gland may be recommended.

Treatment with drugs

After fungal prostatitis is detected using diagnostic methods, appropriate medications are prescribed. In each case, they must be selected individually, depending on the causes, severity, and drug tolerance.

Most of the drugs used to eliminate candidiasis are quite toxic, so only a specialist can prescribe them, based on laboratory data.

It is necessary to select such a quantity and concentration of drugs so that they can destroy yeast fungi without harm to health.

Most often, several antifungal medications are used at once. At the initial stage, Fluconazole is used. In more serious cases, it is used together with Amphotericin.

If ineffective, Amphotericin is prescribed in combination with Ketoconazole.

If the disease is too advanced and there are large areas of fungal infection or prostate abscess, you will have to resort to surgery.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

The medicine must be used for 4–8 weeks, trying not to interrupt the course for a single day, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. Effectiveness must be monitored with antibiograms.

other methods

In addition to prescribing antifungal drugs, other therapeutic methods are used:

  • Stimulation of nonspecific resistance (the body's resistance to damaging factors) to increase its protective capabilities. Acupuncture, autohemotherapy, protein therapy, administration of gamma globulin, serums, and the use of herbal products, for example, ginseng, juniper, ginger, Chinese cordyceps, parsley, etc. are used.
  • Physiotherapy. Intravenous, intracavitary or external laser therapy, magnetic thermal therapy, which includes the effect of heat and an electromagnetic field on the prostate, may be prescribed.
  • Mud-paraffin applications or intrarectal administration of therapeutic mud are used. A silver solution is injected dropwise into the urethra. Electrophoresis is prescribed.
  • Local treatment. It is carried out using prostate massage, which is one of the most effective therapeutic and preventive methods of combating prostatitis.
  • Therapeutic exercise and diet. It is necessary to reconsider your diet, reducing or completely eliminating sweets, baked goods, smoked foods, and fatty foods from the menu.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

It is very useful to use these methods while taking special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Important: alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited during treatment.

Preventive measures

To prevent an infection such as fungal prostatitis, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors. Food should be healthy, natural, with a predominance of vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, cereals, fish, and lean meat. Weak broths and buckwheat rich in microelements are useful. Propolis, garlic, hot peppers, grapefruit, and lingonberries kill fungal cells.

Regular moderate physical activity is required. They can prevent the occurrence of stagnation and inflammation in the prostate. You don't have to go to the gym; you can exercise at home. Yoga and walking are effective. The main thing is that the loads are regular.

The issue of protection is no less important. Using a condom during sexual intercourse will not only protect you from infection with prostate candidiasis, but will also protect you from infection with other diseases. Promiscuous sex life is one of the most common causes of prostatitis. Wearable underwear should be made of natural fabric. Cotton is ideal.

Do not use antifungal drugs and douching unless necessary. This can lead to depletion of healthy flora, addiction of mushrooms to medications, and trigger the development of prostatitis.

Neglected or incorrectly treated candidal prostatitis can lead to such serious consequences as orchitis, gangrenization of the penis, infertility, impotence, narrowing of the urethra, reduction of the foreskin, and cancer. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate and at the first symptoms, immediately contact a specialist.

Doctor of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Diploma in General Medicine, Russian State Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova (2000) Experience 17 years

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Candidal prostatitis: treatment regimen, routes of infection and symptoms

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Petr Viktorovich
  • 34918
  • Update date: December 2019

Candidal prostatitis is a fungal infection of the prostate gland.

The causative agent of the inflammatory process is most often the Candida fungus. The pathology is dangerous due to its long asymptomatic course.

Due to the lack of timely treatment, the disease often develops into chronic candidal prostatitis, which is difficult and long to treat.

What is candidal prostatitis?

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

The disease occurs more often in men with weak immune systems.

Candida is a yeast fungus. It is an important part of the normal microflora of the human body and generally does not cause harm. At the same time, under some circumstances, this opportunistic fungus begins to actively multiply and cause diseases - candidiasis or fungal infection of the skin, mucous membranes or internal organs.

Candidal prostatitis develops due to the penetration of yeast into the prostate gland. Under the influence of various factors, the population of this fungus increases sharply, disrupting the normal balance of intestinal microflora. Fungal spores penetrate the prostate gland in various ways, causing an inflammatory process.

Some types of fungi of the genus Candida can be transmitted sexually. In this case, candidal prostatitis develops due to damage to the urethra by this microflora.

It should be noted that fungal prostatitis is quite rare. Strong immunity prevents colonies of yeast from multiplying, so the Candida population in the body is always “under control.”

The problem with candidal prostatitis is that the disease does not make itself felt for a long time.

In the vast majority of cases, a sluggish inflammatory process can remain undetected for years, and appear only due to a severe decrease in immunity or the development of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system. Often a man learns about candidal prostatitis by chance, during a routine examination by a urologist.

Causes of development and risk factors

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Failure to use barrier contraceptives can lead to fungal infection

As already mentioned, the main cause of the development of this disease is infection of the prostate gland by a fungus. Microflora penetrates the prostate gland in three ways:

  • through fungal-infected skin and mucous membranes (perianal candidiasis);
  • through lymph, in case of systemic mycosis;
  • by the urogenital route.

When infected with candidiasis through sexual intercourse, there is a risk that fungal spores will penetrate the prostate gland through a descending route, that is, through the urethra. It should be noted that this method of infection is the most likely.

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The fact is that an aggressive microflora is transmitted from a woman to a man, which the immune system cannot cope with very quickly. In this case, thrush (candidiasis) of the penis develops, also known as urogenital candidiasis.

First, the fungus affects only the head of the penis (candidal balanoposthitis), then it spreads to the entire urethra (fungal urethritis), and then the fungal spores are thrown into the prostate gland and cause an inflammatory process.

The main risk factors that increase the chance of developing this disease:

  • episode of decreased immunity;
  • long-term antibacterial therapy;
  • untreated genital candidiasis;
  • systemic mycoses;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

Decreased immunity can be caused by recent infectious diseases, hypothermia, or severe stress.

One of the key factors in the development of various fungal diseases is the use of antibiotics.

Drugs in this group must be taken correctly, otherwise the microflora of the stomach and intestines is disrupted, dysbacteriosis develops, due to which the population of yeast fungi increases.

Since the immune system is weakened while taking antibiotics, the body cannot influence the number of fungi, so Candida reduces the amount of “useful” microflora. The colony of fungi grows, soon it lacks nutrition, so the fungus attacks various organs and systems.

Symptoms of the disease

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

With pathology, there is a sharp drop in male potency

The main problem of candidal or fungal prostatitis is a long asymptomatic course. In the vast majority of cases, this disease occurs in a chronic rather than acute form.

90% of cases of candidal prostatitis are a complication of genital candidiasis in men.

Simply put, this is advanced thrush, which is not limited to the head of the penis, but has spread further and affected the prostate gland. Thus, the first symptom of candidal prostatitis will be thrush in men.

It is manifested by redness of the glans penis with the formation of a whitish coating, light discharge from the urethra, itching and discomfort in the urethra.

Note! Symptoms of thrush in men are more pronounced in the morning, immediately after sleep.

Prostatitis develops slowly; from the onset of symptoms of thrush to damage to the prostate, it can take several months, or even a year. If thrush is not treated, it becomes a chronic asymptomatic form. The symptoms of candidiasis of the prostate gland are fully consistent with the signs of chronic prostatitis. These include:

  • frequent and difficult urination;
  • feeling of fullness of the bladder, intensifying at night;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and anus.

A distinctive feature of fungal infection of the prostate gland is white discharge from the urethra. However, they may be absent, so this type of disease can only be accurately determined through laboratory testing.

Candidal prostatitis almost never occurs in an acute form.

However, the action of pathogenic microflora weakens the immune system, the prostate becomes vulnerable to various microorganisms, therefore, against the background of candidal prostatitis, the development of a secondary infection in the prostate is possible.

In this case, the disease occurs in an acute form, accompanied by severe pain in the perineum, high fever, and symptoms of general intoxication.

Differential diagnosis

If discomfort occurs, you should make an appointment with a urologist. In general, making a diagnosis does not cause problems if a man undergoes a comprehensive examination of the genitourinary system. First of all, differential diagnosis is carried out with candidal balanoposthitis and urethritis.

To do this, the doctor takes a smear from the urethra.

At the same time, it should be remembered that candidal balanoposthitis, urethritis and prostatitis are related, and in especially severe cases, pathogenic microflora is found both in the smear and in the prostate secretion, so analysis of prostatic secretion is a mandatory examination for an accurate diagnosis.

Thus, candidal prostatitis can be diagnosed by the presence of yeast in the secretion of the prostate gland. The secretion is taken for analysis through rectal stimulation of the prostate. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the organ to exclude adenomas and stones in the prostate.

Treatment principle

In the treatment of candidal prostatitis, antimycotics are used - drugs that are active against pathogenic fungi. Additionally, various medications are prescribed to reduce symptoms.

Antimycotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to a particular drug. This is determined using bacterial culture of prostate secretions.

Since candidal prostatitis occurs in a chronic form, treatment can be supplemented with physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

Drug treatment

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

When taking antifungal drugs, it is necessary to protect the liver from their effects; Karsil Forte is one of such hepatoprotectors

The universal treatment regimen for candidal prostatitis comes down to taking an antimycotic in a certain dosage for a long period.

As a rule, Fluconazole or its analogues are prescribed in an amount of 50-100 mg of the drug per day for 28 days.

The need for long-term use of the drug is due to the fact that anti-fungal drugs have difficulty penetrating the prostate gland, so it takes a long time for the active substance to accumulate in the tissues of the organ.

If the fungus is resistant to Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Nystatin, Ketoconazole or other antifungal agents in tablets and capsules that are active against yeast fungi may be prescribed.

All of these drugs have a high degree of hepatotoxicity. Since they must be taken over a long course, some hepatoprotectors (Essentiale Forte, Karsil, etc.) must be prescribed during treatment.

After a course of taking antimycotics, a man may be prescribed other medications for prostatitis - Gentos, Prostamol Uno and other herbal preparations used in urology.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has nothing to oppose the yeast fungus in the prostate gland. This is because no homemade herbal medicines can penetrate the prostate gland when taken orally. Treatment can be carried out using soda microenemas and sitz baths, tampons with calamus decoction, and applications of celandine decoction, but these remedies are ineffective.

Among folk remedies, we can only recommend tincture of Echinacea purpurea. This remedy will not cure prostatitis, but will help improve immunity, thereby increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Other treatments

Therapy for candidal prostatitis can be supplemented with mud therapy, prostate massage, magnetic therapy, and exercises to strengthen intimate muscles. All these methods are aimed at improving prostate trophism, so this treatment is practiced only after a course of drug therapy, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Possible complications and prevention

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Strong immunity will help avoid the manifestation of pathology

Candidal prostatitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to impotence and infertility. The disease must be detected in a timely manner. It is important to begin treatment only after determining the sensitivity of the microflora to various antifungal agents and to use only drugs approved by the doctor.

Self-medication is unacceptable for candidal prostatitis. Yeast quickly develops resistance to antifungal agents, so incorrectly selected dosage can lead to a lack of treatment effectiveness and rapid progression of the disease.

In the absence of timely treatment, prostatitis becomes stable. In this case, medications are ineffective and only temporarily reduce symptoms, not allowing you to completely get rid of the disease.

Prevention of candidal prostatitis comes down to maintaining a strong immune system and timely treatment of thrush in men. It is important to remember that thrush is a two-partner affair. If a woman experiences symptoms, the man must undergo treatment, otherwise there is a high risk of developing prostatitis.


Candidal prostatitis: features, causes and treatment

Prostate disease in men is quite common.

Increasingly, there are cases of inflammatory processes of the prostate for one reason or another, which lead to the most negative consequences.

Therefore, timely diagnosis and establishment of the correct diagnosis will help eradicate the problem in the early stages, without starting it to a chronic stage. And, as you know, it is candidal prostatitis in an advanced stage that is more difficult to cure.

Candidal prostatitis - what is it?

Candidal prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland affected by the Candida . This disease tends to recur and go into the stage of chronic pathology if it is not detected in time by qualified specialists.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

The danger of fungal prostatitis lies not only in the fact that the disease can become chronic, but also in the fact that the inflammatory process caused by the fungus in the prostate can spread to other organs such as the kidneys, urethra, or affect the body’s excretory system.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Reasons for appearance

The causes of candidal prostatitis can be varied, however, the only one that all experts agree on is weakened immunity . Despite the different opinions of doctors, the main causes of prostate fungus are:

  • Acute viral diseases.
  • Chronic diseases that are already present in the body.
  • Hypothermia of the genitals.
  • Oncological disease.
  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Nervous shocks, stress.
  • Non-compliance with diet.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Incorrect use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.
  • Transfusion of infected blood.


One of the most obvious disadvantages of a disease such as fungal prostatitis is the absence of at least some signs of its development in the body in the first stages, when treatment will still have positive results. The more advanced the disease is, the less chance there is of getting rid of it once and for all.

However, regardless of the stage of the lesion, symptoms may manifest themselves as follows:

  • Inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract.
  • Impaired urination: frequent, difficult, painful.
  • Pain and obvious discomfort in the pelvis.
  • Feverish attacks.
  • Manifestation of urinary incontinence.
  • Erection problems.
  • Burning in the urethra.
  • Increased body temperature – hyperthermia.
  • Purulent discharge from the genitals, which may be mixed with blood.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Since the symptoms can be secretive, it is not always possible to detect candidal prostatitis, which aggravates the patient’s situation.

Read also:  Diagnosis of prostate adenoma in men: effective methods


Diagnosis should be carried out carefully with special detail of symptoms, since fungal prostatitis can very easily be confused with urethritis . And if the wrong treatment is prescribed, you can easily aggravate the course of the disease itself.

To determine prostate candidiasis, an external examination by a urologist is not enough; the doctor must also conduct a series of tests of urine, blood, and seminal fluid. Also, very often this disease is diagnosed by prostate biopsy . This method involves microscopic examination of a piece of prostate tissue for the presence of infections and fungi.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measuresBiopsy

Treatment, what to do, what and how

Treatment of candidal prostatitis involves eliminating the fungal infection and increasing the body's immunity. On average, treatment for this disease takes about 4-8 weeks .

In order for therapy to be effective, drugs must be prescribed after a thorough diagnosis and exclusively by the attending physician. Otherwise, you can aggravate an already serious disease.

In the first stages of the disease, doctors prescribe a drug called Fluconazole , which must be taken for 6 weeks. The dosage is determined directly by a qualified specialist.

If the repeated tests after treatment have not changed, then stronger drugs are prescribed, or Intraconazole , Amphotericin , or Ketonazole .

You should also adhere to a diet while taking medications, limit yourself to flour products, smoked foods, and give up alcoholic beverages.

The action of Fluconazole is to stop the growth and development of the fungus at the cellular level. This leads to the death of the infection over time, since the possibility of its vital activity in the body is excluded. This drug is good because it is not addictive and is absolutely safe for humans.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Since Fluconazole is absorbed quickly, it can be taken with meals. The drug is eliminated after 30 hours through urination. Like many other medications, it has contraindications, namely, it is not recommended for use:

  • Men under 16 years of age.
  • With severe sensitivity to chemicals.
  • For liver diseases.
  • In case of individual intolerance to drugs.

When adjusting the dosage, side effects may not occur. However, violating the rules of application, the following appears:

  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Rashes on the surface of the skin.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Paranoia.
  • Since antifungal agents disrupt the intestinal microflora, along with them, doctors prescribe drugs that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and contain lactobacilli.
  • As for strengthening the body’s immune system, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes, such as Supradin , Complivit , Vitrum , Centrum .
  • Complex treatment helps get rid of candidiasis and at the same time regenerate the functioning of the prostate gland.


In order to prevent infection of such an important male organ as the prostate with a fungal infection, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Undergo systematic examinations by a qualified specialist or attending urologist using ultrasound examination of the prostate gland;
  2. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet;
  3. Diligently strengthen the body's immune system;
  4. Timely elimination of any source of infectious lesions in the body;
  5. Avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse, or pay special attention to effective methods of contraception;
  6. Wear underwear that is made from natural fabrics;
  7. Do not use medications unnecessarily, as they can cause serious harm to the body.

Candidal prostatitis is a disease that is difficult to detect and difficult to cure, therefore, at the first signs of a fungal infection, you should seek help from a specialist doctor.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or let the disease go away with the thought that it will go away on its own.

The fungus has the ability to enslave in turn all the organs to which it has open access and develop, feeding on their microflora.

It should be understood that one disease will always entail many others, and the longer a trip to the doctor is delayed, the greater the likelihood that the disease will not be curable, and the consequences will be quite dire.


Candidal prostatitis: treatment of fungal disease

According to statistical medical studies, a significant increase in fungal infections has been observed over the past decade.

The reason for this is a decrease in immunity in the population and the emergence of new types of microorganisms resistant to antibacterial drugs.

Among prostate diseases, candidal prostatitis is most often diagnosed. Experts call the direct causative agent of the disease a fungus of the genus Candida.

Candidiasis is a type of fungal infection caused by the growth in the human body of a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Most often, the disease affects the genital and urological areas and occurs in the male and female population. The following types of disease are possible in the male body:

  • epididymitis - infection affects the testicles;
  • candidal urethritis - the lesion is located in the urinary tract;
  • balanoposthitis – the disease forms on the foreskin of the penis;
  • candidal prostatitis - a fungus develops in the prostate gland.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

How to recognize the disease

It is quite difficult to detect fungal prostatitis in the initial stage. The infection is often painless for humans. As the disease progresses and develops, certain symptoms may appear:

  • disorder in the urinary system, pain when emptying the bladder;
  • discomfort in the pelvic area;
  • frequent urge to urinate, incontinence;
  • itching in the penis area;
  • specific plaque on the head of the penis;
  • possible redness of the skin of the genitals, whitish clots on the head of the penis.

If primary signs of the disease are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist to avoid complications. A fungal infection in the process of growth can affect not only the genitourinary system, but also the entire human body. An advanced form of the disease can lead to bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, and colitis.

Factors influencing the development of the disease

Every person's body contains a fungus of the genus Candida. When the immune system is fully functioning, this factor does not pose a danger. Experts identify several main reasons that affect the decrease in immunity, which causes fungal prostatitis:

  • viral colds that occur on a regular basis;
  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • frequent nervous tension, stress, irritability, overwork;
  • metabolic disorders caused by poor diet;
  • long-term (regular) hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • chronic forms of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • lack of regular sex life.

In addition to common risk factors, there are many other reasons that influence the development of infection. Congenital or acquired as a result of injury, narrowing of the urethra leads to low urine outflow, provoking the development of a bacterial background.

Any form of trauma to the groin area or pelvic organs can interfere with proper blood circulation, causing stagnation processes; much less often, the appearance and development of the disease can be preceded by a hereditary predisposition.

Stages of diagnosis and treatment

To confirm the presence of fungal prostatitis, several stages of careful diagnosis are required.

Name Process description
Patient history Collecting information about the patient’s condition, studying hereditary predisposition. Identification of complaints, initial examination
Rectal examination Examination by a urologist through a rectal examination. Subject of examination – study of the structure, size, shape of the prostate
Collection of analyzes Laboratory testing of urine, blood, and secretions to determine the inflammatory process and the degree of infection
Technical Research Examination using ultrasound and cystoscopy to determine the current state of the organ, identifying possible complications

Only after a complete examination and collection of the results of all the main stages of diagnosis can the attending physician prescribe treatment. The process of getting rid of the disease is long and painstaking, requiring strict adherence to the specialist’s instructions.

The urologist draws up a treatment regimen that will help reduce the active growth of the disease and prevent further inflammation. A full course of combating the disease includes taking drugs that have an antimycotic effect. These include fluconazole, itraconazole, ketaconazole, amphotericin and others.

Taking medications should be regular and stable; deviation from the regimen can lead to re-propagation of the fungal infection, reducing the effectiveness of treatment.

The drugs used in treatment have a high degree of toxicity, so you should carefully follow the dosage prescribed by a specialist.

Complex treatment

Fungal prostatitis is treated not only with medication. The key to successful recovery is complex therapy. Antifungal agents disrupt the natural microflora of the human body, therefore it is important to take restorative drugs, B vitamins, and microelements.

Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition and daily routine. The menu should include vegetables, fruits, and natural products. It is advisable to remove fatty, spicy, sour, and salty foods from the diet. Drinking alcoholic beverages and coffee has a negative effect on treatment.

Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures

Prevention measures

Treatment of fungal prostatitis is long and complex, therefore, after getting rid of candidiasis, preventive measures should be used. There are several simple rules, following which you can forget about an unpleasant illness forever:

  1. Proper diet with a large content of natural products. Mandatory consumption of onions, garlic, grapefruit, propolis, which will suppress the activity of fungal infections.
  2. It is important to pay attention to underwear; only cotton fabrics should be used.
  3. Avoid using enemas and douching. Such procedures help flush out beneficial microflora from the body.
  4. Safe and regular sex. A condom will help prevent infection if you have sex with an infected partner. A full sex life provides a natural massage to the prostate gland, preventing the development of the disease.
  5. Periodic examination by a urologist. Regular visits to a specialist will help identify the presence of the disease at an early stage.

It is important to listen to the signals of your own body, because any disease is easier to cure in the initial stage.



Candidal prostatitis: causes, symptoms of the disease and treatment regimen for the fungus

The inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland indicates that a fungal infection of the prostate has begun. It appears due to the activity of the candida fungus, which can enter the human body in various ways, so today candidal prostatitis is a very common disease.

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If this microorganism is in a calm state, then it will not lead to a violation.

However, if contributing factors arise, this will affect the activation of pathogenic flora and provoke inflammation in the prostate.

This disease is also called fungal prostatitis, which is caused by the above microscopic fungi. Moreover, treatment can be very lengthy, since getting rid of such a disease is quite difficult.

Causes of the disease

A microscopic fungus, like any other pathogen that causes infectious prostatitis, can penetrate directly into the prostate in various ways:

  1. Urethrogenic (if an infection occurs this way, it most often leads to candidal prostatitis).
  2. Hematogenous.
  3. Lymphogenic.

Important! Almost every male body has the candida fungus, which makes itself felt when immunity decreases.

If a person has good immune defense, then candida is not able to cause disruption in the functioning of the organ.

Prostate fungus occurs for various reasons:

  • colds;
  • viral diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations;
  • depression;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • inactivity;
  • poor nutrition.

The listed reasons primarily lead to a decrease in protective forces, so therapeutic measures should be aimed at supporting the body as a whole.

If we compare this disease with other infectious pathologies, it does not occur so often, but recently the number of patients with this diagnosis has increased significantly.

The increase in the incidence of candidal prostatitis is facilitated by reduced immunity due to environmental deterioration. Therefore, treatment is a long process, which is often accompanied by relapses.

There are a number of factors that can affect the formation of this inflammation. Often a fungal infection appears:

  • for disorders of the endocrine system;
  • for oncology;
  • with HIV infection;
  • during hormonal imbalances;
  • when there is frequent hypothermia;
  • in case of smoking or alcohol abuse;
  • as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse with different girls;
  • with an insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • if there are not enough vitamins in the body.

It is important to know that any infection, in particular fungal prostatitis, is contagious. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and try to eliminate all possible risk factors.


During candidal prostatitis, inflammation of the lower urinary tract occurs, which begins with urination problems. But prostate candidiasis can be asymptomatic or clinically pronounced.

Hidden disease is considered the most dangerous, since in this case the disease can only be detected after a prostate biopsy.

The main symptoms of candidal prostatitis:

  • failure in the process of urine excretion;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • increased body temperature.

Much depends on the type of disease; a certain form can provoke prostate adenoma or cause a systemic infection.

In some cases, this disease is considered an inflammation of the urinary tract, so if the diagnosis is incorrect, the patient is diagnosed with cystitis or urethritis. The fact is that it is quite difficult to distinguish between candidal prostatitis and its other types. Here you should know that candidiasis infection is characterized not only by pain in the lower back and groin area, but also by a burning sensation.

If yeast-like microorganisms are activated, this can lead to hyperthermia. Most often, this sign indicates the presence of a purulent focus and the formation of inflammation.

If there is no treatment in the early stages, urination will soon become problematic and dysuria will begin to appear.

At a more advanced stage, sexual dysfunction occurs, and discharge with purulent mass and blood begins.

In order for the treatment to be correct and aimed at eliminating the fungal infection, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a specialist.

The difference between prostatitis and thrush

Candida prostatitis and thrush are slightly different diseases, although the causative agent is the same. Thrush usually affects the genitals. This disease is characterized by frequent relapses and often becomes chronic. Men may experience the following types of thrush:

  • candidal urethritis, which affects the urethra;
  • fungal prostatitis affecting the prostate gland;
  • balanoposthitis, localized in the area of ​​the glans penis;
  • epididymitis, which forms in the epididymis.

Thus, candidal prostatitis can be classified as a type of thrush. Moreover, many men believe that this disease is a female disease, and when this problem arises, they do not seek help from a doctor, and do not take any action on their own.

But if this disorder is not treated, it can later develop into a chronic form or prostate cancer. One of the most dangerous phenomena, the appearance of which can be affected by timely untreated candidiasis and prostatitis, is infertility.

A man can pass this fungus to his woman, which is especially dangerous when she is pregnant. Therefore, prostatitis is not so dangerous if it is eliminated in a timely manner. But if thrush is added to this disease, it will be much more difficult to cure, and it can lead to serious consequences.


To confirm the diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist who will advise you to submit material for a biopsy. During this, tissue is collected, and then the sample is examined using a microscope. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to determine tissue composition at the cell level. The disease can also be diagnosed during surgery, during excision of the prostate gland.

In addition, if there is a suspicion of a fungal infection, then you cannot do without

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • HIV testing;
  • examination of a smear that is taken from the head of the penis, as well as the foreskin.

Treatment methods

  • Treatment of candidal prostatitis in men takes a long time, since the microorganism that has entered the body cannot be completely removed.
  • With the help of proper therapy, it will only be possible to reduce the activity of the fungus and prevent the development of inflammation, and the treatment itself should be prescribed by a urologist after a thorough examination.
  • The patient is offered a specific treatment regimen, which will include antimycotic medications.
  • The following methods are considered effective:
  • amphotericin;
  • ketoconazole;
  • fluconazole.

The listed medications are prescribed for a long term, and the course of therapy itself should last about 4 weeks. During this period, the main thing is not to miss taking the prescribed medications; if you ignore this rule, then the treatment will not bring the desired result, since the fungi can become active again.

Drugs with an antimycotic effect have increased toxicity. For this reason, therapy must be prescribed strictly by a specialist, and self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

The dosage, as well as the duration of the course, is determined by the doctor, who will act according to laboratory tests. If a man independently purchases any of the listed drugs, the active substance contained in the medicine may not be enough. As a result, microorganisms will be active, and the inflammatory process will not go away.

Therapy, which includes antifungal medications, can disrupt the body's microflora. To prevent this from happening, the doctor, after completing the full course, may prescribe medications with lactobacilli.

It will be useful to take vitamin B, which will support immune defense.

Basic drugs

After confirmation of this diagnosis, treatment should be carried out with antifungal medications, and the therapy should be comprehensive. Much depends on the stage of the disease, which can be:

  • primary;
  • first;
  • complex.

Fluconazole for prostatitis is used initially at a dosage of 200 mg per day, and therapy can last up to 45 days. If the patient has the first stage, then he is prescribed difluzol, which is taken once in the amount of 150 mg.

They may also prescribe amphotericin, the dosage of which is determined by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s weight. At a difficult stage, ketoconazole, which is taken twice a day, 100 mg, can help. And the course lasts two weeks. Here, too, you should take amphotericin only in the form of drops.

After such treatment, the patient will need to purchase lactobacilli. During this time, it is important for a man to eat well and also abstain from sex for a while.

If the situation is advanced and pus has accumulated in the prostate as a result of inflammation, then surgical excision cannot be avoided.


Fluconazole is an antifungal medication and is often prescribed for this diagnosis. The medication must be taken orally, regardless of food consumption, and the dosage largely depends on the severity of the infection and its type.

If we are talking about ordinary candidiasis, then the remedy is taken once, but this will not be enough to treat fungal prostatitis. The drug will need to be used until the clinical and laboratory manifestations of the infection pass.

Instructions for use contain all the necessary information.

If the duration of therapy is insufficient, the infectious process will resume, so the dosage must be determined by the doctor. When the patient has an acute form, a one-time dose of 150 mg is enough for him to consolidate the result after a week, the dose must be repeated. In the chronic form, the drug is used daily until symptoms are completely eliminated.

If a man has a regular partner, then she also needs to be examined and treated for candidiasis.

Fluconazole has many analogues, among which are Diflucan and Flucostat. The first drug is available in the form of capsules, injection solution and powder, and the second drug can also be purchased in the form of capsules or solution.

As for the dosage, flucostat for prostatitis is taken 50-100 mg per day for up to 4 weeks. Diflucan is also taken for a month, up to 100 mg per day.

The active ingredients in both products are the same, but flucostat is a cheaper analogue, since it is produced domestically.


Even when the fungus is in the body, if you follow preventive measures, you may never encounter prostatitis of a candidal nature. To do this you need to follow simple rules:

  1. The diet should include foods with natural antifungal substances. This applies to garlic, hot peppers, and lingonberries.
  2. Underwear should be made of cotton.
  3. It is worth refusing enemas or douching if there are no indications for this.

Important! When a partner is diagnosed with thrush, sexual intercourse should be performed only with a condom.

Thanks to this, harmful microorganisms will not be able to penetrate the male genitals.


Candidal prostatitis: features of the disease and preventive measures Link to main publication
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