
Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

Nosebleed is the leakage of blood from the nasal cavity due to a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. More often accompanies injuries and inflammatory diseases of the nose, and can be caused by diseases of the blood vessels and blood system.

It is characterized by the outflow of scarlet blood in drops or streams from the nostrils, flowing down the back wall of the throat. May be accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness.

Heavy recurrent nosebleeds cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, general weakness, and can be life-threatening.

Nosebleed is the leakage of blood from the nasal cavity due to a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. More often accompanies injuries and inflammatory diseases of the nose, and can be caused by diseases of the blood vessels and blood system.

It is characterized by the outflow of scarlet blood in drops or streams from the nostrils, flowing down the back wall of the throat. May be accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness.

Heavy recurrent nosebleeds cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, general weakness, and can be life-threatening.

Nosebleeds are a widespread pathological condition. Patients with nosebleeds account for about 10% of the total number of patients hospitalized in ENT departments.

There are general and local causes of nosebleeds.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

  • Nose trauma is the most common cause of bleeding. In addition to ordinary household, industrial and road injuries, this group includes injuries to the nasal mucosa during operations, foreign bodies, and therapeutic and diagnostic procedures (nasogastric intubation, nasotracheal intubation, catheterization and puncture of the nasal sinuses).
  • Pathological conditions accompanied by congestion of the nasal mucosa (sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids).
  • Dystrophic processes in the nasal mucosa (with severe curvature of the nasal septum, atrophic rhinitis).
  • Tumors of the nasal cavity (specific granuloma, angioma, malignant tumor).

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

Depending on which part of the nasal cavity the source of blood loss is localized, nosebleeds are divided into anterior and posterior.

The source of anterior nosebleeds in 90-95% of cases is the rich network of blood vessels of the so-called Kisselbach zone.

In this zone there are a large number of small vessels covered with a thin mucous membrane, practically devoid of a submucosal layer.

Anterior nosebleeds very rarely cause massive blood loss, and, as a rule, do not threaten the patient’s life. They often stop on their own.

The source of posterior nosebleeds are fairly large vessels in the deep parts of the nasal cavity. Due to the large diameter of the vessels, posterior nosebleeds are often massive and can pose a threat to the patient's life. Such bleeding almost never stops on its own.

Blood loss during nosebleeds is assessed as follows:

  • insignificant - several tens of milliliters;
  • light – up to 500 ml;
  • moderate severity - up to 1000-1400 ml;
  • heavy - over 1400 ml.

Symptoms of nosebleeds are divided into three groups:

  • signs of bleeding;
  • signs of acute blood loss;
  • symptoms of the underlying disease.

In some patients, nosebleeds begin suddenly; in others, the bleeding may be preceded by dizziness, tinnitus, headache, or tickling or itching in the nose. An immediate sign of nosebleeds is the flow of blood from the nasal cavity to the outside or inside the nasopharynx. In the latter case, the blood drains into the oropharynx, where it is detected during pharyngoscopy.

With minor blood loss, pathological symptoms, as a rule, are not detected. Some patients may experience dizziness from the sight of blood. With mild blood loss, patients complain of dizziness, tinnitus, thirst, general weakness, and palpitations. In some cases, slight paleness of the skin may occur.

Moderate blood loss is accompanied by severe dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, acrocyanosis, tachycardia and shortness of breath. With severe blood loss, hemorrhagic shock develops. The patient is lethargic and may lose consciousness. During the examination, a thread-like pulse, pronounced tachycardia, and a sharp drop in blood pressure are revealed.

To determine the location of the source of nosebleeds (anterior or posterior bleeding), the patient is examined, pharyngoscopy and anterior rhinoscopy are performed. In some cases, with pulmonary and gastric bleeding, blood flows into the nasal cavity and simulates nosebleeds. Primary differential diagnosis is based on data from the external examination of the patient.

With nosebleeds, the blood is dark red; with bleeding from the lungs, it foams and has a bright scarlet color. Stomach bleeding is characterized by the flow of very dark blood that looks like coffee grounds. It must be taken into account that severe nosebleeds may be accompanied by bloody vomiting with dark blood.

The cause of vomiting in this case is the ingestion of blood flowing down the oropharynx.

Additional tests are performed to assess blood loss and identify the underlying disease that caused the nosebleed. The volume of blood loss is assessed based on the results of a general blood test and coagulogram. The tactics of the general examination are determined by the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

In case of anterior nosebleeds, in most cases, in order to stop the bleeding, it is enough to put cold on the nose area, press the nostril for 10-15 minutes or insert a cotton ball soaked in a hemostatic agent or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nasal cavity.

Anemization of the nasal mucosa is also carried out with a solution of adrenaline or ephedrine.Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment If bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, anterior packing of one or both halves of the nasal cavity is performed.

Anterior nasal tamponade often has a good effect on posterior nosebleeds. If posterior nosebleeds cannot be stopped, posterior tamponade is performed.

If the above measures are ineffective and recurrent nosebleeds, surgical treatment is performed. The volume and tactics of intervention are determined by the location of the source of bleeding.

If repeated nosebleeds are localized in the anterior sections, in some cases endoscopic coagulation, cryodestruction, administration of sclerosing drugs and other measures aimed at obliterating the lumen of small vessels in the Kisselbach zone are used.


Causes of bloody snot and treatment methods

The runny nose will disappear in a matter of days. Try this remedy...

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Rhinitis is an unpleasant phenomenon in itself, but a runny nose with blood that appears causes concern. Symptoms of this kind in children terrify parents and force them to immediately seek professional help. Bloody discharge is a signal for help from the body.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

What to do if snot appears simultaneously with blood when blowing your nose?

Snot with blood in the morning

Why is the symptom more often detected in the morning? If, when blowing your nose, streaks of blood are found in the mucous secretion, then the reasons for their appearance are quite varied. The capillary network located in the mucous membranes of the nasal passages is easily damaged by the slightest influences and various conditions of the body:

  • when struck in the area of ​​the nose, bridge of the nose;
  • when removing dried crusts from the nose, not previously softened with solutions or Vaseline cream;
  • after superficial diagnostics or surgical interventions;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels is observed with vitamin deficiencies;
  • excessive abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • papillomas in the nasal passages;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • elevated blood pressure;
  • presence of polyps;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute and chronic phase of rhinitis; various types of tumors, including malignant forms.

When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo research to find the cause and begin receiving appropriate treatment. Bleeding from the nose during a runny nose can occur for various reasons.

Reasons for the variety of pathologies

If blood comes out in clots along with snot, you need to pay attention to the accompanying signs. If rhinotic discharge occurs, the patient should pay attention to its thickness, color and quantity. Based on these manifestations, a primary diagnosis can presumably be established, which helps in collecting anamnestic data.

With yellow discharge - snot mixed with blood - the development of sinusitis, the acute stage of frontal sinusitis, and rhinoethmoiditis is possible. A green color accompanied by streaks of blood indicates the development of ozena, a chronic form of untreated runny nose.

Rhinitis of white color, liquid consistency with an admixture of blood indicates the following pathologies:

  • trauma and subsequent nosebleeds;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inflammation of the adenoids;
  • appears with sinusitis;
  • appear with nasal polyps;
  • complications in the presence of ARVI - bloody discharge from the nose.

The density of discharge (thick snot) presumably indicates the development of a hypertrophic or catarrhal variant of the runny nose. The final diagnosis is made by the attending physician after laboratory tests and determination of the cause of the manifestations.

Yellow and green snot caused by a bacterial infection entering the body is treated with antibiotics. Self-administration can provoke the body's resistance to drugs.

Treatment in adulthood

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

The presence of bloody clots when blowing the nose in adults does not necessarily indicate serious pathologies that have developed in the respiratory tract system. Quite often, the cause of such ailments is an increased level of capillary fragility. Excessive effort when trying to expel accumulated mucous secretions can lead to a bloody runny nose.

In cases where the cause of the pathological condition in adults is disease, the patient (after preliminary diagnosis) is prescribed symptomatic treatment, with constant monitoring and the necessary adjustments during the healing process.

A runny nose with bloody discharge is not a separate disease, but a symptomatic manifestation of the disease. The main goal when contacting a medical institution is to determine the root cause of development and accelerated treatment to normalize nasal breathing.

Snot with blood in an adult is treated according to the standard regimen:

  • wound healing creams, infusions, and decoctions are prescribed;
  • sports activities are recommended to improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • means are prescribed to restore the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, the use of homemade remedies is allowed;
  • physiotherapy – carried out in a hospital setting under constant supervision;
  • increasing the level of functionality of the autoimmune system;
  • vitamin therapy.

Any treatment requires an integrated approach to the problem - blood in snot cannot be cured with one point from the scheme; the combined effect of drugs on the patient’s body is necessary.

Treatment in childhood

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatmentNosebleeds can occur in a child for various reasons.

It is complicated by the difficulty in making a correct diagnosis. Kids cannot accurately characterize the root cause of the appearance and their own feelings. When making a diagnosis (if there is snot with blood in the morning) and prescribing a treatment method, the pediatrician is based on test data.

If a child has a runny nose with blood from the nose, then there may have been a slight mechanical effect on the mucous membranes - the entry of a foreign body, picking in the nasal passages. In childhood, the capillary system has increased fragility and is capable of bleeding for any minor reason.

Visiting the district clinic at this time is mandatory - the doctor will prescribe immuno-strengthening therapy, vitamin complexes and prescribe vasodilating pharmacological drugs in the form of nasal drops. It is not advisable to use them on your own, without prior consultation - medications have many side effects. Bloody snot requires a responsible approach when choosing medications.

The use of suction to remove accumulated mucus in infancy is fraught with injury to the mucous membranes. If parents do not first soften the dried crusts with special drops or Vaseline oil.

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Treatment during pregnancy

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

Gestation is often accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and the appearance of snot. During pregnancy, blood volume increases significantly, due to this, capillaries and small vessels rupture. The condition is not life-threatening, but is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes fear in expectant mothers.

Official medicine prohibits pregnant women from using most of the usual medications (if there is snot streaked with blood), replacing them with home remedies, which include:

  • drops of aloe juice - 3 in each nostril for five days;
  • beet or carrot juice (or a mixture of both);
  • honey diluted with boiled water in equal parts - three drops into the nasal passage;
  • saline solution based on sea or table salt - a teaspoon per liter of water - as a rinse;
  • pharmaceutical decoctions of sage, plantain, marshmallow, chamomile, viburnum - with a vasodilating and astringent spectrum of effects.

There is no need to panic if blood is detected in the snot - this symptom does not threaten expectant mothers with anything serious. Before using any traditional medicine, you need to consult a pregnancy specialist and test for possible allergic reactions.

A runny nose may indicate an existing allergy, the secondary addition of additional allergic reactions to which can lead to serious complications, including death.

Self-medication without identifying a possible allergy risks the development of the disease, with complications in the form of anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. A runny nose with blood during pregnancy is a mandatory signal to visit a local medical facility.

Preventive methods and frequently asked questions

Snot with blood is an unpleasant phenomenon; to avoid a possible relapse of symptoms, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Blood with snot is a reason to go to the local clinic for diagnosis and complete treatment.
  2. Carry out seasonal vitamin therapy and strengthen the immune system with specialized drugs.
  3. Avoid cleaning your nose without first softening the dried crusts.
  4. Promptly treat diseases that may manifest themselves as symptoms when you blow your nose.

It is easier to prevent blood from a runny nose than to take a long time to restore blood vessels damaged by negligence, especially in children.


If I keep coughing up blood clots, does that mean I have cancer? Bleeding from the nose and streaks of blood can appear if you blow your nose with great effort - the walls of the blood vessels are torn.

Does it bleed when you blow your nose? Nasal morning rhinotic manifestations can appear with colds, especially if green and yellow shades of snot are present, and the patient blows his nose with redoubled effort. A cold is manifested by mucus containing inclusions, while a small amount of streaks are coughed up - damaged blood vessels can bleed.

With chronic rhinitis, how can a doctor prevent bleeding from each nostril? In case of pathological fragility of blood vessels, it is possible to refer for cauterization - from tamponade with hydrogen peroxide to the use of laser therapy treatment.


Snot with blood during a runny nose in adults (6 Causes of blood in snot)

The first sign of a cold is a runny nose. It brings minor discomfort to a person until blood is detected in the snot.

This phenomenon makes a person panic.

And for good reason, because bloody spots can signal the presence of various pathologies, including those that, in the absence of proper treatment, can cause irreparable harm to health.

Causes of blood in a runny nose

It is worth noting that the appearance of blood in the nose is associated with damaged blood vessels. Most often the reasons are:

  1. Lack of beneficial microelements that help strengthen blood vessels. In this case, the patient needs to reconsider his diet or take a course of a vitamin complex.
  2. Frequent and intense nose blowing. When there is a lot of snot coming out of the nose, a person tries to blow his nose as hard as possible. Because of this, the vessels cannot withstand the load, and the person observes blood on his handkerchief.
  3. Injuries to the nose and deviated nasal septum are also common causes of nosebleeds. Common nose picking is no exception.
  4. The presence of viral and infectious diseases. Sinusitis, which is familiar to everyone, can also cause bloody impurities in nasal discharge. The disease should not be left to chance; consultation with a doctor is necessary.
  5. Dry air. It causes the nasal mucosa to dry out, causing the capillaries to become less elastic and fragile. This can also happen due to prolonged exposure to frosty weather.
  6. Frequent use of sprays for the common cold negatively affects not only blood vessels, but also the condition of the body as a whole. Such drugs should not be taken for more than one week, as the risk of the body becoming accustomed to the components of the drug increases. Because of this, the patient begins to use large doses of the spray, poisoning his body with chemicals.

The reason for the presence of bloody spots in the snot may be a recent operation on the respiratory system. After them, the vessels return to normal within a month.

A person can eliminate some causes on his own. And some - only with the help of a doctor. In any case, the patient is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist who will help with further treatment.

Types of runny nose with blood

In order to identify the cause of the appearance of blood during a runny nose, you should pay attention to their consistency. Also, special attention should be paid to what color shade the nasal discharge acquires.

A runny nose of this nature can be the result of a serious illness that requires proper treatment. In its absence, the disease can cause irreparable harm to human health.

  Nasal drops for adults with ARVI

For sinusitis

Sinusitis occurs as a result of bacteria and viruses entering the body through the respiratory system. There they begin to reproduce. As a rule, with sinusitis a person has a headache and the area under the eyes. Snot begins to flow when the sinuses are already filled. Green or yellow nasal discharge indicates an advanced stage of the disease.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

Small blood clots can often be seen in the snot. The reason for this may be:

  • mechanical impact (picking your nose);
  • mucosal pathologies;
  • deformed bridge of the nose;
  • excessive use of cold drops.

Sinusitis must be treated. This process is short and uncomplicated. You should consult a doctor and get an x-ray, which can be used to determine what stage the disease is at. This will help the specialist prescribe competent treatment, which will help the patient recover as soon as possible.

If left untreated, health complications may arise in the future. In this case, the body’s immune defense will be greatly weakened, and the person will be vulnerable to infections of any kind.

Thick green snot with blood

The onset of a cold is the same for every person. Clear discharge begins to pour from the nose. However, after a few days, the snot may change its color and consistency. It is important to remember that this phenomenon is not normal.

The green color of snot indicates that some kind of bacteria or virus has settled in the human body. In this situation, it is not surprising that blood clots appear in nasal discharge, since the immune defense and the body as a whole are weakened.

If the patient notices the abnormal consistency of the snot in time, then it is necessary to begin treatment. In this case, as with any runny nose, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline solutions. You can prepare them yourself or purchase them at the pharmacy.

If self-treatment does not produce any results, then you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist. He will conduct a thorough examination and refer the patient for additional studies that will help identify the cause of this pathology.

Yellow purulent snot with blood

Nasal discharge should not be any particular color. As a rule, they are transparent. If the color of the snot has acquired a yellowish tint, then this is one of the first signals, and the patient needs to visit a doctor.

Yellow nasal discharge is a sign of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, which have a negative effect on the capillaries located on the nasal mucosa.

Immediately after a person has discovered this pathology, he is recommended to rinse the nasopharynx with herbal infusions. They can be prepared from:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • nettle;
  • plantain;
  • grapes;
  • burdock.

If the snot becomes purulent in nature, then this is a sure sign that the patient has a disease such as sinusitis. Lack of proper treatment can negatively affect a person's health. Therefore, you should immediately contact an ENT specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent therapy.

  Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy, symptoms of rhinitis

In the morning

Often, when waking up in the morning, a person notices slight nasal congestion. This is nothing unusual, especially during the cold season. After blowing your nose, you may notice small spots of blood. This may be due to many factors.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

The main reason for the presence of blood in snot is weakened immunity. A person needs to improve the quality of his life. To do this you should:

  • workout;
  • adjust your diet;
  • if necessary, take a course of immunomodulators.

Dry air also negatively affects the structure of blood vessels. Throughout the day, and especially before going to bed, you should regularly ventilate the room. If possible, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier.

If this does not help, and a runny nose appears in the warm season, you should visit an otolaryngologist. He will conduct a respiratory examination and prescribe additional tests for the patient. Thanks to this, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis

How dangerous is this?

As mentioned earlier, a runny nose with red spots of blood is a sign of some kind of disturbance in the functioning of the body.

This may indicate both the fragility of blood vessels and the presence of viral diseases in humans. If timely treatment is not provided, the disease becomes more serious as the risk of complications increases.

If blood is detected in the snot, you should consult a doctor at the clinic. When talking with him, it is necessary to speak frankly and not hide anything, as this affects the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

First aid

The appearance of a small amount of blood in the secretions from the respiratory system should not cause panic in the patient. Sometimes this happens when a person blows his nose too much and has weak thin vessels in the nasal mucosa.

If blood discharge comes out in large quantities, then the patient should take a horizontal position on his back. You need to insert a small piece of cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide into the nostril from which the blood is coming.

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If the bleeding does not stop flowing, you should immediately call an ambulance. If necessary, the patient can be hospitalized.

Treatment methods

The presence of blood in the snot is a sign that you need to see an otolaryngologist. Timely treatment is necessary in order to prevent the development of the disease.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

To treat a runny nose, your doctor may prescribe several medications, which may include:

  1. Vitamins. Organic compounds are necessary to strengthen the entire body in general and blood vessels in particular. They are especially necessary if a person does not eat properly, since such food lacks vitamins and beneficial microelements.
  2. Antibiotics. For almost all types of diseases, doctors prescribe these drugs. They are available in the form of ointments, solutions, powders and tablets.
  3. Antiviral drugs. They are used only if the disease is infectious or viral in nature. Such agents suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and increase the body’s resistance to them.
  4. Vasoconstrictor drugs. These medications help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. But it is worth noting that they cannot be used for more than 7 days, as the body gets used to it and they become less effective.

  How to rinse your nose: remedies, home treatment

Any drug treatment is recommended to be carried out with rinsing. This can be done using saline solution. If you can’t prepare it yourself, you can buy it at the pharmacy. This can also be done using herbal infusions. Dry herbs can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

It should be remembered that if nosebleeds are associated with a deviated cartilaginous septum, then, in addition to drug treatment, surgical intervention will also be required. If you refuse surgery, the patient must be prepared that bleeding from the nose will haunt him throughout his life.

If taking various medications is not enough, the doctor may prescribe a referral for various physical procedures.

Snot with blood during pregnancy: is it dangerous?

When a new life is born in the body, it requires 2 times more strength and energy. However, it is not always possible to implement this. Often, a woman’s body is weakened during pregnancy, and any external influence can be harmful to health.

So, when the virus hits a woman, she begins to experience all the symptoms of colds, including a runny nose. Occasionally, when she blows her nose, she may notice the presence of blood in the nasal discharge. If the snot is transparent in color, then you shouldn’t be too scared.

The appearance of blood can be explained by weakened blood vessels. The reason for this is the lack of beneficial microelements in the body of a pregnant woman. When blowing your nose, it applies some force and pressure that the capillaries on the nasal mucosa cannot withstand.

If discharge from the respiratory system becomes colored, then most often this indicates that some kind of infection or virus has settled inside the pregnant woman. Immediate consultation with a doctor is required. He will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe the patient to undergo some tests that will help him in the future make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

If a pregnant woman refuses therapy, she can cause enormous harm not only to her health, but also to the health of the fetus. As a result, the child may be born with certain pathologies that may not be treated.


Nose bleed

The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor.

  • Nosebleeds - causes of occurrence, what diseases cause them, diagnosis and treatment methods.
  • Nosebleed, or epistaxis, is the flow of blood from the vessels of the nasal cavity through the nostrils or along the back wall of the pharynx.
  • Types of nosebleeds
  • According to one of the most common classifications, epistaxis is divided into anterior and posterior bleeding.

Anterior nosebleeds occur at the front of the nose and present as bleeding from the nostrils. This is the most common type of nosebleed. If first aid is provided correctly, they are harmless and can be easily stopped.

Posterior nosebleeds are much less common than anterior nosebleeds, but they can lead to serious blood loss and more often require qualified care in a hospital setting. Associated symptoms may include hemoptysis, nausea, vomiting blood, and black stool discoloration (melena, or loose, tarry stool).

  1. Possible causes of nosebleeds
  2. Causes of bleeding from the nasal cavity:
  3. 1. Impact of external factors:
  • thermal (inhalation of hot or cold air, heat or sunstroke);
  • chemical (inhalation of toxic compounds in the form of vapors, aerosols, gases);
  • changes in atmospheric pressure.
  • 2. Local:
  • due to traumatic effects on the structures of the nose with a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall: digital trauma to the tissues of the nose; trauma from foreign bodies (small toys, construction parts, pencils) is a common cause of nosebleeds in infants and preschool children; bleeding after therapeutic and diagnostic interventions on the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses;  
  • slight trauma to the nasal mucosa is possible with inflammatory diseases, for example, with sinusitis, allergic and infectious rhinitis, when congestion occurs at the site of the lesion; 
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa (changes in the structure and thinning of the mucous membrane) due to insufficient humidification of the incoming air. This condition can develop due to hormonal disorders, chronic infectious diseases of the nose and sinuses, excessive use of vasoconstrictor drugs, etc.;  
  • various neoplasms (both benign and malignant) can cause recurrent nosebleeds.
  1. 3. Common reasons:
  • bleeding that develops spontaneously or some time after injury may indicate a pathology of various parts of the blood coagulation system (hemostasis); 
  • due to the use of certain drugs that affect the blood coagulation system: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), clopidogrel, dipyridamole, warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban. If bleeding occurs while taking these drugs, you should urgently consult a doctor to correct the treatment of the underlying disease;  
  • inflammatory vascular diseases (vasculitis of various etiologies); 
  • Pregnant women, more often in the third trimester of pregnancy, may experience minor bleeding. This is a consequence of vascularization (i.e., the formation of new capillaries) of the nasal cavity against the background of increased estrogen production. Also, pregnancy may be accompanied by thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets), which is a significant risk of bleeding.
  • What diseases cause nosebleeds?
  • In most cases, nosebleeds are not a symptom of any disease and occur as a result of injury or other physical impact.

such as dry hot air, changes in atmospheric pressure (during an airplane flight, during a rapid rise to altitude in the mountains, during and after diving). However, if bleeding occurs repeatedly, is difficult to stop and cannot be associated with any physical factor, then it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist.

The most common diseases that cause nosebleeds include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • vascular atherosclerosis (impaired elasticity of the vascular wall due to its structural changes due to lipid metabolism disorders);
  • infectious and allergic rhinitis;
  • atrophy of the mucous membrane;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • nasal tumors;
  • pathology of the blood coagulation system.
  1. The group of diseases associated with impaired hemostasis (vascular-platelet link) includes various thrombocytopenias (decrease in the number of platelets), thrombocytopathies (hereditary and acquired structural defects of platelets) and various types of von Willebrand disease (hereditary pathology of the blood coagulation system, caused by qualitative and quantitative changes von Willebrand factor).
  2. Diseases of the coagulation link of hemostasis (factors of the coagulation system are responsible for it) include hereditary diseases, such as:
  • hemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency);
  • hemophilia B (factor IX deficiency);
  • hemophilia C (factor XI deficiency);
  • deficiency of vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X) in liver diseases, treatment with warfarin, lack of vitamin K in the body.
  • Bleeding from the nasal cavity is also identified due to anomalies in the development of blood vessels in the following diseases:
  • hereditary telangiectasia (Rendu-Osler disease) – underdevelopment of the vascular wall of the capillaries;
  • Marfan syndrome is a hereditary pathology of connective tissue;
  • local angiomatosis – excessive proliferation of blood vessels.

Diagnosis and examinations for nosebleeds

Diagnosis of nosebleeds is based on examination of the nose, oral cavity, nasopharynx and pharynx using special equipment. This is necessary to determine the presence and evaluation of posterior bleeding.

Symptoms of massive nosebleeds include:

  • signs (visibility) of heavy bleeding;
  • severe weakness;
  • pallor;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • disorientation.
  1. The following diagnostic tests are used to determine the severity and etiology of recurrent bleeding:
  • general blood test with determination of the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets; 
  • biochemical blood test to determine liver function (the main site of formation of blood clotting factors), blood cholesterol levels, calcium levels; 
  • a coagulogram in cases of suspected pathology of the blood coagulation system and in patients taking anticoagulants.
  • Which doctors should I contact?
  • If you experience nosebleeds, you should contact:
  • otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • therapist (or family doctor).
  1. What should you do if you experience bleeding from the nose?
  2. Regardless of the cause of your nosebleed, you must first stop the bleeding.
  3. Below is a first aid algorithm for nosebleeds.
  • If you have a nosebleed, sit down and lean forward slightly. Do not lie down or tilt your head back - this may lead to ingestion of blood and cause vomiting.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

  • It is necessary to pinch the front of the nose on both sides for 5-7 minutes. 
  • Put cold on the nose area (ice or a handkerchief soaked in cold water). 
  • If it is not possible to stop the bleeding, then you need to insert a cotton or gauze swab moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or any vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passage.

Runny nose with bloody discharge: what is the etiology and treatment

  • If there is no effect from all of the above actions within 30 minutes or if there is massive bleeding, if there is a suspicion of injury, a foreign body, if there are known diseases and if there are frequent nosebleeds, you should immediately seek medical help from an otolaryngologist (ENT) or call an ambulance .


If the cause of nosebleeds is atrophic processes in the nasal mucosa, the otolaryngologist will suggest conservative treatment methods, which include the use of ointments, solutions, and physiotherapy. If the above methods are ineffective, surgical treatment is possible.

For the treatment of infectious rhinitis and chronic sinusitis, the otolaryngologist will prescribe antibacterial or antiviral therapy, depending on the pathogen and the individual characteristics of the body.

In case of frequently recurring bleeding, patients with abnormalities of the nasal vessels are offered hospitalization for surgical treatment - cauterization of vessels in the nasal cavity in combination with antibacterial therapy to exclude infectious complications.

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When treating allergic rhinitis, avoid contact with the allergen (diet correction, wet cleaning of the room), use antihistamines, and, if necessary, use hormonal therapy. An allergist may recommend allergen-specific therapy (ASIT) if the allergen is known.

If you experience frequent nosebleeds caused by high blood pressure, you should contact a cardiologist or therapist to adjust antihypertensive therapy (change the dose or drug to lower blood pressure).

In case of bleeding while taking antiplatelet agents (acetylsalicylic acid, ticagrelol, clopidogrel, etc.) and anticoagulants (warfarin, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, apixaban, etc.), correction of therapy by a specialist is also necessary.

The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor.


10 reasons for a runny nose with bloody discharge from the nose in an adult

We all know that sometimes very serious diseases are hidden under the simplest symptoms.

Therefore, when an adult has a runny nose with bloody discharge, he fears for his life and health. In most cases, the phenomenon does not pose any threat.

This is only a consequence of the circumstances that you will learn about in our article. But we will also discuss rare and truly dangerous diseases.

The nasal cavity performs very important functions:

  1. Breath.
  2. Smell.
  3. Protection.

The mucous membrane cleanses and warms the air that comes from outside, while simultaneously sending information about odors to the brain. Therefore, the blood supply consists of a network of a large number of small capillaries that provide nutrition to every millimeter. It is damage to the blood vessels that leads to the appearance of blood in the discharge with and without a runny nose.

Why is this happening:

  • Hereditary fragility of the vascular wall. Such people have noticed nosebleeds since childhood;
  • Hypertension and just cases of a single increase in blood pressure;
  • Atrophy of the mucous membrane due to frequent colds, abuse of vasoconstrictors, smoking, allergies. Constant tension leads to thinning of the shell, as well as the walls of the capillaries, which periodically burst;
  • Injuries to the nose in general and the mucous membrane inside. Fractures, bruises, scratches. For some time until the damage heals, bloody discharge may occur;
  • Anomalies of the internal structure. They can be congenital or acquired as a result of injury. Usually this is a curvature of the nasal septum, which leads to regular damage to the mucous membrane;
  • Inflammatory processes in the sinuses - sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis - are characterized by swelling, which causes compression, poor drainage of snot and thinning of the mucous membrane, microtraumas;
  • Systematic use of blood thinning drugs by patients with atherosclerosis;
  • Formations in the sinuses and nasal cavity. Polyps, cysts, tumors provoke bleeding;
  • Overdrying of the mucous membrane due to insufficient air humidity, as well as low fluid intake. It regularly happens at night, during sleep, so the appearance of blood when blowing your nose often occurs in the morning;
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins C and P makes capillaries fragile;
  • The risk group includes pregnant women whose mucous membranes become sensitive due to hormonal changes, as well as older people due to age-related degenerative processes;
  • It is very rare, but it still happens that blood in the discharge during a runny nose is a symptom of leukemia, a dangerous cancer disease.

Systematic nosebleeds cause significant discomfort. Therefore, discovering the cause of regular vascular damage is so important. Only by eliminating the original source of the problem can you be sure to get rid of it.

The intensity of bleeding directly reflects the nature of the injury to the mucosa and blood vessels:

  1. Streaks and inclusions in snot during a runny nose are just a consequence of diligent nose blowing and prolonged inflammation as a result of rhinitis.
  2. Bright red impurities indicate fresh damage.
  3. When there is more blood than snot, this is a sign of significant injury to the mucous membrane and blood vessels in the nose.
  4. Brown discharge is a symptom of atrophic rhinitis, when blood is constantly present due to thinning of the inner lining of the nose. Less often, this is a sign of oncology in this area.

Discharge from the nostrils mixed with blood can appear due to various diseases. At the same time, the characteristics of the mucus differ.

Occurs during colds and allergies as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane. The body strives to cleanse itself, so snot production increases. The fight of leukocytes with bacteria or allergens colors the discharge in white and yellow shades. Inflammation during rhinitis is limited to the nasal cavity. Blood occurs due to the prolonged course of the disease, the use of vasoconstrictors, and blowing the nose.

Sinusitis - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis

If the infection spreads to the sinuses, the situation gets worse. Swelling of the mucous membrane blocks the channels through which snot can flow out. The discharge accumulates and bacteria multiply in it. Partial mucus still comes out, thick green with a very unpleasant odor. In fact, these are already purulent masses.

Bloody impurities arise as a result of damage to the mucous membrane in the canals and ducts, which, due to edema, are subject to severe stress and are often injured. Associated symptoms are fever and headache, which is localized in the area of ​​the problematic sinuses.

For sinusitis under the eyes, for frontal sinusitis - in the middle of the forehead, for sinusitis of other localizations in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and behind it.

It is these formations that cause such a combination of symptoms as a runny nose and spotting. The person feels stuffy, loses their sense of smell, and sneezes. When using vasoconstrictor drops, slight relief is observed. Polyps often become damaged and become a source of minor bleeding.

Attention! The pathology requires surgical intervention; the formations themselves do not resolve.

If snot with blood occurs due to seasonal flowering of plants, animal hair, dust and other allergens, then there are several reasons for the phenomenon:

  • Sneezing causes mechanical damage to the capillaries;
  • A person does not take measures to protect himself from provoking factors;
  • The medications he is using are not suitable or do not combine well with each other.

The patient must visit an allergist and report a new symptom so that the doctor can prescribe treatment, taking into account all the nuances.

If nosebleeds occur regardless of a runny nose

The main reason for this phenomenon is the weakness of the capillaries. This may be an individual feature, a consequence of cardiovascular diseases and a lack of vitamins. For colds with snot, the situation is aggravated due to additional negative effects.

Blood from only one nostril

It doesn’t matter at all whether discharge appears on both sides, left or right. This only means that the damage to the capillaries occurred locally.

Bloody runny nose as a symptom of leukemia

Frequent nosebleeds can indeed be a sign of blood cancer. However, this has nothing to do with colds.

Associated symptoms:

  • Unreasonable hematomas on the body;
  • Bruises under the eyes;
  • Pale skin;
  • General malaise;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Cuts take a long time to heal;
  • And other.

Do I need to see a doctor?

If a cold with a runny nose has been going on for several days, then the appearance of a small amount of blood does not bode well. However, in such a situation, the reason for visiting an otolaryngologist or therapist should be rhinitis, because without adequate treatment it can turn into sinusitis.

If blood appears from the nose periodically, and a runny nose only worsens the symptoms, then you need to undergo a full examination to identify the cause of weak capillaries. First of all, blood tests are taken - general and biochemistry. The rest of the diagnosis is individual; the doctor will prescribe it based on the clinical picture. It is necessary to contact a therapist with such symptoms.

If a nosebleed is severe, a person should sit or lie down with their head thrown back. Pinch your nostrils with your fingers or a scarf. Place something cold on the bridge of your nose. Breathe calmly through your mouth. After the bleeding stops, remain at rest for up to 1 hour. On this day, avoid heavy physical activity and overheating.

Attention! If the discharge has not stopped within 5-10 minutes, and the person experiences dizziness and weakness, then it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Traditional methods of treating a runny nose and nosebleeds

Working adults are unlikely to go to the doctor for ordinary rhinitis. So let’s figure out how you can help yourself at home.

Treatment of snot:

  • Nasal rinsing is a method recognized by official medicine. The liquid can be water with regular or sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, calendula;
  • Tampons with a solution of laundry soap for 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • Onion drops. The vegetable juice is diluted with water in half and irrigated each nostril 5-6 times a day. High antimicrobial efficiency allows you to get rid of a runny nose in 1-2 days.

Healing of the mucosa:

  • Tampons with sea buckthorn oil will help restore tissue;
  • Rendered animal fats, such as badger or even pork fats, are used for the same purpose.

Strengthening blood vessels:

  • Lingonberries, viburnum, rose hips, currants - these berries should be eaten a little every day, or made into medicinal teas. You shouldn’t boil it, otherwise there will be nothing left of the necessary vitamin C. It is better to fill a thermos with hot water overnight;
  • Popular mixtures of honey, walnuts, dried fruits, lemon and other ingredients are aimed at strengthening blood vessels and the heart, as well as increasing immunity.

Attention! If you are prone to allergies, you should consult your doctor before using any product.

Mistakes in treating a runny nose

The most common mistake is using vasoconstrictor drops often and for a long time. There is even such a thing as naphthysin rhinitis.

Preparations based on such substances are addictive; over time, atrophic changes occur in the mucous membrane and capillaries, which leads to snot with blood.

You can use drops with a vasoconstrictor effect only if there is severe congestion, since they do not cure, but only provide relief by relieving swelling.

Sometimes the condition is worsened by a combination of several medications, which, when interacting, lead to an allergic reaction and damage to the nasal lining. Therefore, it is better not to experiment without a doctor’s prescription.

An excessive desire to get rid of snot also causes damage to the mucous membrane and bleeding. Frequent rinsing with a saturated saline solution leads to dryness, which makes the situation worse.

Drops with corticosteroid substances with long-term use also cause addiction and atrophy of the mucous membrane, which leads to chronic rhinitis and bloody discharge.

Carefully! It is self-medication that in most cases aggravates the condition of a runny nose.  

Any pathology requires a search for causes and competent therapy. Doctors study at the institute precisely in order to solve health problems correctly. Even ordinary rhinitis can lead to sinusitis, and then meningitis, which is deadly. And blood in the snot is a sign of weakening of the mucous membrane.  


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