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Embolization of prostate arteries: procedure technique
Modern surgical methods for treating prostate adenoma are improving every day.
Chocolate drink chocolate slim for weight loss
In pursuit of the desired appearance, girls and women continue to torture themselves and their bodies with exhausting diets and continuous physical training.
What is testosterone and how does its level change with prostatitis?
The best assistant in the treatment of male urological diseases is the male orchis.
What can be revealed with a CT scan of the foot?
Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
What to do if you have a severe cough: affordable and simple treatment methods
A severe cough is a symptom that is part of the clinical picture of serious diseases.
What is a surgeon’s competence and what operations does the doctor perform?
Surgical treatment methods involve several stages.
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