Recent publications
Prevention of prostatitis: medicines and folk remedies
Prevention of prostatitis is an important step in the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
HPV prevention: effective ways to avoid getting infected with the virus
HPV is one of the most common viruses on the planet today.
Contraindications for prostatitis in men: lifestyle changes
Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland in the male body.
Prostatin: drops that really help men against prostatitis
When a man experiences erectile dysfunction and discomfort during urination, his quality of life seriously declines.
Prostatitis: division into various categories and principles of treatment
In the presence of infectious pathogens, the type of pathogenic organism is first determined.
Nonbacterial prostatitis: why it develops and how it proceeds
Painful symptoms in the prostate area and pathological processes in it are not always of infectious origin.
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