
PSA in 70-year-old men with prostate adenoma: norm and deviations

Prostate adenoma is a common pathology among the male population of the planet. It develops especially often between the ages of seventy and eighty years. Since this disease is similar in its symptoms to prostate cancer, urologists always prescribe an analysis for tumor markers and a test for PSA levels. But what is the PSA norm in 70-year-old men with prostate adenoma? The doctor will answer this question, since deviations from normal indicators may indicate pathology in the male body. The results of the analysis make it possible to correctly select treatment methods and make preliminary predictions for the future.

What is PSA?

This analysis involves studying the concentration of a specific polypeptide antigen in the body, through which the degree of prostate damage can be determined.

PSA is synthesized in the male body. It is produced by iron. As the body ages, this figure also increases. If the antigen concentration is very high, the doctor will suspect cancer, but this is a preliminary diagnosis.

This diagnostic method began to be used in medicine in the eighties of the twentieth century. This made it possible to save many lives, since the analysis showed the disease of the gland in the early stages, which responds well to therapy.

In many countries around the world, doctors insist on conducting a PSA test for prostate adenoma, as well as for patients who have crossed a certain age limit.

Prostatic antigen is a polypeptide produced by cells of the human body. Part of the SPA enters the blood and seminal fluid of a man, dilutes the latter, increases the activity of sperm and their ability to fertilize. Fluctuations in indicators indicate the following processes:

  1. the appearance of inflammation in the prostate;
  2. delay or complete absence of urination;
  3. disorder of blood flow in the prostate;
  4. formed neoplasm;
  5. chronic prostatitis;
  6. development of complications due to inflammation of the prostate gland;
  7. the appearance of a cancerous tumor;
  8. age of the man;
  9. enlarged prostate size.

Deviations and norms of PSA for prostate adenoma

When studying the results of the examination, the doctor must take into account the patient’s age, since at each stage of life there are their own patterns of development of the body and its vital functions.

PSA is a specific protein. 2.5 ng/ml is considered normal. Such numbers are observed in healthy people.

Normal PSA values ​​for prostate adenoma:

  • From 25 to 40 years – 0.5 – 2.5 ng/ml;
  • From 40-50 years – 0.5 – 2.5 ng/ml;
  • From 50-60 years – 0.6 – 3.5 ng/ml;
  • From 60-69 years – 0.9 – 4.5 ng/ml;
  • Over 70 years – 0.9 – 6.5 ng/ml;

If the SPA norm is exceeded up to 4 ng/ml, the patient is monitored. He is advised not to engage in physical activity, not to stimulate the prostate, to avoid sexual intercourse, and then take a second test after a while. In some countries, 4 ng/ml is a clear sign of the presence of an adenoma. In 15% of cases, this figure is also observed in oncological pathology.

Pathology can also be suspected if the protein concentration exceeds ten percent. With prostate adenoma, the indicators often increase to seventy percent. But sometimes this indicates that the rules for preparing for the test were not followed. It is usually not difficult for men to prepare well for the test.

The effectiveness of therapy will be assessed by the doctor based on the test results. But sometimes it happens that PSA is within the normal range, and a person develops cancer. This suggests that the pathology proceeds rapidly and aggressively.

The development of oncology can be judged by a significant deviation of PSA from the norm, as well as an increase in its indicators over time.

Diagnosis using this technique is always carried out when the development of a tumor in the gland is suspected.

The test allows you to distinguish a benign neoplasm from a malignant one, since in the early stages their symptoms are no different. This also allows you to develop an effective course of therapy.

If antibody levels are increased, you should not immediately panic, since pathology cannot be judged by one test. The diagnosis is made after a comprehensive examination.


According to statistics, adenoma is most often diagnosed after the age of forty. In some cases, a cancerous growth may appear. This test is recommended to be performed during a routine examination.

But in some cases, analysis may be prescribed to younger patients if they experience the following phenomena:

  • urination disorder;
  • incomplete removal of urine from the bladder;
  • the appearance of pain in the genital area;
  • frequent urination at night;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • lack of sexual desire or its significant decrease.

Psa acts as a tumor marker in urology and oncology.

How to take a blood test?

The test is carried out in any laboratory. In some institutions, usually private, this service is paid. But the rules are the same everywhere:

  1. Sexual acts are excluded for five days;
  2. Ten days before the analysis, you should not eat fried, fatty or spicy foods;
  3. The analysis can be taken only after two weeks after prostate massage and TRUS. This also applies to those men who undergo catheter therapy and also undergo a rectal examination. All of these procedures should be performed two weeks before the PSA test;
  4. Alcohol is prohibited two days before the examination. And it’s best to give it up much earlier;
  5. One day before the test, you should not exercise or play sports.

You can take the test at any time, but some laboratories are only open until lunchtime. If a person has any illnesses, the doctor must be warned about this in advance.

Typically, the results of the study will be ready within one day. In some clinics, the patient can receive them in a few hours. False positive results are those that indicate an adenoma rather than cancer. In any case, additional diagnostics are required.

As a result of effective therapy, further indicators of the specific protein will decrease, and then completely equate to zero.

According to the recommendations of urologists, such a test should be performed every year along with urine and blood tests. This is especially true for those representatives of the stronger sex who are at risk and who have relatives with cancer.

The dog is enlarged, what is the reason?

Prostate adenoma is characterized by the formation of a benign neoplasm from altered glandular cells. Therefore, such a tumor is rejected by the male body. The immune system does not allow pathology to develop, so it begins to produce special antigen proteins that synthesize abnormal cells.

When removing the prostate, the Canine antigen value should be equal to zero. If it starts to increase. What may indicate the development of a relapse of cancer. One of the most informative diagnostic techniques today is PSMA PET CT. But an increase in PSA may also be associated with the following phenomena:

  • sexual intercourse before donating blood;
  • performing prostate massage;
  • power loads performed for a long period of time;
  • infarction or ischemia of the prostate gland;
  • acute urine retention.

But all these situations provoke a slight increase in PSA. And in seventy-year-old men, all of the above phenomena are usually excluded. However, the results are assessed by taking all factors into account. Other diagnostic methods are also used to make an accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis is made based on the results of all examinations.

Also, when identifying PAS, it is necessary to take into account the size of the prostate. After all, this organ changes its volume with age.

How to reduce PSA in prostate adenoma?

You can reduce it yourself, but you need to consult a specialist. To do this you need to stick to a diet. The doctor will tell you which foods you can eat and which you should completely avoid. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, where there is no place for alcohol and tobacco.

You can eat foods rich in antioxidants. Tomatoes contain carotenoids, which allow organ cells to receive energy and recover.

The following medications are also used:

  1. 5-alpha reductase blockers. Taking a drug such as Dutasteride allows you to reduce the amount of antigen;
  2. Diuretics, which are commonly used to lower blood pressure. They are also good at lowering PSA;
  3. Medicines that help normalize cholesterol concentrations, but only if taken for a long time.

In addition to the medications listed above, other medications are also used. For adenoma, antibiotics are usually prescribed; as the tumor size decreases, the protein level will also decrease.

Other therapeutic measures will also help normalize the PSA value for prostate adenoma:

  • microwave exposure;
  • laser therapy;
  • radiotherapy.

This therapy helps improve the functionality of the prostate and stop the growth of the gland. The treatment works well for seventy-year-old patients. Along with these procedures, drug treatment and herbal medicines are used. The doctor will develop a comprehensive treatment that will be effective in each specific case.

Doctors insist not to ignore the symptoms of the disease and to undergo examination. It is also important to periodically visit a urologist after turning forty. In this case, the risk of developing dangerous consequences will be minimized, and the person will be able to maintain his health.

PSA is just one way to find out about an abnormal process in the genitourinary system. This technique is never used as the main and only diagnostic method.

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All about PSA levels in prostate adenoma

PSA stands for prostate-specific antigen. This is a glycoprotein (a mixture of protein and glucose) that is produced by the prostate gland. Its task is to break down the proteins of the seminal fluid into smaller fragments to liquefy it. PSA is always present in the blood of an adult man, both in free and bound form.

This substance is called a tumor marker, but this concept is not entirely correct. This is a non-specific marker, since its level increases not only in tumors. A rising PSA in prostate adenoma is not yet evidence of the development of a malignant process .

Benign hyperplasia often occurs without an increase in this marker.

Why does PSA rise?

The prostate duct system (where the bulk of the antigen is concentrated) is fenced off from the circulatory system by a special cellular barrier. As long as it is not disrupted, the glycoprotein enters the blood in small quantities. If protection is weakened, serum PSA levels rise due to increased blood vessel permeability.

Whole and broken cellular barrier of the prostate (on the left - ducts in which the glycoprotein is concentrated, on the right - blood vessels)

Main provoking factors:

  • Acute or chronic (in the acute stage) prostatitis. PSA can rise to 100 ng/ml and higher (read about increased PSA with prostatitis).
  • BPH. The volume of growth increases and puts pressure on the tissue, as a result of which the glycoprotein is absorbed into the blood faster. With a large adenoma, the amount of PSA secreted by the prostate is 10 times less than with a small cancer tumor.
  • Taking medications: indole, mitomycin, purine, cisplatin, and vitamin C.
  • Physical effects on the prostate (massage, cycling, horse riding, biopsy, various diagnostic instrumental interventions on the genitourinary organs). After this, the PSA level remains elevated for two weeks.
  • Prostate cancer (the inactive form of PSA predominates in the blood, the total amount exceeds 30 ng/ml). A normal PSA level does not yet guarantee the absence of an oncological process (in 0.5% of affected men the level is normal).

If the antigen level is consistently above 20 ng/ml, then a prostate biopsy is indicated (a piece of tissue is plucked off to examine its cellular structure). The procedure is necessarily preceded by a series of studies to exclude a false positive result.

When and how to take it

A PSA test is recommended annually for all men over 50 years of age. This is the age limit after which hormonal levels begin to change, metabolic processes slow down, which affects the condition of the prostate. If the father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, then it is advisable for a man to take an annual PSA test after 40 years of age.

Blood sampling is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach (usually before 11 o’clock). Stop eating fatty foods 24 hours before. If a biopsy was previously performed, then wait a month.

After prostate massage, as well as bladder catheterization and cystoscopy, the waiting period is two weeks.

An hour before taking blood, you should avoid stress, physical strain (including sex, since the prostate contracts during ejaculation) and smoking.

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PSA testing is performed in all network laboratories. The research costs from 500 rubles. The results will be ready the next day.

Analysis results

Free PSA (f-PSA) accounts for 10% of the total glycoprotein present in the blood. According to generally accepted standards, the total amount of antigen should not exceed 4 ng/ml, but this value is very arbitrary and depends on the age category:

  1. Up to 49 years old – 2.5.
  2. From 50 to 59 years old – 3.5.
  3. From 60 to 69 years old – 4.5.
  4. After 70 years – 6.

Patients with adenoma often fall into the so-called gray zone, when PSA ranges from 4 to 15 ng/ml (average 9 ng/ml). This also includes patients with prostatitis and prostate cancer. To clarify the diagnosis, more detailed studies are required (finger, TRUS, CT, MRI).

PSA levels based on age and reasons for increased total PSA

When diagnosing, not only the total volume of PSA is important, but also the ratio of its free and bound form (( f- PSA/total PSA)x100%). The indicator allows you to differentiate adenoma from cancer. For benign hyperplasia, it should not exceed 15% (in some sources 23%).

There is also a density index (PSA-D), which is calculated as the ratio of PSA to the volume of the prostate gland, which is measured using ultrasound. Normally, the concentration of glycoprotein should not exceed 15 ng/ml per 1 cm3.

The frequency of analysis for adenoma is determined by the attending physician. Typically, the interval during therapy is 3-4 weeks, then once every six months.

The PSA level is compared with previous ones and the effectiveness of the treatment is assessed, as well as the dynamics of tumor growth are monitored.

The rate of annual increase in total PSA volume (PSA-V) by more than 0.75 ng/ml gives reason to suspect the development of an oncological process. In men over 70 years of age, PSA-V approaches 0.13 ng/ml, which is considered normal.

How to reduce PSA with adenoma

To treat adenoma, depending on the size and direction of tumor growth, medical and surgical methods are used (review of modern drugs for prostate adenoma). If there is an inflammatory process, a course of treatment with antibiotics is carried out.

To relieve swelling and facilitate urination, alpha-blockers (Omnic, Tamsulosin, Fokusin) and alpha-reductase inhibitors (Avodart, Finasteride, the combination drug Duodart) are used.

This class of drugs helps stop the development of hyperplasia and prevent urinary retention, as a result of which PSA levels stop increasing. A noticeable decrease in the marker value is recorded after six months of therapy.

Omnic is an α1-adrenergic receptor blocker; a drug for the symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Price from 330 rub.

50% of men with adenoma are simultaneously diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, so anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents help reduce PSA levels. Of the folk recipes, the following are the most effective:

  • Bee products: bee bread, propolis, dead bees (tincture, decoction).
  • Tincture with garlic and beaver stream.
  • Decoctions of celandine, horsetail, yarrow, calendula.
  • Pumpkin seeds (“Tykveol”), parsley, celery.

The tablets “Vitaprost”, “Uroprost”, “Prostamol Uno”, “Tadenan”, and rectal suppositories “Prostatilen” help reduce the size of the prostate and restore the tissue structure.

Dog after prostate removal

After surgical treatment (excision of part of the prostate), the PSA level drops, but this method does not completely solve the problem, and relapses are possible. A radical method is prostatectomy - complete removal of prostate tissue, after which only its capsule remains. However, even with this technique, a quarter of patients relapse.

Immediately after surgery, the PSA value remains elevated and then gradually decreases. The first control analysis is carried out after 1.5 months, then every quarter (during the first year). If after 3 months PSA is less than 0.2 ng/ml (normal range is 0.05 to 0.2), then control tests should be performed every six months.

If the value is greater, then the doctor prescribes therapy and monitors the indicator every month. During this period, it is very important to monitor the dynamics of PSA growth.

Relapses of adenoma usually occur in men under 35 years of age, since gentle removal methods are used for them, which often leaves behind particles of tissue prone to hyperplasia.

Diet, lifestyle

PSA levels increase during exacerbations of prostatitis, so it is important to try to avoid factors that provoke it:

  1. Drinking alcohol. Many men even after a glass of beer begin to relapse.
  2. Spicy, salty, smoked, fatty foods, excessive coffee consumption.
  3. Overheating, hypothermia.

Diet plays an important role in maintaining normal PSA levels. The diet should be dominated by lean meat, fish, herbs, tomatoes, pomegranate juice, nuts, honey (more about nutrition for prostate adenoma).

A healthy lifestyle helps reduce PSA levels in adenoma: quality sleep, lack of stress, regular sex life, moderate physical activity. Experts note that the more pleasure sex brings (vivid orgasm), the better the prostate ducts are cleansed.


A high PSA level is not a reason to panic, but signals to the doctor that a detailed examination of the prostate gland is required. It is rash to draw conclusions based on one test, so a repeat test is usually prescribed, which is carried out after strict implementation of all preparation measures.



PSA norm in 60-year-old men - general increase, reasons and how to reduce the level

The PSA test is considered one of the most informative tests that detect the presence of prostate diseases. To understand the values, you need to know what the general PSA test should be and its norm for men 60 years old. Knowing the table of values, the test procedure and methods for normalizing PSA levels, it is easier for the patient to take care of his health and prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.

Purpose of PSA test

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is produced by prostate cells. If the reading is high, the gland may be inflamed or there may be tissue growth. The doctor’s task is to determine why the PSA increase occurred, the nature of the tumors and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary treatment.

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Important! The main purpose of the test is to detect cancer at the earliest stages.

The purpose of the study is carried out in the following cases:

  1. the presence of symptoms characteristic of malignant formations in the prostate;
  2. at the age of 50 years to determine the PSA norm (appointed annually);
  3. from the age of 40 years, annually to detect cancer (for patients with a family history of cancer patients);
  4. prostate enlargement;
  5. when diagnosed with prostate disease to monitor the progress of treatment.

Important! Until recently, doctors believed that the normal value was 4.0 ng/ml, but practice has shown that oncology can develop at reduced values. A figure of 2.5 ng/ml may be a sign of cancer, but only if there are additional factors.

Total PSA is always equal to the sum of free and bound antigens. The analysis allows not only to identify the disease, but also to prevent relapses if there is a history of surgical intervention. Differences between free and bound PSA:

  1. the free form is not bound by proteins;
  2. bound form - PSA is bound to alpha 1-antichymotrypsin.

There is only 10% of free antigen in a man’s body; this amount is sufficient to determine the benignity and/or malignancy of a tumor.

Being essentially a tumor marker, the test can also show other diseases. If the increase in the free indicator is caused by prostatitis or adenoma, it is customary to talk about a positive result.

In cases where PSA is elevated, the doctor suspects cancer.

Preparing for the study and conducting analysis

To avoid getting a high PSA without the slightest reason, you should first prepare for testing. The preparation recommendations are as follows:

  1. The test is taken on an empty stomach. At least 8 hours must pass from the last meal to the start of the analysis; when taking a sample for triglycerides - at least 12 hours.
  2. Drinking restrictions are required. The prohibition list includes: tea, coffee, cocoa, dairy/fermented milk products, berries, fruits, alcoholic drinks, carbonated sweet water. You can only drink clean water.
  3. A few days before the test, you need to follow a diet avoiding fatty, spicy, salty, and smoked foods.

Important! On the day of the test, it is better to give up cigarettes and at least not smoke for 2-3 hours before the test.

  1. Strong physical activity, including cycling, extreme and other sports, is undesirable.
  2. Avoid sexual intercourse.

Important! Before taking the test, the patient should not undergo massage, cystoscopy, laser therapy, biopsy, digital or ultraviolet examinations, or ergometry for several weeks. If such procedures have occurred, the test should be postponed.

How to take tests correctly: ensure that your body is completely relaxed and do not eat before testing. Blood is taken from the patient’s vein, so if the condition worsens at the slightest, you should inform the doctor. If the patient is uncomfortable donating blood on an empty stomach, the collection is carried out while lying down.

The dose of blood for analysis is 2-10 ml; sampling from a vein minimizes the process of disruption of the cellular structure. If the doctor still has doubts, then a secondary dose is taken. You should know that repeated sampling is necessary in the same time period as the primary one - this will ensure high accuracy of the indicators.

Advice! When prescribing a rectal ultrasound, blood should be donated before the instrumental examination. Otherwise, the PSA test is performed only after 7-10 days. During prostate surgery, tests are not prescribed for 6 months.

To determine the antigen level, it is recommended to take a total PSA; if the indicator is elevated, an extended test is prescribed to identify three disease markers. Material for testing total and free PSA is collected from one portion of blood.

Normal PSA value

The level of antigen indicator depends on the age of the patient. Over the years, the number of prostate specific agents increases. At the age of 40 years, the level fluctuates 2.5 units, then in men over 60, increased PSA, the normative limits of which is 3-4.5 units.

In medicine, there is the concept of a “gray zone” of protein - this is an indicator of 10 units. Obtaining this result indicates a dysfunction of the organ, but without a serious illness.

To determine what the cause is, an in-depth diagnostic study of the organ will be required.

In addition to the quantitative indicator, you should pay attention to the ratio of free and total PSA; the norm for men 60 years old is not lower than 12%, and the designation of temporary growth of the agent is not higher than 0.7 Units.

Thus, the PSA norm for 60-year-old men is in the range of 3-4.5 units. Anything higher or lower is a deviation from the standard and requires further examination and therapeutic treatment.

Table of norms for total PSA in blood tests for men by age

Standard indicators are as follows (ng/ml):

  • Up to 40 years – 1.4-2.5;
  • 40-50 years – 2.0-2.5;
  • 50-60 years – 3.1-3.5;
  • 60-70 years old – 4.1-4.5;
  • from 70 years old – 4.4-6.5.

What to do if the norm increases?

Knowing what the PSA norm should be in men 60 years of age or older, the doctor sends the patient for a biopsy. If PSA is elevated, it is not always an indicator of cancer! Tests are prescribed depending on the level of excess of the norm, age and condition of the patient:

  1. Changes with suspicion of prostate cancer (any level of antigens) - ultrasound, biopsy.
  2. A strongly “positive” antigen indicator is the determination of free PSA, then if the ratio between free and total is below 15% - biopsy and ultrasound, above 15% - mandatory re-examination and testing.
  3. The indicator is “positive”, but within the normal range – treatment of BPH.

If PSA is higher than normal in men over 60 years of age (more than 4.0 U), it is assumed that the prostate and gland are under the influence of negative internal or external processes. The latter can be excluded if you follow all the recommendations before taking the test, but internal problems are a violation of the intercellular barrier between the prostate and the circulatory system.

External influences that lead to the fact that the norm is increased are physical activity, massage, sex on the eve of the test, cystoscopy, catheterization of the bladder, taking medications.

Internal problems that increase the antigen index:

  • acute prostatitis;
  • exacerbation of prostatitis in chronic form;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • ischemia, enlargement, infarction of the prostate;
  • malignant formations.

If the indicator is low (less than 2.0 ng/ml), this is evidence of a minimal risk of developing negative processes in the gland. Reducing the level is the key to the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. The interpretation of the analysis result depends on the indicators of total and free PSA. The doctor looks at the ratio of levels - this allows you to distinguish cancer from other pathologies with similar symptoms.

Important! When taking the test, you should be aware of a slight change in the level of antigens in the blood - this is evidence of both cancer and adenoma, prostatitis.

In oncology, the free antigen level is low, and in benign dysplasia and inflammatory processes it is increased. The concentration of free antigen relative to the total is determined within the limits of 12-100%.

The higher the score, the lower the likelihood of developing cancer.

Diagnosis of oncology may entail surgical intervention - removal of an organ, then long-term treatment will be required. But only the doctor determines all the risks, prescribing how and with what to treat the prostate.

If the PSA norm for men over 60 years of age is exceeded, you can reduce the level in the blood naturally. Here are some recommendations to reduce antigen levels:

  1. Diet therapy. In adulthood, fatty foods increase the risk of developing cancer. The risk zone includes: fatty meat, natural butter, milk and dairy products with high levels of milk fat. But fruits, vegetables, berries, and poultry reduce the risk of pathologies and can lower PSA levels naturally.
  2. Pomegranates on the menu are a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents antigens from rising. Pomegranate, and all parts of the fruit, can replace the best medicine, while the patient’s immunity will be further strengthened, which will have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the organs.
  3. Tomatoes help redistribute energy and avoid stress to the body's cells. It is worth including tomatoes in your diet to lower your PSA level.
  4. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are a medicine prescribed for the treatment of adenoma, reducing antigen levels (Dutasteride, Finasteride).
  5. Medicines to lower cholesterol levels are a good way to reduce cholesterol levels, but their effectiveness has been confirmed only with long-term use of medications.

It should be remembered that drug therapy for diseases is not always useful.

If a man over sixty is forced to take medications to lower cholesterol, a PSA test will show the norm, and this is the end of the diagnosis - the doctor will not be able to decipher the indicators otherwise.

That is why, before taking a prostate antigen test, it is recommended to stop taking any medications. Knowing why the level increases and how to reduce PSA, do not forget about timely examinations - they should be done at least once a year.

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PSA norms for prostate adenoma in men

Prostate-specific antigen is a special enzyme produced only in the tissue of the prostate glands. Its role in pathology and diagnostic value is great.

PSA can be used as part of a marker test of a man's blood for the presence of pathological processes of various origins in the tissues of the prostate gland.

The technique is applicable for screening, diagnostic testing itself, monitoring treatment, and determining prognosis.

What is PSA?

The glands are formed by epithelial cells, which are designed to produce the secretion necessary for the formation of seminal fluid. In addition, the prostate glands produce a number of other substances, one of which is PSA. The function of PSA is considered to liquefy sperm.

Does PSA increase with prostate adenoma?

Prostate-specific antigen in the blood serum increases with any pathological process in the prostate gland.

PSA is elevated in the following pathological processes occurring in the epithelial cells of the glands:

  • prostate cancer;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis of any etiology;
  • disturbance of the circulatory process in the prostate gland (ischemia or infarction).

Despite the variety of diseases in which PSA can increase, it is traditionally called a tumor marker, but its increase does not necessarily mean cancer. Since this antigen is produced by epithelial cells, which are the main structural component of the glands, any pathological process causes an increase in protein production.

Prostate-specific antigen is detected in the blood by enzyme immunoassay. The analysis requires several milliliters of venous blood, in the serum of which PSA is determined.

The value of detecting the level of antigen increases when determining its various forms. Thus, a man’s blood serum contains 2 forms of tumor markers: free and bound.

In this case, the concentration of the free fraction is 10% of the total PSA.

An important feature is the following: with prostate cancer, the free share of PSA in the blood contains less than with adenoma. This indicator is necessary to differentiate changes in the gland.

The antigen content in the blood is small compared to the seminal fluid. Thus, the concentration of the marker in sperm ranges from 0.3 to 5 g/l, while blood normally contains from 0 to 2.5 ng/ml. This fact is used in forensic medicine to confirm the presence of sperm in the genital tract and other anatomical areas.

Why is a PSA test needed and who needs to check its level?

In addition to prostate cancer screening, the test should be taken:

  • in case of potency disorders;
  • when the nature of urination changes;
  • if there is blood in the urine;
  • in case of chronic pelvic pain;
  • for sexually transmitted infections affecting the prostate gland;
  • as part of a dynamic study after prostate removal.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common tumor pathologies among mature men.

Prostate cancer is insidious in that a man can detect clinical manifestations of the disease only in late stages, while early signs are absent. Doctors recommend that men over 45 years of age undergo an annual blood test for the PSA tumor marker.

This quick diagnostic method will allow you to detect cancerous changes in prostate cells in the early stages.

Prostate cancer is most often diagnosed after age 50. If the tumor is detected at stages 1-2 and has not yet had time to metastasize, the success of treatment is maximum.

Once a cancer tumor has metastasized, the likelihood of a cure rapidly decreases. The relevance of blood testing for PSA in men is undeniable.

This tumor marker is an indicator of a malignant process, which reliably allows one to determine the presence of cancer.

When local prostate cancer is detected using PSA and instrumental techniques and a course of treatment, survival over the next five years ranges around 95%. If the tumor has invaded the gland and has not spread to surrounding tissue, the five-year survival rate is 85%. In the case of metastases, the survival rate decreases to 30%.

Early diagnosis of cancer using PSA makes it possible to distinguish and recognize the transition of the pathological process from benign (prostate adenoma) to malignant. However, adenoma rarely develops into cancer. In the vast majority of cases, a malignant prostate tumor does not have prerequisites in the form of benign growths.


What is the PSA norm in 70-year-old men with prostate adenoma?

The PSA norm in 70-year-old men with prostate adenoma is 6.5 ng/ml. In this case, this indicator may be higher or lower than the specified volume per unit.

Such changes are not considered pathological and are due to the characteristics of the body. However, PSA concentrations increase significantly in prostate cancer.

Therefore, in case of significant deviations from the norm, it is recommended to conduct an additional examination of the patient.

What is PSA?

Prostate specific antigen is a protein compound that is produced in the male body. PSA prevents clumping and ensures sperm activity.

The proliferation of prostate tissue, which is typical for men over 50 years of age, does not have a significant effect on the concentration of this antigen. As you get older, PSA gradually increases due to natural causes.

The table below shows the dependence of the concentration of the agent on the current age of the man.

Age Normal indicator
Under 50 years old No more than 2.5 ng/ml
50-60 years 3.5 ng/ml
60-70 years 4.5 ng/ml
Over 70 years old 6.5 ng/ml

Deviation from these standards may indicate the following circumstances:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • fluid does not enter the bladder;
  • disturbance of blood microcirculation in the prostate;
  • course of chronic prostatitis;
  • complications after prostatitis.

In rare cases, an increase in PSA is due to prolonged treatment of prostate adenoma. Due to frequent use of medications, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, resulting in an increase in the flow of antigen into the blood.

If a man over 70 years of age has a PSA value exceeding 10 ng/ml, this indicates the course of a malignant process in the tissues of the prostate gland.

Methods for PSA recovery

To normalize PSA, you need to adjust your diet to include:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • fatty fish;
  • seafood;
  • lean meat.

If you deviate from the norm, it is recommended to eat grapes, plums and other fruits to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to this, the body will independently fight concomitant pathologies, and, as a result, the concentration of the antigen will be restored. Additionally, it is necessary to include tomatoes in the diet , which eliminate the negative effects of stress.

Among the medications used to normalize PSA levels, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are used:

  • "Proscar";
  • "Dutasteride";
  • "Finasteride".

With the help of inhibitors, the pressure inside the prostate gland is restored. In addition to these drugs, when PSA is elevated, diuretics of the thiazide group are prescribed:

  • "Cyclomethiazide";
  • "Oxodolin";
  • "Hydrochlorothiazide."

Good results can be achieved by taking nicotinic acid and other drugs prescribed for high cholesterol for a long time. These medications speed up blood circulation and correct lipid imbalances.

When choosing treatment tactics aimed at normalizing PSA levels, it is necessary to take into account the nature and characteristics of concomitant pathologies.

Dog after treatment

For large prostate adenomas, surgical intervention is indicated , during which overgrown tissue is removed. Immediately after the procedure, the concentration of PSA in the blood increases sharply. Therefore, tests for this antigen are carried out after 4-6 weeks. During the first year, the studies are repeated several times, which makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the changes taking place.

After radical prostatectomy, performed mainly for malignant growth, the PSA value decreases to 0.2 ng/ml. A decreasing concentration of antigen in the blood during the first 6 weeks indicates positive dynamics and a low likelihood of relapse.

In prostate cancer, PSA levels deviate significantly from normal. And after radiation or surgery for a malignant tumor, this figure decreases gradually over several weeks.

If the results of a blood test reveal an increased content of prostatic antigen, then this fact indicates the course of the oncological process in the tissues that make up the prostate gland. In such cases, the patient is re-examined.

Traditional methods of PSA restoration

Treatment of adenoma is not carried out using traditional medicine methods. These methods are used as an adjuvant and can only complement drug therapy.

Medicinal herbs help normalize PSA levels: nettle, plantain, mint, and chamomile. In order to eliminate deviations, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. plants mixed with a glass of boiling water.

The product is then kept for no more than 5 minutes over low heat and infused for several hours. The drink should be drunk daily.

For malignant neoplasms, poisonous plants such as fly agaric, hemlock or chaga are sometimes used. You should consult your doctor before consuming these mushrooms. Large doses cause acute intoxication and death.

Honey has a good effect. This beekeeping product eliminates inflammatory processes, normalizing the activity of the prostate gland and simultaneously restoring PSA levels.


PSA in 70-year-old men with prostate adenoma: norm and deviations Link to main publication
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