
Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranesMycosis fungoides is an infectious disease that affects the skin (to the point of complete disfigurement), as well as nails and internal organs.

The disease is characterized by severe itching and rashes on the skin in the form of spots or blisters. The causative agents of infection are parasitic pathogenic microorganisms (fungal spores).

Regardless of the severity of the course, mycosis requires timely treatment using drugs for both external and internal use. And using folk remedies in combination with traditional (medicinal) ones, you can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Methods for getting rid of fungus

Treatment is selected strictly individually, depending on the type of fungus (causative agent), the severity of the disease (taking into account all kinds of contraindications).

Today, medicine offers the following treatment methods:

  1. Use of systemic drugs (for oral administration).
  2. Use of external products (ointments, creams, etc.).
  3. Treatment with traditional methods (as an additional or alternative option).


  • In the photo below, you can recognize the symptoms of the disease:
  • Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes
  • Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes
  • Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Systemic drugs

In cases where external remedies are powerless or the disease has become severe, specialists prescribe a number of drugs for oral (internal) use. Here are some of them:

  • Ketoconazole (tablets) is an antifungal agent for the destruction of mainly dermatophytes, dimorphic and yeast fungi, as well as streptococci and staphylococci. Frequency of use: 1-2 tablets per day. Recommended course: from 2 weeks to several months. The average cost is 226 rubles (10 pcs.).
  • Miconazole (capsules) is a broad-spectrum antimycotic drug. It is recommended to take several capsules per day (depending on the severity of the disease) for approximately 1.5-2 months. The average price is 62 rubles (for 7 pieces).
  • Lamisil (tablets) is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Frequency of use: 1 time per day. Recommended course: 2-6 weeks. The average price is 2150 rubles (14 pcs.).
  • Itraconazole (capsules) is an antimycotic drug active against dermatophytes, as well as yeast and mold fungi. The approximate dosage is 2-3 tablets per day. Course of treatment: 1-8 months. Price - 350 rubles (14 pcs.).
  • Terbinafine (tablets) is an antifungal agent with fungicidal action against dermatophytes, as well as molds and dimorphic fungi. Daily dose: 2 tablets (morning and evening). Course of treatment: 2-6 weeks. The cost of the drug is 240 rubles (14 pcs.).

Important! Systemic drugs are usually used in complex therapy, along with external agents. To select the exact dosage and course of treatment, you must consult a specialist (mycologist or dermatologist). Self-medication can only make the situation worse.

Products for external use

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranesIn case of a fungal infection on the surface of the skin or nails, patients are prescribed various ointments, creams, etc.

And in most cases this is enough for complete recovery. Among the most effective drugs it is worth noting:

  • Terbizil (cream) is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug that relieves inflammation and flaking. It is used primarily to treat mycosis in the armpit area (as well as the feet and other parts of the body). The cream is recommended to be applied to clean and dry skin 1-2 times a day for 1-3 weeks. Price - 280 rubles (15 g).
  • Exifin (cream) is an antimycotic agent that not only effectively fights the existing fungus, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Frequency of use: 2 times a day. Approximate course of therapy: 2-3 weeks. Price - 245 rubles (10 g).
  • Ecodax (cream) is an antifungal drug with fungicidal and bactericidal effects that inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to apply 2 times a day (in a thin layer) to the affected areas. Course of treatment: 2-4 weeks. Price - 175 rubles (10 g).
  • Clotrimazole (ointment) is an antimycotic, antiprotozoal, antibacterial agent that must be used 2-3 times a day for 1-3 weeks. Price - 40 rubles (15 g). Also available in the form of a cream and solution for external use.
  • Exoderil (cream) is a fast-acting broad-spectrum antifungal drug. It is recommended to apply to affected areas of the skin once a day. Duration of therapy: 2-4 weeks. Price - 730 rubles (30 g).
  • Zalain (cream) is an effective antimycotic agent that destroys all strains of fungi. Frequency of use: 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. Price - 470 rubles (20 g).

Attention! The effectiveness of therapy depends on the correct choice of agent. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a preliminary diagnostic examination and identify the causative agent of the disease. Otherwise, it will be a “blind” treatment and will not bring the desired results.

Folk remedies

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranesTraditional therapy is used as a supplement (but not as the main option) and must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Some effective home treatment methods include the following:

  • Garlic compress - chop a few cloves of garlic and mix with butter (1:1), then apply to the affected area and bandage. It is recommended to change the dressing once a day. Duration of therapy: until complete recovery.
  • Lemon juice - Peel fresh lemon and squeeze out the juice. Wipe the affected areas 2 times a day for a week.
  • Onion treatment - peel the onion and cut into several parts. It is recommended to rub the affected areas of the skin with the inner (juicy) surface. You can also grate the onion and apply it as a compress. Frequency of use: 2-3 times a day (until complete recovery).
  • Vinegar baths - if the fungus is located on the skin of the feet, you can try vinegar baths. To do this, you need to dilute 1 liter of table vinegar in warm water (3 liters), then lower your feet into a container with a medicinal solution. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to use the product every day for 2-3 weeks.

Note! Some of the natural ingredients (onion, garlic, vinegar, etc.) can cause an allergic reaction (if you are predisposed). If after the procedure red spots, burning, and itching appear on the skin, treatment with this remedy should be stopped.


A mycologist is a doctor who treats fungal diseases

A mycologist is a medical specialist with a narrow focus who deals with the treatment of diseases whose etiology is a fungus. It should be noted that the initial specialty of such a doctor is dermatology.

What is the responsibility of a mycologist?

A doctor in this field prescribes a course of treatment for skin diseases caused by yeast or mold. In addition to treatment, the mycologist can prescribe a course of prophylaxis to prevent relapse of the disease in the future.

What diseases does a mycologist deal with?

The competence of this specialist lies in the treatment of the following pathological processes:

  1. all fungal skin diseases (mycoses);
  2. fungal infection of the nail plates.

What symptoms should you contact?

You should definitely contact a competent specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  1. peeling of the skin, itching;
  2. the formation of pink spots that peel around the edges;
  3. peeling of the nail plate;
  4. increased hair fragility, hair loss in “clumps”;
  5. formation of cracks between the toes;
  6. the formation of bubbles with liquid, which burst and dry out.

Self-medication in such cases is strongly not recommended. Even if the symptoms are eliminated with the help of medications, this does not mean that the disease has completely left the body. Relapse of the disease can occur at any time.

What techniques does he use?

In his practice, the mycologist uses only laboratory tests. Instrumental research methods are not required. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, the patient needs to undergo the following tests:

  1. scrapings from the affected nail or skin;
  2. a smear of the mucous membrane of the mouth or genitals.

Possible complications of fungal diseases

The sooner a person contacts a specialist, the more effective the treatment will be. Delay, with this type of pathological process, can lead to serious complications. In addition to the fact that a person may develop serious health problems, their appearance also suffers. Depending on the type of fungus and location of the lesion, the following may occur:

  1. the nail plate begins to peel, rot and fall off;
  2. hair falls out unevenly;
  3. the leg or arm becomes purple in color and sometimes swells;
  4. cracks between the fingers can turn into ulcers that emit an unpleasant odor.

As you can see, such circumstances not only spoil a person’s appearance, but also significantly worsen his life.

What treatment methods does he use?

  • A course of treatment is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and, very importantly, the cause of the development of such a disease in the human body has been identified.
  • It should also be noted that in addition to drug treatment, the patient needs to change his type of diet and be more attentive to his health and lifestyle.
  • As for drug treatment, a mycologist can prescribe drugs from the following pharmacological groups and procedures:
  1. ointments and sprays for topical use;
  2. mechanical impact on the affected area;
  3. oral medications.

You need to understand that medications should be taken until tests show complete recovery. Even if a fungal infection no longer appears externally, this does not mean that the disease has completely left the body.

The use of ointments and sprays should be carried out strictly as prescribed by a mycologist.

As for the mechanical effect, in this case it means removing the affected nail plate. If it is not possible to remove the nail immediately, the mycologist will prescribe special ointments or a patch.

Under the influence of such drugs, the nail “softens” and is easily removed. This should be done by a doctor, since it is in such places that there is a cluster of fungal organisms.

Improper removal can cause the infection to spread even further.

In addition to medication treatment, a mycologist may prescribe a special diet. It is imperative that the patient refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.

If you follow all the recommendations, treatment will give positive results, and relapse of the disease can be almost completely eliminated.

Recommendations of a mycologist

Fungal diseases most often appear in the human body due to his own carelessness and neglect of his health.

You can eliminate or minimize the development of such a disease in your body by observing the following preventive measures:

  1. in public places (baths, saunas, swimming pools, showers), you must use your own towels, slippers, etc.;
  2. personal hygiene should be carefully observed;
  3. microtraumas of the skin must be immediately treated with an antiseptic;
  4. food should be rich in essential vitamins and minerals;
  5. housework (washing dishes, cleaning) should only be done with gloves;
  6. The varnish should not be applied directly to the nail plate, as this damages the protective layer.

The application of such rules will help not only to avoid fungal diseases, but also to always have healthy looking skin and nail plates.

What diseases does a mycologist deal with?

Nails, mucous membranes, skin , and scalp are susceptible to fungal infection . Diseases caused by fungi, depending on the location and type of pathogen, receive different names (mycoses, microsporia, onychomycosis, candidiasis, etc.).

The most common are mycoses of the feet , as well as fungal infections of the nail plate . According to statistics, men are more likely than women to face this problem. However, they are much less likely to turn to a specialist, preferring to fight the infection on their own, and they do not always cope with this successfully.

Most often, fungal infections occur in public places such as baths and swimming pools. The risk of contracting an infection increases significantly with decreased immunity.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

When should you contact a mycologist?

If you find yourself with one or more symptoms from the list below, we recommend that you do not delay visiting a mycologist.

    • Unpleasant sensations and visible changes in the skin (redness, peeling, itching, cracks).
    • A change in the nail plate, manifested as increased brittleness, thinning, thickening, splitting, deformation, or discoloration.
    • Changes in the mucous surface of the genital organs and the appearance of symptoms such as: unpleasant odor and discharge.
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Often people do not even suspect that they are dealing with a fungal infection when they notice redness in the folds of their skin. They self-medicate, believing that it is just an irritation. At the same time, the correct means are not always chosen, which does not lead to the expected result, but only worsens the condition, allowing the infection to spread.

Mycologist services at SM-Clinic

Mycologist consultation.

Only a mycologist can prescribe effective treatment for a fungal infection. Self-medication in the vast majority of cases only leads to an even greater spread of the fungus or to the disease becoming chronic, which is subsequently very difficult to cure.

If you have discovered characteristic symptoms of fungal infection of the skin, nails or mucous membranes, we recommend that you do not delay going to the doctor.
Fungal infection is a constant burden on the immune system. For this reason, it should not be ignored.

Long-term effects on the immune system can lead to the patient beginning to notice various allergic reactions to certain products, detergents, etc.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranesDiagnosis of fungal diseases.

The mycologist at SM-Clinic conducts an initial examination, based on which he prescribes further examination.
A thorough diagnosis allows you to accurately determine the type of fungal infection, which is a prerequisite for prescribing an effective treatment regimen. SM-Clinic specialists successfully fight all types of fungal diseases.

To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory bacteriological and cultural tests, as well as general urine and blood tests, are performed. In some cases, histological or immunological examination may be indicated.

Treatment of fungal infections.

The mycologist, based on the data obtained as a result of the diagnosis, prescribes the most effective treatment regimen.

The high effectiveness of the methods followed by SM-Clinic specialists is ensured by a strictly individual and necessarily comprehensive approach to solving each problem.

Since the fungus is a very tenacious microorganism, it is possible to completely get rid of it only with long-term (more than two months) treatment under the supervision of a specialist. It is precisely these treatment regimens that are actively practiced by mycologists at SM-Clinic, which guarantees excellent results.

The sooner you seek help, the easier it will be to get rid of your illness.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranesSM-Clinic specialists provide comprehensive treatment of mycoses of the nail plates and feet , using the most modern, highly effective topical medications. These drugs are destructive to fungal infections and are at the same time safe for the human body. If it is necessary to cure a severe form of mycosis, then along with local therapy, oral antifungal drugs are also prescribed.

In some cases, treatment of fungal infection of the nail plates can be carried out using a special device SIRIUS NT 2000 made in Germany. Using this device, the mycologist carries out high-quality cleaning of the nail from fungus. The procedure is safe, painless and at the same time allows you to achieve excellent results in the fight against fungus.

Prevention of fungal diseases, mycoses of the feet

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Keep in mind that it is easier for a fungal infection to attach to damaged skin (injuries, scratches, microcracks) than to healthy skin. Monitor the condition of your skin and treat wounds in a timely manner. Homeless animals are often carriers of fungal infections; it is better to avoid contact with them or wash your hands thoroughly with soap after contact.

As a secondary prevention (for those who have been ill) is the disinfection of shoes, socks, and the use of special antifungal agents.

A mycologist at the medical center will provide detailed advice on measures to prevent foot fungus.

Appointments with a mycologist at SM-Clinic are available both on weekdays and on weekends. An appointment with a mycologist can be made by calling +7 (495) 777-48-49 around the clock. You can also make an appointment by filling out a special form on the website.

Calling a mycologist to your home

If you are unable to visit the clinic, you can call a doctor at home.
To do this, call +7 (495) 777-48-49. The mycologist travels throughout Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road, as well as in the near Moscow region. Call SM-Clinic and we will immediately come to your aid.

Calling a specialist to your home is convenience, significant time savings and a comfortable environment.

What is the competence of a mycologist?

A specialist in this profile is engaged in identifying, treating and preventing diseases of the skin and nails that are caused by yeast-like or mold fungi. A mycologist can give advice to people prone to fungal diseases and tell in detail how to prevent recurrence of the disease in the future.

Mycologist specializes in the following diseases:

    • Athlete's foot;
    • Onychomycosis;
    • Candidiasis;
    • Trichophytosis;
    • Microsporia.

When is a mycologist consultation necessary?

You should contact a specialist in this profile for advice if you often experience the following problems:

    • Ingrown nail;
    • Burrs;
    • Peeling nails;
    • Changes in the color and thickness of the nail plate;
    • Nail grooves;
    • Corns;
    • Redness of the feet, itching between the toes;
    • Increased hair fragility, seborrhea, baldness;
    • Cracks in the skin, accompanied by pain and peeling;
    • Formation of fluid-filled blisters between the fingers.

Such symptoms most often indicate serious pathological processes occurring in the body, therefore, in order to avoid complications and the disease becoming chronic, it is not recommended to self-medicate.

At the appointment, the mycologist will examine the affected areas, collect a history of life and illness, and take tissue samples from the affected areas for further study.

Based on the results of the examination, the patient will be prescribed an individual course of treatment.

Where can I find a good mycologist?

The search engine on our website will help you find a good mycologist in Moscow. You can choose the best doctor and make an appointment at the clinic without leaving your home.

Each doctor has his own rating based on the frequency of patients’ visits to him, the presence of positive reviews and the specialist’s experience.

Detailed descriptions of your impressions of seeing other patients will allow you to quickly decide on the choice of “your” doctor.

How to get an appointment with a mycologist?

Once you have decided which of the proposed mycologists you want to see, contact an online consultant or call the clinic number indicated in the contacts section. Appointments with a doctor are carried out by appointment, which allows the patient to plan his work schedule in advance and eliminates the tedious waiting in line.


Which doctor treats nail fungus

Table of contents

  • 1. Which doctor should I contact?
  • 2. Who is a mycologist and when should you contact him?
  • 3. Who is a dermatologist and when to contact him?
  • 4. Who is a podiatrist and when to contact him?
  • 5. Who is better to contact?
  • 6. How does the reception proceed?
  • 7. May a surgeon be required?

Some people delay going to the clinic because they are embarrassed about their illness. Others simply do not know which doctor treats such diseases.

Three types of specialists deal with the problems of fungal infections of the feet:

  1. Dermatologist.
  2. Mycologist.
  3. Podologist.

If a dermatologist in hospitals is not so rare, then mycologists and podologists are not common. These are fairly narrow specialties, and demand for them is more often observed in specialized clinics.

Who is a mycologist and when should you contact him?

A mycologist is a dermatologist, but he deals with a narrower area - only fungal diseases (mycoses) of the skin, nails, and hair. Such a doctor is found mainly in dermatological and cosmetology clinics. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a mycologist’s office in the district clinic.

A highly specialized doctor who treats nail fungus usually studies mycosis infections and methods of combating them in more depth. But you shouldn’t think that a mycologist is necessarily better than a dermatologist. It all depends on the degree of qualification of the doctor and the personal qualities of the person.

It is recommended to make an appointment with a mycologist for the following problems:

  • the fingernails and toenails have turned yellow;
  • brown, yellow, and white spots appeared on the nail plate;
  • the nail plates began to thicken;
  • cracks in the skin appendages;
  • unpleasant foot odor;
  • foot itches;
  • brittle nails, crumbling.

A consultation with a mycologist will not be superfluous in case of any negative changes on the nail plates. Timely treatment will prevent nail deformation.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Who is a dermatologist and when to contact him?

A dermatologist is a general practitioner who treats diseases of the skin, nails, hair, and mucous membranes.

Unlike a mycologist, a dermatologist deals not only with the treatment of nail fungus, but also with the following problems:

  • infectious skin diseases (fungal, viral);
  • allergic reactions of the skin type;
  • dermatoses;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • acne;
  • injuries, burns and other lesions of the epidermis;
  • scalp problems;
  • moles, epidermal neoplasms.

You can safely contact a dermatologist with coffin nails - this disease falls under his profile.

Who is a podologist and when to contact him?

A podiatrist is a highly specialized doctor who deals with foot problems and diseases. It can treat not only external lesions of the foot, but also internal changes in joints and bones.

The specialization of a podologist includes the following diseases and pathologies:

  • thorns, spurs, calluses, warts on the feet;
  • fungal infection of the nails and skin of the feet;
  • ingrown nails;
  • hallux valgus;
  • curvature of the toes;
  • cracks on the heels.

A qualified specialist in this field is a rarity. There are few podiatrists in our regions; the profession is only beginning to become in demand.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

Who is better to contact?

All three doctors deal with nail fungus and there is no significant difference in who you can see. The most important thing is that the doctor has sufficient knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is better to choose doctors based on recommendations, reviews, and you should also take into account the reputation of the clinic.

If this is not possible, then you can always visit your local clinic and make an appointment with a dermatologist.

How is the appointment going?

The first appointment must include a consultation and examination. Accordingly, your feet should be clean to avoid embarrassment in front of the doctor.

Usually, at the first appointment, the patient is tested: scraping and blood sampling.

After the tests are ready, the doctor makes a diagnosis. If mycosis is detected on the nails, a treatment regimen is developed.

Therapy is selected depending on the degree of tissue damage and the individual characteristics of the patient.

At the initial stage of the fungus, it is permissible to treat only with external preparations (ointments, gels, liquids). When the leg is affected (foot fungus), or the nails are too deformed (advanced form), therapy includes taking antifungal tablets.

A visit to a doctor treating toenail fungus does not end there. The doctor monitors the effectiveness of therapy. Therefore, it is mandatory that the patient is scheduled for a visit after completing the treatment regimen. At this stage, a repeat analysis is taken.

If, when examining the scraping, pathogens of mycosis are again detected, the doctor prescribes a second course of treatment with a change in medications. To achieve a positive result, you must follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Consultation with a mycologist for fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes

May a surgeon be required?

In rare and advanced cases, mycosis causes severe curvature, thickening of the nails, and their ingrowth under the skin (especially on the big toes). The person begins to experience severe pain when walking. The periungual ridges become injured and inflamed. In such cases, there is always a risk of secondary bacterial infection.

There is no point in treating nails in this condition; they will not recover. The patient is prescribed surgical removal of the nail or a therapeutic pedicure using medications and removal of the affected nail plate.

Even if the skin appendage is removed, this does not mean that the infection has subsided. Mycosis remains in the epidermal tissues and can affect adjacent nails. Nail fungus is treated with medication. The patient is required to be prescribed antimycotic therapy, which allows the infection to be cured and a new, healthy nail to grow.

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Onychomycosis most often affects the body when immunity is reduced. Prevention of the disease includes, first of all, maintaining the protective forces at the proper level, as well as foot and shoe hygiene. When visiting public places with bare legs, it is recommended to use antiseptic gels/sprays, which are sold in any pharmacy today.


Fungus of the skin and internal organs (deep mycoses)

Fungal diseases of internal organs are called deep mycoses. The latter can affect almost all organs and tissues, and occur in the form of acute or chronic infection. In some cases, the duration of mycoses is calculated in months and years, and some of them recur throughout life.

Not everyone gets sick with deep mycoses. The body of healthy people successfully resists these infections.

People with reduced immunity and those suffering from chronic diseases are most susceptible to deep mycoses, for example, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, diabetes mellitus, and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Sometimes people who have undergone major operations become infected, because their body’s resistance is sharply reduced. Mycoses can also develop during long-term use of antibiotics.

Types of mycoses

The most common mycosis is candidiasis , which is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Most often, candidiasis of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and female genital organs occurs, which is called thrush. In addition, candida can affect the upper respiratory tract, lungs, intestines and other organs.

The most dangerous and highly contagious deep mycoses include coccidioidosis and histoplasmosis. Coccidioidosis is most common in the United States (about 100 thousand people become ill every year) and in Latin American countries.

Coccidioides infection occurs by inhaling dust containing fungal spores or through broken skin.

The disease occurs with severe damage to the skin (abscesses and ulcers form) and internal organs (especially the lungs) and can be fatal.

Histoplasmosis is most common in both the Americas and North Africa. Infection occurs by inhalation of fungal spores in soil and dust. The respiratory tract, bone marrow, liver, spleen, and lymph nodes are most often affected.

In half of the cases, the process involves the skin and mucous membranes with the formation of ulcers and papillomatous growths. In people with normal immunity, the disease is benign and manifests itself with weakness, fever, and cough.

A severe course of the disease with possible death is typical only for patients with AIDS.

One of the most common deep mycoses is aspergillosis . It is caused by mold fungi of the genus Aspergillus, which form white or greenish mold on rotten trees, shavings, vegetables, fruits, bread, homemade products, dried fruits, and indoor plants.

They are also common in residential areas with leaking pipes, damp walls and ceilings, and in ventilation systems and air conditioners. If a person takes a deep breath while in such a room, the spores of these fungi, scattered in the air, enter the bronchi and lungs.

As a result, people suffering from serious illnesses or having reduced immunity may experience poisoning and develop aspergillus mycotoxicosis.

Mycotoxicoses are associated with poisoning by fungal waste products—mycotoxins.

People become ill with mycotoxicoses as a result of eating grain products sprouted by molds, dairy or other products containing mycotoxins, as well as inhaling dust with large amounts of fungal spores.

Damage to the respiratory tract is accompanied by a painful cough, hemoptysis, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and fever.

There are also other mold mycoses - mucorosis, penicillium, fusariotoxicosis, etc.

How to protect yourself from mold infection?

  • Care must be taken when dismantling old, dilapidated dachas and when using stale building material. Fungi that have settled on a tree are especially dangerous.
  • Although fungi on food products are less aggressive, nevertheless, a small spot of mold on bread must be carefully cut out, and if mold has appeared in several places, it is better not to eat the bread.
  • Rotting places on an apple can be removed, but moldy juicy fruits and vegetables - tomatoes, pears, peaches, apricots, especially if mold has appeared around the seed - will have to be thrown away.
  • Without hesitation, pour out compotes, juices and syrups with mold stains, but in confitures and jams with a high sugar content, it is enough to remove the top thick layer.
  • You should not eat moldy nut kernels with a bitter, musty aftertaste. You should avoid cottage cheese and other moldy dairy products.
  • Small spots of mold on the cheese can be removed, but if the mold has formed inside the head, it's not worth the risk. True, there are cheeses, for example, Roquefort, to which mold gives a special piquant flavor, but if you have a fungal infection, you will have to give up such a favorite delicacy for many gourmets for a while.

Diagnosis and treatment

Self-medicating in this situation is dangerous.

Recognizing a fungal disease at the very beginning of the disease is possible only with timely contact with specialists involved in the treatment of affected organs or systems (gynecologists, gastroenterologists, etc.

) or mycologists - specialists in fungal infections. Mycological studies make it possible to clarify the nature of the disease and distinguish a fungal disease from a bacterial one.

The doctor will select special antifungal drugs of a new generation, prescribe general strengthening procedures and multivitamin complexes. Enzymes that improve the functions of the digestive system, regulators of intestinal microflora, choleretic agents and medications that protect the liver are often prescribed.

Along with antifungal treatment, much attention is paid to a special “antifungal” diet.

This diet involves avoiding foods rich in carbohydrates, since impaired carbohydrate metabolism leads to increased blood sugar levels, and sugar is an excellent environment for mushrooms.

Pasta, cereal dishes, as well as anything prepared with yeast are not recommended: beer, kvass, champagne, buns, pastries, cakes. Even bread can only be eaten today, since mold may begin to grow in it on the second or third day.

In order to relieve the liver while taking potent drugs, doctors recommend abstaining from fatty meat (pork, lamb, smoked meats, rich broths, fried foods, as well as duck and goose meat). You can leave veal, beef, chicken, boiled or stewed fish in your diet. It is recommended to consume vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, as well as fermented milk products - kefir and acidophilus.


Fungal diseases of the skin and nails


Proper prevention of fungal diseases is a guarantee of healthy nails and skin. Skeptics may object: “If the disease has begun, then it is too late to engage in prevention.”

However, this statement can be argued. A sick person must think about how not to infect others, and first of all, his family members.

Because, having infected a loved one and undergoing a full course of treatment, he can become infected again.

The most important rule for preventing fungal diseases is maintaining personal hygiene. What you need to know:

  • When visiting public places such as a swimming pool, bathhouse/sauna, shower room, gym, skating rink, bowling alley, etc., wear special shoes (your own or disposable ones), and do not walk barefoot in public bathing areas, bathhouses, etc.
  • After water procedures, carefully dry your feet, paying special attention to the space between the toes.
  • To allow your feet to “breathe,” change your shoes and hosiery more often.
  • Use your own towel and wear only your own shoes at home and away.
  • Don't give your shoes to other people.
  • Check your skin and nails regularly. In order to prevent mycoses, treat the skin between the toes and feet with special solutions, for example, the drug Octenisept (contains octenidine) 2 times a day - morning and evening.


Skin fungus is characterized by:

  • dryness
  • peeling
  • itching
  • inflammation
  • bubbles
  • cracks
  • pain

When nails are damaged, the condition of the nail plate changes:

  • spots and white stripes
  • nails become dull
  • yellowness appears
  • thickening occurs
  • nails may become loose and crumble


Fungal diseases are very contagious and do not go away on their own, so at the first symptoms you should consult a dermatologist or mycologist. A dermatologist treats all skin diseases and is therefore a specialist with a broader profile.

To diagnose the disease and determine the type of fungus, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate test - scraping. The whole procedure consists of cutting off a small piece of the nail plate and further analyzing it. It usually takes a day or a little more to get results.

Based on the results obtained, the characteristics of the patient’s body, age, chronic diseases, etc. the doctor prescribes individual treatment (local and internal medications). You will be able to come to the appointment at certain intervals to receive further recommendations. This is especially important if side effects occur.

Fungal diseases : infections of the skin and skin folds; interdigital mycoses; fungal nail infections (onychomycosis); cutaneous candidiasis; pityriasis versicolor; ringworm.

Patients with fungal diseases of the skin and nails should not visit swimming pools and other public places, so as not to spread the fungal infection.√ And, of course, to eliminate the risk of infecting your family members, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, begin treatment and follow all safety measures!

  • Healthy skin serves as a kind of protective barrier against the penetration of fungal infections, but it is on the feet that, as a rule, the most “favorable” conditions arise for the spread of insidious fungi.
  • This happens in the following cases:
  • the skin of the feet is subject to frequent and severe sweating;
  • permanent microtraumas (scuffs and cracks) that appear when wearing uncomfortable shoes; nail injuries.

As you can see, a damp environment is the most common cause of the development and growth of fungal diseases. Therefore, an increase in the number of fungal infections occurs in the summer, when foot sweating increases.

This phenomenon, in addition, is facilitated by wearing hosiery made of synthetic fibers, uncomfortable and tight, as well as excessively warm (out of season) shoes.

In people who wear tight, rough shoes made of synthetic materials (poorly ventilated), foot fungus is much more common.

Therefore, one of the preventive measures is to wear strictly seasonal shoes, preferably lightweight ones.

  1. According to statistics, women suffer from fungal diseases more often than men because they wear narrow shoes, which in most cases leads to trauma to the skin of the feet (in the area of ​​the 1st and 5th toes).
  2. Old age (after 40 years) is another reason to be on guard.
  3. With age, all metabolic processes in the body slow down, including the rate of nail growth.

At risk are people with problems with blood supply to the legs, overweight people, smokers; leading a sedentary lifestyle. This list also includes people with diabetes.

  • In addition, the risk of fungal infection increases with decreased immunity, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • The period of activation of fungal infections can last a long time and usually does not appear immediately, so it is difficult for the sick person and others to notice it.
  • As the surface layer of the skin is damaged, a focal inflammatory reaction begins to progress over time, and recognizable features appear - itching, burning, cracks.
  • Typically, the fungus affects the skin between the toes, after which it spreads to the soles, sides and backs of the feet. Then the insidious disease takes up new positions, gradually moving to the nails. They become dull, yellowish, thicken, crumble, and become deformed. Such an unaesthetic appearance can last for a very long time (months and years) without causing physical inconvenience to the sick person. Therefore, there is a deceptive feeling that the disease does not pose any danger and does not create problems. Meanwhile, the fungus does not sleep and continues to spread, moving to new areas of the skin and affecting other nails.
  • In addition to the unsightly condition of their nails, sick people begin to experience shame and a lot of psychological problems, which affects their lifestyle. In addition, you should remember: fungal infections in the future can cause various allergic and inflammatory diseases not only of the skin, but also of the entire body as a whole.
  • Therefore, it is very important to consider that a fungal infection will never go away on its own unless it is destroyed. The key to a quick and complete recovery lies in early detection of the disease and taking therapeutic measures.
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√ Almost everyone who gets a fungal infection has a ten-year medical history.


The full course of treatment for nail fungus lasts on average 6 months, depending on the severity and other nuances, such as the rate of growth of the nail plate. The degree of infection with a fungal infection also plays an important role: depth, area, as well as age and other individual characteristics of the person.

In order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to continue treatment for 2 weeks (at least) after the growth of a completely healthy nail/nails.

Skin fungus heals much faster - two to four weeks. It is very important to pay attention not only to the disappearance of symptoms (they usually disappear after a few days), but to complete the full course of treatment.

To avoid re-infestation, it is important to treat all shoes. This can be done in several ways: by using special medications in the form of sprays or aerosols, or by resorting to more affordable home methods:

— To treat shoes you will need a 40% solution of acetic acid or a 1% solution of chlorhexidine. Using a cotton swab soaked in the solution, treat the entire inside of the shoes (insoles, sides).

Protect your hands with rubber gloves! Then the shoes are placed in an impenetrable plastic bag for two to three days, after which they can be ventilated and dried for 24 hours. Treatment is carried out at the beginning of treatment and at the end.

If the course of therapy is long, then the shoes are treated every month.

Considering that the fungus is very tenacious: it tends to be active in the form of scales that sick people leave everywhere, it can pose a danger throughout the year. And shoes are one of the worst breeding grounds for fungus; wearing untreated shoes after a course of treatment remains a strong threat of new infection.


Antifungal varnishes and solutions, as well as serums containing active ingredients, for example, amorolfine, ciclopirox, can be used if the infection has not gone too far. However, in any case, you will have to be patient and treat the nail surface as prescribed by the manufacturer.

To improve aesthetics, nails can be coated with decorative varnish.

There are special cream pastes that allow you to loosen the surface of the affected nail. Such preparations contain urea, due to this component the nail can be removed in 2-3 applications. This method of treatment has both advantages (accelerates recovery) and disadvantages (absence of a nail).

Medicines (tablets) are taken as prescribed by a doctor in cases where the infection is complicated. Oral medications should be used strictly on the recommendation of a specialist, because There are such contraindications as: renal and liver failure, incompatibility with hormonal contraceptives, childhood.

In the treatment of skin fungus, various creams, ointments, and sprays are used, which contain terbinafine, sertoconazole, ciclopiroxolamine, naftifine, bifonazole, ketoconazole, and oxyconazole.

If the therapeutic course was carried out in full and the result was positive (a completely healthy nail grows), then after 2 weeks it is necessary to take a scraping and, upon receipt of confirmation, treatment can be stopped. But in the future, it is important to systematically check the condition of your nails.


This series of drugs was created for salon use, since very often the breeding ground for fungal infections is located in this environment. There are both professional lines and for home use.

It is worth noting nail care products with antifungal effect . For example, glue for creating nail designs (gluing tips, decorations, false nails, repairing natural nails, etc.). The glue contains ingredients that prevent the development of fungal bacteria.

Foot care creams and . They relieve fatigue and pain, stimulate blood flow, thereby relieving cold.

They prevent fungal diseases and itching between the fingers, normalize sweating, soften the skin, making it soft.

The formula of such products usually contains: natural essential oils, red pepper extract, camphor and rosemary oil, which activate blood circulation and warm the feet. 

Antifungal pencils effectively protect nails from fungal diseases. They take care of dry and brittle nails, fill them with moisture, and restore elasticity.

This product is very convenient compared to liquid forms, since it allows you to always have it on hand and takes up little space in your cosmetic bag. May contain jojoba oil, clotrimazole, panthenol, vitamin E, bisabolol, .

Oil for nails and skin is recommended for everyone who is undergoing nail treatment for fungal infections as a therapeutic, preventative, strengthening and cosmetic.

Contains: clotrimazole, wheat germ oil, panthenol .

Products in this group effectively protect against fungal diseases, care for nails and the skin around the nails, preventing inflammation after manicure and pedicure.

These drugs can also be used for preventive purposes, after visiting potential sites of infection. You can also purchase professional products in pharmacies.

Lupanina Olga



Mycologist is a doctor who treats toenail fungus and mycoses on the skin.

Fungi reproduce at high speed, are very tenacious and are found almost everywhere. They parasitize on the skin and enter with food and air. A healthy body is not afraid of microorganisms.

With reduced immunity, contact with contaminated surfaces, or consumption of poor-quality food, fungi settle inside and begin their destructive activities. The science of mycology is devoted to the study of the nature and vital activity of mushrooms.

Medical mycology studies species dangerous to human health, determines the routes of their spread and infection, and searches for effective antifungal agents. A mycologist, a practitioner in this field, treats patients.

Who is a mycologist?

A dermatologist who specializes in human diseases caused by fungi is a mycologist. The need for such specialists has arisen due to the increase in mycotic infections. According to WHO, a quarter of the population of all ages has been infected.

The main reasons for the disappointing statistics:

  • weakening of the immune system,
  • long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics,
  • ignoring the rules of hygiene and sanitation,
  • food rich in harmful additives,
  • diseases of the digestive organs,
  • chronic infections.

It is very difficult to eradicate the pathogen due to its incredible survivability no matter where it settles:

  • on smooth surface tissues, in folds,
  • on hairy areas,
  • on the nails,
  • in the mucous layer of the eyes, oral and nasal cavities, and genital tract.

What cures

The competence of doctors of this specialization includes all diseases of the mycotic group in adults and children.


Depending on the strain, a fungal infection provokes:

  • athlete's foot,
  • favus,
  • rubrophytia,
  • microsporia,
  • trichophytosis.

All forms are highly contagious, that is, they are transmitted through contact with a carrier of the infection.

The pathogen multiplies in the layers of the skin, forming foci of inflammation, rashes, nodular seals between the fingers, and on the nails of the hands and feet. Dissemination (spread) covers large areas. The skin becomes covered with scars. Nails turn yellow, peel, thicken and eventually turn into dust. Microsporia, or ringworm, leads to patchy baldness.


The causative agents are molds, yeasts and about 70 other types of different fungi. Most of the diseases are lichens:

  • white, including tropical,
  • black,
  • tropical yellow,
  • pityriasis,
  • imbricated.

This group includes white piedra (trichosporosis), which grows in white nodules on the hair scales-cuticles.

Lichens settle on the horny surface of the hair and in the upper layer of the skin, rich in keratin.


Yeast-like opportunistic fungi live without conflict in the microflora of the mouth, colon, and vagina. When local or general immunity decreases, thrush is provoked.

The infection disseminates to the lower layer of skin, damaging nails and hair. Its generalized type is dangerous because it spreads not only over the surface, but also into the internal organs.

When it enters the bloodstream, fungal sepsis occurs.

Deep mycoses

Fungal infections affecting organs are identified as:

  • cladosporiosis,
  • chromomycosis,
  • blastomycosis,
  • sporotrichosis,
  • histoplasmosis,
  • aspergillosis,
  • mucorosis,
  • cephalosporiosis,
  • coccidioidosis.

These diseases are more common in tropical regions. But since the isolation of countries has long been broken by active international communication, fungi cross all borders with tourists and luggage.

The prevalence of deep mycoses increases due to special conditions for their reproduction - severe disruption of immunity, metabolism, and hormonal balance. Among the targets:

  • liver,
  • reproductive system,
  • lungs,
  • kidneys, adrenal glands,
  • bones,
  • brain structures.

A mycologist may have specialized knowledge in the treatment of nails, dental, venereal diseases, fungal pathologies of internal organs, and pseudomycosis.

What symptoms should you contact?

Early initiation of treatment gives a favorable prognosis for recovery. Therefore, you should contact the clinic when the first signs of fungus appear:

  • painless peeling of the epidermis with a feeling of itching,
  • pink spots, evenly colored or with a red border,
  • yellow cracks on nails,
  • thickening of the nail plate, redness of the bed,
  • fragility of hair shafts, formation of bald spots,
  • cracks, peeling between the fingers, the appearance of bubbles with liquid,
  • redness in the groin, armpits, mammary glands (in women), covered with a sticky substance with an unpleasant odor,
  • cheesy deposits on the tongue, tonsils, gums,
  • the same type of nasal discharge,
  • whitish flaky secretion from the genital tract.

The fungus rarely goes away on its own. More often, he uses the time lost by the patient to actively reproduce and move the infection into a complicated stage.

When and what tests are prescribed?

Diagnosis of mycoses is based on the study of biological samples containing microorganisms. Diseases can be caused by monocultures or several different strains, each in its own area of ​​the body. To select adequate treatment tactics, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of pathogen.

The mycologist collects scrapings from the skin, smears from the mucous membranes, discharge from the genitals, exudate from ulcers and wounds, pieces of nails, and hair.

Under a microscope, the fact of fungal infection and quantitative parameters are established. To determine the type of pathogens, the biomaterial is placed in a nutrient medium that creates ideal conditions for them. Over the course of 3-5 days, laboratory assistants study under magnification the color, intensity of crop growth, and the principle of formation of fungal colonies.

DNA diagnostics identifies candidiasis and dermatophyte cultures with high reliability.

In advanced cases, testing of secretions from tissues, cavities, organs, as well as a blood test will be necessary. They will indicate the primary source of infection and the organs (blood) where the spores were disseminated.

What methods of therapy does the doctor use?

The mycologist has the opportunity to select treatment from a variety of antifungal drugs for external and internal use, supplementing them with physiotherapy.

  • Azole ointments (Miconazole, Isoconazole) are aimed at destroying many types of fungi and the mycelium itself within a month.
  • Allylamine ointments (Naftifin, Butenafine) have a more limited effect on yeast and mold strains, but at the same time relieve inflammation. The course of treatment lasts at least 3 months.
  • Ointments, sprays, creams, suppositories, treatment solutions are indicated in the initial stage . For extensive lesions, they are combined with tablets, for example, Terbinafine-Teva, Ketoconazole DS. Prescribe vitamin complexes that strengthen the immune system.
  • UV treatments help get rid of superficial cutaneous mycosis faster. This method and microinjections of ozone are used for onychomycosis (nail fungus) on the feet and hands.
  • Severely damaged fragments of the horny plate are removed with a laser . At home, pharmacy softening and peeling patches are used.
  • At the discretion of the doctor, the patient may be recommended a special diet, a ban on alcohol and smoking.

It is necessary to follow all the mycologist’s instructions, this will help avoid relapses.


The site administration advises you not to self-medicate, and in any controversial situations, consult a doctor.


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