
Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Ultrasound is a modern diagnostic method that can be used to detect the development of pathology at the initial stage. All men who contact a urologist can be referred for this study. Ultrasound of the prostate allows you to detect changes in the structure of the prostate gland and the initial stages of pathological processes. This helps to start treatment in a timely manner and avoid the development of serious diseases. Ultrasound is prescribed to detect various diseases, clarify the diagnosis, and also for preventive purposes. Sometimes the onset of pathological processes can be detected only with the help of this study, so many experts recommend that all men at risk undergo it regularly.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis


An ultrasound examination allows you to illuminate all the patient’s internal organs, making it possible to detect even the slightest changes in tissue texture.

Thanks to a special technology of using ultrasonic waves, even at the initial stage, the presence or absence of a pathological process in the organ is determined. The results depend on the density of the tissue being tested and its ability to conduct waves.

The result of the study, displayed on the monitor, allows you to accurately diagnose and timely prescribe treatment to the patient.

The prostate gland is the most important organ of the male body, which regulates the functioning of the genitourinary system. The prostate produces a special fluid that supports sperm motility and vital activity.

The quality of urination, sexual potency and the ability to conceive depend on the functioning of the gland. However, due to constant load and under the influence of certain negative factors, over time the functioning of the organ is disrupted.

The result of this is diseases and disorders such as lack of sexual desire, decreased potency, inflammation of the gland, etc.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Often the initial stage of development of pathological processes in the gland does not have pronounced symptoms. The presence of violations can only be detected using special equipment.

Ultrasound of the prostate is practically the only diagnostic method that helps determine the development of the disease.

For this reason, urologists recommend that all men over 45 years old undergo regular examinations every six months. An examination is also prescribed if there are one or more symptoms indicating a possible disease.

Ultrasound of the prostate gland is prescribed for diagnosis:

  1. Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease is a pathological process that develops as a result of infection in an organ. Symptoms: periodic pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, temperature changes, the urge to urinate frequently, urinary incontinence. If one or more signs occur, the urologist prescribes a comprehensive examination and ultrasound of the prostate.
  2. Adenoma. The disease is a benign tumor or cyst of the prostate gland. The painful process is accompanied by problems with urine output, the patient feels a constant fullness of the bladder, mild pain in the abdominal cavity, enlargement of the organ, etc.
  3. Cancer. Oncological disease is a malignant tumor and the formation of metastases throughout the body. Prostate ultrasound helps to make a timely diagnosis and detect the development of cancer at an early stage. In this case, treatment has favorable prognoses. Symptoms of prostate cancer include: pain in the lower pelvis, bloody discharge in the urine, swelling and enlargement of the gland.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Diagnostic testing is also prescribed for patients with sexual dysfunction, infertility, and pathological changes in sperm. Since all men over 40 years of age are at risk, experts recommend being examined even without showing obvious signs of the disease.


Before conducting a diagnostic study, the patient should carry out preparatory measures. This will help to obtain the most accurate information about your health status and identify even minor changes in the prostate gland.

Ultrasound of the prostate is performed using two methods: transrectal and transabdominal. Depending on the type of procedure the patient is undergoing, preparation recommendations may vary.

  • During a transabdominal examination, the patient needs to drink large amounts of fluid to fill the bladder. A sufficient portion of water is the amount that will provide an easy urge to urinate. This method of preparation helps in examining the prostate gland, which is located between the urethra and the bladder.
  • During transrectal examination, preparatory procedures take longer. Since during diagnosis a special ultrasound sensor is inserted into the patient’s anus, preparation for the event begins 2-3 days in advance. A man needs to adhere to a special diet, eliminating from the diet all foods that contribute to increased gas formation. Also, foods that can cause various disorders of the digestive system: constipation, diarrhea, etc. are removed from the menu.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

On the eve of the procedure, the patient is given a cleansing enema. If the diagnosis is scheduled for the first half of the day, it is recommended to carry it out on an empty stomach. If the procedure is performed after lunch, the patient is allowed a light breakfast. Immediately before the start of the prostate ultrasound, the man is given an antispasmodic drug, which relieves tension in the muscles.

How is a prostate ultrasound performed?

This research method is the safest and most informative way to detect diseases in the prostate gland. Diagnostics allows you to find out about the condition of internal organs and identify any functional changes in the organ.

Transabdominal diagnosis is carried out through the patient's abdominal wall. A special gel is applied to the patient's skin, which ensures better conductivity of sound waves.

The specialist moves the sensor across the abdomen to see a complete picture of the organ’s condition on the monitor screen.

The duration of the procedure is on average 10 minutes, after which the patient receives a transcript of the results of the prostate ultrasound with a conclusion.

The transrectal method is more informative. It is recommended to undergo it both during a routine examination and at the initial signs of a pathological condition of the gland. The procedure is carried out using a special ultrasound device sensor, which is inserted into the anus of the subject.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Thanks to antispasmodics taken before the start of the study, the procedure does not cause any pain. However, it should be noted that sometimes this method is not suitable due to the presence of contraindications. After deciphering the result of the prostate ultrasound, the patient receives a doctor’s report. In some cases, an additional MRI examination may be prescribed.


Diagnostics using ultrasound waves is necessary to identify hidden male diseases, many of which are asymptomatic in the initial stages.

poses a particular danger to the health and life of the patient .

The development of cancer cells in the initial stages of development can only be determined using ultrasound of the prostate.

The results of the transcript of the examination, which the patient receives in his hands, are presented in a table with indicators and their characteristics.

It is not possible for the patient to obtain a detailed analysis of the results of prostate ultrasound without appropriate training and knowledge. Only the attending physician can find out about the state of health based on the conclusion and determine the diagnosis.

However, the examinee can get an overall picture by deciphering some indicators that indicate the presence or absence of pathology.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Uniformity and Dimensions

In a normal state, the prostate has a homogeneous structure with clear, even contours. If there is slight heterogeneity, this may indicate a malfunction of the organ.

The size of the gland has the ability to change in size (depending on age). By the age of 25, it acquires a constant size and stops increasing.

Any deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of pathology.


Changes in the shape of an organ may also indicate disorders. A healthy prostate is shaped like a heart or a symmetrical chestnut. A healthy organ has well-defined contours and is clearly visible on the monitor screen.


The ability of tissue to reflect sound waves is also one of the most important parameters of the study. Normally, the prostate does not have any foreign inclusions or cysts, and is homogeneous in structure. Focal changes in echogenicity indicate organ disease.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

The condition of the ducts affects the indicators of the presence of inclusions. If patency is difficult, this indicates a disruption in the functioning of the gland. Detection of residual urine and significant size of inclusions in the ducts is a sign of prostatitis or the initial stage of adenoma development.


Impaired urine outflow leads to the development of various disorders and pathologies, the main of which are:

  • Adenoma. The first signs of the disease are an increase in the size of the gland to 7-8 mm and an increase in tissue density. Sometimes nodules may be observed on the surface of the organ. The diffuse form of adenoma is characterized by pronounced heterogeneity without inclusions;
  • Fibrosis. One of the most common prostate diseases. Experts consider the main reasons for the development of the disease to be an advanced form of prostatitis or a complication after suffering inflammation of the gland. A clear sign of the disease, visible on ultrasound of the prostate, is a decrease in the size of the gland;
  • Prostatitis. The inflammatory disease is characterized by changes in echogenicity. Depending on the form of the flow, the gland tissue becomes denser and the echogenicity is reduced. Signs include: loss of contour clarity, similarity of fibrous tissue to glandular tissue. Sometimes focal changes in echogenicity (decrease or increase) and abscesses are observed. If there is a simultaneous enlargement of the gland with a decrease in echogenicity, an acute form of prostatitis is diagnosed. Vesiculitis around the seminal vesicles is also observed. The parenchymal form of the disease shows heterogeneous tissue on the monitor (there are small pustules on the surface) and hyperechoic zones. The prostate is enlarged with swelling.
  • Cysts and stones. All inclusions in an organ are determined by the structure of the tissue. Typically, cysts are visible as anechoic areas or areas of reduced echogenicity. Small cysts can be observed in a healthy organ, usually their size does not exceed 5 mm. Stones are characterized by an increased echo signal. May have different sizes and shapes;
  • Neoplasms. Benign and malignant tumors are defined by a loss of clarity of contours. Benign neoplasms are often found in the central part of the organ; changes along the edges usually indicate the development of cancer cells.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

The main characteristic of an oncological disease is a reduced echo signal at a shallow depth from the upper layer of the marginal tissue. Sometimes it can develop simultaneously with an adenoma. The final diagnosis is made based on additional studies and tests performed on the patient.

Ultrasound diagnostics is the most informative and accessible research method, with which you can identify any deviation in the patient’s health. According to statistics, the reliability of this technology is more than 80%.

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In order to clarify the diagnosis, the urologist may prescribe additional studies, which allows you to avoid mistakes and prescribe the necessary therapy in a timely manner. This will help not only stop the development of serious diseases, but also prevent the development of severe pathologies.

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Ultrasound of the prostate and bladder: preparation and prices

Ultrasound examination of the body of the prostate gland is a highly accurate diagnostic determination of existing pathological processes in the organ. During the procedure, ultrasound waves pass through the prostate tissue, reflecting differently from damaged and healthy areas.

Since the examination can be carried out as part of preventive procedures, ultrasound does not have any indications for it. But there are situations when a study is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis, in which case the following patient complaints serve as indications:

  1. Painful symptoms in the lower abdomen;
  2. Problems emptying the bladder;
  3. Infertility;
  4. Kidney failure;
  5. Deviations from the norm in the spermogram;
  6. Detection of formations during rectal examination.

It must be said that with the help of ultrasound it is possible to make a diagnosis at the earliest stage of the pathology, when the disease is not so difficult to cure. Using ultrasound diagnostics, it is possible to identify diseases such as cancer, prostatitis, potency disorders, infertility and problems with the genitourinary system.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Once it has become clear how preparation for a prostate ultrasound occurs, you should find out the reasons for its appointment:

  • Suspicion of an inflammatory process in the tissue of the prostate gland in the presence of pain or pain during urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Deviations from the norm during a manual rectal examination by a surgeon (palpable enlargement of the gland or nodules on its surface).
  • Suspicion of the development of tumors, cysts (characterized by dysuric symptoms, blood in the urine, infertility and an increase in the level of prostate-specific antigen in the blood).
  • Chronic pathology of the urinary system (urolithiasis, chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, etc.).
  • Male infertility, deviations from the norm in spermogram, blood and urine tests.
  • Screening for common prostate diseases for men over 40 years of age (recommended once a year in conjunction with a PSA test).

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

The presence of discomfort in the urinary tract requires an ultrasound examination. The ultrasound procedure is performed after preliminary preparation, the rules of which every patient should know.

When using this technique, the doctor may find:

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  • malignant neoplasms;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • inflammatory processes in the prostate;
  • damage to the walls of the bladder;
  • benign tumors in the prostate gland;
  • The causes of urination disorders are stenoses.

How is an ultrasound of the prostate gland performed in men?

TRUS (transrectal ultrasound) of the prostate gland is one of the most accurate and informative methods for studying the prostate gland.

Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, an image of the prostate is formed and displayed on the monitor screen, which allows one to draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of pathologies and changes in the tissues of the gland.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

The procedure for conducting transabdomial ultrasound:

  1. The procedure is performed with the patient lying on his back.
  2. To treat the sensor, the doctor uses a special gel.
  3. The sensor is applied to the area to be examined.
  4. The size and structure of the organ is assessed.
  5. After the ultrasound, the specialist will draw up a conclusion that will describe all the information that may be of interest to the attending physician and will help in making a diagnosis and starting treatment.

Transrectal ultrasound has some nuances in performing:

  • A condom is placed on the sensor used for research and lubricated with gel. This will avoid discomfort in the patient.
  • The patient will lie on his side (right) and press his knees to his chest.
  • The device with the sensor is carefully inserted into the anus and advanced 5-7 cm.
  • The doctor visually examines the prostate, assessing its size and structural characteristics. Sometimes, if a formation is detected in the gland, tissue sampling may be required. For this, a special needle is used. The procedure is considered virtually painless. This way, the doctor will be able to distinguish an adenoma (BPH) from prostate cancer.
  • Depending on the complexity of the study, it takes from 15 to 25 minutes.

There are several methods for performing ultrasound of the prostate and bladder:

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  • Transabdominal (through the anterior abdominal wall).
  • Transrectally (through the rectum).

The latter method is more informative, but may cause discomfort for some men. During this scan, the sensor is located in close proximity to the prostate, which increases the degree of visualization. The first option is used when transrectal examination is impossible for a number of reasons or at the insistence of the patient.

How long does an ultrasound take? Depending on the method determined by the doctor, it can last from 25 minutes to 50.

You can undergo a prostate ultrasound in a hospital or clinic, a private medical center, or specialized clinics dealing with family health and infertility treatment.

The cost of the procedure will depend on the status of the institution, the modernity of the equipment and the qualifications of the doctors. Typically, the price of TRUS and transabdominal manipulation is 600-4500 rubles.

The average price of prostate ultrasound in St. Petersburg is 1200-1800 rubles, in Moscow – 1300-1700 rubles. Transrectal ultrasound will cost approximately 10-15% more than transabdominal ultrasound.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Careful preparation for a prostate ultrasound is not required if the gland is examined through the abdominal cavity. Diagnosis should be carried out with a full bladder in order to check the prostate as thoroughly as possible. The patient needs to drink up to 1.5 liters of water half an hour before the appointment or 1 liter per hour. As soon as a man feels the urge to go to the toilet, he should inform the doctor.

Preparation for a transrectal prostate ultrasound begins 3-4 days in advance:

  1. Eliminate alcohol and gas-causing foods (beans, apples, cabbage, etc.) from your diet;
  2. On the day before the examination procedure, cleanse the intestines.

It is recommended to relax as much as possible and conduct the examination on an empty stomach. Rectal diagnostics may cause slight discomfort; if the patient experiences severe irritation, the doctor should be informed.

Preparation for TRUS of the prostate gland is somewhat more complicated. How to prepare for TRUS of the prostate? First of all, the patient needs to cleanse the intestines. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Cleansing enema. An enema before an ultrasound of the prostate is carried out using an Esmarch mug, a rubber hose with a tip and water at room temperature in the amount of 1-1.5 liters;
  2. Microclysters (“Microlax”, “Norgalax”) - are a small tube filled with a quick-acting laxative. The contents of the tube are inserted into the rectum, and when the urge to defecate occurs, the patient goes to the toilet;
  3. Glycerin suppositories - used similarly to microenemas;
  4. Taking Fortrans, a special drug for cleansing the intestines before therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. The downside of the product is its relatively high price; in addition, it is better to discuss its use with your doctor.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Preparation for TRUS of the prostate at home includes following the so-called slag-free diet - a special medical table that reduces the formation of gases and feces. When following it, the following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • legumes, fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • smoked meats, pickles;
  • millet and pearl barley porridge;
  • grapes, gooseberries, peaches, raspberries, apricots;
  • coffee, chocolate, nuts;
  • milk, soda, kvass.

It is allowed to consume low-fat varieties of fish and meat, low-fat broths, rice and buckwheat porridges, fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir), bread baked from wholemeal flour, jelly, compotes, juices.  

Normal indicators

What is a norm, what indicator is considered standard? You can decipher the analysis protocol yourself, remembering that the general formation of the prostate ends by the age of 25. The pathological process leads to swelling and tissue growth - the size and volume of the prostate increases. Normal indicator:

  • width 3-4.5 cm;
  • thickness – 1.5-2.5 cm;
  • length – 2.4-4 cm;
  • the volume is calculated using the formula: multiply all linear indicators and multiply by a factor of 1.6.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

When the patient does not have any pathological transformations in the prostate, the diagnosis reveals a rounded shape of the gland, its tissues are homogeneous, and the parameters are within the established norm. There should be no changes in the vascular structures. The prostate finishes forming around the age of 25.

Normally, the width of the gland does not exceed 30-45 mm, the thickness is about 15-25 mm, and the length is approximately 24-40 mm.

In men, transrectal ultrasound causes negative reviews and feelings, however, you need to understand that this technique ensures error-free data and is considered absolutely safe.

Regardless of the price, prostate ultrasound detects tumors and inflammatory lesions at the very initial stages of development.


Contraindications to the ultrasound procedure may include:

  • involuntary urination (incontinence), because the manipulation is carried out with a full bladder;
  • obesity or simply a significant amount of excess weight - a large layer of subcutaneous fat makes scanning difficult;
  • manifestations of any skin diseases in the lower abdomen (herpes, ulcers and wounds, pyoderma, any rashes and infectious lesions).

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

The transrectal method has the following obstacles:

  • exacerbation of chronic intestinal inflammation (hemorrhoids, fissures, Crohn's disease, dysentery, etc.);
  • acute stage of hemorrhoids;
  • absence of the rectum (this is possible after surgery, then instead of the organ an artificial anostomy is installed, designed to remove excrement);
  • intestinal obstruction or narrowing of the rectum;
  • intolerance to medical rubber (latex).

This list can be supplemented with diseases associated with infectious lesions of the rectum, but such cases are considered individually by the attending physician directly during the appointment of an ultrasound scan.

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Contraindications for the transurethral method (through the urethra):

  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • intolerance to painkillers.


Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Ultrasound today is one of the safest methods of examining the body and, at the same time, affordable. In the case of diagnosing pathologies of the bladder, safety is extremely important due to the close proximity to the organs of the reproductive system, which are quite susceptible to various types of radiation exposure.

Do men need a bladder ultrasound? Based on the data available from all clinics in the world, such a diagnosis has helped many patients, which has led to their rapid recovery and thus increased quality of life.

This is especially true for oncological processes, for which timely diagnosis and treatment are extremely important. Today, ultrasound methods have become a full-fledged “member” among methods for diagnosing the genitourinary system and many others.

Now you know everything about TRUS and ultrasound of the prostate gland, preparation for research. Ultrasound examination is considered one of the safest and, at the same time, informative diagnostic methods, so you should not refuse it.

A timely procedure allows you to identify prostate disease at an early stage, when the prognosis is more favorable, and prescribe effective treatment to the patient.

Despite the safety of ultrasound, it is important to take contraindications seriously. On the other hand, this procedure cannot be ignored, because making an accurate diagnosis and prescribing treatment depends on it.

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Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: what to do before the study

Preparation for prostate ultrasound is an important step before transabdominal and transrectal ultrasound diagnostics. In men with prostate problems, these two manipulations are radically different, so preparation for the study is carried out differently.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Why preparation is so important Transabdominal method Transrectal method 

Why is preparation so important? 

It is important to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate gland, otherwise the diagnostician may incorrectly verify the diagnosis. This cannot be allowed, because inadequate treatment tactics will lead to chronicity of the process, complications and deterioration of men’s health.

You need to carefully prepare for a prostate ultrasound, following your doctor’s recommendations. Preparation usually begins a few days before the study. It includes measures to improve the visualization of the echogenic picture of the prostate gland: dietary recommendations, an enema procedure and some other aspects.

Transabdominal method 

A transabdominal ultrasound is done with the patient lying on their back. To prevent the anterior abdominal wall from distorting ultrasound waves, preparation for the procedure begins with following dietary recommendations. It is important that the lower sections of the gastrointestinal tract do not contain accumulations of gases, and that the patient’s subcutaneous fat layer has a minimum thickness.

What can you eat and drink 

A few days before the study, baked goods, brown bread, sweets, raw vegetables and fruits are excluded from the diet. You should not eat foods containing legumes, fatty fish and meats, smoked foods, fruits, and carbonated drinks. The diet also prohibits alcohol.  

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

You can eat slimy porridges; this food does not linger in the gastrointestinal tract. The day before the prostate ultrasound, the diet is poor, and in the morning before the examination they do not eat anything. If the patient has diabetes, then it is allowed to eat a small cracker.  

Is it possible to have sex

Doctors allow you to have sex or satisfy yourself with masturbation. These processes will not prevent you from accurately preparing for a prostate ultrasound. But it is undesirable to use anal sex toys to stimulate a man, because it is easy to injure the anus and the mucous membrane of the lower gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to bleeding or distortion of ultrasound results of the male gland.  

Bladder filling 

For better visualization of the prostate gland, it is necessary to moderately fill the bladder at the start of the study. To do this, the patient is recommended to drink still water in small sips an hour before the test. If the diagnostic procedure needs to be carried out cito (quickly), then a diuretic is administered. Then the desire to go to the toilet will come within 10–15 minutes.

To properly prepare for a prostate ultrasound, it is important to find the “golden mean” in filling the bladder. If the volume of this organ is insufficient for clear visualization of the prostate in men, then the study will have to be postponed until the bladder is sufficiently filled and only then continue the procedure.  

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

But if you delay urination for a long time, then a transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate will bring a lot of inconvenience when the device presses on the lower abdomen. Moreover, an overstretched bladder can distort the echogenic picture of infertility and some internal pathologies.  

If the patient can no longer put off urination, he is allowed to urinate a little and immediately drink water. After the examination, the man is allowed to completely empty his bladder. If the examination of the prostate is supposed to determine residual urine, then after emptying the urinary ultrasound is continued.

Transrectal method 

Preparation for a rectal ultrasound of the prostate will take longer. Since the doctor will conduct an ultrasound examination through the rectum, it is necessary to ensure thorough cleaning of the lower digestive tract. The accumulation of gases and food debris in this area can lead to diagnostic errors in case of prostate cancer or adenoma.

Using a rectal sensor, a clear visual picture of urology is obtained, which allows one to determine the size of the prostate gland, its consistency, possible inclusions and neoplasms. The device is inserted transrectally, moving deep into the intestine by 5–6 cm.

If it is necessary to examine the seminal vesicles, then the advancement of the device is continued another 1–2 cm. In this case, the man will experience discomfort. Unexpressed pain may appear if the pelvic organs are inflamed, or with acute prostatitis.

You can view the vessels with a Doppler ultrasound of the prostate. Sometimes an ultrasound examination alone is not enough to make a correct diagnosis. Then they take an analysis of the prostatic juice obtained after a prostate massage.

Massage is done through the urethra (on a bougie) or rectally.

Enema: how to give it 

To properly prepare for a prostate examination, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the intestines through an enema. You can do an enema yourself.

To do this, you will need an Esmarch mug - a special device for introducing water into the body. It consists of a rubber reservoir and hose and a removable or non-removable tip.

As a rule, the rubber hose has a clamp designed to regulate the intensity of the water jet.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Before use and immediately after the procedure, the individual tip is cleaned of fecal residues, washed with soap, and then boiled for 30 minutes. Store dry in the container where the boiling took place.


  • Immediately before the enema, the tip is connected to the hose and thickly lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream.
  • The clamp is closed, the tank is suspended at a height of 1.5–1.8 meters and filled with slightly cooled water.
  • By opening the clamp and passing water along the entire length of the hose, remove air from the tube. This will help make the procedure easier.

Next, lie on the edge of the bed or couch on your side, bringing your knees as close to your chest as possible. This position is also called the “fetal position”, because this is the position the fetus occupies during intrauterine development.

It is important to try to relax the buttocks as much as possible and carefully insert the tip into the anus, moving it along its entire length. Next, you should open the clamp and wait until Esmarch’s mug is empty.

By removing the tip from the anus, retain as much water as possible inside the body. This is easier to do by taking the knee-elbow position, so the procedure will be more effective. You will have to visit the toilet several times until the feces are evacuated from the man’s body. This enema should be done several hours the day before the proposed prostate ultrasound.

Preparing the patient for the diagnostic procedure can be done without a tedious enema. An enema for a man is an unpleasant manipulation, which is why disposable Microlax microenemas are used.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis

Microlax is a safe, fast, highly effective laxative, produced in a special tube that allows you to hygienically administer the medicine directly to the desired part of the gastrointestinal tract. Emptying will occur within 15 minutes after the end of the simple procedure.

Taking a laxative

To avoid the unpleasant enema procedure, you can take the laxative Fortrans or its analogues. These drugs are classified as osmotic laxatives, which cleanse all parts of the gastrointestinal tract without disturbing the microflora. Fortrans dose calculation: take 1 sachet of powder per 20 kg of body weight. It is dissolved without residue in 1 liter of water. One package contains 4 sachets of medication.  

Preparing for an ultrasound requires special attention. But these are simple steps that can be easily done at home. At your doctor's appointment, you can ask all your questions. A competent urologist will give detailed answers and explain all unclear stages of preparation. This is how high-quality and accurate results of ultrasound examination of the prostate gland in men are obtained.  


Preparing for a prostate ultrasound

The prostate gland (prostate) is one of the important organs of the male reproductive system, and at the same time one of the most frequently affected by various diseases. As a rule, pathologies develop in men over 30–40 years of age, and timely diagnosis helps prevent serious complications.

The ultrasound method has long been recognized as the leader in identifying structural disorders that lead to a decrease in the quality of organ functioning. The combination of its characteristics and advantages makes it possible to quickly and painlessly identify even minor pathologies in the early stages for patients.

Like most diagnostic methods, ultrasound (ultrasound) requires the patient to perform a series of sequential actions to facilitate the procedure without any obstacles. The most important thing for the patient is not to forget that preparation for a prostate ultrasound is an integral part of the diagnostic process.

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Types of ultrasound examination of the prostate

Ultrasound of the prostate in men can be performed in several ways, different in their implementation and making it possible to examine the organ from the angle necessary for the doctor to make a diagnosis. The choice of method is influenced by the presenting symptoms and the health status of the subject.

So, the doctor can choose one of the following ultrasound examination options:

  • transabdominal – performed through the surface of the abdominal wall;
  • transrectal - examined by inserting a sensor into the rectum;
  • scrotal-rectal – performed through the perineal area;
  • transurethral - access occurs through the urethra.

The first two methods are the most common, the first because of the ease of implementation, which is why men agree to it faster and easier. And the second one is more informative, so specialists often resort to it and, making every effort, persuade their patients to undergo diagnostics in this particular way.

Considering the difference in the technique of performing the methods, it is not difficult to guess that the preparation for them will also be different, and accordingly the patient needs to take this into account before preparing for a prostate ultrasound.

Both of the most preferred methods for diagnosing the prostate have certain recommendations that the patient should receive in the diagnostic office after the attending physician writes a referral for an ultrasound examination.

Transabdominal method

To get an informative picture of the condition of the prostate, the patient is recommended to adhere to a certain diet for several days (at least three) to help reduce gas formation in the intestines. Since gas accumulations in the loops of intestine adjacent to the gland, the diagnostician can mistake them for neoplasms of a different nature.

Therefore, you should exclude baked goods, sweets, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, fatty fish and meats, smoked foods, carbonated water and drinks, as well as alcohol from your diet. In addition, you can use medications that relieve flatulence - Espumisan, Smecta, Mezim, White Coal.

What does an MRI of the pelvis show in men?

The second part of the preparation for the examination is that the patient must come to the procedure with a full bladder, but preferably without a strong urge to urinate.

The prostate gland is located at the junction of the bladder and the urethra, and unless a fluid-filled space is created, it will be difficult to visualize.

The bladder should be moderately filled at the time of the examination, that is, it should not disturb the examinee with a pronounced urge to urinate. To do this, you need to drink at least one liter of liquid an hour before the ultrasound. It is important to monitor the moment of sufficient filling, otherwise if there is not enough fluid in the bladder, you will have to pause the procedure and wait for some time until more urine is formed.

But an equally important point is excessive filling, which for the patient can cause pain when pressing on the abdominal wall with a sensor and, of course, a rather strong desire to empty the bladder. In this case, you are allowed to get rid of some of the urine, and at the same time drink a little more liquid so that the kidneys filter and provide the required amount in the organ.

Transrectal method

To conduct a transrectal ultrasound, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, since feces will become an obstacle to close contact with the gland, and the diagnostician will not have the opportunity to carefully examine it. Free rotation of the sensor in the rectum will allow you to recreate a complete picture of the organ.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis This research method requires careful preparation.

You can use any known and convenient method - using an enema, laxatives or special pharmaceutical drugs, such as Fortrans, Flit and others.

If you use enema cleansing, you need to rinse the intestines until the water at the outlet becomes clear.

Fortrans and Flit, when taken at the rate of 25 kg of weight, 1 sachet, dissolved in 1 liter of water, give an excellent effect without any extra effort in administering enemas.

It is better to carry out such water procedures the evening before the ultrasound, if it is in the morning, and if after lunch, then you can do the cleaning in the morning a few hours before the examination. If a prostate biopsy is planned to be performed simultaneously with an ultrasound, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in advance to prevent the development of inflammatory processes as a result of punctures when taking a tissue sample.

This method does not require filling the bladder, since direct contact with the walls of the prostate gland provides the necessary information, and even a full bladder can, on the contrary, distort images by squeezing the organ.

What can prevent you from getting a complete picture of the organ being examined?

Despite the fact that ultrasound examination is a simple and accessible method, there are several aspects that can have a negative impact on its implementation. The patient himself can control and exclude some aspects, but he cannot influence others.

Thus, the subject must notify the attending physician if, a few days before the planned ultrasound appointment, he underwent a colonoscopy (examination of the intestines) with contrast or irrigoscopy (x-ray of the intestines). The use of contrast agent or barium may distort the results of a prostate examination.

Be sure to notify your doctor about all medications you are taking.

It is necessary to report all medications that the patient is taking - perhaps some may affect intestinal motility and muscle tone, which will also lead to a misinterpretation of the condition of the examined organ. During the procedure, the patient should lie still, because excessive activity will not allow the doctor to concentrate and carefully examine the area being examined.

Preparing for a prostate ultrasound: measures before diagnosis Obesity will not allow you to perform a transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate

It can also disrupt the ultrasound picture when recording image signals. Insufficiently high-quality preparation will lead to the presence of accumulation of gas and feces in the intestines, which can be mistakenly mistaken for pathological foci; an insufficiently filled bladder will not allow a detailed examination of the organ. An overcrowded one will squeeze it and make it difficult to appreciate the structure and volume.

For overweight patients, only the transrectal method is suitable, since the fat layer will not allow ultrasonic waves to penetrate through it. If there are wound surfaces in the area planned for research, then you will have to choose a method in which contact with the wound surface will be minimal.

As you can see, most of the obstacles to a successful examination are created by the patient himself. Therefore, if we take into account all possible points that could interfere with obtaining high-quality results, then the first time, without spending extra time and effort, you can obtain the necessary materials to establish a diagnosis.


How to prepare for a prostate ultrasound

Preparing for an ultrasound of the prostate gland involves following simple rules 2-3 days before the examination. They are aimed at increasing the accuracy of the data obtained and allowing for increased diagnostic accuracy.

Why preparation is needed

It is necessary to prepare for a prostate ultrasound to obtain a more accurate picture, because the method itself is not highly accurate in diagnosing the male genitourinary system.

To prepare for an ultrasound of the prostate gland in men, you need to fulfill simple requirements for 2-3 days before the examination.

Patient Preparation Guide

For the convenience of preparing for a prostate ultrasound, it is worth remembering a short reminder for the patient:

  1. You need to give up foods that cause gas and constipation: legumes, baked goods, bread, cabbage, apples, plums, dairy products.
  2. Take activated carbon, Espumisan or Filtrum for 3 days before the examination.
  3. If the digestive system is not functioning well, take Festal or Mezim with meals.
  4. You should stop eating 8 hours before the examination (it is also advisable not to overeat before this).
  5. Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the rectum; for this, it is recommended to take mild laxatives, microenemas or suppositories.
  6. You need to fill your bladder before the procedure. To do this, it is recommended to drink 1-1.5 liters of pure still water.

If you are taking any medications, you must inform your doctor. Their action may distort the test result.

To prevent feces from distorting the image, you need to cleanse the intestines:

  1. To do this, you can do an enema before an ultrasound of the prostate. To completely cleanse the intestines, it can be carried out 2 times: the night before and 2-3 hours before the procedure
  2. It is possible to use Microlax before an ultrasound of the prostate. This is a microenema with a ready-made solution, which works effectively and gives quick results.
  3. Glycerin suppositories are also suitable for cleansing the intestines. The suppository should be administered in the morning on the day of the procedure.
  4. You may take laxatives. Their use is recommended the day before the test.

You should also take care of hygiene rules. In the morning before going to the doctor, it is advisable to take a shower and thoroughly wash the perineal area. Sometimes it is recommended to shave the hair on the scrotum. This procedure is not required, but it will make the research easier.

Is it possible to eat

Whether you can eat before a prostate ultrasound or whether the examination needs to be done on an empty stomach depends on the time for which it is scheduled. If the study is carried out early in the morning, then the last meal should be in the evening. If scanning is carried out during the day, you can eat and drink in the morning before the scan. Breakfast should be light and take place at least 6 hours in advance.

Is it possible to have sex

You can have sex before the examination; this will not affect its accuracy or the parameters being examined.

Is it possible to play sports

Playing sports did not affect the results of the study in any way. However, after them you should pay more attention to personal hygiene.

What not to do before the procedure

Before a prostate ultrasound, you should not:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • drink strong tea and coffee;
  • eat fatty or fried foods;
  • eat immediately before scanning.


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