
Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

Vulvovaginitis in women is one of the most common inflammatory diseases.

Vulvitis and vulvovaginitis - how are they different?

The first term means inflammation of the external genitalia (labia minora, vestibule of the vagina).

While the second term indicates that the educational process has spread to the vagina (vaginitis). The disease can have different origins.

In young women, it is more often caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. While the variant of the disease during menopause is more often atrophic.

For treatment in Moscow, you can contact our clinic. If you want to know how this disease manifests itself, why it develops, how it is diagnosed and treated, then read on. We will discuss all these questions now.

Causes of vulvovaginitis

There are a huge number of causes of the disease. All factors that can cause this disease to develop are divided into two groups.

The first is infectious causes. The second is non-infectious factors. In turn, among infectious forms, specific and nonspecific variants are distinguished.

Specific infectious inflammation is caused by pathogenic microflora.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenThis could be gonococcus, trichomonas, tuberculosis or diphtheria corynebacterium.

Nonspecific inflammatory processes are caused by opportunistic flora. It is either normally present in the structures of the genitourinary system. Or it is transient and does not cause disease in most cases. The pathological process in this case develops only with excessive growth of microorganisms. In addition, infectious causes according to the type of pathogen are divided into:

  • bacterial;
  • protozoans (Trichomonas);
  • mycotic (candida);
  • viral (herpes, childhood infections, papillomavirus vulvovaginitis).

In turn, non-infectious vulvovaginitis can be:

  • mechanical (injuries, rough sexual intercourse or masturbation, foreign body);
  • parasitic (inflammation can be caused by worms);
  • radiation (after radiation therapy for cancer);
  • dysmetabolic (diabetes mellitus, dismetabolic nephropathy);
  • allergic (caused by excessive reactivity of the body in response to contact with foreign substances, mainly of protein origin);
  • reactive (psoriasis, eczema, autoimmune diseases, systemic connective tissue lesions).

Some risk factors have been identified that contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory lesions of the vulva and vagina. Here are the main ones:

  • insufficient genital hygiene;
  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenfrequent unprotected sex with new partners;
  • obesity;
  • increased sweating;
  • previous injuries or surgeries;
  • taking cytostatics, antibiotics, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants;
  • use of oral contraceptives with high doses of estrogens;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe systemic diseases;
  • bacterial vaginosis (violation of the vaginal microflora);
  • prolapse or loss of genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes in nearby organs (most often the rectum).

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis

In the acute version, the symptoms usually develop as follows:

  • burning and itching in the problem area;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • painful urination;
  • swelling of the external genitalia;
  • purulent or serous plaques.

In the chronic form, the symptoms are usually less pronounced.

There may be periods of exacerbation and attenuation of symptoms. During an exacerbation, the clinical manifestations are the same as for acute vulvovaginitis. And during periods of remission, symptoms disappear completely or become mild.

Types of vulvovaginitis

There are many classifications of this disease. We have already looked at what types of pathology there are according to the causative factor.

According to the clinical course, acute, subacute, chronic vulvovaginitis and abscess or ulceration of the vulva are distinguished. Based on the frequency of episodes of inflammation, sporadic and recurrent vulvovaginitis are distinguished.

Sporadic occurs once, is cured and never bothers the woman again.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenAn example is a disease caused by gonococci. After a course of antibiotics, gonorrhea goes away completely. Inflammation of gonococcal etiology cannot develop until a second episode of infection occurs during unprotected sexual intercourse.

But this will be a new episode of infection - it is not considered a relapse. At the same time, other infections can lead to a recurrent course of the disease. It is characterized by repeated episodes of exacerbation after the pathology has been cured.

Or spontaneous attenuation of the inflammatory process. Examples include diseases caused by atypical candida or the genital herpes virus.

With a recurrent form of inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina, maintenance treatment is often required.

Acute vulvovaginitis

Acute vulvovaginitis is a clinical form of inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenIt lasts no more than 1 month. If the pathological process lasts longer, a subacute variant of the disease is diagnosed.

In cases where the duration of the disease exceeds 3 months, its clinical form is defined as chronic. This is often caused by untimely or incorrect treatment of the acute form.

As the process becomes chronic, therapy becomes significantly less effective. It lasts longer and is not always successful due to atrophic processes in the vagina. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, having felt the first symptoms of the disease.

Bacterial vulvovaginitis

Among women of reproductive age, bacterial inflammation of the vagina is most common. It is usually caused by either gonococci or nonspecific flora. The most common opportunistic bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process are:

  • enterococci;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • coli;
  • Proteus.

For bacterial vulvovaginitis, treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs. How to treat in this case depends on the type of pathogen.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenIn case of a nonspecific form of the disease, culture is often performed on a nutrient medium with an antibiogram. The sensitivity of isolated bacterial cultures to various drugs is determined. The one that best inhibits the vital activity of the pathogen is selected.

Allergic vulvovaginitis

Women sometimes develop an allergic version of the disease. It usually occurs when the genitals come into contact with allergens. This could be an allergy to:

  • latex condom;
  • sperm;
  • chemical compounds included in lubricants;
  • medications (ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets);
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womencotton (part of the fabric).

When an allergic form of the disease occurs, the first step is to eliminate the allergen. To do this, it needs to be identified. Often the woman herself can do this. If she notices under what conditions symptoms of inflammation appear or worsen. In other cases, allergy tests are performed. These are skin tests that test the body's reaction to contact with various allergens.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

There is no single treatment regimen. Because this disease has many different causes. Accordingly, therapy can be carried out using different methods. The doctor decides how to treat only after diagnosis.

He can assign:

  • microscopy of a vaginal smear;
  • smear for oncocytology;
  • scraping of the epithelium and examination using PCR for sexually transmitted infections (gonococcus, herpes, Trichomonas, papillomavirus and others);
  • flora culture (to identify pathogens of nonspecific infectious processes);
  • allergy tests and stress tests (if an allergic origin of the disease is suspected);
  • immunogram (if immunodeficiency conditions or autoimmune origin of the inflammatory process are suspected);
  • blood test for glucose and glucose tolerance test (if diabetes is suspected).

Once the causes are established, treatment begins.

What is its main goal? This is the elimination of the main etiological factor that led to the onset of the disease. Most often it is an infection.

For infectious causes of pathology, different drugs can be used. These may be means:

  • antiviral – for viral etiology of the disease;
  • antibacterial – for specific or nonspecific inflammatory processes;
  • fungicidal – for candidiasis;
  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenantiprotozoal - for trichomoniasis.

In addition to targeted treatment of the cause in women, empirical therapy can also be used. These are therapeutic measures that are performed regardless of the cause of the inflammatory process.

The patient is prescribed chamomile baths, douching, and tampons with antibacterial drugs. Antiseptic solutions or creams may be used. A diet excluding alcohol and irritating foods is recommended.

Drugs for treatment

Different drugs can be used, depending on the identified pathogen. For bacterial vulvovaginitis, antibiotics form the basis of therapy. But they can also be different, depending on the causative agent of the infection.

For gonorrhea, cephalosporins are prescribed. The most commonly used drug is ceftriaxone. It is administered intramuscularly. Tablets against gonococci can also be used if they are detected.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenThe drug of choice is cefixime.

If trichomoniasis is detected, metronidazole or ornidazole is used. It is prescribed internally.

Additionally, suppositories containing metronidazole can be used. They speed up recovery.

In nonspecific inflammatory processes, ideally, a search for the type of pathogen is carried out first. And sensitivity to antibiotics is determined, and only after that treatment is prescribed. Preference is given to broad-spectrum antibiotics. In different situations, this may be erythromycin, tetracycline, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin.

For nonspecific vulvovaginitis, Miramistin or other antiseptics can be used to treat the vulva and vagina. They are used in addition to systemic antibiotic therapy.

Typically, antiseptics are prescribed 2-3 times a day, for a course of 10 days. In case of candidiasis of the vulva and vagina, local treatment is used. Ointments and suppositories containing miconazole, nystatin or clotrimazole are used. If local therapy is ineffective, drugs are used orally.

The most convenient treatment regimen for the patient is a single dose of 150 mg of fluconazole. In 15% of cases, vulvitis and vaginitis caused by candida become recurrent. In this case, the use of fluconazole once a week for six months is indicated.

For the herpetic form of the disease, acyclic nucleosides are used.

The drugs of choice are famciclovir, valacyclovir or acyclovir. They are prescribed in a course of 7-10 days. These drugs are used during each exacerbation.

Since it is impossible to cure a disease of herpes origin once and for all (the virus remains in the body). They are used not only in tablet form, but are also available in forms for topical use.

In case of allergic diseases, antihistamines are used. For autoimmune processes, local glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants are prescribed.

For atrophic vaginitis, hormone replacement therapy (estrogens and progesterone) is used.


Vulvovaginitis in girls and adult women: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenThe inflammatory process involving the vulva and vagina is called vulvovaginitis. This pathology most often manifests itself in older women and little girls. Women of childbearing age encounter this pathology very rarely. Establishing the causes of the disease is not difficult. Doctors resort to additional studies only to clarify the etiology.

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Description of the disease

This is one of the most common diseases treated by modern gynecology.

Most often, vulvovaginitis is detected in newborns and adolescents entering puberty. Pathology is detected a little less often in older women.

However, this does not mean that the disease does not affect women of childbearing age. If there are predisposing factors, vulvovaginitis can also develop in them.

Despite the fact that this pathology does not pose a significant threat to the patient’s health, doctors pay a lot of attention to its treatment. This is due not only to the significant discomfort caused by the disease, but also to the possibility of various serious complications. Inflammation can go up the genitourinary system and provoke urethritis, endometritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

In women of reproductive age, the presence of vulvovaginitis most often indicates sexually transmitted diseases. And here a threat already appears not only for the woman, but also for her children, as well as sexual partners. Venereal disease is much more dangerous than vulvovaginitis.

Causes and classification of pathology

Pathology most often appears due to infection of the genital tract. Taking into account the bacterial agent causing the disease, doctors have developed the following classification of vulvovaginitis:

  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenNon-specific. This is the most common type of bacterial pathology. The inflammatory process occurs due to the activation of opportunistic bacteria, which are constantly present on the genitals of healthy women. This most often occurs when immunity is reduced and bacterial balance is disrupted. As a rule, streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus and staphylococci manifest themselves as causative agents of the disease. Three quarters of all gynecological diseases in children are caused by nonspecific vulvovaginitis.
  • Fungal. This type of pathology ranks second in prevalence. Most often, the disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which are activated when an imbalance of vaginal microflora occurs.
  • Specific. This type of vulvovaginitis is always associated with sexually transmitted diseases. We are talking about trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. A specific type is mainly detected in adult women, but is sometimes diagnosed in newborns. In the latter case, infection occurs when the child passes through the birth canal of an infected mother.
  • Primary non-infectious. The disease appears due to injury to the external genitalia or allergies. The mucous membranes are damaged during masturbation, due to wearing tight underwear and contact with foreign objects on the genitals. In childhood, the primary infectious type of pathology can be provoked by helminthiases.
  • Viral. The disease can be provoked by various viruses: herpes, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus and others.

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A classification has also been developed that takes into account the intensity of clinical manifestations. According to the type of course, the disease is divided into:

  • Spicy.
  • I'll sharpen it up.
  • Chronic.

There are factors that increase the likelihood of developing this pathology. Doctors include:

  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenImproper genital hygiene in newborns. Parents are too zealous with washing and aggressively rub the child's perineum with a towel.
  • Hormonal imbalance. They occur in newborns in the first weeks after birth, in girls during puberty and in women during menopause.
  • Overheating of the perineum. In children, this is associated with untimely changing of diapers and excessive wrapping of children.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Insufficient cleaning of laundry from detergent after washing.
  • Masturbation.
  • Beginning of sexual activity and non-compliance with hygiene rules after deflowering.
  • Immunodeficiency states.
  • Diabetes.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Diarrhea in children. Incorrect use of toilet paper.

By and large, predisposing factors include any condition that can cause a bacterial imbalance and a decrease in local immunity. There are so many of them that it is impossible to list them all.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Each age group of patients has its own characteristics of the development of the disease.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenDuring a period when hormonal levels are stable, pathology usually develops against the background of damage to the mucous membranes. For this reason, doctors associate pathogenesis in children from birth to puberty with microtrauma of the genital organs, improper hygiene, and exposure to detergent components.

In newborns, pathogenesis is associated with the launch of the hormonal system. This period is very short. It lasts as long as the estrogens that she received from her mother continue to circulate in the newborn girl’s body.

Hormones have a significant impact on the condition of the genital organs, and more precisely, on the acidity of the mucous membranes. This allows the genitals to cleanse themselves of pathogenic bacteria.

But upon transition to the hormonal rest phase, this mechanism ceases to function, which can first cause a bacterial imbalance, and then inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

During puberty, the mucous membranes of the vagina in girls begin to change. The glands produce more mucous secretion, which oxidizes the vaginal environment. At the same time, the cyclical nature of hormonal changes in the body is not immediately established, which contributes to bacterial vaginosis, accompanied by excess leucorrhoea.

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After the onset of menopause, the development of the inflammatory process is associated with a lack of female sex hormones. Estrogen deficiency provokes atrophy of epithelial cells. The mucous membranes become thinner and become vulnerable to bacterial attacks.

Establishing diagnosis

Doctors easily make a diagnosis based on the clinical picture of the pathology alone. All additional research methods are used to clarify the cause of inflammation.

Diagnosis begins with an external examination and ends with an assessment of the results of the following additional diagnostic methods:

  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenConducting provocative tests.
  • Microscopy of simple and special stained smears.
  • Bacteriological analysis to determine the resistance of the pathogen to various drugs.
  • Testing for helminthiasis. It consists of a 3-fold analysis of feces and scrapings from the perineum.
  • Serological blood test.

All studies on children are carried out as carefully as possible. To avoid damaging the hymen, doctors do not use mirrors.

If vulvovaginitis is detected in a woman of childbearing age, then she must undergo an ultrasound to assess the condition of the uterus, its body and appendages. The procedure is performed using a vaginal sensor. If the woman is a virgin, then a rectal sensor is used.

Symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenVulvovaginosis is manifested by the appearance of profuse leucorrhoea, itching in the perineum and burning sensation in the vagina. When the urethra is involved in the pathological process, pain appears when urinating.

Discharges can be of a very different nature. Their characteristics depend on the etiology of vulvovaginosis. Symptoms should also include pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the sacrum. The disease is often accompanied by constipation.

During a gynecological examination, doctors detect the following changes:

  • Hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes. Pathological changes affect the labia, hymen and vaginal walls.
  • Erosion of mucous membranes. It usually appears with candidal and herpetic types of the disease. This symptom also appears in women with gonorrheal infection due to immunodeficiency.
  • Blisters appear on the labia.
  • Synechiae. We are talking about fusion of the labia minora. In severe cases, the fusion may block the urethra. This symptom appears in little girls with chronic vulvovaginitis.
  • Hemorrhages into the vaginal mucosa. They are detected in cases where the disease is provoked by chlamydia.

The acute form of the disease causes the appearance of symptoms that are characteristic of a wide variety of gynecological diseases. Many patients who are sexually active experience a decrease in libido, lack of orgasm, and pain during intercourse.

A specific type of disease in children in the first years of life can provoke the appearance of signs of diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. This is explained by the generalization of infection and the involvement of internal organs.

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Therapy for nonspecific infection

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenVulvovaginosis should be treated taking into account the etiology. From the first day of treatment, doctors simultaneously relieve the symptoms of the pathology and eliminate inflammation.

The therapeutic treatment regimen is selected individually for each patient, taking into account her physical characteristics, type of disease, and the presence of concomitant pathologies. As a rule, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The main emphasis is on antibacterial drugs such as: Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone.

To increase the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy, doctors combine several drugs at once.

Ointments and suppositories are very effective for local treatment. Doctors consider suppositories to be the most convenient. They deliver the drug directly to the site of inflammation, quickly relieve negative symptoms, and can be used even during menstruation. Iodoxide and Betadine are considered the most effective suppositories.

The therapy must include douching. Washing the vagina is done with solutions of boric acid, soda, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate.

To eliminate itching and pain, doctors often prescribe benzocaine ointments. Allergic vulvaginosis is treated with ointments and creams containing glucocorticoids.

Elimination of specific vulvovaginosis

Treatment usually takes longer and is always carried out in a hospital setting. Therapy depends on the type of specific pathogen:

  • Gonorrhea. To combat gonococci, doctors prescribe: Cefodizim, Trobitsin, Summed, Tsprofloxacin, Metronidazole.
  • Trichomoniasis. Patients receive Trichopolum, Klion, Metrogyl, Tiberal, Terzhinan.
  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis. Patients are prescribed vaginal tablets: Neotrizol, Polygynax, Lumexin.

For infections transmitted through sexual contact, drug therapy is developed by a doctor. Self-medication is very dangerous. Improper use of medications can lead to the most severe consequences.

Antibacterial treatment is necessarily complemented by the use of vitamins and immunocorrection. If a lack of estrogen is detected, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

During the treatment period, adult women should avoid sexual intercourse.

Preventive measures

You can significantly reduce the likelihood of inflammation of the vulva and vagina with simple prevention. Preventive measures include:

  • Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in womenUse of contraceptives prescribed by a doctor.
  • Regular gynecological examinations.
  • Maintaining hygiene.
  • Timely treatment of any infections.
  • Underwear should be natural and fit your body size. It is better to avoid synthetics.
  • Refusal of cosmetics containing artificial colors.
  • Use antibacterial drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.
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Vulvovaginitis is not a serious disease. But getting rid of it on your own is not easy if you don’t know what pathogen caused the pathology. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you need to go to the doctor.


Vulvovaginitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Vulvovaginitis is the most common disease in girls and older women. In adolescents and women during the reproductive period, the disease is diagnosed extremely rarely. What causes provoke the development of the disease, what symptoms and diagnostic measures are characteristic of vulvovaginitis, as well as treatment methods will be discussed in the article.

General information about vulvovaginitis

Vulvovaginitis is a disease that affects the lower parts of the female genital organs . From a medical point of view, these are two diseases - vulvitis and vaginitis - combined into one.

Vulvitis is an inflammatory process affecting the external female genitalia (Vulva).

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in which bacteria multiply.
Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

According to statistics, vulvovaginitis is most often diagnosed in girls from 2 to 9 years old, in women who have reached menopause, and also during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, patients rarely talk about the pathology, considering the disease something shameful, but doctors recommend not postponing a visit to the gynecologist, since otherwise serious complications are possible - scarring on the walls of the vagina, fusion of the labia, reproductive dysfunction. It is especially important to prevent complications in girls, so that the disease does not lead to serious consequences in the future.

Some statistics

Among obstetric and gynecological pathologies, vulvovaginitis accounts for 60% of all diseases of an infectious nature. During the perimenopausal period (from 45 years to menopause), the disease is detected in 10% of patients. At the age of 55 to 60 years, the percentage of cases increases to 30%, and at 75 years and older, 2/3 of patients experience characteristic symptoms.

The mechanism of development of vulvovaginitis is associated with changes in the microflora in the female genital tract. In the body of a healthy woman, the genital tract contains aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms in a ratio of 1:10, respectively. The dominant vaginal flora is lactobacilli .

They are the ones who maintain the acidic environment of the vagina, in which pathogenic microflora die. With a change in acidity, the vaginal flora changes, and pathogenic microbes easily enter the body. Thus, vulvovaginitis and other infectious pathologies develop.

Causes of vulvovaginitis

Regardless of the type of disease, the main cause is infection with pathogenic microbes, pinworms and yeast-like fungi.

In addition, thermal, chemical and mechanical factors play a role in the development of the pathological process.

In childhood, the inflammatory process manifests itself due to insufficient care. By the way, excessive hygiene procedures can also provoke gynecological disease.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

Important! A child is strictly prohibited from sharing the same set of bed linen and towels with his mother or sister.

Other causes of illness in childhood:

  • pinworms - at night, helminths crawl into the vagina;
  • childhood diathesis.

During pregnancy, vulvovaginal candidiasis is often diagnosed. In the first trimester, the mucous membranes of the vagina and vulva are filled with blood and glycogen, and this is a favorable environment for the spread of pathogenic microflora, namely Candida fungi.

Causes of gynecological disease in adolescence and young patients:

  • regular use of tight underwear with a high content of synthetic fibers;
  • injuries to the vaginal walls during intimacy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • excessive or insufficient hygiene procedures;
  • weakened immunity after influenza, pneumonia, dysbacteriosis.

Causes of vulvovaginitis in elderly patients:

  • estrogen deficiency;
  • changes in microflora (increased vaginal acidity).

Other causes of the disease include: treatment with antibacterial and hormonal drugs, taking contraceptives, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease.

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis

Several types of the disease are described in medical reference books, but they all have similar symptoms. Acute vulvovaginitis is manifested by characteristic symptoms of inflammation, patients complain of:

  • discomfort of varying degrees of intensity;
  • itching, burning (most strongly felt during urination, as well as intimacy).

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

Upon examination, swelling of the labia, redness, and maceration of the skin (violation of the integrity of the skin in the perineal area) is diagnosed. If the disease is severe, pockets of erosion form on the external genitalia. Children react to the disease more severely than adults - sleep is disturbed, and other reactions of a neurotic nature are observed.

When the disease becomes chronic, the main symptom is discharge. They may be watery, have a curd-like consistency, purulent or bloody. They always have a pungent, unpleasant odor. The itching becomes constant and intrusive. Exacerbations occur as a result of hypothermia, abuse of sweets and spices.

Diagnosis of vulvovaginitis

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a specialist, since it is impossible to independently determine the pathogen. To accurately determine the cause of the pathology, tests will be required - laboratory, instrumental. Depending on the results, specific therapy is selected.

Important! Sometimes the disease can be provoked by several types of microorganisms; accordingly, the therapy is selected in a comprehensive, individual way.

Diagnostic measures:

  • smear - biological material from the vagina is transferred to a special glass and studied in the laboratory; if the disease is confirmed, mucus, pathogenic microflora, and increased leukocytes are found in it;
  • bacterial culture - secretions are sown in a special nutrient medium, this is necessary to determine sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) - analysis allows you to detect pathogen DNA in biological material.

To diagnose vulvovaginitis, a urine test is required, and for girls, a scraping for the presence of helminths. If indicated, colposcopy is performed.

According to indications, a pelvic ultrasound (to rule out inflammation of the uterus and appendages), a detailed blood test, and a hormonal profile analysis are prescribed.

For nonspecific vulvovaginitis , as well as for the chronic stage, an analysis for sexually transmitted infections is prescribed. In case of certain difficulties in determining the diagnosis, consultation with specialists is necessary.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis

The disease can be cured at home; hospitalization is not necessary for therapeutic measures. First of all, you should change your lifestyle.


Wear underwear made from breathable, natural fabrics that fit properly. Hygienic procedures must be carried out from one to four times a day. Before putting on your underwear, be sure to iron it. Douching is prohibited unless this procedure has been prescribed by a doctor. You need to change bed linen and towels as often as possible.

If the disease manifests itself with acute symptoms, it is important to remain calm and move less, otherwise the condition will worsen sharply.


During treatment, you need to completely abstain from alcohol and foods that have an irritating effect on the body. It is important to exclude any allergens from the diet and switch to a fermented milk diet.

The main principle of nutrition for vulvovaginitis is a hypoallergenic diet. This is necessary to maintain the general condition of the body and to reduce itching.

Important! As a rule, vulvovaginitis is provoked by disturbances in the vaginal microflora, namely, insufficient acidity. For additional acidification, a fermented milk diet is prescribed; cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and sour cream should predominate in the diet. It is better to choose products with a minimum percentage of fat content.

Additionally, to normalize metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system, a vitamin complex is selected. The main vitamins needed for vulvovaginitis are A, B, C, and E.

Vitamin A Promotes rapid tissue repair Fermented milk products, liver (beef), broccoli
Vitamin B Restores oxidative and other metabolic processes, activates the process of absorption of nutrients Contained in cereals, nuts, sprouted wheat grains, corn, greens, bell peppers
Vitamin C Strengthens the immune system, but may cause allergic reactions Citrus fruits, cabbage, spinach, bell pepper
Vitamin E The most powerful antioxidant of natural origin, takes part in protein synthesis and tissue regeneration Porridge, nuts, dried fruits, seafood, green leaves.

In addition, it is important to drink more clean water, fresh juices, homemade compotes, rosehip and sea buckthorn decoctions.


During the period of therapy, you must abstain from any sexual contact. If the diagnosis reveals signs of sexually transmitted pathologies, both partners should undergo treatment.

Important! Homeopathic medicines and traditional methods of treatment are not used as the main method. They are of an auxiliary nature only and can only be used after consultation with a specialist.

Drug therapy

To treat vulvovaginitis, the doctor prescribes antibiotic therapy. The choice of drugs is determined by the type of infection identified.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

  • Monoinfection (a disease provoked by one type of pathogen) - suppositories with an antiseptic effect “Hexicon” or “Povidone-iodine” are prescribed.
  • Specific infection - in this case, you need to select a drug that directly affects the type of pathogen.
  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis - complex therapy is selected from suppositories “ Pimafucin”, “Clotrimazole” , antifungal drugs for oral administration and “Ginofort” ointment.
  • Vulvovaginitis is provoked by fungal and bacterial infections - Terzhinan or Polygynax suppositories are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic activities

Review of the best physiotherapeutic methods for treating vulvovaginitis:

  • short-wave ultraviolet irradiation;
  • zinc electrophoresis;
  • low-intensity ultra-high-frequency therapy;
  • darsonvalization - exposure of the affected area to alternating current of low strength and high voltage (the technique is excellent for eliminating itching);
  • heliotherapy and air baths;
  • thalassotherapy - treatment in the sea climate.

Physioprophylaxis of vulvovaginitis is aimed, first of all, at slowing down the development of pathology and strengthening the protective function of the body.

How to treat vulvovaginitis using traditional methods

For vulvovaginitis, different methods are used - baths, douching, tampons with medicinal decoctions. Before starting treatment, you must consult a gynecologist - this is a mandatory requirement.

To prepare baths and healing decoctions, pharmaceutical chamomile, oak bark, celandine, plantain and St. John's wort are used. Scheme for preparing the decoction:

  • combine the raw materials in equal proportions and grind;
  • 2 tablespoons of the workpiece are poured with half a liter of boiling water;
  • the mixture is boiled for 5 to 10 minutes and left for 60 minutes;
  • The broth is filtered, cooled and used for its intended purpose.
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The decoction is used for medicinal tampons, the procedure is carried out twice a day for two weeks.

Honey and sea buckthorn oil are also used for vulvovaginitis. Regarding honey, it is important to make sure that there is no allergy to the product, but sea buckthorn oil has no contraindications. Two components accelerate the process of skin regeneration and soften it. If you are allergic to honey, the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina are treated with sea buckthorn oil.

For internal use, herbal decoctions are used (birch buds, calendula, nettle, chamomile, barberry, wormwood). Wormwood is effective for vulvovaginitis caused by helminths.

Complications, preventive measures

In the absence of proper therapy or poorly selected therapy, vulvovaginitis will certainly result in serious complications.

The disease itself, provided it is treated promptly, is not dangerous, but it may well aggravate the situation and provoke the development of more complex diseases of the genitourinary system.

In the future, this will lead to weakening and complete extinction of reproductive function and premature termination of pregnancy.

The most dangerous complications:

  • fusion of the labia – the pathological condition develops over the course of one month;
  • overgrowth of the vaginal opening - occurs with vulvovaginitis, which has transformed into a chronic form ;
  • cystitis - if the inflammatory process is not stopped in a timely manner, it will reach the urinary cervical canal, bladder;
  • inflammation in the uterus, appendages - diagnosed when the infection infects the genital organs.

To prevent complications, it is important to follow the rules of hygiene, eat right, be attentive to the choice of partners, and choose wisely underwear - from natural fabrics and in size. Be sure to get examined by a gynecologist at least once a year.

Prevention of vulvovaginitis

Among the basic rules of prevention, gynecologists highlight the following:

  1. for personal hygiene, choose products that do not contain dyes, chemical additives, or fragrances, since each component is an allergen;
  2. Frequent douching is not recommended, since this procedure disrupts the microflora, and this increases the likelihood of developing vulvovaginitis;
  3. any infectious diseases must be treated promptly and not neglected;
  4. patients with chronic forms of diseases must strictly follow all doctor’s instructions in order to determine the development of concomitant diseases in the early stages;
  5. an examination by a gynecologist is a mandatory requirement even for healthy women, the fact is that vulvovaginitis develops asymptomatically and the disease can only be determined in a doctor’s office;
  6. choose only safe sex - allow intimacy only with trusted partners, otherwise use condoms;
  7. if there is a need to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to correctly select contraceptives; only an obstetrician-gynecologist can do this;
  8. Avoid hypothermia, as this is one of the main causes of the development of the disease, always dress appropriately for the weather.

And finally, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, eat right, give up bad habits.


Provided a timely visit to the doctor and adequate treatment are prescribed, the prognosis for vulvovaginitis is positive.

The disease does not require hospitalization; therapeutic measures are carried out at home.

React sensitively to any disturbances in the functioning of the body and do not hesitate to contact a gynecologist, in this case the symptom and treatment of vulvovaginitis will not affect the quality of life in any way.


Vulvovaginitis in women: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Vulvovaginitis in women is a disease of the genital area, namely inflammation of the genital organs (vulva) and vagina. Pathology occurs regardless of age and can develop in both young and elderly women.

Types of disease and causes

Depending on the causes of vulvovaginitis in women, there may be:

  • Infectious.
  • Allergic.
  • Dysbacteriotic.
  • Atrophic.

Infectious vulvovaginitis. The most common cause of infectious vulvovaginitis is failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. In addition, the disease often occurs as a result of promiscuity. The inflammatory process is provoked by the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - streptococci, gonococci, E. coli, and fungi.

Allergic vulvovaginitis. The cause of allergic vulvovaginitis is idiosyncrasy, namely a negative reaction of the body to the effects of various products (soap, washing powder, hygiene products).

Dysbacteriosis vulvovaginitis can occur due to uncontrolled and long-term use of antibacterial drugs, hormones, and immunomodulators.

This form of the disease occurs in women who suffer from diabetes, endometritis, and also have malignant neoplasms.

As a result of these factors, the vaginal microflora suffers, while opportunistic microorganisms (fungi of the genus Candida) multiply intensively, destroying lactobacilli. This provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Atrophic vulvovaginitis. The atrophic form of vulvovaginitis often occurs in older women. This happens due to the fact that ovarian function is inhibited and the level of female sex hormones decreases. As a result, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa occurs and acidity decreases. This promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

A less common cause of vulvovaginitis in women is helminthiasis, especially enterobiasis. Various irritations of the mucous membrane and vulva can also lead to inflammation.

Main symptoms

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

The main symptom of vulvovaginitis is profuse vaginal discharge, which can have an extremely unpleasant odor. Symptoms are especially severe during menstruation and after sexual intercourse. The process of urination, like sexual intercourse, can be painful. A woman often experiences discomfort in the perineum, such as burning and severe vaginal itching.

The condition of the woman’s external genital organs changes; they become hyperemic and swollen. Symptoms may appear to a greater or lesser extent, or even be practically absent.

This indicates the transition of vulvovaginitis to a chronic form.

The disease can be recognized by small vaginal discharge, as well as redness and swelling of the vulva, which appear over a long period of time.


Depending on what caused vulvovaginitis in women, a specific treatment is selected. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. You should not self-medicate, as this can have serious consequences.

The medical institution will conduct the necessary examinations to identify the type of vulvovaginitis and the causes that provoked this disease.

Treatment of vulvovaginitis in women may include the following:

  • taking antibacterial drugs;
  • in the use of local creams that will relieve irritation of the vulva;
  • in the use of antifungal agents;
  • the use of creams containing cortisone;
  • the use of creams that contain estrogen.

Symptoms and main methods of treatment of vulvovaginitis in women

When choosing antibiotics, preference is given to the group of penicillins, as well as macrolides. The course of medication is prescribed individually. For pregnant women, medications are selected depending on the duration of pregnancy, as well as how advanced the process is. If this is the first trimester, then antibacterial treatment cannot be carried out and you will have to resort only to local therapy.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis in women is treated with antifungal agents that are applied topically. Eubiotics and probiotics are used to restore vaginal microflora.

If vulvovaginitis is atrophic in nature, hormonal therapy will help. Vaginal suppositories or replacement therapy are effective in this case.

Concomitant diseases must be cured, and measures must be taken to strengthen the body's immune system.

No treatment is complete without traditional medicine. Healing herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are especially effective against infection. You can douche the vagina with herbal decoctions or take local baths. But these drugs are used only as an auxiliary therapy.

As additional measures, you should especially carefully observe genital hygiene and wash yourself properly to avoid infection.

In order not to irritate the mucous membrane, you need to choose looser clothes and underwear, which should be made from natural materials.

If vulvovaginitis is caused by an allergic reaction of the body to any cosmetic products, then you must stop using them.

All doctor's instructions must be followed. Treatment time depends on the characteristics of the body, but on average therapy takes two weeks. After this time, symptoms usually subside. But this does not mean that complete recovery has occurred. To make sure of this, you need to visit the doctor again and take the necessary tests.

During treatment, you should refrain from sexual intercourse so as not to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane.

Possible complications

If treatment for vulvovaginitis in women is not started in time, the following complications may develop:

  • Development of a chronic form of vulvovaginitis.
  • The inflammatory process can worsen and lead to serious pathologies of the cervix, uterus and appendages.
  • Development of infertility against the background of chronic inflammation.
  • The occurrence of ulcers on the vaginal mucosa in women.
  • During pregnancy, infection of the fetus through the membranes may occur.

If vulvovaginitis is not treated, the infection will quickly spread to other organs and cause the following diseases:

  • endometritis - inflammation of the uterus;
  • pyelonephritis – kidney infections;
  • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra;
  • cystitis – bladder infection;
  • salpingitis - inflammation in the fallopian tubes;
  • cervicitis – inflammation of the cervix.

Cervical erosion and disruptions in a woman’s menstrual cycle may also occur. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a doctor for long. The sooner treatment is carried out, the less serious the consequences will be.

The following can be recommended as preventive measures for vulvovaginitis:

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor personal hygiene.
  • Use toilet paper correctly after defecation to avoid infection on the genitals.
  • Choose underwear made from natural cotton fabrics, which are highly breathable and also have excellent absorbency.
  • Lingerie should not cause discomfort or cause mechanical irritation of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Sexual contact must be protected.
  • When visiting the pool, the swimsuit must be washed to prevent infection.
  • If you have allergies, you should give preference to hypoallergenic cosmetics.
  • Wear thongs as rarely as possible, since this type of underwear can rub the perineum, and there is also a high probability of infection of the genitals from the anus.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, these simple rules should be followed.


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