
Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

There are many cough medications on display in pharmacies, but which ones are effective is a difficult question. High cost and good advertising are not always the key to fast and necessary action of the medicine.

Types of cough medications

The medical literature describes a huge number of medicines and their varieties, but it is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to understand the specific terminology. If in specialized reference books all medications are divided according to the main chemical component, then, to facilitate understanding, medications can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  1. According to their effect: antispasmodics, bronchodilators, mucolytics, homeopathic remedies, complex-action drugs.
  2. According to the symptoms and etiology (reasons) of cough: dry (non-productive), wet (productive, with sputum discharge), obstructive (non-productive, with stagnation of sputum in the bronchial ducts), spasmodic (allergic, asthmatic or psychosomatic).
  3. Ingredients: natural, inorganic, complex.
  4. By release form: medicines, tablets, solutions for internal use, solutions for inhalation.
  5. By side effects: drugs that are hazardous to health and safe.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Choosing a cough medicine

Before choosing a cough medicine, you need to determine what kind of cough you need to treat. If you make the wrong choice, you can harm your body.

For example, taking a mucolytic (sputum thinner) with a severe obstructive cough can cause swelling of the bronchi and blockage of the ducts, which will lead to severe difficulty breathing, in which case medical attention is required.

To prevent the serious consequences of asymptomatic and uncontrolled use of medications, as well as in case of diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels, you should always consult a doctor.

The reflex, as a rule, develops according to the classical pattern: from top to bottom. That is, the inflammatory process, often aggravated by a viral or bacterial infection, causes hypersecretion of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, from where sputum flows down into the trachea. A dry cough begins as a protective reaction of the body against mucus entering the lower respiratory tract.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Penetrating into the bronchial ducts, inflammation begins to progress, leading to new clots of mucus and pus in the bronchi. A wet (productive) symptom develops. When sputum does not come out for a long time and stagnates in the bronchial ducts, the clots dry out.

This is also facilitated by a dry microclimate in the room, general dehydration of the body, and the use of antimicrobial agents. Congestion in the bronchi prevents normal breathing and irritates cough receptors, causing a dry, spasmodic obstructive (non-productive) cough.

Further, severe forms of bronchitis, pulmonary edema and other serious pathologies of the respiratory system may develop.

Medicines are prescribed strictly by doctors due to the possible occurrence of a large number of negative side effects.

Advice! When choosing effective cough medications for children, you should always follow the advice of your pediatrician. Start with small doses to avoid causing serious or irreparable harm to your baby.

Some mucolytics and bronchodilators contain potent components that have a negative effect on the central nervous system and cerebral apparatus (brain), and also contain narcotic substances.

This is important for adults to take into account when working in hazardous conditions and driving a car.

Pay attention to the instructions for the drugs in the section describing interactions with drugs when taking other potent multicomponent drugs.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Use of antispasmodics

If a dry cough is not a consequence of a previous cold or an acute respiratory viral disease, but its cause is a reaction to irritants from the environment (dust, animal hair, strong odors, etc.), then an allergic cough occurs.

If you have a prolonged dry cough like this, you should immediately go out into the air and take an antihistamine.

If spasms and coughing attacks intensify, as well as pain (headaches, in the muscles of the neck and back, stomach), take an antispasmodic - a drug that has a relaxing effect on the muscles, reduces muscle tone, dilates capillaries and eliminates pain (No-Shpa, Spazgan, Papazol, etc.).

Use of mucolytics

When a cough changes from dry to wet (productive) and mucus forms in the bronchi, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in combination with mucolytics. The most dangerous thing with a productive cough is drying out of the mucous membrane, leading to drying out and stagnation of sputum clots in the trachea and bronchi.

This is how an obstructive (non-productive) cough is formed, which turns into bronchitis, which is treated with a combination of mucolytics and bronchodilators. Mucolytic cough suppressants stimulate hydration of the respiratory mucosa through hypersecretion. The mucus thins and comes out when you cough.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Effective mucolytic cough preparations for children are often produced in the form of mixtures and syrups with various flavors (Ascoril, Fluditek, Lazolvan), for adults - in the form of tablets and solutions for oral administration with an increased concentration of active components (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc. ).

For severe coughs with phlegm in children, pediatricians recommend starting with mixtures and cough syrups of plant origin based on licorice root (Licorice syrup), marshmallow root (Marshmallow syrup), thyme extract (Pertussin), plantain extract (Dr. Theiss), thyme oil ( Bronchicum S, Eucabal), etc. Cough preparations of plant origin cause fewer side effects, their main contraindication is individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the main plant component.

The most inexpensive but effective herbal cough remedy in tablets for adults and children over 12 years of age - Cough tablets available in pharmacies without a prescription. The drug is based on the herb Thermopsis lanceolata, which thins sputum and improves its discharge.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Use of bronchodilators

An obstructive (non-productive) cough, accompanied by stagnation of mucus in the trachea and bronchial ducts, with difficulty in its clearance, often has a painful suffocating nature with coughing attacks.

If at the same time there is a feeling of constriction and heaviness in the chest area, the inability to take a deep breath, shortness of breath, then specialists often use bronchilitics - drugs that dilate the bronchial ducts and relieve the increased tone of the muscles of the lower respiratory tract.

Similar drugs are also prescribed to relieve coughing attacks in allergic bronchitis and asthma.

On a note! The main advantage of bronchodilators is speed and ease of use.

The drugs are available in the form of pocket inhalers and can be used anywhere, providing an immediate calming effect.

The most inexpensive and effective drug for dry and obstructive cough is Berodual, produced in 2 forms: a solution for inhalation using a nebulizer and a pocket aerosol.

The effectiveness of treating adults and children with Berodual for dry asthmatic cough has been proven by research. But the drug has a large number of side effects and requires consultation with your doctor.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Analogues of Berodual: Salbutamol, Ventolin, etc. Another drug for dry cough in adults, which has received many positive reviews as the most effective and with the fewest side effects, but not as fast-acting as Berodual - Sinekod syrup.

Bronchodilators do not have a thinning effect on mucus and only partially contribute to its expectoration, therefore, in case of severe stagnation of mucus and sputum, they are used in combination with mucolytics.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Use of homeopathic cough remedies

Slightly less effective cough preparations of plant origin are homeopathic remedies. The principle of their action is based on the positive effect of natural components on the human body, but the nature of their effect is longer.

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Such drugs can be used with the simultaneous prescription of antibiotics and potent inorganic antitussives.

In fact, homeopathy is not a treatment method, but an auxiliary therapy that improves the body’s regenerative functions and strengthens the immune system to prevent recurrent diseases.

The herbal drug GeloMyrtol Forte, which has both anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and mucolytic effects, has proven itself well among otolaryngologists and pulmonologists. The positive effect of long-term use was also noted by people suffering from smoker's bronchitis and allergic bronchitis, working in hazardous industrial production.

On a note! To soften the mucous membrane of the larynx and improve the discharge of sputum, Carmolis is an indispensable product for coughs and runny noses based on essential oils.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Moreover, Carmolis is indicated for problems with the nervous system and gastrointestinal disorders, to improve immunity. Available in the form of a solution for inhalation, drops for oral administration and lozenges for resorption. Vapors of essential oils relieve nasal congestion, improve breathing, stimulate expectoration of mucus and soothe dry and wet coughs.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help and cleanse the body well, including licorice root, coltsfoot, thyme, linden blossom, sage, rose hips, mint, oregano, calendula, and chamomile.


Effective cough remedies for adults: TOP-20

Involuntary contractions of the respiratory tract, accompanied by forced exhalation through the mouth, cause certain inconvenience. Today we are studying effective remedies that you need to keep on hand to get rid of cough (dry, wet). For adults, tablets, syrups and other drugs are suitable.

Dry and wet cough - differences

Not everyone knows how to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one. But it is precisely the type of bronchospasm that must be taken into account when choosing targeted means.

Symptoms of dry cough:

  • develops against the background of inflammation or an infectious process;
  • has a protracted (sometimes barking) character;
  • may be accompanied by gagging;
  • often occurs at night, causing suffocation and lack of oxygen;
  • sputum does not separate or come out;
  • the temperature does not rise;
  • the larynx turns red and becomes irritated;
  • there is soreness and itching in the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of a wet cough:

  • accompanied by the release of mucus;
  • develops against the background of a dry cough that has persisted for a long time;
  • during cough spasms a person suffocates;
  • wheezing occurs when listening;
  • after some of the sputum is expelled, the patient feels relief;
  • The temperature rises with a cough.

Only by determining the nature of bronchospasms can you choose effective remedies. If you neglect this point without identifying the differences, it will be very difficult for adults to get rid of cough.

Dry cough tablets for adults

Before treating a cough, you need to study all medications to suppress unpleasant symptoms in adults. The tablets help eliminate spasms, and also improve expectoration of mucus and combat soreness.

No. 1. Stoptussin

The tablets act as a mucolytic, which is prescribed for dry cough in adults and children. The drug has a comprehensive effect on the respiratory tract, softens attacks, and disinfects the bronchial cavity.

The basis is guaifenesin and butamirate. These substances act on nerve receptors, eliminating bronchial spasms. “Stoptussin” is drunk to treat a barking, exhausting cough to make it more productive.

Soon after the start of administration, the secretion liquefies and gradually leaves the bronchi.

No. 2. Pectusin

The most effective and fast-acting cough remedies are herbal preparations suitable for adults and children. "Pectusin" is one of these. It is based on menthol and eucalyptus oil.

In combination, these substances dilute the secretion, accelerate detachment from the walls of the bronchi and subsequent removal from the respiratory tract. "Pectusin" is used for soreness and sore throat. It is advisable to drink it if the cough has lasted for a month or more.

Lozenges boast anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, and anesthetic properties. Lozenges “Tantum Verde”, “Strepsils”, “Septolete” have similar qualities.

No. 3. Ambroxol

Before curing a cough, you need to sort out all the remedies suitable for taking at home. "Ambroxol" quickly relieves attacks in an adult. The drug has analogues, such as Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal. All drugs from this group are considered good mucolytics.

They affect the cough center, reducing the frequency of attacks. The main purpose of the compositions is to transform a dry cough into a wet one so that the mucus comes out faster. When treating with medications of this group, you need to take care of taking a sufficient amount of water (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight).


No. 4. Bromhexine

It has a powerful bronchodilator effect and is one of the most effective remedies for any type of cough. Adults are prescribed a course appointment. An expectorant medicine improves respiratory tract motility, cleans and disinfects the lungs and bronchi. "Bromhexine" is very effective for coughs that appear as a residual phenomenon of pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, and other similar diseases.

No. 5. Sinupret

Before you get rid of spasms, you need to make sure the nature of the cough. If there is no sputum produced and there is no temperature, it is most likely dry. In this case, to increase productivity and accelerate the release of mucus from the bronchial cavity, you need to take Sinupret.

This drug is simultaneously antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antiseptic. The main components are elderberry inflorescences, sorrel, primrose, verbena, and gentian rhizomes. The herbal composition is used internally to reduce the thickness of mucus and speed its removal from the bronchi.

Consumers note that positive dynamics are achieved after a day.

Syrups for dry cough for adults

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Syrups are quite effective remedies for nonproductive coughs, which are more often prescribed for adults than tablets. Solutions of this type act much faster and do not cause digestive problems.

No. 1. Bronholitin

A good syrup that was developed specifically for dry coughs. It is suitable for adults who are faced with difficult to clear sputum. "Bronholitin" includes ephedrine hydrochloride and glaucine.

Taken together, the presented compounds create a high-quality antitussive duo. The drug expands the bronchial cavity, eliminates “tickling” in the chest, and is used in the treatment of pneumonia and bronchitis.

The syrup treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract, relieves inflammation and disinfects the respiratory system.

No. 2. Herbion with plantain

A completely natural syrup based on mallow and plantain extracts helps to cope with any type of cough (including smokers). "Gerbion" has long been included in effective remedies with powerful expectorant properties. Cough syrup is taken as a course; adults will need 1-2 bottles.

The product copes with diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It suppresses the activity of the pathogen, eliminating the inflammatory process and infection. There are contraindications, including pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For greater effectiveness, you should stop taking other antitussive compounds, otherwise “Gerbion” will not give the desired result.

No. 3. Codelac Phyto

The medicine in the form of an elixir for dry cough is prescribed for both adults and children. The base contains extracts of medicinal herbs and codeine. The syrup gives a good therapeutic effect by inhibiting the cough center. It starts working after the first use.

Soon the sputum loses its viscosity and comes out. The product is famous for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it copes with diseases of the respiratory system of any nature.

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During the treatment process, it is important to rely on the instructions so as not to encounter side effects.

No. 4. Stoptussin Fito

Effective herbal remedies, such as Stoptussin Phyto, help to quickly get rid of cough for adults. The drug contains extracts of plantain, thyme, and thyme.

The syrup has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Medicinal herbs reduce the viscosity of the secretion.

It is forbidden to take the drug for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, lactation and pregnancy.

No. 5. Sinekod

Vanilla flavored syrup contains the active ingredient – ​​butamirate citrate. A non-narcotic antitussive drug acts on receptors, suppressing attacks.

Soon the bronchi expand, breathing improves. The syrup is used exclusively to eliminate dry coughs that do not produce sputum.

It is forbidden to combine Sinekod with other expectorant medications. Complications may arise.

Wet cough tablets for adults

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

When a disease occurs, many people prefer to take tablets for wet cough. Such drugs are practical to use and help adults get rid of phlegm.

No. 1. Lazolvan

Many effective cough remedies come in tablet form. "Lazolvan" was no exception. It is often prescribed to adults to cope with difficult-to-clear viscous sputum. The drug treats bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary obstruction, pneumonia. Thanks to the active component ambroxol, mucus increases and comes off easier.

No. 2. Solvin

The product is used in the treatment of the respiratory system to eliminate stubborn and sticky mucus. In medicine, tablets are used in the fight against tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, tracheobronchitis, and pneumonia. The active component bromhexine dilutes the secretion and facilitates its passage. The condition improves significantly after 3 days.

No. 3. Bromhexine

The popular medicine has long been used in medical practice to combat mucus and its liquefaction. A few days after taking the drug, sputum begins to be easily excreted. Tablets are prescribed for the treatment of chronic and acute inflammation of the respiratory system. The product has no contraindications, and in rare cases exhibits minor side effects.

No. 4. Thermopsol

When considering effective remedies, pay attention to Thermopsol for cough. Tablets are prescribed to adults to dilute secretions and allow them to pass easily.

The drug is successfully used in the treatment of bronchitis and tracheitis. The activity of the substances after administration remains for 6 hours. It is important to follow the daily norm.

In case of an overdose, vomiting occurs, blood pressure rises, and allergies develop.

No. 5. Codelac Broncho

Expectorants with a mucolytic effect, such as Codelac Broncho, are most often used for coughs. This drug additionally has an anti-inflammatory effect. The composition copes well with difficult-to-remove viscous secretions. During therapy, side effects occur extremely rarely. It is forbidden to use the product if you have an individual intolerance.

Syrups for wet coughs for adults

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Most often, syrup is prescribed for wet coughs when the diagnosis has already been made. Depending on individual characteristics, adults are prescribed one or another remedy. Let's look at the most popular ones.

No. 1. Ambrobene

Effective products such as "Ambrobene" contain the active ingredient ambroxol. A syrup with mucolytic properties is prescribed for coughs in adults to increase the volume of secretions and speed up their discharge. Thanks to the drug, breathing is significantly easier. Therapy is allowed for no more than a week. Overdose causes many side effects.

No. 2. Pertussin

We can say that this is the best inexpensive cough medicine that is suitable for adults. The effectiveness is explained by the active ingredients in the form of potassium bromide and thyme extract. The syrup is used in the treatment of bronchitis, colds and pneumonia. Contraindications include individual intolerance, age under 4 years and pregnancy.

No. 3. overslept

The base of the drug includes ivy leaf extract. The syrup is used in therapy to eliminate various diseases that are associated with the respiratory organs. The medicine is contraindicated if you are pregnant and have an individual intolerance. Otherwise, the syrup is well tolerated by the body.

No. 4. Gedelix

When choosing effective products based on ivy extract, pay attention to Gedelix. Cough syrup helps adults quickly remove sticky secretions from the respiratory tract. The natural drug is well accepted by the body. In rare cases, side effects such as diarrhea or allergies occur.

No. 5. Herbion with primrose

Gerbion syrup relieves wet cough. The active ingredients are thyme and primrose extract. A powerful expectorant is prescribed for respiratory diseases. The medicine helps with pleurisy and pneumonia. The syrup is contraindicated for diabetes, allergies and gastrointestinal diseases.

When choosing cough medicines, consider the most effective ones that were presented in today's material. Each product does its job perfectly. The main thing is to determine the nature of the cough and not delay the start of therapy.


Cough medicines for adults list

A cough can indicate various diseases. Occurs with a simple cold.

But it also occurs with an allergic reaction, a serious heart problem. Such a reaction may also indicate the body’s natural defense.

If you have already been to the doctor or just want to know the effectiveness of the product, read the article.

Let's look at the most popular treatments for coughs due to colds. Compiled based on user feedback.

Dry cough medications

This type of cough can be caused by various diseases - acute respiratory viral infection, tuberculosis, lung tumors, irritation from dust, smoke, sinusitis, and so on.

The main task is to choose the right drug to soften and further expectoration. You can find dozens of drugs in pharmacies. Despite the different composition and results, they all share several advantages and disadvantages. We will consider them.


  • Helps eliminate a debilitating cough.
  • Can be used in combination with inhalations, physiotherapy, massage and other non-drug procedures.
  • They are divided into several categories - narcotic and peripheral action.
  • The condition improves in a few days.
  • You can choose a product at an affordable price.


  • Can be harmful if taken with a wet type of cough.
  • It is forbidden to use simultaneously with mucolytics.
  • There are many contraindications.

Rating of the best drugs for dry cough


A modern medicinal product with local anesthetic and disinfectant effects. Used successfully to treat coughs and dental diseases.

Suitable for people suffering from tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis. The active ingredient is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene.

Refers to non-narcotic analgesics. Adults need to take one or two tablets 3 to 5 times a day to achieve maximum effect.

The daily dose should not exceed 10 tablets. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

    Does not dry out the mucous membrane. Does not cause astringency in the mouth. Provides a cooling and refreshing effect. Stops reflex cough. Relieves pain. Price.
    Sweet taste. Suitable at the initial stage of treatment or in combination with other drugs. There are contraindications.


Pharmacological companies produce the drug in several dosage forms. The syrup is designed to relieve inflammation and alleviate cough.

The product promotes expectoration and relieves irritation. Has a psychotropic effect.

Therefore, it is prohibited to take simultaneously with psychotropic medications. There are 2 types of tablets - 20 and 50 mg.

They have the same properties. Gently affects the cough brain center.

The dosage depends on the patient's age.

    Relieves an acute attack of cough 2 hours after use. Sold without a prescription. Affordable price. Can be used by children from 3 years old, depending on the release form. Rarely causes serious side effects.
    Do not take during pregnancy and lactation. May cause an allergic reaction. Contains dyes.
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Designed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Has a local anesthetic effect.

Affects the receptors of the bronchi and bronchioles. Reduces the intensity of the cough reflex.

Does not depress the respiratory center. When used internally, the active substances are absorbed into the intestines.

Suitable for the treatment of dry cough of various origins, including infectious.

    Do not use for chronic, lingering cough. High price. Addictive. Possible side effects.


The main active ingredient provides an effective antitussive effect. Blocks the cough center in the medulla oblongata.

Reduces swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Reduces coughing attacks and improves the overall well-being of the patient.

Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system - acute chronic bronchitis, attacks of whooping cough. It will also help get rid of smoker's cough.

Stops the reflex during a diagnostic procedure - bronchoscopy. Also used for surgical treatment of the respiratory system.

    Quickly eliminates dry cough of any origin. Available without a prescription. Average price. Can be used to treat children. Pleasant taste.
    Causes side effects such as headache, nausea, allergic reactions. The drug is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy and for children under 3 years of age. Excessive amounts of the drug cause an overdose. Suppresses cough, but does not eliminate the cause.


The main active ingredient is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride. Performs three functions simultaneously.

Reduces the intensity of unproductive coughing attacks. Eliminates pain while eating.

Promotes the expansion of bronchi. This, in turn, ensures the removal of sputum.

Unlike standard drugs, it also has additional properties. In addition to analgesic, antitussive and expectorant effects, it also guarantees an anti-inflammatory effect.

According to patient reviews, it helps reduce the duration of dry cough, eliminates nighttime suffocation, and eliminates the unpleasant “lump” during swallowing. Thanks to such a wide spectrum of action, the drug can be used to treat various diseases of the respiratory system.

    Long-term use is not addictive. Reduces the activity of the cough center. Does not depress breathing. The effect of the drug lasts up to 4 hours. Can be taken at any stage of the disease. Has a local anesthetic effect. Helps you sleep.
    It is forbidden to take the drug if you have lactase deficiency. Not prescribed during pregnancy - in the first trimester. Not suitable for treating children under 3 years of age. Do not combine with medications that dilute sputum. High price.

Preparations for the treatment of wet cough

With such a cough, a large amount of phlegm appears in the respiratory organs. To remove secretions, you will need thinning and expectorant medications. Adult patients are prescribed medications in various forms of release - tablets, syrups, suspensions, capsules. Many medications can become addictive. Therefore, coordinate your medication intake with your doctor.

But still, a wet cough does not cause such painful sensations as a dry one. Therefore, it is often enough to take herbal-based medications to relieve all symptoms.


An effective cough medicine for adults

The beginning of the cold season invariably causes the spread of colds and infectious diseases, causing various types of cough. An important condition for alleviating the condition is the selection of an effective remedy. To choose an effective cough medicine for adults, it is necessary to know the exact cause of the development of the pathological process and take into account the peculiarities of its course.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Expectorant cough medicine for adults

Expectorants are used for wet coughs to thin mucus and stimulate its release. Among these medicines the most popular are:

  • Ambroxol.
  • Ambrobene.
  • Gedelix.
  • Gerbion.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Pertussin.
  • Licorice root syrup.
  • Stoptussin-Fito.

The listed drugs are mainly produced in the form of syrups. In addition to them, tablet forms have expectorant properties - Thermopsis herb extract , Bromhexine , ACC (Acetylcysteine).

Each expectorant cough medicine for adults has its own mechanism of therapy. Some exhibit an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, causing reflex stimulation of the bronchial glands and increased production of bronchial secretions. Others directly affect the bronchi and increase the volume of mucus they produce.

During treatment, it is important to remember that expectorants should not be used simultaneously with antitussives. Otherwise, the likelihood of bronchial blockage increases.

The best cough medicine

To determine the best cough medicine, it is necessary to take into account the type of pathology and the characteristics of the disease. For a dry, barking cough, the following syrups :

  • Bronholitin;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Codelac Phyto;
  • Sinekod.

  Cough with atrophic pharyngitis

Bronholitin provides a strong antitussive and bronchodilator effect. By expanding the bronchi, it stimulates breathing and eliminates swelling of the mucous membranes.

Bronchicum is used in complex therapy. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. In addition to syrup, it is available in the form of lozenges, emulsions, gels, and elixirs.

Codelac Fito is used to treat dry cough of various etiologies and bronchopulmonary diseases. The combination of thermopsis, licorice and thyme in its composition ensures enhanced results and safety of treatment.

Sinekod is an effective cough medicine for adults that has a direct effect on the cough center. This product helps improve spirometry, normalizes breathing, and is not addictive.

Libexin and Stoptussin are used in tablet form . Libexin is not inferior in effectiveness to Codeine, exhibits a bronchodilator effect, and provides local anesthesia. Does not cause addiction and does not inhibit respiratory processes.

Stoptussin is a combination drug created on the basis of guaifenesin and butamirate. The drug enhances the production of secretions by the bronchial glands, diluting it. In addition, it has a calming effect on the nerve endings of the bronchial mucosa, which provides a pronounced antitussive effect.

For wet coughs, Himopsin in powder for inhalation and Stodal in syrup . The first remedy has antiseptic properties, helps in eliminating purulent discharge and in combating the consequences of bacterial and viral infection. Stodal is a homeopathic herbal remedy that is equally effective for various types of cough.

Cough remedies available to adults: selection rules and examples

Cheap cough medicine for adults

When choosing an effective cough medicine, you must first of all pay attention to products from well-known manufacturers. The high cost of a drug does not always indicate its effectiveness. It is often determined by the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the location of the manufacturer.

Drugs from foreign pharmaceutical companies often have the highest prices. At the same time, their composition does not differ significantly from domestic analogues, which are based on identical active ingredients.

Cheap cough medicine for adults often has a price that is affordable for any budget:

  • Mukaltin - from 20 rubles.
  • Ambroxol – from 45 rub.
  • Bromhexine – from 25 rubles.
  • Bronholitin – from 50 rub.
  • Halixol - within 120 rubles.

Having a reasonable price, these drugs provide a pronounced quick effect and are used in the complex treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system. The effect of Halixol is observed within 30 minutes after ingestion. Ambroxol is successfully used in the complex therapy of pneumonia, bronchitis, and tracheitis.

Strong cough medicine for adults


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