
Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Orthodontics is the oldest branch of dentistry, but it began its active development not so long ago. The methods used in this area are becoming more and more effective, and specialists are in maximum demand. Now only 6% of dentists are orthodontists, and the success of treating abnormal dentition depends on them.

The content of the article:

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry dedicated to the study, correction and prevention of developmental disorders of the dentition and abnormal bite formation.

Studies have shown that more than 90% of people have deviations in the development of the dental system. More than half of them require mandatory treatment . And this is where orthodontics can help.

Modern methods make it possible not only to successfully solve problems of smile aesthetics, but also of the profile as a whole. Orthodontic treatment can be carried out equally successfully in both childhood and adulthood.

Who is it?

  • Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Correcting the position of teeth, correcting incorrect occlusion and abnormal bite using available methods is the main job of an orthodontist.
  • An orthodontist analyzes pathology, diagnoses, selects the most appropriate treatment method, and carries out a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases.
  • A timely visit to this specialist will help you avoid problems with your gums and dental tissue.

In addition to basic knowledge and practice, an orthodontist must have patience, communication skills and psychological skills , since the main point in the work is confidential contact with the patient. A pediatric orthodontist should especially understand this.

Is it difficult to become one?

The work of an orthodontist is very painstaking and hard work, which most often pays quite well. To obtain this qualification, you also need to work hard.

To do this, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Studying at a medical university at the Faculty of Dentistry.
  2. Completion of residency or internship in the specialty “orthodontics”.
  3. Receiving additional training in dental courses.

On average, the main period of study lasts about 8 years.

What diseases does he deal with?

An orthodontist is able not only to prevent the development of abnormal formation of the dentition, but also to correct existing problems. There are many pathologies that are successfully treated by this doctor.

Crooked teeth

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

You can often see a situation where one crown is slightly rotated and overlaps with the other. Such areas are a favorite territory for bacteria that cause periodontal inflammation and caries.

Conical or awl-shaped teeth

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

This phenomenon is often observed when crowns are overcrowded. With their shape they resemble an awl, a cone and have a short root.


It is characterized by the appearance of areas of deformation or complete absence of enamel on the enamel , which stand out sharply by their color against the general background of the crown.

Enamel dysplasia

The most common cause of dysplasia is a genetic factor. The crowns appear on time, but are brown in color. Subsequently, active abrasion of the enamel occurs, which takes on the appearance of crumpled paper.

Dentin dysplasia

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

This disease is characterized by the grayish color of the teeth and the rapid destruction of their cutting part. The examination reveals a narrowing of the cervical region, shortened roots and a bulbous shape of the crown.


Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

As a rule, it manifests itself in the anterior region and is characterized by abnormally large incisors. Deviations may exceed standard dimensions by 6 mm. Giant forms provoke displacement of adjacent crowns.


Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Pathology opposite to macrodentia. In this case, the crowns grow small. This entails the appearance of gaps between them, displacement and rotation around their axis.

Merged teeth

The fusion of teeth occurs at the rudiment level, so the erupted crowns have a tight connection in the dentin area.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

This pathology is characterized by the complete absence of tooth buds . This phenomenon is very rare and often accompanies dysplasia. It is mainly diagnosed during the period of teeth change.


Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

In this case, only a partial absence of permanent primordia may be observed.


The pathology is characterized by the appearance of teeth exceeding the standard number . Localized in the area of ​​the upper incisors.

Impacted teeth

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Impacted crowns most often include molars, the development of which is hampered by adjacent crowns or gum tissue. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it can lead to severe pain and curvature of the entire dentition.

Preserved baby teeth

Typically, the presence of milk crowns is observed in the absence of a permanent rudiment or its deep location. This phenomenon rarely causes negative consequences, and therefore treatment is carried out only for certain indications : provoked periodontal inflammation, etc.

Gap between front teeth (diastema)

Diastema appears between the incisors, located in the center most often of the upper row, less often - the lower. Diastema can cause the development of periodontitis , impaired pronunciation of certain sounds, and exposure of the neck of the crown.

Trema is the space formed between the teeth when the jaws close. Depending on the width of the trema, the treatment method is selected. But, as a rule, a bracket system is effective in this case.

Shortening of the dentition

Occurs due to the vestibular inclination of the teeth, macro or microdentia, adentia. It is manifested by twisted crowns, which are strongly rotated and have an incorrect slope.

Elongation of the dentition

This pathology is provoked by oral tilting of the teeth. It is characterized by the distant arrangement of crowns with the formation of diastemas.

Dentoalveolar shortening

Pathology refers to a vertical anomaly, the cause of which lies in the uneven development of various segments of the jaw . It is observed in the area of ​​​​canines and incisors, which are in maximum contact with each other.

Dentoalveolar elongation

The cause of this disease is carious lesions of the crowns . In this case, there is a complete disruption of contact between adjacent teeth.

Narrowing of the dentition

When narrowing, there is insufficient space for the standard number of teeth . This leads to crowding and distortion of the front row.

Expansion of the dentition

When expanded, gaps form between the crowns , which can be corrected with appropriate treatment.

High/low position of individual teeth

In some cases, there may be a single increase or decrease in some crowns. Basically, the canines have a high position and the incisors have a low position.

Distal bite (prognathic)

The most harmless pathology, manifested by the displacement of the upper row forward, overlapping the lower one.

Mesial bite (medial)

With such a bite, the crowns protrude strongly forward , which is a serious cosmetic defect. Often the pathology causes deformation of surrounding tissues.

Open bite

In this case, there is no complete connection when the jaws are closed. The problem often leads to the development of stomach diseases , since proper biting of food is impaired.


With a crossbite, the jaw is strongly pushed forward and the crowns partially overlap the lower row.

Deep (traumatic bite)

It is characterized by a vertical overlap of the anterior segment of the teeth by 3 mm. In some cases, the incisors may push against the gum tissue.

Features of treatment for children

Many people believe that going to the dentist during the period of baby teeth is not necessary for anyone. The prevailing opinion that temporary crowns will fall out and problems will be solved on their own is fundamentally wrong. It is at the stage of formation of a temporary bite that the foundations of a permanent one are laid.

If a child has problems with the formation of dentition, then this period is the best suited to obtain a positive result in a short period of time. It is worth remembering that the older the child, the longer the treatment will take.

One of the main problems during the period of temporary occlusion or its change may be premature tooth loss. This often leads to displacement of adjacent crowns, malocclusion and difficulty in the eruption of permanent teeth.

  1. To prevent this from happening, the orthodontist installs a temporary crown or spacer that fixes the required distance for the formation of the dentition.
  2. Orthodontic correction in children allows for the normal development of the entire maxillofacial system , the abnormal development of which often leads to the occurrence of common diseases.
  3. For this, braces, special removable plates, mouth guards and other means that do not harm the child are used.
  4. In order to conduct a detailed diagnosis, the orthodontist relies on the following factors:
  • type of feeding;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • timing of eruption;
  • the presence of common diseases that provoke dental abnormalities;
  • the presence of solid foods in the child’s diet;
  • baby's habits;
  • sleeping position.
  • The most appropriate age to begin treatment with an orthodontist is 3 years , until the temporary occlusion begins to affect the formation of the jaw muscles and tooth growth.
  • To treat orthodontic problems, the dentist uses two options: conservative and surgical.
  • The surgical method is used only in extreme cases when alternative therapy does not produce results.
  • The conservative method, on the contrary, is the preferred option and includes two techniques: myotherapy and hardware treatment.


Myotherapy refers to special gymnastics aimed at stimulating the functioning of the jaw muscles. It is most effective in the treatment of childhood pathologies , at an age when installation of corrective structures is not possible. Included in adult therapy as a preventive measure.

Myotherapy includes the following:

  • exercises aimed at working the tongue;
  • tilting the head while chewing;
  • gargling or yawning;
  • massage the soft palate and gums with a brush.

Hardware treatment

This method is basic in orthodontics and includes the use of special corrective structures. Treatment in this way can be carried out at any age, but the older the patient, the longer the therapy.

  1. The principle of the technique is that with the help of devices, the load on the jaw is evenly distributed.
  2. To troubleshoot problems use:
  3. In this video, an orthodontist talks about ways to correct a bite.
  4. Any structure is installed in one day, and this procedure takes no more than an hour.


In severe cases of pathology, surgical intervention is resorted to. In this case, several options are possible:

  • removal of interfering teeth;
  • removal of part of the bone tissue;
  • compactosteotomy: cutting the bone in the problem area.

As a rule, this method requires further treatment using conservative techniques.

When should you apply?

Contacting an orthodontist should be done as planned. But if this is not possible, then consultation with a specialist will be mandatory if the following phenomena are detected:

  • pushing teeth forward/backward;
  • the formation of an abnormal arrangement of the jaws in relation to each other;
  • displacement of the crowns to the side or around its axis;
  • the occurrence of gaps or crowding;
  • different crown heights.
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Orthodontics is an indispensable branch of dentistry, where the competent work of a doctor restores not only the beauty of the smile, but also the entire face.


Orthodontics in dentistry what is it video

Not everyone has had to seek the services of an orthodontist, but orthodontics as a branch of dentistry is rapidly developing, and each of us needs to visit an orthodontist, at least for preventive purposes.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Girl with a beautiful smile

Dental pathologies are quite diverse and insidious, and a professional doctor will find even minimal deficiencies and eliminate them.

More about orthodontics

An orthodontist deals with the correction of bite and dentition pathologies. It identifies problems that interfere with the full functioning of chewing and speech functions, and corrects aesthetic imperfections of the face. The dentist's task is to eliminate jaw abnormalities, which can be found in more than ninety percent of the population of our planet.

Orthodontics solves many problems, ranging from malocclusion to delicate work on correcting facial defects.

Someone might think that crooked teeth or a protruding bite are a standard state of affairs that does not require intervention and only affects the appearance.

This opinion is erroneous: distortion of the dentition is fraught with the emergence of various problems - from damage to the enamel to complex diseases that require surgery.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Shifting of the dentition can begin at any time, regardless of age, for various reasons (for example, the appearance of wisdom teeth). Only a qualified specialist is able to draw up a competent treatment plan and give the necessary recommendations.

Types of treatment in orthodontics

Orthodontics involves the use of three main methods for correcting dental pathologies:

  • myotherapy;
  • hardware dentistry;
  • surgical intervention.

The first method is used only in childhood, during the formation of the jaw bones. Myotherapy is a preventive and stimulating measure. In essence, this is a set of exercises that motivate the dentition to the correct position.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

In hardware dentistry, various equipment and structures are used that affect the teeth.

Surgical intervention is prescribed in advanced cases and after dental trauma.

Orthodontic equipment

Orthodontics distinguishes two categories of devices for creating a beautiful smile: removable and non-removable.

Removable structures in orthodontics

These designs are also divided into two types:

  1. Single jawed. They are used in situations where it is necessary to expand the dentition and correctly position it on the front part. The designs must be worn all day.
  2. Double jawed. They are only worn at night, as they are worn on both jaws at the same time.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Removable structures in orthodontics

Types of removable devices:

  1. Trainers. Externally similar to a mouth guard. The trainer is placed in the oral cavity. It prevents mouth breathing and secures the position of the tongue and teeth. It has a preventive effect when used in children at the time of changing baby teeth to molars. The device irritates the gums, accelerating tooth growth, and prevents the formation of defects.
  2. For patients who like to bite their nails, pencils, suck their fingers or bite their lips, Hintz plates are prescribed. All bad habits have a very bad effect on the jaw, causing various defects, but this equipment will help prevent negative consequences.
  3. Mouthguards. They are used to consolidate the results of dental treatment to straighten teeth, relieve pressure on the jaw, and allow you to get used to the new position of your teeth and bite.

Fixed structures in orthodontics

Dentists have developed many fixed systems for orthodontic work. They are considered the most effective assistants in the treatment of dental pathologies and defects. Collectively they are called braces or bracket systems.

Braces are divided into several categories:

  1. Coronal. They help to widen the seam of the palate and increase the distance between the upper teeth.
  2. Arc. They act on the teeth using an arc that exerts traction. She, like a spring, compresses or expands her teeth. Can change the position of the entire row or teeth individually.
  3. Multiband. Frame-spring technology for special types of work.
  4. Lip bumper. This device protects the jaws from the influence of negative environmental factors. An analogy with a bumper in a car.
  5. Clasp devices. They are multifunctional and allow you to solve several dental problems at the same time.
  6. Retainers. Installation occurs immediately after the end of treatment with the bracket system. The result is consolidated, and there is a smooth transition from the increased intrusive effect on the teeth to the normal state.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Fixed structures in orthodontics

Consolidating treatment

Once you have completed the basic remedial measures, you must undergo the mandatory retention procedure. This process consolidates the achieved results and prevents the teeth from returning to their previous incorrect places. During this process, removable and non-removable structures are used.

After the pathology is eliminated, a retainer is installed, then mouth guards are applied, and only after the necessary time you will be able to do without any type of construction. During the entire retention period, the dentist must monitor the changes that occur in the dentition in order to prevent the onset of the reverse process.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Mouthguards on teeth after braces

There are situations that affect the positive outcome of dental treatment after the dismantling of orthodontic systems, if the preventive period is not controlled in any way:

  1. The appearance of wisdom teeth.
  2. The dental root system will not have time to gain a foothold, and remission will begin.
  3. Powerful pressure on the jaw should be reduced evenly.

Why visit an orthodontist?

Many people believe that an orthodontist only works with children and adolescents. And if you have already grown up and reached maturity, then nothing can change your bite and teeth. This is a huge misconception, but remember: the sooner you start correcting, the faster and cheaper the treatment will be, and the risk of side effects will be reduced.

Preschoolers and schoolchildren must visit an orthodontist. At this age, teeth change and dentition begins to form. It is important to detect the problem in time and stop it in a timely manner.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Child at an appointment with an orthodontist

Don't put off visiting the dentist for too long. The doctor will be able to diagnose all problems, give professional recommendations and prescribe the right treatment. In childhood, the problem can only be solved with myotherapy.

A preschooler will not be given full treatment, since braces can only be installed on molars. Milk teeth have unstable roots that gradually dissolve. Young children may have plates installed to shape their jaw.

Teenagers can already wear braces and receive full treatment that will correct all problems and make their teeth straight.

Before starting treatment, you need to take an x-ray to give an accurate prognosis of its results. Sometimes problems are discovered that should be taken into account at the initial stage of treatment by adjusting the treatment plan.

Innovations in orthodontics

Modern orthodontics has advanced far in its developments and research. The latest innovation is self-adjusting braces. This very convenient system frees you from frequent visits to the doctor, saving you time and money.

Self-regulating designs have a number of advantages:

  1. Suitable for people with hypersensitive teeth.
  2. Effectively affects teeth, reducing treatment time.
  3. Does not require removal of healthy teeth.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?Braces on the back of teeth

Currently, it is possible to install structures made of transparent materials or install a brace system on the inside of the teeth. It's beautiful and invisible. It is worth remembering that dental problems are not only aesthetically unsightly, but also affect overall health. Improper bite contributes to the development of respiratory diseases.

Orthodontics is a fairly old branch of dentistry, but many people underestimate the importance of this area. Jaw correction is the health of your oral cavity and the body as a whole.

Monitor your health and be attentive to the problems of your children. It is in your interests to solve the problem of dental pathology as quickly as possible.


What does an orthodontist treat and how much does an appointment cost?


Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Most patients in dental clinics have heard the word “orthodontist” at least once, but not everyone knows what exactly this specialist does.

The minimal concept of an orthodontist as a doctor who treats “crooked teeth,” although correct in principle, provides too little information.

Direction in dentistry?

One of the most extensive and important branches of dentistry is orthodontics.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Orthodontics deals with the study of the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anomalies of the masticatory-oral apparatus, in particular the dental system.

This refers to any problems with the structure, growth, location of teeth and jaws, regardless of the patient’s age.

Today, orthodontics has a variety of methods for treating not only genetic, but also acquired anomalies that arise after injury. Often complete treatment and dental care is impossible without the assistance of a qualified orthodontist.


  • Although theoretical knowledge and general training play an important role, without the corresponding many years of experience, an orthodontist cannot be highly qualified.
  • How the treatment works, watch the video:
  • Professional orthodontists act in their work, strictly taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, while being able to predict the result of long-term planned treatment.
  • For example, there is no separate specialization for the treatment of children in orthodontics, but many problems of the dental system develop primarily in childhood.

Therefore, the doctor’s work here goes beyond just the jaws, teeth and facial skeleton . It is the ability to combine practical experience (your own and that of your colleagues) with deep theoretical knowledge that allows you to achieve results.

Treatment of dental anomalies is expensive, takes a lot of time and causes certain aesthetic problems for a person. Therefore, an orthodontist must have a number of personal qualities that are important for a doctor whom the patient trusts to improve the appearance of his teeth:

  • the ability to find a common language and make a good impression. If the doctor is rude, gloomy and has crooked teeth, the patient will go to another specialist;
  • tolerance;
  • stress resistance;
  • must be a bit of a psychologist.
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Is it difficult to become a specialist?

You need to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects: chemistry, biology and Russian language. Some universities require an additional interview on human anatomy.

To become an orthodontist, you need to study long and hard. First of all, graduate from medical school in your main specialty, that is, become a general dentist. The candidate undergoes further training (of a narrower focus) in internship and/or residency.

Advanced training for these doctors is not an empty phrase. Despite the lengthy study, specialized courses at various universities for orthodontists are welcome. But to become a highly qualified orthodontist, you just need to learn a little.

It is necessary to constantly update your knowledge and study new techniques developed by foreign colleagues.

You need to spend 9-10 years learning the profession and pay from 100,000 rubles. for every year.

How much does an orthodontist earn?

The salary of an orthodontist depends on the institution where you manage to get a job. On average, a specialist at a state dental clinic earns about 40,000 rubles. In private dentistry the situation is better, where orthodontists receive a salary of 100,000 rubles. and higher.

The more experience, better skills and more love for the profession, the higher the likelihood of finding a job in an elite private clinic for a salary plus a monthly percentage of clients served. And good doctors always have a waiting list.

An orthodontist who has honestly earned a reputation and has an appointment several months in advance, despite high prices, can afford everything: luxury housing, expensive cars, regular travel abroad.

What diseases should I treat?

There are many problems that a doctor of this specialty deals with.

Conical or awl-shaped teeth

The crown part of such teeth has an irregular shape - it resembles a blade or a spike. This causes serious discomfort and can negatively affect the chewing process.


This general name implies underdevelopment of any parts and tissues of the tooth during its growth. This article describes in detail enamel hypoplasia in permanent teeth.

The most extreme form of hypoplasia is the complete absence of a tooth (tissue), which is called aplasia.

Enamel dysplasia

Insufficient volume and thickness of the enamel layer most often manifests itself in childhood. This is a serious problem, since the natural protection of the teeth is disrupted, which subsequently leads to various diseases, pain and long-term treatment.

Dentin dysplasia

A fairly rare problem that results in disturbances in the formation of dentin (hard tissue). Both primary and permanent teeth can be affected.

Leads to rapid destruction of crowns.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?


One or more teeth are too large. In addition to external unattractiveness, it creates problems and preconditions for malocclusion.


Reduced crown sizes, called microdentia, can cause various dental disorders. In addition, the aesthetics of the smile is lacking, and gaps appear – diastemas and trema.

Merged teeth

The connecting rudiments of two teeth cause their further fusion. Essentially, instead of two units in a row, there is only one left. This reduces their total objective number and causes the formation of cracks.


Complete edentia is a partial, very rarely complete absence of teeth. It can be either congenital or acquired. Each case requires a special approach to treatment.


This is the name for a reduced number of teeth, that is, their shortage. The choice of treatment method depends on the causes of the anomaly and the individual characteristics of the patients.


The appearance of “extra” teeth, in addition to the required 32. Causes various malocclusions and creates many problems for the patient.

Impacted teeth

This is the name given to existing teeth that could not erupt for various reasons. This can lead to the formation of cysts, resorption of adjacent roots and other problems, including serious disruption of aesthetics.

Preserved baby teeth

They are called persistent. This refers to their presence in adults. A relatively short service life and an obstacle to the growth and development of indigenous plants are only a small part of the possible problems.


A gap between the front teeth (diastema) with a minimum size may not cause any discomfort to the owner. However, the increasing size of the diastema affects diction, facial aesthetics and is the cause of many dental diseases.


Increased distance between crowns. First of all, it worsens aesthetics and negatively affects speech and diction. May cause gum disease.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Shortening of the dentition

It causes teeth to be too closely positioned, which leads to the risk of caries, malocclusion and is often accompanied by retrusion, that is, displacement. Possible consequences include disruption of the shape of the face.

Elongation of the dentition

Characterized by the presence of a diastema, three, outward inclination of the front teeth.

To correct the situation, various orthodontic structures can be used - fixed, removable and mixed. Among them are the Angle apparatus, plates with an arc or screw, and so on.

Dentoalveolar shortening

This anomaly is expressed by a decrease in the vertical dimensions of the crowns. It is fraught with various malocclusions.

Treatment is carried out using removable and fixed orthodontic appliances, and is also supplemented with prosthetics.

Dentoalveolar elongation

Increasing the length of crowns. Most often caused by early loss of antagonist teeth.

For treatment, plate prostheses with artificial crowns are used. This allows you to evenly distribute the load, including previously unused areas.

Narrowing of the dentition

Reduction in the transverse size of the jaw. It can cause malocclusion or an aggravating factor in the presence of other anomalies.

Expansion of the dentition

The reverse of the previous anomaly, which is most often caused by diseases suffered at an early age, the presence of “childhood” bad habits and other factors. To eliminate the anomaly, removable plates or the vestibular arch of Engle are used.

High/low position of individual teeth

This is the name for vertical displacement of teeth, which is caused by disturbances in the development of the alveolar process or various kinds of obstacles that interfere with normal growth.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?


This is one of the most common anomalies, which requires mandatory treatment by an orthodontist. The so-called crooked dentition can occur for various reasons, including not only genetics, but also bad habits and mouth breathing.

Here there is a description of all types of malocclusion: photos, causes, symptoms, consequences, etc.

Distal (prognathic)

A distal bite is an anomaly in the location of the upper and lower rows relative to each other, when the upper jaw protrudes forward too much. It is accompanied by a host of other disorders and greatly changes the shape of the face.

Mesial (medial)

With a mesial bite, the lower jaw is pushed forward. This creates the impression of constant gloominess and spoils the appearance, and in addition, interferes with normal chewing of food, which, if left untreated, causes problems in the digestive system.


In an open bite, the upper and lower rows do not touch, creating an empty space. Biting food becomes difficult or impossible, the appearance is spoiled by a slightly open mouth, and the shape and position of the teeth change.


Due to a mismatch in the shape or size of the crowns, the rows of teeth close incorrectly, moving to one side; this pathology is called crossbite. Causes facial asymmetry, chewing problems and more.

Deep (traumatic)

With a deep bite, the upper row strongly (more than half) overlaps the lower one. In addition to a decrease in the normal size of the face, there is a problem with damage to periodontal tissue and constant injury to the mucous membrane.

Children's reception

The child should be taken to the first consultation with an orthodontist at 2.5-3 years of age . At this age, direct treatment has not yet been carried out, but a removable bite has been formed. Using it, a good specialist can determine the presence of possible anomalies or their likely development.

The doctor’s task in this case is to find opportunities to improve the situation as much as possible while active development is underway, and much less effort is required.

It is important to find out the causes of disorders at a very early age. This is also the responsibility of the orthodontist.

Timely identification of the causes allows you to correct the situation in childhood and avoid long, complex and expensive treatment in the future.

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist?

Therapy methods

Let's briefly talk about the main treatment methods used in orthodontics.


This technique is a specific gymnastics for the facial and masticatory muscles, which allows not only prevention, but also treatment of various anomalies of the dental system.

In the treatment of children, myotherapy is of primary importance , but in many cases it is also included in treatment complexes for adult patients.

Hardware treatment

This is the main method used in orthodontics. Various devices (both removable and non-removable) are used to exert a certain load and redistribute it throughout the entire jaw system.

It is their use that allows us to solve most problems in patients of different ages, including adults with an already formed bite.


Sometimes surgery is also required to treat complex cases. It involves freeing up space in the jaw for the growth and normal development of teeth.

In this case, not only individual teeth are removed, but also areas of the jaw bone tissue that impede normal development.

When should you apply?

There are a number of signs that if you notice them, you should seek advice from an orthodontist:

  • Uneven or out of alignment teeth.
  • Loss of smile aesthetics due to the position of teeth.
  • Increased abrasion of enamel.
  • Periodically occurring chips on the enamel surface.
  • Increased sensitivity, strong reaction to hot/cold.
  • The prospect of installing an implant.
  • The need for volumetric prosthetics.
  • The desire to install veneers or carry out aesthetic restoration.

If there is a suspicion that the teeth are not closing properly or there is discomfort when chewing, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

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In orthodontics, it is of great importance how far the problem has gotten worse, so early treatment is easier and faster.

How much does a consultation cost?

The cost depends on the status of the clinic and region. The amount you need to pay for the appointment is from 200 to 500 rubles. This price includes examination, diagnosis, answers to questions, and determination of the treatment method. Sometimes you need to take a panoramic photo, this costs an additional 500 to 1,000 rubles.


Orthodontist: features of specialization

The orthodontist eliminates various defects of the dentofacial apparatus that were formed as a result of negative influences during intrauterine development, during the period of growth of temporary and permanent teeth, as well as due to hereditary factors. Orthodontic treatment is planned based on a number of modern diagnostic studies.

What are the responsibilities of an orthodontist?

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Appointment with an orthodontist (photo:

The competence of an orthodontist includes the elimination of defects of the maxillofacial apparatus. Correction of various dental anomalies is allowed at any age, however, treatment of adult patients requires much more effort on the part of the doctor than correction of occlusion in the dental system in children. In some cases, doctors have to resort to removing healthy teeth and then replacing them with prosthetics.

The ultimate goal of any orthodontist is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the patient's face and ensure a complete bite. Occlusion is the closure of the dentition with the usual, stationary position of the lower jaw.

Any contact of teeth between the lower and upper jaws is called occlusion. Various occlusion disorders are malocclusion.

An abnormal bite often provokes the occurrence of pathologies in the body such as:

  • Headache.
  • Curvature of the spinal column, poor posture. With a pathological bite, the plane of closure of the teeth shifts, which can ultimately lead to anomalies of the second cervical vertebra and weakening of muscle tone.
  • Respiratory dysfunction.
  • Speech pathologies.
  • Limitation of chewing function.
  • Pathological processes in the nasopharynx.
  • Diseases of the hearing aid.
  • Disturbances in the digestive tract.

In addition, an orthodontist studies the causes that provoke the development of abnormal processes in the human masticatory apparatus.

For example, even during intrauterine development, the rudiments of temporary and permanent teeth are formed, and various negative influences (bad habits, the presence of caries in the expectant mother, nutritional disorders, abnormal pregnancy) can cause subsequent malocclusion.

Failure to comply with hygiene standards when caring for the oral cavity, infectious processes in the nasopharynx often lead to inflammation in dental tissues (destruction of dentin, pulp), ultimately to tooth loss and abnormal occlusion.

An orthodontist uses the following methods to restore a full bite, such as:

  • Braces. These are special brackets that can consist of a variety of materials (plastic, sapphire, metal). The doctor fixes them to each tooth with orthodontic glue; the braces themselves have an arch, under the influence of which the teeth begin to take the correct position.
  • Mouthguards. These are removable transparent caps that are placed on the teeth. They may consist of polymer, metal or silicone. With their help, minor malocclusions are corrected.
  • Correction of the bite surgically. This method is used in cases where the above methods did not give the desired effect or in particularly difficult situations (asymmetry of the jaw bones, 3rd degree malocclusion).

What organs does an orthodontist treat?

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Stage of eruption of milk teeth in a baby (photo:

An orthodontist specializes in correcting the correct position of the jaw and teeth. The human jaws (upper and lower) consist of bone tissue and are located in the oral cavity. They form the basis for the attachment of teeth. The lower jaw is the only movable bone of the skull.

Teeth are bony processes formed from the mucous membrane. Their main function is to chew food. In addition, various malocclusions and irregularities in the continuity of the dentition can lead to difficulty speaking.

The formation of tooth buds begins at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. The teething itself and the end of their maturation occurs during the first year of a child’s life, as a rule, it begins at 5-7 months of age, and ends completely at about 3 years. At the age of seven, temporary teeth (baby teeth) are replaced by permanent ones.

During this period, the formation of a correct bite in a child begins.

However, a number of pathological processes of the dentofacial apparatus (complete underdevelopment of one or more teeth, absence of their rudiments, incorrect position of the tooth itself, destructive changes in the enamel) can occur under the influence of various negative factors, in any period of their growth and formation.

In the structure of human teeth, it is customary to distinguish between the root, with the help of which they are attached to the jaw, the crown - the visible part of the tooth, the neck, which separates the crown of the tooth and the root (normally it is located under the gum). Based on the histological structure, the following tissue layers are distinguished:

  • Enamel. Covers the crowns of teeth.
  • Dentine. It makes up the bulk of dental crowns and consists of mineralized connective tissue.
  • Pulp. Located inside dentin. Contains a large number of blood vessels and nerve fibers.
  • Cement. Envelops the roots of the teeth.

In an adult, the oral cavity under normal conditions should contain 28-32 teeth.

What diseases does an orthodontist treat?

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Crooked teeth (photo:

Normally, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws should be in close contact with each other when closed. An orthodontist works to restore the correct bite. The main pathologies treated by the doctor include:

  • Abnormal tooth structure.
  • Distal bite.
  • Macrognathia.
  • Crossbite.
  • Micrognathia.
  • Deep bite.
  • Excessive incisal overlap.
  • Prognathia.
  • Open bite.
  • Retrognathia.
  • Mesial bite.

The abnormal processes described above are caused by various size disturbances and incorrect position of the jaw, which is characterized by difficulties in speech production and disturbances in the aesthetic appearance of the face.

The lack of complete occlusion often leads to inadequate chewing function and, first of all, pathologies of the digestive tract.

And also, uneven load on the dentition, in turn, provokes the occurrence of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint, abnormal tooth abrasion, and increased sensitivity of the enamel.

What symptoms should you contact an orthodontist for?

You should contact an orthodontist with complaints such as:

  • Abrasion of teeth.
  • Pain, crunching, clicking in the temporomandibular joint.
  • Dental occlusion disorders.
  • Pain when trying to open your mouth.
  • Inability to connect lips.
  • Abnormal forward movement of the upper jaw.
  • Changing the face profile.
  • Difficulty biting food.
  • Recession of the chin.
  • Violation of aesthetics and facial symmetry.
  • Strongly pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Speech impairment.
  • Recession or eversion of the lower lip.
  • Bleeding, gum inflammation.
  • Pathological odor from the oral cavity.
  • "Bird" facial expression.
  • Redness, erosion on the oral mucosa.
  • Frequent biting of the inner surface of the cheeks.

What laboratory tests can an orthodontist prescribe?

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Allergy tests for drugs for dental anesthesia (photo:

The orthodontist may prescribe the following types of laboratory tests:

  • Blood sugar test.
  • Detailed general blood test.
  •  Hemostasiogram. Assessment of the blood clotting process.
  • Donating blood for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Allergy tests for anesthetics.

Instrumental examination methods

For a complete diagnosis and successful treatment of patients, the orthodontist prescribes the following basic types of instrumental examinations:

  • Taking impressions of the patient's jaws to make mouth guards and braces.
  • Panoramic x-ray of the upper and lower jaw, the entire dentition.
  • Survey radiography of the skull.
  • Electromyography. Makes it possible to understand the degree of activity of nerve and muscle fibers.
  • Computed tomography (CT). Provides extensive information about the condition of the entire oral cavity.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Used to assess the condition of the oral mucosa, regional lymph nodes, and salivary glands.

Advice from an orthodontist

Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Installed braces (photo:

Before installing braces, the orthodontist will give the following advice:

  • It is necessary to visit a dentist-therapist. The bracket system is installed only on a sanitized oral cavity.
  • Patients who have a history of any chronic diseases should inform their doctor about their presence (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease).
  • If a patient has filled teeth, cracks, or chips in the oral cavity, the doctor must warn that during the process of removing braces, damage to the crowns of the teeth is possible.
  • It is very important, before treatment, to warn the doctor about all allergic reactions in your history. This will help avoid complications during treatment and will enable the doctor to select the appropriate material for braces, for example, titanium.   

After installing the brace system, the orthodontist always gives the necessary recommendations, on compliance with which the further success of bite alignment and minimization of various complications depends. For example, such as:

  • The procedure for brushing your teeth should take place in front of a mirror, after each meal, using special brushes - in the form of a brush, a standard brush and with a notch on the middle surface. The brushes wear out quickly and require replacement every 14 days.
  • It is necessary to use dental floss after every meal.
  • Eating seeds and nuts can damage the braces system. These products should be avoided while wearing the device.
  • Food products that have a hard structure (apples, carrots, tough meat) cannot be bitten off; they must be cut into small pieces.
  • It is forbidden to eat foods that are sweet or have a viscous consistency (taffy, nougat, caramel, halva); the braces may come off.
  • It is not recommended to drink drinks that contain coloring substances.
  • Eating very cold or hot food is harmful.
  • After braces are installed, discomfort may persist for about one week.

Also, it is important to remember that brushing your teeth is an integral part of treatment, as well as a necessary measure to avoid various complications.

In case of prolonged pain when wearing leveling equipment or a violation of the structure of the device itself (unsticking, changing the position of braces, arches), you should urgently consult an orthodontist.


Treatment of which dental pathologies is within the competence of an orthodontist? Link to main publication
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