A prostate tumor can be considered the most common type of cancer affecting the male population. Prostate tumors in men are not so rare. The disease is classified as dangerous, so you should consult a doctor if you have the first symptoms.
When treatment is started at an early stage, the disease can be successfully managed. Even the most severe cases can be kept under control with the help of modern medical advances.
Malignant tumors give metastases if the disease has reached a serious stage of development. Sometimes even surgical intervention is ineffective, so treatment should be done as early as possible.
This will help not only preserve male strength, but also live for many more years.
What is the prostate gland
The prostate is the male internal gland. It consists of identical three lobes and measures 3x4 cm. It looks like a chestnut. The location area is just below the bladder in the small pelvis, the urethra is surrounded by a gland. For this reason, an enlarged prostate brings difficulties with the complete removal of urine from the body.
The functions of the prostate gland are:
- Increases sperm activity and increases their production;
- Produces a secretion that has the ability to liquefy sperm;
- Helps bring it out;
- Takes part in orgasm and enhances libido;
- During erections, it closes the outlet of the bladder.
The prostate has a special structure. It includes prostatic glands, consisting of glandular epithelium and making up most of the organ - their number can be 30-50 pieces. They resemble tubes that are surrounded by bubbles. The task of the elements is to ensure the production of prostatic juice, which represents a third of sperm.
The prostate contains smooth muscles, the contraction of which ensures the removal of prostatic juice from it. When this fluid stagnates inside the organ, inflammation can begin.
The outer part of the organ is covered with a capsule consisting of connective tissue. Elastic partitions go inward from it, and glands are placed between them.
The prostate gland can be easily felt through the wall of the rectum. It is located approximately 5 cm from the anus. An ordinary healthy gland is elastic, elastic when touched, and does not contain compactions or tissue nodules.
Features of the disease
There are few types of prostate tumor. Most often, patients are diagnosed with cancer or adenoma, which is benign hyperplasia of the organ. It can form due to changes in hormonal levels in men over fifty years of age.
An adenoma can develop from the stroma of an organ or its glandular tissue. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the functioning of the pelvic organs may be disrupted.
With an adenoma, a small nodule is formed in the thickness of the gland, which will gradually grow.
The prostate is located close to the urinary organs, so the growth of the formation will gradually put pressure on the urethra and lead to a deterioration in the urinary process, as a result of which the outflow of urine is disrupted.
Sometimes a lump in the prostate gland, which is characterized as a benign formation, can take on a malignant form. In this case, the main criterion for diagnosis becomes a certain content of prostatic antigen in the blood.
Benign adenoma is a fairly common pathology - approximately half of older people consult a doctor with complaints about the signs of this disease. In relatively young people, this situation occurs quite rarely.
BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia - is a common disease of unknown origin. It is believed that the development of a tumor can be provoked by the following factors:
- The patient is advanced in age;
- Endocrine disorders;
- Changes in the amount of androgens contained in the blood.
Factors such as STDs, irregular sex life, alcohol and nicotine abuse can also affect the development of tumors. Tumor formation begins in the center of the organ.
Its size gradually changes, and with it the location of the bladder.
The formation tries to grow in several directions - towards the rectum, towards the bladder, under the triangle in its area.
Symptoms of a prostate tumor may include:
- Frequent urges, most of which turn out to be false;
- Uncontrollable night urination;
- Problems with urine excretion without retention;
- Pain during the urination process;
- Weak jet pressure;
- A feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.
If the disease has progressed quite far, the above symptoms may be accompanied by poor urinary retention and urine output in drops.
Often, with this condition, acute urinary retention occurs, and blood may appear in it. Complications of this condition are cystitis, renal failure, vesiculitis, pyelonephritis, inflammatory process in the urethra.
Prostate cancer
If an unknown lump is found in the prostate, it can also be diagnosed as a cancerous tumor. It develops from the epithelial tissues of the gland.
The disease occurs quite often and poses a considerable danger to life.
The main problem is that such a disease may not manifest itself for a long time, and with late diagnosis, the effect of treatment is significantly reduced.
Prostate cancer can be tubular and alveolar, squamous cell, polymorphocellular, scirrhous, and there is also a type called adenocarcinoma, which is diagnosed more often than others. In second place in popularity is squamous cell carcinoma. Most often, cancer affects the peripheral parts of the prostate. It has not yet been possible to establish the exact cause of the development of the pathological process.
A prostate tumor in men can occur due to the following risks:
- The patient is often located in an ecologically unfavorable area (lives or works there);
- Carcinogenic substances penetrated into the human body;
- Old age or racial characteristics;
- Poor quality nutrition, bad habits;
- Hormonal changes;
- Progressive tumor development.
A malignant prostate tumor in men requires careful treatment. Their manifestation most often begins when the body is exposed to harmful carcinogens and toxic substances.
These include gases that are produced during welding, cadmium salts, and substances contained in rubber and released during combustion.
It is very important to eat right to avoid such health problems.
The risk arises from excessive consumption of food rich in lipids of animal origin; there may also be a lack of dietary fiber and retinol in the diet - these factors are also considered unfavorable. It is especially necessary to monitor your health for men whose family has already had cases such as prostate swelling or tumor.
The most common signs that a node in the prostate is a sign of cancer include increased desire to visit the toilet, incontinence and urge in vain, the patient’s weight decreases, there is general malaise, urinary incontinence or sluggish pressure, and the act of urination may suddenly stop for no reason. With more severe development, organ functions may be impaired. It may turn out that metastases have affected the lungs, liver, and pelvic bones.
Diagnosis and treatment
If a tumor is detected, the doctor will select treatment. It is prescribed only after the patient has been fully examined. The diagnostic process involves the following studies:
- Collection of medical history and life history;
- Rectal studies;
- Ultrasound examination of the prostate;
- Blood test - general and biochemical;
- Urography, uroflowmetry;
- Assessment of prostatic antigen content;
- Analysis of urine;
- Biochemistry;
- MRI.
To treat a benign prostate tumor, a conservative or surgical method can be chosen. When selecting medications, preference is given to alpha-blockers; traditional methods that use decoctions and infusions can also be included.
If a man is diagnosed with a prostate tumor, surgery may be the most effective option. The intervention can be open or minimally invasive. Surgery may be prescribed for recurrences of massive hematuria, simultaneous development of urolithiasis, secondary infections, or urinary retention.
If urinary retention is noted, your doctor may order an emergency catheterization procedure.
In the early stages of the disease, ablation, radiation therapy, and prostatectomy can be used to improve the condition. When the disease reaches the fourth stage, external irradiation is performed, which is also combined with the use of hormonal drugs, antiandrogens, and castration can be organized.
Late diagnosis of prostate cancer always has an unfavorable prognosis; such patients may live no more than a few years. Therefore, you should not neglect preventive examinations, and if prostatitis or adenoma is detected, examinations must be carried out at least once a year.
© 2018 – 2019, MedProstatit.ru. All rights reserved.
Source: https://MedProstatit.ru/opuhol-predstatelnoj-zhelezy.html
What diseases can cause lumps in the prostate?
Any disease of the prostate gland affects not only the functioning of the organ, but also its structure. Thus, one of the signs of pathological processes in the prostate is compaction. What diseases can cause changes in the density of prostate tissue? The most likely causes of the lump are inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), or cancer.
An accurate diagnosis can only be determined after a complete medical examination and examination. However, preliminary conclusions about the type of pathology can be made based on the clinical picture of the disease.
Why do lumps occur with prostatitis?
Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The cause of its development is infectious pathogens or prolonged stagnation. The beginning of the pathology is the formation of a focus of inflammation: more blood enters the tissues, swelling occurs.
With timely treatment, the seal resolves. If prostatitis becomes chronic, irreversible damage to the tissue structure can occur in inflammatory foci: nodes and scars appear.
Sometimes a cyst develops at the site of the inflammatory process - a capsule of connective tissue with liquid contents inside.
Another reason for the appearance of dense areas in the prostate gland is a complication of chronic prostatitis such as calcifications.
Stones are formed from calcium salts, phosphates, exfoliated epithelium as a result of inflammation and necrotic masses.
Timely treatment of prostatitis allows you to avoid the development of complications and eliminate all pathological changes in the structure of the prostate.
Signs of prostate inflammation
Chronic prostatitis has a less pronounced clinical picture. Symptoms appear only during exacerbations. Antibacterial therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat inflammatory processes.
Small cystic formations are removed using medication or by puncturing and gluing the walls of the cyst. If intensive growth of the formation is observed, surgical treatment is recommended. To eliminate calcifications, laser crushing and surgery are used.
How does tissue structure change in adenoma?
Prostatic hyperplasia is considered an age-related disease. Since the organ is androgen-dependent, changes in hormonal levels and a decrease in the concentration of male sex hormones have a certain impact on its structure.
In epithelial and stromal tissues, areas appear where intensive cell division occurs.
As a result, a small lump (or several lumps) appears at first, which grows over time and leads to a significant increase in the size of the prostate gland.
Main symptoms of hyperplasia
Lack of treatment at the initial stage of the disease leads to a deterioration in the outflow of urine and disruption of the functioning of all organs of the urinary system. Constant stagnation of urine leads to intoxication of the body with nitrogen metabolism products and a general deterioration of the condition. Without the necessary medical care, death is possible.
Drug treatment for benign prostate hyperplasia is aimed at stopping the growth of the tumor and improving urine flow. If the compaction is large and there is no effect of conservative therapy, surgical treatment is used.
What symptoms may indicate the malignant nature of heterogeneities
Like benign hyperplasia, cancers develop mainly in adulthood. The risk group includes men over 60-65 years of age. At the initial stage of the disease, tumor formation occurs without visible signs.
The compaction can be determined during preventive examinations.
With further development of the tumor, symptoms appear that are somewhat similar to an adenoma: the number of urges to urinate increases, the outflow of urine is difficult and occurs with less intensity.
Symptoms indicating the possible development of prostate cancer also include:
- burning sensation when urinating;
- there may be an admixture of blood in the urine (the tumor causes injury to capillaries and larger blood vessels);
- the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse, especially after ejaculation.
With further growth, the cancerous tumor can spread beyond the gland, penetrating into the bladder and rectum. Signs of oncology are deterioration of the general condition: nausea, dizziness, feeling of weakness, shortness of breath. If a malignant tumor develops, identifying it in the early stages is very important.
Prostate cancer successfully treated at the first stage does not limit the patient’s life span, while detection of pathology at the second and subsequent stages leads to a significant reduction in life expectancy. Today there are many treatment methods: drug therapy, chemotherapy, surgery and others.
Identification of irregularities in the prostate occurs during a rectal digital examination or ultrasound of the prostate gland. The density, size, degree of echogenicity of the seals and general symptoms allow a preliminary diagnosis to be made.
To clarify the type of pathology, additional studies may be needed:
- a clinical blood test makes it possible to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process;
- Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to more accurately determine the type of structural changes in tissue;
- to determine the nature of the tumor, a blood test for PSA (prostate-specific agent) is performed;
- If cancer is suspected, a biopsy of modified tissue is performed.
To prevent the development of diseases affecting the structure and function of the prostate gland, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations once a year. Men over 55-60 years of age, due to the increasing likelihood of tumor formation, are recommended to visit a specialist 2 times a year.
Source: https://kaklechitprostatit.ru/priznaki-i-simptomy/uplotnenie-v-prostate.html
Lump in the prostate: causes, symptoms and treatment if it occurs
The prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system. The main function of the organ is to produce the liquid part of the seminal fluid, which contains proteins of the immune system, enzymes, zinc, vitamins and many other components that affect the fertilizing ability of the seed.
Prostate diseases can not only reduce a man’s sexual function, but also significantly impair the quality of life. Therefore, it is important to diagnose pathologies in the early stages and begin timely treatment.
Seals in the prostate gland are one of the main symptoms indicating the obvious presence of a pathological process in the organ.
What causes this symptom?
In total, there are 3 prostate diseases that cause compaction:
- Inflammation of the gland, called prostatitis.
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia or adenoma.
- Cancer.
Prostate diseases have different mechanisms of occurrence, but still they have many common etiological factors that cause the pathological process. In general, in order to systematize knowledge, they can be combined and considered together, which will be useful for primary prevention. Thus, compaction in the prostate occurs when the following risk factors are combined or isolated:
- The age of a man is over 50 years, since at this time hormonal changes begin in the body - a decrease in testosterone, an increase in estrogen.
- Congenital anatomical features of the gland.
- A sedentary lifestyle causes blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.
- Drinking alcohol, smoking, excess weight.
- Bacterial or viral agents entering the prostate tissue.
Controlled risk factors should be corrected whenever possible, or better yet completely eliminated before treatment begins.
For preventive purposes, it is best for men to visit a urologist after 40 years of age, because in the first stages there are no manifestations at all, and hardening of the prostate, which can be detected by digital examination, is the only sign of an existing pathological process.
What manifestations does the altered tissue have?
Tissue compaction in the prostate gland cannot be felt, but it can cause various manifestations. In each individual person they have varying degrees of severity, which depends on the stage of damage to the gland. For convenience, all symptoms can be divided into several groups:
- General somatic: fatigue, headaches or dizziness, nausea, in an acute process fever is possible, etc.
- Pain, the possibility of irradiation cannot be ruled out.
- Problems with urination: difficulty passing urine, the need to make an effort, increased frequency of urination (including at night), etc.
- Decreased sexual function: problems with erection, impaired ejaculation, decreased libido, etc.
To determine which disease caused the tissue compaction, you should focus on the examination data and other present symptoms, because the clinical picture of prostatitis, adenoma and cancer is different.
The following research methods will help to make a final diagnosis:
- General clinical blood and urine tests.
- Blood PSA.
- Rectal digital palpation.
- Rectoscopy (endoscopic method).
- Analysis of prostatic secretion.
- Biopsy of prostate tissue and histological examination.
- Cystoscopy (endoscopic examination of the bladder).
- Ultrasound of the prostate.
These techniques are basic for differential diagnosis of prostate diseases. The scope of diagnostic measures and examination tactics are established by the doctor, and treatment is subsequently prescribed.
Therapeutic measures
The choice of treatment method depends primarily on the final diagnosis, then on the degree of compaction, proliferation of gland tissue, the general condition of the body and many other factors. In total, there are two directions in therapy: conservative and radical treatment.
Acute processes are treated only conservatively, and when symptoms decrease, it becomes possible to use treatment methods aimed at excision of prostate tissue.
Conservative treatment of inflammatory seals includes the prescription of NSAIDs (diclofenac), drugs that stimulate the functioning of the immune system, multivitamins, antibiotics, antivirals and others.
Seals that are non-inflammatory in nature are treated differently: hormonal and antiandrogenic drugs, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Herbal medicine is very popular, the preparations of which help eliminate problems associated with urination.
The most famous representative of phytotherapeutic drugs on the modern market is Prostamol Uno.
In some situations, radical treatment is indicated, which can be performed through open surgery or using minimally invasive technologies. Open surgical interventions are traumatic for the patient and are therefore performed in rare cases (no more than 3%).
At the present stage of development of medical technologies, the “gold standard” is considered to be the removal of part of the prostatic gland through the urethra (transurethral resection of the prostate). Some operations aim to remove the gland by exposure to physical factors (ablation): thermotherapy, ultrasound, holmium laser enucleation, etc.
Other surgical interventions are aimed at restoring the patency of the urinary canal (urethral stenting).
Do not forget that a lump in the prostate is not a final diagnosis. This is only a symptom that a doctor can identify when performing rectal digital palpation of the organ. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this symptom not in isolation, but the human body as a whole, taking into account the data of all observations and analyzes.
Source: https://spacream.ru/zdorove/muzhskoe-zdorove/chto-takoe-uplotnenie-predstatelnoj-zhelezy-i-kak-lechit-pri-etom-yavlenii
Complications and consequences of prostatitis for men: what threatens and what causes inflammation of the prostate
- Urologist-andrologist 1st category Denis Georgievich
- 47836
- Update date: December 2019
Inflammation of the prostate gland is a dangerous disease, but not all men are aware of the possible risks and complications. The inflammatory process must be treated. The consequences of prostatitis, if the disease is left to chance, are reflected in the functioning of the entire organism as a whole.
Changes in prostate tissue
Symptoms of prostatitis are pain, difficulty urinating, weakened erection. These manifestations of the disease are directly related to changes in the prostate gland that occur against the background of the inflammatory process.
With prostatitis, the prostate gland becomes irritated and swollen. An increase in the size of the organ causes specific symptoms due to compression of the urethra and irritation of pain receptors located nearby tissues.
In addition to severe symptoms, which significantly worsen a man’s quality of life, the inflammatory process is dangerous due to structural changes in the tissues of the organ. They occur with low-grade inflammation and are characterized by scar formation.
Replacement of the muscle and glandular tissues of the organ with connective tissue leads to disruption of the functionality of the gland.
This disease is known as prostate sclerosis, and is diagnosed during a long course of chronic prostatitis without qualified treatment.
The consequences of prostatitis in this case are irreversible without surgical intervention. Symptoms of sclerotic changes in prostate tissue:
- inability to fully empty the bladder;
- inflammation of the bladder and seminal vesicles;
- sharp and cutting pain in the perineum;
- erectile disfunction.
The only treatment for prostate sclerosis is surgery.
The disease is difficult to treat. One of the dangerous consequences of glandular sclerosis is the formation of residual urine, which enters the kidneys and provokes their infection.
In addition to discomfort and lack of erection, the pathology can cause the development of acute renal failure. Such complications of prostatitis are observed 5-10 years after the onset of the disease.
Factors predisposing to prostate scarring due to prostatitis are older age, vascular atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders, and hypertension.
To treat this pathology, minimally invasive surgical methods are used, for example, laser vaporization of connective tissue. During the procedure, the changed areas of the organ literally evaporate due to laser exposure.
Chronic prostatitis
Acute inflammation of the prostate is characterized by specific symptoms. The disease is successfully treated with antibiotics, but after symptoms have resolved, patients are required to undergo long-term maintenance therapy to restore prostate function.
Many people are interested in: what will happen if prostatitis is not treated, and what are the dangers of this disease?
An incomplete course of treatment for prostate inflammation eventually results in the development of chronic, sluggish prostatitis. The symptoms of this form of the disease are mild, and most often manifest themselves as an increased urge to go to the toilet. Chronic prostatitis may not manifest itself for a long time and may not bother a man, but changes will occur in the prostate gland.
Over time, the disease always makes itself felt with a sudden exacerbation of symptoms. This is manifested by acute pain, stagnation of urine, and increased body temperature. During the examination, changes in the organ are usually noted - scars in the tissues, irritation, enlargement of the prostate.
Prostatitis and its consequences may not appear immediately, but make themselves felt many years after the onset of the disease.
Chronic prostatitis leads to dysfunction of the organ. This negatively affects a man’s hormonal levels and well-being. First of all, reproductive function suffers. It is very difficult to treat this form of the disease; therapy boils down to preventing an exacerbation of symptoms.
Prostatitis worsens well-being and sex life
Adenoma and malignant neoplasms
The consequences of prostatitis are not always manifested by the development of prostate adenoma - this disease can be considered as an independent pathology.
First of all, the development of adenoma is caused by increased production of dihydrotestosterone with a simultaneous decrease in the rate of testosterone synthesis.
Predisposing factors are also genetic predisposition and natural aging of the body.
Nevertheless, the relationship between chronic prostatitis and the development of adenoma is clearly visible. A sluggish inflammatory process leads to prostate dysfunction. The prostate is a hormone-dependent organ, therefore, if its functioning is disrupted, there is a disruption in the production and absorption of sex hormones.
At the same time, there is an increase in androgen synthesis. Dihydrotestestron serves as a kind of fuel for the functioning of the prostate gland, so its excess is absorbed by the gland tissue.
Against this background, there is a rapid enlargement of the prostate and structural changes in the tissues of the organ, known as benign hyperplasia or adenoma.
Symptoms of adenoma are primarily associated with impaired urine outflow and bladder function. Quite often, men are faced with the inability to urinate. The development of acute urinary retention requires hospitalization and catheter placement.
Prostate adenoma cannot be treated. Even surgical intervention does not guarantee the absence of relapse in the future, except for radical prostatectomy. Even after laser prostate surgery, men must take pills that block androgen production for life to prevent recurrence of prostate hyperplasia.
The relationship between prostate cancer and prostatitis is controversial. On the one hand, oncopathology occurs in men who have never encountered prostatitis in their lives, but on the other hand, the percentage of cancer among patients who have had prostate inflammation is much higher.
Thus, doctors agree that prostatitis is not a guarantee of the development of cancer, but is a serious prerequisite for malignant neoplasm in the prostate.
Such consequences of prostatitis are very dangerous; they significantly shorten a man’s life and in some cases lead to death.
Prostatitis is considered a provoking factor for tumors in the prostate
Disorders of the urinary system
The consequences of chronic prostatitis for men often result in disruption of the urinary system. Constant compression of the urethra by the swollen prostate leads to a narrowing of its lumen. This prevents the bladder from emptying normally. Symptoms of this condition:
- constant urge to urinate;
- feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- the need to strain the groin muscles when urinating;
- weak stream of urine;
- burning and pain in the urethra.
With prostatitis, complications lie in the risk of kidney dysfunction.
This is due to stagnation of residual urine in the bladder due to its dysfunction, which provides a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
With infected urine, pathogenic agents are thrown into the kidneys, causing them to become infected. Inflammation of the kidneys can lead to serious impairment of their function, including the development of failure.
To eliminate a condition in which the bladder does not empty completely, an operation is performed during which a valve is installed to ensure stable operation of the urinary system. This is a last resort; a catheter is usually used to empty the bladder.
Reproductive system dysfunction
The most common complication of prostatitis, which makes itself felt quite quickly, is disruption of the reproductive system, a gradual decrease in fertility with further infertility.
First of all, potency suffers. Usually this is not due to physiological changes, but to psychological stress due to specific symptoms of prostatitis.
Over time, due to the thickening of prostate juice and a decrease in the lumen of the urethra, problems with ejaculation appear - the patient either ejaculates too quickly or cannot achieve orgasm during sex.
All this ultimately leads to erectile dysfunction, up to complete sexual impotence.
Decreased fertility is due to changes in the composition of prostate juice. The first thing that chronic prostatitis leads to is a violation of sperm motility.
This is due to a reduction in the number of lecithin grains in the prostate secretion.
As the disease progresses, these protein compounds completely disappear, so over time the man loses the ability to fertilize and is diagnosed with infertility.
Prostatitis reduces the ability to conceive
The only way to prevent such consequences is a timely course of comprehensive treatment of prostatitis. If, after treatment of the underlying disease, a man still has problems with erection, additional therapy is indicated to restore sexual function.
It is important to remember: almost any complication can be prevented if you do not let the disease take its course.
Any signs of erectile dysfunction, decreased desire for the opposite sex, or other consequences of prostatitis in men should be discussed in a timely manner with your doctor.
Complications from the nervous system
In addition to functional disorders in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system, as a result of untreated prostatitis, problems with the nervous system remain. These complications include:
- depression;
- apathy;
- asthenic syndrome;
- neuroses.
Such disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system always entail a decrease in cognitive functions - memory, attention, mental abilities. In this case, performance always suffers, which negatively affects the patient’s quality of life.
Disorders of the nervous system are caused by constant stress and psycho-emotional stress that accompany the symptoms of prostatitis. Due to the constant urge to go to the toilet, a man does not get enough sleep, and this becomes the first alarm signal indicating the imminent appearance of nervous disorders.
A psychotherapist and neurologist can help cure such complications. To do this, it is necessary to take medications that normalize the activity of the nervous system and allow you to fight stress and increased mental stress. Particular attention should be paid to depression remaining after an exacerbation of prostatitis. This is a dangerous condition that has a destructive effect on the nervous system and human psyche.
If you are depressed, you cannot do without the help of a specialist.
Complications of acute bacterial inflammation
Complications that are difficult to treat and radically change the patient’s life are observed with chronic prostatitis. As a rule, such consequences develop over years, but do not appear overnight.
At the same time, acute infectious prostatitis can lead to serious complications that require urgent hospitalization. We are talking about a prostate abscess - a dangerous pathology in which a cavity filled with pus forms in the prostate gland and necrotic changes in the tissue begin.
This condition can lead to infection of the entire body. Abscess rupture, without timely hospitalization, can cause death.
Prostatitis is a dangerous pathology that leads to serious consequences that affect the entire body as a whole. Complications can be prevented only by timely treatment of this disease.
Until August 10, the Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is conducting the program “Russia without prostatitis .” Within which the drug Predstanol is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!
Source: https://ProstatitNo.ru/prostatit/posledstviya-prostatita/
Various tumors in the prostate: symptoms and causes
- Tumors are types of prostate diseases.
- With such pathologies, the swollen gland compresses the urethra, making urination difficult.
- In the article we will talk about what tumors in the prostate are, what causes them to arise, and also what methods of treatment there are for nodules in the prostate gland.
- We will look at the reasons for their occurrence and what the possible prognosis is.
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About the disease
The statement is true in relation to any organ of the body: if it is not subjected to stress for a long time, it degrades and becomes ill.
In relation to the prostate, it is correct many times, since it has several functions:
- The prostate gland is involved in the process of urine excretion.
- Produces prostate secretion, which makes up thirty percent of the mass of sperm and is responsible for its nutrition.
- The secretion of the prostate mixes with sperm flowing from the seminal vesicles in the urethra adjacent to the gland.
- The receptors of the gland are irritated by streams of secretion at the moment of ejaculation, as a result the man gets an orgasm.
Stagnation of prostate secretion and blood flow in it leads to disruption of the blood supply to neighboring organs. Blood clots form in the vessels, causing disruption of the muscles in this area. Muscle sagging negatively affects the functioning of the entire genitourinary system.
All these factors create favorable conditions for the development of tumors, among which are:
- benign (benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate adenoma);
- malignant (carcinoma, cancer).
They should not be confused with prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate.
A benign tumor is different in that it can always be determined that its cells were formed precisely from gland cells. They grow slowly over the years, have no general effect on the body, and do not cause metastases.
Malignant tumors often lose even their external resemblance to the tissue of the organ from which they grow. They quickly increase in size, and the quantitative and spatial relationship between the components of tissues and cells is disrupted. Metastases occur in neighboring organs. The patient's entire body is affected.
Contrary to popular belief, prostate diseases such as prostatitis, adenoma, carcinoma have different causes, consequences and treatment methods. They are not a consequence of each other's development. They often occur simultaneously, since the favorable factors for the development of these diseases are the same.
The causes of focal formation in the prostate gland have not been sufficiently studied. The prevailing opinion is that adenoma is an almost inevitable age-related phenomenon; only the age at which he gets sick depends on the behavior of a particular man.
Cancer (carcinoma) is more often associated with unfavorable ecology, although the percentage of cases also increases with age. We can only say unequivocally that the development of all types of focal formations of the prostate gland is facilitated by the consumption of alcohol and nicotine.
IMPORTANT! Alcohol interferes with blood flow to the prostate area. This reduces testosterone production. It is this hormone that is responsible for potency and sexual desire. When its level is insufficient, libido decreases. The effect of alcohol on the liver leads to an excess of female sex hormones in a man’s body, which affects the quality of sperm and appearance.
Nicotine consumption:
- reduces testosterone levels;
- disrupts vascular microcirculation and its venous outflow;
- reduces prostate tone;
- reduces immunity.
Symptoms and signs
Symptoms of prostate tumor in men:
- Problems with urination.
- Weak erection.
- Weakened or absent orgasm.
The fact of gland enlargement is recorded by the doctor using the rectal-digital method.
These symptoms may indicate the occurrence of a benign tumor (adenoma) or a malignant tumor (cancer). Experts determine what specific neoplasms of the prostate gland these symptoms may indicate based on data from tests, tissue samples, and ultrasound.
Which doctor should I go to if I have any suspicions?
How often and at what age to undergo a preventive examination with a doctor depends on the age and individual characteristics of the patient. Statistics say that prostate diseases are getting younger every year.
Gland disease sometimes has a hidden form, which can only be detected through tests. It is recommended to visit an andrologist annually from the age of forty. Early detection of lumps in the prostate gland will allow it to be treated with medication and surgery to be avoided.
Nodule in the prostate: what is it? A nodule or lump in the prostate may indicate the onset of development of either a benign or a malignant prostate tumor.
A prostate tumor is detected during a digital or ultrasound examination - a signal for further thorough diagnosis and testing.
A benign tumor of the gland has three stages of development:
- At the first stage, difficulty urinating increases, it is accompanied by increasing efforts, and unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen become constant. The flow of semen becomes difficult, the man feels constant fatigue.
- In the second stage, the man constantly wants to urinate, and the bladder never completely empties.
- On the third stage, urine has to be squeezed out drop by drop until the flow stops completely and the bladder performs its functions. The ureter and kidneys are greatly enlarged.
IMPORTANT! At the developed second and beginning of the third stage, surgery cannot be avoided, which can be performed both traditionally and using a laser.
Prostate dysplasia refers to changes in the structural tissue of the prostate that can lead to the development of both benign and malignant tumors. Identifying a nodule in the prostate gland in a timely manner, through timely testing, means defeating these diseases before they occur.
Malignant prostate tumor (carcinoma) is the most serious disease of the prostate. Half of the people who die from cancer in our country die from this type of cancer.
The insidiousness of prostate cancer - at an early stage there are often no symptoms at all. At this stage, cancer is detected only by a blood test for prostate specific antigen (PSA).
In subsequent stages, the following arise:
- involuntary loss of urine;
- exhaustion;
- impotence;
- leg paralysis;
- constipation;
- swelling;
- blood in semen and urine;
- cysts, stones, in the prostate;
- sharp pain in the perineum during defecation or attempts at sex;
- at the last stage, metastases occur in neighboring organs.
As a rule, a diagnosis of cancer means the upcoming surgical removal of a prostate mass, followed by operations on all organs affected by metastases or their chemotherapy.
Benefits of preventative measures
But the most useful thing for a man is to constantly remember the need to prevent tumors. Each type of disease has its own cause. Prevention consists of eliminating or weakening the causes of a possible disease and includes several areas.
Prevention of prostate tumors as an age-related phenomenon includes measures to prolong adulthood:
- Primary prostate prevention is to use your behavior to prevent the occurrence and development of prostate disease in people at risk. These are exercise therapy, diet, sports, water procedures.
- Secondary prevention of prostate diseases covers measures taken after successful treatment to prevent relapses . Men over forty years of age should take such measures regardless of whether they have undergone treatment or not.
- Healthy sleep. A man needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. But no more than ten, otherwise it will be a sedentary lifestyle that is harmful to the prostate. It is advisable that sleep occurs at night time that is familiar to the body. Avoid fatigue, rest in a timely manner.
- Stress. If possible, avoid stress that is dangerous for the prostate. Stop gambling. If you are at risk of glandular diseases, you should not engage in a dangerous business or activity. If possible, find a quieter profession.
- Sports activities. Prostatitis develops when there is insufficient oxygen supply to the prostate and pelvic organs. During physical activity, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves. Therefore, exercise is beneficial for the treatment of prostate tumors in men.
Sports that should be done to prevent prostate diseases:
- race walking;
- run;
- GTO complex;
- swimming in the pool.
You should swim in the pool, and not in natural bodies of water. It is important that the water temperature is not lower than normal.
Increase the risk of developing tumors:
- weightlifting;
- cycling;
- bodybuilding;
- driving a car;
- computer games;
- winter fishing.
Sex. If possible, improve your sex life, make it regular. Live with a regular partner. Masturbation is also suitable as a last resort, but do not abuse this pleasure. Otherwise, instead of relief, you will get depression of a different nature. We wish you to find a real woman as soon as possible.
Diet. The male body, the prostate tissue, must receive fatty acids. For the prostate, it is useful to include foods fortified with zinc, pumpkin seeds, and seafood in your diet. You should eat at least one raw onion and a clove of garlic per day.
Visit to the bathhouse. Baths, saunas, warm, hot baths are designed to mobilize the body's defenses. The only precaution is not to get carried away with the steam room. Excessive exposure to it can cause swelling of the prostate.
As for swimming in an ice hole and winter swimming, it is better for men at risk to refuse such pleasures. Any cooling of the pelvic area increases the likelihood of illness. After thirty, it is better to limit yourself to a contrast shower after a hot bath.
IMPORTANT! Eliminate bad habits. The less alcohol you drink, the better it is for the prostate. Ideally, don’t use it at all!
Combining nicotine with alcohol is especially harmful to the prostate . This seriously changes the hormonal balance. A man does not enjoy sex and loses interest in women. Stagnation occurs in the prostate area and inflammation develops.
A healthy lifestyle can delay the occurrence of benign prostate tumors as much as possible and reduce the likelihood of malignant ones. Its observance is a condition for a happy old age.
Source: https://samec.guru/zabolevaniya/urologiya/zabolevaniya-prostaty/opuholi.html