
What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

First, let's figure out what diseases are within the competence of a rheumatologist.

What does a rheumatologist treat?

Today, the list of rheumatological diseases is quite large (over 200 diseases), however, there is a conditional classification of rheumatological diseases.

  • What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?Systemic diseases accompanied by damage to connective tissues;
  • Diseases arising against the background of pathological dysfunction of the immune system;
  • Diseases of the joints of the bone base of the chest, spine and skull (axial skeleton);
  • Diseases of the joints of the upper and lower extremities, as well as their girdle (accessory skeleton);
  • Systemic vasculitis;
  • Cardiac pathology;

Below we provide a small list of diseases that need to be treated with the help of this doctor.

  • Synovitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the inner layer of the joint capsule and subsequent accumulation of fluid (exudate) in the location of the inflammatory process;
  • Bursitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous bursae in the joint area;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic joint disorder localized in the SIJ, soft paravertebral tissues and joints of the spinal column;
  • Adamantiadis-Behçet disease is a systemic immunopathological inflammation of the joints of unknown origin, accompanied by damage to the mucous tissues of the organs of vision, skin tissues, genitals and oral cavity;
  • What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?Gout is a chronic disease that develops against the background of metabolic disorders, which provokes the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints;
  • Systemic scleroderma is a connective tissue disease of autoimmune etiology that occurs against the background of generalized fibrosis, inflammation and microcirculation disorders, accompanied by damage to skin tissue, internal organs, musculoskeletal structures and blood vessels;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is systemic, characterized by damage to small joints, and has a complex autoimmune development and course. May cause joint deformation;
  • Acquired heart defects are a group of diseases that occur against the background of morphological and/or functional changes in one/several heart valves, leading to pathological disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • Osteoporosis is a bone disease caused by calcium deficiency, characterized by increased bone fragility;
  • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis is an autoimmune inflammation (granulomatous) of the walls of blood vessels, affecting small blood vessels and internal organs;
  • Fibromyalgia. To date, the cause of this disease is not known, it is characterized by pain syndrome of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Sharp's syndrome is a systemic disease that combines the individual phenomena of dermatomyositis, lupus erythematosus and scleroderma;
  • Dermatomyositis (Wagner's disease) is a severe systemic disease of connective, skin and muscle tissues, leading to disorder of muscle functions, the formation of erythema on the skin, edema of blood vessels, accompanied by damage to internal organs. Often complicated by purulent processes of calcification;
  • Arthrosis is a chronic disease of the joints, leading to joint deformation and limited mobility;
  • Spondylosis is a disease that occurs against the background of dysfunction of the endocrine system (during the aging process);
  • Tick-borne borreliosis is a disease that occurs when a tick bites and subsequent bacteria (at least 5 different species) enter the human body. If there is a predisposition, the disease affects joint tissue, the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as the organs of vision;
  • Reactive arthritis is a disease that occurs with damage to joint tissues, occurring against the background of an infectious lesion of the body;
  • SLE (Liebman-Sachs disease) is a systemic pathology of connective tissue of a diffuse nature, occurring with immunocomplex damage to the connective tissue, as well as its derivatives, involving microcirculation vessels;

In addition to the diseases listed, a rheumatologist treats juvenile idiopathic arthritis, including Still's disease, sicca, Takayasu's arteritis, hypersensitivity and cryoglobulinemic vasculitis, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, Henoch-Schönlein purpura and more.

When to see a rheumatologist

There are several symptoms, when they appear, you need to contact this specialist as soon as possible.

  • What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?The joints will become very tight (crack);
  • The presence of aches in the bone skeleton is noted;
  • There is inflammation in the joint area;
  • Pain syndrome in the area of ​​joints, muscle tissue, bones that has been present for a long time without any reason;
  • Low joint mobility, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, including pain. Pain increases with exertion;
  • Stiffness in the body, especially after a night's sleep;

Symptoms of rheumatological diseases may include fever, skin rashes, dizziness, and others.

In general, there are much more symptoms of systemic diseases, but, as a rule, they are initially addressed to a general practitioner, and the doctor subsequently refers them to a rheumatologist.

There are also situations in which you should contact a rheumatologist as a preventative measure.

  • If among your close relatives anyone has/is suffering from Liebman-Sachs disease, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic vasculitis or systemic scleroderma;
  • If there are frequent infectious diseases, sore throat;
  • There is a prolonged and causeless increase in body temperature;
  • There is a sharp decrease in body weight without any significant reasons;

What diagnostic methods and laboratory tests may be required?

In most cases, it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without instrumental diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests. This can be explained by the similarity of manifestations of various rheumatological diseases.

  • UAC;
  • What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?Blood test for inflammation and autoimmune activity (rheumatoid factor;
  • Radiography. This procedure is primary during diagnosis and allows you to assess the condition of various tissues;
  • TANK;
  • Blood test for ESR;
  • Some methods of ultrasound examination (ECHOCG, for example);
  • MRI is considered an additional diagnostic method in rheumatology, however, it is desirable as information for comparison;
  • Densitometry;
  • Blood test for antibodies to native DNA (if systemic lupus is suspected)
  • Blood test for CRP;
  • Blood test for uric acid, total protein;
  • CT;
  • Neopterin;
  • Blood test for antinuclear and anticitrullinated factor;

Advice from a rheumatologist

Any person knows that the best treatment for a disease is to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence. Many rheumatological diseases can be prevented by following the tips below.

  • What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?It is necessary to play sports and lead an active lifestyle in general. Sports should be understood as swimming, athletics and others, but it is better to exclude weightlifting sports;
  • During working hours of the day, it is advisable to avoid long delays in one position, and if this is not possible, then periodically you should do warm-up or gymnastics;
  • Walk more in the fresh air;
  • Watch your posture;
  • During the cold season, vitamins/vitamin complexes will not be superfluous;
  • Proper and balanced nutrition is a prerequisite for a healthy body;
  • Avoid hypothermia;

Considering the fact of difficult and lengthy, and sometimes unsuccessful, treatment of various rheumatological diseases, following the above advice is good care for your health and future. However, the choice is always yours. Do not be ill.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

What does a rheumatologist do?

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

What does a pediatric rheumatologist treat?


Rheumatologist. What does it treat?

The field of activity of a rheumatologist is the specialization of practical medicine called rheumatology. This science deals with inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of joints, as well as systemic inflammatory processes in connective tissues.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

Work of a rheumatologist: main groups of rheumatological diseases

A modern rheumatologist has a wide “work front” compared to other medical specialties: the range of rheumatic pathologies is so wide, and the mechanisms of their development are diverse, that this doctor must be competent in cardiology, immunology, hematology, and nephrology at the same time.

The doctor's list of rheumatologists includes more than two hundred ailments that manifest themselves as decreased range of motion, pain and inflammation in different areas of the musculoskeletal system.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist? to contents ^


This name unites a whole group of diseases in which an inflammatory process develops in the joints, accompanied by deformation.

Types of arthritis:

  1. Rheumatoid - manifests itself in the form of damage to small joints.
  2. Osteoarthritis is a pathological process in which cartilage tissue loses its density.
  3. Reactive is a pathology that occurs as a complication of infections of the intestines and genitourinary system.
  4. Gout is a pathological condition caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints.
  5. Psoriatic is one of the symptoms of psoriasis.

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Myths about arthritis

The most common misconceptions about arthritis are:

  • Elderly people suffer from arthritis. In reality, this pathology has no age limits;
  • cold climates and high humidity provoke the development of arthritis. In fact, such factors are not decisive in the occurrence of these pathologies;
  • Arthritis develops due to poor nutrition. There is no specific scientific data on the relationship between certain types of food and the occurrence of such diseases. The only exception is gout.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

All types of arthritis are accompanied by pain, forced limitation of movements and further deformation at the site of localization of the pathological process.

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Pathologies of periarticular soft tissues

Periarticular refers to all the soft tissues surrounding the joint: tendons, ligaments, joint capsule and nearby small muscles. When a pathological process begins in any of these tissues, the following diseases occur:

  • bursitis is a pathology localized in the joint capsule;
  • periarthritis – damage to all tissues located near the joint;
  • tendonitis - inflammation in the tendons;
  • fasciitis is an inflammatory process in the membranes covering muscle tissue.

Symptoms of such pathologies are swelling and pain at the site of inflammation, limited mobility. Seeking help from a rheumatologist in the early stages of the development of the pathological process has a favorable prognosis.

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  Hemostasiologist: what kind of doctor and what diseases does he treat?

Diffuse connective tissue diseases

Failures in the functioning of the immune system lead to the production of antibodies to substances contained in the cells of one’s own body. The result is inflammation of the connective tissues.

The most common of these diseases is rheumatism. Several types of it are known:

  1. Rheumatism of the skin, manifested by red rashes, subcutaneous nodules, increased sweating, and pallor.
  2. Rheumatic carditis, or a pathological process in the membranes of the heart. It is characterized by pain in the heart, weakness, tachycardia, hypotension, and elevated temperature. Most often it occurs as a complication after illnesses caused by streptococci.
  3. Rheumopleurisy, or inflammation of the pleural membrane of the lungs. Shortness of breath, fever, chest pain, and cough occur.
  4. Rheumopolyarthritis is an inflammation that occurs in the joints. Accompanied by high fever, pain and joint deformation.
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In addition to rheumatism, other pathological conditions of connective tissues in the body are known:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus. It occurs due to the body’s production of antibodies to the DNA of its own cells. It manifests itself as convulsions, a rash in the cheekbone area, and ulcers in the mouth. Arthritis and other rheumatic pathologies may develop as concomitant diseases.
  • Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis. The symptoms of the disease are similar to rheumatism, so only a rheumatologist can diagnose it. Damage to the vascular walls develops, their lumen decreases, they thicken and become inelastic.

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Vascular damage - vasculitis

With vasculitis, as a result of pathological activity of the immune system, blood vessels are affected. The following types of vasculitis are known:

  1. Behçet's disease, which affects the blood vessels of the body's mucous membranes.
  2. Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a pathology of arterial walls in the respiratory tract, kidneys, and eyes. At the site of inflammation, tissue death is possible.
  3. Microscopic polyangiitis is a pathological process that occurs in the vessels of organs.
  4. Buerger's disease is a blockage of arterial cavities.
  5. Horton's arteritis is a pathology of the temporal artery.

Rheumatic diseases affect the quality of human life. If treatment is incorrect or absent, simple daily activities (maintaining personal hygiene, walking) become difficult and performance is lost. This is one of the common reasons for issuing certificates of incapacity for work and early retirement.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist? to contents ^

Alarming symptoms: a reason to consult a rheumatologist

Reasons to suspect that you have pathologies of a rheumatic nature are the following manifestations:

  • persistent feeling of ill health: constant causeless fatigue, malaise, weakness;
  • persistent pain in the joints, pain when pressing;
  • deformation of joints (one or more);
  • inflammation in the joint, which is manifested by limited mobility, redness, swelling, and a feeling of heat at the location;
  • impaired limb function due to limited joint mobility.

If you suspect an existing rheumatic disease, a consultation with a rheumatologist should take place as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and competent therapy will reduce the manifestations of the disease and reduce the risk of disability.

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Adult patient in rheumatology

All of the above diseases occur to a greater extent among the adult population. Statistics confirm that women suffer from rheumatic pathologies more often than men.

According to the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after V. A. Nasonova, the ratio of rheumatic morbidity in adult men and women is 40% and 60%. This is influenced, among other things, by the specifics of female hormonal status, but the exact nature of this phenomenon has not yet been established.

The incidence of such ailments increases with age and excess weight gain. Confirmed by scientific data: smoking seriously increases the risk of rheumatic pathologies.

The chief rheumatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Evgeniy Ilyich Nasonov talks about the features of the treatment of rheumatic diseases in adult patients in this video:

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Pediatric rheumatologist

Most diseases of a rheumatic nature appear in adulthood, but sometimes the prerequisites for their occurrence are often laid in childhood.

In most of these ailments, heredity plays an important role, so if there are rheumatic pathologies in the family, you need to especially carefully monitor the child’s health in order to notice the development of the disease in time. With such a family history, the child should be shown to a pediatric rheumatologist in case of the slightest suspicion of such pathologies.

There is evidence that tonsillitis suffered in childhood, as well as other diseases caused by streptococci, provoke the occurrence of rheumatic diseases.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

Pediatric rheumatologists face a difficult task: many drugs used in the treatment of such diseases are contraindicated for use in children. It is necessary to draw up a special treatment plan taking into account age-related characteristics.

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What does a rheumatologist-cardiologist treat?

  • Many inflammatory processes of a rheumatological nature negatively affect the heart and blood vessels, so it became necessary to establish a medical specialization - a cardiologist-rheumatologist.
  • A doctor of this profile deals with rheumatological pathologies affecting the heart, while at the same time having the knowledge to treat a general list of cardiac diseases.
  • Thanks to the work of rheumatologists, many patients with rheumatic diseases have a chance to avoid disability and improve their quality of life.
  • A favorable prognosis in the treatment of such pathological conditions is possible only with timely consultation with a specialist.
  • arthritis
  • arthrosis
  • bursitis
  • rheumatologist



service price ₽
Appointment with a rheumatologist, primary, outpatient 2500
Appointment with a rheumatologist, repeated, outpatient 2200
Novocaine blockade of joint ligaments with injection of PVS 1850
Injection blockades of category I complexity 2370
Injection blockades of category II complexity 2640
Injection blockades of III category of complexity 3280
Therapeutic and diagnostic puncture of the joint 1640
Local injection therapy (near-, intra-articular injections) 3915
Local injection therapy (near-, intra-articular injections) II category of complexity 3915
Local injection therapy (near-, intra-articular injections) III category of complexity 4550
  • Rheumatism
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Reiter's disease
  • Vasculitis
  • Gout and other diseases

A rheumatologist is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the joints and connective tissues. Considering the fact that patients with such diseases often cannot visit medical institutions on their own, we offer a visit to a rheumatologist in the clinic. Patients often put off visiting a rheumatologist, using the excuse of lack of time. But today such an excuse will no longer work: if you don’t go to a rheumatologist, the rheumatologist will come to you!

Rheumatology is a field of medicine that studies diseases of the joints and connective tissue.

A rheumatologist is a medical specialist whose task is to diagnose and treat pathologies associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Taking into account the situation that patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system have difficulty moving within the apartment, visiting a doctor in a medical facility becomes an almost impossible task for many. Taking care of the comfort and well-being of sick people, many private medical institutions offer visits to a rheumatologist at home.

Consultation with a specialist is carried out after a preliminary agreement with the doctor at the most convenient time of the day or evening for the patient, seven days a week. Home visits to a rheumatologist are carried out throughout Moscow and its surrounding suburbs.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

Surgeons, neurologists and traumatologists treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system, but no one is as competent in them as a rheumatologist.

Back pain, joints that “achieve” when the weather changes - all this is not as harmless as many people think. These may be the first manifestations of a serious disease, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to disability (in 70% of cases this happens).

The most common manifestation of rheumatic diseases is joint pain (about 40% of people in the world experience them).

In addition, this group of diseases is characterized by deformation of the fingers (both on the hands and feet), swelling of the joints, limited mobility, etc. The patient often cannot perform the simplest movements - get up from a chair, get out of bed independently, leave the house . Due to a significant decrease in the quality of life, the patient’s mental health also suffers.

When to see a rheumatologist

If you experience swelling, pain and stiffness in your joints, if you wake up in the morning with a feeling of stiffness throughout your body and in individual joints, if you are bothered by pain and stiffness in your spine, you need to consult a doctor.

You should also contact a rheumatologist for a preventive appointment if you suffer from frequent sore throats, frequent viral diseases, or if you have a family history of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma and systemic vasculitis. Often, a general practitioner with a syndrome of prolonged “unreasonable” fever, weight loss and asthenia will also refer you to a rheumatologist to rule out a systemic disease. In addition, this doctor is competent to treat diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

They occur in almost every elderly person, and after 60 years, everyone (both men and women) is recommended to undergo densitometry and tests for osteoporosis markers, learn the rules of movement hygiene in order to prevent the rapid development of degenerative dystrophic processes in the joints and the progression of increased bone fragility. Most pathologies occur in a passive form and manifest themselves poorly at the initial stage, so it is important to be attentive to the symptoms that you experience in order to prevent the disease from progressing and becoming chronic.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?Observation by a rheumatologist , a thorough examination of the immune status, and competent treatment at the onset of the disease allows people with diseases of the joints and connective tissue to maintain their ability to work. Treatment of rheumatological diseases is usually long-term, complex and requires patience and discipline from the patient.

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A rheumatologist becomes the No. 1 doctor for any patient with a rheumatological disease, regardless of what happened to him (a cold, injury or infection), since any situation in rheumatology requires a special approach to treatment.

  • Methods for treating ankylosing spondylitis?
  • What is Reiter's disease and is it treatable?

To date, there are no drugs that would completely cure ankylosing spondylitis. Therapy is aimed at maintaining minimal activity of the process and maintaining satisfactory function of the joints and spine. The task is difficult, but achievable and requires patience and consistency.

First of all, it is necessary to be constantly monitored by a rheumatologist. When activity increases, basic therapy is prescribed under the supervision of a physician. Sulfasalazine (according to schemes) or delagil (plaquenil) are used as basic drugs for ankylosing spondylitis.

To reduce inflammation, you need to take anti-inflammatory drugs such as methindole (Indomethacin).

To prevent spinal deformities, it is very important to engage in physical therapy at least 1 hour a day. A set of exercises can be obtained from a physical therapy methodologist.

The set of exercises must include bending and rotating the spine in various planes. You need to strive to increase your range of motion day by day. Swimming is very useful.

2-3 times a year it is necessary to do a therapeutic massage of the spine with elements of traction.

Manual therapy on the cervical spine for this disease is dangerous, since subluxation of the 2nd cervical vertebra often occurs. Physiotherapy is necessary 2 times a year: laser therapy, magnetic therapy, el-phoresis with dimexide on the spine and affected joints.

If possible - once a year - sanatorium-resort treatment in osteoarticular sanatoriums using therapeutic baths and mud. It is very important to promptly sanitize foci of chronic infection, which most often are carious teeth and nasopharyngeal infections.

Be sure to consult a urologist - the presence of chronic urogenital infection and chronic prostatitis significantly worsens the course of the disease.

By methodically following all these recommendations, it is usually possible to avoid the formation of severe skeletal deformities.

Reiter's disease is an inflammatory disease of the joints and spine that develops against the background of a urinary tract infection. The most common pathogens are chlamydia or uroplasma.

The joints and spine are affected secondarily, as a manifestation of an allergic reaction to the infection. With timely treatment, a complete cure is possible. For successful therapy, firstly, it is necessary to cure the infection.

This is best done under the supervision of a urologist or venereologist.

Antibiotics are prescribed: Rulid 1t/2 days or Summamed 0.250 2t on the first day, then 1t per day, or Klacid 1t/2 days, or Rovamycin 1t/2 days, or Doxycycline 1t/ 2 r day. You need to take antibiotics for a long time, at least 3-4 weeks.

At the same time, drugs that enhance immunity are prescribed - “Immunal” 20 drops / 2 times a day or “Leukinferon” 1 ampoule IM 3 times a week N 8, etc. Treatment of articular syndrome is carried out under the supervision of a rheumatologist. NSAIDs, local treatment, and physical therapy are prescribed.

If the infection can be cured, then after some time the articular syndrome goes away, but in some people it can persist for a long time, taking on the character of chronic arthritis.

Such patients should be observed by a rheumatologist and, if necessary, receive basic therapy for several years.

visiting a rheumatologist at the clinic

  • Methods for diagnosing rheumatological diseases:
  • laboratory tests, including specific rheumatological tests and rheumatological tests, joint tissue biopsy
  • radiographic examination
  • CT scan
  • Magnetic resonance imaging
  • electromyogram
  • ultrasonography

A visit to a rheumatologist at the clinic involves the initial diagnosis of rheumatological diseases and the selection of therapeutic therapy. Among joint diseases, the most widespread are rheumatism, systemic scleroderma, systemic vasculitis, dermatomyositis, reactive, infectious, viral, allergic arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.

Depending on the disease, rheumatological symptoms may vary. The most common signs that indicate that a visit to a rheumatologist in the clinic cannot be postponed are joint pain, joint stiffness, swelling of the joints, the formation of subcutaneous nodes, swelling and swelling of the temporal arteries, redness and swelling of the outer part of the ear.

In some rheumatological diseases, a mesh pattern appears on the patient’s body, the skin changes its natural color, and the patient’s upper and lower extremities freeze even at room temperature.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

The doctor prescribes medications that restore the structure of cartilage (chondroprotectors), medications that improve the nutrition of cartilage and periarticular tissue. Physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of joint diseases.

Laser and ultrasound procedures shorten the duration of drug therapy, which, in addition to the positive effect on the joints, has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

When treating rheumatological diseases, a doctor can perform intra-articular injections of medications in our clinic. A rheumatologist also monitors patients with chronic diseases of the joints and connective tissue.

After monitoring the patient’s condition, the doctor decides the need to adjust treatment. If necessary, the rheumatologist involves doctors of other specializations in the treatment of the patient, including an orthopedist, cardiologist, dermatologist, and nephrologist.



Rheumatologist is a doctor who treats diseases of human joints.

What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist?

Methods of treatment and prevention


7.8 thousand

5.3 thousand

6 min.

When the joints begin to make themselves known with an unobtrusive crunch or pain, these may be the first symptoms of arthrosis, arthritis or another joint disease. This is what a rheumatologist treats. Joint pathologies have serious consequences and require long-term complex treatment, so it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Often, joint diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis can be mistaken for the same disease. This is because their symptoms are almost identical. The only difference is the nature of the pain. In one pathology, pain is expressed by short-term acute unpleasant attacks. In another disease, the pain is constant and dull.

Arthrosis is a disease in which the cartilage layer is destroyed with the appearance of short-term pain. Pain with arthrosis appears suddenly. During increased physical activity, the cartilage layer is not able to cope with its functions.

From here the destruction of the joint begins to appear. The cause of the primary occurrence of arthrosis is advanced age. The secondary appearance of the disease can be caused by excess weight, increased physical activity on the feet or legs, or genetic predisposition.

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints, accompanied by elevated body temperature and swelling of the affected areas of the body.

The pathology is dangerous because, if left untreated, diseased joints completely deprive a person of movement. The disease appears due to rheumatism or the presence of various microorganisms.

Secondary signs of the onset of arthritis may be previously transmitted diseases, such as borreliosis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

The main thing is to recognize the disease in time, since treatment varies significantly. It is important to know that arthrosis affects the cartilage layers, and arthritis affects the joints. In addition, the nature of the course of the disease also differs between them.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of arthritis and other diseases of bones and cartilage are carried out by an arthrologist. His responsibilities include studying the patient’s medical history and ordering the necessary studies to make an accurate diagnosis.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes periarticular and intra-articular manipulations, including the administration of hormonal drugs or the implementation of a blockade of human joints affected by disease using analgesics.

Unfortunately, the arthrologist has a very narrow specialization in Russia, and it is unlikely to get an appointment with him, since not all clinics have such a specialist, especially state clinics.

Which doctor will deal with a specific disease depends on the therapist, so you need to get an appointment with him, and he will prescribe a differential diagnosis, and based on its results, give a referral to the right doctor. A specialist will prescribe a more extensive examination, confirm an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

Joint specialists:

  • venereologist - treats specific arthritis that develops against the background of sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilitic, chlamydial or gonorrheal;
  • infectious disease specialist - deals with infectious-inflammatory, fungal, viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases;
  • orthopedist - specializes in congenital diseases such as dislocations or hip dysplasia;
  • traumatologist - chronic post-traumatic arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis;
  • arthrologist - treats degenerative and inflammatory cysts of the joints, osteoarthritis, arthrosis, deals with damage to periarticular tissues: synovitis, bursitis, tendonitis;
  • rheumatologist - rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune diseases.

Although all these specialists deal with joint problems, in practice only a therapist and a rheumatologist can cure the disease.

When contacting them, it is important to know that there is no doctor who treats pathologies at the location, that is, one knee or hip joint. It must be remembered that the specialization of doctors is based on the causes of the disease.

The specialization of a rheumatologist is the diagnosis and systemic treatment of diseases associated with joints and connective tissue.

In addition, a rheumatologist or joint doctor deals with immunohistochemical studies, interpretation of immunograms, triggers of autoimmune processes, and tests patients for tumor markers and other antibodies of various natures. The specialization of a rheumatologist includes the treatment of more than 200 diseases.

Some of them:

  • all forms of arthrosis and arthritis;
  • arthropathy of various origins;
  • systemic collagenoses;
  • various diseases of the joints arising from an infectious nature;
  • APL - syndrome;
  • systemic vasculitis;
  • rheumatism with damage to organs: heart, lungs, kidneys;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • polyarthritis, gouty pain syndrome;
  • myopathy of unknown etiology;
  • osteoporosis, osteoarthritis;
  • acute rheumatic fever;
  • joint stiffness of unknown origin;
  • psoriatic polyarthritis.
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The rheumatologist coordinates his actions with surgeons, oncologists, hematologists, endocrinologists, infectious disease specialists, resuscitation specialists, and infectious disease specialists. Interacts with pediatricians, therapists, traumatologists, surgeons, and orthopedists.

Within the field of rheumatology, there is a separate specialization - pediatric rheumatologist or rheumopediatrician. Since childhood joint diseases have a different onset, different management tactics, and treatment based on individual selection of medications in accordance with body weight and area, they are dealt with by pediatric rheumatologists.

To make an accurate diagnosis, rheumatologists prescribe general clinical standard tests and use all possible instrumental diagnostic methods.

A rheumatologist will finally be able to make a diagnosis only based on the test results obtained. After which they will be prescribed effective treatment.

Laboratory diagnostic methods:

  • complete examination of joint fluid;
  • serological examination of blood to identify various antibodies;
  • blood tests for hormones and tumor markers;
  • biochemical analysis - identifying changes in the level of urea, electrolytes, inflammatory processes;
  • general clinical tests - standard tests of urine and blood to identify signs of inflammation.

After standard laboratory examinations have been completed, it is necessary to undergo additional instrumental diagnostics.

To more accurately identify the inflammatory process, instrumental methods are prescribed :

  • magnetic resonance imaging - determines the presence of damage to periarticular tissues;
  • computed tomography - accurately assesses the extent of their damage;
  • X-ray examination - reveals various deformities and joint damage.

Perhaps, based on the research results, the rheumatologist will prescribe some additional tests to get a complete picture of the course of the disease.

Rheumatologist treatment methods can be surgical or conservative, depending on the cause and symptoms of the disease.

Conservative methods of treatment are used in combination:

  1. 1. Massage and special therapeutic exercises are indicated for any joint pathologies. The purpose of their implementation is to restore the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and joint function. How many massage sessions and what kind of exercises are needed is decided directly by the attending physician.
  2. 2. Various physiotherapy procedures - usually prescribed for the degenerative course of the disease. They are carried out in courses if there are no contraindications.
  3. 3. Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the course of the disease. For acute processes caused by various types of infections, antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. Chronic diseases are treated with analgesics, hormones and chondroprotectors.
  4. 4. A specific diet - fundamentally based on healthy eating, maintaining optimal weight, and providing the body with necessary substances and vitamins. In some cases, it requires the complete exclusion of foods that can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

In addition to conservative methods, effective methods of alternative traditional medicine and surgical treatment :

  • endoprosthetics - complete replacement of a diseased joint with an artificial one;
  • arthroplasty - restoration of shape using artificial materials or your own tissues;
  • arthrodesis - without subsequent restoration, part of the joint is excised.

For oncological pathologies and various joint deformities, as a rule, several treatment methods are prescribed in combination.

While being treated by a rheumatologist, the patient may be referred for consultation to another specialist, even if the disease is not directly related to him.

A rheumatologist can schedule a consultation:

  • surgeon - if surgical treatment is prescribed;
  • endocrinologist - if the patient suspects diabetes, gout or other metabolic disorder;
  • physiotherapist - if physiotherapy is prescribed;
  • nutritionist - to receive recommendations on proper nutrition or diet on an individual basis.

It must be remembered that any consultation prescribed by a rheumatologist should not be ignored. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment may be noticeably reduced.

Sometimes, in addition to pain in the knee or other joints, when moving, you can observe extraneous sounds similar to crunching. In this case, the pain can be acute or aching, it can go away as instantly as it appeared, or it may not go away for a long time. In such cases, it is necessary to seek advice from a clinic. These may be symptoms of serious joint diseases.

Symptoms for which you should consult a doctor:

  • motor function is partially impaired;
  • the skin over the joints has swelling or redness;
  • after waking up, there is a certain stiffness in movement;
  • pain does not subside for more than 2 days in a row;
  • a combination of at least one symptom with a general malaise.

Some joint diseases progress very quickly, so contacting a specialist is necessary as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications may occur.

Previously, pathologies of the joints of the hands or feet were considered a priority for older people. Nowadays, more and more young people are noticing alarming symptoms.

It is very important to promptly identify the disease, establish an accurate diagnosis and receive effective treatment from a rheumatologist.

It must be remembered that in no case should you self-medicate, otherwise the pathology may become chronic and lead to disability.


Job Rheumatologist Moscow

Vacancies found: 279

Average salary: 66,244 rubles.

Vacancy for rheumatologist. The NEARMEDIC group of companies is inviting a rheumatologist to work at the NEARMEDIC network clinic (branch on Shchukinskaya) Responsibilities: Outpatient appointments for the adult population Maintaining… Full description

NEARMEDIC, Moscow, Shchukinskaya - yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Requirements: Responsibilities: – Outpatient reception of patients, maintaining an electronic medical history; – Providing qualified medical care in your specialty, using... Full description

Veramed, Moscow – yesterday

Vacancy for rheumatologist. Job responsibilities: Provide qualified medical care in your specialty, using modern methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation,... Full description

K medicine, Moscow - yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Responsibilities: — Outpatient reception of patients and provision of medical services at a professional level; — Maintaining medical records. Requirements: - Higher medical... Full description

Scandinavian Health Center, Moscow - yesterday

Vacancy for rheumatologist. Responsibilities: Provide outpatient care to patients. Provide early detection, qualified and timely examination, specialized treatment, dispensary ... Full description

State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Vladimir Region Medical Information and Analytical Center, Moscow - neuvoo com: yesterday

Vacancy for rheumatologist. A rheumatologist is required for 0.3-0.5 rates: Responsibilities: Outpatient consultation of patients; consultations in a hospital Provision of qualified medical care... Full description

Medicine, Moscow - neuvoo com: yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Responsibilities: outpatient patient care; carrying out blockades, intra-articular injections; maintaining documentation in electronic form. Requirements: higher medical education;… Full description

SM-Clinic, Moscow, Textile workers - neuvoo com: yesterday

Vacancy for rheumatologist. PROSPECTIVE - we will recruit more patients - enough work for 12 hours a day with a good income of 7-8 thousand Russian rubles per day. 7x 24 “quite decent for a start rubles per month -… Full description

Hippocrates, Moscow — 2 weeks ago

Rheumatologist required.
What we expect from you: Job responsibilities:
Reception of patients in the field of rheumatology, collection of anamnesis.
Diagnosis of diseases.
Dynamic observation of outpatient... Full description

EUROMEDCLINIC 24, Moscow - 2 weeks ago

Rheumatologist required.
Our requirements: Responsibilities: Outpatient care for patients; Providing qualified medical care to patients in the field of rheumatology (all types... Full description

SM-Clinic, Moscow — 2 weeks ago

Vacancy for rheumatologist. PROSPECTIVE - we will recruit more patients - enough work for 12 hours a day with good earnings of 7-8 thousand Russian rubles per day. 7x 24 = "quite decent for a start rubles per month -… Full description

Hippocrates, Moscow - yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Job responsibilitiesWorking conditionsEducation no less thanWork experienceRequirements for the applicant Full description, Moscow — yesterday

Rheumatologist required. What you will do: - consultation and treatment of patients; - monitoring rehabilitation processes, their dynamics; - provision of emergency medical care; - work with... Full description

GBUZ MO Moscow Regional Consultative and Diagnostic Center for Children, Moscow - yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Job responsibilities: • Outpatient reception; • Consultation and management of patient treatment plans; • Providing specialized qualified medical care to patients… Full description

Clinical Diagnostic Center 24, Moscow - yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Responsibilities: outpatient reception of patients for cash and VHI; high-quality and timely preparation of medical documentation; compliance with sanitary and epidemiological... Full description

Health Clinic, Moscow, Tula - neuvoo com: yesterday

Vacancy for rheumatologist.
Requirements for candidates: Availability of a valid certificate
Working conditions:
Doctor for an appointment at a paid clinic, registration according to Labor Code, vacation, b/l
Contact person: Elena... Full description

Medical services Polyclinic No. 2 named after. Semashko, Moscow — 2 weeks ago

Rheumatologist required. Requirements for the candidate: Job responsibilities: Reception of patients in the field of rheumatology, history taking. Diagnosis of diseases. Dynamic observation of outpatients... Full description

EUROMEDCLINIC 24, Moscow – yesterday

Rheumatologist required. Requirements and responsibilities: Children's. Work experience from 3 to 5 years. Interview on Mondays from 18 to 20 (without appointment) at the address: st. 2-ya Frunzenskaya, 9 (room 22) ;… Full description

Work for rheumatologists. Outpatient reception of patients, diagnosis, treatment Full description

Golden medical club, Moscow — 9 hours ago


What diseases require the help of a rheumatologist? Link to main publication
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