Recent publications
Alpha adrenergic blockers: popular drugs for prostatitis
With the help of alpha-blockers, urinary disorders are eliminated, pain is relieved and potency increases.
What can cause dry mouth and debilitating cough?
Sometimes the throat feels dry, which causes discomfort.
Hormones for mastopathy: causes of imbalance and treatment methods
One of the most common diseases faced by a large number of women is mastopathy.
Alteyka cough syrup: instructions and list of contraindications
Cough appears quite often in babies, so many mothers are interested in effective medications that help get rid of this symptom and at the same time...
What happens if you tear off a wart and how to treat it correctly
Warts are by no means random formations, but a consequence of activation of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Homeopathy for prostatitis: general principles of treatment and medications
An impressive percentage of middle-aged and elderly men suffer from prostatitis.
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