
Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Elena Samylkina, July 11, 2019

Pediatric neurologist, Neurologist

Hello! It is impossible to determine a malignant or benign tumor from a CT scan; even the doctor describing the image has questions about this. Do an MRI with contrast

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Elena Furmanova, July 11, 2019

Pediatrician, Allergist-Immunologist, Therapist

Hello, don't panic yet. Do an MRI with c-section.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Marguba Azmetdinovna, July 11, 2019

Cardiologist, Therapist, Pediatrician

It's hard to say for sure here. But even if we assume that it is malignant, there is still a chance of salvation. And quite a lot, I think.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Tatyana Ryazantseva, July 11, 2019


Hello! A CT scan alone is not enough in this case; an MRI with contrast is needed. A general blood test and biochemistry (liver tests) will also be useful. Also, for differential diagnosis, the history of the development of the disease, including the presence of symptoms characteristic of a malignant formation, is of great importance.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Anna Tokmakova, July 11, 2019


Hello, there is a fairly high probability of fever, I would advise you not to waste time on additional similar research methods, but go to an oncologist to have a puncture and start treatment

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Yakov Martirosyan, July 11, 2019

Traumatologist, Urologist, Surgeon

Marina, hello! The CT scan is serious, an urgent physical examination by an oncologist is needed! Let's hope that the process is limited only to the brush and the treatment will bring a good result!

Good luck to you !

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Elena Mosaleva, July 11, 2019


Marina, this conclusion has questions not only from the attending physician, but also from the radiologist. It is urgently necessary to undergo additional examination, including MRI and an oncologist’s conclusion based on a complete examination.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Olga Torozova, July 11, 2019

Gastroenterologist, Therapist, Nutritionist

Good afternoon. You should immediately do an MRI with contrast and make an appointment with an oncologist. There is no need to panic yet, but it is imperative to differentiate a malignant tumor from a benign one.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Vasily Vishnyakov, July 11, 2019

Radiologist, Traumatologist

The CT scan clearly states in the conclusion that the doctor does not rule out a malignant tumor. Tactics: biopsy followed by morphological verification, consultation with an oncologist...

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors Natalya Belyakova, July 11, 2019

Pediatrician, Therapist, Masseur

Here a biopsy must be done. No one can say for sure until they look at the cells. Good luck.

Elvira Valeeva, July 12, 2019

Gynecologist, Surgeon, Oncologist

There is a suspicion of osteosarcoma! However, the research conducted is not enough! To make a definitive diagnosis of cancer or sarcoma! A histological examination is needed, which will either confirm that the tumor is malignant or rule it out!

Elvira Valeeva, July 12, 2019

Gynecologist, Surgeon, Oncologist

Thanks for waiting ! No, enostoses are not metastases! This is an option for benign changes! Further, while the doctor describing the C/T picture writes that osteoid-osteoma is more likely (this is a benign tumor) and only indicates that it is still necessary to differentiate, that is, to exclude the presence of osteosarcoma by conducting a morphological study of the tumor! Well, in the meantime, there is no certainty that the process is malignant, and there is no need to try to stage it! Let us hope for the best ! However, do not neglect further examination in the form of MRI and histological examination! Do it as soon as possible! Health to you!


Prevention of cancer: a reminder for the population

Oncology is a pressing problem for humanity. Every year, the number of cancer cases increases exponentially. There are no guaranteed ways to avoid cancer in medicine.

However, prevention of cancer is a necessary measure that a person can do.

Thanks to simple rules, the chance of, if not preventing the disease, then at least starting treatment in a timely manner without major losses, and not taking the situation to the extreme, increases.

Reasons for the development of oncology

Thanks to the research of scientists in the field of medicine, it has been revealed which factors contribute to the emergence and development of malignant tumors. These include external and internal causes that occur directly in the human body.

  • Action of carcinogens. Compounds of a chemical, physical or biological nature. They are chemical compounds, radiation and viruses. Their effect on the human body provokes the occurrence of cancerous tumors. It is believed that 90% of cases of the disease are the result of the action of carcinogens.
  • Cell mutation. Cells in the human body die after performing the necessary functions. In some cases, instead, they begin to divide at high speed, which causes the appearance of neoplasms.
  • Decreased immunity. Cancer cells are constantly formed in the human body. The immune system is able to recognize them in the initial stages and destroy them on its own. If the immune system is weakened, cancer cells remain and become a serious threat to life and health.
  • Stressful situations. Many diseases are the result of stress on the body. Doctors are convinced that the occurrence of oncology is often activated due to these psychological factors.
  • Viruses and bacteria. It has been proven that some types of cancer are caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • Free radicals. Active molecules in the human body that can take away electrons from other molecules, which along the chain also become free radicals. This process takes a long time. It causes oxidative stress in the human body, which provokes the occurrence of diseases, including a malignant tumor.
  • Bad habits. Tobacco smoking, alcohol addiction, excess weight - these factors negatively affect the human body and can lead to the spread of cancer cells.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Prevention of cancer includes 3 blocks of their prevention:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Tertiary.

Each block represents a series of measures, following which reduces the risk of malignant neoplasms.

Primary prevention of oncology

Primary prevention is measures to prevent cancer, which are, first of all, people’s independent maintenance of their own health at a high level. In developed countries, taking health seriously is a common practice. This is explained not only by the personal responsibility of the population, but also for reasons of economy.

Primary preventive measures include measures aimed at eliminating factors that provoke the development of oncology:

  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • protection against infectious diseases;
  • limiting contact with harmful substances;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • UV protection;
  • compliance with the regime;
  • strengthening the nervous system.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy body and disease prevention. To reduce the risk of cancer, you will have to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid fatty meats (pork, lamb) and give preference to poultry or fish.
  2. Remove processed foods, fried foods, sausages and smoked meats from your diet.
  3. Control the amount of sugar consumed.
  4. Include fiber-rich foods (cereals, vegetables) in your diet.
  5. Give preference to low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
  6. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Rejection of bad habits

Smoking is a harmful habit that can provoke the development of cancer, since cigarettes contain mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, as well as systemic poisons. When you quit smoking, the risk of disease decreases.

Alcohol. Primary preventive measures do not mean a complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. The basic rule is to reduce the strength and amount of alcohol consumed. However, doctors are convinced that women and young people should limit, or better yet completely eliminate, alcohol-containing drinks.

The combination of alcohol abuse and smoking is especially dangerous. This “explosive cocktail” significantly increases the risk of developing cancer.

Protection against infectious diseases

Scientists have proven that viruses and bacteria are directly related to the occurrence of certain types of oncology. Vaccination is indicated to prevent infectious diseases.

Limiting contact with harmful substances

The risk of getting cancer increases in people whose work involves hazardous conditions and contact with toxic substances. If changing your occupation is not possible, you must protect yourself by strictly observing safety precautions.

Leading an active lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a recipe for poor health and obesity. Adequate physical activity is necessary to keep the body in good shape. It is enough to devote 30 minutes daily.

exercise, walking or running to maintain good health.

It has been proven that in older women, in the absence of physical activity, the risk of breast or intestinal cancer increases.

Excess weight is also the result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise. This problem is especially relevant now, when working at a computer and eating fast food in large quantities is common. Obesity leads to a general deterioration in health and, as a result, the body is more susceptible to disease.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

UV protection

Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation is a factor in the development of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer. Oncologists recommend not going out under the scorching sun for a long time. To reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, you need to use special products that protect against ultraviolet radiation. The power of protective agents is selected depending on the skin type.

Compliance with the regime

To keep the body in good shape, proper nutrition and physical activity are not enough. Good rest is the basis for cancer prevention. An adult should sleep at least 8 hours. This should be done with the lights off, as darkness helps the production of melatonin. This hormone directly affects human immunity.

Strengthening the nervous system

Although there is no direct evidence, doctors are convinced that stress is the cause of the development of many diseases, including cancer.

For prevention, you need to avoid stressful situations, pay attention to mental health, get proper rest and think positively. For relaxation, it is better to choose a walk in the fresh air or moderate physical activity.

Secondary prevention of oncology

Secondary prevention is the early detection of cancer and diseases that may precede them.

Thanks to secondary prevention measures, it is possible to identify the risk group among the population and develop the necessary knowledge about the disease and ways to prevent it.

The success of tertiary preventive measures is possible when the state and the population work together - people take care of their own health, and government authorities take measures to reduce the number of cases and deaths from cancer.

The population can independently prevent the disease through the following actions:

  • have information about cancer;
  • systematically conduct self-diagnosis;
  • undergo medical examinations on time and follow his recommendations;
  • If suspicious symptoms occur, seek advice immediately.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

The symptoms of cancer vary widely depending on the location of the cancer process. Here are the main symptoms, the appearance of which should alert you:

  • chest pain;
  • causeless loss of appetite;
  • constant fatigue;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • elevated temperature not associated with a cold or acute respiratory viral infection;
  • persistent shortness of breath or cough;
  • sudden weight loss for no reason.
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Government measures include:

  • preventive examination of the population in the form of mandatory regular examinations;
  • detailed study of identified pathologies during clinical examination;
  • accounting and detailed attention to people who have a predisposition to cancer;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle and necessary knowledge about oncology.

Thanks to regular preventive examinations and medical examinations, cancer processes can be detected in the early stages before the patient begins to be bothered by the symptoms of the disease. To do this, the necessary research is carried out:

  1. Fluorography. Mandatory annual procedure. Evaluates the condition of the lungs and mediastinum.
  2. Mammographic examination. Referral is indicated for women over 39 years of age.
  3. Annual blood test and consultation with a urologist in men over 40 years of age. Can detect prostate cancer.
  4. Annual examination by a gynecologist and collection of a smear from the cervix in women.
  5. Examination of the intestine for occult blood. Helps identify bowel cancer in its early stages.
  6. Blood test for tumor markers.
  7. CT scan.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

At-risk groups with particularly careful monitoring include:

  • workers exposed to harmful toxic substances;
  • women of reproductive age;
  • men over 40 years old;
  • persons whose close relatives suffered from cancer;
  • persons who have undergone treatment for cancer in the past;
  • patients with chronic diseases and those that activate the process of development of cancerous tumors.

Tertiary prevention

Tertiary prevention involves detailed monitoring of people who have already had cancer. The main task is to prevent relapse and the appearance of metastases. Even if the patient is completely cured, the possibility of relapse cannot be ruled out.

It includes:

  1. Regularly visit the oncologist and undergo the necessary tests.
  2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
  3. Compliance with the recommendations given by the attending physician.
  4. Attentive attitude to health and prevention of infectious diseases.
  5. Avoiding contact with carcinogenic and mutagenic substances.

Prevention of cancer in children

Pediatric oncology is not a rare process. No one is immune from the development of malignant neoplasms, regardless of age and gender. Preventive measures to prevent cancer in children are identical to those for the adult population.

Nutrition for a growing body must be balanced and not exceed the permissible caloric content. Meat and fish products must be processed using heat.

Smoking has a stronger effect on a child’s internal organs than on an adult’s body. This also applies to passive smoking.

Physical activity at a young age should be more intense and more frequent. It is undesirable for children to be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time and without the use of special protective equipment.

Vaccination of children should occur from an early age according to the calendar and using the necessary components.

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Regular medical examinations and consultations with specialists are required. The pediatrician's recommendations should be followed strictly and if symptoms arise, seek professional help.

The health of children and the prevention of serious problems is the immediate task of parents.

Medical and folk remedies for prevention

With the increase in the number of cases of oncology, people began to massively look for a way to avoid the disease, while scientists are searching for a guaranteed medicine against cancer.

According to research, taking aspirin to prevent cardiovascular diseases also reduces the risk of developing cancer. But, despite the fact that the probable benefits outweigh the possible harm, taking medications on your own is fraught with negative consequences!

Traditional medicine in the fight against cancer is also relevant in humans. In some cases, they trust her more than professionals, which in no case should be done.

So, for example, an attempt at treatment and prevention with a soda solution reduces acidity in the body. As a result, a precancerous condition is possible.

It is also known to use some poisonous plants as a preventive measure, the consumption of which is, in principle, dangerous to human life and health.

In the field of traditional medicine, vitamin B17 (amygdalin) has gained popularity, which in fact does not exhibit any beneficial properties and is not a vitamin.

It is also found in small quantities in the seeds of apples, apricots and grapes. Medicine does not recognize amygdalin as having healing properties.

This substance in its pure form is prohibited in a number of countries because it is unsafe and its toxicity can lead to serious poisoning.

It is best and safest if only fresh vegetables and fruits are used as traditional methods.

Unfortunately, there are no clear methods for preventing cancer. Even if you follow the rules and recommendations, the risk of getting sick cannot be ruled out. However, every person can minimize it. You should closely monitor your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, seek medical help in a timely manner and not self-medicate if you have suspicious symptoms.

The set of rules and recommendations, as a reminder for the population, should be freely available in medical institutions as brochures and on information stands. Oncology is a problem that must be solved by the state and society together, using all possible methods.

Prevention of cancer
Primary Secondary Tertiary
Population measures State measures
Balanced diet Possession of information about cancer diseases Fluorography Regular visits to the oncologist and undergoing the necessary tests
Rejection of bad habits Systematic self-diagnosis Mammography examination Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition
Protection against infectious diseases Timely examinations by a doctor and following his recommendations Annual blood test and consultation with a urologist in men over 40 years of age Compliance with the recommendations given by the attending physician
Limiting contact with harmful substances Seek immediate advice if suspicious symptoms occur Annual examination by a gynecologist and smear collection from the cervix in women Attentiveness to health and prevention of infectious diseases
Leading an active lifestyle Examination of the intestines for occult blood Avoiding contact with carcinogenic and mutagenic substances
UV protection Blood test for tumor markers
Compliance with the regime CT scan
Strengthening the nervous system


Malignant brain tumor

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

A malignant brain tumor can be of primary or secondary origin. As practice shows, most tumors in the brain arise from metastasis of cancer of other organs, including the liver, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Among primary tumors, glioblastoma is considered the most aggressive, capable of quickly spreading to other anatomical areas and reoccurring after treatment. A consultation with an oncologist will help the patient learn more about such a pathology as a malignant brain tumor: etiology, prevention, detection methods, types, malignant head tumor and other aspects.

Information about the pathological condition

Brain tumors are benign and malignant neoplasms that develop due to the abnormal proliferation of individual cells.

The most dangerous is a malignant brain tumor, since a long course of such a pathology can lead to extensive damage to the organ and the appearance of secondary tumors in other organs. Only a small percentage of all detected brain cancers account for primary tumors.

Nerve tissues are intensively supplied with blood, which is why malignant cells from tumors of other organs often migrate to this area. The prognosis of the disease depends on the type of cancer, stage and other factors.

Oncologists know many histological types of tumors of the central nervous system.

The fact is that a malignant brain tumor can originate from nerve cells, meninges, connective tissue cells, glands and other components of the organ.

The prognosis of the disease and the treatment plan depend on the morphology of tumor cells. Thus, some brain cancers are characterized by slow development and rare occurrence of metastases.

8 (495) 320-19-03


Main types:

  • Gliomas are neoplasms of glial cells of the brain involved in maintaining the structure of nerve fibers. The most dangerous type is glioblastoma. Patients are also often diagnosed with astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors.
  • Pituitary tumors, which are rarely malignant.
  • Neoplasms of the meninges.
  • Primary lymphomas.
  • Malignant tumors of germ cells located in the cerebellum.

Oncological diseases of the brain can be detected at any age. The most aggressive types are more common in older people. A big problem is late diagnosis due to the asymptomatic course of the disease at an early stage.

Patients with minor complaints turn to oncologists late for examination, which leads to a significant worsening of the prognosis. Often, once metastases develop, surgical treatment is no longer available.

To prevent late diagnosis, cancer screening examinations have been introduced into medical practice, making it possible to identify tumors in patients at risk.


Oncological diseases of the brain have been carefully studied over the past decades.

The results of various clinical studies helped to clarify what negative influences are associated with the development of malignant neoplasms.

Certain risk factors may be due to heredity, the patient's lifestyle, and genetic mutations. You should also consider the possibility of cancer spreading to another organ to brain tissue.

Malignant brain tumors form by the same mechanism as other cancers.

The process begins with changes in certain cells due to prolonged exposure to negative factors, such as ionizing radiation.

Gradually, abnormal cells form in the tissues, capable of rapidly dividing and spreading. This is how the tumor process is formed. The body's defense systems are rarely able to stop the development of the disease.

Possible risk factors:

  • Malignant neoplasms of the breast, colon, kidneys, lungs, skin and other organs. In later stages, these diseases provoke the spread of metastases.
  • Exposure to radiation exposure. The main cause of this risk factor may be radiation therapy for other malignant neoplasms of the head and neck. Radiation causes the formation of precancerous changes in brain tissue.
  • Family history of malignant brain tumor. Detection of such a pathology in the patient’s parents significantly increases the individual risk of oncogenesis.
  • Congenital neurofibromatosis, accompanied by tumor growth.
  • Exposure to various toxic substances on brain tissue, including vinyl chloride.
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia, leading to the growth of tumors in organs that secrete hormonal substances.
  • Inheritance of certain mutant genes.

Unfortunately, the etiology of most brain tumors does not allow the disease to be prevented through prophylaxis. Nevertheless, undergoing medical examination gives the patient the opportunity to identify risk factors in a timely manner. Subsequent regular screening diagnostics will help exclude the development of cancer.

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A malignant brain tumor is characterized by a progressive course. A gradual increase in tumor size leads to damage to more and more tissue, spread of the disease and worsening prognosis. Many neoplasms also cause metastases at later stages.

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The most favorable prognosis is characterized by stages 1-2 of the disease, when the tumor can be removed through surgery, but sometimes the pathological focus is located in a place inaccessible to surgery.

Stage classification helps doctors predict the development of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Typical characteristics of stages:

  • First stage. A malignant brain tumor grows within the primary affected tissue, the risk of spreading the disease is low. The pathology is easily amenable to surgical treatment.
  • Second stage. An increase in the size of the tumor, the possibility of spreading within the brain. Low risk of metastasis.
  • Third stage. The disease begins to spread to other tissues.
  • Fourth stage. Rapid spread of malignant tissues and the risk of secondary tumors in distant organs.

The given generalized diagram of the development of the disease only demonstrates a possible clinical picture. Some aggressive tumors, such as glioblastoma, can spread much faster and metastasize at an early stage. The sooner a patient seeks help, the better the prognosis.

Symptomatic picture

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Symptoms are determined by the form and stage of the cancer process. Often there are no symptoms until complications related to the central nervous system appear.

Possible signs:

  • Constant severe headaches.
  • Increased frequency of migraine attacks.
  • Painkillers do not help relieve pain.
  • Unexplained nausea and vomiting.
  • Visual impairment and partial hearing loss.
  • Partial numbness of the limbs, deterioration of fine motor skills and general motor activity disorders.
  • Change in gait.
  • Speech problems.
  • Confusion and clumsiness.
  • Personality and behavioral changes.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Epileptic seizures.

As the disease progresses, symptoms intensify. It is important to pay attention to the earliest signs and undergo the necessary examinations.

Diagnosis and treatment

Oncologists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain tumors.

For nonspecific symptoms, you can initially contact a neurologist to assess the neurological status and prescribe a diagnosis. If a neurologist suspects a tumor process, the patient will be referred to a specialized specialist.

To clarify the diagnosis, determine the stage and select treatment, the results of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics are necessary.

Assigned studies:

  • A variety of imaging techniques to obtain images of parts of the central nervous system. Usually, the patient is first prescribed a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan, since with the help of such studies the doctor obtains the most detailed images of the brain. The results of CT and MRI not only help clarify the diagnosis, but also give the oncologist the opportunity to determine the stage of oncology.
  • Biopsy is the removal of a small amount of diseased brain tissue through an invasive procedure. The collected material is examined in the laboratory using microscopy. This is the most important study necessary to select treatment.
  • Blood test for cancer markers and general indicators.

Treatment methods:

  • Surgery in the early stages.
  • Administration of antitumor drugs.
  • Radiation therapy.
  • Targeted therapy.
  • Palliative care, including prescription of pain medications.

Thus, it is very important to undergo timely examinations by a specialist to detect a tumor and prescribe effective therapeutic and surgical treatment. Early therapy of malignant neoplasms shows better results.

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Treatment of cancer

With the development of science, clinical oncologists are learning more and more about the processes of formation of malignant neoplasms. Understanding cellular, molecular and gene mechanisms makes it possible to develop new tools to combat tumors. Despite the fact that the battle goes on with varying degrees of success, doctors manage to win more lives than before.

The classic triad of oncology treatment (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy) is replenished with new methods aimed at the tumor and more gentle on the body. Updated approaches to traditional methods of therapy are being developed.

Oncology treatment depending on the stage of the disease

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

In total, there are five stages of development of cancer. Depending on the stage at which the disease is detected and treatment is started, a treatment plan is drawn up, and the prognosis is determined.

The earlier the oncology treatment is started, the higher the chances of a complete recovery and the less aggressive and extensive the therapy will be.

Stage 0 - tumors of any location. The boundaries of the lesion do not extend beyond the boundaries of the epithelial layer of cells from which the tumor originated. With timely and adequate treatment, such cancer can be completely cured.

Stage I - cancer spreads within the organ. If such a tumor is identified and removed in time, the prognosis is generally favorable.

Stage II - almost all tumors at this stage are within the boundaries of the organ, but with greater penetration deep into or large sizes. Here the prognosis depends on the type of tumor and its location.

Stage III - the tumor continues to progress, giving metastases to regional lymph nodes, but, as a rule, there are no distant metastases yet. This may offer hope for prolonging life. But the overall prognosis depends on a number of factors: the type of tumor, its anatomical features, dysfunction of neighboring organs, concomitant diseases and the general condition of the patient.

Stage IV - common. Large primary lesions, often growing into neighboring organs, impaired blood supply, damage to regional and distant lymph nodes, general intoxication. To alleviate the condition, palliative and symptomatic treatment is carried out.

The SM-Clinic Oncology Center has developed screening programs to detect cancer at early preclinical stages. It is enough to devote just a few hours a year to your health to make sure that nothing threatens your life, or to begin oncology treatment as early as possible.

Treatment of cancer using surgery: from radical operations to organ-preserving ones

Surgery continues to be the standard of care for cancer treatment with very satisfactory results. Oncologists have achieved great skill in this area.

Operations for the treatment of tumor diseases can be:

  • Radical. Complete removal of the primary tumor and its metastases is provided. After such an intervention, there are no tumor foci left in the body that can be determined by any diagnostic method.
  • Palliative. After such surgical treatment, tumor foci may remain in the body. The main task is to prevent severe complications associated with tumor growth (bleeding, compression of neighboring organs and vessels, sharp narrowing of the lumen or reduction of the organ cavity).

Recent advances in surgical (including robotic) technology make it possible to expand the number of organ-preserving operations, the number of interventions that are performed in one stage, reduce postoperative complications and shorten the rehabilitation period.

In addition, the number of cases of cancer treatment when the surgical method was used as an independent method has now increased to 54.3%. It is especially effective for kidney cancer, skin melanoma, and thyroid cancer.

In combination with other methods in the Russian Federation, surgical treatment of tumors is performed in 85% of cases. This suggests that surgery is leading the way in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Endoscopic, including laparoscopic, methods have begun to be used much more often, which cause less trauma to the tissue surrounding the tumor and make it possible to preserve the organ.

Of course, specialists, first of all, assess the individual clinical situation, stage, extent and type of cancer, and the patient’s condition. And only then, collectively (at an oncoconsilium), do they make a decision in favor of open surgery or endoscopic intervention.

  • It has also been proven that the result of treatment for skin melanoma depends little on how widely the tissue in the tumor area is excised, that is, it is enough to retreat only 1–2 cm (and not up to 15 cm, as was previously accepted).
  • The attitude towards the treatment of breast cancer has also changed - from radical mastectomy (complete removal along with a group of lymph nodes) to breast-conserving surgery and one-stage plastic surgery.
  • Instruments (such as an electric knife) are used to help more strictly follow the principles of surgical treatment, such as
  • Ablastics is resection (excision) of the affected organ within healthy tissue to reduce the risk of tumor cells spreading through the blood vessels.
  • Antiblastics - destruction of cancer cells that remain in the surgical area by washing with special solutions or irradiation.

Modern technologies make it possible to expand the number of indications for surgical treatment with organ preservation and make operations for local or metastatic malignant tumors that were previously impossible to operate more radical. All this became possible when large centers, such as the SM-Clinic Oncology Center, began to create entire teams of specialists (surgeons, chemotherapists, radiologists) who deal with the complex treatment of one patient.

Radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumors

Radiation therapy uses ionizing radiation. It may differ in the mechanism of biological action, penetrating ability and energy distribution. In clinical practice, photon radiation is most often used, which includes:

  • Gamma radiation is radiation from radionuclides that penetrates to a depth of 1 m or more.
  • X-ray (using X-ray machines) - radiation due to the transition of electrons in the nucleus from orbit to orbit.
  • Bremsstrahlung is produced using proton accelerators.

Corpuscular radiation (from nuclear particles) is also used. Types: beta radiation, positron radiation, alpha particles.

The main sources of ionizing radiation are natural and artificial radionuclides (radioactive substances) and special devices - accelerators, neutron generators, X-ray machines.

Remote, contact and internal irradiation is possible, in which radionuclides are administered intravenously or orally.

With external beam radiation therapy, the source of radiation (mostly photon) is 80–100 cm away from the tumor.

With contact irradiation, called brachytherapy, the source is at a close distance, up to 30 cm, from the tumor site or in direct contact. This is a more gentle type of therapy.

The main types of contact irradiation: intracavitary, interstitial, application (on the surface of the body).

Under the influence of ionizing radiation, free radicals are formed that damage cells, DNA reproduction and cell division are also disrupted, which leads to the destruction of the tumor. At the same time, there is an instant action and a delayed one.

In combination with surgical methods of cancer treatment, the following is used:

  • preoperative - to reduce the viability of tumor cells before surgery;
  • intraoperative - irradiation of the tumor area during surgery to prevent the development of relapses and metastases;
  • postoperative radiation therapy - to prevent metastases after non-radical tumor removal.

In order to make the body’s overall reaction to radiation therapy less pronounced, modern techniques are complemented by methods of tumor visualization, including 3D, as well as fixation devices. This helps to target the tumor most accurately.

Radiation therapy also goes well with drug treatments for oncology.


Chemotherapy methods for treating cancer (both monotherapy and combined use of drugs) are associated with the effect of drugs on tumor cells in certain phases of their development.

Depending on the place of chemotherapy in the treatment of tumor disease, there are:

  1. Adjuvant chemotherapy is an addition to the main (surgical or radiation) method of treatment. Prescribed in case of a high risk of developing metastases or relapse - a second tumor, when the primary lesion has already been removed.
  2. Non-adjuvant chemotherapy, which is given before the tumor is removed surgically or otherwise. The goal is to reduce the volume of the formation in order to perform a less traumatic operation, possibly organ-sparing.
  3. Primary chemotherapy for inoperable cancer or the development of multiple metastases. The goal is to prolong the patient’s life while maintaining its quality. The least toxic drugs that are easy to administer are used.
  1. During polychemotherapy, drugs with different mechanisms of action are selected.
  2. Cytostatic therapy is possible, when the drug slows down the development of the tumor, and cytotoxic, if cancer cells are destroyed.
  3. Depending on at what stage and how the chemotherapy drug acts on the cell, it is classified into one group or another:
  • Alkylating agents : chlorethylamines, disulfonic acid esters, nitrosmethylurea derivatives, platinum compounds, triazines. They act on cells that are actively dividing, regardless of the phase of the cell cycle. Mechanism of action: damage to the DNA of an atypical cell, mutation and death. They have a wide spectrum of activity, so they can be prescribed for the treatment of any sensitive tumor (breast, bronchial, gastrointestinal, head, neck and brain cancer). Their disadvantage is that they are highly toxic to healthy cells. Particularly important is the suppression of hematopoiesis, which is very difficult to cope with. In addition, these drugs can cause kidney failure and other problems in the urinary system.
  • Antimetabolites : folic acid antagonists, pyrimidine, purine, adenosine analogues. They are similar in structure to substances that are involved in the production of DNA and RNA; they are integrated into them and disrupt the synthesis of nucleotides, as a result of which the cell dies. They act especially well on cells that are dividing intensively. Used to treat malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines, breast, bones and soft tissues. They also inhibit hematopoiesis and lead to intestinal damage.
  • Antitumor antibiotics : dox and o rubicin (with the widest spectrum), bleomycin, mitomycin and others. Actively act on cells of slowly growing tumors. They exhibit a variety of effects - from disrupting DNA reproduction to inhibiting the activity of certain enzymes. Effective for the treatment of tumors of the breast, musculoskeletal system, lymphomas. Toxic to hematopoiesis and cardiac muscle.
  • Antimitogenic : vinca alkaloids, taxanes. They stop or disrupt mitosis (division) of cells, resulting in their death. Used for chemotherapy of breast and ovarian cancer, bronchopulmonary system. Toxic reactions include hematopoietic disorders, neurological disorders, intestinal paralysis, and allergic manifestations.
  • Inhibitors of DNA topoisomerases I and II : camptothecin derivatives, epipodophyllotoxins. The mechanism of action is to disrupt the functioning of enzymes that are involved in DNA synthesis, which leads to the interruption of cell division and their destruction. Effective for the treatment of colon, lung and ovarian cancer. Just like other cytostatics, they inhibit hematopoiesis and can cause severe diarrhea.
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Hormone therapy in the treatment of oncology

One of the areas of chemotherapy is hormone therapy, which is also called endocrine therapy.

The fact is that some tumors grow due to hormonal stimulation, so by removing the source of hormones, the development of the malignant process can be stopped.

Moreover, such an effect can be achieved surgically (removal of the organ in which hormones are synthesized), with the help of radiation therapy and the administration of medications (hormones and antihormones).

The main purpose of administering hormones is to block pathological signals.


  • Antiestrogens - block estrogen receptors. Used in the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer.
  • Aromatase inhibitors - reduce the amount of estrogen in menopausal patients.
  • Corticosteroids - destroy cells of lymphoid tumors, and are also prescribed to reduce the toxic effect of other cytostatics on the liver and other organs (for nausea and vomiting).
  • Androgens - suppress the division of cancer cells during metastases of breast cancer.
  • Antiandrogens - prevent androgens from binding to tissue receptors in prostate cancer.
  • LH-RH agonists - inhibit the synthesis of testosterone and estrogen.
  • Progestins - in endometrial cancer, block the development of tumor cells.


One of the most progressive methods of treating cancer, which allows you to act on cancer cells through highly specific mechanisms. Used in combination with other methods of therapy.

Immunotherapy allows the body to form an immune response to the tumor, exhibit a cytotoxic effect, and also increase immune defense.

The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Immunomodulators (passive immunotherapy) : cytokines (interferons, interleukins), immunoglobulins, substances of microbial origin - to correct immunity.
  • Monoclonal antibodies (active immunotherapy) - to target surface antigens of tumor cells, which leads to cell death.

Targeted therapy

This is a new method of treating oncology and metastases. It is designed to act only on certain targets. These can be hormone receptors, genes, enzymes. Damage also occurs to the structures that feed the tumor, or shutdown of intracellular metabolic processes due to disturbances in the chain of biochemical reactions.

Currently used to treat treatment-resistant cancers, it can significantly increase the effect of treatment in combination with chemotherapy. With drugs for targeted therapy, it is possible to treat even advanced stages.

Proven to be effective in treating breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma and others.

Cancer treatment can be done at the SM-Clinic Oncology Center

The Oncology Center “SM-Clinic” has all the capabilities for complex treatment of tumor diseases of various types and locations. A whole team of specialists from various fields works on the treatment plan for each patient.

Under the supervision of oncologists, not only tumor therapy is carried out, but also treatment of concomitant diseases, prevention and reduction of side effects, as well as a full course of rehabilitation measures.

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Malignant tumor

Consultation with an oncologist for the development of malignant tumorsA malignant tumor is a disease in which uncontrollably dividing cells appear in the body, capable of growing into neighboring tissues and forming metastases to distant organs. A malignant tumor metastasizes and leads to genetic changes that cause disruption of cell structure. A malignant tumor occurs when a pathological change in the body leads to uncontrolled proliferation of normal cells.

A malignant tumor is a mutation due to which cell division is not limited and a disruption of the mechanisms of natural cell death occurs. In a situation where a malignant tumor was not detected by the body's immune system, the tumor enlarges with the further formation of metastases.

Their growth is possible in any part of the body, but most often they affect bone tissue, brain, lungs and liver. Due to uncontrolled cell divisions, benign neoplasms may also occur. In a benign tumor, there are no metastases; they do not affect other areas of the body, as a result of which they are extremely rarely fatal.

The danger of these tumors lies in their ability to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

It is possible to make a diagnosis called a malignant tumor only on the basis of the results of histological studies of tissue samples in pathological laboratories. After diagnosis, surgery and therapeutic treatment are carried out using chemicals and irradiation of the body.

A malignant tumor grows without treatment and ultimately leads to the death of the patient. A large number of tumors are curable, although the effectiveness and results are influenced by characteristics such as the type of tumor, where it is located in the body, and its stage of development.

A malignant tumor can occur at any age, but is more common in older people; it occupies a leading place in the structure of mortality in developed countries.

Among the factors that provoke the development of tumors, we can identify such negative effects as various types of radiation, carcinogens, some viruses, smoking, and alcohol.

A malignant tumor has its own stages of development

The tumor develops from itself through the multiplication of cells of the primary germ, most often due to the multiplication of one primary tumor cell. For some time, tumor development remains a local process and occurs in a latent preclinical state. At this stage, surgical and radiation treatment leads to complete cure.

Only after reaching some development, having overcome the local tissue barrier, does the malignant tumor grow into adjacent tissues, infiltrating and destroying them. At this stage of development, it can be removed, but this does not always guarantee its cure, since it is difficult to determine the border of the tumor. Even single cancer cells that remain may relapse.

With further development, untreated, it passes in the form of metastases to other organs. At different stages of growth, a malignant tumor requires different treatment methods.

Therefore, correct, effective treatment of cancer patients is impossible without initially determining the stage of the disease, although any biological growth, and especially malignant one, is difficult to place within the strict framework of its development.

Development of metastases and malignant tumor

Metastasizes mainly through the blood flow - hematogenous metastases (for example, sarcoma), and through the flow of lymph into the lymph nodes - lymphogenous metastases. Only later do cancer cells enter the bloodstream. Typically, metastases in the brain have the same structure as in the main node.

They can reproduce secretions and hormones similar to the cells of the main node. Tumor cells are able to differentiate, become more mature, or, conversely, acquire an increased degree of cataplasia compared to the primary tumor node.

In such cases, it is extremely difficult to determine the nature and location of the primary tumor node based on the histological structure of the cancer cell. Metastases often exhibit secondary changes (necrosis, hemorrhage, etc.). Metastatic nodes usually grow faster than the main node of a malignant tumor, so they are often larger than it.

So, for example, the diameter of a stomach cancer tumor can be 1-2 cm, and the diameter of its hematogenous metastases in the liver can be 10-20 cm. Of course, in this case, changes in the liver come first in the clinical picture of the disease. The time required for their development varies.

In some cases they appear very quickly, following the appearance of the primary node, in others they appear after 1-2 years. The so-called late latent, or dormant, metastases are known, which grow many (7-10) years after the radical removal of the primary tumor node.

Such formations are especially common in breast cancer. The strength of the local influence that a malignant brain tumor has depends on its nature: a benign tumor only compresses normal tissues and neighboring organs, while a malignant one destroys them, leading to serious consequences.


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