
Features of vulvitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Inflammation of the vagina


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Vulvitis is an inflammatory process that affects the vulva (external female genitalia). This disease is widespread and can affect not only adult women, but also little girls and elderly patients. In all cases, the symptoms of the disease are the same.

With vulvitis, the labia majora and minora, the vestibule of the vagina, the clitoris and the hymen become inflamed (in girls who are not sexually active).

The disease is also characterized by itching and burning in the area of ​​the external genitalia, swelling and redness of the labia, pain and heavy discharge.

The cause of vulvitis is opportunistic bacteria that do not cause negative symptoms against the background of high immunity. In addition, inflammation of the vulva is provoked by sexually transmitted infections and, extremely rarely, by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In order for an inflammatory process to develop, predisposing factors are necessary - decreased immunity and damage to the mucous membrane of the external genitalia.

Quite often, the appearance of vulvitis in women occurs against the background of vaginitis or colpitis. Also, the pathological process is a consequence of endocrine disorders, poor intimate hygiene, trauma to the vulva, genital and extragenital ailments.

The disease can be provoked by:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • hepatitis, jaundice;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • helminthiases;
  • childhood infectious diseases;
  • frequent sore throats, acute respiratory infections;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • various skin pathologies;
  • psoriasis.

In girls, vulvitis develops as a result of mechanical, chemical and thermal factors, as well as when foreign objects enter the vagina. In older women, the disease is quite often a consequence of diabetes mellitus or cystitis.

Another cause of inflammation of the vulva is seborrheic dermatitis of the external genitalia. This is a rare disease of unknown etiology, during the development of which inflammatory foci appear on the mucous membrane and skin, having different staining intensities and covered with thin crusts.

Hidradenitis suppurativa can provoke vulvitis. This is an infectious skin disease with a long course. Patients develop an unpleasant-smelling discharge that corrodes the mucous membrane and skin, leading to the formation of painful scars.

It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary vulvitis.

In adult women, the primary form of the disease is extremely rare, because the mucous membrane, due to the predominance of an acidic pH environment, fermented milk microflora and normal hormonal levels, is more resistant to various infections.

Primary vulvitis is diagnosed most often in girls and elderly patients and is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the vulvar mucosa and the changes that occur in the body due to the low content of female sex hormones.

In older women during postmenopause, the amount of vaginal discharge decreases significantly, and the mucous membranes become thin and dry out. As a result, they are easily injured and become vulnerable to infections.

In childhood, the mucous membrane and skin of the vulva are quite thin and easily damaged. The vaginal microflora in a small child is mainly coccal, the pH is alkaline, and local immunity has not yet been fully formed.

In addition, vulvitis in girls often develops due to the presence of pinworms, which cause severe itching. Due to scratching, the mucous membrane is injured, and the infection easily penetrates inside.

The secondary form of vulvitis is much more common. It occurs as a result of irritation of the vulva with infected urine in diseases of the urinary tract or infected discharge from the cervical canal and vagina.

The following types of vulvitis are distinguished:

  • Candida – the disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. This type of vulvitis affects the labia majora and minora, the vestibule of the vagina and the clitoris. Severe burning and itching develops. Externally, the vulva looks swollen and red, a rash appears on it in the form of small blisters, and a white cheesy film forms in the area between the labia minora.
  • Bacterial - it is provoked by opportunistic microflora or sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci). During pregnancy, this type of disease develops due to decreased immunity as a result of activation of staphylococcal microflora.
  • Ulcerative - in this case, plaque forms on the injured mucous membrane of the vulva, after removal of which ulcers remain. When they heal, deformation of the genitals is quite common.
  • Atrophic - this type of pathological process is characterized by thinning of the mucous membrane of the vulva, which often occurs in women during menopause.
  • Adhesiveness is a disease of unknown etiology that occurs in girls under 5 years of age. Characterized by sticking together of the labia minora.

Clinical signs of the disease depend on the nature of its course:

Acute vulvitis is characterized by a strong burning sensation in the external genital area, which intensifies when walking and urinating. There is redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, painful itching occurs, and a purulent-fibrinous plaque appears. The lymph nodes in the groin area are enlarged, pain is felt in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.

If the infection affects the urethra, urethritis and cystitis occur. Girls with the acute form suffer from insomnia and show signs of nervous excitability.

Chronic vulvitis occurs against the background of subsiding pain and itching. The inflammatory process at this stage moves to the internal genitals, resulting in scanty discharge that is accompanied by a burning sensation. Painful, hyperemic lesions appear in some areas of the vulvar mucosa.

Treatment of vulvitis is carried out in a complex, including general and local therapy. At the same time, they not only eliminate the inflammatory process, but also get rid of the causes that caused it.

Treatment necessarily includes the use of antibiotics, fungicides, suppositories, ointments and antiseptic solutions. The doctor prescribes medications to normalize the vaginal microflora and strengthen the immune system.

To treat vulvitis in women at home, it is recommended to use suppositories described in the table:

Candles Purpose
Used in the treatment of candidiasis vulvitis
The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and effectively eliminates swelling, itching and redness of the labia
The suppositories contain povidone-iodine, which has an antimicrobial effect against gram-negative and gram-positive fungal and bacterial flora
Suppositories are used for inflammation caused by pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (ureaplasma, chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas)
The drug contains miconazole and metronidazole. Used for candidiasis and trichomoniasis
The composition of the suppositories, in addition to metronidazole, includes chlorquinaldol, which is used against resistant strains of staphylococci

Suppositories are used 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. When the suppositories dissolve, the active component begins to spread evenly throughout the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva. In addition, the drugs are used to prevent vaginitis.

Vulvitis is also treated with ointments, creams, and gels. They are recommended to be applied to the affected areas of the perineum in a thin layer.

In addition to the antimicrobial effect, such drugs have a softening and moisturizing effect, so they are prescribed for the treatment of the atrophic form of the disease:

A drug Purpose
Antibiotic cream with a broad spectrum of action. Used against gonococci and nonspecific microflora
Contains methyluracil, which helps tissues recover faster
The ointment contains the antibiotic gentamicin, the fungicidal agent clotrimazole and the anti-inflammatory component betamethasone. Thanks to this combination, the drug eliminates swelling, itching and other symptoms of inflammation, destroys fungal and bacterial flora
This vaginal gel is prescribed in parallel with the main treatment. It helps restore damaged microflora of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and vagina
The cream helps destroy fungal cells. Active against mold and yeast fungi, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

Treatment of vulvitis with ointments, creams and gels promotes rapid onset of effect. The drugs are applied directly to the pathological area, which minimizes the occurrence of systemic side effects.

For washing and wiping, doctors prescribe Miramistin solution. This medicine is used for the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, with exacerbation of chronic vulvitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative flora.

Antibiotics for vulvitis are used if the inflammatory process occurs in an acute form and there is a risk of the disease spreading to the vagina. They are also used for sexually transmitted infections.

To cure nonspecific forms of the disease, the doctor prescribes Amoxiclav three times a day. It contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, which increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Trichopolum is indicated for trichomoniasis. These tablets are used simultaneously with other antibiotics during the treatment of vulvitis. Azithromycin (Sumamed) is effective for gonorrhea and ureaplasma. Erythromycin is used against chlamydia.

Symptoms of vulvitis, such as pain and itching, quite often cause irritability and insomnia. This is why taking magnesium (Magnesium-B6) and B vitamins is recommended. To strengthen the immune system, preparations with echinacea, for example Immunal, are used.

Vulvitis should be treated with folk remedies after consultation with a doctor. This is explained by the fact that medicinal plants are not able to cope with bacterial infection, and their use without the use of antibiotics can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

There are the following effective recipes for treating vulvitis with folk remedies:

  • 1 tbsp. l. round-leaved wintergreen is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for several hours. After this, the solution is filtered and lotions are made 2-3 times a day.
  • Prepare a steep chamomile decoction: pour 20 g of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and strain. Add it to the solution for sitz baths.
  • 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 2–3 hours. When the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and used for washing.

When treating vulvitis, diet should be adjusted. To reduce itching, you need to avoid salty and spicy foods. Sweets and alcohol must be excluded from the diet.

It is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and abstain from sexual intercourse until recovery occurs.

The main causes of vulvitis in infants and young children are insufficient hygiene and diaper dermatitis. Inflammation can develop due to wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear.

Treatment of the disease in infants and young children is as follows::

  • sitz baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction;
  • washing using Citeal solution;
  • treatment of the vulvar mucosa with 1% ointment with hydrocortisone, Bepanten, Levomekol;
  • lotions with zinc oxide or oak bark;
  • treating the perineum with sea buckthorn, peach oil or Vitaon Baby.

If the symptoms of the disease do not disappear after a week, treatment is carried out with antibiotics. The doctor prescribes Metronidazole, Erythromycin, Augmentin. Duration of treatment is 5–10 days.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the disease occurs for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Due to changes in hormonal levels, immunity decreases and the vaginal microflora is disrupted, provoking the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases due to a weakened immune system.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Excess or lack of care for the genitals leads to the development of vulvitis.
  • Wearing clothes that are too tight or made from synthetic materials.
  • Avitaminosis.

If vulvitis is suspected during pregnancy, treatment should be started immediately, as the pathology can cause miscarriage or cause intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Therapy is carried out with antiseptic solutions intended for washing: Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. If a woman is breastfeeding, the doctor prescribes the most gentle medications to avoid negative effects on the baby through milk. These can also be solutions of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. It is recommended to make warm baths with medicinal herbs, compresses, lotions.

Prevention of vulvitis involves maintaining intimate hygiene and using means of protection against sexually transmitted infections.



Vulvitis is inflammation of the vulva (external female genitalia). It is characterized by the appearance of itching, burning, heavy discharge, hyperemia and swelling of the labia, pain after urination. The spread of infection to the internal genital organs is dangerous; In girls of early childhood, vulvitis can cause fusion of the labia minora. To diagnose vulvitis, you need to consult a gynecologist, examine flora smears, and colposcopy. Treatment includes etiotropic therapy (antibiotics, antimycotics, hormones), local and physiotherapeutic procedures.

The inflammatory process of the external genitalia in women (vulvitis) develops due to a number of local and general reasons. With vulvitis, infection occurs in the clitoral area, labia minora and majora, the vestibule of the vagina and its glands, and the hymen.

The causative agents of vulvitis are most often opportunistic microorganisms (Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, yeasts), less often pathogenic pathogens of STDs (gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, viruses, etc.). Sometimes the development of vulvitis is provoked by pathogens of tuberculosis and diphtheria.

Conditions for the development of infection are created as a result of a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva and a decrease in local immunity.


Causes predisposing to vulvitis may be:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (especially during menstruation);
  • mechanical injury to the vulvar mucosa when wearing tight and rough clothing, prolonged use of sanitary pads, during sexual intercourse;
  • irritation and maceration of the mucous membrane with discharge from the vagina, cervical canal with existing genital infection, with urinary incontinence, with chemicals;
  • excessive use of medications (antibiotics), radiation therapy;
  • hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body (ovarian hypofunction, obesity, diabetes mellitus, lack of vitamins and minerals), allergic reactions;
  • the presence of pathological passages (fistulas) from the intestines, urinary tract;
  • scratching the external genitalia for vegetative neurosis, psoriasis, helminths, and excessive sweating.

A distinction is made between primary vulvitis, when the infection develops as a result of injury or failure to keep the genitals clean, and secondary, if the source of infection is other organs (vagina, uterus, tonsils, bladder, kidneys).

Primary vulvitis develops more often in girls and postmenopausal women, which is associated with the characteristics of the genital organs during these age periods.

In healthy adult women, the mucous epithelium of the vulva (due to the predominance of fermented milk microflora, acidic secretion pH, and hormonal levels) is more resistant to infection.

Primary vulvitis is rare in them and occurs in the form of vulvovaginitis. Vulvitis can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Primary vulvitis is more common in girls, since their skin and vulvar mucosa are thin, tender, and easily injured. In the microflora of the genital organs, coccal forms predominate, Doderlein bacilli are absent, the secretion environment is alkaline, local immunity is still imperfect.

Also, the occurrence of vulvitis is facilitated by the presence of pinworms in a child - the mucous membrane of the external genitalia is injured when scratched, facilitating the penetration of infection.

Sometimes newborn girls may have vaginal discharge, provoked by maternal estrogen hormones that reach them before birth. Usually these phenomena go away on their own.

During the postmenopausal period, with a decrease in estrogen levels and the cessation of the menstrual cycle, atrophic changes occur in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

The amount of vaginal discharge decreases, the mucous membrane “dries out,” becomes thinner, easily damaged and infected, which leads to the development of vulvitis.

The development of secondary vulvitis occurs against the background of existing inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs (colpitis, cervicitis, endocervicitis) of a specific and nonspecific nature.

The acute form of vulvitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe swelling and redness of the labia, clitoris, ulcers and erosions may form, the inguinal folds and inner thighs may be affected;
  • itching and burning, pain (increases with urination, movement, touch);
  • serous-purulent or sanguineous discharge. When infected with E. coli, leucorrhoea is watery, yellow-green with a foul odor; staphylococcus - thick, yellowish; candida – “curdled” leucorrhoea and plaque;
  • sometimes - enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, increased temperature
  • In girls with acute vulvitis, signs of nervous excitability and sleep disturbance are observed.

Chronic vulvitis

Vulvitis with untimely and improper treatment can become chronic with frequent relapses.

The chronic form of vulvitis is characterized by moderate manifestations of swelling, pain and hyperemia in certain areas of the vulvar mucosa, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, itching, burning, and scanty discharge.

Sometimes with vulvitis, after healing of erosions and ulcers, the genitals can become deformed, making sexual life difficult in the future. Girls may develop adhesions in the labia area - synechiae.

An obstetrician-gynecologist examines patients with signs of vulvitis. A detailed history of previous or concomitant diseases must be collected. If there is an indication of diabetes mellitus, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. Sometimes the disease develops against the background of psoriasis, then an examination by a dermatologist is prescribed. When diagnosing vulvitis, the following methods are used:

  • Gynecological examination. The external genitalia are hyperemic, swollen, and may be covered with a whitish coating. With bacterial nonspecific vulvitis, the plaque becomes purulent in nature. There are traces of scratching, and in severe cases, ulceration. Insertion of speculum is painful. In combination with vaginitis, vaginal discharge and inflammation are noted.
  • Bacterioscopic examination . A smear from the vestibule of the vagina reveals a large number of leukocytes, the composition of the microflora is changed. Cocci predominate, the number of rods is reduced or they are completely absent. With candidal vulvitis, mycelium and fungal cells are detected.
  • Bacteriological research . Sowing on nutrient media makes it possible to determine the predominant type of microflora and identify its sensitivity to antibiotics. If there are symptoms of candidal vulvitis, but a negative smear, or its frequent relapses and treatment failure, the subtype of candida and their sensitivity to antimycotics are determined.
  • PCR - diagnostics. The study allows us to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. Using real-time PCR, the number of colony-forming units of pathogens is determined. Herpes simplex viruses and HPV are often detected, which reduce local immunity.
  • Colposcopy. It is carried out in combination with vaginitis for differential diagnosis of the causes of vulvitis and the prevalence of the disease. Inflammatory changes and erosion may be detected on the neck. With atrophic changes in the vulva, similar processes are found on the exocervix.
  • Gynecological ultrasound. Necessary for differential diagnosis of vulvovaginitis with inflammation of the appendages and endometrium. With salpingo-oophoritis, enlarged appendages and swollen fallopian tubes are detected, which allows us to consider vulvitis as a consequence of irritation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule with secretions.
  • Vulvar biopsy. Necessary in the presence of foci of atrophy, erosions or ulcers on the vulva in order to exclude a malignant process. Normally, with vulvitis, the structure of the epithelium is not changed, swelling of the stroma and expansion of the capillaries are noted.

Non-drug treatment of acute vulvitis includes a special diet. The consumption of spicy foods and large amounts of salt is limited, and alcohol is completely eliminated as a factor that provokes exacerbation.

It is recommended to change underwear daily, switch to cotton fabrics, and avoid synthetics. For the entire period of treatment for vulvitis, sexual rest is prescribed.

If sexually transmitted infections are detected, treatment is provided to both partners.

Etiotropic therapy

Drug therapy for vulvitis is carried out depending on the etiology of the disease. Preference is given to local remedies. Patients with diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and other provoking diseases require correction of the underlying cause that provokes inflammation of the vulva. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Antihistamines . Recommended for unbearable itching and allergic vulvitis. They help alleviate the condition and reduce inflammation. They use new generation drugs that do not cause drowsiness.
  • Antibiotic therapy. For nonspecific vulvitis, creams and suppositories with broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. When diagnosing sexually transmitted infections, systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed, which is selected based on the type of pathogen.
  • Antifungal agents . Candidiasis vulvitis is treated with topical antifungal agents. For girls, a cream based on pimafucin, clotrimazole, and nystatin ointment is used. Women are prescribed suppositories or a single dose of fluconazole.
  • Anthelmintic drugs . In girls of preschool age, one of the common causes of vulvitis is helminthic infestations. Antihelminthic suspensions are used, which are given twice: the first time - after diagnosis, again - after 2-3 weeks, to cause the death of young helminths, which were in the form of larvae during the first treatment.
  • Hormonal therapy . Local hormonal ointments with estrogens are necessary for atrophic vulvitis. Prescribed to women with symptoms of approaching menopause. The dose is selected gradually, first the cream is applied daily, and after obtaining the effect, switch to a maintenance dosage.
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Symptomatic treatment

To reduce discomfort, which are common symptoms of vulvitis, regardless of the cause of the disease, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Treatment is carried out locally using medications and herbal medicine. Symptomatic treatment does not exclude etiological therapy, but complements it. The following tools are used:

  • Sitz baths. Baths with a decoction of chamomile, calendula, string, and chamomile help reduce itching, irritation and swelling. Herbal medicine is used only in combination with the main treatment; as an independent method it is ineffective and leads to frequent relapses.
  • Treatment with antiseptics . Toilet of the external genitalia with a solution of furatsilin, chlorhexidine, miramistin helps. This helps reduce itching and burning, and relieves swelling. Douching is not carried out in girls, and is not recommended for adult women due to the washing out of normal microflora.
  • Physiotherapy . It acts nonspecifically, improving blood flow and enhancing immune defense. Effective ultraviolet irradiation of the vaginal vestibule. In women, the vulva and vagina can be treated with ultrasound cavitated solutions. They help remove the bacterial film, promote deep penetration of medications, and accelerate tissue regeneration.


The use of surgical treatment methods is justified when purulent lesions appear on the vulva that do not respond to conservative therapy. Focal suppuration is opened, the wound is drained and treated with antiseptics. If necessary, vulvar plastic surgery is performed. For vulvitis caused by a malignant tumor, radiation therapy may be required after surgical treatment.

Proper hygiene of girls is the key to their future female health. Untreated vulvitis in childhood can provoke serious gynecological problems in the future, the main of which is infertility.

Prevention of the development of vulvitis implies: timely treatment of common diseases and elimination of foci of chronic infection; compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (cleanliness of the genitals, wearing loose hygienic underwear); healthy lifestyle and strengthening the immune system (no smoking, alcohol, no casual sex, proper nutrition, exercise).


Vulvitis - causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Vulvitis in women is an inflammatory process affecting the external genitalia, called the vulva.

This area includes the clitoris, labia (both major and minor), pubis, and the entire hymen (in girls).

In addition, the vulva includes the vagina itself, the glands contained in it, and the formation that covers the urinary canal and is located in the labia (bulb).

This disease has an acute and chronic course. If a woman begins to feel the first symptoms of acute vulvitis, then it should be treated immediately so that it does not become chronic.

Causes of the disease

The factors that cause vulvitis are such natural causes as the presence of constant high humidity combined with the high temperature in which the external genital organs are located. In addition, the presence of vulvar folds and increased tissue sensitivity lead to the development of the disease.

The main reasons that cause vulvitis:

  • infections (staphylococci, streptococci, various fungi, as well as gonococci, chlamydia and various viruses);
  • oral sex;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, drugs containing hormones, as well as drugs that suppress the functions of the immune system (immunity will decrease and inflammation of the genital organs may develop). The above agents kill normal microflora and cause dysbacteriosis. It can manifest itself as sexual candidiasis;
  • other diseases, which include diabetes mellitus, as well as leukemia;
  • malignant tumors that arise in the female genital organs;
  • other inflammatory diseases - pyosalpinx, endometritis or vaginitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the urethra;
  • formation of fistulas between the vagina and bladder;
  • presence of helminths (worms);
  • allergies to various substances that are part of perfumes or cosmetics, toilet paper, soap, deodorants;
  • poor adherence to personal hygiene rules (especially for women who are overweight and prone to diaper rash). With insufficient care, inflammation occurs on the external genital organs, which can also spread to the internal genital organs;
  • factors of mechanical, chemical type (masturbation, douching with aggressive substances);
  • prolonged exposure to damp conditions (bathing).

Vaginitis and vulvitis tend to develop during the period when the female body contains a large amount of the hormone estrogen - in childhood, adolescence or postmenopause.

Vulvitis also often develops during pregnancy, which requires close attention from a specialist and special treatment.

Only a good specialist should treat him, and all the drugs he will prescribe should not harm the health of the unborn child.


Acute vulvitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of redness in the vulva area;
  • swelling of the labia (major or minor);
  • painful sensations that become stronger during walking, urination or sexual intercourse;
  • itching and burning sensations in the genital area;
  • the presence of bubbles that contain liquid. After some time, they open and then become crusty;
  • the presence of plaque, ulcerative formations, plaques (these symptoms are characteristic of a chronic course);
  • in some cases – fever and general malaise.

Acute vulvitis is characterized by itching in the genital area

Chronic vulvitis tends to manifest itself in the form of itching in the genitals. Often this disease develops in women with diabetes. If the patient experiences a symptom such as itching, do not aggravate the situation and scratch the genitals, as this can cause tissue infection.

Before contacting a specialist, you should take a warm bath, into which you can pour a decoction of chamomile, calendula or string flowers. It is also worth knowing that you should wipe your vulva carefully, moving from front to back, but not vice versa.

The genitals should always be clean and dry.

The first symptoms of the disease should be a signal to contact a gynecologist, because it will be more difficult to treat acute vulvitis, which in the future may spread to the vagina and internal genital organs.

Types of disease

The causes of the development of the disease divide the pathology into two types:

  • primary type vulvitis – manifests itself in childhood or adolescence against the background of predisposition to other diseases;
  • vulvitis of the secondary type - manifests itself when a woman is of reproductive age and has other diseases.

According to the clinical course of the disease, it can be divided into:

  • acute vulvitis. This disease has more pronounced symptoms;
  • chronic vulvitis. Symptoms are less noticeable. If the disease is not treated, complications will begin to develop in the form of ulcers (ulcerative vulvitis).

Diagnosis of the disease

Vulvitis is easy to diagnose, but the main thing is to start treating it correctly. Usually the reason for visiting a doctor is one or more symptoms of the disease. For example, itching or burning.

The doctor, after reviewing the history of life and illnesses, will conclude that there are other diseases that could cause inflammation of the external genitalia.

The gynecologist, whom a woman needs to contact in such cases, will carry out a number of necessary diagnostic procedures in order to begin treating inflammation based on the data obtained.

Manipulations performed by a gynecologist:

  • examine organs using a magnifying glass. This will allow him to identify areas of inflammation and identify bubbles with liquid;
  • will conduct an examination (vaginal, rectal or bimanual);
  • will take a smear for cytological examination. It can detect whether there are malignant cells on the external genitalia. The analysis will also identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • perform vulvoscopy if necessary;
  • will prescribe a stool test to detect helminths.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of vulvitis consists of eliminating the cause that causes the symptoms of the disease. If a woman has an acute stage of the disease, the gynecologist will recommend that she abstain from sexual activity and undergo treatment in bed.

The disease can be treated with special medications that restore the microflora of the genital organs.

In addition, the doctor will prescribe the patient to take baths that contain herbal decoctions, as well as solutions of chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate and other medications.

Treatment is complemented by taking a bath with herbal decoctions

Treatment of vulvitis requires the use of antibacterial drugs (creams, ointments), which are applied to the external genital area and also introduced into the internal organs (vagina).

To completely cure a disease means to rid the patient of all unpleasant symptoms.

It will be possible to say that a woman is completely healthy only after taking a second smear, in which no pathogens will be detected.

Often, women after menopause develop atrophic vulvitis. This disease is usually diagnosed at an appointment with a gynecologist. In some cases, the woman does not even make any complaints. Treatment of this disease should only be comprehensive - taking vitamins, baths with medicinal herbs, as well as treating the external genitalia with creams and ointments.

Treatment of vulvitis is also carried out with the help of vitamins (group E, C, A). Allergic vulvitis is treated using special antiallergic drugs. Also, in order to properly treat the disease, you need to eliminate allergens.

For example, replace intimate hygiene products, soap and other cosmetics. If a woman has been diagnosed with allergic vulvitis, then she needs to choose hypoallergenic hygiene products.

It is completely possible to cure this disease both in adolescence and postmenopausal age.

Prevention of the disease

Allergic vulvitis or another type of it can be prevented by following the rules of personal hygiene and also leading a safe sex life.

You also need to avoid those factors that are fundamental to this disease.

If a woman notices symptoms of vulvitis or vaginitis, she should immediately consult a qualified doctor and undergo adequate treatment.


Vulvitis: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the vulva can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Oral intimate relations;
  • Sexual infections;
  • Long-term use of hormonal and antibacterial drugs, which leads to weakened immunity. These drugs have an adverse effect on the vaginal microflora, as a result of which the level of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms increases;
  • Malignant tumor neoplasms of the genitals that are in a state of necrosis or decay;
  • Severe systemic diseases (thyrotoxicosis, cancer);
  • Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs and urinary tract;
  • Worm infestations;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Formation of fistulas in the genitourinary system;
  • Temperature (overheating, hypothermia), chemical damage to the genitals;
  • Allergic reaction to personal hygiene products or items (gel, cream, soap, lotion, tampons, pads, etc.);
  • Mechanical injury to the genitals during childbirth or rough sexual contact;
  • Failure to maintain intimate hygiene.
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In addition, vulvitis can develop due to a lack of estrogen in the blood.

Types of vulvitis

Given the nature of the infectious agent, inflammation of the vulva can be specific and nonspecific. Nonspecific vulvitis is caused by viruses, protozoa, yeast, staphylococci, E. coli and streptococci. Typically, this form is diagnosed in girls and elderly patients, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the body at this stage of life.

The development of specific vulvitis occurs under the influence of the pathogenic activity of Trichomonas, chlamydia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and gonococci.

Based on its origin, the disease is classified as follows:

  • Primary vulvitis. The occurrence of this form is facilitated by endocrine disorders, poor hygiene, cystitis, helminthiasis, traumatic injuries to the genitals due to thermal, chemical burns and due to mechanical influence. Also, the cause of primary vulvitis can be uncontrolled or improper use of antibacterial drugs. Primary vulvitis is more often observed in girls, since the mucous membranes and skin of the vulva are quite thin, tender and easily injured.
  • Secondary vulvitis. This form is formed against the background of inflammation that occurs in the internal genital organs (cervicitis, endometritis, colpitis, etc.). Also, a secondary form of vulvitis can develop as a result of disruption of the normal vaginal microflora against the background of chlamydia, trichomoniasis, fungi, papillomavirus and herpes.

Considering the cause and mechanism of development of vulvitis, the following forms of pathology are distinguished:

  • Allergic vulvitis. Usually develops in children when using inappropriate intimate products. There are also other sources of allergens. Vulvitis in infants can occur due to the consumption of dairy and citrus products, excessive levels of glucose in the diet, or improper complementary feeding. Inflammation can also occur due to the use of unsuitable diapers. Allergic (atopic) vulvitis in girls and women is caused by chemical irritants, foods and synthetic clothing. Therapy for this form of the disease is aimed at neutralizing the allergen and taking antihistamines.
  • Atrophic vulvitis. It occurs more often in menopausal patients against the background of diabetes mellitus and excess weight. The disease manifests itself as thinning of the mucous membranes of the vulva, which leads to easy infection and trauma. Treatment of atrophic vulvitis involves taking hormonal drugs.
  • Candidiasis vulvitis. As a rule, it is diagnosed in women of the childbearing period and adolescents. The disease develops as a result of disruption of the vaginal microflora and weakened immunity. The appearance of candidiasis vulvitis can be provoked by excessive exercise, antibiotic treatment, improper regimen, and frequent stress. The main sign of pathology is vaginal discharge of a cheesy consistency with an unpleasant odor. Swelling of the labia, itching, burning of intimate places, and painful sexual intercourse are also observed. Treatment of candidal vulvitis consists of taking antifungal agents of various groups: polyenes, trazoles, imidazoles, etc. Sometimes local treatment is sufficient - the use of vaginal suppositories, ointments, baths and lotions with medicinal herbs.
  • Bacterial vulvitis. It is characterized by general inflammation of the vulva, provoked by the proliferation and pathogenic activity of bacteria. The causative agents of the disease can be Trichomonas, chlamydia, herpes infection, gonococci, mycobacterium tuberculosis. More often, this form of vulvitis occurs against the background of hormonal changes.

Symptoms of vulvitis in women

Inflammation of the vulva can occur in acute and chronic forms. Acute vulvitis develops rapidly, accompanied by pronounced symptoms:

  • Swelling, redness of the vulva;
  • Painful sensations in intimate places, which intensify during sexual intercourse, physical activity and urination;
  • Burning, itching of the genitals;
  • Enlargement of the sebaceous glands on the side of the labia majora;
  • The appearance of bubbles in intimate places with liquid inside;
  • Formation of plaques, plaque on the genitals;
  • Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes (not always);
  • Temperature increase.

Chronic vulvitis is accompanied by the same symptoms as the acute form, but is less pronounced. A characteristic sign of the chronic course of the pathology is the appearance of purulent vaginal discharge.

Diagnosis of vulvitis

To select the most effective treatment for vulvitis, a preliminary comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes a conversation with the patient, a gynecological examination in the speculum and a laboratory examination of vaginal smears.

To detect concomitant pathologies, assess the patient’s general condition, and establish the severity and form of vulvitis, the following clinical studies are prescribed:

  • Analysis of smears for flora;
  • General examination of blood, urine;
  • Blood testing for syphilis, HIV;
  • Test for STDs (sexually transmitted infections);
  • Examination of stool to detect intestinal parasites;
  • Checking vaginal discharge to assess vaginal microflora and determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics.

The feasibility of conducting diagnostic studies is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s complaints, the severity and intensity of clinical manifestations and analysis of anamnestic information.

Treatment of vulvitis in women

To treat inflammation of the vulva, complex treatment of general and local effects is used.

Therapy for vulvitis is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and its manifestations, as well as neutralizing the cause that triggered the development of the disease.

Treatment of acute vulvitis in girls requires bed rest. Women should abstain from sexual intercourse during the period of therapy.

Antibiotic therapy for vulvitis is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity and type of pathogen identified. For specific inflammation (gonorrheal, trichomonas, chlamydial, tuberculous vulvitis), special therapy corresponding to the pathogen is prescribed.

In girls, inflammation of the vulva is more often caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, so antibacterial drugs are prescribed locally (creams, ointments).

Treatment of allergic vulvitis involves taking antihistamines and following a diet excluding salty, spicy, and sweet foods.

In addition to drug therapy, treatment of vulvitis includes local treatment of the genitals:

  • Cold compresses with eucalyptus tincture, furatsilin solution, lotions;
  • Washing the genitals with chamomile infusion, a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid;
  • Using anti-inflammatory vaginal suppositories, douching with antiseptics;
  • Sitz baths with herbal infusions (eucalyptus, string, chamomile, calendula), potassium permanganate solution.

After water procedures, intimate parts should be dried and sprinkled with streptocide powder.

In case of severe itching, the use of anesthetic ointment, which is lubricated on the vulva before bed, and sleeping pills may be prescribed. In some cases, physiotherapy (UFO) is indicated.

When dealing with vulvitis, special attention is given to the treatment of concomitant pathologies (metabolic, hormonal dysfunctions, chronic diseases - pyelonephritis, tonsillitis). To strengthen the protective properties of the body, the use of general strengthening medications is indicated: dietary supplements, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes, etc.

Vulvitis during pregnancy

Pregnant women are also not immune to the development of vulvitis.

In addition to the above reasons, the provoking factors of inflammation of the vulva during gestation include changes in hormonal levels, changes in vaginal microflora, allergies of pregnant women, stressful conditions, etc. During pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, as a result of which inflammatory and infectious pathologies can worsen.

During gestation, vulvitis is dangerous due to infection of the fetus and the threat of miscarriage. The causative agents of inflammation in pregnant women are often staphylococci, candida and trichomonas.

Therapy for vulvitis in pregnant women is carried out throughout the entire gestation period and is restraining in nature. This is due to the impossibility of using effective antibacterial drugs during gestation.

To treat inflammation, ointments, vaginal suppositories, medicinal baths, powders and creams that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are used. Also, to combat vulvitis during gestation, vitamin complexes and health procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system are prescribed.

The scheme and tactics of therapeutic action are determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the gestation period, the type of pathogen, the patient’s health status, as well as the severity and stage of the inflammatory process.

Possible consequences of vulvitis

With delayed and insufficient therapy, vaginal vulvitis, especially in children, can provoke the development of the following complications:

  • Vaginal atresia (first the vagina sticks together, after which it completely fuses);
  • Formation of chronic ulcers in intimate places;
  • The formation of synechia is the fusion of the labia minora (the process of adhesion takes 1 - 1.5 months);
  • Imbibition (blueness of the vulva);
  • The spread of pathogenic bacteria and infections to the internal genital organs, which provokes the development of salpingoophoritis, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, endometritis and other pathologies of the reproductive organs;
  • Development of cervical erosion, infertility;
  • Formation of scars that occur after healing of ulcers and erosions;
  • Involvement in the inflammatory process of the urinary tract, which leads to the formation of cystitis, urethritis and other urogenital diseases.

Prevention of vulvitis

The main measure to prevent inflammation of the vulva is to follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Genital hygiene should be carried out using special gels. Products that are designed to care for the genitals do not dry out or change the acid level of the vaginal mucosa.

Also, to prevent the occurrence of vulvitis and prevent its exacerbation, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Use comfortable underwear made from natural materials.
  • It is correct to wipe your genitals after water procedures. Dry intimate areas with sterile napkins or towels, starting from the pubis and moving towards the anus. The movements should be blotting and light.
  • Increase immunity. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle, adhere to a balanced and rational diet. A strong immune system will be able to independently fight bacteria that enter the surface of the genitals.
  • Monitor your health: treat inflammatory and infectious diseases in a timely manner, periodically take anthelmintic drugs.

If the first signs of vulvitis occur, you should consult a gynecologist. A timely visit to a doctor will help to detect pathology in the early stages, carry out effective treatment and avoid adverse consequences.

Number of reads: 04/27/2018


Features of vulvitis: symptoms and treatment of the disease Link to main publication
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