
How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

  • Good day!
  • From my own experience, I have been convinced more than once that old and almost forgotten methods of treatment often turn out to be more effective in comparison with modern drugs.
  • I have already talked about how I treated a child with mustard plasters, today I want to talk about how I treated myself with mustard plasters for baths, and, to put it simply, I steamed my feet))).
  • The cost of such packages is 140 rubles.
  • Pack of 10 pcs.

Packages are sold in many pharmacies, I place orders on [link], I find it a very convenient and profitable way (my review of Link to mustard plasters.

  1. Packaging and appearance:
  2. Mustard plasters are sold packed in a cardboard box.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

  • It contains basic information, including how to use it.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

  1. Inside the box there are packets of mustard and pepper mixture and instructions for use.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?


Mustard powder, hot red pepper extract

Impressions from use:

The use of such bags is very simple - you just need to open the bag (it has a special cutting line) and pour the contents into a container with a small amount of water.

Well, then everything is as before, in childhood. Pour this mixture into a bowl of hot water (about forty degrees) and start steaming your feet)). The procedure time is from 10 to 15 minutes, if the water cools down, then you need to add hot water.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

I have already tried this mustard on both myself and my child. For children, such baths can be used from the age of three. There are no unpleasant sensations, the child sat for the allotted time without any problems. To be honest, I no longer remember my feelings during such mustard baths in childhood, I only remember that I couldn’t stand them.

There is an effect from the use, the runny nose goes away much faster. My daughter just recovered and went to kindergarten, and in the evening she sniffled again, sneezed and started coughing a little. They steamed her legs, put mustard plaster on her in the evening and the matter did not go any further; the next day her condition improved much.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

I recommend the mustard plaster package, it’s a good and effective remedy!


How should you hover your feet when you cough?

When the first signs of a cold and cough appear, you need to urgently take the necessary measures to overcome the disease in the bud. It is very useful to steam your feet when you have a runny nose and cough - every doctor will confirm this. Unfortunately, many people underestimate the benefits of this elementary procedure, so we decided to figure it out.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

What are the benefits of the procedure?

Should you steam your feet when you cough or does this method of treatment have contraindications? We will describe later when this procedure cannot be performed, but first we will consider its useful properties:

  • There are many areas on the feet associated with the internal organs of a person. Warming them up helps prevent the development of colds and overcome coughing attacks before your health worsens.
  • When you hover your legs, your whole body warms up, and the heat spreads through the vessels throughout the body.
  • Baths accelerate blood flow, accelerating the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells.
  • The immune system is strengthened and spasms are eliminated.
  • The flow of blood to the upper areas leads to pain and redness of the throat, runny nose, cough and swelling of the mucous membranes. Warm baths provide drainage, so the unpleasant sensations subside.
  • Steaming your feet triggers capillary regeneration, improves blood circulation and minimizes the risk of strokes.
  • If you hover your feet when you have a dry cough, it will quickly turn into a productive one.

The mucus that accumulates in the lungs and respiratory tract is quickly liquefied and eliminated from the body. Baths are sometimes more effective than medications, as they begin to act almost instantly.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

How to soar?

Do your legs float when you have a runny nose or cough if the disease has already entered the active phase? Warm baths are also useful in such situations, but it is important to do them correctly. It is recommended to steam your feet with mustard:

  1. Fill a bowl with hot water to about ankle-deep and add mustard. Stir until the powder dissolves.
  2. The temperature of the water in which you immerse your feet should be about 40-45 degrees to avoid discomfort.
  3. For a better effect, you can cover yourself with a blanket or wear warm clothes.
  4. The water will cool, so add hot water.
  5. After 10-15 minutes, rinse your feet from the mustard with warm water, wipe dry and put on warm socks.

You can soak your feet in mustard for a runny nose up to 3 times a day. If you just start to get sick, follow the course for 3-4 days. Also, when steaming your feet, you can warm yourself from the inside by drinking warm herbal tea or a rosehip drink.

How much mustard to use?

Many people believe that there is no such thing as too much mustard. However, in this case the rule “more is better” does not work. If there is too much powder, you can burn the skin, and the procedure will become unpleasant.

Healthy Supplements

Your doctor can tell you how to properly hover your feet when you have a cough or runny nose. He will recommend adding additional components along with mustard:

  • Herbal decoctions (mint, chamomile, lemon balm and others.
  • Essential oils (the most useful are citrus, cedar, fir, pine and eucalyptus).

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

How long is it recommended to vape?

It is recommended for adults to steam their feet when coughing for at least 10-15 minutes, but it is better to allocate 20-25 minutes for the procedure, periodically adding hot water to maintain the temperature. After warm baths, it is important not to lose the warming effect that has been achieved.

Quickly rinse your feet with warm water to remove any remaining undissolved mustard powder, dry them and put on socks. After this, it is better to sit in bed or on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket. It is also recommended to drink at least one cup of a warming drink: milk with honey, ginger or regular tea with lemon.

Tips for treating children

You can soar your feet if your child has a runny nose or cough. This can be done up to 2-3 times a day, if the baby’s condition does not worsen during the day. The maximum water temperature in the bath is 40 degrees. It may not feel hot enough to the touch, but the baby doesn’t need more.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

The duration of the procedure should be about 5-10 minutes. Turn on a cartoon or read a book to your child so that he can calmly serve the allotted time. While your child is steaming his legs, you can massage them with a soft washcloth to increase blood flow.


A child or adult should not hover their feet if they have snot, cough or cold if they have symptoms or conditions:

  • Temperature more than 37.5-37.7 degrees.
  • Pregnancy. In this case, warm baths can tone the uterus.
  • High blood pressure. Prior consultation with a doctor is required.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions (use any herbs and essential oils with caution).
  • The presence of ulcers, wounds and ulcers on the skin of the legs.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

By following our recommendations, you will be able to properly soar your feet when you have a cough or runny nose, preventing the disease from progressing. In this case, the disease will recede much earlier than without the use of warming procedures.


All about warm foot baths for coughs

You can relieve coughs caused by viral or bacterial infections using special foot baths. You can steam your limbs in plain water or with the addition of various healing ingredients. Let's take a closer look at this ancient method of treating colds.

Mechanism of action

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

In addition, foot baths help thin out mucus in the lungs and actively fight a runny nose. By regularly following all the recommendations below, you can quickly get rid of colds and flu. By stimulating blood flow, the body's protective functions are enhanced and it copes more effectively with infections. Metabolism at the cellular level also accelerates, which has a positive effect on recovery.

We soar our feet correctly

Burn center specialists are skeptical about foot steaming because they often encounter patients who scald their limbs. This occurs due to elementary non-compliance with the rules of treatment, because to obtain a good result, the procedure must be performed strictly according to the instructions. Let's do the following step by step:

  • Prepare the container for steaming. It is best to make baths in deep dishes that retain heat for a long time. Warming the calf muscles will help achieve good results and enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure. You can take a bucket made of thick plastic or porcelain; these materials do not cool quickly, unlike aluminum and enamel counterparts. When the dishes of suitable depth are ready, they need to be washed well with soda and rinsed with running water.
  • How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?We heat the water. Many people refuse warm baths because they feel discomfort when they come into contact with hot water. In order not to get scalded and not to cause a spasm of blood vessels instead of their dilation, you need to use a liquid at a temperature of 37-38 ᵒC at the beginning of the procedure, no more.
  • Add hot water. Before you begin the procedure, you need to place a container of hot water near you, ideally if it is a kettle. When the skin gets used to the high temperature and the muscles relax, you need to add warm water. Dilute the bath periodically, focusing on your feelings; such therapy should in no case cause discomfort.
  • We consolidate the result. The procedure can be carried out for no more than half an hour, after which we rinse our feet with warm, clean water, if desired, smear our feet with cream, put on warm socks and lie down under the blanket. The patient should not go out into the cold for 2 hours; it is best if the steaming is done before bedtime, so that the patient can sweat properly.

Healthy Supplements

Most often, the legs are simply floating in warm water; this in itself is useful for bronchospasms. However, you can use healing impurities that will help enhance the therapeutic effect of the procedure.

You can use the following products to enhance the therapeutic effect:

  1. How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?Mustard powder. The bath is prepared at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. The product has a wonderful warming effect, but has its own characteristics. The vapors irritate the mucous membranes, so you should not wrap yourself in a blanket during the procedure. If you use clean water or other additives, it is advisable to cover yourself with a blanket.
  2. Soda. It will be useful to add a tablespoon of soda to the bath if the patient is tormented by attacks of dry cough. Sodium carbonate enhances the expansion of peripheral blood vessels, which significantly accelerates blood circulation. In addition, the patient will inhale vapors of alkaline ions, they help thin the mucus and its rapid removal from the respiratory tract.
  3. Essential oils. All oils that are used to eliminate cough can be added to water during this procedure. They are perfectly absorbed into the skin, but this is not their most important feature. The therapeutic effect is that the patient will simultaneously hover his legs and inhale vapors of healing oils, performing a kind of inhalation that is beneficial for the respiratory tract. In this case, medicines made from eucalyptus, cedar, fir, lavender, spruce, etc. are best suited.
  4. Healing decoctions. If you don’t have essential oils on hand or you are afraid of oil pneumonia, you can use medicinal decoctions. Chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula, lavender and other herbs are perfect for preparing warm baths.

Precautionary measures

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

You cannot be treated in this way in the following cases:

  • children under 1 year of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin on the legs;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the baths.

It should be noted that women during menstruation should also not perform this health procedure, as it activates peripheral blood flow and can cause bleeding.

You should consult your doctor about the use of baths for hypertension. Steaming the limbs will relieve the pressure for a while, but then it will increase even more, so the described treatment method should be used with extreme caution.

Effectiveness of procedures

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

You can steam your feet no more than 3 times a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning and before bed. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Read also:  Why does a child have a cough and a temperature of 38 degrees?

When the symptoms of the disease subside, it is advisable to take warm baths for a couple more days to consolidate the results.

The procedure will not have a positive effect if the cough is caused by the following diseases:

  • allergy;
  • violation of the pumping function of the heart;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract;
  • chemical irritation of mucous membranes;
  • psychoemotional disorders.

In conclusion

Steaming the extremities can give excellent results in the treatment of coughs of viral or bacterial origin. The procedure can only be done on the recommendation of a doctor.

The baths have a noticeable effect and do not cause harm to health if used exactly according to the instructions.

Choose only safe therapy and always seek medical help from specialists.

Dasha Pashchenko



Is it possible to steam children's feet with mustard: instructions for use

Reading time for this article: 11 minutes.

In this article, we will consider mustard not as a sauce for your favorite dish, but as an effective remedy in the fight against influenza and ARVI. Every mother is seriously concerned about the health of her baby.

As soon as the first symptoms of a cold appear, it is important to immediately take measures to prevent the development of the disease and, even more so, possible complications.

A foot bath with mustard is one of the most effective treatments.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

Using mustard for colds

Many argue that respiratory diseases themselves do not pose any danger and are not worth treating at all. Simply stay in bed and usually drink water. Perhaps this statement is true, but only if an adult is sick.

In children, all infections develop very quickly. Within a few hours after the first symptoms appear, a high temperature may rise and a “barking” wet cough may appear. Of course, you should not immediately resort to serious treatment in the form of taking antibiotics or immunomodulators.

We recommend simply steaming your feet with mustard.

This treatment method has been known for a long time and has proven its effectiveness more than once. The most famous method of folk treatment using mustard is mustard plasters. But they have many contraindications and are not always convenient for small children. It is much easier to carry out therapeutic water procedures.

It makes sense to start treatment as soon as the first cold symptoms appear. If the disease has been progressing for several days, then such treatment will be useless.

You can soar your feet in the absence of temperature, or at low temperatures – up to 37.5 degrees.

Important! It happens that for several days the thermometer shows an increased body temperature, but there are no other signs of ARVI, in this case there is no point in soaring your feet, you need to urgently consult a doctor, such a temperature may be an indicator of more serious diseases than a common cold.

When should you start soaring your child’s feet?

Signs of an imminent illness in which the procedure can be started:

  • Dry cough, severe sore throat.
  • A wet cough may appear, with a clear barking effect. The child may choke during a coughing attack. In this case, the attack must be stopped before proceeding to foot steaming therapy.
  • Slight increase in body temperature. But at the same time there is painful weakness and body aches.
  • The child does not want to play and is always sleepy.
  • There is a slight flow from the nose.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

Prepare a foot bath with mustard

In general, the process of preparing a bath for steaming children’s feet is not complicated and will not require you to spend a lot of time and effort. But when a child gets sick, he becomes very capricious. He may also experience increased pain.

Do not yell at your child under any circumstances if he does not want to carry out the procedure. Just sit next to her and explain that this way the illness will go away faster and you can eat ice cream. In this case, your own example will be better motivation. To begin with, you can put your feet in hot water yourself.

And then the baby will follow your example.

First, fill a bowl with water. It is best to take a plastic basin. Draw water whose temperature does not exceed 39-40 degrees.

Also, for a child during this procedure, many parents use a bucket; it is also better to take it in a plastic version. According to parents, this warms up not only the baby’s foot, but also the joint.

Place a cotton cloth at the bottom of the bucket. This is done to prevent your feet from slipping. But it’s quite possible to do without it.

Before the procedure, test the water with the crook of your elbow, this is the most sensitive area on your body. Of course, it is best to use a special thermometer, but this grandmother’s method can also work. At first, it is recommended, if it is not possible to accurately measure the temperature, to take cooler water. You can add boiling water after the child starts the procedures and the legs will get used to it.

Next, you need to pour a few tablespoons of mustard powder into a bowl of water and stir. Make sure that the powder is completely dissolved before the baby puts his feet in the basin.

Steaming baby's feet

That's it, you can start treatment. Lower the baby's legs into the basin. Do this very carefully so as not to scare him. For the best effect of warming up the body, use a blanket or sweater. It is important to wrap the baby up so that he absorbs as much body heat as possible. The whole procedure will take about 15-20 minutes.

But you don’t need to keep your baby’s feet in the water all the time. From time to time it is recommended to take them out, knead them, doing a light massage, and then lower them again. In 15 minutes you need to remove your feet 2-3 times and massage them. As soon as the water becomes cool, you can either add hot water and continue the procedure, or complete the therapy. It is not recommended for children to soar their feet for longer than 25 minutes.

Advice! If your child doesn’t want to sit in one place and is constantly spinning, then turn on his favorite cartoon. This will distract him for a while.

What should a child do after a mustard bath?

It is also necessary to complete therapy correctly. First, rinse your feet with warm, clean water. Then wipe them dry and immediately put on warm socks. If you don't have wool ones, use 2 pairs of cotton ones.

Please note that it is best to soar children’s feet before bedtime, when the baby’s activity subsides. In a dream, a child can sweat well and warm up the whole body. Of course, this procedure can be carried out up to 3 times a day. But still, after its completion, the child must spend some time in bed under the covers.

Take your temperature constantly while you sleep. As soon as it begins to increase and the body stops sweating, the child must be opened. Give antipyretics and begin drug treatment.

Remember that this treatment method is best used for a runny nose, cough and no or low fever. If you notice more severe flu symptoms, then under no circumstances should you soak your children’s feet in mustard. Also, if you notice that the disease is developing very quickly, then you need to call a doctor and not engage in further self-medication.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

Extra help for colds

During treatment, all doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. You can use plain water at room temperature or slightly higher temperature, or hot teas and infusions. For example, a decoction of rose hips is an excellent remedy for the first symptoms of a cold. Pharmacies also sell many herbal remedies for colds, adapted for children.

In addition to mustard, children can add a few drops of essential oil to the bath. Pine, eucalyptus, menthol, cedar and lavender oils cope well with the symptoms of colds. Choose whichever oil you have or whose aroma is most attractive, but do not mix them.

At what age can children soak their feet with mustard?

This procedure is suitable for babies whose age allows them to sit in one place without crying or whims. Usually this is 3-4 years. But experts still do not recommend this type of treatment for three-year-old children without consulting a specialist.

But from the age of 4-5 years, in the absence of contraindications, you can safely carry out such therapy. By the way, children 3-4 years old can hover not only their legs, but also their arms. The child can play in the water and at the same time receive health-promoting therapy.


Contraindications for steaming a child’s feet with mustard include:

  • High temperature: from 37.5 degrees.
  • Allergy to mustard and other components of the bath.
  • Redness or pimples on the legs. Mustard causes a strong irritant effect. Therefore, the procedure cannot be carried out if there is any irritation on the legs, especially open wounds.

Actions after the procedure

After you have steamed your child's feet and rinsed them in clean water, put him to bed. You cannot run or go outside after the procedure. If the child begins to sweat profusely, then change his clothes more often; you should not leave the child to sleep in a wet T-shirt.

To enhance the effect of therapy, give your baby something hot to drink. Milk or herbal tea will do. To prevent a rise in temperature, you can put a few spoons of raspberry jam in your tea, or eat it as a snack with milk.

Alternative way

It happens that during an illness, a child begins to be very capricious and does not want to soak his feet in a bath with a healing solution. If a child begins to scream, cry and refuses to put his feet in the water, there is one alternative method of such treatment.

You can not dilute mustard in water, but use it dry. You will need 2 pairs of socks. It is better to take some thin cotton ones and others woolen ones. Wear your child with thin cotton socks. And pour a little mustard powder into the second woolen ones, 10-15 grams will be enough. Wear wool socks on top. This treatment method does not force the baby to sit in one place.

You can run and continue playing with mustard in your socks. It is necessary to remove such compresses when the mustard powder becomes very hot. If the child says that he is not comfortable, then the compress must be removed immediately. But for the best effect, sprinkle mustard into your socks before going to bed.

After removing your socks, also rinse your feet in warm water and put on a new, clean pair of socks. By the way, such a compress is suitable for young children - 2-3 years old.

Summing up

So, to summarize, we can say: definitely, children can soak their feet in mustard. But it is necessary to pay special attention to nuances, for example, the temperature of the water and the child’s mood. Never force the procedure. If a child cries, then instead of a beneficial effect you will get the exact opposite.

Due to stress, your child's immunity will begin to decline and you will notice a rapid rise in body temperature. Before the procedure, you should also make sure whether your child has any contraindications to such treatment, and it is best to consult a pediatrician for consultation.

Most importantly, if treatment with mustard does not give the desired effect, then start using other medicinal methods of treatment.


Is steaming your feet with mustard effective for colds and coughs? We answer common questions

Mustard is not only a popular seasoning. This product is widely used by alternative medicine specialists, including for preparing warm foot baths.

The benefits and harms of a bath with mustard

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

A simple warming bath with mustard can be beneficial for both adults and children. Typically, this procedure is carried out in the treatment of acute respiratory infections or to prevent such a disease, for example, after hypothermia. A warming bath has a complex effect:

  • Promotes vasodilation.
  • Stimulates the outflow of blood from the respiratory tract, reducing the degree of nasal congestion and the severity of cough.
  • Warms the body as a whole.
  • Stimulates more active functioning of the bronchi and lungs, including helping to thin mucus and quickly remove it from the body.
  • Helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
  • Helps relieve pain, tension and congestion in muscle tissue.
  • Irritates the skin of the feet and stimulates active points on them.
  • Activates the immune system.
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However, it is not always possible to use mustard for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The use of such a drug is contraindicated when:

  • Allergic reactions to mustard. This feature of the body is not very common, but the risk of developing allergies is still present. At the same time, a child is more likely to become intolerant than an adult.
  • For any damage to the skin. In the case of baths, we are talking about violations of the integrity of the epidermis on the feet.
  • Elevated temperature and obvious deterioration in health (headache, dizziness, severe weakness).
  • Early childhood. Usually, mustard baths are not recommended for children over 1 year old, and some sources do not recommend doing such procedures until 3 years old.
  • The presence of bacterial complications (sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).
  • Varicose veins and other disorders in the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Pregnancy (hot baths with mustard can cause abortion).
  • Oncological diseases of any localization.

Mustard baths should not be taken as a universal cure for colds. Nevertheless, such procedures can prevent the development of the disease or speed up recovery.

Is it possible to heat at a temperature of 37°C?

The question of the possibility of performing hot baths with mustard at a slightly elevated body temperature is quite controversial. Doctors have several different points of view on this matter, but doctors agree that such procedures:

  • Strictly contraindicated for children of preschool age. In babies, the temperature often rises sharply, and warming up can provoke such a development of events.
  • It can only be carried out if the patient is feeling relatively normal. If your health worsens literally before your eyes, it is better to abandon the mustard foot bath.

If the thermometer readings do not exceed 37.4 °C, the disease is just beginning to develop and the patient feels more or less normal, you can warm your feet in a bath with mustard. But at the same time, it is better not to heat the water too much, and also to shorten the procedure somewhat.

Doing the procedure with mustard powder correctly

In general, carrying out warming procedures with mustard will not be particularly difficult even for a person completely far from medicine. To float your feet you need:

  • Take a bowl of water. The temperature should be selected depending on your own feelings and preferences. It is best for it to be between 38-45 °C. If we are talking about a child of preschool age, it is desirable that the bath should have a temperature of 38-40 ° C, no more.
  • Pour dry mustard into the water - 2 tbsp. l. for every 5 liters of water.
  • Stir the liquid until the powder dissolves.
  • Immerse your feet in the bath. In this case, you can put warm clothes on your body, especially if warming up is carried out after hypothermia.
  • Keep your feet in the water for about 10-20 minutes; if necessary, you can add hot water to the bath. The optimal duration of the procedure for children under 6-7 years old is 10 minutes. You can soar the legs of an older child in the same way as an adult.
  • Dry your feet, put on clean cotton socks (thin) and warm woolen socks on top of them.

A foot bath with mustard can be performed immediately before a night's rest. If after it you go to a warm bed and have a good rest, the cold may simply not come or end without a trace.

For colds and runny nose

Warming baths with mustard can be very useful at the first signs of a cold and a runny nose. To increase the effectiveness of such procedures, alternative medicine specialists advise adding to the water:

  • Essential oils, for example, of coniferous trees (fir, spruce, cedar) or eucalyptus. You need to take 3 drops. oil per 1 liter of water.
  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile or rose hips. You can pour 0.5 cups of the prepared product into the bath.

The use of essential oils and medicinal herbs acts like inhalation. A bath with mustard perfectly warms the feet, and the healing components of the additional substances have a direct effect on the respiratory tract.

Is it effective for cough?

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

Mustard foot baths are often recommended for cough treatment. In fact, such procedures can be quite effective:

  • When such a symptom first appears, when it occurs as one of the first manifestations of a cold.
  • For a wet cough that occurs already during the recovery stage.

But in no case should you use mustard foot baths for coughs if the ailment is bacterial in nature and arose as a complication of a common cold. In this case, heating can aggravate the course of the inflammatory process, worsen the patient’s well-being and contribute to the emergence of new health problems.


Should you steam your feet if you have a cold?

It is traditionally believed that you can cure a cold by steaming your feet in a basin of hot water. This technique is especially helpful at the first appearance of signs of illness - cough, sore throat and slight increase in temperature. How effective is this procedure and how to carry it out correctly?

Principle of the method

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

Of course, using hot foot baths alone is unlikely to cure the problem. But in combination with other methods (medicinal and procedural), they help achieve a certain positive effect - except for those cases when soaring your legs is strictly not recommended.

When should you not hover your feet?

In certain situations, if you hover your legs, the benefits and harms of the procedure will be approximately comparable. Sometimes it can even harm the body much more than cure a cold.

This happens if the patient’s temperature has already risen above 38 degrees.

The procedure can lead to overheating of the body, and this will be followed by a weakening of the immune system and a deterioration in health.

Pregnancy at almost any stage is a contraindication due to increased pressure during hot foot baths, which can lead to either a miscarriage or even early birth.

It is also forbidden to steam the legs of hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and blood - for all these categories, the benefits provided to the respiratory tract from taking a hot bath are incomparable with possible problems that further aggravate their health.

Treatment method

Hot foot baths have been used as a treatment method for decades and even hundreds of years. But they should be done only according to certain rules. Otherwise, the procedure designed to eliminate the symptoms of a cold and the disease itself will be ineffective.

How do most people's feet float when they are unfamiliar with these rules? Basically, at the first sign of a cold, they all tend to pour about half a bowl of boiling water, wait until the water cools down to an acceptable temperature (50–60 degrees) and dip their feet in it. Moreover, in most cases, the water only covers the ankles. Although the correct thermal effect would be on the legs up to the shins. For which, of course, you will need not a basin, but at least a shallow (or not fully filled) bath or a large bucket.

In addition, at the very beginning of the procedure, the feet should not be in hot, but in warm water, the temperature of which should be increased by gradually adding a little boiling water.

Moreover, the liquid covering the legs should heat up to no more than 42 degrees - that is, to the level when the body just begins to feel slight discomfort.

The habit of adding water until it gets too hot can lead not to positive, but rather to negative consequences for the body.

The ideal option for taking a hot bath for your feet:

  • pour water at a temperature of about 38 degrees;
  • keep your feet in it for about 5 minutes;
  • add hot water so that the liquid in the container heats up to 42 degrees;
  • soar your feet for up to 10 minutes

When the procedure is completed, it is necessary to provide warmth to the body by wearing warm socks and covering yourself securely with a blanket. It is advisable to stay in bed for the next few hours, rest, and under no circumstances go outside. For these reasons, it is recommended to steam your feet in the late evening, before going to bed.

Baths with mustard and herbs

It is believed that adding mustard powder (2-3 tablespoons) to the water when taking hot foot baths increases the effectiveness of the procedure. However, the resulting solution may cause some discomfort in the patient - in this case, it is recommended to replace the mustard with milder additives.

For example, decoctions of medicinal herbs, which can also be used as a drink during illness - calendula, mint, chamomile, sage and others. Having a beneficial effect on the feet, all these plants will also benefit during evaporation.

The entry of decoctions into the body through the respiratory system reduces swelling of the respiratory tract and is comparable in effect to inhalation.

Another way to get rid of a runny nose and sore throat during a cold is to add a few drops of essential oils to the water. Oils of coniferous trees, tea tree, lemon, peach or mint will work best. Before doing this, however, it is worth making sure that the patient does not have allergic reactions to these substances.

Children's foot baths

Soaring your feet when signs of colds appear is possible not only for adults, but also for children. Although in this case it is necessary to adhere to slightly different principles. For example, for a child returning from the street who is frozen or caught in the rain, the procedure can be carried out for no more than 10 minutes.

The water temperature is the same as for an adult (from 38 to 42 degrees, which is advisable to check with a special thermometer), and the amount of mustard should not exceed 1-2 spoons.

For small children, it is not recommended to add mustard and, especially, essential oils, since a possible allergy can cause swelling of the bronchi.

After the procedure, it is advisable to put the child to bed, putting warm socks on his feet. Active children who are too early to go to bed should not be allowed to go outside or walk on the cold floor barefoot for at least the next 2–3 hours.


Soar your feet when you cough

The cough may come on suddenly. It’s good when there is the possibility of bed rest and full treatment. But nowadays we mostly get sick “on the job.”

How to relieve a cold or flu and get rid of a cough? A wonderful method has been passed down from generation to generation - soaring your feet when coughing.

But does everyone know how to properly soar their legs in order to help and not harm a sick body? There are many recipes for steaming feet - which one to choose? Is it possible to steam feet for everyone without exception? First things first.

The benefits of steaming procedures in the treatment of cough

Such a seemingly simple method as a hot foot bath has a very important effect on the body during colds, coughs, runny nose, sinusitis and other similar diseases.

Why does he help? The thing is that high water temperature promotes blood flow to the lower extremities from organs affected by the virus.

Steaming improves blood circulation, which means that the body begins to fight viruses more effectively and overcomes cough faster.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds?

The benefits of steaming your feet are undeniable if the patient suffers from a runny nose, dry or wet cough, chills, or sore throat. The procedure can be performed on both adults and children, if done correctly.

If a child has a cough and snot, a hot foot bath will help relieve inflammatory swelling of the respiratory tract, which means it will alleviate the symptoms and relieve the baby from discomfort.

It is recommended to steam your feet for a dry cough rather than a wet cough, since an increase in local body temperature promotes the formation of sputum.

Read also:  Non-productive cough: why it appears and how to treat the symptom

It is important that the procedure of steaming the legs is not only an effective, but also a cheap way to restore health. The benefits of this procedure, as we have already found out, are great, and the costs are minimal: everything you need is at hand for any housewife.

How to soar your legs correctly: the secrets of traditional medicine

In order for a hot foot bath to bring the expected effect and not harm the body, you need to steam your feet correctly. Steaming is practically harmless, but it should not be done in some cases:

  • at a body temperature of more than 38 degrees, this will only increase the load on the body,
  • It is highly not recommended to hover your legs during pregnancy,
  • if you have hypertension - in this case you need to consult a doctor,
  • if you are prone to allergies, if foot baths are performed with the addition of herbs or infusions,
  • Children under 4-5 years old should steam their feet with great caution, as hot water can leave a burn on the child’s delicate skin.

If there are no such contraindications, you can safely warm your feet with hot water. If you follow the rules, this procedure will give you the fastest results.

Tips for steaming your feet

No matter how familiar a basin with hot water and legs dipped in it looks, it is better to steam your legs in a deep bucket or bathtub so that the water covers the calf muscles. The effect will be felt much faster.

There is no need to immediately put your feet in hot water so that the body does not experience stress. It is better to pour water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, immerse your feet in it for a few minutes, and then gradually add boiling water. The maximum recommended temperature is 43-44 degrees. You should feel a slight tingling sensation on the skin and a pleasant warmth.

The duration of the procedure should be on average 20-25 minutes; if the body reacts well, the time can be increased to 40 minutes. It is not recommended to keep your feet in hot water for longer.

After steaming, it is better to put on warm socks and lie down under a blanket. It is strictly forbidden to go out into the cold. Therefore, the best time for foot baths is before bed.

How many days to continue to soar your feet if you have a cough depends on how well your body fights the infection. Cold symptoms usually go away within 7-10 days.

Folk recipes

To improve the steaming effect, traditional medicine recommends adding salt, mustard, iodine, and medicinal herbs to hot water.

  • Baths with salt are very useful. In addition to the warming effect, salt cleanses the skin and destroys microbes. For such baths, you can use regular or sea salt. A hot bath with 3-4 tablespoons of salt and pine infusion is good for relieving cold symptoms and treating coughs. Such a bath will also have a calming effect due to its aroma.
  • It is simple and always accessible to prepare a foot bath with soda. Dilute 3-4 tablespoons of soda in a bucket of hot water and steam your feet. The effect is the same as that of salt, in addition, soda has an antifungal effect and eliminates unpleasant odors. It is also useful to dissolve salt and soda in water at the same time - they enhance the beneficial properties of each other.
  • Baths with essential oils of lemon, mint, tea tree, rosemary. By inhaling the vapors, the patient will also feel the effect of inhalation, and the cough will go away faster. Hot water warms the body, and essential oils travel with steam through the respiratory tract into the lungs, helping to combat coughing.
  • Baths with medicinal herbs such as sage, mint, lemon balm, calendula, chamomile flowers, oregano, and wormwood are also very useful for coughs. You need to take 300-400 g of herbs, pour boiling water, leave and pour into a bucket of hot water. Steaming your feet with herbs has a warming, soothing and strengthening effect.
  • One of the most common traditional medicine recipes is mustard baths. Mustard has a good warming effect; together with hot water, it ensures blood flow to the legs and increases blood circulation. In order to steam your feet with mustard, you need to dilute 3-4 tablespoons of mustard powder in a bucket of hot water. During the procedure, a burning sensation appears. It should not be too strong - this can cause skin burns. The effect of mustard diluted in hot water can be compared to mustard plasters, which are usually placed on the chest and back when a cough is tormented. Foot baths have the same effect.
  • Garlic baths are popular for coughs. The antiviral effect of garlic is known to everyone, and hot water will enhance it. To prepare the bath, you need to crush a few cloves of garlic, pour boiling water over them and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Then heat the resulting infusion and pour it into hot water. The downside of a garlic bath is the strong, persistent smell.
  • Steaming feet with iodine is also popular. But iodine has an antimicrobial rather than a warming effect.

There are many recipes for foot baths. You can alternate additives and try their combinations. The main thing is to steam your feet regularly and follow the rules that help you get the maximum benefit from steaming.

Let's summarize.

In order to overcome a cough, it is not necessary to take expensive medications. You can use folk remedies, one of which is to steam your feet in hot water.

This procedure is suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of people with individual intolerance and pregnant women. If you follow simple rules and provide the patient with peace and warmth after the procedure, the effect will not be long in coming.

For enhanced effects, you can add herbs, essential oils, mustard, salt or soda to the baths.

Soaring your feet is not only useful, but also pleasant, because this procedure helps to cure a cough and runny nose, relax, warm up, has a cosmetic effect on the skin, and with the use of additives it will also become a means for inhalation.


How to steam your feet with mustard for coughs and colds

Hello, dear readers. Did you also have to soak your feet with mustard as a child? I remember my mother always treated my brother and me this way. With a cold, runny nose and cough, mustard always came to my mother’s aid. We are talking about dry mustard, which is sold in powder form.

Now, somehow undeservedly, modern generations have forgotten about this method of treatment; as soon as they do, they immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive and harmful medications. But if the disease has not yet started and there are no complications, then it is quite possible to cope with it if you steam your feet. Of course, you will have to do such baths not just once, but several times.

  • After this procedure, you must wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sit in bed.
  • However, before undertaking such treatment, it would be better to consult a doctor, as there may be contraindications in your case.
  • In addition to mustard dissolved in water in the form of baths, it can also be poured into socks in dry form.

The good news is that mustard is an effective and at the same time cheap remedy. Yes, and you can buy mustard powder in any store.

The benefits of mustard baths

You can steam your feet with mustard for various health problems, as it has a good therapeutic effect.

Some useful properties:

  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Bactericidal
  • Improves blood circulation and blood flow to the upper layers of the skin
  • Warming
  • Expectorant for cough
  • When used, indications
  • When coughing
  • Severe runny nose and stuffy nose
  • If you have a sore throat
  • Cold
  • Weakness

Undoubtedly, the effect will be much greater if you carry out a set of measures, and not just steam your feet with mustard. For example, it would be a good idea to take herbal teas, maybe with honey and lemon, and also use other remedies.

How to properly steam your feet with mustard

In order to steam your feet, you need to fill some container, such as a basin, with water. The temperature is around 40 degrees (children are about 37). Then add 2-3 tablespoons of dry mustard to the water and stir well. Place your feet in a bowl of water.

In this way, the legs float for about 15 minutes. If the water temperature suddenly drops, simply add boiling water. Just remember to take your feet out first to avoid getting burned.

How effective is it to soak your feet in mustard for coughs and colds? After the procedure is completed, your feet need to be wiped dry and put on warm socks. In addition, to retain heat for a longer period of time, you need to sit in bed, wrapped in a blanket or blanket.

These baths, if necessary, can be done several times a day, and in the evening it is better to do them before going to bed.

Also, in addition to mustard, you can drop a few drops of aromatic oils into the basin or add decoctions of medicinal herbs. The emanating fumes will also have benefits, namely a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which can relieve nasal congestion. You can read about how to treat a runny nose in the article “How to get rid of a runny nose.”


Despite the many positive properties of mustard baths, there are also contraindications to their use.

  • Allergic manifestations on the skin
  • Rash
  • Presence of high temperature
  • Little children under one year old
  • Damage to the skin
  • Allergy to mustard

Of course, whether to steam your feet with mustard for colds and coughs or not is up to you to decide. Each person is individual, and what is good for one may not be suitable for another. During illness, do not forget to drink plenty of fluids, especially in the form of tea, this will help you recover from the disease faster.


Is it worth steaming your feet with mustard for a cold?

Mustard contains a lot of vitamins, microelements and essential oils that are beneficial to the body, so it is impossible to overestimate its effect on health. Warming your feet with mustard is one of the most reliable and proven methods of treating colds and many other diseases.

So why exactly mustard has such a beneficial effect on the human body? By its nature, mustard is something of an irritant. Therefore, upon contact with the skin, a burning effect occurs, which increases blood circulation and has a warming effect.

What causes the positive impact?

Remember mustard plasters - many of you in childhood applied them to the chest and back to cure coughs and colds. A similar effect occurs in our case - it is recommended to steam your feet with mustard at the first signs of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI):

  • dry or wet cough;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • feeling weak and other common symptoms of colds.

Soaring your feet with mustard

Some people prefer to warm their feet with the same mustard plasters, but it is much more effective to warm their feet with mustard in a bath of hot water. You don't need any special preparation for this. Just gather everything you need, which is a small basin, water, mustard powder, a towel for your feet, woolen socks and a warm blanket or blanket to sweat properly.

Pour hot water into a basin (optimal temperature + 40+50 degrees), pour one or two tablespoons of mustard powder into it and mix thoroughly until it completely dissolves.

After this, you can safely put your feet in the water (just be careful - too hot water can cause burns) and cover yourself with a blanket. While your body is healing, you can read an interesting book or watch TV.

Just remember to maintain the temperature of the water, adding hot water from time to time, otherwise the healing effect will not be achieved.

In total, you need to steam your feet with mustard for about 20-30 minutes, and it is better to do this just before bed - this way the likelihood that you will warm up will be maximum. After removing your feet from the bath, dry them well with a towel and immediately put on warm socks - this way you will keep your feet warm for as long as possible.

If your temperature does not go down for a long time, then steaming your feet with mustard in this way is extremely undesirable - this can cause it to rise even higher.

Compresses with mustard

If for a number of reasons you are unable to steam your feet in a mustard bath, you can resort to compresses. The easiest way is to take thick wool socks and pour a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard powder into them.

These socks are worn over regular cotton ones, and the resulting compress is worn for a couple of hours or until a strong feeling of discomfort appears.

The uniqueness of this method is the ability to use it even with elevated body temperature at any time of the day convenient for you.


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