
Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Doctors consider mastopathy one of the most common pathologies of the female breast. This is the name of a benign disease, manifested by the proliferation of mammary gland tissue. What are the causes of mastopathy? Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

The main one is considered to be a hormonal imbalance in the female body. The processes associated with the proliferation of cells in the mammary glands during the menstrual cycle are regulated by a hormone called estrogen. Another hormone, progesterone, inhibits this reproduction in the second phase of the cycle. Excess estrogen leads to the development of breast mastopathy.

Why is “extra” estrogen produced? There could be many reasons for this:

  • inflammatory processes and tumors in the ovaries;
  • problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process adrenal dysfunctionMastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process pituitary dysfunction

Factors influencing the development of pathology

The risk of getting this disease can be minimized if a woman knows what most often causes mastopathy and, if possible, avoids the influence of such factors.

  1. Psychological problems. It is no coincidence that they took first place in the ranking. The psychosomatics of mastopathy include nervous breakdowns, regular and severe disorders, stress, overwork, quarrels with loved ones, child illness and much more. All this has a very strong and destructive effect, especially chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. A woman may not even notice this, and the exhausted body loses its ability to resist disease. Health problems, meanwhile, are justified by poor environmental conditions, and irritability by the approaching menstruation. A woman’s attitude towards herself also plays an important role: low self-esteem and complexes about appearance only lead to the same stress. Therefore, to prevent mastopathy (and not only) it is important to always be in harmony with yourself and your life. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process
  2. Heredity. Women whose mothers and grandmothers suffered from mastopathy have a greater risk of getting sick than those who did not have this pathology in their family. Predisposition to fibroadenoma is inherited. If your family is no exception, you need to carefully monitor your breasts throughout your reproductive years.
  3. Abortion. Termination of pregnancy, regardless of the duration, is always a great stress for the female body. A pregnant woman’s body is preparing for the upcoming birth: the ratio and level of hormones in the blood change, and progesterone begins to be intensively produced. After an abortion, all these processes suddenly stop, which cannot but affect the woman’s condition. The body will need some time to restore normal functioning. Termination of pregnancy, as is known, is fraught with various complications, and mastopathy is one of them, and not the most dangerous for health. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process
  4. Sexual dissatisfaction. According to medical research, regular sexual activity helps strengthen the female body and increases resistance to diseases. It also affects the production of hormones, maintaining their optimal level. If a sexually mature woman has problems in this area, disturbances in the functioning of her reproductive system are possible. This entails an irregular cycle, irritability and other unpleasant symptoms. The level of hormones decreases, and this is the main “trigger” of breast mastopathy.
  5. Mechanical injuries. Women's breasts are very sensitive to damage. Strong blows, prolonged squeezing, sharp jolts - all this can cause the development of mastopathy. It is important to note that this does not happen immediately: several years may pass from the injury to the onset of the disease. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process
  6. Problems with excess weight. Having a large amount of body fat increases estrogen levels. Coupled with metabolic disorders, inevitable with obesity, this factor increases the likelihood of mastopathy.
  7. Disturbances in the reproductive system also often provoke mastopathy of the mammary gland. For example, inflammation of the ovary can lead to excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient production of the hormone estrogen.
  8. Unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking are risk factors for the development of breast pathology. They affect the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of secreted hormones.
  9. Malfunctions of the endocrine system. Disturbances in the normal functioning of the endocrine glands (for example, the thyroid) can also lead to problems with the mammary glands, since the latter are controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Lack of iodine in the body is also one of the causes of mastopathy. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process
  10. Breast-feeding. More precisely, its absence. After giving birth, it is important to feed your baby breast milk. Not only does he need this, but his mother needs it too. During lactation, large amounts of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin are released - they are responsible for milk production. If a woman for some reason does not breastfeed her baby, it accumulates. The result of such a refusal can be inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis, which has a chance of developing into mastopathy.
  11. Liver problems. The liver is the filter of our body, purifying the blood not only of harmful substances, but also of waste hormones. They begin to accumulate in the blood if the liver is unable to function normally. As a result, malfunctions occur in the functioning of the entire hypothalamic-pituitary system; this is a natural reaction to changes in the level of hormones in the blood. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process
  12. Difficult birth. It is also a great stress for the entire female body, although not as strong as termination of pregnancy. The hormonal surge that occurs during childbirth (and the more severe it is, the more the balance is disturbed) is a serious factor in the development of mastopathy.
  13. Late labor or refusal. The likelihood of the disease is significantly reduced if a woman gives birth to a second child by the age of twenty-five. But in this situation the principle applies: “better late than never.” Among sick women, a larger percentage are those who have not given birth at all than those who did so at a fairly mature age. The more births a woman has had, the lower the risk of developing mastopathy. Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Signs of mastopathy

With this pathology, symptoms such as:

  • pain, heaviness, discomfort in the chest, intensifying at the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • strange discharge from the nipples;
  • in some cases - enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes;
  • dense formations or nodules that can be felt by probing (palpating) the mammary gland.

It should be remembered: approximately a tenth of women suffering from mastopathy do not feel discomfort or pain in the chest.

The main danger of mastopathy is that against its background a malignant disease can develop - breast cancer.Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process


What should you do to ensure that the disease passes you by? Every woman should take precautions. They are not as complicated as the possible treatment of mastopathy in the future:

  • take sedatives, visit a psychologist as needed;
  • choose the right underwear, because an uncomfortable bra can interfere with blood circulation in the chest and cause other subtle damage;
  • lead an active and healthy lifestyle, stop using tobacco and alcohol, or at least limit their amount;
  • avoid stressful situations, breast injuries, abortions;
  • try not to lift heavy objects;
  • if a child is born, breastfeed;
  • Perform regular breast self-exams.

It is necessary to visit a mammologist at least once every two years, and after menopause (45 years) - annually.

Now you know the reasons for the development of breast mastopathy. Every woman, if her health and well-being is dear to her, should pay attention to herself and follow simple recommendations in everyday life. Then healthy and beautiful breasts will delight her for many years.


Mastopathy - causes, symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

Mastopathy is one of the most common pathologies today, occurring in women, especially of reproductive age.

Doctors classify it as a benign tumor process, however, in 10% of cases it can degenerate into cancer.

That is why it is so important to identify it in a timely manner, undergo a course of treatment, which, thanks to modern drugs, has a positive effect, and prevent negative consequences.

General information about this disease

Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Reasons for the development of the process

Before describing the symptoms of mastopathy and treatment, you should note that this disease is a dishormonal pathological process, which is accompanied by an abnormal proliferation of cells that make up the connective tissue of the mammary gland and the appearance of various neoplasms in it.

According to clinical manifestation, pathology is divided into two types:

If we are talking about a diffuse form, then its manifestation will be the formation of multiple small compactions that are distributed throughout the entire structure of the gland. In the case of nodular mastopathy of the mammary gland, the seals are larger in size (up to the size of a walnut).

Attention! If the neoplasms are characterized by a homogeneous structure and do not grow rapidly, then the pathological process is not life-threatening. If the shapes of large compactions are heterogeneous and unusual, there is a threat of cells degenerating into malignant ones, i.e. onset of cancer development.

What can lead to the development of the disease

The appearance of signs of mastopathy in women is primarily associated with impaired metabolism of estrogen (female sex hormones). Very often, the development of the disease occurs against the background of chronic diseases and inflammation in the reproductive system (this could be uterine fibroids, diseases of the appendages, and others).

In women of childbearing age (24 – 52 years), with a preserved menstrual cycle Imbalance of estrogen (produced by the ovaries) and prolactin (produced by the pituitary gland)
In women who have undergone castration or entered menopause, menopause (52 – 65 years and older) Even a small level of extraovarian estrogens (produced by the adrenal glands, adipose tissue and other organs) is not compensated by progestins (since the ovaries no longer produce them). In addition, disruption of the production of growth factors plays a role.

One of the common causes of pathology is abortion. A sharp intervention in the natural processes of preparing the body for motherhood can completely disrupt cell division and lead to the appearance of abnormal tumors. The same result can be achieved by a mother’s sudden refusal to breastfeed her baby.

The disease is often detected in women suffering from:

  1. diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  2. from problems with the endocrine system;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. diabetes;
  5. neurological disorders.

Stress, an excess of negative emotions, overstrain and chronic fatigue can also lead to the development of a pathological process.

The level of sex hormones in a woman’s blood depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle (phase 1 – follicular, phase 2 – luteal)
The normal values ​​of sex hormones depend on what test methods are used in the selected clinic
Women of childbearing age and women who have entered menopause have different normal levels of sex hormones

Pathology and pregnancy: are they compatible?

Due to the fact that this pathology is in most cases diagnosed in women of reproductive age, the question: is mastopathy and pregnancy compatible is relevant for many.

According to doctors, in almost all cases this disease does not interfere with conception, pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. Very often, pregnancy is one of the best options for treating the disease, because during this period, progesterone begins to be actively produced in the female body, which precisely improves metabolic processes that have failed at the hormonal level.

Important! Statisticians note that in 80% of cases, mastopathy during pregnancy completely disappeared.

What are the signs of the disease?

The main symptoms of mastopathy are: lumps in the breast area, palpable. These can be multiple or single large nodes (this depends on the type of pathology).

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In most cases, shortly before menstruation, a woman’s breasts begin to hurt, increase in size (the bra becomes tight), and her favorite sleeping position, “lying on her stomach,” may become uncomfortable. This lasts for several days and then goes away.

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Over time, if you do not start appropriate treatment for mastopathy, the pain becomes stronger and longer lasting. They can be dull and aching, radiating to the armpit or shoulder.

Next, a constant feeling of heaviness in the chest may appear, the lymph nodes enlarge, the structure of the surface of the skin over the affected area changes, and discharge often appears from the nipple.

Carefully! A definitive diagnosis cannot be made based on palpation and the appearance of symptoms. A consultation with a mammologist is necessary.

As numerous studies show, if you take your health seriously, you can identify pathology at a very early stage and completely independently.

Doctors all over the world talk about the benefits of self-examination - if you know how to do it correctly, you can seek medical help in time and not let the situation become critical.

Of course, doctors have effective methods to combat mastopathy, but why take the risk if you can get by with taking a minimum amount of drugs?

The most relevant development of self-examination skills is for those representatives of the fair sex who are over 35 years old. It is at this age that hormonal changes begin, which can provoke benign lumps in the breast.

Important! Regular examinations (both in the hospital and at home) are mandatory for those who have a family history of breast cancer.

To obtain reliable information, you must adhere to several rules regarding conducting a home inspection:

  1. It is necessary to examine the mammary glands after the end of the next menstruation, since this is when the breasts are best palpated for the presence of pathological lumps.
  2. The examination is first performed in the supine position. Conventionally, it is necessary to divide the breast into four zones (right, left, upper and lower) and sequentially palpate them to identify various nodules or neoplasms.
  3. Of great importance is an examination in front of a mirror, during which the hands are raised up and a thorough examination of the visual features of the mammary glands is carried out. Normally, the breasts should have a uniform shape, without any pits or depressions, the nipples should not be deformed and have clear contours. To make sure there is no discharge, you need to gently pull each nipple in turn.

Of course, a specialist mammologist can handle the examination much better, but there is no point in going to see him every three months (if there is no pain or other signs of a pathological process). A clinical examination once a year will be enough, and the rest of the time you can examine yourself yourself.

You can suspect mastopathy by its manifestations such as:

  • clearly visible places where the skin seems to be “pulled” into the chest;
  • easily palpable seals (can be of different sizes and degrees of density);
  • discharge from the nipples, as well as abnormalities in their shape and color;
  • painful sensations in the chest itself, as well as radiating pain to the neck, shoulder blades or arms.

Diagnostic measures

To make an unambiguous diagnosis of mastopathy, the doctor needs, first of all, to confirm the presence of lumps during palpation. Palpation makes it possible to establish the specific structure of the mammary glands and places with abnormal formations.

In addition, to prescribe an accurate set of diagnostic procedures, the doctor palpates nearby lymph nodes. In addition to the physical examination, the mammologist carefully studies the patient’s medical record, establishing the number of pregnancies and abortions, the presence of hormonal disorders, etc.

Attention is also paid to family history.

Of the main instrumental examination methods for suspected mastopathy, the following are used:

  • ultrasound examination - makes it possible to determine structural changes in the breast, both nodular and diffuse;
  • mammography - involves irradiating the patient with X-rays to obtain an image showing areas with compactions (the advantage of the method is that it shows changes that cannot be felt during palpation);
  • puncture is a relevant method in the presence of nodular tumors, which makes it possible to determine the characteristic structural features of the pathological node and distinguish the disease from other diseases with similar symptoms, in particular cancer.

Many girls are afraid to have a puncture, fearing severe pain and aesthetic consequences. In fact, the procedure is extremely simple and, if done correctly, does not cause excessive discomfort to the patient.

However, the discomfort experienced during the puncture is compensated by the information content of the study, allowing the diagnosis to be confirmed.

If diagnostic problems still arise, Doppler sonography and ductography may be additionally prescribed.

  Treatment of breast cancer in Israel

How is the disease treated?

The main treatment program for mastopathy in women is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels, so most often they are limited to conservative methods of therapy.

The patient may be prescribed hormonal drugs for the treatment of mastopathy, regulating the production of progesterone and estrogen, as well as a non-hormonal course. Of course, the course of therapy also includes agents for local effects on the mammary glands.

Only an integrated approach can achieve good results and minimize relapses in the future.

Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Methods of treating the disease and drugs

Non-hormonal agents include vitamin therapy and iodine (scientists have proven that its deficiency plays a significant role in the development of this pathological process).

When it comes to taking vitamins, it should be noted that drugs of groups A, C and B are needed. A complex such as triovit for mastopathy can be chosen, but these capsules contain group A, E and C.

B vitamins are administered separately.

Endocrine drugs with a herbal base have a significant positive effect (only a doctor selects and prescribes them!), such as:

  1. Cyclodione belongs to the non-hormonal category and is taken in the form of tablets (one tablet every morning) or drops (40 drops diluted in water). The duration of therapy is 90 days. The medicine allows you to reduce the intensity of prolactin production, reduce pain and return the menstrual cycle to normal.
  2. Mastodion is intended to normalize prolactin levels in the blood, relieve pain and reduce the intensity of sensations before the onset of menstruation. The drug is sold in tablet form and in the form of drops. In both cases, you need to take the medicine morning and evening (30 drops with water or 1 tablet) for three months.
  3. Mammokalm is a product made from seaweed with a high iodine content. The medicine is indicated for restoring normal functioning of the thyroid gland, while at the same time it has an analgesic effect, which is important during menstruation. Taking into account the specific composition of the drug, the doctor determines its dosage individually, based on the type of endocrine disease diagnosed.

The program of conservative therapy also includes some products for external use.

The doctor may prescribe Progestogel gel to treat mastopathy. The active component in it is the hormone progesterone (hence the name), but do not forget that it is designed for complex use.

Surgical intervention is carried out only in extreme cases, if: large nodes are found, pills for mastopathy have not helped, and there is a possibility of tumors degenerating into malignant forms. After the operation, physiotherapy, hormone therapy, and vitamins are prescribed individually.

An integral part of recovery from such a diagnosis is a change in diet. So, it is necessary to completely (at least for the period of the active phase of treatment) give up cocoa, chocolate and coffee - this will help reduce the intensity of pain.

In addition, it is necessary to reduce (or better yet, completely abandon) everything fatty, smoked and spicy. Instead, your daily diet should include various fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

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Recovery prognosis

Faced with such a diagnosis, many women are afraid that a lump in the breast indicates the inevitable development of cancer.

Indeed, there is a certain risk of degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones, but it is very low, especially with a timely course of therapy.

If you believe the statistics, 99 out of 100 patients, if they quickly contact a mammologist, have every chance of a full recovery. In turn, the likelihood of relapse directly depends on whether the original problem that caused the pathology can be eliminated.

The majority of patients are indicated for clinical observation for three to six months. During this period, the symptoms of the disease disappear and hormonal levels return to normal. The speed of recovery is directly related to factors such as the woman’s age, the presence of bad habits and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations regarding nutrition.

How to prevent the pathological process

Increased attention to your health will help a woman prevent illness:

Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Breast self-examination

  • annual examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist;
  • a special diet for mastopathy, aimed at providing the body with iodine, vitamins B, C and A, excluding smoked foods and fatty foods;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Scientists say that preventing stress is also the best cure for mastopathy!



Mastopathy is a concept that combines a number of certain diseases of the mammary glands, which are characterized by the development of pathological changes in the gland tissue itself.

At the same time, the ratio of the components of connective and epithelial tissues is also disrupted.

The nosological classification of the World Health Organization characterizes mastopathy as a fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands.

The content of the article:

Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

The chance of being affected by various mastopathy of any etiology in females at a young age ranges somewhere around forty percent, but increases significantly after forty years.

Mastopathy itself is a benign change in gland tissue, which is dependent on nervous and humoral regulation. It can be argued that the main factors in the development of mastopathy are pathological processes that are closely related to disorders of nervous regulation (neuroses, stress, depression) and imbalances of hormones (including internal homeostasis).

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Classification of mastopathy

The most common classification of mastopathy in clinical practice, where there are 3 forms: mastalgia (mastoplasia, mastodynia), as well as diffuse and localized fibroadenomatosis.

Mastalgia is characterized by the predominance of a pronounced pain syndrome, which is the main indication for prescribing special analgesic drugs to the patient.

Diffuse adenomatosis is a process of development of cysts and diffuse compactions in glandular tissues.

There are two types: fibrous mastopathy (in this case, predominantly compactions from connective tissue are formed in the breast tissue) and fibrocystic mastopathy.

In the case of the latter, in the mammary gland, in addition to foci of fibrosis, cysts (cavities filled with fluid) also appear in the mammary gland.

In the case of localized fibroadenomatosis, pathological changes appear only in a very limited area of ​​the mammary gland (quadrant or segment) and do not spread throughout the entire parenchyma of the gland.

If a localized tumor is detected in the breast tissue, a biopsy should be performed to exclude the presence of a malignant tumor.

Reasons for the development of mastopathy

Unfortunately, there is no complete and detailed understanding of the causes and mechanisms of development of mastopathy, but there is every reason to assert the fact that hormonal status plays a key role in the development of this pathology.

There is an assumption that the most significant pathogenetic cause of the development of mastopathy is a deficiency of the hormone progesterone with an excess of the hormone estrogen.

In this case, there is a phenomenon such as increased proliferation (reproduction) of cellular elements of connective tissue, as well as epithelial cells. In addition to this phenomenon, the body’s production of prolactin plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of mastopathy.

Prolactinemia increases the sensitivity of breast tissue to the hormone estrogen.

Symptoms of mastopathy

The most characteristic symptom of mastopathy is the detection of a compacted area in the breast tissue during palpation. Most often this lump is slightly painful.

Pain tends to intensify in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, as well as immediately before menstruation itself. These seals can be either single or multiple. Several nodules may be detected, or the entire mammary gland may be palpated as compacted.

Mastopathy is also characterized by the disease affecting both glands at once, most often their upper parts.

The excessive presence of the fibrous component appears to the touch as a kind of compaction, and cystic changes in the tissues in the first stages of the disease may not be felt at all when palpating the gland (ductal microcysts).

The pain itself in the mammary glands most often has an aching, dull or even pulling character. The occurrence of pain is associated with compression of nerve endings by fibrous growths in the parenchyma of the mammary gland or even partial sclerosis.

The degree of intensity of the pain syndrome greatly depends on the severity of the pathology itself. Most often, the manifestation and intensification of pain is directly related to the menstrual cycle (before menstruation itself, pain increases at the peak of the production of the hormone estrogen).

Sometimes there is a phenomenon of pain radiating to the area of ​​the shoulder blade or arms.

In some women examined, pain in the lumps is not observed, although upon examination by a doctor, pathological changes of varying severity are detected. This phenomenon is associated with a distinctive threshold of pain sensitivity, as well as with the individual peculiarity of the branching of the nervous system in the tissues of the mammary glands.

About 10% of mastopathy occurs with enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits. Palpation of the lymph nodes is usually moderately painful.

An increase in the size of the mammary glands, their periodic hardening (usually in the second period of the menstrual cycle) is a consequence of the presence of venous stagnation in the vessels of the mammary glands, including swelling of the connective tissue.

In this case, the mammary glands may increase in size by more than 15%. This is characterized by a feeling of discomfort and even pain during palpation (increased sensitivity of the entire breast).

The combination of all these signs will be premenstrual syndrome.

Sometimes there may be discharge from the nipples. They can be of different nature, etiology and any degree of abundance. They can appear both when exposed to the nipple itself, and can be quite pronounced.

In its consistency, the discharge is usually whitish or completely transparent, but in some cases it can become bloody, brown or greenish in color.

The greatest danger is represented by bloody discharge, for the reason that they can be the main sign of the development of malignant processes in the mammary glands. The appearance of absolutely any discharge from the nipples, of any nature, is an important reason to consult a mammologist.

You also need to be extremely careful when detecting one or more nodes. Palpation of a dense, limited in size, nodular formation can become either a sign of localized nodular mastopathy or may turn out to be cancer. When suspicious nodes are detected in the breast tissue, a biopsy is always performed in order to exclude malignant tumors.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

The main, most significant and main way to timely detect neoplasms and pathologies in the mammary glands is the method of self-examination (in other words, self-examination (palpation) of the mammary glands).

To detect formations, as well as determine their size, shape, quantity; To find diffuse pathological changes in the parenchymal tissues of the mammary gland, instrumental diagnostic methods are used.

Biocontrast mammography is an examination of the mammary glands using x-rays. Mammography is best performed during the first phase of the menstrual cycle. Pictures of each breast are taken in frontal and lateral projections. This examination is one of the most specific and informative.

In addition to this method, ultrasound of the mammary glands is currently used. Fibrocystic pathologies of mammary gland tissue affect the echogenicity of their structures. For this reason, changes can be detected in a timely manner and studied with sufficient quality, thanks to this technique.

MRI of the breast determines areas of decreased and increased temperature of the breast tissue.

The diaphanoscopy method involves opening the chest using a bright light source. When using this method, the neoplasm in the thickness of the gland will look like a darker colored spot.

Using the ductography method, the system of the mammary ducts of the gland is examined. In this case, contrast is injected into the mammary gland through the nipple, after which an x-ray is taken. In the image you can see the milk duct system. Areas in which the contrast agent is not sufficiently pronounced can be signs of formations and various pathologies.

Pneumocystography is performed under ultrasound control. With this method, air is pumped into the cavity of the cystic formation using a needle. This allows you to sufficiently straighten the walls and examine them well in order to detect parietal neoplasms.

If a nodule is found, a breast biopsy is performed. With this method, using puncture with a thin needle, a sample of gland tissue is removed for histological examination.

When determining the etiological factors for the development of mastopathy, methods for studying the hormonal status of the body are actively used.

Colposcopy methods and cytological study of vaginal epithelial cells allow us to draw an objective conclusion about the total and general hormonal background, since the shape, size and structure of vaginal cells are directly dependent on the influence of sex hormones.

This method also directly determines the amount of hormones in the blood such as estrogen and progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, adrenal hormones, as well as thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Sometimes a test is done to check for the presence of autoantibodies to thyroid cells. This is necessary to identify a pathology such as autoimmune thyroiditis.

To find out the general hormonal state of the patient’s body, comprehensive studies of the endocrine system organs are carried out to identify their possible pathologies. These include: ultrasound of the thyroid gland, liver, adrenal glands; CT scan of the pituitary gland, radiography of the sella turcica.

To exclude immune and metabolic pathologies, a biochemical blood test is performed and an immunogram is taken.

Treatment of mastopathy

In the treatment of mastopathy, one of the most important roles is played by the correction of the balance of hormones in the body. When choosing treatment methods, consultation with specialists such as a gynecologist and endocrinologist is necessary. Doctors jointly conduct a thorough analysis of the state of the endocrine system and, if necessary, prescribe medications that correspond to the identified pathologies of organs and systems.

  • With a pronounced form of estrogenism, as well as with severe pain, drugs (for example, tamoxifen, faresterone) can be prescribed that reduce the effect of these hormones on the mammary gland.
  • To normalize the menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives are used, which are selected depending on the hormonal status of the patient.
  • To treat thyroid dysfunction, drugs are used that regulate the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Vitamin complexes improve liver function and also normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Among other methods, homeopathic remedies and topical preparations of the hormone progesterone are used. They act directly on breast tissue, which helps reduce the proliferation of epithelial cells and connective tissue, relieving swelling.

Patients who suffer from mastopathy need to significantly limit the consumption of drinks and medications containing caffeine, and also stop smoking. It is recommended to enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits and foods that contain large amounts of fiber and vitamins.

If there is a suspicion of malignant formations, the node is removed surgically. In other cases, treatment is limited to conservative methods.

Prevention of mastopathy

  1. A large number of factors that contribute to the development of mastopathy complicates the development of a consistent and unified prevention scheme.

  2. However, we can easily identify the most significant factors influencing the prevention of mastopathy: stressful situations (in case of stress, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to use sedative medications of biological origin - valerian root, motherwort), a positive way of thinking, a psychologically comfortable environment.

  3. Balanced, low-calorie, proper nutrition (but without being carried away by various mono-diets and poor-quality weight loss methods), as well as the prevention of obesity and excess weight, maintain the internal homeostasis of the body and the proper functioning of the regulatory neurohumoral system.

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One of the main components of the diet that negatively affects the hormonal levels of patients is caffeine. Women need to limit, or better yet completely eliminate, foods containing caffeine from their diet, and should not overuse strong coffee or tea on an empty stomach.

Women who use oral contraceptives should stop smoking. It will also be useful to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

A very significant factor for maintaining the patient’s health is regular, high-quality sex life and, in general, any long-term physical activity of the body.

Prognosis for mastopathy

Most often, cases of mastopathy do not cause complications or malignancy. The prognosis of the disease is positive, but only with proper management of the hormonal state. However, you should be wary of hormonal imbalances that can trigger relapses.



A benign disease of the mammary gland, which is characterized by the development of complex pathological processes leading to the proliferation of gland tissue, is commonly called mastopathy . It is mainly encountered by women aged 18 to 45 years. Girls (from 18 to 35 years old) are more prone to mastopathy.

Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

Reasons for the development of mastopathy

Experts consider hormonal disorders . Oddly enough, the etiology of mastopathy is associated with the natural characteristics of the female body.

As you know, every month a woman experiences special cyclical changes in her body, which are carried out under the influence of the hormone progesterone and the hormone estrogen. These hormones are distinguished by the fact that they are responsible for controlling all normal processes of the menstrual cycle, and are also able to influence the condition of mammary gland tissue.

Experts consider the proliferative processes that occur in the mammary glands under the influence of the hormone estrogen in the initial phase of the cycle to be normal. At the same time, these processes begin to slow down significantly when the hormone progesterone comes into force in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

If any reasons interfere with the natural processes in the female body, suppressing hormones or making changes to their usual “lifestyle,” significant disturbances in the hormonal system can occur.

Thus, with a deficiency of the hormone progesterone and an excess of the hormone estrogen, mastopathy may develop due to excessive proliferation of tissue in the mammary gland.

In addition, mastopathy may appear for another reason. For example, if the pituitary gland produces the hormone prolactin in excess. This process is normal only during pregnancy or after the birth of a child. It is necessary for the normal process responsible for the production of milk in the glands.

If an excess of the hormone prolactin is observed during other periods of a woman’s life not related to pregnancy, this phenomenon will be a pathology that will lead to the formation of mastopathy.

However, the cause of mastopathy can be not only a hormonal disorder, but also some other factors:

  • liver diseases;
  • insufficient amount of iodine;
  • adrenal gland diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • smoking;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • inflammatory processes in the ovaries (including tumors);
  • frequent stress;
  • mechanical damage to the mammary gland;
  • irregular sex life;
  • absence of a child under 30 years of age;
  • frequent wearing of a too tight, uncomfortable bra;
  • genetic predisposition.

Types of mastopathy

  • Nodal type . Mastopathy of this type is characterized by the presence of one or more nodes in the mammary gland. This disease also has two subtypes: a fluid formation (also sometimes called a cyst), and a benign tumor (or fibroadenoma). The nodular type of mastopathy requires surgical intervention.
  • Diffuse type. Unlike nodular mastopathy, this type of disease is characterized by the localization of multiple nodes in the mammary gland. Diffuse mastopathy also has several subtypes, differing in the predominant component: glandular; fibrous; cystic; mixed.

Main symptoms of mastopathy

The intensity of symptoms for this disease will depend on several key factors: firstly, on the diseases that are already observed in the patient; secondly, on the psycho-emotional state of the woman and the state of her hormonal levels.

During palpation of the breast, a woman in most cases independently detects such suspicious signs as nodular seals, single or multiple. Also, often with mastopathy, the lymph nodes in the armpit area can become noticeably enlarged.

Among the most characteristic symptoms of mastopathy, the following are usually distinguished:

  • pain in the mammary gland (aching type of pain that appears before or after menstruation);
  • acute chest pain, due to which a woman has to take painkillers;
  • increase in breast size;
  • coarsening of breast tissue;
  • discharge from the nipples of a characteristic white, greenish or transparent color;
  • bloody discharge from the mammary gland (a very rare case, but usually an alarming sign indicating that you need to immediately consult a specialist).

In some cases, a woman may not attach much importance to suspicious symptoms of mastopathy, mistaking them for natural manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, etc.

However, here you should be careful and extremely attentive: during PMS and during menstruation, the mammary glands can indeed change, but thickening should not be observed. Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice them. Such symptoms may indicate the manifestation of the disease.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

When a woman turns to a specialist with complaints of pain or any other ailments reminiscent of signs of mastopathy, the doctor must prescribe diagnostic tests.

At the first stage, to identify mastopathy, a standard medical history , during which the specialist asks certain questions to the patient. After collecting anamnesis, the specialist performs palpation , checking the condition of the breast tissue with his hands.

Some formations are prone to displacement after changing position. Therefore, the patient may additionally be asked to lie on her back so that the doctor can feel the breast in the “lying” position.

The doctor pays attention to the condition of the nipples, examines whether there is fluid discharge, and additionally palpates the lymph nodes and thyroid gland. This is done to exclude pathological processes.

The next stage of diagnosis involves mammography . This is a special type of diagnosis based on the use of x-rays to examine the condition of the mammary glands.

If mastopathy is suspected, mammography is performed on days 7-10 of the cycle.

During mammography, the doctor receives an image with two projections of the glands, which makes it possible to determine the type of mastopathy and the nature of changes in the tissues.

Another standard type of diagnosis necessary to detect signs of mastopathy is ultrasound. Thanks to ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the structure of the formation, determines its type and some other important characteristics. Ultrasound is performed on days 5-12 of the menstrual cycle.

If the doctor suspects the development of oncology, a biopsy is required, which involves taking a piece of tissue for histological diagnosis in a laboratory.

Hormonal studies are also carried out to study the levels of hormones (estrogens and progesterones). Additionally, adrenal and thyroid hormones may be studied.

As an addition, you may need an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a liver examination, and a gynecological examination of the genital organs. If a fibroadenoma is discovered during the examination, the doctor will refer you to an oncologist-mammologist.

If you would like to know more information about mastopathy, you can contact specialists. Information about doctors is presented on our website.



Procedures and problem solving Mastopathy: various causes of the development of the pathological process

  • Currently, clinicians identify the following forms of mastopathy:
  • Reasons for development
  • All the exact mechanisms of development of mastopathy are unknown, however, it is believed that the pathogenesis and changes in gland tissue are based on a violation of the ratio of sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Low concentrations of progesterone and high levels of estrogen, acting on the receptor apparatus of mammary gland cells, lead to the following transformation:
  • epithelial cells of the alveoli of the gland grow with an increase in tissue volume;
  • the mechanism of increasing connective tissue mass is activated;
  • the ductal apparatus of the mammary glands increases.
  • under the influence of an increased concentration of prolactin, the functional activity of the mammary glands increases and the volume increases.

As a result of these changes, fluid retention in the gland tissues, increased secretion and impaired drainage function are observed, which ultimately forms cavity structures

The following exo- and endogenous factors contribute to the occurrence of mastopathy:

  • Early puberty.
  • Various organic diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders of various origins.
  • Lack of breastfeeding period after childbirth (or too short-term breastfeeding, for less than 3 months).
  • Decompensated diseases of the body.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Long-term use of intrauterine contraception.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Smoking.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

It is also worth noting that the main disturbances in the balance of sex hormones and prolactin can occur with: 

  • disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, 
  • hypothyroidism, 
  • polycystic ovary syndrome, 
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands, 
  • severe liver and kidney diseases,
  •  viral infections, 
  • early menopause. 

In addition, there is a greater risk of developing various forms of mastopathy in women who do not have regular sex life, or in situations where sex life is not satisfactory, as well as in cases of termination of pregnancy, especially in later stages, when the mammary glands are in a state of changes and preparation for breastfeeding.

Speech by oncologist-mammologist S.M. Portnoy on the Russia 1 TV channel on the topic of breast cancer and atheromas: treatment and prevention of the disease (mammography, ultrasound and self-examination).

Clinical picture

Often the disease occurs relatively latently, without pronounced clinical symptoms. Therefore, regular examinations by a mammologist are recommended, at least once a year.

Diagnosis of various forms of mastopathy is carried out as follows:

  • Examination by a doctor and palpation examination (recommended to be performed immediately after menstruation, usually on days 5-8 of the cycle).
  • Blood hormone studies.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics (is very informative and does not require any preparation). It is also recommended to perform immediately after menstruation.
  • Mammography and other x-ray examinations (performed only on doctor’s orders, not carried out at Frau Klinik).
  • Cytological examination of discharge from the nipples of the mammary glands.
  • Aspiration biopsy of pathological breast tissue, performed under ultrasound control.

And self-examination of the mammary glands is very important in the early detection of mastopathy, as well as other diseases.

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