
Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Cough in children is most often caused by infectious respiratory diseases caused by viruses or pathogenic bacteria. However, allergies can also be a fairly common cause of cough.

The fact that the nature of the cough is most likely allergic can be suggested by the following features of this symptom:

  • Allergy coughs are often barking and dry.
  • This cough appears suddenly in a child in the form of attacks.
  • The cough is often protracted and lasts up to two to three weeks.
  • As a rule, there is no fever with such a cough.
  • The cough often appears at night.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Cough is often not the only symptom of an allergic reaction. In addition to coughing attacks, your baby may have:

  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Soreness and itching in the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Tearing.
  • Discomfort after coughing.
  • Pain when inhaling.

A cough of an allergic nature is similar to coughing attacks that occur with whooping cough or acute bronchitis. Often this is a dry cough, which is called a barking cough. It is difficult to separate sputum, and before an attack the child may feel suffocated (complains of lack of air) caused by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Unlike a cough caused by an infection, the child’s general condition is almost not disturbed, and the body temperature remains within normal limits. In addition, a cough of an allergic nature can often be associated with the action of an allergen, for example, it occurs during the flowering period of certain plants, after sleeping on a pillow with fluff, or after communicating with a pet.

The difference between an allergic cough and an infectious cough is also the effectiveness of using anti-allergy drugs. If you give this drug to a child, the intensity of an allergic cough immediately decreases until the attack is completely relieved.

In most cases, a child with allergies suffers from a dry cough. This cough exhausts the baby, can last a long time in the form of attacks and very often occurs at night. In many cases, the appearance of a cough is systematic, for example, it occurs in the spring or winter.

A wet cough of an allergic nature is much less common than a dry cough. If sputum is produced during a cough caused by an allergic reaction, it is clear and does not contain pus. Because of its transparency and high viscosity, it is called glassy.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

If your child has a prolonged dry cough, it is important to show him to a pediatrician. The doctor will confirm that there is no infectious cause for the cough and will recommend examinations that will help identify allergens. The child will be given:

  • Complete blood count (pay attention to the number of eosinophils).
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Determination of the level of IgE in the blood.
  • X-ray examination of the chest.
  • Sputum analysis (for wet cough).
  • Tests that determine respiratory function.
  • Skin tests for allergens (in children over 3 years old).
  • Enzyme immunoassay for allergens.

Since an allergic cough is caused by the entry of a certain allergen into a child’s body, the basis for treating such a symptom is getting rid of this allergen, as well as stopping the body’s reaction.

If the cause is a food allergy, cough-provoking foods should be removed from the diet.

Dust is a common allergen, so if an allergic cough occurs, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

If you are allergic to a pet, you should decide on its contact with the child.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Medicines prescribed to children for allergies are a group of antihistamines. These include:

  • Zirtec - drops are used from 6 months, tablets - from 6 years of age.
  • Ketotifen - syrup from 6 months of age, tablets - from 3 years.
  • Zodak - drops are allowed from 1 year, tablets - from 6 years.
  • Erius - syrup is prescribed to children one year old and older, and tablets - from 12 years of age.
  • Cetrin syrup is given from 2 years of age, tablets are given to children over 6 years of age.
  • Fenistil - drops are given to children older than 1 month.
  • Suprastin - used from 1 month.

In addition to antihistamines, the child may be prescribed sorbents, for example, Enterosgel, activated carbon or Polysorb, as well as drugs that relax the bronchi.

To quickly eliminate an attack, modern antihistamines are used. At the same time, we note that only a doctor should choose the right remedy that will help your child. Suprastin is often used, since an injection of this drug helps relieve a cough in 5-10 minutes (tablets act a little longer - about 20 minutes).

If allergic symptoms are caused by exposure to pollen or dust, a spray administered into the baby's nose can improve the child's condition. These can be drugs Cromohexal (from 5 years), Levocabastine (from 6 years), Allergodil (from 6 years).

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Inhalations using a nebulizer can quickly cope with an allergic cough.

You can pour saline solution or mineral water into the device. This procedure will moisten the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which will ease the cough.

There are also inhaled forms of drugs that affect the bronchi.

This drug is a hormonal drug often used for bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system in which breathing is difficult. It has been noted to have the ability to relieve swelling of the bronchi, reduce inflammation and prevent spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree.

Before inhalation with Pulmicort, you should consult your doctor, since the dose for each child is selected individually. The drug is prescribed from 6 months of age. The required amount of medication is diluted with saline, poured into a nebulizer and a procedure is carried out, the effect of which will be noticeable within ten minutes.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

The drug is used for dry allergic cough, in which the sputum is very viscous. Its main effect is to dilate the bronchi by relaxing their smooth muscles.

Before using it, consultation with a pediatrician is required to determine the correct dosage. The medicine in the required dose is diluted with saline to obtain 4 ml of solution.

Pouring it into a nebulizer, give it to the child to inhale. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

The well-known pediatrician emphasizes that only a specialist can figure out whether a prolonged cough over several weeks or months is caused by an allergy or whether it is caused by a sluggish infection. However, in case of acute manifestations of allergies, parents are able to distinguish it from an infection on their own.

Komarovsky emphasizes that poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy, as well as an increase in temperature should prompt parents to think about an infection. In addition, with ARVI, the symptoms will not be limited to just coughing. The child will complain of a runny nose, pain when swallowing, or headaches.

If there is no fever or other manifestations of infection, and the general condition has remained virtually unchanged, Komarovsky advises parents to think about what preceded the illness.

Did the child go to a new place (on a visit or to the country), did the parents buy something new, treated the child to an unfamiliar dish, changed the brand of household chemicals, and so on.

Allergies, according to Komarovsky, should also be considered if only the child is sick and all other family members are healthy.

For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

  • Several times a day, especially when returning home after a walk, it is recommended to rinse your nasopharynx, mouth and throat with warm water. You can add small amounts of sea salt to the water.
  • If the child is not allergic to honey, you can make a folk remedy based on bay leaves. Leaves (8-10 pieces) are boiled for 5 minutes in half a liter of water, then a tablespoon of baking soda and honey is added to them. When coughing attacks occur, give the medicine 1/4 cup per day.
  • Prepare a syrup of garlic (two or three cloves) and sugar or honey for a child with an allergic cough. The mixture should be infused for two weeks, after which the syrup is given a tablespoon in the morning, as well as during coughing attacks.

The best way to prevent the occurrence of an allergic cough is to protect the child as much as possible from possible allergens. Even during the period of bearing a child, the mother is advised to exclude allergenic foods or significantly limit them. A pregnant woman should also take more walks.

When a child is born, you need to carefully examine his skin and immediately consult a doctor at the first signs of diathesis. Such a problem should not be considered a harmless condition that will go away on its own and does not require medical intervention.

To learn how to quickly find the source of an allergy, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

The child's room should be regularly wet cleaned, and direct contact with pets should be limited. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics and baby-safe household chemicals.

Remember that any allergy symptoms require a reaction from both parents and doctors, since inaction can lead to complications, such as bronchial asthma.


Allergic cough in children. Remedies for allergic cough:

One of the body's defense reactions is coughing. And this does not always mean a cold or flu. When an allergen enters the respiratory tract, an allergic cough occurs. In children, it is often not possible to recognize it in time.

What is an allergy in children?

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

It acts as a defender of the immune system in response to attack by irritants. Inhaled chemical compounds can become provocateurs. Unlike a cold, an allergic cough in children occurs abruptly, without accompanying symptoms of an infectious disease. The throat does not hurt, the temperature does not rise, there are no migraine attacks, and the appetite is normal.

Causes of allergic cough in children

Allergic cough medications for children: types and featuresMost often, substances contained in the inhaled air can be provocateurs.

  1. Dust that rises when air masses move.
  2. Plant pollen - during the flowering period of grasses there is quite a lot of it in the air.
  3. Fungal spores are carried by the wind.
  4. Animal fur.
  5. In addition, an allergic cough in children is possible as a response to a foreign protein. It can enter the body after the vaccine is administered. Plasma and serum should be added to this list.
  6. The smell of perfume can also cause an allergic cough.
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Symptoms of the disease

Most often, manifestations of an allergic cough last a couple of weeks. Possible runny nose. Itching appears in the throat and nose. The child sneezes. A dry allergic cough can last for many hours. Your child's symptoms may return intermittently over weeks.

Rarely, phlegm may be produced when coughing. It is transparent and does not contain impurities.

The symptoms of this disease worsen at night, and during the day, on the contrary, the condition improves.

How not to confuse an allergic cough with other diseases - bronchitis or whooping cough

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, and whooping cough is an infectious disease often found in children. So, allergic cough in children is very similar to the one that occurs with these diseases. But there are clear differences.

  1. In case of allergies, a cough is rarely accompanied by the discharge of sputum; it takes a lot of effort to remove it from the respiratory tract.
  2. Allergic cough medications for children: types and featuresDue to swelling of the bronchial mucosa, before an allergic dry cough begins, the child has difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.
  3. Before the attack, parents notice that the baby has been in contact with some objects. Perhaps he smelled flowers on the street while walking or petted a cat or dog. Or maybe there were other provocateurs that could cause allergies in children.
  4. A seasonal disease is not affected by ambient temperature, while bronchitis most often occurs in the cold season.
  5. The child’s temperature does not rise if the cough is allergic in nature.
  6. Antihistamines are effective for treatment - they stop attacks.

Doctor Komarovsky about allergic cough in children

This doctor is very popular among mothers, because he gives good advice for the treatment of various childhood diseases. Regarding how to cure an allergic cough in a child, Komarovsky says the following:

  1. Here a whole chain of first actions is built - the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the symptoms, then treatment is prescribed. The doctor is in charge.
  2. In fact, with the help of coughing, the body clears the lungs of accumulated mucus, which cleanses the bronchi and neutralizes viruses and bacteria.
  3. To prevent the mucus from drying out, which is so necessary in the body’s self-healing process, you need fresh air and plenty of fluids.
  4. If an allergen is found that caused the disease in a child, it is necessary to exclude all contacts of the baby with it. This could be a wool blanket or flowers.

Diagnosis of allergic cough

Allergic cough medications for children: types and featuresIf parents cannot achieve success in treatment on their own by giving the child antitussive drugs, then they take him to see a doctor. The specialist conducts a thorough diagnosis and identifies the exact allergen, after which treatment can begin. First, the doctor examines the child to see if he has any symptoms of other illnesses that could cause coughing attacks. Tests are then carried out to help identify the allergen. They are done so that you can determine how to cure an allergic cough.

Small scratches are applied to the skin of the forearm with a scarifier. Solutions with certain substances are dripped onto them. This is how an allergy test is performed. If irritation appears at the site of the drop, the desired allergen will be found. Although there may be several of them. This diagnosis is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

In addition, before starting treatment for allergic cough in children, it is necessary to determine the level of immunoglobulins in the blood. With the help of this modern and accurate method, it becomes possible to reliably state that the child has an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to gradually protect the baby from suspicious substances and objects. If the attacks stop as a result, it means that the allergen was definitely found.

Types of allergic cough

There are the following types of cough:

  • Dry. It worsens in the winter season, as well as in the summer. This is the main sign indicating that children have allergies.
  • Barking. It cannot be confused with another type of cough. The child has a hoarse voice, ringing during attacks, similar to the barking of a dog. This is allergic laryngitis - the larynx becomes inflamed and the lumen in it narrows. The baby has difficulty breathing due to decreased air flow to the lungs.
  • Night. It is paroxysmal and does not stop for a long time. The eyes begin to water, the child has a runny nose. At the same time, the temperature does not rise as in the case of colds.

In what cases can we assume that a child has an allergic cough?

  1. If attacks occur more often at night.
  2. The cough is dry.
  3. The temperature does not rise.
  4. More often, a child coughs in the summer or winter.
  5. The attacks stop when taking certain medications - the drugs "Tavegil", "Suprastin" or "Diazolin".
  6. There is severe nasal discharge, but vasoconstrictors do not provide relief.
  7. There is redness in the area of ​​the nasal passages.

Effective treatment of allergic cough in children is the key to the child’s well-being. Indeed, due to the impact of the irritant on the child’s respiratory system, mild asphyxia is possible against the background of swelling. In order to get rid of the irritant, the baby coughs - this is the body’s attempt to protect itself from the negative effects of allergens.

How to treat an allergic dry cough in a child

Allergic cough medications for children: types and featuresTo effectively combat frequent attacks, various drugs and folk remedies are used. If there is an allergic cough, the child’s symptoms are not quite similar to a cold, because the body temperature does not rise, for example. In any case, you first need to consult with a specialist and only then begin treatment.

Allergens that cause coughing attacks

These include:

  • Household. Dust, mold fungi, cockroaches and their waste products.
  • Reaction to pollen.
  • Food. Often children are allergic to milk or eggs, cereals. You need to add honey and strawberries to this list, as well as citrus fruits. And also chocolate and nuts, sesame.
  • Epidermal. Wool, saliva, dander, fluff, feathers, pet excrement.
  • A reaction to insect bites, manifested as an allergy.
  • Medicinal. For antibiotics or anesthetics.
  • Fungal.
  • Helminthic.
  • Physical factors. Wind or heat, cold or mechanical irritation.

Treatment methods for allergic cough in children

Allergic cough medications for children: types and featuresThere are many effective medications, but only a doctor can prescribe them - self-medication is unacceptable here. There are other effective remedies for allergic cough.

  1. The house must be kept as clean as possible. Wet cleaning should be done several times a week.
  2. You should not smoke in the room where the child lives. Even the clothes of a smoker can cause a coughing attack in a baby.
  3. In case of allergies to animal fur, children should limit their contact with the pet.
  4. Products with a high risk of developing allergies should be excluded from the diet.

Medicines for allergic cough in children

There are many effective means, among which are:

  • The drug "Gerbion" is a syrup with plantain. It is absolutely harmless to the child and is an excellent remedy for dry cough. Contraindications include individual intolerance and diabetes. This syrup helps get rid of irritations due to the negative reaction of sensitive nerve receptors to allergens.
  • In order to stop the onset of an attack, allergic cough tablets are used. The preferred antihistamines are Suprastin, Diazolin and Loratadine. The effect of taking them occurs after approximately 20 minutes.
  • If your doctor allows it, you can do inhalations with medications or herbs. After brewing medicinal plants, you need to breathe the resulting steam. In this way, the child’s condition can be alleviated. But first you need to make sure that there are no allergies to the constituent components, otherwise the situation will become even worse.

Folk remedies for allergic cough in children

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Rinse your child's throat and mouth several times a day with warm water, especially after walks in the fresh air. Rinse your nose and nasopharynx a couple of times a day. Add sea salt to the water.

Prepare a mixture of bay leaves boiled in water, a couple of teaspoons of sweet honey and baking soda. If a child has coughing attacks, take the medicine.

To remove mucus, place a few drops of aloe juice into your nose.

Onion honey will soften the walls of the respiratory tract. Boil a couple of small onions in 1 liter of water - the water should evaporate by half. Strain and drink during severe attacks.

Preventive actions

Even during pregnancy, a woman should go for walks more often, breathe fresh air and get rid of bad habits. From birth, at the slightest suspicion of diathesis, you should consult a doctor. When allergens are identified, the child must be protected from them.

How to deal with allergens

By following a few simple rules, you can protect your child from allergies:

  1. Wet cleaning should be carried out every day, rooms should be ventilated.
  2. Pets should not be allowed in the baby's crib.
  3. If you have a food allergy, allergenic foods should be excluded from your diet.
  4. Before the child goes to bed, be sure to ventilate the room.

Whatever the parents’ assumptions about the origin of the cough, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Only after this should you begin treatment.

The doctor will conduct the necessary examination of the child, identify the cause of the allergy and help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The recovery process will be quick if parents do not resort to self-medication with various untested methods.

Read also:  Plantain for coughs for children: recipes based on this plant


What remedies help with allergic cough?

An allergic cough cannot be cured with conventional cough remedies.

In this condition, it is necessary to use a special drug, the action of which is aimed not at the symptoms of the disease, but at eliminating its cause. What to take when an allergic cough appears should be decided by your doctor.

You should not try to eliminate the signs of an allergic reaction on your own. Incorrectly selected medications can only worsen the situation.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Diagnosing allergies is difficult at any age (children, adults). Often people do not visit an allergist, thinking that they are developing bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, or another respiratory disease. An accurate diagnosis is possible only after visiting an allergist and passing all the tests prescribed by this specialist.

Causes of cough

Allergic cough is a consequence of allergen contact with mucous membranes. Adults often confuse its symptoms with signs of respiratory disease and other lung dysfunctions. It is similar to a cold, but it also has certain distinctive features:

  1. Barking character. The patient is unable to clear his throat or eliminate a severe attack. It is provoked by powerful irritation of the bronchial mucosa, swelling of the larynx, which interferes with normal breathing and sputum production.
  2. Manifestation of skin reactions, lacrimation, rhinitis.
  3. Lack of air. A paroxysmal cough causes the patient to have an attack of suffocation and panic.
  4. No obvious signs of a cold (fever, increased body temperature, headache).
  5. The manifestation of a specific symptom in a certain season (autumn, spring). Grasses usually bloom during this period.
  6. There is a connection between increased coughing and certain factors and conditions (eating, resting on a feather pillow, the presence of a specific substance in the air).
  7. The cough does not subside after using antitussive medications, but goes away after using antihistamines.

How to treat a cough caused by an allergy?

Doctors conditionally divide the entire course of therapy into 2 stages:

  1. Urgent actions.
  2. Complex therapy.

Emergency help is needed when coughing attacks are accompanied by suffocation. In this case, you should perform the following actions:

  • provide a flow of fresh air;
  • rinse your nose;
  • give an antihistamine;
  • rinse your mouth and throat with a weak solution of table salt;
  • call an ambulance.

Complex therapy is carried out to prevent coughing attacks. Before starting the course of treatment, the patient undergoes the following examinations:

  • skin prick tests;
  • ENT consultation;
  • spirography, spirometry;
  • consultation with an allergist-pulmonologist.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

For allergic cough, doctors prescribe drug therapy. To relieve the symptoms of the body's atypical reaction to allergens, many medications can be used. But not a single remedy can completely cure an allergy or eliminate its symptom in the form of cough.

Allergy treatment is considered a very long process that lasts for months and years. In some cases, people live with this problem all their lives. Doctors may prescribe certain medications whose action is aimed at reducing chronic inflammatory processes caused by immune failures.

You need to visit an allergist regularly. The specialist recommends doing this at least once every six months. If changes occur in the symptoms of the pathology, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the fight against an atypical reaction of the body, various forms of medications are used, the action of which is aimed at the diseased organ or system. Specialists can prescribe:

  • inhalation;
  • ointments;
  • nasal drops;
  • cough suppressants and sputum thinners;
  • pills;
  • candles;
  • injections.

Of the antihistamines, older generation drugs are prescribed:

  • "Tavegil";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Peritol".

More modern medications may also be prescribed:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Zaditen";
  • Zyrtec.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Doctors may prescribe elimination therapy, the goal of which is to eliminate allergies. For food allergies, intestinal sorbents are prescribed (Polyphepan, Activated Carbon, Enteros-Gel).


The following syrups are popular:

  • "Zodak";
  • "Lomilan";
  • "Claritin."


The most popular tablets for allergic cough:

  • "Suprastin";
  • "Fenkarol";
  • "Tavegil";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • Telfast.


For allergic cough, doctors can prescribe medications in the form of aerosols:

  • "Tailed";
  • "Alcedine";
  • "Intal";
  • "Klenil."

Folk remedies in the treatment of allergic cough

In addition to drug therapy, traditional medicine can be used as an addition to the main treatment. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Decoctions of plants containing azulene. Medicinal decoctions that help relieve allergic coughs are prepared from yarrow, eucalyptus, geranium, chamomile, St. John's wort, nettle, string, and viburnum.
  2. Potato inhalations. The procedure takes about 10 minutes.
  3. Lemon + honey
  4. Camphor oil. It is rubbed into the chest for 20 minutes.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

For allergic coughs for children, you can use medications prescribed by an allergist; traditional medicine is recommended as a supplement. It is prohibited to start treatment without consulting a specialist. Failure to comply with the dosage or selection of the wrong drug can cause a worsening of the condition.

Features of the treatment of allergic cough in children

The appearance of a dry, barking cough in a child is a signal to visit an allergist. Only a specialist can prescribe adequate therapy. He will correctly calculate the dosage of the drug, taking into account the child’s weight and individual characteristics. Incorrect dosage or long-term use of antiallergic drugs can cause side effects.

Before prescribing a medicine for an allergic cough, the allergist will conduct a diagnosis and determine the allergen (if possible). A particularly important point in treatment is the isolation of the child from the source that provokes the allergy.

Medicines for allergic cough can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Medicines that suppress cough.
  2. Secretolytics (medicines that help thin mucus and expectorate).

These allergic cough medications should not be used in long-term therapy. Drugs from the first group are prescribed only in exceptional cases. Medicines from the second group are recommended for respiratory tract infections accompanied by viscous sputum.

Adults with allergies are often prescribed tablets to eliminate allergic cough. Children are recommended to use syrups. This form of medication is much easier to give to a child. In addition to antitussive medications, doctors prescribe antihistamines. They help eliminate the negative effects that occur upon contact with an allergen (redness, allergic cough, itching, swelling).


Symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in children

An allergic cough in a child can develop against the background of negative external and internal factors. The use of household chemicals, the emergence of new food flavors, radiation from electronic devices - all this can provoke uncontrollable spasms of the throat and larynx.

In some cases, babies are already born with a predisposition to allergic cough and other manifestations of a malfunction of the immune system. Many children from 2-5 years old suffer from bronchial asthma and are forced to use special inhalers and take medications.

This could have been avoided by starting timely treatment.


Modern medicine has still not been able to determine the sources of allergic cough in children. Symptoms and treatment of the pathological condition have been developed and tested in clinical trials, but the causes are unknown.

Some doctors put forward a theory about a genetic predisposition: parents with bronchial asthma are more likely to give birth to children with similar health problems. But there are exceptions to this rule.

A dry, barking cough in children usually occurs during the flowering period of plants. Pollen allergens, fungal spores and insect venom are among the five most common sources of improper response of the body's immune system. In addition, it is important to consider the likelihood of allergic spasms due to contact with household chemicals, animal hair, and dandruff.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

If we talk about rarer sources of the pathological condition, we should highlight:

  • Excessive attention to hygiene. Clean hands are very good, but everything should be in moderation. An allergic cough in a child can occur as a result of the destruction of all types of microbes and bacteria existing on the human body. The body must be able to fight pathogenic organisms; this is the only way to develop the necessary immunity.
  • Pharmacological treatment. There is evidence that abnormal responses of the body's defense system are more likely to occur after antibiotic therapy. The drugs kill microflora and make any potential allergen dangerous to general health.
  • Nutritional supplements. Various flavorings, flavor enhancers and dyes have become a real disaster for modern people. Nowadays it is difficult to find chemical-free food products. Dry, barking, allergic cough in children is the result of a gradual deterioration in the condition of the endocrine and digestive system.

Doctors agree that excessive care for a child can cause quite unpleasant complications. Interesting studies have been carried out, during which it was proven that the presence of pets (in particular dogs) in the house significantly reduces the risk of the appearance and development of acquired allergies.

How to distinguish an allergic cough from a cold

Many parents do not know how to determine the origin of uncontrollable spasms of the larynx and throat. In most cases, to understand the original sources of an unpleasant symptom and select the correct, effective treatment, you should remember whether the child has had contact with possible allergens, for example, animals or household chemicals.

You can understand what type of allergy cough occurs in children by the following symptoms:

  • unpleasant manifestations of the pathological condition appear suddenly;
  • an allergic cough in a child usually lasts more than 3 weeks, sometimes several months;
  • spasms are not accompanied by fever, chills, or unmotivated weakness;
  • There are almost always accompanying signs of an incorrect response of the immune system to irritants (runny nose, tearfulness, itching and sore throat).

It is important to know that a cough due to allergies is not always dry. Sometimes the spasms are wet with sputum discharge. In this case, the mucus is colorless or glassy. In rare cases (food poisoning, contact with poisons), swelling, redness, diarrhea, vomiting, and conjunctivitis may occur.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Doctors recommend that parents closely monitor the health of children who are predisposed to allergic cough.

If your baby complains of difficulty breathing or a constant sore throat, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Sometimes symptoms indicate the onset of bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis. Such diseases require immediate treatment.

Methods for dealing with allergic reaction symptoms

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to restore the body's defense system. In most cases, treatment of allergic cough in children is aimed at suppressing symptoms.

Read also:  Milk with onions for coughs: an effective traditional medicine recipe

How to treat a cough at home

First of all, you need to exclude any contact with a possible allergen. Animals and indoor plants should be temporarily removed from the premises, and household chemicals and food additives should not be used.

In addition, it is important to properly treat the child’s room. In order to eliminate the influence of negative external factors, it is necessary:

  1. Carry out daily wet cleaning. You can use special steam generators and air purifiers. Such devices relieve the symptoms of allergic cough.
  2. It is advisable to remove carpets, bedspreads, and soft toys from the room. These items accumulate dust and are potential triggers for an abnormal immune response.
  3. Avoid using household chemicals and cosmetics in close proximity to a small patient.

If such actions are not enough to stop the barking, dry cough, then you will have to use medications.

Allergic cough medications for children: types and features

Use of medications

Allergic cough in children can “develop” into dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to react correctly to the emergence of sources of a pathological condition. Symptoms of immune failure can be eliminated with the help of various medications.

  • Enterosorbents are used when food or chemical poisoning is suspected. Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Filtrum and other substances are used. Such treatment should not last more than 14 days, since taking sorbents inhibits the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to absorb vitamins.
  • Inhalations are good for wet coughs. Inhaling the vapors of solutions with the addition of antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and even hormonal substances greatly facilitates the removal of sputum. Pulmicort, Berotek, Cromohexal are used.
  • Antihistamine tablets are prescribed more often than other drugs. Medicines such as Zodak, Cetrin, Zyrtec quickly eliminate the symptoms of allergic cough in children and adults.

Before starting to use medications, you should undergo a complete diagnosis from an allergist. Having determined the source of the problems, it is much easier to deal with the pathological condition.

Cases have been recorded where the wrong choice of treatment led to serious deterioration in overall health. For example, a dry barking cough in a child may be a sign of lung damage by parasites (helminthic infestation).

Under such conditions, inhalation will not be enough.

Prevention of allergic cough in children

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to prevent immune problems in a child. Usually, preventative actions are necessary to protect the body from repeated attacks.

In order to reduce the likelihood of symptoms of an allergic cough, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning of the premises, control the climate with ventilation, and use air humidifiers.

There should be no woolen items in the room of a child experiencing problems with an allergic cough. We will have to replace natural blankets and feather pillows with synthetic analogues.

Naturally, pets will have to be rehomed, with the exception of hypoallergenic breeds.

Strengthening the immune system by hardening, changing the diet (giving up dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers) and choosing a gentle sport (swimming, running, gymnastics) will not be superfluous.


Which antihistamines are best for allergic coughs?

An allergic cough is a common symptom of an allergic reaction when allergens and foreign microorganisms enter the body.

The cough may last for a long time.

How to eliminate this nasty symptom?

Causes of allergic cough

Allergic cough is not a disease, but only a specific manifestation of the body to an allergen

When foreign microorganisms and allergens enter the respiratory tract, a person develops swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, nasal passages, and trachea. As a result, this leads to spasm of the respiratory tract, which is what causes coughing. This is a typical response of the body.

A cough can appear due to various allergic reactions, even in a healthy person. Traditionally, allergic cough occurs in children with weakened immune systems. The risk group includes children suffering from diathesis and on hormonal treatment.

In adults, such a cough does not develop so often. It is most often observed in people working in harmful conditions, where the air is heavily polluted, fumes of toxic substances, paints, etc. are noted.

  • The main provoking substances predisposing to the development of allergic cough:
  • You should be aware that taking certain pharmaceutical drugs can also trigger an allergic cough.
  • There are cases when an allergic cough occurs due to the consumption of allergenic foods, such as strawberries, wild strawberries, nuts, fruits, honey, fish, eggs.
  • In addition, cough can be a symptom of a disease of an allergic nature: allergic tracheitis, rhinitis, obstructive bronchitis.

Signs of the disease

  1. A dry cough, tickling throat, watery nasal discharge and red eyes are signs of an allergic cough.
  2. You need to be able to distinguish an allergic cough from the symptoms of other diseases.
  3. At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is extremely difficult to distinguish from ARVI or a cold.

  4. If the cough is of an allergic nature, then it has the following corresponding characteristics and may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Usually the cough when an allergen enters the body is dry. A patient cannot cough up due to irritation of the mucous membrane. During severe coughing attacks, a person may experience shortness of breath.

In most cases, attacks occur at once, immediately after contact with the allergen.

A distinctive feature of an allergic cough is the absence of fever, headache, and chills.

Allergic cough and other accompanying symptoms cannot be eliminated with ordinary pharmaceutical products, but after taking antihistamines, the symptoms quickly disappear.

Preparations for treating allergic cough

  • Effective medications for allergic cough can only be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the age and severity of the disease.
  • Allergic reactions are treated with medications.
  • Almost all drugs can reduce the manifestation of an allergic cough, but are not able to cure allergies.

For allergic coughs in adults and children, 2 types of drugs are used - cough suppressants and sputum thinners. The 1st group is used in exceptional cases, and the 2nd for respiratory tract infections in which viscous sputum appears.

Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor and are not used for a long time.

To eliminate an allergic cough, antihistamines are very often prescribed:

  • Claritin. Antiallergic drug with the active substance loratadine. Can be purchased in the form of pills or syrup. The product is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.
  • Tavegil. A product that has an antiallergic effect. Available in all forms. Take the product within 7 days. After use, the effect occurs within 30 minutes. The product should not be taken by children under 6 years of age.
  • Suprastin. Excellent use of the product for all allergic reactions. Up to 6 years old, take 1/3 of the pill, and from 7 years old, you can take 1/2 of the pill.
  • Zyrtec. Second generation anti-allergy remedy. It can be used not only to relieve allergy symptoms, but also to prevent allergic diseases.
  • Peritol. The product has antiallergic, antiserotonin and sedative effects. Children over 2 years of age should take it in syrup form.
  • Other antihistamines have also proven themselves well: Cetrin, Ketotifen, Fenistil, Erius, Telfast, etc.

If you have symptoms of an allergic cough, you should consult your doctor about the ability to use antihistamines.

You should not engage in healing without the help of others, since almost all pharmaceuticals have contraindications.

Traditional methods of treatment

It should be kept in mind that folk recipes do not help get rid of the disease, but only soften the manifestation of symptoms.

To mitigate the symptoms of an allergic cough, you can use non-standard medicine recipes. Tinctures and decoctions have a positive effect on the immune system and reduce susceptibility to allergens.

Effective folk remedies for treating allergic cough:

  • Milk with onions. Take one small onion and place it in a glass of hot milk. Then boil for a couple of minutes. Wait until it cools down and drink in 2 doses.
  • Honey syrup. Chop 5 small onions and add a liter of water. Add 5 tablespoons of honey to the container and put on fire.
  • Lemon-honey consistency. Finely chop the lemon, add 4 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix the consistency well, put on the fire and cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take a tablespoon warm about 5 times a day.
  • Chamomile decoction with lemon. Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile plants and finely chopped lemon and pour into a thermos. Add a little dark tea and pour boiling water over it. Leave to steep for an hour. Consume in small quantities throughout the day.
  • Garlic syrup. Finely chop a few cloves of garlic, mix with watery honey and leave for the day. Take a tablespoon of the prepared syrup every day when a coughing attack occurs.
  • Inhalation is effective in combating allergic cough. Boil potatoes, add thyme and eucalyptus leaves to the water. Boil for minutes. Next add a drop of fir oil and stir. Take a terry towel, lean over the pan and inhale the vapors for 15 minutes. You can do alkaline inhalations with the addition of soda.
  • It is useful for children to rub their back and chest with goat fat mixed with butter. After completing the procedure, dress the baby warmly.


  1. Improperly treating an allergic cough can cause unsafe complications
  2. If you do not take measures to eliminate an allergic cough, this increases the risk of complications.
  3. Possible consequences of an allergic cough:
  4. With allergic bronchitis, wheezing is observed when inhaling.

They can be wet, dry or whistling. In the future, the cough turns into a productive one with sputum production. You may feel short of breath at times. The development of obstructive bronchitis is due to the long-term effect of the allergen on the respiratory tract.

In this case, the main symptom of obstruction is shortness of breath.

An allergic cough can lead to severe complications, so it is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate it.

With bronchospasm, the space between the bronchi and bronchioles decreases in size. The patient's breathing rhythm is disrupted, shortness of breath and a powerful cough occur.

The skin becomes white, the area under the eyes turns blue.


Allergic cough medications for children: types and features Link to main publication
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