
Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Prostate adenoma is a benign neoplasm in the representative gland. Such a condition, with regular monitoring by the treating specialist, does not pose any danger to the body. Statistics show that in the vast majority of cases, men over 45 years old face this problem. Predisposing factors include a sedentary, inactive lifestyle and lack of regular sex life. If you follow all measures to prevent prostate adenoma in men, you will be able to minimize the likelihood of developing this pathology.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men


Regular physiotherapy will help prevent the growth of prostate adenoma. Please note that they should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified treating specialist.

He will develop a safe and effective treatment regimen, thanks to which he will be able to obtain a lasting positive result for the body.

Thanks to physiotherapy, the following effects can be achieved:

  • improve blood circulation in the prostate gland;
  • make the prostate membrane more permeable to useful elements;
  • restore lymphatic drainage, due to which the organ gets rid of accumulated waste and toxins;
  • increase immune abilities;
  • restore the functioning of the entire prostate gland;
  • get rid of painful sensations.


Electrophoresis is a procedure in which a direct current is applied to the male genital organ. During exposure, a person does not experience any painful sensations. With the help of electrophoresis, it is possible to quickly get rid of painful sensations, as well as restore the activity of the prostate.

Usually, medications are used to increase the therapeutic effect - with the help of electrophoresis, their active substances are able to penetrate as deeply as possible.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Pulse currents

Pulse currents are a method of influencing the body, thanks to which it is possible to quickly get rid of the initial stages of prostatitis.

The essence of the effect is the use of drugs that are affected by current pulses. This promotes faster penetration of active substances under the skin.

In just a few procedures you will be able to get rid of problems in the sexual sphere, as well as restore urination.

Ultrasonic exposure

Ultrasound is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which certain waves are applied to the prostate. They start metabolic processes and restore blood circulation.

To achieve a lasting positive result, the patient should undergo at least 10 procedures.

After ultrasound therapy you can expect the following improvements:

  • Relief of the inflammatory process;
  • Removal of infiltrate;
  • Resorption of scars;
  • Acceleration of the recovery process;
  • Normalization of sexual ability;
  • Relief from painful sensations.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men


Treatment with magnets has become widespread among patients with prostate adenoma. To achieve a lasting positive result, the patient should regularly see the treating specialist. He will be able to develop an effective and safe treatment regimen. Today, magnetic therapy can be carried out in the following ways:

  • Reflex – magnets act on biologically active points;
  • Humoral – biological fluids are used as a conductor;
  • Direct – magnetic radiation acts directly on the affected organ.

Exposure to light radiation

Thanks to exposure to ultraviolet rays, it is possible to obtain the most positive results for the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Such light can suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which a person gets rid of painful sensations.

In addition, metabolic processes are restored, which has an extremely positive effect on recovery. Due to this, you can get rid of inflammation.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Prostate massage for adenoma

Massage is an effective therapy that can help you get rid of prostate adenoma. It is very important that the procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist. He will select an effective treatment regimen, and then begin influencing the genital organ.

Keep in mind that massage is the simplest method of stimulating the normal function of the sexual organ. With the right approach, you can do it yourself. If you have not had such experience, it is best to refuse therapy - this way you can harm the body.

To massage prostate adenoma, you need to insert your index finger into the rectum. After this, the specialist finds the prostate, determines its location, size, and condition. After this, the doctor begins to massage it with special movements.

This helps improve blood flow, thereby significantly improving the performance of the organ. It is best to combine several methods of influencing the adenoma - this way you will get the most positive result.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Physical exercise

Physical exercise will help prevent the occurrence of prostate adenoma. With their help, you will be able to restore metabolic processes and start blood circulation.

Keep in mind that there are many different approaches that have a positive effect on the human genitourinary system. We strongly recommend that you consult with a specialist to prevent complications from developing.

Among the most popular approaches are:

  1. Sit on a chair so that your legs form a right angle with the floor. After this, rest your hands on your sides, bend your legs and begin to spread them in different directions.
  2. Lie on your back, then alternately pull one or the other leg to your chest.
  3. Stay in the same position. Raise your legs at a right angle, then slowly return them to the floor.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs and bend them to a right angle. Spread your legs in different directions, and then bring them back again.
  5. Lying on your back, do the bicycle exercise.
  6. Stand on your feet, spread your limbs shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your knees. Squat so that your knees do not go beyond your feet. You can also straighten your legs in different directions.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Physical exercises for prostate adenoma can restore metabolic processes and improve blood flow. Due to this, a person gets rid of inflammation and pain.

To get lasting results, you should perform the exercises regularly for at least 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Nutrition for adenoma

The diet for prostate adenoma is aimed at restoring metabolic processes. In addition, you should do everything possible to bring your body weight in order.

Also try to eat foods that contain sufficient amounts of nutrients and vitamins. This promotes faster recovery of the body.

Your diet should be based on cereals, bran, lean meats and seafood. The diet should also include seaweed, nuts, and fermented milk products.

It is strictly forbidden to consume fried, spicy and smoked foods. Also prohibited are any spices and sauces that can cause serious harm to the body. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages that can negatively affect metabolic processes.

Doctors do not recommend that their patients eat sweets, baked goods, or high-calorie cakes. You should completely avoid fast food and processed foods. Make sure you have enough fiber in your diet. It helps normalize metabolic processes and restore digestion.

With the help of a properly selected diet, you can improve the functioning of your genitourinary system.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Folk remedies

A variety of traditional medicine methods can prevent the occurrence of prostate adenoma. It is very important that their appointment is discussed in advance with the attending physician.

He will select the most effective and safe remedy that will help restore the functioning of the urinary system. Among the most popular treatments for prostate adenoma are:

  • Pumpkin juice. Take this fruit, peel it thoroughly and divide it into small pieces. Pass them through a juicer and pour into a glass container. Take the medicine one glass at a time throughout the day. Such therapy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add natural honey to pumpkin juice. You can also consume pumpkin seeds to increase the effectiveness of such therapy.
  • Onion gruel. Take one onion and pass it through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp should be consumed throughout the day. To make your life easier, you can add a similar product to your usual dishes.
  • Parsley decoction. Take 100 grams of this herb, then pour a liter of boiling water over it. Leave the product on the counter until it cools completely. After this, strain the broth and add the juice of one lemon to it. Take one glass of medicine before each meal. This will restore the functioning of the urinary system.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Prevention of complications

Prostate adenoma is an extremely dangerous disease that can cause many serious complications. In order to prevent their development, you should follow some recommendations. These include:

  • Never tolerate the urge to urinate. Stagnation of urine can provoke a powerful inflammatory process that negatively affects the activity of the prostate gland;
  • Uncontrolled use of antihistamines, decongestants and diuretics - they can accelerate the development of prostate hyperplasia;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages – alcohol can negatively affect the functioning of the entire genitourinary system. Because of this, consuming such drinks is strictly prohibited;
  • Smoking is a dangerous habit that can cause serious harm to the entire human body. Nicotine, spreading through the blood vessels, has a negative effect on the entire metabolism.
  • Provide yourself with regular sex life;
  • Avoid eating unhealthy foods – spicy, fatty, fried. They negatively affect the chemical composition of the blood and can accelerate the formation of adenoma;
  • Avoid drinking energy drinks - they cause serious harm to the cardiovascular system;
  • Try to exercise as much as possible - this helps restore blood flow and relieves congestion.

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To avoid getting sick: basic methods for preventing prostate adenoma in men

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Statistics are merciless: every fourth representative of the strong half of humanity between the ages of forty and fifty suffers from prostate adenoma, and with each passing decade, the chances of such a disease increase significantly.

After 80 years, 9 out of 10 patients who come to see a urologist suffer from it.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in menPrimary prevention is understood as a set of measures designed to prevent the occurrence of organ hyperplasia.

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Since doctors identify only indirect factors (excess weight, bad habits, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, diseases of the genitourinary system, age, genetic predisposition) leading to the development of adenoma, prevention comes down to the patient trying to reduce the negative impact of these factors on his or her organism.

The sooner a man begins to take measures to maintain his own health, the higher the chances that he will not have to treat the adenoma in the future.

Secondary prevention is understood as a set of measures aimed at preventing the worsening of the condition if the diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has already been made by a doctor.

If you ignore the doctor’s recommendations, hyperplasia can easily develop into cancer, which poses a direct threat to human life and health.

Vitamins and preventive medications

Doctors recommend taking any vitamin and mineral complexes, but with a note that they are designed specifically for men. However, it is better to get the necessary substances by correctly compiling your own diet.

Vitamins and substances that best cope with male problems:

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

  • selenium _ There is a lot of it in liver, eggs, rice, corn, legumes, octopus meat, and nuts;
  • vitamin E. There is a lot of it in vegetable oil, seeds, nuts and some other products;
  • B vitamins : meat, cereals, sprouted grains, yeast, liver, spinach, dairy products;
  • zinc _ These are: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beef, lamb, beef liver, chicken, almonds, cashews;
  • antioxidants . The best products in this category: apples, currants, blackberries, raspberries, pomegranates, grapes, green tea, fatty fish, bell peppers and many other products.

Beneficial substances from foods cannot replace even the most expensive and modern medicine.

The benefits of regular sex life for men's health

Stagnant processes in the prostate gland lead to the development of adenoma and prostatitis. The best prevention of such processes is regular sex life.

In addition, regular sexual release is:

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

  1. timely release of hormones, which prevents the development of many diseases associated with hormonal levels;
  2. Excellent prevention of depression, which is extremely harmful to overall health. And the ability to counteract stress and avoid psycho-emotional overload, in turn, helps a man avoid problems with erection and sex life;
  3. an excellent way to prevent many urological and reproductive pathologies.

For sex therapy to work, a minimum of four sexual encounters per week is necessary. According to urologists, not only a lack of sex, but also its excess can have a negative impact.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

Three effective complexes:

  1. IP: lying on your back, arms along your torso, legs bent at the knees. As you inhale, raise your buttocks up to the maximum, squeeze your buttocks, and tighten the muscles around the anus. Spend a few seconds in this position, relax as you exhale and return to IP;
  2. IP: lying on your back, arms along your torso. As you inhale, sharply pull your knees to your chest, point your pelvis as high as possible, and fixate. As you exhale, lower your legs and return to IP;
  3. Kegel exercises. Try to train the muscle with which you stop urinating. As you inhale, you need to contract the muscle, and as you exhale, relax it. It is important to breathe through your nose. Contraction-relaxation can be either rapid or delayed for a few seconds.

The number of approaches depends on the level of training; it is optimal to perform each exercise at least 10 times.

Protecting the body from hypothermia

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in menAn important condition for maintaining the health of the genitourinary and reproductive systems is to prevent hypothermia of both the pelvic area and the body as a whole.

With hypothermia, immunity drops significantly, which gives rise to the development of many inflammatory processes, including those localized in the prostate gland.

Adenoma is not a consequence of hypothermia, it is a complication that developed after hypothermia, which was not treated. In order not to encounter such a situation, it is necessary to contact a urologist in a timely manner.

Hypothermia is treated with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs, physical therapy methods, or special agents called blockers.

Prevention of hypothermia is simple: dress appropriately for the weather, do not sit on cold surfaces, and avoid swimming in cold water.

Timely treatment of diseases

Maintaining normal health is not easy, but this is what determines whether chronic pathologies will develop or whether they will bypass a man. Even a common cold can give impetus to the development of adenoma, so it is necessary to visit a doctor for any disease - self-medication should be completely excluded.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in menIn addition, it is important:

  • monitor your weight;
  • maintain a normal drinking regime;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • exercise;
  • avoid constipation;
  • avoid urinary retention.

Folk remedies for the prevention of prostate adenoma

Men are afraid of sexual impotence, pain, possible surgery and other unpleasant consequences of problems with the prostate gland, so many turn to traditional medicine.

The best methods of prevention that came from the people:

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

  1. pumpkin seeds . A traditional method of dealing with male problems is using pumpkin seeds with honey. These components are used to make small balls that must be swallowed without chewing. It is useful to add pumpkin seeds to salads or other dishes. The main condition: the product must be raw;
  2. homemade infusion of burdock . Option 1: 12 grams of crushed root is poured into two glasses of boiling water, left for two hours, and taken half a glass four times a day. Option 2: 10 grams of crushed root infused in 100 ml of vodka for two weeks, take ten drops three times a day half an hour before meals;
  3. collections of medicinal herbs . Method one: mix pure mistletoe, chamomile and celandine in equal parts, store in a glass jar with a lid in a dark place. A tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for five to six hours, then you need to consume 50 ml before each meal. Method two: Mix equal parts of aspen, motherwort, parsley, wheatgrass and goldenrod. Infuse two tablespoons per liter of boiling water overnight, drink 100 ml before each meal;
  4. healthy juices . An excellent prevention is to take pumpkin juice with the addition of a spoonful of honey for three weeks. You can repeat after the break. Natural cranberry, tomato and pomegranate juices are highly effective. It’s great if the patient drinks birch sap diluted with rosehip infusion or milk. Course: at least two months.

There are many ways, so almost any man can choose the right one.

How often should you undergo a preventive examination with a doctor?

If there are no alarming symptoms, then you should undergo an examination by a urologist once a year, starting from the age of forty.

It would be a good idea to take precautions and visit a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

Video on the topic

About the treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma in the video:

Remember that it is impossible to ensure effective prevention of adenoma and prostatitis in one or two ways listed above. The approach must be comprehensive and as responsible as possible.


Prevention of prostate adenoma in men: medicines and folk remedies

  • Urologist-andrologist 1st category Petr Viktorovich
  • 34097
  • Update date: December 2019

Men who have reached the age of 45 should be interested in the prevention of prostate adenoma.

Representatives of the stronger sex at this age are at risk. They are susceptible to the development of diseases of the genitourinary organs, and prostatitis and benign hyperplasia are most often diagnosed.

To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to adhere to the preventive measures recommended by urologists.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

A man who cares about his own health should be interested in prevention that prevents the occurrence of benign hyperplasia and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. This issue should be approached comprehensively. Only with the help of complete protection from negative factors can you protect yourself from unpleasant diseases.


Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Capsules are taken with food (no more than two per day)

The human body will be protected from negative factors that lead to the development of unpleasant diseases if its immune system works correctly. To strengthen the immune system, it is common to use vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Lack of vitamins leads to weakened immunity. Because of this, the body becomes defenseless against attacks by pathogenic agents.

The most effective in preventing the development of prostate adenoma and prostatitis in the stronger sex is the Synergin vitamin complex. It contains vitamins that the male body needs for proper functioning.

The vitamin complex contains the following beneficial substances:

  1. The carotenoid lycopene. It is regularly used to combat pathological processes in the genitourinary system, which lead to the development of prostatitis and benign hyperplasia. The substance accumulates in the tissues of the prostate gland. Due to this, its cells become protected from negative factors, primarily from damage by free radicals. Lycopene has another property. It has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. He is able to suppress the active growth of gland tissue.
  2. Rutin. The substance has a beneficial effect on the processes of blood microcirculation in the vessels of an organ susceptible to inflammation. This quality is of great importance in preventing prostate adenoma. Saturating the body with routine helps strengthen vascular walls and increase their elasticity.
  3. Vitamin C. Has a positive effect on the overall functioning of the immune system. The substance helps prevent pathological proliferation of prostate cells. It is also useful in the treatment of prostatitis, which has a bacterial form.
  4. Vitamin E. It has a direct effect on the prostate gland. The vitamin improves the production of a compound that negatively affects the activity of viruses, cancer cells and pathogenic bacteria. Due to this, it supports prostate health.
  5. Beta carotene. The substance is required for the proper maturation and growth of the cells that make up the sexual organ. It also helps to increase the body's resistance to stress factors and strengthen the immune system.
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It is these components that make the Synergin complex an ideal tool for the prevention of prostate adenoma. At the discretion of the doctor, other medications based on vitamins that are necessary to normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system may be prescribed.

Prophylactic drugs

With benign hyperplasia, a man requires medication treatment. Also, drug therapy may be recommended for him to carry out preventive measures aimed at preventing the proliferation of glandular tissue. The urologist selects medications for the patient that can cope with this task.

Drug prevention is aimed at improving blood microcirculation, relieving swelling and reducing the activity of inflammatory processes in the gonad.

To prevent prostate adenoma, medications such as Vitaprost, Saw Palmetto, Omnic and Prostatilen can be prescribed. It is strictly forbidden to use them without prior consultation with a urologist, as such actions can have negative consequences.

The benefits of regular sex life

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

An overly active sex life, as well as complete abstinence, is undesirable

The health of the prostate gland is influenced by the regularity of sexual activity in young and older men. During intimacy, hormones are consumed, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing benign hyperplasia. Also, during sex, the body produces special substances that strengthen the immune system.

We can say that a man has a regular sex life if he has sex up to 4 times a week.

Infrequent sex is just as harmful as excessive sexual intercourse. In the latter case, severe depletion of the prostate can be achieved. Therefore, men should refuse several repetitions of sexual intercourse per day.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles

An adenoma may be a consequence of untreated prostatitis, which is caused by congestive processes in the pelvis. Regular physical activity can solve this problem. For prevention purposes, men should perform a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in this area.

In addition to exercise, men should regularly walk, run or swim. Any physical activity will be beneficial.

The following exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic muscles:

  1. Moving on the floor using the gluteal muscles. These actions help improve blood flow in the prostate gland.
  2. Lifting and holding your legs while taking a supine position. All this time you need to tense your stomach.
  3. Push ups. If the exercise seems difficult, then you can do it with your hands resting on a wall or bench.
  4. Exercise "bicycle". It is performed lying on your back with your legs raised.

Urologists recommend supplementing the exercises with courses of prostate massage, which also help prevent stagnation of fluids in the genitourinary system.


Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

The diet should include a variety of fruits and vegetables

With BPH, men are recommended to eat a diet. Prostate adenoma is not only treated, but also prevented with a special diet. The menu provided for her includes a large selection of products. This ensures a balanced and varied diet, which is also healthy.

Diet helps you avoid gaining excess weight in the first place. Excess adipose tissue leads to an increase in the size of the prostate, which is fraught with the development of benign hyperplasia.

Men are advised to eat small meals several times a day to avoid overeating and putting unnecessary strain on the digestive organs.

Your daily diet may include the following foods:

  • Vegetables (green beans, lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini).
  • Greens (mustard greens, dill, parsley, celery).
  • Fruits (plums, peaches, apples, apricots, pears).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt).
  • Fish and meat with low fat content.
  • Whole grain cereals.

The diet involves eating foods that have been steamed, boiled or baked. Fried foods are prohibited because they contain a high percentage of fat.

A separate group includes foods and drinks, the consumption of which is strictly contraindicated for men at risk of developing prostate adenoma. These include:

  • Whole milk.
  • Strong tea and coffee.
  • Canned food.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Fatty meats and fish.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Sausages.

The diet also includes maintaining proper drinking regimen. Men should drink about 1.5 liters of fluid per day so that the body can function properly.

Hypothermia protection

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Swimming in ice water is very dangerous

Men need to avoid situations that can lead to severe hypothermia of the pelvic organs. It is this factor that contributes to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, including prostate adenoma.

Hypothermia leads to a severe weakening of the immune system, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria and viruses easily penetrate the human body and infect it. Therefore, hypothermia should be avoided.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a consequence of hypothermia. In this case, the disease is considered as one of the complications that this problem leads to.

Timely treatment of diseases

Ignoring the treatment of another disease of the genitourinary system can lead to the development of prostate adenoma. That is why it is important to promptly deal with pathological processes occurring in the body in order to avoid such complications.

A man must monitor his own health. This is the main preventive measure to prevent the development of benign prostate hyperplasia.

Routine diagnosis by a urologist allows for timely detection and treatment of the disease. A man who reaches the age of forty-five has a special need for this event. Representatives of the stronger sex who feel unwell, reminiscent of symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary and other organs, should definitely consult a doctor.

Rejection of bad habits

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Nicotine addiction is the main enemy of prostate health

Such a bad habit as smoking has a negative effect on the trophism of the prostate. Abuse of tobacco products leads to impaired vascular permeability, which greatly impairs blood circulation in the pelvis. There is also an increase in vascular tone, which is also fraught with the development of benign hyperplasia and other health problems.

Alcoholic drinks have a similar effect on the male body if they are abused.

Giving up bad habits is an important preventative measure to prevent the development of prostate adenoma.

Folk remedies

Prevention of prostate adenoma can be carried out using folk remedies. First of all, herbal tinctures are recommended, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire genitourinary system. These products are suitable for internal and external use. The following components are used in their manufacture:

  1. Fir bark.
  2. Oak bark.
  3. Mistletoe.
  4. Echinacea.
  5. Kupena root.

Important! Before you start using folk remedies, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Prevention of prostate adenoma is carried out using the following traditional methods:

  • Pumpkin seeds and honey. Both products must be mixed with each other. The seeds should first be ground into powder. The main ingredients are made into small balls that must be swallowed at the time of consumption.
  • Burdock infusion. It can be prepared from 12 g of plant root and 2 glasses of water brought to a boil. Infuse the product for 2 hours, after which take ½ cup 4 times a day.
  • Herbal infusions. It is necessary to mix chamomile, mistletoe and celandine in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. l. The mixture needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water. The medicine is infused for 6 hours. Afterwards, the man is given 50 ml every day before meals.
  • Natural juices. To prevent adenoma, it is recommended to prepare and drink pumpkin juice with honey. A drink based on tomatoes, pomegranate or cranberries will be no less useful.

If after using a folk remedy the condition begins to worsen, then it is better to abandon it. You should also seek help from a specialist who can find out the cause of the problem.

Most folk remedies must be taken in courses. You should not exceed the permissible period of use of certain compounds, as this can lead to side effects. This is especially true when an elderly man is engaged in this type of prevention.

Preventive measures actually reduce the risk of developing benign hyperplasia in representatives of the stronger sex of the older age group. This fact has been proven by many scientific studies. Therefore, you should not refuse them, since human health depends on it.


The importance of preventing prostate adenoma in men: a set of preventive measures

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Prostate adenoma, which is increasingly called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a disease caused by the natural proliferation of tissue.

The prostate increases in size, pressing on the urethra and causing a lot of unpleasant sensations: frequent urination, incontinence, burning sensation.

In severe cases, complete blockage of the canal is possible, requiring immediate surgical intervention. A set of preventive measures will help to avoid adenoma.

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Prevention of prostate adenoma in men

Urologists believe that most men over 45 are at risk. Prostate adenoma is usually diagnosed at the age of 50-60 years. However, it is necessary to start preventing prostate adenoma much earlier.

Timely measures taken will help prevent tissue proliferation, delaying the appearance of a benign tumor or preventing it from developing. It is important to completely reconsider your lifestyle; the effect will be noticeable only with an integrated approach.

Preventive measures are also effective for those who have already been diagnosed with hyperplasia during the diagnostic process. A proper lifestyle, a reasonable diet and giving up bad habits will significantly improve the quality of life and help in the fight against an unpleasant illness.

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About the importance of the regime

Doctors are unanimous: the condition of the prostate is influenced by a man’s lifestyle. What the body tolerated without problems for 25-35 years will have a detrimental effect on it after 45 years. Smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating, a sedentary lifestyle - all this weakens the immune system, promotes tissue growth and deterioration of the general condition.

As preventive measures it is necessary:

  1. Quit smoking completely. Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes have a harmful effect on blood vessels, exacerbating urinary problems. In addition, smoking is incompatible with medications that may be prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in menSeverely limit alcohol consumption. Beer and carbonated alcohol-containing cocktails with caffeine, which have a strong diuretic effect, are especially harmful.
  3. Maintain a daily routine. Uninterrupted sleep for 7-8 hours is recommended; nocturnal lifestyle is undesirable.
  4. Increase physical activity.

    People who have to sit a lot are advised to take breaks for a short stretch every hour.

    Walk, swim, ride a bike more. Fitness is also useful, as well as team sports, which promote the release of endorphins. Include daily exercise in your schedule.

An excellent prevention of adenoma is regular sex with a trusted partner. This will help avoid blood stagnation in the genital area and normalize hormonal levels. It is important to avoid sexually transmitted infections.

As you age, you should pay more attention to your own health. Try not to overcool the pelvic area, this is fraught with various inflammations that stimulate the formation of benign tumors. You should not walk in the rain, go winter swimming without sufficient preparation, sit in the cold or stay in wet swimming trunks for a long time.


Nutrition for prostate adenoma should be varied and balanced. It is important not to gain excess weight. Excess fat tissue stimulates prostate enlargement, which can make the problem worse.

It is recommended to stick to a diet of 2000 kilocalories. In this case, the main meal should be in the first half of the day.

Break your diet into 4-5 meals, making lunch and breakfast quite filling, and dinner as light as possible.

Among the most useful products:

  1. Vegetables (at least 450 g per day). All types of cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants, potatoes, bell peppers, green beans, and salad are recommended. A variety of spicy herbs are very useful: dill, parsley, celery, mustard greens. Vegetables are rich in fiber, microelements and vitamins. They can be eaten fresh, boiled, baked and stewed.
  2. Fruits (at least 300 g per day). Apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, and a variety of dried fruits are suitable. Be careful with melons and watermelons, they contain too much liquid.
  3. Dairy products. Improves digestion and helps reduce weight. Include low-fat cottage cheese, pickled cheeses, natural yogurt, yogurt, and kefir in your diet.
  4. Lean white meat and fish. Prepare a variety of dishes from chicken, turkey, rabbit, possibly veal and lean pork in limited quantities. It is recommended to trim the fat and remove the skin from the meat, preferably to cook in the oven or steam. Fried foods and grilled dishes are contraindicated for adenoma.
  5. Whole grain cereals. Rich in fiber, they guarantee good digestion, control body weight and provide the body with valuable microelements.

Despite the variety of permitted dishes, there are foods that should not be consumed.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in men


  • strong tea and coffee;
  • whole milk;
  • canned food;
  • excess salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty meat;
  • sausages and semi-finished products.

It is important to establish a drinking regime. Do not consume more than 1.5 liquids per day, giving preference to homemade soups, clean drinking water, weakly concentrated compotes and fruit drinks.

To prevent the formation of benign tumors, it is important to ensure normal blood supply to the pelvic area.

It is not enough to increase physical activity; you need to do a daily warm-up, including the most useful movements that strengthen certain muscle groups:

  1. Sit on the floor and move forward and backward on your buttocks. This kind of walking perfectly trains the leg muscles, gives a gentle load on the blood vessels, improves blood circulation and coordination.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your straight legs 10-15 cm from the floor and hold them in this position for several minutes. As you lift your legs, hold your breath, tensing your abdominal wall. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  3. Push-ups are very useful, increasing blood flow and perfectly developing the muscles of the whole body. Men in good physical shape can do push-ups; those who are unable to lift their own body weight can start with push-ups against a wall or bench.
  4. Movements that imitate cycling are good for strengthening the pelvic muscles. Lying on your back, make circular movements, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. An exercise bike is also useful; 15-30 minutes of intense exercise per day is recommended.

How can the doctor help?

A very important point is regular medical examinations. After 45 years, it is recommended to visit a urologist annually. The specialist will check the condition of the prostate gland and, if necessary, offer tests.

You should also consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • urges that do not lead to urine output;
  • incontinence.

Perhaps these are the first signs of prostate adenoma.

Pay attention to the color of your urine. Absolute transparency, the presence of blood, too dark liquid with a pungent odor are alarming signs that require consultation with a urologist.

You should not prescribe medications for prostate adenoma; your doctor will do this. For prevention, you can take vitamins in capsules, as well as fish oil, which improves vascular tone.

Traditional medicine methods

Prevention of prostate adenoma with folk remedies. Traditional medicine specialists recommend easing the condition with the help of herbal tinctures, which are used internally and make compresses and lotions with them.

Primary and secondary prevention of prostate adenoma in menAmong the useful plants are:

  • mistletoe;
  • fir, aspen and oak bark;
  • kupena root;
  • Echinacea.

Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

A harmless procedure that relieves pain in the pelvic area is warm baths with oak bark and chamomile.

A handful of crushed raw materials is poured with boiling water, left for about half an hour, filtered and diluted with warm water. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes, it must be done in courses of 10 baths with a break of 2-3 days.

Comprehensive measures will help alleviate the condition of a diagnosed adenoma or prevent its occurrence. Carefully monitor your health status and coordinate all measures with your doctor. Joint efforts will help overcome this unpleasant illness and avoid many associated health problems.


Prevention of prostate adenoma

Home > Prevention > Prostate adenomas

Fast passage:

  • general information
  • Primary prevention
  • Secondary prevention
  • Video

Every man, regardless of age, should know about the importance of preventing prostate adenoma (syn.: benign hyperplasia, BPH). This disease has a hereditary predisposition, but compliance with preventive measures will delay the onset of the disease and reduce the rate of progression in cases where the diagnosis has already been established.

Primary prevention

In this case, we are talking about measures that will delay the onset of the disease or avoid it altogether. So let's list them:

Measures: Recommendations:
Proper nutrition
  • It is not advisable to eat fatty foods and large amounts of red meat;
  • eat vegetables and fruits regularly;
  • It is highly advisable to regularly consume foods containing lycopene (tomatoes and cabbage);
  • Vegetable oils and other foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamin E, antioxidants and omega-3s also have a positive effect on prostate health.
Active lifestyle
  • Regular exercise helps maintain proper hormonal levels, which significantly improves the functioning of various hormone-dependent organs and tissues, including the prostate gland.
  • A large-scale clinical study of American doctors found a significant positive effect of regular moderate physical activity on the likelihood of prostate adenoma.
Elimination of stress
  • Prolonged stress can disrupt a man's hormonal levels. And, as you know, the prostate is a hormone-dependent tissue. Learn to control your stress.
Regular sex life
  • Regular coitus, as well as sports, contribute to the release of sex hormones, which has a positive effect on the health of the prostate gland. Moreover, sex life helps to cope with stress.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention of prostate adenoma is measures that are used when a diagnosis has already been established, and their main goal is to slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life by reducing the severity of symptoms.

Measures: Recommendations:
Behavioral therapy For patients with adenoma who are bothered by night urination, it is recommended to limit fluid intake in the evening.
Elimination of thermal procedures Visiting baths and saunas often leads to a sharp deterioration in urination, and in some cases threatens acute urinary retention. Avoid such procedures, no matter how much you like them.
Alcohol exclusion Heavy alcoholic libations, as well as visits to baths, often lead to a deterioration in the condition of men suffering from benign hyperplasia. Give up this bad habit. This will have a positive effect on the entire body.
Physical activity Daily active walking has a positive effect on the blood supply to the pelvic organs and helps reduce the severity of symptoms of benign hyperplasia. The minimum recommended distance is 3 km. (in the absence of contraindications).
Preventive examinations with a urologist It is extremely important to regularly visit a urologist in order to determine the condition of the prostate gland, its size, the presence of an inflammatory process, residual urine... This allows you to correctly assess the effectiveness of the therapy and prevention, as well as timely identify chronic prostatitis, the exacerbation of which leads to a significant increase in complaints.
Diet The nature of the nutritional recommendations corresponds to those for primary prevention (see above.)

By adhering to the listed recommendations for the prevention of prostate adenoma, you help yourself and the doctor maintain your men's health and the quality of your life.



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